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The Grey
The SuperHero RPG :: Applications :: Character, Minion, and NPC Applications :: Character and NPC Applications :: Approved Renegades
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The Grey
Corey Jardin
"There is a nuanced art behind
doing what you want without ruining
everyone else's day."
doing what you want without ruining
everyone else's day."
The Bio
Real Name: Corey Jardin
Renegade Name: The Grey
Title: Anarchist
Alignment: Chaotic
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Meta-human/Caucasian
Hair: Brown, feathery, short
Eyes: Slate gray, luminous
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 165lbs.
The Looks
Physically, Jardin would generally describe himself as unremarkable.
He is lean, perhaps wiry. He has a narrow frame, particularly noticable in his shoulders. However, time spent on his own has forced his body to adapt: he is now quite athletic, though his physique is usually hidden.
He prefers to remain clean shaven; this tends to show off his mix of French and German features. He has a wide jaw that rounds down to a straight chin. His nose is shallow, flairing near the tip. His medium length hair is usually brushed back and it is so dark, it can often be mistaken for black. His pale gray eyes sometimes draw attention, and they look almost blue in some light. Perhaps his most notable feature is that his eyes seem to glow in low light.
His fashion changes on a whim. His most iconic attire is a dark gray, three piece suit, sometimes worn with black leather gloves and dark loafers. Alternatively, he wears a fitted sweatshirt, loose pants and tabi sneakers, all in a dark gray with a hard plastic mask and goggles as stealth gear.
The Personality
Jardin is difficult to read, his metahuman abilities offering him heightened control over his micro-expressions. This makes it fairly easy for him to lie without giving himself away.
Beneath this ever changing mask, however, is a perpetually mingling blend of compassion and rage, two emotions he uses to guide his personal philosophy of moral uncertainty. He has a scaling sense of right and wrong and judges people on a complex list of factors.
He is also funtionally immortal and has learned to cope with the realization he will likely outlive his friends and family. He fears the dangers of such isolation and continues to attend Catholic mass weekly, even though he is no longer a believer. He uses the congregation to keep himself humble, afraid to view himself as godlike.
He views himself as just human, dispite his abilities.
The Story
Jardin was born into middle America, second child in a liberal family within a conservative upstate New York community. He grew up as an overachiever, highly intelligent as well as athletic, though he placed more emphesis on the former. This continued until college, when an accident that should proved fatal saw the discovery of his previously undiscovered meta-genotype.
This was at the time when tension regarding gifted persons was on the rise. Seeing the hypocrisy of his once friendly as it turned on his family proved disheartening. His rapid recovery allowed the young man to flee the suspicions of his old life.
He now survives as a thief, spy and vigilante of sorts, "picking up where the law leaves off" to quote an old television show from his youth.
The Priority
1. Endurance
2. Agility
3. Reaction
4. Strength
The Powers
Hypercognition: Jardin's mind operates in a nearly perpetual 'overclocked' state. He processes information more quickly than other humans and is able to push his entire nervous system to peak performance. He can learn skills more rapidly than others and maintains this ability thanks to his healing factor.
Enhanced Dexterity: Jardin has ultra-precise motor control. Combined with his hypercognition, anything that is possible physically, he can do easily.
Night Vision: Jardin has extra receptors in his eyes. Whatever light is present in an environment is amplified, allowing his to see clearly in near total darkness.
Alternate Perception*: In addition to seeing in the dark, Jardin can also perceive and process information outide of human ranges. He can see outside of the visible spectrum, hear frequencies above and below the norm and recognize smells undetectable to others, rendering many forms of concealment ineffective.
Healing Factor*: Jardin has accelerated healing properties as a result of his hightened metabolism. Minor wounds and injuries can heal in moments while most toxins are rapidly broken down by his body, rendering them harmless.
