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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Proarden (Gravity Man) May 3rd 2015, 12:43 am

"I need ideas people. We've done absolutely nothing productive in the past three days and there's nothing I despise more than being stagnant." Gravity man announced as he stood in the shadows looking out a window. Well he appeared to be looking out a window, in all actuality he was as blind as a man with his eyes cut out. His most trusted generals were stationed around him. The first was Absolute Zero who walked upon a treadmill, the second was Inferno whom sat on the couch in the most improper way. His feet were where his rear should have been and his rear was on the top of the backrest as he counteracted the continual freezing of his frozen friend. Ink sat there with her eyes fixated upon Gravity Man with her prompt apparel on that accommodated her face in saying "I hate all of these f**kers". Finally there was Xerox that sat on the couch, but his legs were folded under him, allowing him to sit "Indian style" as he used his powers to move a series of fingers form all the clones of himself he had layered under him, giving him the strangest appearance that palm of his hands has wiggling fingers.

   "I move that we make Xerox stop with the finger thing. It's creeping me out..." Inferno said, though that didn't answer Gravity Man's question. The leader remained silent for a moment while allowing Gray to defend himself.

 "Hey, I'm bloody well not hurting anyone now am I? If you should be creeped out about anything it's that THING that's lurking about that none of us can see." He countered with his typical tone and accent. Of course he had to bring up the fact they had an invisible poltergeist from the depths of hell poking about in this half-finished basement. "I'm not hurting anyone so let me go."

  "It's not like you need to do it though. It's just...fingers I mean, it's not like you're ever gonna get laid so just stappit!" Inferno snipped as he snapped his fingers and sent out a small sizzling ball at the palms of Xerox's hands. Xerox jumped back a little, cornering himself into the couch before he got into a squatting position and grabbed the knife in his boot.

  "Here's a brilliant idea. Inferno, stop watching him finger the air. He's not hurting anybody.'re not hurting anybody. This is a problem. Go hurt someone, or better yet we could start thinking of ideas to tell our boss so he doesn't crush us into fleshcakes for that THING to eat." Gravity Man said, the beginning a shout to garner their attention before steering this legion of losers back to the task at hand. The bickering was still going on in the background, but promptly ended when they heard the commanding voice of their leader. "IDEAS!"

  "Okay, okay fine! We could rob a bank!" Inferno said, obviously spouting off the first thing that came to his mind. Xerox sighed and then sat back, his fingers no longer gently caressing the air like tentacles that would make a Japanese schoolgirl scream. Scream running away from them that is, what were you thinking pervert?

  "We could go on an extortion run, pay a visit to some of the other minor gangs in the area and make sure they know we're still in charge." Xerox added in, as if he really couldn't think of anything better to do. This was responded to with a sigh from the woman with black hair, sitting there with a stern face whom only spoke to say

   "I hate all of you..."

   "Yeah, I think what Ink is trying to say is we should probably stick with ideas that don't utterly suck in every way imaginable. Now sit there and contemplate your uselessness to our administrative branch." Gravity Man said to them, causing Inferno to scoff and roll his eyes, while Xerox sunk back into the couch as if trying to hide inside it. "Ink, any ideas?" Ink's eyes slowly shifted over to look at him, her head swiveling over ever so slowly, like an old door creaking open. With eyes bored into him, she then glanced at Inferno and Xerox before turning her head back to it's original position, staring straight head.

  "We should feed Gray to the monster." She added in. Immediately Inferno shouted "HAH" "Then tomorrow we can do the same to the other one."

  "Tempting...I'll consider it." He said after humming to himself for a moment, contemplating the ramifications of feeding them, to the monster he brought home. "Jared, please tell me you have something?" He decided to ask the ever silent Absolute Zero in the back. Hearing nothing Gravity Man sighed and then turned back to the window.

  "Just go break things." Ink added in, still sounding unamused, bored and utterly inconvenienced to be there. Unfortunately, that was the best option they had at the moment.

 "The fact that that's the best idea I've heard all day concerns me." He sighed, allowing it to be known that apparently today's great mission was quite simply "break stuff". Without further delay, the generals all stood up, or got off the treadmill in ones case, and began to dismiss themselves.

  "Hey uhm...I want to contribute." Xerox said, his British accent flooding his speech. Everyone looked at him. Xerox swallowed back his nervousness and decided to share an idea. "Masters Pharmesudicals in Canada had a representative. The CEO and owner...he was at an anti-metahuman rally. I'm pretty sure if we went there we could send a message...grab some narcotics to sell out..." After a moment the generals all exchanged glances. Except Ink, she just wanted the earth to open and consume all of her "peers".

