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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Stoic July 28th 2015, 11:53 pm

So, Lukas had woken up in Canada last night. He had no idea what had happened, a mustache was written on his forehead and half of his explosives were gone. That was unfortunate. You have any idea how hard RDX and Semtex are to make? The answer is not that hard, just time consuming and boring. He wondered just why in the hell he was in Canada sleeping on a bench, but didn't look much into it. Really, no clues to how he got here could be found, so walking around like a confused dumbass trying to figure out why was pointless. Lucky for him he had a ticket back to LA in his pocket, that was convenient. He didn't remember buying it, but hey, he wasn't complaining. So he hitchhiked to the air port and headed back to LA.

The last few days were a blur, and he started speculating. Did he get really really drunk and have sex with a hobo? Did he get abducted by aliens? Maybe some super secret agency captured him then put a chip up in his head. So many possibilities and no answers, but who really cared? He was still alive, so that was cool. His hands were bandaged now, multiple fingers were broken for some reason. He couldn't pick anything up without getting pain all the way up to his shoulder, which made eating his cup of noodles difficult. He ended up just throwing it out with a sigh, this sucked ass. The plane took a few hours to land at about 6pm and from there Lukas called someone to pick him up, the very person that had been a part of the conversation that set him on this vigilante path.

"Um, hey Matt. So, i woke up in Canada....And before you say anything, i know, it's crazy. I kinda need a ride, if you have the time. I'm at the airport." Luke said before sitting down. He didn't hang up of course, he would let Matt say something and then do that himself. From there he would wait for the male to show up. He didn't like asking friends for help, but he didn't exactly have another option. Someone had stolen his wallet when he was out it seemed. Lucky he didn't have his ID in that, that would have been lame. He dug through his pockets then went to a vending machine, getting himself a chex mix and a 7 up. When Matt pulled up he would find Lukas sitting at the outside bench, grey hood up as he crammed the processed crap into his face as if it were a meal.

"Hey, whats up? Thanks for coming so suddenly." Lukas said after opening the door to Matt's car and getting inside, trying to play it cool and ignore the fact he was just in Canada for no reason. He was trying to act unbothered by this like he usually did, but you could tell he was a bit shaken up by all of this. Matt could likely see that, he was always good at picking up on emotions. His hood was a little wet from the rain outside, which would spread off into the car a little. Nothing to freak out about but it seemed uncomfortable.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Zell July 30th 2015, 12:29 am

Well today wasn't going at all as he had wanted. He was supposed to be hanging out with a special someone, and he was having a good time when the phone went off and a duo of exasperated groans sounded off in sync as he reached over and grabbed his phone. He answered wiht a slightly bothered and lame "hello" and immediately there was a noise. More specifically it was a voice, it was a smooth voice that had a slight nasal noise to it, nothing annoying or overbearing...but the person sounded like they just rolled over out of bed. "L-Luke? I-Iyah...I kinda... uhm... Kind of told everyone not to bother me for a while, didn't I?" He asked, slightly peeved but interested once he said that he woke up in Canada. What was he doing there to begin with?

 "W-who is it?" Humanity put a hand up to bring silence back to the area so he could hear. Apparently Luke found himself in need of a ride. Of course he couldn't call Pat, he still didn't know how to drive yet and Matt just so happened to be a nice, caring and compassionate friend. Which is why he was going to go pick up Luke, even if he had been otherwise detained. "Yeah, alright. I'm coming." he said, his tone having changed almost instantly to something a bit nicer. He was notorious for getting peeve or irritated and then recovering quite quickly. It came with the territory of who he was. He looked apologetically to his friend and shrugged as he reached over and picked up his jacket.

 "Sorry man, friend just got into town and I gotta go get them. Surprise visit gone wrong I guess. But uh...I'll be around later. Tomorrow or somethin'. You good?" He asked, his friend rolled his eyes and nodded before giving a single wave from the chair. Matt had bolted under weirder circumstances, so this wasn't anything new, but it didn't man this didn't irritate him any less. The only more annoying thing he could think of was tha- well never mind that. He got into the car and took off. It was indeed an older car, a 2000 Camry, a nice blue color with a beautiful shine as it went down the highway. Left here, right there. He knew his way all too well... but did Luke? He must have, but the question came to mind as to why he ended up in Canada? He was going to have to put two and two together here. But most of what he could tell was that there was a weird vibe about this whole thing. Eventually he pulled up and put his fore ways on, angry that for the past three miles he had to go fifteen mph because of the cops going.

