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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Orsy May 27th 2015, 9:53 am

It was about midday when a blistering heat wave threw down its sweaty jockstrap on the city of New York.  The air was so humid you’d need gills just to breathe easy, and the heat itself made people look like they just got back from jumping into their neighbor's pool in full clothing.  Global warming's a bitch, right?  It's only May!  It's only supposed to be hot as balls in like, July!

Anyway, we’re off topic here…

Hikari Nagato lets out a deep, heat stricken, sigh as she adjusts her positioning on a towel.  She was lying down on her back, wearing a black bikini with purple trim, dark sunglasses, and a thick layer of sun-tan lotion.  Its really hot, so Hikari thought it’d be best to miss yet another day at work and head to Jacob Riis Park just outside the city, where there was a relatively clean beach and the water didn’t have condoms floating in it.  Having alot of skin did well to show off the long strip of japanese characters tattooed along her right arm from her shoulder to her palm which looked like this: “隆とヒカル愛する家族.”

Hikari was a bit irritated at this point, she spent most of her time at the beach telling the air-headed beach bums to fuck off when they flirt with her.  Despite the fact that she was currently seeing someone, she had no interest in people with the mental capacity of a chop stick.  “‘Ey dudette, you lookin’ nice in the sun, you need someone to rub some lotion on your back?” Some sandy blond haired guy with chiseled abs said to her while casting a shadow with his body.  He was tall, wearing a speedo and holding a volley ball under his arm. Ugh… he smells like fish tacos and cheap booze.. what a cook.. she thought to herself as she eyed this guy.  

“I’m sure I can handle it myself.. I’m a big girl and all..  plus you’re busy with finding a new beach ball for your little game..” She snickers and discretely points a finger at his ball, and with a flash of purple light, the ball popped.  “Now go kick sand in a kid’s face or something, you’re blocking my sun..” She completely ignores him at this point, causing the guy to frown and walk away in defeat.

“Fuckin’ bum..” She says under her breath and reaches to her left to grab a water bottle from her cooler and takes a drink.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Shadowoof May 27th 2015, 10:49 am

It had been a few days senice Faith had left The strange city with small people. Where ever he was, He was quite sure if he continued though the water for some time he would make it back to the shores of Tolmac. Where ever the mage had sent him was indeed strange yet intriguing but it would be nice to find the city of his friend Westly. It would also be better to not have to swim with this sword of his, it's weight finally appearing to take action due to Faithtorias strained body from swimming with one hand and his weapon with the other.

A few hours later, Faithtorias was able to finally catch site from a distance the looks of yellow, the grain people from Tolmac called sand. Faith always found the sand relaxing for some reason, maybe it was just a get away from the blood and death that followed him but it was nether more fun then slicing the head off his opponents. Getting closer and closer, he could feel earth under his feet and relaxed as he stood on the dirt, walking forward slowly, people from the beach started to point at him and his sword as he rose from the water. These people were not as small as those before but he wondered why they wore even less clothes then normal. And again they wore strange clothes compared to what his homeland wore.

Distracted by the sound of a thump next to him, Faithtorias looked down to see a small spherical object at his feet, looking upwards to approaching footsteps, he saw a blond haired man look at him with small amount of fear and curiosity. "Where Am I?" Faith asked as with a deep voice as he lifted his sword and stuck it into the ball, it's width and force easily slicing it in two while the sword drove though the sand and to the earth. The man backing away while talking about how this is the second ball. He heard more flashes and saw more small boxes. A small frown on his face as he stood still and waited for someone to answer his question instead of flashing him with their lights. "WHERE AM I?" he yelled with ferocity, angered that they had no common courtesy to answer him but instead sit and annoy with their small boxes that made the light.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Data May 27th 2015, 12:44 pm

Heat was not something New York was known for, especially not in the month of May, but considering the fact a cold snap just happened in LA Jake was open to the idea of literally any kind of weather happening anywhere. Next thing you knew people would be going to the north pole to have some fun in the sun. Regardless of the oddness of it all, his pale body needed a bit of tan, so it was welcome. He was easily the whitest guy there, and he would likely get burned, but he could really give a shit less.

