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Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by Atlas May 7th 2015, 10:40 pm

He didn’t really expect a response as far as his own life, but likely the guy would have been interested in knowing something like that. To know the person they were sharing a room with was versed in the arts of stealth, and could likely pick them off in their sleep was always fun to know. The organic metal tail that jutted from his human body would twitch slightly, scraping along the floor with the sharp barbed tip as if feeling the place out. It was now acting more like a finger tracing over a surface, bored with life more than anything else.

That was when he heard something, a jingling sound and then a door opening. His eyes narrowed into predatory slits, as his posture changed ever so slightly as if much like predator ready to leap should he have the excuse. Ripping from his throat was a growl that no human tongue could make, lips curling into a threatening expression. ”I don’t know who these people are, but one of them reeks of blood.” His growling voice would note, his body already tensed up to transform within less than second. Sure, he could not pierce them with his tail but they didn’t know that.

So he had the illusion of a weapon and that was more than he had in this form. They smelled like danger, and he did not trust that.

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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by creator May 7th 2015, 10:54 pm

"Who the Fu-?!" Yumo began as he started to walk towards both the assailants before Eeli looked In alarm and snatched him by his color and covering his mouth. He then let him go as he shoved him behind him. "No fighting unless they strike first." Eeli whispered to him. He then raised the key he had in his hand. "The lady downstairs gave it to us." He began as he looked at the potential enemies.

Yumo stared at the man with the bright blue arm as streams of electricity charged the air around them. He stared as he made it his primary objective not to take the mans arm. Yumo then glanced off to his right to see the naked guy preparing to pounce as he stared angrily at the two before him. Something in him clicked on for a second and yumo's eye changed from hazel to a vibrant blood red as his body began to give off murderous vibe known to scare demons twice the mans size away.

He quickly stopped and looked away retracting all actions he just took. "Yumo....stop instigating." Eeli said in a low growl as he attempted to make peace.




Karah (Renegade)
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Post by Adom May 7th 2015, 11:07 pm

The girl was trying to respond when Chris changed back into his alien form. I kind of like it now that I knew he was on my side. Rather daunting and dangerous if you asked me. Since he looked to be an up close fighter, I would likely stay back and throw a few bolts here and there while recharging from the appliances around me. I looked around myself while the man was explaining that they were given a key from the lady down stairs. I shook my head. Finding what I needed, I wouldn't grab for it yet.

Well then it would be nice if you left now. Because this is my room.

I was going to be an ass to them. They entered my abode, and then said it was their place, only for the girl to suddenly become inflamed with red eyes, and was clearly wanting to go on a rampage. However, I knew all too well that there was a chance I could take her down with Chris.

Either leave with the pissy girl now, or we will remove you ourselves.

And I was not threatening. I was making a promise.

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Post by Atlas May 7th 2015, 11:21 pm

Without even thinking about it, he had slipped into his blessed form, a large imposing figure well over 9 feet with long caws that rent flesh and the ability to tear most apart with impressive physical strength. He made no move to attack, but his entire body was ready should they do anything against them. The human he had helped said it would be better if they left, but something told him they would not, one smelt of blood and looked more ready to fight them than anything else. They would likely not be an easy foe, but then again he had no intentions of fighting them directly.

This mechanic had referred to one as a girl, but they did not smell female to him, though human females might have smelt differently than their own. Each muscle was drawn taut like a rubber band, prepared to put him into motion at a second’s notice, his breath having become nothing more than a silent whisper, something that only those with enhanced hearing could likely hear. While the guy was speaking for him, Nɇaroviin had no problem removing the two if they made themselves a threat to him.

So for now, he would wait for an attack or more words.
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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by creator May 7th 2015, 11:36 pm

The naked guy transformed almost instantaneously into an odd creature that reminded eeli of something, but he couldn't quite put his finger to it. Suddenly his vampire half slipped and all he felt was the danger of the man turned beast. Eeli shook it off and was about to tell the two that he was going go talk to the lady when The man made one of the worst comments possible in a situation like this. "No." Eeli said as he tried to block his friend but it was too late.

Blazin red eyes stared at the man as Yumo grabbed the door and easily yanked it off of the hinges holding it up. He then fluidly threw it towards the man like a shuriken and Swung his other hand sending three streams of crimson blood shooting towards the man forming Saw Blades mid way.

Eeli watched the creature who would likely intervene. If it moved he would move as well and if he attacked he would move in to counter it.




Karah (Renegade)
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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by Adom May 7th 2015, 11:58 pm

As Chris formed into his beast, I kept my eye on the people who had entered the room. Resulting in a fight by the looks of how angry the little girl was. I mean, she was a girl right? maybe? either way, suddenly he/she broke the door of the hinges and threw it at me with such strength. My eyes widened and I let my body drop down to my knees. Bending my head over backwards to avoid the door, yet I was hit in the chin with the door nob as it passed by. laying me flat onto the ground.

Before I could think, I rolled towards the kitchen table and came up in the roll to grab the kitchen knife on the counter. Turning to face the two, my left than let out a blast of lightning towards them. Should they try to come near me, I had my knife, and my powers. Hopefully that would keep them off of me, and focused on Chris so I could hit them from a range.