 "Yeah man. No problem." Matt said as Luke got in the car. He couldn't help but notice his friends hands. "Broken hand, waking up in Canada? What's the other guy look like?" He asked jokingly as he continued to drive. He'd give Luke a bit to talk as he continued to drive. "Dude... I know you, how on Earth did you get a ticket back here?" He asked, not trying to be rude but Luke wasn't the richest guy on the planet. Not like matt was either but that was besides the point. They were about twenty minutes from home, but knowing his luck, things wouldn't go this all.

At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Charlatan July 30th 2015, 1:43 am

Day and night at times seemed to blend into a seamless cycle, causing time to become nothing more than an endless continuum that blotted out all thought. Eventually consciousness came, blurred as eyelids would split open to look upon an unimpressivly colored ceiling. ”I wonder what time it is.” He muttered smacking with that terrible taste at the back of his mouth, making the whole tasting thing terrible. For some strange reason his whole body ached, might have been the way he was sleeping or something like that. His bed was springy, and it tended to hurt his body. A small amount of sunlight flowed through a cracked blind, shining across his cheeks and warming him ever so slightly. ”What time is it?” Rolling onto his side, Pat sighed as he threw the covers off of him and let it fall to the floor with a silent patter.

He didn't quite now what time it was but also he had a phone, so that was always a way to know about things. Running fingers through darkish brown hair, he rolled out of bed and managed to land on his feet with a slight sway. Dressed in nothing more than a pair of slightly loose boxers, he examined the mess that was his floor, a few bits of trash scattered over it along with rumpled clothing and some game cases. Stepping around the cluttered mess, he moved into a kitchen area scratching the back of his head while navigating into the bathroom and stripping down before deciding to bathe. Warm water helped both cleanse him, as well as wake him up from a groggy evening of sleeping and likely drinking, always with the drinking. That was followed by brushing his teeth, and wrapping a towel around his waist.

Through the kitchen area, he would take note of a few empty bottles but the goal was the fridge which had some milk, and add that with cereal and you have breakfast. Which he ate as he turned on his personal gaming system and popped in the latest game he bought. It was based on the characters of one of those comics that he had read a few of within his free time. His phone was sitting before him, so he took a few seconds to look over it and realize that most of his day had been wasted away sleeping. Luke was probably doing Luke things and the same with Matt, doing whatever he was doing. Which made him then wonder what he was doing, and that lead to drawn out thinking to the point of depression, and so he made Amzu beat up that one demon guy until he was pleased with himself.

It was fun really, and then when he was done with that he turned the system off and dressed up into something more comfortable, a pair of basketball shorts and a random shirt that was lying around. Pressing one of his contacts, he pressed the phone to his ear as he would wait for someone to answer him. ”Yo Luke, I was wondering if you were busy or anything. I bought that new SHRPA game, and it's pretty rad. Wanna come over and play it?” He hoped they would be up for it, but maybe they weren't. It was always possible they would just get annoyed with him, probably say fuck off and whatnot.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Stoic July 30th 2015, 6:11 am

As Luke expected Matt started asking questions. Honestly he didn't even want to talk about it, but then again maybe he should. It was creepy and totally unexplained, and if anyone Luke knew could figure it out it was Matt. Luke just chuckled almost nervously at Matt's joke, then continued to eat his snacks. For some reason he felt very uncomfortable mentally, a feeling of deep dread and despair washed over him ever since he woke up. It likely had something to with what happened, but he couldn't remember for the life of him. Maybe it was best to try to figure it out.

"I don't know dude, the ticket was in my pocket after i woke up. Whoever or whatever did this seemed to have the courtesy to pay my way home. I don't remember a thing though..." Luke said, scratching his chin for a moment. He had looked into this whole thing a little on the plane. It took awhile because he used an anonymous browser along with a proxy.....then wiped the drive clean, but he managed to find his history for the last few days. Turned out he had been planning on going to Canada for awhile. targeting someone named Travis Masters. He didn't even remember doing the research, so something was up. He wanted to tell Matt this, but that would reveal the fact he went up to Canada to kill someone he didn't even know because of some conversation they had one night. He would think Lukas was crazy. But maybe it was best to tell Matt. He was about to open his mouth but he got a call from Pat, which he promptly answered.