  "Oh yeah...THIS is why I keep you around." Gravity Man said, genuinely now remembering why he kept his minion around. With a wave of the hand they were dismissed. He prepared to invade a cruise where there was a charity event or a promotional event of some kind. One that Mister Master's would most certainly be attending with so many others. "Get ready...we have a cruise to catch." he said and the invisible monster moved about, laughing manically.

Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Gman10
Gravitas Gang:
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I've been a hero and a villain. Don't pretend you an teach me anything on morality."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Job : I'm Knight Artorias round these parts.
Humor : If you have time to crack jokes, then you have time to post.
Registration date : 2015-04-09

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Bliss May 3rd 2015, 12:48 pm

Masters was a douche. Bliss cut through the wire fence with a laser, because Bliss built one. One laser just to cut through anything stupid in her way. Normally, Bliss would be slightly more pleasant. Then she attended a gala in her honor. Most of the details are still slightly fuzzy, but enough happened to make Bliss go to Canada with a laser and begin breaking into a pharmaceutical factory wearing a cat suit with a domino mask. Well, the last thing was for Bliss. She just liked it.

"This is BWA. I'm entering the Temple of Douche."

"Copy that BWA. I don't see much of anything on the perimeter." Ashley stayed back in California at a safe distance, monitoring the situation from a satellite. "Hey, Blackbird would be a cute codename or maybe go back to Eclipse; Tyuki wouldn't mind."

"of course she wouldn't; she's a dumbass. But, I don't need your ideas on names right now. I need to know where I can find Master Douche."

"I can't get a signal of him. Be careful and don't do anything rash. I don't like this guy either but- What was that noise?"

Bliss stood gazing into the factory with a new entrance. No immediate movement made its self known to Bliss, but that did little to deter her awareness. "I knocked a door in. I hope someone heard that. I'm so fucking Beyonce right now." While no sounds rang through the factory, a computer console rested just in front of her. Good. It had been a while since Bliss used any of her hacking skills.

You know Bliss is a hacker right? Whole big thing about her developing a quantum computer and creating mindspace. That used to be her main thing. Even more so than telekineti- aw fuck it. The E-mail was still open, so no need to bring back anything special about Bliss.

"A-Bomb. I'm going on a cruise."

Moving away from her catsuit, Bliss lounged on the sun deck of a luxury liner, wearing a black wrap around a green bikini bottom and a white top buttoned in the middle with a black bikini top under it. "I'm still going to ruin that douche."


Mitsy's Boutique


Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Alpha May 3rd 2015, 1:22 pm

Charity events were not anything new to Travis Masters and actually they were something that he went out of his way to attend. Despite his secretive villainy, something about these kind of things held a certain appeal to him. Omega had been the one to set up all of the small portions, but he had initially planned it. It was a benefit for one of those diseases that were supposedly incurable, but he found that things were not always so bleak. The turnout for the benefit which took place on a rather lavish cruise was as always wonderful, the planning Omega had set up was nothing less than expert. He had a knack for things like that, turning an event into a success and something told him it would have not gone half as well if he did most of that PR work.

”What would I ever do without you?” Alpha said with a smirk, Omega pausing for a moment as if to consider a response.

”Not as well I would guess.” he responded, dressed for the occasion much like Alpha had been. Sadly, Gamma had been too busy to join them at this event, though something told him that he did not really enjoy these public functions. People milled about, talking amongst one another and likely having already made their generous donations. A few would make their way over to him to make small talk, Omega covering that for the most part while he let his mind mull over how they would even go about doing what they were planning. True, he would not need even half the money they earned, but not as if they needed to know that.

”I still don’t think it was too smart of a move to invite him along.” Travis stated rather simply, while watching Zeta converse, though he knew to keep a certain manner about him while attending a public function like this.

”I’m sure he respects you well enough not to mess this up and if not…well I have my ways.” Omega stated simply, though he knew exactly what the male had in mind. Music flowed through the air, though something caught his attention. It was a vibration from his cellphone, though one could say it was more than a simple cellphone. Looking at it, a small notification stated that someone had broken into the systems of one of his warehouses, no major information had been taken but that did not mean he shouldn’t be worried. Who would want to do that was the question, and something told him he would find out.

For now, he would relax on this cruise and that was exactly what he would do. ”Looks like Aaron’s having more fun than you are.” A familiar voice spoke up.

”Colin, I have no idea where you’re getting that impression.” Travis waved off with typical smile.

”You’re here all alone, and he’s out there chatting it up. I mean, the flirting might be a bit much but he’s having fun.” While he had not been intending to before, they were both sort of walking along now, ending up on the sun deck of all things. It was a relaxing place for sure, until his eyes fell upon a familiar face, if not somewhat unwanted.