Yes I know that was making Chris the main target. But seeing as how he didn't seem to have any range type attacks, I would have to fill that spot naturally. Once more, I fired another shot, but only after charging it for a second to create a stronger blast. Sending it at them almost like I was shooting it from my hand.

Hit me again! I'll fucking shock you!

Man was I an ass today.

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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by Atlas May 8th 2015, 12:04 am

It was all spelled out within the anger that was bubbling upwards from the male, like a sickening cloud almost. They would attack, and he was ready for it, even before the door had been ripped off its hinges and thrown their way. The electrokinetic would duck out of the way, before relocating, leaving to deal with whatever attacks were coming his way, tail rapidly stabbing into door while one hand would reach out and grab it. The motion was so quick that it was likely that no one would have seen it happening, nails burying into the very wood that formed it.

With this, he would twist his body to throw it to meet with the three saw blades of blood that were flying towards him, not slowing them down by too much but he had a small amount of time. Xander was out of the way, so he would rush forward with subsonic speeds, but speeds that ranked around over four hundred mph, easily ducking out of the way of the blades with ease, closing the distance. To anyone without enhanced perception or reflexes, it would look like he had disappeared and then appeared before two with one hand raised, ready to bring it down.

It was not meant to kill, but he hoped to use this strike to knock the angry male out with one blow.
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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by creator May 8th 2015, 12:20 am

Eeli watched as the man began to shoot streams of electricity towards Yumo. He shook his head letting his guard down for a second missing the moment when the beast moved to give a large blow to Yumo. Eeli Began to release his normal state and transformed into his hero outfit which was known to him as his half vampire state. He then used the tension in the air and absorbed the violent aura into his hands.

If the creature swung downwards he would make contact with eeli's palms sending a violent wave through it's body or shell depending on if the hands were shielded or not, he couldn't tell.

Yumo smiled as the man made such a useless threat. He slammed his hand into the floor and 12 tendrils erupted from several parts of the building and began to swarm The man trying to hide in the kitchen. The tendrils ripped through the walls as they went lash out near him as if they whips.

Eeli began to stare at the creature as he scanned him.




Karah (Renegade)
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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by Adom May 8th 2015, 7:43 am

While the other two started to fight, I knew that the other would come for me. Seeing as how I did kind of instigate the situation by being an ass. Eh, who could blame me. While the girl, now I noticed was a man, slammed his fist into the ground. Sending tendrils of power at me. While I would have loved to simply blast them away with energy, I probably didn't have enough to keep going even if he came up with another attack. With how they seemed to try and whip me.

There was no real way to defend against it. More so just dodging it, and maybe using the surroundings to my advantage. As the closest tongue of energy shot out for me, I ducked. Letting it fly over my head in almost a crack. Feeling the wind on my face as I dropped down further as another struck out against me. Now I had no where to go but up. And in this case, backwards. I pushed with my feet. Rolling backwards over my shoulder as I came up to raise my left hand. Lightning energy coursing across my arm collected and blasted out at him.

Might as well fight the source right?

Maybe I was wrong, but I have never fought another Metahuman before. Mostly just thugs. So this was all new to me, and powers that I would have to learn how to fight against as quick as I could. Or I would not be coming out of this alive.

Jesus Christ am I not in a good spot.

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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by Atlas May 8th 2015, 11:55 am

The alien had raised its hand to strike down Yumo, but was met with a strange burst of energy colliding with his abdomen. The pain was there as dull as it did, sending him stumbling back a few feet, a low gurgling sound emanating from his mouth. It hurt, but it would take more than pain to take him down. Still, it looked like he would need to do something other than upfront fighting, so he did the next best thing and leapt upwards to cling to the ceiling. With ease he could cling there for a long as he wanted, tail changing position and jabbing out at the male. It wasn’t to hit him, more to keep them moving.

Taking down his foes discretely was a talent of his, which was usually easy with those too focused upon fighting to do anything else. Sadly, this building did not have a large enough ventilation system to support him, otherwise he could have used that to his advantage. With his rather skillful use of silent movement, he could have done something else but direct fighting it was. With them likely too focused upon dodging, he would then propel himself downward at them, aiming to kick them with superhuman force.

Even if they dodged, he would have taken the floor out beneath them.
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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by creator May 8th 2015, 6:40 pm

Yumo looked over at Eeli and laughed rudely. "I'd appreciate if you didn't flirt with the enemy." He called as he leaned out of the way of the blast of lightning. The tendrils vanished and Were replaced by blood bullets tearing through the walls like paper as the room began to crumble.

Eeli looked quickly in shock and embarrassment before returning to the creature. "I am not." He said with a slight anger. As the beast jumped on the ceiling to attack them from above Eeli would jump onto the wall and thrust himself forward as he attempted to grab the creature's tail and slam him through the floor.