He had went to go get them some sandwiches at some beach food stand, even though he didn't mind paying for them, he couldn't help but mumble about how overpriced they were. Seriourly, $11 for a fucking six inch, what was this world coming too? After buying them along with some chips, not the bagged kind, actual steak fries, he walked back down to the beach. He noticed a guy walking away from Hikari with a look of rejection on his face, he also had a popped ball in his hand, Jake could only chuckle at the sight.

"This is not that guys best day, a popped ball and.....a fried phone." Jake said as his eyes momentarily turned green, signaling the use of his powers. Yes, he fucked up the guys iphone, big whoop, he's choatic good after all. Sitting down Jake offered Hikari her lunch, which was served in one of those cardboard boat things. Taking a big, and probably unflattering bite, Jake spoke with his mouth full

"Hope you like roast beef." He said, taking a long drag from his drink. Suddenly he noticed a guy literally walk out of the water, a huge guy, with a sword. Jesus, what other weird shit could the world show him? He couldn't help but laugh, a lot, at the guy getting another ball messed up. It seemed if you hit on Hikari your entire day was fated to be shit.
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Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Orsy May 27th 2015, 1:13 pm

Okay, apparently Poseidon decided he wanted to see what the western world looked like, because this massive man was storming up from the shore with a fuckin’ broadsword.  Hikari lives in a world of metas, aliens, and magic shit, but this was still kind of weird.  Her eyes were taken off of the big guy and focused on Jake, giving him a smile as she takes the food. “Yeah, I love beef, thanks.” Her body slowly leans onto Jake’s affectionately if he sat down.

After taking a bite she looks back at the man from the deep, raising an eyebrow as he questions where he is.  Who the fuck doesn’t know what New York is?  She shakes her head slowly and continues to watch him, leaning over to speak to Jake, “You see Conan over there?  Walking up onto the beach with a massive sword, he’s going to get his ass shot off by the PD..”  She takes another bite from her sandwich and sighs, “I hope he’s not a prick, I’m not in costume and it’s too hot for this shit..”
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Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Shadowoof May 27th 2015, 6:23 pm

Faith stood their and waited for a little, maybe they were just afraid of him? Then he wasn't anywhere near Tolmac then. The people over their knew who he was afraid or not, they would have answered him. His thought was interrupted when a small girl passed by him and poked him. He looked down at her and knelled, his hand on top of her head which he could have easily crushed her skull with. "Do you know where I am?" He asked and which the girl replied with beach.

He allowed the girl freedom and stood up as he looked around at the beach. "Beach." He said quietly as he turned back to the water while lifting his sword with one hand and then holding it with two. Pulling the sword to his side in a position for a sweeping attack, he did so with with enough force to activate the small magic crystal that rested in the middle. Releasing a follow up wave of purple kinetic energy that shot above the water. "Magic still work... Where am I." Faith asked himself the question now, was he in his own world anymore? He stabbed the sword into the sand again and sat down next to it, looking towards the ocean. Recalculating what his contract was. Find the wizards that wish to discover dimensional travel and kil.. Dimensional travel. That is what the dying mage had done, he finished the spell. And Tested it on the only man who would survive.

"Stupid Wizards and their magic. Why couldn't they be like giants and smash." Faith wined as he looked at the water that curled around his foot before seeping back to the sea. Westly, Magnus, Sora.. Sarah. All gone, he was no more in that world. "Stupid, Stupid Wizard."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Data May 27th 2015, 10:01 pm

Jake just sat there, casually eating while staring at the guy from a distance. It seemed thats also what Hikari was doing, but who wouldn't stare at a huge guy with a huge ass sword? A girl approached, and thank god she wasn't like crushed or something. Maybe this guy wasn't as bad as he seemed. He shot some light out from his sword, for whatever reason. It didn't seem to harm anyone or anything, so for the moment they could just enjoy their food and the beach.

"You'd probably over heat in all that leather. Seriously, i hope this whether isn't as mysterious as what i ran into in LA." Jake said, referencing his time in the city. He had more or less told Hikari the whole story about the ice creatures and stuff. As crazy as that day was though, he had brought it up a lot lately, so he should probably shut up about it now.

