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Mimicry is the highest form of flattery [Xoader]

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Mimicry is the highest form of flattery [Xoader] Empty Mimicry is the highest form of flattery [Xoader]

Post by Arcana July 18th 2015, 10:19 pm

Personal missions for Sean were not too common but then again not many metahumans required Apex to deal with them. Sure, many people could argue that very few people actually needed his interference but then again if he did nothing he would growl lazy and that only led to sloth. So that was why Sean found himself being given an actual target, suggesting a singular person rather than the usual multiple people. This suggested the person he dealt with was either highly dangerous or just really powerful, either of which could have been a valid reason to send someone like Apex after them. Softly glowing silver eyes fell upon one of the many suited agents, considering them with silent interest. As every other agent he met, they were usually older than him and had a certain hardy appearance about them, this one being in their late thirties.

Already he could spy graying within their dark brown colored hair, a slight spark present within otherwise dull brown eyes.Also like the other agents, they were dreadfully dull. ”So what...i'm s'posed to be hunting down some former meta-assassin?” Sean would ask simply with a single raised brow, arms crossed over his chest while he then considered the folder within their hand. Not that he wouldn't do it, but Sean had his own curious streaks.

“Yes, that is the mission. They've been attempting to go into hiding for a while but we've tracked them down in New York. The details will be in this envelope.” Handing the information over, Sean would snatch it up and dig through it rapidly, eyes clawing for any information that he would find useful. Nothing that would prove annoying at any rate, unless their powers worked differently than was documented within this thing. It was always possible but he would just assume The Agency did their homework well enough, because usually that was the case. Once Sean finished reading up, he nodded and looked back to the agent.

”So why aren't you sending the jolly giant?” Sean would then ask, more curious why they weren't sending the inferior Gizmo more than anything. Granted he preferred to call them Gadgets little toy.

“Gizmo is busy doing other things.” They would respond, which was expected but all Apex did was nod as if understanding.

”Well I better get ready. Don't want to waste any of my precious time.” With that done he would find some quiet transport into new York city, considering that normally he would want to avoid drawing attention with one of those loud pods. Great transportation, but in the end they were nothing more than annoying. Time seemed to blur together, but it did not take too long before he was in The Big Apple once again. As always he found a way to get himself a nice room, perhaps it was just the use of a certain someones money. A quick shower washed away the grime of a long travel and toweling off his hair, Sean would do a little research on where his target was.

It was the time when the sun was just beginning to go down, coloring the horizon a beautiful shade of pink mixed with red and some yellow. Dressed up in a pair of khaki cargo shorts and a t-shirt Sean brought with him, he thought he looked pretty normal; once the whole glowing eyes thing was toned back a little. Grabbing a car that looked pretty messed up through a few less than savory means, he began the driving portion until the mechanics shop in question came into view. It was all he expected from one of those little shops, with a slightly grungy exterior and overall a sort of endearing exterior. Through use of those xenogens of his, Sean forced some facial hair growth to the point of scruff along his jaw and neckline. Stepping out of the left door, he walked around looking for someone on duty.

”Hello? Anywhere here? My cars been actin up and I was hopin you could fix'er up.” He said out loud, adding in a rather mild southern twang because it just worked.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Mimicry is the highest form of flattery [Xoader] Empty Re: Mimicry is the highest form of flattery [Xoader]

Post by Xoader July 18th 2015, 10:38 pm

The sun began to set, James co-workers started to clock out their hours and head home. But not James, he decided to hang back and do some overtime working on the cars on his own, most of the guys didn't approve since he could get hurt while being alone. James didn't really care, it's been several months since he killed Frant and they only sent four guys to hunt James down so far, it's been a little peaceful lately, so he's due for another to show up somehow.

James was finishing up with a 92' Honda Civic, brake lines needed to be bled and repaired since the owner said they burst. So in retrospect of that, he did what he could to repair it and went ahead and tuned it so the timing was proper, tires were full of air at the proper psi and the clutch wasn't sticking like the owner stated it did. James was then finished and began to wash up by going over to the sink and poured gasoline on a rag and wiped the oil and grease off his hands and then rinsed them under water. Once all cleaned up to the best of his ability, he went into a locker area type room and changed into pants, shirt and trench coat. Pulling his ink blot mask over his head and placing his 40's style trilby.

Upon exit he clocked out and began to turn the lights until he heard a voice, seemingly odd for this type of area, southern sounding... James thought that it was particularly odd at this time and city and quickly reached for his bag and pulled out his baton, placing it under his jacket, as well as his glock. James then called out saying, "
Yeah, I'm in here, I'll be out in a second.", with that he exited the shop, locking it up and walking into the "reception" room Apex was in, a little thrown off by the beard and such, but stayed prepared just in case it was another robbery just like last week, why they rob a mechanic garage? James didn't know, James just got prepared and said, "What exactly do you need?"


Status :

Quote : "Order and chaos, you can only have one or the other, which one do you fight for?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Location : Canada, Ontario
Job : Coder
Registration date : 2015-07-18

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Mimicry is the highest form of flattery [Xoader] Empty Re: Mimicry is the highest form of flattery [Xoader]

Post by Arcana July 19th 2015, 2:10 am

With arms crossed over his chest, Sean let his eyes dart over the room around him with silent bemusement. Something about the place was quaint, sort of something he was expecting from the information that he was given. This reminded him why he hated beards, they always itched at this stage of growth and Sean ended up scratching them irritated, a small scowl forming upon his lips. From what he could tell, something was going on in here. Then again this was a car shop, so likely someone was working on a vehicle in this shop. Tapping a foot rhythmically against the floor, he hummed softly and waited for someone to appear. It took only a few minutes, Sean turning towards them with a soft smile. The acting came natural to him, and one who knew him would find that surprising.

The male had walked through the door, looking somewhat like the picture given to him in that neat little folder. Resting against the wall with an elbow, friendly as could be with a contemplative look. ”Howdy. You work around here right? I was hoping to find someone to be able to fix up my car and I heard fine things about this place.” A stretch of the truth but nothing more than that. There had been some good things said about the shop, but nothing phenomenal, not that his simple persona would think that. They were the handsome sort, but then again Sean was known for his phenomenally low standards, or rather loose standards. Still, that was important when he had to be sure to make all of the right moves, which also meant making the whole posture thing work.

”I reckon you'll be able to help me out.” He then said raising an eyebrow, wondering what the male would say.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Mimicry is the highest form of flattery [Xoader] Empty Re: Mimicry is the highest form of flattery [Xoader]

Post by Xoader July 19th 2015, 3:07 am

Standing there with his hands in his trench coat pockets, he looked over Apex and knew there was something off, but James just nodded and said, "Right, well I can go check the car out real fast and assess somethings, anything that's major will have to be repaired tomorrow since my shift is done.", James then began to walk out the door and into the front parking lot seeing the lone car in the lot, James began to walk around it and assess it visually, and quickly approached the hood of the vehicle, opening it he began to look at it.

The engine was rusted and seemingly worn out, pulling out the dip stick for the oil showed that it was due for a oil change. James also saw that it may need a refill on windshield washer fluid. After looking it over visually he closed the hood and said, "It's probably doing a few hiccups cause you're low on oil, get it changed and the problem should be fixed."


Status :

Quote : "Order and chaos, you can only have one or the other, which one do you fight for?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Location : Canada, Ontario
Job : Coder
Registration date : 2015-07-18

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Mimicry is the highest form of flattery [Xoader] Empty Re: Mimicry is the highest form of flattery [Xoader]

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