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A Clash of Ideals [Red]

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A Clash of Ideals [Red] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Clash of Ideals [Red]

Post by Stoic January 16th 2016, 5:31 pm

The man's devices were powerful, military grade or higher, so they did manage to stun Drifter despite his protective ear coverings and visor. Unfortunately Thesis' mask wasn't equipped for that purpose, it was for toxins and the like, so he took the pull brunt of it and was forced to fall back a bit. There was very little cover, so all he could do was move around as much as possible.

But now they had another issue, which was the EMP shutting down their motion sensors temporarily allowing the metahuman to send a wave of seismic energy through the ground. It knocked Drifter off balance, but rather then letting it knock him over he used skills he learned free running to use the blast to his advantage. He jumped with it, gaining some pretty decent air and rolling when he hit the ground. Sure it hurt a bit, but at least he avoided getting mauled. Still, he had a guy with a gun pointed at him now, and with no cover that was not a good thing. Thesis was still recovering, so he couldn't even distract the guy to keep the threat balanced. All in all it was a terrible situation.

So, he quickly used a simple grenade he made from household products while everyone was taking in the situation. He never left without a few of them on him, they were standard despite the fact it might not have seemed that way. The grenade in question was a smoke screen made from sugar and potassium nitrate, amped up to the degree it could actually be used in the field. After rolling into a different area, covered by smoke, he set off his EMP generator to disable the mercs HUD. There was no use in using smoke if the guy could just look right through it. It was a small pulse, but it would get the job done for a little while. After that.....well he did what any sane person would. He ran like the dickens. He was a fast kid, professional free running did that to you, but he was sure the soldier could catch him, so he ran his heart out. He just hoped the distraction of the smoke would give him a minute. As for Thesis, well, he recovered, and his mask offered more protection against things such as smoke. He then threw two of his rocket propelled disks in odd directions, but then they circled around and came at the merc through the smoke at wicked fast speeds. They were most likely sharp enough to cut through his armor at these speeds, and if not Thesis had his gun ready.

As for the reinforcements, they weren't going to listen to Reave. Lucius' followers operated how they did, and no one was going to tell them how to do their job but Lucius. Nevertheless, they were on their way now, ready to put an end to this. Reave had done a good job tracking this kid and putting him on the ropes, now it was time for the knock out blow.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Number of posts : 290
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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A Clash of Ideals [Red] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Clash of Ideals [Red]

Post by The Pale Kestrl February 5th 2016, 6:31 pm

The next few seconds was a chaotic flurry of movement, smokescreens and gunfire that anyone on the outside of the battle would have a hard time following. Passing over his target Reave rolled with his missed chance to skewer the poor boys leg with his sword and instead brought his handgun up as he returned to standing position. He was able to fire three shots at the target before a smokescreen stole him from sight and a sudden EMP burst took his suit offline. More and more Reave was wishing he could just ignore his orders and flatten this whole wrenched city. Clearing his mind Reave crushed such thoughts in his metaphysical hand. Such thinking wasn't mission focused and wasn't useful.

What was useful was working out how to end this. With a smokescreen in his way Reave had no choice but to give chase, but he needed his gun. No way he was leaving without that rifle. As he took a step forward Reave reached out toward his gun with his right hand, activating a set of magnetic strips in his gauntlet that were linked to his rifle. The gun suddenly flew from where he'd dropped it into his palm. Feeling the familiar, contoured grip of the gun had an almost calming feel. It also joined up with Reave's HUD as it reset. In time to pick up two object's approaching at high speed. Pushing off his with foot Reave dove to the side, feeling the objects pass him by a hairs breath. Did they had? Reave didn't know, there was so much adrenaline coursing through him they might have and he wouldn't notice.

Diving to the side Reave raised his rifle with one hand and fired at the man that had been holding a gun to his head, the objects might well have been from him. A hail of rounds clattered from his gun as Reave gave chase. He thundered out of the smokescreen like some terrible black specter. His target had put on an impressive burst of speed and had made it quite far down the road, not far enough. To ensure he was protected Reave pulled a grenade from one of his pouches, flicking the pin out and launching it back in one motion. Hopefully that would keep his opponent behind him busy for a few seconds.

