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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Humanity September 8th 2015, 12:12 am

A faded dream, like a fractured memory all ends with time. Time heals all things because in the end all things die. This is a fundamental principle to all things, even the universe. If the entire universe may one day die, then why would any one human be immune to it? The thoughts to cross ones mind as Matthew lay there in the middle of the road, a puddle of blood forming beneath him as his "friends" watched on and continually called him names in frustration and fear. Because nothing makes people want to live than calling them "asshole", of course it was something he'd understand, especially if he had been conscious. Alas he was not, and he was very much dying.

The ambulance was on it's way, and it would be there shortly. It wasn't every day they got a call form the middle of nowhere saying that there was a vehicular explosion. Fortunately they weren't too far out of the way, or it would have been to late. The only thing to behold here was a body laying there with a lighter and a note off a little ways. The lighter had the letter H scratched into it, and the note was in a strange handwriting with a message for Matthew...or was it for Luke and Pat? Regardless it read: Is this what you wanted? ~H.

The ambulance rolled up, heralded by sirens, bright lights and flashes of red white and blue with the thanks of the police. The police and the ambulance were all over the place, medics and EMT's out very quickly and rushing over to Matt and assessing to see if his neck was broken. Seeing no damage they lifted him onto a gurney and rolled him over to the ambulance. The police would try to get Pat and Luke out of the way as they investigated the area. Matt and anyone claiming to be his "family" would be transported to the hospital via ambulance as they quickly inserted a blood transfusion. Apparently from what they were saying in their medical jargon things weren't doing well. The ride seemed longer than it was in this type of situation, but finally they made it to the hospital, Central L.A Union Hospital even... a hospital that had a superhuman wing where Matt volunteered a lot of his time. The look on people's faces as he was wheeled through made it clear enough just how much people around here knew him and were mortified by what had happened to him. Ambulatory bag over his mouth, eyes shut as the gurney remained blood soaked, despite the first aid rendered.

"You both need to stay here. P-Please just..Just sit over there." One of the doctors said as they pointed to a chair, puling their stethoscope off of their neck and putting the buds into their ears as they elevated the bed and wheeled him into a glass room, probably in attempts to begin stabilizing his condition. A difficult task as they hooked up an EKG and little pads on his forehead. The E.R smelled like sterility, like an opened bottle of Listerine as the covered lights shined off the perfectly clean floor and the mahogany colored top of the nurse's station.

Darkness fell...


Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Charlatan September 8th 2015, 12:53 pm

With the phone clutched within his hand, Pat sort of stared down at the downed male as Luke did their thing.  Having his friend dying before him, well that was not something that he enjoyed watching really. Luke likely did not seem to be happy with their situation either but then again he wasn't going through the same shutting down process that he was. Unless of course calling your dying friend an asshole was part f that process, then they were definitely going through the same, but that was likely not the case. All Pat knew was that they would need that ambulance soon, or they would have a very dead friend on their hands, which was not a good prospect within his mind. Granted losing any of his...two friends was not something that he would want to go through, yet something did catch his eyes. A lighter and a note, something that he snatched up pretty quick, though he looked over the note before the lighter.

There was a message on the note, as well as a letter after that. Yet the question that was now beginning to be answered was who was this H person? Whoever they were likely had something to do with the explosion, and if that was the case they were responsible for the whole Matt dying now. Within the panic, a small kernel of an idea to look into this later popped up and was immediately pushed down until later. That could come later, when he had a larger pressing issue like the police driving up to them as well as the paramedics which was a good thing. They were needed now more than ever considering the circumstances, and if they were any later there may have been a greater tragedy at hand.

Announced by the sirens, Pat narrowed his eyes as the flashing lights blinked across his face and irritated his eyes slightly. Flashing lights were always the most annoying things, but then again that was perhaps the point. With no time wasted the EMTs would rush out to assess the damage, though luckily nothing like a neck was broken. That would have been damage he did not see any possible recovery from, but then again there was always a way in a world of metahumans with their crazy powers. Regardless they would be taking him soon and it was easy enough to claim to be his family really, so he decided to do just that. Not as if he could drive himself there, and this was perhaps too nerve wracking to just walk away from. Luke would likely do the same, but then again he could not speak for Luke.