”Miss Fukuyama. What a pleasant surprise, if I had known the CEO of Bliss CO was attending, I would have been sure to greet her personally.” Sweet courtesy as always, but then again that was just the manner of his public identity.

Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Proarden (Gravity Man) May 3rd 2015, 8:04 pm

So now came the good part. Dividing up the teams to decide who would be going to raid the facility for drugs and whom would be causing chaos on the cruise liner. Gravity Man quickly and decisively decided this decision the way any good villain does. He held out his hand and pointed to the hollow tubes protruding from his clutches.

  "We're drawing straws? Seriously!?" Inferno snipped. Gravity Man just wiggled his hand with a grunt before to prompt the man to draw a straw. The hothead took a straw, followed by the other creeps that he didn't even bother to remember the names of. Okay that's a lie...he remembered their names. He really wished he hadn't bothered to though. Let's face it, they were all probably gonna die.

  "He probably has some uber zen way of selecting people like this. It's like an inspiring test of trust in faith...and in us." Gray said as he went to pluck the last straw from Gravity Man's hand. Alas, Gravity Man kept his clutches on this straw, forcing Gray to use both hands to try and pry them free. Upon looking to his leader all he saw was the black hood shaking his head left to right slowly in motions that oozed disappointment.

  "We're doing it this way because all of you suck and this way I can blame whatever god that likely doesn't exist for dicking me over." He said before releasing the straw, sending Gray staggering backwards a little. "Okay, measure straws, the biggest two are with me, the rest of you go get me some pills." Gravity Man said as he seemed to excuse himself to the next room as they compared lengths.

  "So why didn't he measure one for himself or anything? I wanna go to the cruise!" Inferno protested upon finding out that his straw was the shortest.

  "I did. Mine was the biggest, blackest- oh the straw thing. Yeah you're not coming on the cruise." Gravity Man said as he plucked the straw from Inferno's hand and tossed it onto the ground.

  "What!? Why not!?" "Because I'm a dick and I hate you. Now go..." Gravity Man instructed as he pointed to the stairs. Inferno begrudgingly went towards the stairs. "Xerox, two go with him." He instructed, Xerox went to complain, but Jared just pushed him forward.

  "Decided to grow some balls and select the teams yourself?" Ink asked as she turned and followed, heeled boots tapping against the floor as she walked with perfect posture behind him.

  "Yeah. I actually had some inspiration. Now keep quiet and follow me, Trampstamp." Gravity Man said before he whistled a bestial snarl followed by manic laughter ensued as they made their way to the door.


    They had snuck onto the cruise ship disguised as three workers. Gravity Man assumed the role of the captain, Ink took the role of the bartender and their monstrous invisible poltergeist just sat on the top of the helm, remaining unseen and undetected for the time being.

  "Captain, we're getting a little off course, shouldn't we turn left like...twenty clicks?" The young man asked. Gravity Man turned and began screaming.

 "SHUT UP! I KNOW WHAT'S BEST! I DIDN'T SPEND EIGHT YEARS IN NAUTICAL DEVELOPMENT TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO BY SOME LITTLE DWEEB! RAAAAGH!! RAAAAGH!" HE was screaming. The young man looked on mortified as the captain was the exact opposite direction of him.

  "S-sir, are you okay? I-I'm over here. S-should I go get a medic?" He asked. Gravity Man cleared his throat and rubbed his chest a moment before looking to the correct area.

  "Uhm... no. I-I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me...I do not need a medic...But...If you could, I'd like you to find a janitor for that stain on the floor." He stated as he pointed to the young man's feet. "Sir, what sta-!" In an instant the man was literally imploded and blood flew everywhere. Gravity began to shift slightly as the boat rocked a little. "That stain."

 Everyone was far too busy playing around and enjoying the evening and it's happy-go-luck cancer event that they were none the wiser of the ships usurping. But soon, very soon they would all see the plan as it began to unfold. For now, Gravity Man just looked out the window in his captain's apperal and whistled as he steered the ship onward.

Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Gman10
Gravitas Gang:
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I've been a hero and a villain. Don't pretend you an teach me anything on morality."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Job : I'm Knight Artorias round these parts.
Humor : If you have time to crack jokes, then you have time to post.
Registration date : 2015-04-09

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Bliss May 3rd 2015, 9:08 pm

"You are greeting me personally. This is personal. This is very personal." Bliss reached for her drink and finished off the last sip before returning it to her side. "I know who you are jerk. You told your secret to a seventeen year old girl. Word travels." The next time Travis would try to talk, Bliss would merely send ripples through the glass to hum out a high pitches wail to irritate Travis. Out of all the uses for her telekinesis, this one seemed most appropriate for a general situation. "I need another drink." Getting to her feet, Bliss would stroll by Travis with a smile and pat him on the shoulder. The first two pats would gently pat, but the third one contained enough telekinetic force to push Alpha off the deck and into the pool. "Have fun with cancer."