Karah (Renegade)
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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by Adom May 8th 2015, 7:17 pm

My blast had missed, and I had been avoiding the whip strikes pretty well so far. But then they shortened and flashed at me. They zoomed, and I had to act fast. Instead of ducking and running away, I rushed forward. Falling down to my knees once more, and even further to be on my back and sliding towards the man. Letting the bullets slam into the ground inches from my head as I kept moving forward due to momentum.

My left hand once more charging a bolt of lightning, and when pushing up with my legs, I came once more back to my knees. Flinging the blast at him. This time I was at a closer range, and getting closer every blinks worth of time. I brought one leg up near the end of my slide, pushing myself up to run at him from the short distance I was. Using the knife like a sword, I swung out at his chest. Coming from his left side as I was using the knife in my right hand.

Maybe now he would stop with his little tricks and fight me hand to hand where I was better at, than at long range.


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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by Atlas May 8th 2015, 7:20 pm

It appeared that each of his hits had missed, even though the guy had made no attempts to dodge them, leaving Nɇaroviin wondering what was wrong with him. Perhaps they were moving so fast that he could not perceive their movements, but that made no sense considering that nothing moved that fast, his reflexes were pretty good. Regardless, he would plop to the floor, wood shuddering under his weight as the guy would attempt to grab at his tail, as if they could flip him. Their attempt was amusing if nothing else, using pitiful strength attempting to wrench the large creature upwards but they would find themselves in a pickle.

Sure, he let them grab his tail, but it would only wrap around the arm used to grab him, holding tightly with a vice like grip. The sharp edges of the tail would likely cut into their flesh, drawing blood but then again that did not mean killing; so he was golden. Without even wasting time, he would twist around with guy still attached, and then unleash a punishing punch directed towards their face. If they died, well Nɇaroviin would feel bad but they did start it.
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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by creator May 8th 2015, 10:09 pm

Yumo looked at the destruction with a smile, but it was quickly replaced by a look of shock as a bolt of energy struck him and caused him to fall backwards onto the floor. He rolled onto his feet brushing off the shock just to be put on the defensive as he attempted to dodge the man who was now trying to cut him up close. Yumo was more concerned at the fact that the man got that close more so than the fact that he was trying to avoid a deep wound. "Having that succubus touch would be lovely right about now? " He mumbled to himself.

As Yumo ran from the man spewing lightning eeli was faced with a new problem. He attempted to grab and slam the creature, but the tail caught him and as the beast jumped to the floor eeli went with it slamming into the ground, eeli stood up and using his vampiric strength tried to toss the creature once more. "God you're much heavier than look." Eeli called as he took a deep breath.

A sharp pain slid through his hands as blood dripped down his arm to the floor. Before he could create anything to get himself out he was snatched towards the beast and meet with its fist. His eyes flashed white for a second as he tumbled across the ground. He stood up slowly as blood leaked into his mouth.

This thing was practically asking for it now. A ominous blue light glowed all around eeli as he began to use the aura around him to create several strands of titanium C wire to slash through and catch the beast. If he caught it he would then proceed to sling it through the window and outside.




Karah (Renegade)
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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by Adom May 9th 2015, 9:53 pm

The man was acting on instinct, and my strike of lightning had hit, but my thrown slash did nothing. It flew through the air as he tried to dodge it. He was successful. He looked very much shocked that I was this close. I would have to keep him on his toes now. Long range for me would not be good. It seemed most of his attacks were powers or even Magic. Which needed room to use. Me? I could literally touch him with a finger and shock him. Close range is where I would excel at.

Once more, coming in with swings with the knife, I allowed my left hand to charge up. Swinging and not stopping to keep him moving back and trying to defend. And once it was ready, I slashed at him once more only to release the blast. Throwing alot of the energy I had into the bolt of lightning. And with how close the range was for me to even swing a knife at him, He would be hard pressed to avoid it, and maybe somehow block it. Though, not much could block electricity.

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Strength in Numbers [Invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Strength in Numbers [Invite only]

Post by Atlas May 10th 2015, 1:38 pm

The plot to bind the strange man’s arm with his tail was successful, and he could feel the flesh get pierced by the sharp edges of it. Likely, this would not come back to bite him, so he went on with his attack and slammed the fist into the vampire creatures face. Part of him was sure his electrical friend was holding their own, and he had no time to waste thinking about them when this thing seemed to have shrugged off his attack with nothing more than a bloody lip. The bastard must have been made of tougher stuff than he thought, or maybe he just was not doing this right.

If that were the case, then he would need to start playing this a little smarter. With impressive strength the guy had produced an unknown wire, seemingly wrapping it around him, and trying too\ throw him. It worked for the most part, Nɇaroviin growling lowly as he was thrown through a window out into the street. A car crunched underneath him, glass shards shattering off from the window as he would quickly recover, adjusting to the situation and thinking of a means by which he could get back at the guy.

Using those claws of his, he would scale the building rapidly choosing instead to crawl to a floor under where the battle was taking place. Everything was heightened within that point, he could hear heartbeats, and the people that likely lived within this room left as soon as the battle had started. Once he was sure he had the right heartbeat, he would reach up through the floor and attempt to drag Eeli down to his level, slamming him through this floor.
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