While the ride itself was not very long, it felt like an eternity but eventually they did get there. From the look on peoples faces he could tell he was known around, and it appeared they weren't the only ones troubled by this. Still, that somehow managed to make the bloody sight that was his best friend even worse really. The place itself smelled terrible really but then again that might have been the blood that ingrained itself within his nostrils as he sat where directed, not really even aware of his surroundings at this point. The sight had sort of burned itself within his mind, and he couldn't help to think over it. This would likely be a long night.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Stoic September 9th 2015, 12:01 pm

Luke was in a sort of haze at the moment. He was in one of those emotional states where the slightest thing could set him off, yet he appeared to be so calm. Sure he had a sort of irritated scowl on his face, almost of disgust. But other then that he was quiet and looked to be well held together, t0o bad that was anything but the truth. He had already done all he could for Matt, and he watched as his bloody friend was taken away by EMT's. He really couldn't handle this. Is this what he deserved? Was he being punished? Maybe. Luke saw Pat grab the note and lighter he remembered seeing as he was helping Matt, but wouldn't inquire about it until later. He honestly didn't want to speak right now, he just wanted to think. That's all he could do when something like this happened. Think, think of what to do or where to go from there. But this time he didn't know, he couldn't find the answer no matter how hard he tried.

Of course, Luke claimed he was Matt's family. He didn't care how accurate that statement was, he needed to go with. And besides, he had come to think of the man as such over the course of their relationship. The ride was rather intense really. He had to watch as they did as much as they could during the ride, which seemed to take forever. But eventually, there they were. Luke followed Matt in, but just like in any movie he and Pat were stopped and told to stay behind in the waiting room. Oh god, the waiting room. That was always hell. The uncertainty, the fear, the fucking magazines.

Luke just sat there for what felt like hours in the cold and (mostly) sterile hospital waiting room. He was staring off into space, fidgeting. He was nearly trembling with anxiety. He was blaming himself for all of it, beating himself up mentally as he always did. At one point he got up and got some coffee from one of those machines hospitals always had, then began to pace back and forth, much to the annoyance of some of the other people there. His throat was dry, his skin cold, his hands wrapped in a white cloth like bandage. His face was as pale as a ghost, and his eyes bloodshot. He looked like a zombie right now, one that couldn't and wouldn't stop walking back and forth. He had to move around, he had to. Staying in one place would only make this worse. He ended up lighting up a cigarette, despite the fact this was a no smoking building.

"Hey! Put that out! And stop walkin' back and forth, yer driving me crazy." An older man spat his way. Luke just looked at him with a crazy smile, one very difficult to read with all the emotions that had created it.

"How about you fuck off before i cut your throat? It wouldn't be hard. I could just pull out my knife and cleanly slice across your neck. So don't, fucking, PUSH ME!" Luke said, taking a puff of his cigarette and a drink of his coffee, his expression changing from a smile to dead serious in an instant. The older man had a shocked look on his face, and immediately switched seats as to not be near Luke. At this point Luke was having uncontrollable leg spasms, so he had to sit. He held his beverage tight, as the warmth on his hands felt nice, and then just sat there like he did before, letting silence fill the air. However, he would eventually speak.

"...I brought this on him, and you too. Wherever i go bad things happen. Whoever i get close to gets pulled away. If he gets out of it.....I'm leaving. You're better off without me." Luke said in a soft, sad tone. He didn't say anything about what would happen if Matt didn't come out of it though. And no, it wasn't suicide, at least not in the traditional sense. But one thing was for certain and that was Luke would be ruined if Matt died.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Humanity September 9th 2015, 11:37 pm

And so began the beginning of a great many things. The beginning of revelations, the beginnings of death-threats and likely another police evasion scene. Oh face it, death-threats in a hospital is a no go. But out of all of this, nothing was more certain than this. This was the beginning of the end. The end of something beautiful, the end of a light in the world and the end of all stability within the duo of vigilantes. The rush, the hustle and bustle was winding down as nurses and doctors alike seemed to flock to the hallway, going to the room and trying to help; some of them even getting in each others way to help. That said something about Matt though. For someone who thought that no one liked him...Matt had a lot of people who seemed to care about him. Lukas and Matthew were similar in that regard though. They both had so many people invested in them, people who cared about them; though neither of them could see it. It was almost poetic suffering.