"So what do you think? Sonic gauntlet or laser c.." Jake said before getting cut off by the sound of an explosion behind them. One of the hotels was on fire, and there were dudes flying very fast on gliders, shooting things.

"What the fuck..." Jake said taking a bite of his sandwich before getting up with a sigh.

"I guess we're working today." Jake said as he brushed the sand from himself and put his t shirt back on.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Orsy May 28th 2015, 11:58 am

Hikari really does need to get a new outfit to run around kicking ass in, her leather suit is not only uncomfortable to wear, but it looks like a straight up gimp suit.  Only chicks who are into some fucked up sexual shit wear that much leather.  She only picked the material because if she were to fall when running at high speeds, leather’s a good material to not let her ass get scraped off.  “Yeah… All this leather really sucks… I need to design a better outfit.” She sighs and continues to watch the big guy.

Her eyes turned to Jake as he was asking her opinion on what sort of weapon he could use, but the statement was cut short by the loud fucking explosion in the background.  Hikari let out a loud gasp when she saw the fire from the building and got to her feet so fast that her chest had a hard time keeping up with the rest of her.  “Oh shit..” She watched as a bunch of guys on flying things came out from the mayhem and began to shoot at people.

“Can’t have.. one day at the beach can we?  Agh…!” She growls in sheer irritation as she kneels down and opens up a backpack she brought along.  Inside the bag was, fortunately, a full bodied, skin-tight black leather suit and a helmet with weird ear looking things.  “Atleast I came prepared for this bullshit.. pricks ruined my beach day!” She had a bit of a snap as she lifted up her hand and went to shoot a powerful beam of purple light up at one of the guy’s gliders, hoping to take him down to the ground.

Hikari turns to Jake before placing her backpack over her shoulder, “See what you can do about grounding those assholes, I’ll make a quick run through the building for survivors..” And with that statement, she was gone in a flash of purple light.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Shadowoof May 28th 2015, 6:16 pm

Faithtorias had almost fallen to sleep.. Almost. The noise of an explosion usually made when the wizards shot that somewhat large fireballs could be heard and Faithtorias turned around to see one of those tall buildings be Destroy by.... Flying men. "What the fuck." Faith said in stunned silence as he looked at the flying men, sending physical looking objects at the buildings which then created the explosion his worlds fireballs made when they too had hit a building. Faith stood up and grabbed his sword before flipping the blunt side as he went to rest it on his shoulder so he wouldn't be cut by his own blade and began to jog closer only to see a girl their then gone in a flash of purple. "Arrrrrr. Ok." Faith said as he continued forward where the girl once stood and waved his hand about to see if she was just invisible as he couldn't see any footprints in the sand. Once he was sure, Faithtorias would grab the bell that rested on his belt and focused his energy to it as he chose what miracle to use. Soon anyone looking would see a orange lighting bolt that looked like the giant held it in his hand instead of a bell.

Pulling his arm back, he watched the flying men's movement and saw one flying in a straight line, Aiming a little ahead of his movement, Faith would then throw the Lighting spear at a fast speed. Even if he missed which Faith thought he wouldn't their was a chance the bolt would bend to chase it's prey. "Men Flying. Tis be a strange world indeed."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Data May 29th 2015, 5:32 pm

The men on gliders looked kind of robotic, but they weren't, it was likely just some really odd armor. They all sped around shooting things, pretty pointlessly. What could be the motive for this? Jake didn't really have time to debate that, there were people to save. In all honesty these glider dudes picked the wrong day to attack a beach, a giant dude, a speedster, and someone that could throw them out of the sky with a thought were all there.

Hikari seemed to have the same idea because she suggested it before running off to get people out of the burning building. He listened of course, because well it was the most logical move. Reaching out with his mind he connected to all the gliders, their computer controls only made it easier for him. He made them short out with a thought, all of them. The armored guys all came falling into the beach, and one was like, totally incinerated by the attack the giant made. Things seemed to be going pretty well.