"Hey pat..........yeah, sure, i can come over.....i wanted to talk to you and Matt about something, so this works. Be there in a bit." Luke said. Pats house was closer then Luke's, so Matt likely wouldn't mind taking him there instead. Honestly it was probably better Luke said this in front of Pat as well, he would find out eventually through Matt so it was better they learn together.

"Pat wants me to come over, I'll explain this clusterfuck the best i can once we get there." Luke said finishing off his snakes. Honestly he was super hungry, and he eat that chex mix so fast it cut the back of his throat. He hated it when he did that, but it always happened. Eventually they would arrive and when that happened Luke would get out along with Matt likely. After that it was only a matter of knocking on the door then coming inside.

"Alright, video games, fun." Luke said before sitting down, waiting for the right moment to speak up about this whole thing. He wanted to ease into it, not just......'hey guy's i'm a vigilante and tried to kill someone, also, i don't remember anything from the last two days.'.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Zell July 30th 2015, 11:11 pm

So apparently they were going to Pat's house? Well that was a real arrow to the knee. He still remembered how Pat almost hit him with a car once, though several times Matt would have liked to repay the favor, he would remain a loyal and friendly. Of course he knew the way, he didn't much care to bringing people to his house, that's why he always went to other people's houses. He continued to drive as he wanted to say something, but all that came to mind was figuring out what in the Hell happened to Luke. "Dude, gimmie the ticket." Matt said as they rolled up on a red light. He wasn't going to move the car until he got it either, and given how Luke was he figured Luke would cave long before he would. Kind and compassionate, yet...stubborn as all Hell. Oh yeah. Once he had the ticket the would continue on their way to Pat's house.

  They arrived at their destination, there was a slight squeal of the breaks. Nothing overly unhealthy...okay it was unhealthy. The car needed new breaks honestly, but it's not like money was in great supply...that anyone knew of. Letting out a sigh, Matt looked to Luke and then to the complex. "Alright. Here you are." He said. Luke said Pat wanted HIM to come over, which was slightly odd but he wasn't one to question things. It's not like he wanted to judge anyone or anything such as that. Pat just apparently wanted to hang with Luke. Which was actually phenomenal because he had his own friend to try and get back to. Before trying to leave however he sent off a brief text message.

 I had 2 go. Sorry about that. 3:  I'm gunna go 2 Pat's so I can help 4 with my stuff. I luv u m8. and with that the message was sent. He blinked before contemplating going in to say Hi. Of course that would seem pathetic and like he was desperate for attention and he wasn't. He was actually thankful for a moment without anyone clinging onto him or talking to him on a deep profound level that no other human being could understand. Then deal with the annoying self-deprecation that came from outsiders later. With a clearing of the throat he cracked his neck and turned on his Phone's GPS. A good thing to get in the practice of when one is a vigilante...even if it's just to go to a friend's house or anything like that crap.

  Assuming he was alerted to come in at some point he'd go inside and converse, do the typical friends thing. If not well then he could probably drive off, go home, grab a bite to eat and research what he needed to research to get some shit done after picking up on some time with his other friend, otherwise...he'd just be inside with them, standing there with his causal smile as he always did.

At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Charlatan July 31st 2015, 1:18 am

So they would be able to come, that was pretty good. Not too often he actually got to entertain guests at his own home, granted these two were basically the only people interested in coming over anyway. Not that he was meaning to complain, but the thoughts leapt to his mind unbidden either way. ”Awesome, see you then.” Pat said with a semi-pleased tone before hanging the phone up, glancing at it for a moment before licking his lips. How long it would take them to get here now was the question, though he had a feeling that Luke knew where he lived well enough. Unless they did not, then he would likely have to explain how they got here and that was not one of his strong suits. Granted, Pat didn't consider himself to have too many strong suits to begin with, due to one thing or another. Unfortunately  his lacking self esteem did not allow for anything like that.

Moving around his living room much like a busy bee, Pat would pick up a few things to make sure the room was clean enough, throwing some trash away and even picking things up that had fallen onto the floor. Empty botles and containers found themselves in the trash rather quickly, with enough time for them to arrive with a knock at the door. With small nod, he would walk over from the small trashcan in the kitchen to the front door and opened it enough to peer through, looking upon Luke with a smirk. ”hey! Come on in.” He said opening the for more and motioning for the male to come in before motioning for Matt to do the same. He had seen the male, and hoped they would be willing to join in on the video game playing. It would have been fun really, and to be able to talk to his friends was always fun.