Just after the whole contemplation of leaving, and the inevitable response from Pat, a tall man with a widow's peak and a standard lab coat on walked up and sighed as he looked to Pat and Luke. He seemed to examine them for a moment and seemed to see right through the fact they claimed to be his "family", but beyond that he seemed comfortable enough to share some information with them. The Doctor looked to the clipboard and then cleared his throat as he looked down to Luke and Pat.

"Okay well his condition is....not stable but it's as stable as we can get it. He isn't losing anymore blood, though he....he has quite a bit of internal bleeding that we're focusing on. To add to all of it he has some...rather serious cranial trauma. He has several spots of his brain that's bleeding and bone fragments have actually inserted themselves into the tissues. Even if he survives the likelihood that he'll be the same is. Well...I'd say impossible but... Well, he's come back from the impossible before. We'll call it "improbable". There's damage to the spinal chord and an actual tear in it. It's safe to say he'll never walk again." The doctor said all of this before sighing and rubbing his eyes and letting the clipboard drop to his side. "We'll do everything we can...but it's gotta be quick. Boys, have either of you spoken to the police yet?" The doctor asked, obviously searching for information of some kind, perhaps something to help him with treatment, or something to help warn him of possible things to look for.

Darkness settles...

Eyes opening. Stale white all around, people hustling and bustling about. Blinking once, twice. Heartbeat drumming in his ears, though sounding oh so far away. He glanced about as he rubbed his head. Closing his eyes for a moment more and opening his eyes again, this time the entire thing was familiar. He found himself stretching as he looked out his window, the sun was out and it was a bright day. Why did this feel familiar. Kicking his feet over his bead he watched as he looed down at the little blue plastic race car bed with a comfy bed contained within. He had this same bed when he was little. Scratching his back he yawned and stood up, swinging his arms as he stepped towards the closet and opened it. He was first greeted by a flood of stuffed animals pouring out from the top shelf of the closet, causing him to laugh a little as he picked up the old furry friends.

"Hiya Victor. Whose a good boy?" He asked as he pet the little wolf beanie baby and then looking to a little black notebook with a serpent eye of an uncanny green color. It was his journal, where he wrote all the adventures he imagined when he dreamed. About Zell Amuri, his son Dante Alighieri who was born after the death and dark ascension of his fiancé, Shara Alighieri. There was Thorgron too, and Anaxii, Runavis, Sadrith Mori and Karav, oh and not to forget Castor Gael. So many cool characters in a world that was so far from being anything close to real. It was a shame. "I wonder when you'll finally get it. Silly Seraph, you ARE Zell." He said tot he book, runing a huge plot later in the series. Getting up and walking out the bedroom door he suddenly realized another shift in scenery, this time it was a room with a fireplace and a white couches. This was his living room when he lived in New Hampshire. What was going on? He found himself dazed a moment as he looked around and realized that he was somehow now sitting on the couch, looking around as his eyes met with a rather familiar face, paler skin and shiny black hair matted forward. He wore a suit of sorts as he sat across from Matthew, elbows on his knees, hands cupped together as he seemed to take interest in seeing him.

His heart froze as a look of pain and regret meandered onto his face, eyes trailing up and down the man sitting there.

"It's....It's you." Was all he could manage to say. The look on the man's face shifted to that of remorse, but the head nodded in response.

"Yes. It's been too long my boy." The soft voice carried, though the frozen heart remained stubborn and unbeating, no matter how much he tried to wish and think his heart back into beating.... "When I heard that you had...well, truthfully I didn't believe it. I had to see it for myself...I'm so sorry." He said, genuinely seeming apologetic as Matthew finally realized what was going on.

He was flatlining.


Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Charlatan September 9th 2015, 11:54 pm

Now came the waiting, because in the end that was all he could do really. The only thing he could do as a human being was wait until his friend died, and that feeling was more than anything else not a good one. He could tell a lot of people cared about Matt from the way that doctors seemed to scramble around each other to help save him, and in a sense he couldn't help envying that. It was within his nature in a sense, but that was only a temporary feeling that was drowned again within the worry that was rising. Luke adding in the whole self loathing thing was not helping any really. "and what if he doesn't make it?" It was the only thing he could ask really, though this talk of leaving only really made him feel worse, but then again that was how things went really.

