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Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014]

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Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014] Empty Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014]

Post by Thorgron August 31st 2015, 10:17 pm

Oh what a wonderful day in the neighborhood Rozmer sang as he strolled down the dark New York city street. But New York was never truly dark, never truly silent. The city that never sleeps had certainly earned its name. And not only here, all across the Omniverse countless New Yorks hustled and bustled with great fervor. But Rozmer was here now, in this one. Some people liked to refer to universes with numbers and names and on and on and on. Obviously these people did not have the perspective that Rozmer had. Infinity was not exactly always the easiest thing to keep track of. And who has enough creativity to name infinite worlds. Noooo, and besides Rozmer had no need for naming them. He existed in all of them and knew all of them personally, like an old friend or a lover. Their details their intricacies, all of their little works he knew about, appreciated.

But back to New York. There was a place here he loved. A place that no matter the world he enjoyed, The Empire State Building. Ducking into an alley he reappeared on the tall building's observation deck. Lighting a cigarette he pushed it to his lips and leaned an elbow against the railing. Beneath him the city continued on like ants in a hill but here he was, silent, still on top of the world. With a soft inhale he took a drag of smoke. If there was one thing of which he could be certain this was his favorite place in The Omniverse.

Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014] Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014] Empty Re: Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014]

Post by V0XX August 31st 2015, 10:28 pm

Lucia hummed to herself as she settled into her nook in the metal tower. The noises of the streets and dizzying lights below aided her slumber on most nights, but tonight was different. Something was different about this place, these people. She feels it before she knows it, and is coughing at the smoke before she can help herself. The man knows she is here now, and something about him is just so very wrong. Perhaps it's the fact that there is a strange alien girl floating behind him and he hasn't so much as turned to look. She hovers lower, nearly within arms reach of the strange man, and voices her thoughts.
"Who are you?" her voice warbles, and she frowns at him, looking as unconvincing as a child pouting in their church clothes.

Status :

Quote : There is no one left to forgive us...

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2015-08-31

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Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014] Empty Re: Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014]

Post by Thorgron August 31st 2015, 10:38 pm

And there was always someone there to ruin it. Holy shit Rozmer snapped nearly dropping his cigarette as he turned to see the small girl behind him. Immediately he turned on his heels looking all around for The Archon. This was a joke, it had to be. The same place where they had first met, same circumstances. Clearly he had set this little girl up to it. Calming himself he took another puff of his cigarette and took it between his pointer and middle fingers. Then he would squat slightly, getting on eye level with the girl. My name is Rozmer little one. he said, trails of smoke whipping from his mouth as he spoke. Now tell me, did a young man with black hair tell you to meet me up here?

Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014] Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014] Empty Re: Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014]

Post by V0XX August 31st 2015, 10:55 pm

Lucia narrows her eyes, coughing again, and attempts to take the cigarette from the older mans hand. "I have met with no such person, Rozmer." And, god, even his name felt strange on her lips. She hides her shudder by flicking her hair back with her hand, and proceeds toward him slowly, certainly not frightened at all. "I should ask, however, what you are doing here and why you enjoy that cancer stick in much the same way as a baby enjoys a pacifier."

Status :

Quote : There is no one left to forgive us...

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2015-08-31

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Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014] Empty Re: Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014]

Post by Thorgron August 31st 2015, 11:54 pm

Rozmer withdrew his cigarette behind his back, letting the smoke trail over his back. And though she did not appear to be lying he couldn't be sure. The Archon was full of tricks and this seemed all too coincidental. If she was of The Archon, he would play this little game for awhile. He would reveal himself one way or another. And if she was just a strange little girl, well, that had it's own questions to be why the hell was she up here?

Well little girl he began as he once more drew smoke from his cigarette, this time exhaling directly over her head. I couldn't tell you. It's just a habit I picked up at some point. And I enjoy the view up here. This he shot back. Who was this young girl to question what he was doing. You know it's me who should be asking you what you are doing up here.

Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014] Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014] Empty Re: Avoid a Void [SHRPG AU 5014]

Post by Dzardian August 19th 2017, 7:49 pm

Just as they talk I fall from the sky and lay there motionless on the pavement outside of the apartments. I lay there while others wonder if he is alive, and if he is what to do. Slowly but steadily he was getting up, while blood dripping down his nose and mouth. He limps home and to his surprise thugs stare at him right when he walks into the apartment. Knowing there's thugs there he turns around and half limps half runs out the door. He jumps in his convertible and flips a switch and flys off to STOINLOP EL DE SABERTA with the thugs hot on his trail

Status :

Quote : Do right now right now and u won't have to run

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2017-08-19

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