Grenade thrown Reave brought his gun up, sighting at the boy's mid section. No chances this time, no low firing. If Reave was going it hit, it was going to have a lasting effect.

Young and wayward Energy powered metahuman just trying to do some good: Glow

Seismic empowered mercenary looking for work: Reave

Young vigilante trying to make his own mark: Ex-41
The Pale Kestrl
The Pale Kestrl

Status :

Quote : "Impressive toys you have there boy. But your playing in the big leagues now" Felix "Reave" Black

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : did I get here?
Age : 28
Job : Roguish Traveller
Humor : Well, the worlds a pretty funny place
Registration date : 2015-07-12

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A Clash of Ideals [Red] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Clash of Ideals [Red]

Post by Stoic February 13th 2016, 5:48 pm

A torso shot didn't necessarily grant a none kill, and that was Reave's orders. Lucius wanted hm alive, and by shooting Lukas in the stomach area he was risking that, no matter how good a shot he was. So, the reinforcements had to stop it, but at the same time capture the male. It really was a difficult thing to do, but in the end the following would get it done.  

Alden had teleported in, along with an Irish man a lot older then him. For some reason the teen had technical command over him, but seeing the bright red haired male in action would definitely show even the most skeptical why. He was only a few dozen yards from Drifter, and as soon as he saw the shot, he reached out with his power and stopped it, retraining Drifter as he did. Telekinesis was such a joy.

"Really Reave? He's no use to use dead, or bleeding out for that matter. Thankfully i arrived when i did...... Either way, you brought us to the vigilante, you'll get your pay. But i expect next time you won't need our help to get the job done in a quick....and accurate fashion." Alden said, his bright green eyes, almost glowing, staring at the mercenary as he walked, Drifter restrained and floating behind him.

"So much trouble from one little human. He's either insanely competent, or you are really bad at your job." The male said, smiling a smug smile as he closed the distance between him and the mercenary.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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A Clash of Ideals [Red] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Clash of Ideals [Red]

Post by The Pale Kestrl February 16th 2016, 4:04 pm

In a flurry of teleportation discharge Reave's bullet was halted and his target was suddenly forced to stop mid stride. Standing a few meters away was a teenager and an Irish man. No doubt the backup that Reave had been told of moments ago. The pair walked forward, the target floating behind them. One of the newcomers possessing either telekinetic or a device approximate to it. As they walked forward the teenager at the front proceeded to deliver a smug eulogy that made Reave grind his teeth beneath his helmet.

As they reached him Reave took a step forward himself, towering over the two figures.

"The situation was under control" growled the mercenary through his helmets speakers "Your interference wasn't necessary"

Young and wayward Energy powered metahuman just trying to do some good: Glow

Seismic empowered mercenary looking for work: Reave

Young vigilante trying to make his own mark: Ex-41
The Pale Kestrl
The Pale Kestrl

Status :

Quote : "Impressive toys you have there boy. But your playing in the big leagues now" Felix "Reave" Black

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : did I get here?
Age : 28
Job : Roguish Traveller
Humor : Well, the worlds a pretty funny place
Registration date : 2015-07-12

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A Clash of Ideals [Red] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Clash of Ideals [Red]

Post by Stoic February 17th 2016, 5:29 am

"Mmmhhmm, under control, ok, whatever allows you to keep that Boba Fett attitude you have. I really don't understand why Lucius employs you mercenaries, especelly when he has more trusted allies on his side." Alden said, his face remaining completely unamused and stoic as he said his smug comments.

"Do you have to be such an insufferable prick all the time? I mean really." Edward said, his Irish accent adding to the general humor of his comment. Really it was funny hearing him say practically anything. Anyway, he stepped in front of Alden to address the mercenary.

"He's got a bit of a stick up his ass. You'll be in charge of delivering the vigilante, we got other matters to attend to. Good work." The man said, and with that he turned and walked away, Alden following after sneering. Before the pair teleported, Drifter was dropped, and the very earth itself moved up to trap him. He wouldn't be able to get out, not without blowing himself up that is. As for Thesis, well he had managed to evade death, but due to injuries he had to flee. He would be more a liability then a help. Reave had Drifter all to himself it seemed

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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A Clash of Ideals [Red] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Clash of Ideals [Red]

Post by The Pale Kestrl February 21st 2016, 5:10 pm

Reave just stood and watched as the two men disappeared into thin air again, his target dropping to the ground as the earth seemed to move around him, closing like a fist to hold him in place. As the two men finally dissipated Reave moved to the boy. Muttering under his breath he reached down to pry his target from the ground. Still wary of the explosives under the ground Reave opted to simply wrench the ground away with his armored hands.