Honestly Pat didn't know it, but he was shaking almost violently, gripping onto his forearms as if to stabilize himself, but that would do no good really. Eventually one of the doctors would approach them with what sounded like a grim diagnosis, though the shaking itself did not abate from that alone. All he could tell was that his friend was dying, and he couldn't do a damn thing about it. That overwhelming helplessness was more than anything crushing really. Something was said about the police, but they had not quite spoken to the police yet, however that was not something that he was looking forward to. Something told him that it would be more than anything damning, and he did not want to go through that. "No...we haven't talked to them yet." He said with a tired sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose before turning to Luke.

"Looks like we'll need to do some point."
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Stoic September 11th 2015, 10:30 pm

Pat inevitably asked what he would do if Matt didn't come out of it, which was really a difficult question to answer. Mostly because he didn't entirely know, however he had an idea of how he would act. He would go off the chain, the more you take from someone the less they care, especelly with someone who didn't value their own life. Drifter felt like his two friends were all he had, and taking one away would kill a part of him. Sure Pat would still be there, but like a parent that lost their child, he would be too grief stricken to ever have a normal relationship with him again.

"....Lets just say the world will burn." Lukas said simply, not even looking to Pat. After that a doctor would approach them, with grim news of course. Luke had expected this. He saw Matt, and as soon as he did he knew, he was done. His friend was going to die...... That thought brought tears to his eyes which started running down his face, he tried to cover it up with his hands but it was obvious. Why did this have to happen? His hands started to shake, he dropped his coffee and his cigarette, then stood up. He didn't quite know what room Matt was in, but he was going there none the less. He pushed past the doctor and started walking down the hall, which would lead to the restricted staff area he was told he couldn't pass.

The doctor would probably try to stop him, and if he did Luke would start running, and if necessary hit the man, hard. The same went for anyone who crossed his path. As he ran down the halls, he would dodge and attack any security or hospital personnel that tried to stop him, until he finally found Matt's room. He then walked into the room to see his friend, and seconds later the male was flat lining. It seemed he made it just in time to see his friend die. In the next moment, multiple security officers pulled Luke out of the room as doctors rushed in to revive Matt.

"Matt! NOO! Don't take me away! Please! I need to say goodbye! Let me go!" Luke yelled as he kicked and cried. He was then pinned to the floor and handcuffed. They didn't say he was under arrest or anything, they just saw the state he was in and knew he had to be detained until he calmed down.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Humanity September 12th 2015, 4:16 pm

The dreaded beep of the monitor sang out as a chorus of voices prepped the defribulator. The voices came in all sorts of tones. Commanding, concerned, scared and frantic. Some of the people present didn't even speak, too focused or worried about simply making sure they focused as best as possible to save their patient, and their friend. It was always a harrowing experience; working in a hospital and then seeing someone you know, someone you work with laying there and their lives are in your hands. There was the bubble in your abdomen, a heavy stone that crushed your stomach and seemed to squeeze the water from your eyes, like the juice from a lemon.

  "Clear!" The doctor shouted as all hands left the body and the shock pads were pressed upon the recently deceased. The first shock caused the body to convulse, however there seemed to be need for another, and another, and even another after that. It took five shocks before the beep returned. "Sinus rhythm's back. Breathing is regular. Get another bag of blood on there, get some potassium too, he's low." The doctor said as he looked over a few papers from the clipboard, seeming to be going at a thousand miles an hour, sweat beading on his forehead as he flushed with the tense atmosphere.

 "Ugh. Just listen to me! You can go in soon, we HAVE to get him stabilized if we want ANY chance of helping him. Throwing a fit and getting in our way ISN'T helping. It's killing him. Please calm down and wait. I promise you may see him shortly." The doctor said, seeing Luke still kicking about and throwing his hysterical little episode. Even in handcuffs he didn't seem to know how to take in these sorts of events.The steady beat of the EKG machine sang out as Matthew's vitals were displayed on a television, along side several other ER patients. There was very little they could do for now, but as promised the doctor finally returned with a much more calm and less flush apperance. With a sigh and a sympathetic smile he announced to them that their friend had been successfully stabilized once more.