The Weaknesses
Photosensitivity: Because of his night vision, sudden bright lights can become more problematic for him. Weaker lights can render him completed blind while deliberate attempts to blind him are more persistent. In some cases, scar tissue can form, requiring the complete regrowth of his ocular structure. Sunglasses help but drop his vision to human norm.
Cat Alergy: A severe allergy to cat dander can render most of his senses useless. Whether exposure is first or second hand, it causes sinus congestion that causes him to lose even human levels of smell, hearing and vision. His immunity to 'poison' also makes medication useless leaving his only option as a filtration mask which he carries at all times.
Motion Sickness: Sudden changes in vector leave Jardin at a lose. He quickly loses his sense of up and down, making ultraprecise movements all but impossible.
The Items
Reflective Sunglasses/Goggles: Two pairs of eye wear used to block out light. The standard shades are used in civilian situations while he wears the goggles in more active situations.
Filter Mask: Hides his face while protecting him from toxins as well as conceal his identity. It is made mostly of hard plastic to protect the filter underneath but is mundane enough to be vulnerable to enemy aggression.
Manji Sai: A pair of compact clubs associated with Okinawan kobudo. They extend the length of his forearm and have a leather wrapped handle. The pronged guards are S-shaped.
Bo shuriken: A set of concealable throwing darts famously used by Japanese samurai to disorient enemies. Jardin can also throw them with enough force to break light fixtures.
Smoke Bombs: Hand-made devices that produce a cloud of black smoke. They help obscure his movements but can also draws attention elsewhere.
EMP Generator: A portable device designed to emit an electromagnetic pulse. It can knock out some electronics temporarily however limited battery life constrain its effectiveness.
Vambraces and Schynbalds: Metal inserts used to protect his forearms and shins in melee combat without sacrificing any mobility.
The Minions
The Fluff
Regenerative Systems: While his entire body is capable of regenerating, complex organs and bone take too long to heal to compensate for battle injuries. However, he is still able to regrow limbs and organs over time. This has also stopped Jardin from aging in the future
Traceur: Jardin is adept at parkour and free-running.
Martial Artist: Jardin is remarkably skilled in hand-to-hand combat, relying on a combination grappling and pressure points.
Marksman: Jardin is also well versed in the use of firearms, though he prefers not to kill whenever possible.
Polyglot: Thanks to his hypercognition, Jardin can easily learn new languages more rapidly than most. He is currently fluent in many of the more common languages.
The RP Sample
Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.
Last edited by The Grey on January 11th 2019, 9:15 pm; edited 10 times in total
Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey- Post Adept
- Status :
Online Offline
Warnings :
Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11
Re: The Grey
Approved until stated otherwise
Jordan Reynolds- Mega Poster!
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
Warnings :
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04
Re: The Grey
Moved for edits
Alpha- AlphaGay
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds
Warnings :
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25
Re: The Grey
Gave the grey creepy wolf eyes
Also sunglasses. Day only. He is no D-bag
Also sunglasses. Day only. He is no D-bag
Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey- Post Adept
- Status :
Online Offline
Warnings :
Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11
Re: The Grey
Alpha- AlphaGay
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds
Warnings :
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25
Re: The Grey
- Spoiler:
- The Grey wrote:
Cory Jardin
"Not all of us are born to be tools. And yes, all entendres are intended..."Basic Biography
Name: Cory Jardin
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Grey
Title: An Anarchist
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Meta-Human
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Slate Gray
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Blood Type: O-The Looks
Physically, Jardin is generally unremarkable.
He is lean, perhaps wiry. He has a narrow frame, particularly noticable in his shoulders. However, time spent on his own has force his body to adapt: he is now quite athletic, though his physique is usually hidden.
He prefers to remain clean shaven; this tends to show off his mix of French and German features. He has a wide jaw that rounds down to a straight chin. His nose is shallow, flairing near the tip. His medium length hair is often tied back and it is so dark, it can often be mistaken for black. His pale gray eyes sometimes draw attention, and they look almost blue in some light. Perhaps his most notable feature is that his eyes seem to glow in low light.