”So whats been up with you two?” He asked more conversationally than anything else, the game in question already on the character select screen with all of the characters already unlocked due to diligence from a certain Pat. It was nice to have a full roster to pick from anyway. Plopping down on the couch, his legs crossed over each other once and then twice, making them look like long pale pretzels with hair covering them.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Stoic July 31st 2015, 11:13 am

Luke noticed Matt didn't leave the car right away, likely due to his choice of words when telling him about Pat wanting them to come over. He knew Matt was particular about words sometimes, but surely he didn't think he would be unwanted by Pat of all people. Luke waved for him to come in just as Pat had, and that they did, moving inside the apartment.

So Lukas was now on the couch, looking over the games title screen and it's characters. It looked fun enough, but his mind was in other places. He ended up starting a game anyway, likely with Pat, so they would begin fighting. Luke chose some character named Index, seemed to be some kind of goth kid with techno powers, weird but kinda cool. He ended up losing focus as his mind wondered, probably allowing himself to get his ass kicked. Not that he already wasn't considering his broken fingers. He wanted to talk, he really did, but how to go about it. Luke sighed, then moved close and shut the system off after the match ended.

"Alright, we need to talk." Luke said before returning to his seat. He would have to fill Pat in a bit more, but he would get to the point.

"I woke up in Canada today, like, seriously. I thought i was dropped in some kind of movie. I don't remember anything....... And yeah, i know, its crazy, but that's not the kicker." Luke said before getting his laptop out and opening it, dim screen flashing to life with a picture of Travis and Chris Masters together on the screen.

"You both are going to think i'm insane, but....well, ever since that talk we had, the one at taco bell, I've been doing it, i went out and i tried to be a vigilante, for real." Luke said, pausing to allow that to sink in. Really, he had no idea what his friends would think of that, and for obvious reasons left out the bit about actually trying to kill someone.

"All i know is i was going after this guy, Travis Masters. Literally, i remember my computer screen then boom, woke up in Canada." Luke said. This was just so many different kinds of fucked up it wasn't even funny, but he was doing the right thing, right? It was better he told someone, his friends especelly.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Zell July 31st 2015, 4:35 pm

"Not too much. You?" He asked in return, offering as little explanation as he could while still being polite enough to answer the question. Pat was likely used to the response and probably wrote it off as he simply had a boring life, if he didn't then every time Matt DID answer him fully he would have likely realized that his life was boring. It was a bunch of nothing. It was the dead parent's dead brother syndrome that led to isolation. Of course his father wasn't dead and neither was his little brother...but they weren't there anymore. Alone, just as he had always been. It sucked, but it was the game of life. What else could you want from a free game? It was pay to win baby. Welcome to Aristocracy disguised as Democracy. All too many dark and deep thoughts running through his head as his mind wandered to the things he missed most, ignoring the 2 player video game until it was his turn to take the losers controller. Then he'd probably pick Monarch, Halloween or Gozmer and troll the Hell out of the winner. That ended up not happening though...

Index versus Amzu was a good fight, until it wasn't. He didn't expect Pat to lose, Pat was more focused on the game than the fact his friend had bandaged hands. He wanted to laugh, just because that was the person Pat was. Horribly different than himself, but then again if his friends were more like him...he'd have put a bullet in their heads long ago. As expected he took note of how Pat had a fully unlocked roster, despite the several tedious challenges and multiple play throughs required, he took note of the surroundings and how they were. The scrutiny wasn't for judgment purposes, but was instead to simply read the environment. He wanted to see how things had been. He NEEDED to see how things had been. It was so engrained in his daily life that reading people and reading situations was easier than reading a text message. Like the one he sent earlier, those were the WORST to read...but he had to force himself into that habit, it made things inconspicuous and it made people going over his phone records less suspicious when they saw numbers replacing phonetic similarities. Being a vigilante wasn't an overnight change or decision, and most dumbasses didn't understand that. This was an entire lifestyle change. You had to eliminate you habits, yet resume them when you took off the mask. You needed to slowly adapt yourself in your social media, monitoring everything you post. He even had to go out and forsake his beloved glasses for contacts, ones that compensated for his sight in the few occasions that he needed glasses AND to fix the identifying mark of his freakish eyes. It was maddening sometimes, but to he wasn't Humanity. To Matt....making a difference mattered. Even if he didn't.