  "You may see him now if you'd like. He is as stable as we can make him. This will be the last time to see him before his surgery. We're doing our best for him." The doctor added before turning and holding him his arm with his clipboard in hand, as if opening the way for them to go. The officers uncuffed Luke and allowed him to go unrestrained. The glass wall that allowed for observation from the nurse's station. The black divider slivers obstructed views slightly, but the glas door slid open with rather impressive speed. On the inside were the white steril walls, the bloddy bedding had been changed and cast aside; his personal belongings had been placed on a side table.

    The phone in his pocket buzzed periodically, meaning someone or something were trying to reach him. It's setting caused the phone to buzz frequently. What if it was his mom, or one of his brothers? Granted it wasn't like Pat or Luke knew of their fate, but it was someone who apparently needed the vigilante squad.

******* ******* ***** ******

  His breath returned to him, his personally induced anxiety faded and he continued to look at the asian man across from him. His face went from shock, concern and anxiety to sheer anger, disgust and nothing but pure contempt. The asian man seemed confused by this a moment but his apparent indifference seemed to shift in response, he appeared almost wounded by this. His eyes glanced to the side a moment before he returned his attention with his old stoicism restored. "It's not my place to judge, nor do I encourage such things but....You did good. I'm proud of you."

  "Shut up. Just. Shut. The fuck. Up." He said, to this Shi's eyes widened a little before falling back to their regular alignment. He let out a scoff and shook his head.

  "Do not confuse your place simply because I favored you. You're still the same as these other...germs." Shi said, though immediately Matthew just chirpped with laughter and seemed to continue on with a string of uncontrollable giggling. "Not many can claim to laugh in the face of Death. I am trying to help you Matthew... you should not try to incite my ire. It is a fearsome thing." Shi warned, though at that moment Matthew covered his face with his hand and shook his head, moving to speak before laughing again and holding his hand up as if trying to claim a "time out" of sorts.

"Trying to-ehehe- trying to help me? Fuck you man. You do realize Yamm is dead right? Your son is dead, and truthfully he's been dead for a long time. He's better off dead too. I may have his memories but....fuck man, I thought MY dad was a dead-beat. At least mine went off to help other people. What did you do? You just sat there, moping about what you did in the past. Obsessing over them until the mistakes repeated themselves and cost Yamm his life. He was trapped by mortals and what did you do to help him? Sat there with ambivilance. He died to protect you and your precious incarnation and all you can do is sit here and mock his spiritual successor?" Matthew's rant seemed to prompt Shi a moment, his ambivalence melting away a moment as rage flashed, then vanished once more. Matthew leaned forward and chuckled, seeming like a wolf that just capitolized on an opening, playing with his prey. "You go ahead and you get mad. Go ahead...because I'm not laughing in the face of Death. I'm laughing AT the face of death. Look at you, what you are. Primal...primitive, unthinking. A spirit, a machine that can only do one thing. I'm not afraid of you. You're a slave to the concepts of time, age and pestilence. A slave of murderers. How's that for a revelation...Failed father, corrupted spirit who squandered it's redemption...a slave to Sin. A slave to man." he seemed to be enioying himself.

   "I'm not afraid of you. I don't fear Death...." Matthew admitted, rubbing it in one last time as he stood up from his seat and looked at Shi with resentment and looked around the room. "It's where I'm going after that I'm afraid of." He said as he turned to go towards a door. Shi sighed and his eyes closed, hands held together clenched. Matthew reached the door and his hand reached out, grasping the knob.

 "You are not Yamm. But you are everything he wanted to be." Shi said before opening his eyes and still looking ahead. "If you go through that door, things change." The warning was there, but the door knob turned and Matt walked through. Shi's eyes closed and he let out a drawn out sigh.

  "The sands fall..."


Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Charlatan September 12th 2015, 4:59 pm

The world would burn, it sounded like something Luke would say and in a sense he wouldn't care at that point if it did. Still, just thinking about the possibility of his friend dying was more than enough to make it feel as if his gut had imploded, leaving a void that threatened to consume everything. Luke had walked off somewhere, though something told him he should know exactly where that somewhere was. There had to be a room really, and that was  where his friend was. The world itself felt like a blur, something he wasn't quite part of at this point.A feeling like that was nothing new really, the feeling that he wasn't quite part of anything around him. That feeling that he was alone persisted even when there were others around him, and it was that feeling that felt as if it were rising up like a wave to swallow him.