Costume: In the field, Jardin prefers simplicity. He wears a lightweight, gray hoodie; loosefitting black pants; and simpe running shoes. He uses a buff to obscure his mouth and noseThe Legacy
Personality: Jardin struggles to remain cheerful. He tends towards pessimism, often expecting the worst of people and situations. This makes trusting others difficult.
His distrust of others often guides him to act in morally questionable direction. However, he is not without his own code of behavior: if his actions have the possibility of bringing direct harm to real individuals, he is more incline to step away, perhaps even siding with the Heroes for a time...
He is not without a sense of humor. When dealing with people he likes and trusts, he often relies on self deprecation. Those he doesn't like may end up victims of snark and sarcasm.
History: Born to a middle class family of five, Jardin lived a mostly mundane life in upstate New York for 20 years. Metahumans and paranormal were fanciful stories from far away to him.
This all changed in Fall semester of his Junior year at a local SUNY college. On his way to class, he was struck in a hit-and-run accident. He was rushed to the hospital with two broken legs, four cracked ribs, a dislocated shoulder, a severed spine and severe brain trauma. Doctors assumed he would be a vegetable if kept on life support.
He made a stunning recovery, however. Within the timespan of 48 hours, all traces of brain and spinal injury were gone. His Roman Catholic community heralded it as a miracle, though his doctors were much more sceptical. Jardin continued to recover from his other injuries as doctors began running additional tests. He was released in time for the spring semester.
The tests eventually proved that Jardin was a carrier of the meta-gene. Instead of accepting him, though, the young Meta found himself ostracized, feared by the people he grew up with. Even his own family struggled to accept him, though they tried to deny it.
Eventually, Jardin dropped out of college, taking to a more nomadic lifestyle...The Powers and Weaknesses
Extreme Dexterity: Extra nerves riddle his musclular system. This gives Jardin extra-fine motor control. Combined with his honed athleticism, he is capable of some impressive feats in a fight.
What's a Learning Curve?: Extremely high brain plasticity means Jardin is very quick on the uptake. He can learn new skills in less time than most and pick up patterns rapidly.
Photosensitive: Jardin has developed extra receptors and reflective surfaces in the back of each eye. This gives him very good night vision. It also results in an eerie luminescence in low light. However...
Photosensitive: Jardin's night vision does come with some draw-backs. Chief among these is the fact that his eyes are more vulnerable to bright flashes, which can blind and stun Jardin for a time.
Smells Like Chat: Jardin is allergic to cats. Cat hairs can quickly lead to violent bouts of sneezing. More can make him really ill.
Motion Sickness: If he's not the one driving, Jardin will throw up. No exeptions.
RP Mechanics
Regenerative Nervous System: Head and spinal injuries that would prove fatal to most humans become merely inconvenient to Jardin. He will, however, be knocked out in these cases, forced into a recovery state for about 24 hours, effectively removing him from a thread until then.
Traceur: Jardin is adept at parkour and free-running.
Mirrored Shades: As much tool as they are apparel, Jarding can use them to protect his sensetive eyes or peer around corners in reletive safety.
Physical Priority
1: Endurance
2: Agility
3: Reaction
4: Strength
Moved to character modifications.
Zell- The Once and Future King
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."
Warnings :
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07
Re: The Grey
Corrected some grammar errors...Updated his "costume"...
Renamed "What's a Learning Curve?" and "Smells Like Chat"...
Added "ESP" to Powers...
Added "Rosary" and "Medallion" to Items
Renamed "What's a Learning Curve?" and "Smells Like Chat"...
Added "ESP" to Powers...
Added "Rosary" and "Medallion" to Items
Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey- Post Adept
- Status :
Online Offline
Warnings :
Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11
Re: The Grey
Zell- The Once and Future King
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."