The bombshell was dropped, and his mouth dropped, his left eyebrow jumping up as his eyes widened. A little "eh" slipped through as he looked at his friend as if he were crazy. Well in reality what was going through his head was No way. You don't say. I would never have guessed. This is insane. You're crazy. Stop. Being a vigilante isn't the answer. It was all a joke... except in the "Ben Stein" monotone and emotionless droning in his head with some amusement. He looked to Pat to see if they were joking with him, but it didn't seem to be so.

"Lu-Motherfucker! DUDE!! That's insane! Like -yeah- okay I get it we were all angry and Stephen brought it up but...I said it then and I'll say it again: It's insane!" He tried to plead to his friend's sense of reason more than anything else. Granted Luke was a struggler, and he knew that his pleas would likely fall upon deaf ears. He couldn't help but think that Luke wanted some support...some acceptance or whatever. But that just wasn't how this worked...even if he did support him mentally. "You think you went after Travis Masters? What did he ever do to you? Helped cure cancer- that's already cured by others! Why not kill them? He might've fed some homeless people? Besides you're going after TRAVIS MASTERS! You act like you've never seen Batman. That moment when Morgan Freeman says "You think that your client, one of the richest men in the world dresses up as a superhero at night and beats criminals to a pulp with his fist...and you want to blackmail this person?" THAT'SA THIS MOMENT!!!!" He snapped, seemingly paranoid or mentally distressed somehow.

Matt shot up and began to pace, taking his beanie off and running his hands through his hair, taking deep breaths, seeming to try and calm himself down. he continued to mutter about how he was now an accessory an how he had knowledge and how he couldn't report it but he didn't want to go to jail, of course in his mind all he could imagine was this moment on a silver screen for a movie and then suddenly this image scrolling across the screen to represent his true, most inner thoughts. He was obviously the guy on the left, what was his name? Homie Wand? Obi Kahn? Obiconn? Whatever.... the point was still the same...

At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Charlatan July 31st 2015, 11:58 pm

Pat welcomed both into his home with semi-open arms, letting them get comfortable and pick out the character they planned to use on his new game. A day or two was wasted earning all of the characters, but then again he found it a worthwhile thing to do in the long run if it meant they could just enjoy the day. Negative thoughts  like water trickling through a persons fingers seemed to fade for the moment as his eyes followed Luke who picked one of the characters form the game. Perhaps one of the characters he had the hardest time mastering, though he did finally notice that Luke's hand was bandaged for some reason. He might have asked, but then again that might have been seen as prying, or him being nosy for some reason. Sure he was worried, but then again it might have been just his own stupid hesitance that prevented him from asking.

The first fight was Amzu vs Index, which was a pretty good fight a far as abilities were both concerned but then again he sucked at using them both. He much preferred characters like that one that turned into a dragon, the finishing move was just so damn fun to watch. Also with the whole destructive background, well watching buildings tumble down like matchsticks was just too much fun. Why superhero comics were still popular in a world of superheroes was unknown, but then again they were still fun to read. However the fun times were blown out of the water once something was mentioned by Luke, something about Travis Masters and going after him. This caused his eyes to widen greatly as he looked to his friend, almost horrified. That was that humanitarian guy that was doing all of the good stuff, right? He looked to Matt who seemed to have the same shocked look on his face.

Granted, he too was doing the vigilante thing, but he had a feeling that tell Matt...might have not been the best idea. It was insane, but then again he never claimed to be sane anyway. ”I gotta agree with Matt on this one Luke. That's just….crazy.” He said with a nervous chuckle. ”I mean what the hell were you thinking? That's probably why your fingers are fucked up too, isn't it?” He said with a slight frown, appearing now more than he was unable to sit still, fingers flexing, tapping on things while he anxiously licked his lips.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Stoic August 1st 2015, 4:05 am

Annnd there it was. The disapproval and the whole 'that's insane' crap. Luke had expected it, but maybe not to this degree. From the conversation they had before everyone there seemed to at the very least think it wasn't totally insane. Luke did realize how fucked up it was, but he felt someone had to do SOMETHING. Matt began to pace, mumbling about how he was now involved. Luke honestly hadn't seen this side of his friend. Matt didn't seem like a guy worried about jail or anything like that. Did he honestly think Luke was some criminal? Maybe, maybe not. Really he wanted to justify his actions, but he was never good at the whole speaking out thing. Pat asked about his hands, and yeah he was right, at least Luke thought that's how it happened, it wasn't like he recalled.