Pat would stand to his feet, his legs feeling as if they would give out under him and yet they did not. Walking felt as if it should be impossible, but each step proved that concept wrong. That was when the voice calling clear out could be heard, and he knew something terrible was going on. Add in Luke's ranting and raving in with the drawn out beeping sound, well he knew exactly was going on. The realization itself had hit him like a ton of bricks as he found himself leaning against a wall. A sort of pain flowed through him, nothing physical but a more emotional one. His friend was dying and he could do nothing to stop it, save for standing around impotently. That revelation was crippling almost in how hard it hit, leaving him both speechless and unable to form coherent thoughts even for a moment.

Within the span of five shocks he was stuck within this daze, and even after the heartbeat returned. He didn't feel sad, angry or any of those things that he felt like he should. Instead, all he could feel was numb, as if he had been gutted. As if someone had approached him and simply ripped out everything within him, leaving only a still moving husk. There was nothing he could do, and that word repeated over again, and again within his head almost like a mantra. It was maddening, and for a moment he felt as if he would go mad. Madness did not come, and the only thing he was left with was...sadness really. Once that spell washed over him, he became aware of the doctors words as they came out. Of course, they were trying to help, but that was their job after all.

Once emotion returned, it came in an almost overwhelming flood really. There was anger, at both himself and perhaps even Matt, though he wondered what that was even for. There was no reason to be angry at the person dying, but then again he could not help it any less. Apparently he had been stable, or so they said after a few minutes of waiting. Had it been a few minutes or far longer than that? Looking up to them, he could only give a small nod of confirmation before standing himself up once again. Would standing do him any good or would he not even be able to manage that? Whether Luke was in any real state to be doing this, well that was a different story but then again they were both suffering here. Within the viewing station they could see their friend, or what they were at the moment. The blood had been taken away, giving them an almost clean appearance within the room.

Pat felt as if he were looking at a broken doll now, though it had been faithfully repaired. That was when he heard something, a buzzing or maybe something vibrating. The question ran through his mind of what the hell that was, but it didn't quite reach his mouth.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Stoic October 6th 2015, 6:06 pm

Luke knew of death. His belief system and personality made him well acquainted with it. He never feared it, and even wanted it on more then one occasion. It was an inevitable part of existence. You were born, you lived, and then you died. But why now did it hurt so much? He had came to terms with the fact he would eventually parish, but while doing that he forgot that was true for everyone else. He forgot there would be a time where he would see someone he loved die. But like any other person he ignored it, telling himself that time was decades away. Now he knew how wrong he was. Hand cuffed and pinned against the ground, he heard each and every failed attempt at reviving his friend. Each sending him further into an abyss of grief.

He still thrashed around, trying to get to him. Even if that was stupid, even if he would do more harm then good, it's what he wanted. He wasn't thinking straight. Stress was never something Luke could properly deal with, not this kind anyway. He finally conceded when the doctor talked to him, but for about five minutes he remained restrained until he was told he could see him. Luke was set free, his eyes watery and blood shot. He looked like he was on his death bed just as much as Matt did. At that point he weakly got up and walked into the room, shoving past doctors and hospital personal until he made it into the room. He said nothing, the same look remaining on his face the whole time. It could be seen as a death look, one that said 'don't touch me', a defense mechanism really. However he changed this when he looked at Matt, shifting to pure contempt and remorse. This was all his fault.

"So, is this how you repay your loyal followers? You kill one and let the other watch? For what? Is it another 'test'? How many times are you gonna do that to me before you're satisfied? Maybe I'm just a lunatic, and you're not there. But if you are, go fuck yourself." Luke said, talking to god it seemed. He had always believed, and still did. But he also believed the guy didn't like him very much, or had an odd way to reward those who followed him.

"He didn't deserve this. Of all people, you chose him? To punish me? For some test of will? Or maybe it's not even about me.................. I'm sorry Matt." Luke said just as he heard a buzzing that annoyingly broke his concentration. It was coming from Matt's pocket. Someone was calling him it seemed. Luke thought about just letting it pass, but whoever was trying to talk to him deserved to know what was happening. So he grabbed the phone from his friends pocket, and without even looking answered.

