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Pack Places (Thor)

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Shadowoof October 1st 2015, 11:51 pm

The beast plan had worked on a level, smashing the walls that confined the two monsters but the final part into the destruction did not quite work as planned, the monster beside her had the ability to change his current form and add many different things. Maybe he wouldn't have been too nice to eat. The thought of hunger was thrown out the window as they went flying, Bella snapping her mouth to try and catch any of her prey but had no luck as they neared landing in which the Dressler made her fall to the ground with force, loud thuds could be heard as she crunched into the cerement, the weight of the larger monster fell on top of her as well. Their was a little pain but not enough to truly stop her as she would with all her inhuman strength lift herself up with Dressler on her back.

Now on two feet, her arms connected with the Dressler who was also on her back she just wanted this thing off her and so she began running on all fours, reaching fifty, one hundred, one fifty, two hundred miles per hour of speed down the road they were on, crashing though buildings along the way with Dressler on her back and nothing was going to stop her till she was happy at their speed. If Dressler was still on her back at the time, Bella would try to jump and flip herself and Dressler with hopefully Dressler facing towards a building. Hoping the speed would bullet the thing on her back to collide with the walls and damage it.

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Thorgron October 2nd 2015, 12:27 am

Tenacity seemed to be the defining trait of this werewolf form. Even after being slammed to the ground and having the equivalent of a car dropped on top of her the girl kept at it. Even now she was picking herself up, slinging Dressler over her back as she took off on all fours. But that would be her biggest mistake. Both of Dressler's arms were still bound to his anaconda like appendages.

As she took off he would wrap his own legs tightly around her waist, squeezing them together hard like a vice. Then from his sides would sprout four more anaconda bodies, two from each side. They would wrap around her upper waist and chest. As soon as they had wrapped themselves they clenched hard with all their might, each coil generating about 100 psi on her form. The air would be squeezed right out of her but still Dressler was not finished. After about the second crashed building, he would convert his arms' musculature to an exoskeletal one of an ant, giving him their proportional strength. So as he wrenched her arms behind her back, he was pulling with enough force to lift a locomotive engine. All the while still he would squeeze, not allowing her chest to expand enough to take in breath, and with every ragged exhale her chest cavity would tighten with the increasing pressure. He estimated that she would be unconscious in less than a minute if she kept up her pointless struggling.

Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Shadowoof October 2nd 2015, 1:10 am

The flip couldn't be done, the beast had almost forgotten as it told itself that this thing could change it's physical appearance, a tight feeling could be felt around her ribs. and soon enough the beast found it hard to breath and along with it's hope of jumping was squished as the being on her back grabbed her arms and pulled them back, forcing her to move to two legs as the air was pushed from her lungs. Still it struggled, opting to try and move about, snapping at the air as wooziness worked it's way in. Every time she tried breathing it brought more of a squeeze that while it didn't inflict much pain was enough to keep her from breathing like Dressler wanted it too.

Soon enough, the apes weight began to take hold on her almost unconscious state and with no air to give even the smallest of roars, The beast fell to both knees before falling sideways unconscious. It's body began to break down and become extra for Bella, some slipping away like the fur that shredded off her skin until finally all that was left was the groaning in agony Bella, her naked form curled up in the fetal position. Sleeping away with the pain that resided from her past infliction's and her shift.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Thorgron October 5th 2015, 12:50 am

1 Hour Later


Bella had been subdued. He had to admit, it had not been as easy as he'd hoped but hen again he had not been trying to kill her. No of course not, her death would have been a truly tragic loss. She was not only something similar to him, perhaps a subspecies, but she was also as a piece of art to him. Her genetic code had been altered by his own hands, bringing her closer to a heightened existence. If she could learn to cooperate, perhaps he would reward her with further power. But that would no come now. She had after all attacked him unprovoked in an alleyway when all he had wanted to do was to talk. He needed to pick her brain, figure out just what it was that she had found loathsome about him.