This mission hadn't been a rousing success, but it had taught Reave much. About his enemies and his allies, such as they were. Even defeat was useful in it's own way. Although, as with many people in his profession, Reave couldn't deny that a smooth op was always better than a complicated one.

With a final blow from his hand Reave tore the last of the warped concrete to the side, clipping his rifle to his back he reached down the picked up the target and slung him over his back. Reaching down he picked out his teleport homer and activated it, sending the pair of them back to the Sanctuary.

Young and wayward Energy powered metahuman just trying to do some good: Glow

Seismic empowered mercenary looking for work: Reave

Young vigilante trying to make his own mark: Ex-41
The Pale Kestrl
The Pale Kestrl

Status :

Quote : "Impressive toys you have there boy. But your playing in the big leagues now" Felix "Reave" Black

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : did I get here?
Age : 28
Job : Roguish Traveller
Humor : Well, the worlds a pretty funny place
Registration date : 2015-07-12

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A Clash of Ideals [Red] - Page 3 Empty Re: A Clash of Ideals [Red]

Post by Stoic February 22nd 2016, 6:55 am

Drifter simply watched as his resourcefulness and skill was thrown out the window in favor of power. The telekinetic grip was too much, and eventually he was knocked out cold. Even if he hadn't been, the only thing he could do to get out would end up blowing him up. He was going to Belarus, apparently.

All it took was the mercenary teleporting, and they appeared in the Sanctuary, more specifically Lucius' office. He had told Hector to reroute Reave's trip back here for the sake of convenience. The dictator stood, mini drill in hand as he worked on a pair of gauntlets. He didn't expect to ever need them, but they were a marvel none the less. Once he heard the merc show up, he removed his reading glasses and placed the drill on the table, spinning in his chair.

"Ah, Reave, i see you have my package. You can just set him there." Lucius said, pointing to a chair and standing up. Once Reave did so, Drifter would be restrained by the powerful metahuman using Red Energy constructs. They didn't burn, not that they couldn't, but Lucius didn't want him harmed, not yet anyway.

"Knock knock, anyone home?" Lucius said, tapping the boy on the head a few times in an effort to wake him up. Soon, he did just that, violently trying to get out of his restraints. Reave could stay if he wanted to, his money would be given to him digitally like always though, so there was no need for it. However, after so much trouble one would think he might want to see the reason Lucius wanted Drifter.

"Lucius Alba, what a surprise. Bring me here to do the whole torture routine? Maybe try to get the info i have on your little pal Travis?" Drifter asked, a sneer on his face.

"No, there won't be any torture, not if you cooperate. But it's not what you think. You see, i need you to be ready to release the information you have when i need it to be. I'll give you more on Travis if you make it look like he was never involved with Rise, and that i have no part in what he does. Call it an insurance policy, i can't have Travis continuously screwing up and finally getting smeared to the point where it comes back at me. The politics in Belarus are fragile as is, and though Travis is my friend, i need to be able to publicly denounce my involvement in his affairs if necessary for the sake of this country. Do we have an agreement?" Lucius explained. Honestly it sounded fine to him. Drifter had no beef with Lucius, and in fact didn't really want one. He only had a target on Travis, and if Lucius could give him more information on the guy in exchange for not doing the same to Rise, he would take it.

It was a perfect deal really. The world saw a vigilante release information on Travis, and this information would confirm no involvement with Lucius, thus shielding Rise from the backlash of Travis' previous crimes and mistakes. And the best part was no one was just taking Lucius' word for it, they had a third party, normal human telling them this. Lucius looked like the innocent world leader, and Travis was the fall guy for not only his own actions, but some of Lucius'.

"Deal. Now get me out of here."

(My last post. You can make one if you want, as like a closing post. But it's fine if you leave it at this as well.)

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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