"Hello? If you're trying to reach Matt.....he's currently in the ER." Luke said softly, not even asking who it was. He really didn't care, he just wanted to tell them what happened and hang up.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Humanity October 7th 2015, 2:32 am


"Oh good. I was starting to think I missed my target." A familiar voice would say on the line, a little chuckle in their words. Hopefully Luke had held up a moment in order to hear the person speak. "But you never really answered my message. Is this what you wanted? Was it all you imagined? Playing hero while your actions slowly murder everyone and everything that ever cared for you?" The voice asked with an amused purr in his voice as they seemed to await Luke's response in all this.

Meanwhile the doctor's had two problems of their own as a volunteer and an unknown metahuman seemed to arrive.


Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Charlatan October 7th 2015, 2:57 am

Pat could not do anything other than watch really, but then again that was to be expected. Still, Luke seemed to be the one that took ahold of the phone and actually answered the call itself. There appeared to be someone on the end of it, but he could not make out the voice on the end of it, beyond the fact that someone was talking to him really. That was when he noticed the doctors reacting to something, speaking about a metahuman.

The sensation came to him in a flash, something burning within their chest as they looked down to the small medallion bound with perhaps the only spell he could weave. one that would tell him should the person it was cast upon faced mortal danger, something told him that he needed to see what was going on. This was more than enough of a reason for the young god to make their move and they followed the pulse pulling them further onwards as he stepped through the hospital lobby with purpose in his eyes. People looked towards the male barging through the door, with perhaps a little too much force as the clear door itself cracked form the force that he accidentally exerted while forcing it open. Glowing golden eyes darted about, slightly worried while looking for the one they were here for. "He has to be somewhere around here." They muttered, fingers clenching into a fist as they followed the energy signature that drew them onwards.

That sensation pulled them towards a section of the ER, back portion of it though some people stepped in his way. Thought didn't really fall into the equation as he shoved one out of the way with a soft push, sending them flying into the wall with a solid thud. They slumped to the floor, not dead but unconscious. He would not be opposed, someone closed to him was in danger and he would not let these people stop him from helping them. Of course drawing his weapon would have lead to bloodshed that he did not need, and something that did not need to happen. That was when the security would make their move, pulling out a few taser guns and letting them fly at the metahuman, the sharp ends catching upon his clothes but proving as more of an annoyance.

Fingers gripped around the wires latched onto his shirt and sent a jolt of lightning through. The humans let them go before they reached but it caused the tasers themselves to shorts out before sputtering loudly. The security itself was not an issue to him really, even when they tried to apprehend him with their hands all he needed to do was shove them out of the way. Eventually he did come to find the door to the room, brushing a small bit of charred material from his shirt before pushing the door open and stepping in. Stepping in his eyes focused upon the now unconscious human, eyes narrowing as he looked them over for anything of interest. "This looks like something I can fix." They muttered before giving a definitive nod.

"I...i..i..don't think he's supposed to be in here."
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Stoic October 7th 2015, 3:36 am

Luke was ready to put the phone down.....but he heard that voice again. That voice that told him exactly who had done this to his friend. The only question was why. Luke was a person that looked at the intention and purpose in every action, he couldn't help it. The logical thing to do if you didn't want rivals was to kill them, if you were the type, and this guy certainly was. So why was he messing with Luke rather then just using that good old sniper of his?

This person had to know him, or Pat, heck, maybe both. That or he just took a very high interest in them. Either way, something more was going on. First he left them alive then hurt their friend, and for what? To force them back into their normal lives? Luke wasn't stupid, and he certainly wasn't buying this.

"I'm no hero, never tried to be and never will be. But when i put a bullet between your eyes, well, i can certainly tell you it will be a heroic deed. You should drop the facade, it's quite clear this is more personal then you trying to get rid of competition." Luke said in return, his voice unwavering. He would remain on the phone awaiting an answer before someone barged in. At that point he would hang up. However, he had what he needed. The guy made a mistake calling him, even if he was good at covering his tracks. The metahuman in the room was an odd trun of events. Luke was prepared to defend his friend if he had to, but then again this guy didn't seem like he was going to hurt Matt.

"And who the hell are you?"