And that was why she was here, in one of Dressler's underground labs. Over the years these places had proven useful for various experimentations with improving the human form. They had of course come in varying levels of success. Many of the subjects he had brought down here were the genetically faulty, people with all manner of rare and crippling degenerative disorders. In them Dressler had seen a potential for growth. After all often defects in on area could mean strengths in others. This in his research had rarely been the case, expect for a few flukes, creatures that in fact still thrived in the lab. But that was neither here nor there, he his protege before him, strapped to a medical table and he needed to get to the bottom of her subordination.

Producing a smelling salt from one of his drawers, he waved in lightly beneath her nose, sure that it would awake her instantaneously. He hovered for a moment, looking into her eyes to see when they had adjusted to the harsh medical lights. Goo you're awake he'd begin, assuming the tone of a doctor with their patient. Don't worry the headache is normal and your shift in form seems to have prevented any ribs from breaking. Those could have been quite painful otherwise. In the next few days your going to experience soreness and some serious bruising around your chest, nothing serious just a result of our scuffle.

This entire time he'd been sitting in a chair not far from the table to which Bella was strapped. At the end of his last sentence he would turn the chair so that the back of it was now facing the table, his arms crossed lazily over it as he leaned in to her. Tell me Bella, why did you find it necessary to confront me? He would then take a finger and run it over one of the cuffs that had her strapped to the table, arms and legs splayed out. And just for transparency's sake, if you try to do it again, now, in your current situation, you're going to get a dose of Tetrodotoxin, delivered right through these cuffs. So let's skip the part where you struggle and get right down to WHY THE HELL YOU ATTACKED ME! Dressler rose with a start, his calm demeanor switching to one of rage, almost madness. Flinging his arms up he threw the chair over Bella and across the room as he rose. She had seriously angered the man.

Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Shadowoof October 5th 2015, 1:45 am

As Bella awoke she noticed a few things, her chest was sore but then again when she shifted into that monster her whole body was sore, her arms and legs felt like something was strapped tight to them and she heard his voice, a small groan for the situation she was in. Trying to moved proved the point that her limbs were bind and soreness kicked in just to prove more of a point. She got beaten and it wasn't even her at the reigns. Bella didn't say anything as Dressler spoke, she just laid back and looked at the roof, biting back retorts and begs that came to mind every once and a while till finally his last words, a flinch in her face as the chair was thrown over her and across the room, a sudden urge to apologize to the man almost over came her but she held her ground.  

She stayed quiet for a bit before turning her head to Dressler, smelling the anger that radiated off him, strange, she could smell it so.. "What else did you do to me. When you gave me the dinos... You did something else. You kept talking like I was your child. I attacked you because some instinctual part of me wants to listen to you. And the werewolf... Did I kill anyone?" Bella said and asked, worried that in that form she might have done it again, ripped people to shreds as a monster. But also told the truth, some instinct said to listen to the man, like he was a leader to it, adored him and she hated it. When he spoke before their fight it wanted to answer him truthfully, to bow down. And it scared her. So she attacked the source of it when he appeared. Hoping the feeling would end if he was beaten but in the end she was.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Thorgron December 6th 2015, 6:28 pm

Aaaaaah so that's the issue then? Dressler's demeanor grew calm, confident. His anger had been misplaced. She was subordinating that was true but it was not out of some foolish independence but confusion. That confusion of course arising from his other addition to her genetic code.

A knowing and all too satisfied smile snaked on to Dressler's mouth as he lowered his face inches from her's. You are a part of my pack young one. You and I are linked as two wolves on the hunt. You can smell it can't you? He breathed heavily on the last few words, allowing her senses to be overwhelmed by his pheremonal communication. That longing to serve and obey, is you recognizing your place in the pack. A beta does not question its place, it knows where is belongs as is happy in that. He rose now, circling behind Bella to where she could not see. All the while his eyes never left her nor did his thoughts. He would have her, the first of his pack. There is nothing wrong with your subservience, in knowing your place. If what you sense from me is dominance then that is your place. Don't fight it.