"Arghh!! Maddening fools! Shutting down our gliders will only make your deaths more painful and drawn out!" One of the robot dudes said, he seemed to be the leader because he wore a dark green cloak, where as the others didn't. Could have been a bluff, but Jake didn't think these guys were that clever. There were about thirty of them total, all now getting up and pointing laser guns at Jake and the giant.

Thinking fast, Jake teleported to a high point on the board walk above the beach, then reactivated the gliders. They all flu on their own accord, hovering above the group of villains. In the next instant the gliders opened fire on their previous owners, shredding them all to nothing, except for the green cloaked guy, who seemed to have put up a shield. Jake couldn't do anything with it, must not have been tech based. The technopath decided to just throw the gliders at the guy, but they too just exploded on the guys shield with no effect.

"Ahahahahaha, Foooools! I'm invincible!" The villain sue chuckled. This guy was seriously lame.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Orsy May 30th 2015, 10:40 am

Hikari suited up in no time flat, being capable of such feats due to the fact that she’s a fricken speedster.  She wastes absolutely no time zipping through the burning apartment, not having to worry about getting burned while she’s running, the flames not being able to burn a streak of pure energy.  Though one thing really bothered her, the heat.  I’m roasting alive in this fucking suit!  If I don’t get out of here quickly I’ll melt!  She thought to herself as she checks room after room for trapped civilians.  Though so far it seems to Hikari that these terrorists are the biggest morons in the business because they targeted a hotel with an extremely slim vacancy.

Well, the place wasn’t totally empty as the heroine stopped running at the sound of a screaming woman.  The sound of the fire and building losing its structural integrity was too loud for Neon to pinpoint her location by just listening for her.  “Lady!  I’m here to get you out!  Just calm down and tell me where you are!”  She yelled out over the roar of the flames.  The woman screamed out in a panic, “P-please help me!  Th-the fire!  I-It’s everywhere!!  H-help me please!!” Neon sighed and clenches her fist, getting frustrated.  She hates dealing with panicked individuals, they are so hard to work with. “Listen!  I’m coming to save you!  But I do not know where you are!  Tell me what room you’re staying in!”  The panicking woman screamed out, “R-room 347!  Help me please!!”  That was all Neon needed, she quickly searched for the room and in no time found it.  It was blocked by some fallen debris, “Okay!  I’m here!  Stand away from the door, I’m coming in to get you!”  She called out as she lifts her hand up at the debris and fires an intense beam of purple energy, slicing through the blockage like butter and kicks the door with enough force to send it off its hinges.

The woman was immediately on her, crying and screaming frantically as she hugs onto the heroine for dear life.  Oh great, one of these… why can’t people just realise when they flip the fuck out it makes it harder for me to rescue their dumb asses!? She curses silently to herself as she gently pushes the woman from her.  “Hold onto my hand, and stay close, but for FUCK sake!  KEEP CALM!” The heroine yelled, losing her cool for a second.  Then comes Neon’s next issue, if she ran as fast as she could while holding onto the woman she’ll just phase right through her body and probably leave her with some nasty burns.  She’s going to have to move as fast as she can.. without her powers.

After a couple minutes of traversing through a maze of destroyed hallways and staircases, and after a couple close calls with falling debris, Neon made it to the front of the building unscathed as well as the woman holding onto her hand.  The front door was blocked by more debris but that wasn’t a problem because the heroine merely sliced through it like she did with the lady’s room.  They were finally out, the woman was saved and was taken into the custody of the EMTs.

Though Neon’s job wasn’t done yet, another frantic woman ran up to her from inside the crowed, “Please! Miss!  My ten year old son is still in there!  I left him in the apartment for like ten minutes to get a carton of milk!  Please save him!  He’s in room 309!”  She pleaded with the black clad woman.  Fuck… can never get a break.. “I’ll be right back.” Neon nodded to the woman before running back into the inferno in a flash of purple light.  Within the second she was at the room, the door was closed and locked, sooned to be unlocked with a quick kick.  “Little boy!?  Come on kid talk to me!  We need to get the hell out of here!”  A small child crawls out from underneath a bed and looked up at the heroine with fear in his eyes.  