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Humanity October 8th 2015, 3:23 am


Soon enough security guards had been there and they were trying to remove Idol. Unfortunately there was very little to be added to that on Matthew's end as he was nearing the end of his day...and quite possibly the end of his life. Meanwhile Luke was on the verge of shooting up the hospital it would seem. Well not likely, but he was still in quite the stressful situation. On the phone with the person who imprisoned him, knowing they would call Matt; All this just to have Matt come bail them out and then kill him. Possibly all of them is they hadn't had the argument they had. In a way Matt's stupid antics saved them. Even if it cost him.

"Oh temper, temper. Wouldn't that mean you'd have to find me first?" The voice asked as the chaos ensued in the background. Of course Luke managed to neglect Idol in his glory while the talk continued. "Who am I? I'm no one." the voice said before the dial tone could be heard.


Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Charlatan October 8th 2015, 9:10 pm

Pat could tell there was something up with this person just by looking at them. Their mere presence had been more than enough to send an uncomfortable shudder through him, one that made his very heart... feel strange almost. It was fear really but something else entirely, something that he could not explain. Part of him wondered why they were even here, when the security should have been able to stop them way before this point. Granted that may have been because they were some manner of metahuman, showing that they may have just beaten them down. More security would barge into the room, seeking to remove Idol from it and they would not have any of it. "You people really enjoy getting in my way don't you?" He muttered with a roll of his eyes while one of them would rest their hand upon his shoulder.

The grip was tight and had it been a human, it would have even hurt but then again Idol was not quite human at all. They appeared to be intending to remove him, and so he did the only thing that came to mind when someone laid their hands on him with a seeming intent to harm. His left hand snapped up, gripping their wrist with impressive force before giving it a slight twist. This caused the guard to grip at their hand, howling in pain as they stepped back as Idol rapidly struck another in the stomach with only enough force to render them unconscious as they collapsed to the floor. "Throw all of your men at me, none of them will be able to do much." The tone itself wasn't condescending, more matter of fact than anything else.

There was another and yet perhaps they had gotten wise on trying to deal with the meta or maybe they were intending to call someone that would make a difference. That was when Idol turned towards both Lukas and Pat, narrowing his eyes before answering Drifters question as angrily as it was stated. "A friend of the one over there." He stated pointing towards Matt, who was still within his comatose state. "I'd felt he was injured but I don't exactly know how." Seeming to go off on their own tangent, he approached the unconscious male, looking them over and resting a hand on their chest. "They're alive but I do not known for how long. I need to meet with one of your...healers."

"Healers? You mean like a doctor?" Pat asked, hesitant, still feeling some confusion over the matter as well as residual fear for his own friends life.

"Yes one of those. I cannot exactly heal him if I don't know the extent of the damages."
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad) Empty Re: Falling in the Black (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Stoic October 8th 2015, 9:29 pm

Anger shot through Drifter. This guy was a prick. Now he called just to fuck with him and Pat. But Luke wasn't really going to tell his friend much, just what needed to be done. He was just thinking over why this guy had done all he had, it made no sense really. If he wanted to kill him and Pat he could have done so several times. So why didn't he? Maybe he was just getting a kick out of this. Luke didn't know, but there had to be a motive, a higher one then 'because i wanted to' at least. He put the phone in his pocket then watched the display of this friend of Matt's. He was odd.....projected an aura of some sort. It made Lukas trust him. Besides, what teenager would fight his way into a hospital just to kill someone that was already dying.

"Pretty sure he went down the hall to an office or something. Just try not to break his wrist when you get down there." Luke said as he stepped past Idol, giving him a look that said many things, the underlining one being 'if you hurt him I'll kill you'. Of course he probably couldn't, but that wasn't important. He grabbed his laptop case and went back out into the lobby, plugging Matt's phone into the computer once he set it up.

The fact of the matter was, the guy had to make a connection somewhere, even if he used some sort of proxy or encryption. Luke had seen it all before, so finding the guy wouldn't be hard unless he was packing some next level Lucius shit. So, he would sort through it all, trace and re-trace through any proxies, and break through any encryption's to find out where that call came from. Modern technology was such a joy, thirty years ago not even the FBI could do what Luke was doing, and now it was available to the public. Eventually he would get a GPS signal, or at least a phone number if it was a land line or pay phone, but either way he would get a location from his search.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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