Suddenly he would slam down hard on the table, his hands on either side of her head. His own head would hover above her own, eyes looking like those of a crazed beast. And do NOT mistake your place. You may be forgiven now for your attack against me but that will not always be the case. Then in an instant he was once more calm, looking on her as a father looks at a newborn child, so full of potential. Gently he would caress the side of her face. I'm expecting great things from you.

Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Pbucket
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Shadowoof December 7th 2015, 10:49 am

Bella wiggled around in her bonds as they left her uncomfortable in more ways then one but kept still whenever Alex spoke. Taking in words of his he had already said till he finally said something about smell, her nose catching a heavy scent that caused her face to scrunch up in confusion, she had smelt it before but it was much more clear now with the source standing above her. On another matter of what he spoke, while it had it's moments she never really felt obliged to serve the man like he spoke she would, she never really longed for it, not personally anyway.

When he rose and moved behind her, Bella freaked for a moment at the loss of sight of her captor and where he was, in this position she felt better when she could see him but at least his voice betrayed his location to her. She wouldn't answer but rather remain quiet, looking up just in time to catch the alarming slamming of his fist's to the sides of her head causing her to flinch in fear, his face close to hers as she looked into those beast like eyes that frightened her, she felt more afraid of this man then she did loyal. The way his eyes went from wild to calm in a matter of seconds showed an unstable looking mind and while she wanted to keep still to not make him angry, the hand that caress her face caused her to recoil away from it, the motion was more disturbing then anything else he might have intended.

With his final words, Bella struggled the tiniest bit more against her bond's before slightly nodding to Alexander in submission. She was trapped and this man could easily counter any and all of her shifts if she tried anything. She was locked in a cage and he held her key and leash for now but she kept a positive thought on it. She didn't dare let this outcome get her down,he might see her as his own but she didn't see him quite fully as her leader, even when a tiny voice thought otherwise. "Can you let me out. Please." Bella would say in motion to the bonds that kept her still, she didn't want to be in this position any longer then she needed be.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Thorgron December 7th 2015, 6:25 pm

Finally young Bella seemed to fear Dressler. It wasn't the familial respect he'd been hoping for but it was a step in the right direction. For now it seemed she realized her place beneath him and instead of struggling asked to be released from her bonds. Of course young one he replied with and calm and satisfied tone.

Reaching beneath the table he would depress a button, activating the mechanism which would recede her cuffs back into the table. But swiftly he would circle around beside her, keeping the distance between them close. The girl was prone to outbursts willful acts of rebellion. He wanted to make sure that she knew this was not an option. See, you have nothing to fear from me when you act calmly and treat me with respect. I want us to be friends Bella, not enemies. You view me as some sort of monster a thing to be feared. He threw his head back in jest laughing as he did so. I only want to help you young one, to bring out the full potential inside you and to elevate you above the common filth that walks the street every day. Don't make us out to be adversaries. Now his head would lower some, his eyes flashing snakelike for a moment. Trust me when I say that if I had wanted you dead, you would be. But here you stand alive and well, so you must understand that harm is not what I want for you. Don't you?

Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Shadowoof December 11th 2015, 11:06 am

As soon as Bella was free she lifted herself up and began to rub her wrists, she was thankful that she was no longer in the position that she was but still... Curious, now. But her curiosity was slowly fed by Alex's words that shook her to the core. Sure he acted crazy sometimes, talked crazy but the way he spoke was always... caring. But even if he spoke caring, plenty of people could speak caring, it was drilled into her, by family and past to always distrust strangers who showed kindness yet this man. He never did attack her did he, never asked much except to be apart of his pack. And While she was still human enough to be freaked out by the word she also knew now from his actions and words that he wouldn't harm her. Not less she provoked him. It was like a ribbon unwrapping itself in her head as all his words and all their encounters began to wiggle their way into her head and she made sense of his words and actions, in an animal way they were strangely connected like a pack of wolves but humanly she was still unsure. She has never trusted someone after her Alex, Not even Ryan. Yet the way he spoke, it was like she could tell him every one of her secrets and he would give a damn.