"Oh come on guys! You can't tell me you didn't consider it. I feel like I'm actually doing something. I know it was stupid, but I'm trying to figure out why the hell i don't remember anything. You think this guy like.....i don't know, wiped my memory? He has the means." Luke said, trying to move the subject a little off the whole vigilante thing. Really the priority was why he had lost memory, not the fact he had been going out and shooting people with explosive paintballs. At this point he felt a bit ashamed, he knew why he did it, but he was upset that his friends didn't see it and even mentioned turning him in.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Zell August 4th 2015, 10:36 pm

"Of course we didn't! It was the twins just blowing off steam and making jokes about what would happen! The whole thing is stupid! You gotta-...Oh my God. I- I need to talk to someone. I...uuugh. Okay...Calm down Matthew. Just calm... I'm gonna...I'm gonna go call someone and I'm gonna I need away from this stupidity." He said before frantically making his way for the door, slamming it behind him while leaving Luke and Pat to talk about whatever they wanted to talk about. He wasn't stupid, but he actually had to wonder if anyone else had started on a vigilante kick. Pat was far too timid, shy and reserved. Passive aggressive rather than full-blown aggressive. If he went out to be a vigilante he wouldn't be a threat to him at all. Luke was believable. No purpose to life, struggling to find a reason to continue on with his life other than just the usual nine to five of every other worthless scumbag on this planet. In that light too though there was Pat who was equally as hopeless and the twins too.

His mind began to race as he sat there and put the phone up to his ear. He let out an exhale as he saw a car pull into the driveway of the house across the street. With a head cocked to the side he couldn't help but notice that the second the door opened there was quite literally nothing but water pouring out, as if the entire car had been filled to the top. "Hey, what's up?" The voice was unheard as his attention was fixated upon the water-filled car. A strange light blue skinned figure stepped out and looked around, spotting Matthew and waving. Matt was so confused and perplexed that he reached up and waved back at the anthropomorphic aqualite as they popped their trunk and took in several bags of groceries.

"YO! You there? Butt-dialed me?" His attention was ripped back to his phone, insomnia was a bitch and seemed to be really taking hold of him by this point. "Hey dude, I just uh...I wanted to make sure you got my text. I feel...really bad that I can't be there." his tone was sincere and sympathetic. "You know I love you brotha. I'll see you as soon as you need me." He added, a single second of silence before there was a long drawn out sigh.

"Yeah. It's cool. I got it." He said. Matt smirked and let out a sigh himself. "Bye brotha." "Later, dickhead." Matt just chuckled. That was his friendships though. Full of secrets and codes. For example, back when Matt had his family prominently in his life, he'd occasionally use some code words with his friends that mean to change the entire meaning of a sentence. In this case "You know I love you" really means "help me out here." Then "as soon as you need me" is a reference to having to fly a great distance, which was something he had to do when his friend needed him. From there it was obvious. Essentially he was saying. "Help me out. Flight." and then he had said about the text message, which contained a series of numbers. The flight number to be exact. A little research went a long way. Now he could properly rejoin his little group.

Pat and Luke had enough time at this point to do whatever they needed to do while Matt pretended to care and seemed like he cooled off. "Look...I can support you through anything but...guys I dunno... This isn't safe, this isn't smart. There's metahumans everywhere and they can do virtually anything. You wonder why you can't remember anything? I'll bet a metahuman is why." He said, trying his damndest to be the logical one of the group and steer his friends away from his lifestyle. "Seriously. I don't wanna have to bury more friends because of crazy ass meta's..." He was more worried than anything else, and the worst part was that it was 100% genuine.

At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Charlatan August 4th 2015, 11:10 pm

His nervousness to an extent was legitimate, he had found himself worried about Luke and his vigilante kick. The idea of losing a friend to some metahuman was not something that he relished and it was likely he would in this world of metas. So his slight amount of fidgeting, well it would go unnoticed considering it was just the nervous habit he had developed. Still, not like he could risk having Matt know anything about that, unless of course they already knew. There was that whole reading thing, made keeping secrets a lot harder than they had to be. If he didn't know any better, he would have assumed that he was some kind of telepath and the reading thing was just a lie to cover that up. Matt was freaking out and within a few seconds he sort left, leaving them alone within his home. This gave Pat a chance to take a deep breath, running a few fingers through his hair as he turned to Luke.