Warnings :
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07
Re: The Grey
- Spoiler:
Cory Jardin
"Not all of us are born to be tools. And yes, all entendres are intended..."Basic Biography
Name: Cory Jardin
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Grey
Title: The Anarchist
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Meta-Human
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Slate Gray
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Blood Type: O-The Looks
Physically, Jardin is generally unremarkable.
He is lean, perhaps wiry. He has a narrow frame, particularly noticable in his shoulders. However, time spent on his own has forced his body to adapt: he is now quite athletic, though his physique is usually hidden.
He prefers to remain clean shaven; this tends to show off his mix of French and German features. He has a wide jaw that rounds down to a straight chin. His nose is shallow, flairing near the tip. His medium length hair is often tied back and it is so dark, it can often be mistaken for black. His pale gray eyes sometimes draw attention, and they look almost blue in some light. Perhaps his most notable feature is that his eyes seem to glow in low light.
Costume: In the field, Jardin prefers simplicity. He wears a lightweight, gray hoodie; loosefitting black pants; and simpe running shoes. His hoodie also bears a black "wolf sketch" embroidered on the left sleeve. He uses a buff to obscure his mouth and nose and has taken to wearing a pair of thin yet sturdy climbing gloves.The Legacy
Personality: Jardin struggles to remain cheerful. He tends towards pessimism, often expecting the worst of people and situations. This makes trusting others difficult.
His distrust of others often guides him to act in a morally questionable direction, taking to life as a thief. However, he is not without his own code of behavior: if his actions have the possibility of bringing direct harm to real individuals, he is more inclined to step away, perhaps even siding with the Heroes for a time...
He is not without a sense of humor. When dealing with people he likes and trusts, he often relies on self deprecation. Those he doesn't like may end up victims of snark and sarcasm.
History: Born to a middle class family of five, Jardin lived a mostly mundane life in upstate New York for 20 years. Metahumans and the paranormal were fanciful stories from far away to him.
This all changed in the Fall semester of his Junior year at a local SUNY college. On his way to class, he was struck in a hit-and-run accident. He was rushed to the hospital with two broken legs, four cracked ribs, a dislocated shoulder, a severed spine and severe brain trauma. Doctors assumed he would be a vegetable if kept on life support.
He made a stunning recovery, however. Within the timespan of 48 hours, all traces of brain and spinal injury were gone. His Roman Catholic community heralded it as a miracle, though his doctors were much more sceptical. Jardin continued to recover from his other injuries as doctors began running additional tests. He was released in time for the spring semester.
The tests eventually proved that Jardin was a carrier of the meta-gene. Instead of accepting him, though, the young Meta found himself ostracized, feared by the people he grew up with. Even his own family struggled to accept him, though they tried to deny it.
Eventually, Jardin dropped out of college, taking to a more nomadic lifestyle...The Powers and Weaknesses
Extreme Dexterity: Extra nerves riddle his musclular system. This gives Jardin extra-fine motor control. Combined with his honed athleticism, he is capable of some impressive feats in a fight.
Hypercognition: Extremely high brain plasticity means Jardin is very quick on the uptake. He can learn new skills in less time than most and pick up patterns rapidly.
Photosensitive: Jardin has developed extra receptors and reflective surfaces in the back of each eye. This gives him very good night vision. It also results in an eerie luminescence in low light. However...
Enhanced Sensory Perseption: With the spread of Jardin's "healing factor," he has developed extra-sensetive structures in his skin, ears and nose that makes him hyper-aware of his surroundings. He is now adept at detecting ambushes.
Photosensitive: Jardin's night vision does come with some draw-backs. Chief among these is the fact that his eyes are more vulnerable to bright flashes, which can blind and stun Jardin for a time.
Allergy-Cat: Jardin is allergic to cats. Cat hairs can quickly lead to violent bouts of sneezing. More can make him really ill.
Motion Sickness: If he's not the one driving, Jardin will throw up. No exeptions.
RP Mechanics
Regenerative Systems: Originally localized to his nervous system, Jardin's healing factor has spread to the rest of his body. Most injuries will still require a 24 hour recovery window, thus eliminating him from a topic...