Bella brought her Knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them and hugging tight before saying words she never thought she really would say. "I'm sorry. I just, no one has really shown attention.. Cared about me after Alex without wanting something at least in return. The way you continue to treat me even after I tried to kill you, ran from you. It just. Confuses me So much." Bella said with a small sniffle but quickly wiped a rebel tear away from her eye, she felt it would be weak to cry in front of him, she didn't know why, she just did but, the tear also came for another reason for during their fight she was willing to kill him and that scared her more then he had.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Thorgron December 13th 2015, 9:53 pm

Dressler felt nothing but compassion from the girl as he wrapped her arms around her in a truly warm embrace. Finally she was realizing the situation, getting what it was that he had been trying to tell her. That confusion does not originate from you he would say, pulling himself from the hug as he let his hands rest on he shoulders. His eyes were level with hers. You come from a world that cannot understand you, that wants to use you or destroy you. He'd think for a moment, ensuring that his head was clear and his thoughts concise.

Imagine a wolf, raised all its life among sheep. Now he would back away, removing contact from her as he paced ever so slightly. The sheep, having seen wolves before know its danger and thus fear it, avoid it. But the wolf doesn't know. It has no mirror, no way of differentiating itself from the sheep around it. So when they cower and hide or treat it with hate the wolf does not understand. It feels lonely and isolated though all the while it is simply living in the wrong place, among its prey instead of its own kind. The pacing would stop and once more the doctor would lock his intense gaze with Bella's. But all it would take would be for the wolf to hear the call of its kindred to shake its very worldview. I am calling to you now Bella. And just as wolf raised among sheep you feel confused by that call but somewhere deep inside you, you know that it means the life you were meant to leave. Let me take you away from the human sheep young one and show you the life that you were born to lead.

Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Shadowoof December 14th 2015, 1:26 pm

Bella was startled from the surprise hug that wasn't rough but.. embracing, so she didn't recoil like earlier, her eyes locked with Alexanders as he spoke and as he broke away to tell his story, she took in every word and sorted though it, the way he spoke was indeed... Truthful in a way, but with some changes, like she was the wolf in sheep's clothing, no one saw her different unless she shred away the sheep skin except one. Her brother, her brother always knew and while he said he cared, he never acted like he truly cared for her but. She was at a loss of words to describe how she thought her brother had cared for her, how he always enforced rules, never allowed her to be herself. Yet there were others, like Ryan who thought of her as a friend and found her ability not frightening but. She didn't even know the words for she never asked them what they had thought. Exciting? Dangerous? Useful?

Bella closed her eyes as she fought though the thoughts and emotions. Unable to decide on what to believe or what to do. Her animal instinct saw something in this life Dressler wanted to give the two but Bella just didn't know, not anymore and while following the ever growing animal inside felt reassuring, simple, she just couldn't for their was one little persistent question that hid in the back of her head. What did he want beside her growth, her loyalty. He saw others as dirt, ants, incomparable to what they were, would he expect her to feel the same when she still felt... She didn't even know. Opening her eyes, they would turn cat like in her state of confusion before turning human again and she gave the only real answer she could muster. "Ok... Show me. Show me what I can be. What I can do." Bella said with a heavy heart, not really knowing if she was making the right choice but it was the only choice that made sense.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pack Places (Thor)

Post by Thorgron December 15th 2015, 1:40 am

Dressler could not have been more happy. It seemed that his speech had gotten through to her and Bella was finally willing to except her place above man. I will young one he would say, the smile never leaving his face as he would reach for Bella's hands and help her to her feet. In time you will look to this moment and realize it as the first day of your life. Once more he would embrace her but this time as more than before. Now he was her mentor an older animal teaching the youngling how to hunt and feed properly. Welcome to the pack Bella.

Pack Places (Thor) - Page 2 Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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