”Well..that happened.” Pat then noted with an awkward chuckle, sighing as he scratched the side of his head. ”Now, that we have that out of the picture I can talk more...plainly.” His tone suggested that...well he was more than anything going to reveal something. ”You could say I began to do the whole vigilante thing myself, I mean i'm not going after any people like Travis masters but I have gone out a night or two.” he began to explain in his usual roundabout manner, tapping fingers against his thighs while looking to Luke as if expecting some level of understanding. How long it would take Matt to cool off he did not know, but that probably left them a good five minutes at the most. ”Didn't mean to jump on you but...I guess I just don't want to worry a friend, ya know?” He continued while offering a small smile.

”I'd be willing to talk more about it right now but...ya know. We all have our secrets. So i'll call ya later or whatever to talk about it.” Sighing he heard the door open and  shifted back into the seat, sure that he couldn't have been heard from that distance. ”Woah woah woah, whats with this you guys business? It's just him, i'm not involved with this vigilante business.” Pat protested with a roll of the eyes. ”I may be a sad sack but i'm not suicidal.”
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Stoic August 5th 2015, 4:09 am

Ok, now Luke felt like he was insane. Maybe he was, even so that didn't make him feel any better. The fact his friend was acting like he was so stupid hurt him more then he showed, but maybe it was a wake up call. If Matt of all people reacted in such a way maybe this was crazy. Maybe he was a dumbass for trying to go take on the world, alone and with nothing but a handgun and a bag of shit.

"M-Matt! Hold on...and he's gone." Luke said, upset about the whole thing. He thought these two would be more understanding, after all he had know them for like, three or four years now. To think that they could just up and call him stupid and crazy like this hurt Luke, it really did, but maybe they were right. Luke didn't know how long Matt would take to cool off, or even if he would come back, though he didn't seem like one to just up and rage quit. It seemed really out of his character to be doing this, but maybe Luke just didn't know the guy as well as he thought. It appeared him and Pat were left alone to talk now, which was a little odd considering the situation. Some subjects he just wanted to talk to both Zell and Pat about, but then again maybe this time around Pat would be the more understanding one.

The male would go on to reveal he had been going out as a vigilante as well, though likely for a different reason. This shocked Luke really, Pat seemed too shy and passive for such things. But again, you never really knew a person truly. Maybe he should just start expecting the unexpected with these two. Pat offered to talk to him about it all at a later time, which Luke felt was nice. He liked talking to people, venting all that he bottled up in that big ass head of his.

"Well, thanks for that. This is all so crazy i need someone to talk too." Luke said in return. He would respect the fact Pat wanted to keep it from Matt, but why did he tell him? If it was that big of a secret, why trust look not to say anything? Well, maybe he had proven himself to be trust worthy. Either way, it was nice too see someone understood. Eventually Matt would return, presumably after having a talk with whoever he wanted to talk with. Luke knew that taking to someone outside a situation was healthy, so maybe Matt had considered it all and calmed down. He did seem less frustrated, but he continued on to disagree with Luke. Really, mMatt's concerns were real, but Luke didn't care.

"Exactly. Doesn't it piss you off that we have this ever looming threat over the top of us? Anyone, at anytime, could be attacked by a metahuman and subjected to god knows what. Don't you want to change that? As crazy as it sounds, someone needs to make a difference." Luke said, standing up now as the pain in his hands started up again, whether that was becauseo stress or bloodflow he didn't know.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Zell August 5th 2015, 6:50 pm

Thank you Patrick for confirming the suspicion of what Matt believed before hand. After two years of being exposed to him, Matt could arguably say he knew more about Pat than Pat knew about himself. He had a tendency to be defensive, but the very particular way he was defensive was pretty much a flashing sign that said "Don't notice I'm lying." To this Matt only sighed and shook his head, not giving Pat the time of day. They wanted to think they had their secrets and that was fine. But his concerns would still be heard, regardless off what they wanted. For now he needed

 "Of course I want to change it. But you don't need to sacrifice your life doing it. Become a cop or something, don't do...what you're doing. I-I'm not judging you. I'm really not I'm just...for the love of God man...Look, I'll help you however I can but... I can't...and I WON'T run off and do something stupid." He concluded. At least he was willing to keep to character and support his friends. As far as he was concerned they were two of the last five people he actually gave half a damn about. These guys were going be the death of him. Walking over with his arms slightly forward, his movements overly predictable, having no semblance of training or finesse he swiped up the remote and turned the channel over to a different source and clicked the news. Fox news to be exact.