Traceur: Jardin is adept at parkour and free-running.
Mirrored Shades: As much tool as they are apparel, Jarding can use them to protect his sensetive eyes or peer around corners in reletive safety.
Rosary: A simple set of rosary beads made of steel chain and black lacquered beads. Usually tucked into his pocket.
St. Nicholas' Medallion: A simple necklace honoring St. Nicholas; patron saint of thieves. Usually tucked into his shirt.
Physical Priority
1: Endurance
2: Agility
3: Reaction
4: Strength
Archiving previous state...
Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey- Post Adept
- Status :
Online Offline
Warnings :
Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11
Re: The Grey
Edited powers and RP Mechanics...
Added Regeneration to Powers...
Added various talents to RP Mechanics: Martial Arts, Marksman, Polyglot...
Established Persona mechanic...
Established Persona equipment...
Update complete.
Added Regeneration to Powers...
Added various talents to RP Mechanics: Martial Arts, Marksman, Polyglot...
Established Persona mechanic...
Established Persona equipment...
Update complete.
Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey- Post Adept
- Status :
Online Offline
Warnings :
Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11
Re: The Grey
Champion- Post Mate
- Status :
Online Offline
Warnings :
Number of posts : 184
Registration date : 2015-07-29
Re: The Grey
- Spoiler:
- Corey Jardin"There is a nuanced art behind doing what you want without ruining everyone else's day."The Bio
Real Name: Corey Jardin
Renegade Name: The Grey
Title: Anarchist
Alignment: Chaotic
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Meta-human/Caucasian
Hair: Brown, feathery, short
Eyes: Slate gray, luminous
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 165lbs.The Looks
Physically, Jardin would generally describe himself as unremarkable.
He is lean, perhaps wiry. He has a narrow frame, particularly noticable in his shoulders. However, time spent on his own has forced his body to adapt: he is now quite athletic, though his physique is usually hidden.
He prefers to remain clean shaven; this tends to show off his mix of French and German features. He has a wide jaw that rounds down to a straight chin. His nose is shallow, flairing near the tip. His medium length hair is usually brushed back and it is so dark, it can often be mistaken for black. His pale gray eyes sometimes draw attention, and they look almost blue in some light. Perhaps his most notable feature is that his eyes seem to glow in low light.
His fashion changes on a whim. His most iconic attire is a dark gray, three piece suit, sometimes worn with black leather gloves and dark loafers. Alternatively, he wears a fitted sweatshirt, loose pants and tabi sneakers, all in a dark gray with a hard plastic mask and goggles as stealth gear.The Personality
Jardin is difficult to read, his metahuman abilities offering him heightened control over his micro-expressions. This makes it fairly easy for him to lie without giving himself away.
Beneath this ever changing mask, however, is a perpetually mingling blend of compassion and rage, two emotions he uses to guide his personal philosophy of moral uncertainty. He has a scaling sense of right and wrong and judges people on a complex list of factors.
He is also funtionally immortal and has learned to cope with the realization he will likely outlive his friends and family. He fears the dangers of such isolation and continues to attend Catholic mass weekly, even though he is no longer a believer. He uses the congregation to keep himself humble, afraid to view himself as godlike.
He views himself as just human, dispite his abilities.The Story
Jardin was born into middle America, second child in a liberal family within a conservative upstate New York community. He grew up as an overachiever, highly intelligent as well as athletic, though he placed more emphesis on the former. This continued until college, when an accident that should proved fatal saw the discovery of his previously undiscovered meta-genotype.
This was at the time when tension regarding gifted persons was on the rise. Seeing the hypocrisy of his once friendly as it turned on his family proved disheartening. His rapid recovery allowed the young man to flee the suspicions of his old life.