Neon quickly walked closer towards him when a loud boom was heard in the background.  She quickly looked behind her and saw the hallway completely filling up with flames, one of the gas generators on the ground floor cracked and started to leak natural gas, the whole building is about to blow.  Thinking very fast, the heroine ran at the boy and threw him into her arms, sprinting as fast as humanly possible towards the window, turning her back to the glass and leaping at it.  They both crashed through the glass window, Neon wrapping her arms and legs around the boy’s body to shield him from the blast that blew out through the window just after they escaped.  Neon fell three stories with the boy in her arms, landing hard on a parked car in the street below, denting in its roof and shattering all the glass windows in the impact.

Neon grunts loudly as that hurt like hell, but she was alive and more importantly the kid was alive and unhurt.  The mother of the child rushed over, panicking from the sight of their fall.  The boy quickly hops down from the car and ran to her, “Mommy!” He cries loudily once he was in her arms.  The mother looked up at the heroine who was just lying down in a crater on a car, “Bless you… bless your heart…” Neon just lifted up her arm and gave her a thumbs up, too much in pain at the moment to give her a dignified response.  She just stared up at the clouds, waiting for the feeling in her back to return to normal, “....Fuck… me…”
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Shadowoof May 31st 2015, 6:05 am

Faith watched as the bolt stuck one of the flyers and as he fell, he noticed the rest were falling too. When the ones still alive landed, they were aiming their guns at him and the kid nearby. Faith was about to warn the kid to move when he just vanished out of no where. Like no the girl only he didn't leave any purple stuff behind. His mouth opened at the weirdness, flying people, disappearing people. And the weapons they held in their hands, one shot off and the laser stuck faith in the chest, leaving a fair bruise on his skin. "Wow." Faith would say as he looked at the mark on his skin. These mortals had advanced weapons indeed if they were able to damage his skin like his weapon did. Soon enough, instead of more laser they were set on by their own weapons that would hover above and fire on them. All would fall except for one in green that seemed to have some sort of barrier around him.

Faith, still holding his bell shook it around a little more and focused his energy into it until it shined bright like a star. After he would bring it so his blade's side and move it down the blade in which it would soon start to crackle to life with electricity. Quickly Faith would return the bell to his pocket and and grab a hold of the handle with both hands, running towards the Green clothed man with his blade held well above both Faith and the man for a downward slash at him. Releasing an electric kinetic wave before the blade would hit with it's sharp side.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
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Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

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Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

Post by Data June 1st 2015, 4:36 am

Jake saw in the distance Hikari walk out of the building, only to zoom back inside upon being confronted my some lady, likely telling the speedster about someone else stuck in the building. Jake hoped she would finish up soon, he really couldn't do much to this guy and the giant hadn't shown very much promise so far, hopefully that would change. As if to remove Jakes doubts about him, the giant electrified his sword in some way and swung it at the green cloaked guy. It lit up the sky momentarily, crashing down on the villain with immense power. However, it would hit only sand. With a snap of his fingers the cloaked man teleported ever so slightly out of the way of the attack.

"Hahahahahahaha.... Don't you see? This is fruitless! Even if i don't manage to teleport, i can shield myself! Now burn! Burn like the fools you are!" The villain screamed. Oh jesus, was Jake thrown into a cartoon over night? What world did this guy fall out of? The cloaked dude then decided he would make his own attack. Lifting his arms up into the air he called down a massive bolt of lightning from the sky, directing it at the giant. Just as Jake felt like he would have to just sit and watch the more powerful members of his group of misfits take action, he heard a pilots radio frequency. There was a jet nearby. Oh, how awesome. He would need to get it closer to directly control it, but that was easy enough to do. With a few thoughts he started manipulating the signals around him, tapping into them in an effort to hack the jets control system. In moments, he was done, and the jets course changed. It was headed right for the beach now. Once there well, maybe it could help them take this dick out.
Post Mate
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Quote : Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate. -Alvin Toffler

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Location : On the internet
Age : 28
Job : Part time teen hero.
Humor : i supposed to put a joke in here?
Registration date : 2014-11-18

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Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data) Empty Re: Not the Strangest Thing to Come Out of New York's Beaches....(Faithtorias, Neon, and Data)

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