   "Look at that. This channels full of it. Totally fair and unbiased." He said with a slight sarcasm in his voice. Just because he was a pretty solid republican didn't mean he wasn't educated and that he didn't do his research. The truth was stretched by the station, even if it wasn't the intended to do so. Ironically they had a film playing that he didn't recognize, but a suit he very much did.

  "You can see nothing but cruel savagery in the way this guy operates. And the way he dresses it's quite clear that he doesn't see the big picture. There are women and children being exposed to his actions." An older man said, a voice that was attention grabbing with the strain and the frustration present but still calm and collected enough to keep his mind together as the reel played. The image on the television was nothing less than a crumbling building and a metahuman with four white wings sent flying out the side, landing on the ground unconscious as the black suited "villain" appeared with a torn and battered up costume, the left eye of the mask being broken up and fractured all the way down to the jaw. Matt tensed up a little at the sight of the destruction.

  "Now this guy, He's called Archangel and he's helped out people more times than we can count. We've seen him volunteering at Haiti, we've seen him getting kids out of burning buildings." Matt let out a deep sigh as he looked to the face of the fallen "Archangel" and listened to a rather pretty woman voice her opinion, because this is Fox and if half the panel isn't female it's not unbiased. "This video of the strange man was captured by a bystander from their cellphone, we've upped the quality but the most disturbing thing about it is that this is the first time they've been seen. The authorities have no record of this person, no sources no leads. They're still out there, armed and extremely dangerous." Matt clicked the television button. There was a lot of problems going on inside him right now, but they were on the back-burner. What he was going through, what he just felt and witnessed. He was trying to save Luke from that...and officially Pat as well.

  "Wanna go to CNN? The BBC? That really flamboyant peacock channel? Each one just has more reasons." He said with a sigh, running a hand through his hair and looking about from behind his glasses. Closing his similar colored eyes, colored contacts being a practice he held since before meeting these two, he shook his head. He was coming around, but as to be expected he was going through an emotional rollercoaster...or that's how he appeared to be. In his mind he was already moved on, thinking and calculating what to do next with a slight anxiety in his chest.

At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

Post by Charlatan August 5th 2015, 7:41 pm

So he had someone else he could work with, but then again the idea of having someone else with him meant even more strenuous planning. Because, well he wasted enough time doing his own planning, but he was sure he could trust Luke to be intelligent enough to contribute in the planning stages of things, though hopefully not more than him. Becoming redundant would have been quite the terrible thing indeed. They could talk later however, not when Matt was around and still doing the whole worried thing that he was doing. There was something about how there were other ways things could be done, but he didn't quite see a career in law enforcement doing anything. In a sense he saw the worth of it, but in the end they would have been bound by the law, and the law was a rather ineffective thing when dealing with the corrupt.  Typically the smart criminals used the law as a shroud to protect them, that was what made the career path useless, only someone who didn't operate within the law could do anything.

The television would be then changed to Fox News, a network full of so much trash that he did not even know if they told truth. ”Yay Fox news.” Pat said with a dull tone and a roll of his eyes. Honestly, he did not even bother with the news most of the times, but it did help when one did the whole vigilante thing. Still, Fox was not a network he could consider worthy of handing out news, well until tonight anyway when they revealed a rather interesting individual. Someone spoke about someone that did not quite care about children or something like that, a rather sucky individual when he thought about it. There was a video on the screen, someone in a black suit with a shattered mask stepping out over the fallen form of a winged individual.

Honestly, they had that villain look to them, and granted that was what he was being painted as. Gears began to turn in his head as he reclined in his chair, trying and mostly succeeding in keeping a straight face. If anything, it would likely be construed as shock at what he  was seeing, granted things were as they were. Perhaps worry over the thought of Luke having to deal with that. ”Yeah, there a lot of bad guys out there. The guy in black, that one chick with the fake tits. Very dangerous.” Pat said with a nod, not quite remembering or knowing names, because well...that would be breaking the fourth wall dammit. ”But I have a feeling changing your mind is not a possibility, doesn't look like it anyway.” He shrugged, with an almost disappointed sigh.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Now I don't believe men are born to be killers, I don't believe the world can't be saved."

"I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 208
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl) Empty Re: At least I'm not in Canada anymore. (Humanity and Withdrawl)

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