He now survives as a thief, spy and vigilante of sorts, "picking up where the law leaves off" to quote an old television show from his youth.The Priority
1. Endurance
2. Agility
3. Reaction
4. StrengthThe Powers
Hypercognition: Jardin's mind operates in a nearly perpetual 'overclocked' state. He processes information more quickly than other humans and is able to push his entire nervous system to peak performance. He can learn skills more rapidly than others and maintains this ability thanks to his healing factor.
Enhanced Dexterity: Jardin has ultra-precise motor control. Combined with his hypercognition, anything that is possible physically, he can do easily.
Night Vision: Jardin has extra receptors in his eyes. Whatever light is present in an environment is amplified, allowing his to see clearly in near total darkness.
Alternate Perception*: In addition to seeing in the dark, Jardin can also perceive and process information outide of human ranges. He can see outside of the visible spectrum, hear frequencies above and below the norm and recognize smells undetectable to others, rendering many forms of concealment ineffective.
Healing Factor*: Jardin has accelerated healing properties as a result of his hightened metabolism. Minor wounds and injuries can heal in moments while most toxins are rapidly broken down by his body, rendering them harmless.The Weaknesses
Photosensitivity: Because of his night vision, sudden bright lights can become more problematic for him. Weaker lights can render him completed blind while deliberate attempts to blind him are more persistent. In some cases, scar tissue can form, requiring the complete regrowth of his ocular structure. Sunglasses help but drop his vision to human norm.
Cat Alergy: A severe allergy to cat dander can render most of his senses useless. Whether exposure is first or second hand, it causes sinus congestion that causes him to lose even human levels of smell, hearing and vision. His immunity to 'poison' also makes medication useless leaving his only option as a filtration mask which he carries at all times.
Motion Sickness: Sudden changes in vector leave Jardin at a lose. He quickly loses his sense of up and down, making ultraprecise movements all but impossible.The Items
Reflective Sunglasses/Goggles: Two pairs of eye wear used to block out light. The standard shades are used in civilian situations while he wears the goggles in more active situations.
Filter Mask: Hides his face while protecting him from toxins as well as conceal his identity. It is made mostly of hard plastic to protect the filter underneath but is mundane enough to be vulnerable to enemy aggression.
Manji Sai: A pair of compact clubs associated with Okinawan kobudo. They extend the length of his forearm and have a leather wrapped handle. The pronged guards are S-shaped.
Bo shuriken: A set of concealable throwing darts famously used by Japanese samurai to disorient enemies. Jardin can also throw them with enough force to break light fixtures.
Smoke Bombs: Hand-made devices that produce a cloud of black smoke. They help obscure his movements but can also draws attention elsewhere.
EMP Generator: A portable device designed to emit an electromagnetic pulse. It can knock out some electronics temporarily however limited battery life constrain its effectiveness.The Minions
N/AThe Fluff
Regenerative Systems: While his entire body is capable of regenerating, complex organs and bone take too long to heal to compensate for battle injuries. However, he is still able to regrow limbs and organs over time. This has also stopped Jardin from aging in the future
Traceur: Jardin is adept at parkour and free-running.
Martial Artist: Jardin is remarkably skilled in hand-to-hand combat, relying on a combination grappling and pressure points.
Marksman: Jardin is also well versed in the use of firearms, though he prefers not to kill whenever possible.
Polyglot: Thanks to his hypercognition, Jardin can easily learn new languages more rapidly than most. He is currently fluent in many of the more common languages.The RP Sample
Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.
New template implemented
Name and personality retcon
Fresh non-lethal loadout (leave the guns to his sister)
Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey- Post Adept
- Status :
Online Offline
Warnings :
Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11
Re: The Grey
Approved and moved.
Welcome back, The Grey.
Welcome back, The Grey.
MissingAxis- Post Mate
- Status :
Online Offline
Warnings :
Number of posts : 105
Registration date : 2017-01-31
The SuperHero RPG :: Applications :: Character, Minion, and NPC Applications :: Character and NPC Applications :: Approved Renegades
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