Once diplomacy failed, Bliss would take a seat at the bar. Festivities drew most of the crowd towards exhibits and presentations on the greatness of the passengers, leaving the bar all but empty. "Two South Sides and a Zombie. Bill it to my room."  Everything about the man making her drinks struck her as abrasive, but her attention waned with her previous meeting. "I want the South Sides garnished, so cut all the way through the lemons. Treat them like your dad, and not your wrists after 'that girl just doesn't get you and everyone is a lame conformist' moment you will inevitably have in the 45 seconds it takes you to make it."

Bliss tempted fate with disrespecting the service industry quite often, but very rarely did it to meta humans. This would be a new fun adventure for her to take in. "Where's that drink? It only takes 45 seconds. It's been 37. Come on."


Mitsy's Boutique


Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Alpha May 3rd 2015, 9:33 pm

Alpha kept an eye on the woman who he couldn’t trust to not cause a scene. While Colin had been left confused by her statement, it seemed he would have to deal with Danny sooner than he had wanted. If she was going to go about telling his information, then he would need to pay up on a promise he had dealt out. When he went to speak, a strange high pitched sound only caused him to let out a grunt of annoyance, glaring at the woman that was taunting him more than anything. They thought they had something on him, but they had nothing at all. It appeared as if this was a cruise that Miss Bliss would not be leaving.

Two pats on his shoulder and Travis was thrown into the pool with an inhuman amount of force, water meeting him and grasping up around him. He already knew the male he was walking with would rush to his aid, and so he reached out with one arm as his feet touched the bottom of the pool, latching onto the side of the pool. ”What a bitch.” Colin grumbled, Alpha pulling himself from the pool now soaking wet. Had his phone been mundane, he would need to look into getting a new one, but that was not the case.

”I’ll have to be sure to pay her back the gesture.” Travis noted without letting a bit of the anger bubbling under to show, looking down at his now soaked clothing. ”Looks like I need to change into something dry.” Looking to Colin with a slightly raised brow and a smirk, he nodded. ”Colin hang out with Chris for a small bit, I have a few things to take care of.” true, he would be changing within his own personal room, but that was not the only reason that he was doing so.

Miss Fukuyama was proving to be a problem more than anything else, and so he would have to deal with her. If she could not be killed, well he could do something else that would deal with her. Nothing would ruin him, especially not a woman like her. Once in his room, he changed into a pair of black jeans and a soft light grey shirt that fit snugly upon his moderate frame. His hair would remain wet, but that was something that he could get over. Letting his mind reach out, he latched onto Zeta as well as Theta who was milling through the crowd.

You two, I need Bliss Fukuyama to suffer an….accident. Make it look as convincing as possible. The mental message would be heard by them and them alone. Running a towel over his hair, he put on the best face that he could before stepping back into the party. No one should see the face behind the mask, if it was even a mask.

Alpha I think we have a small problem.

What would that be? Alpha questioned within the safety of the hive mind link.

One of the minds within the hive mind went silent, if I remember it was someone in the control room.

This does sound like a problem. I’ll investigate this personally, you keep all of our guests busy, you know how to do that. Omega knew that much and so they cut off communication for now, Alpha heading towards the place where the captain was steering them. If what Omega said meant what he thought, then likely this was about to get messy. Alpha adjusted his sleeves and sighed.

This was going to be annoying, as if he could not actually do good without someone getting in his way.

Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Proarden (Gravity Man) May 3rd 2015, 10:53 pm

From the bar Ink was able to monitor a great many things. For example she witnessed an exchange between their "target" and a guest. She tried to keep an eye upon the situation though suppressed a chuckle upon seeing the event with their target being pushed into the pool. She had to think that there was more to it than mere coincidence that he went in. Superhuman strength most likely. The woman came over and began to talk. Something about two southsides. Thankfully Ink knew her way around a bar, Gin, lemon juice in perfect rationing as well as a swift garnishing of the mint leaves and trying to quickly get the lemon in place.

 "-Come on." was the last part of Bliss' statement, to which Ink then placed the drinks before her.

 "The only moment I've had is 'Why the Hell hasn't she ordered another drink yet' But I'm sure you're easing into it." Ink replied. Okay so it might not have been the best manners per say but it was definitely a bar kind of comment. That and honestly Ink found the brashness refreshing in a sense. She was used to simply hating the stupidity around her. Regardless, Ink moved on to another customer while wondering about this woman and her strength.

 Meanwhile Gravity Man's invisible hound was doing lookout, thanks to his Gravity sense he was able to detect the motions of his watchdog, alerting him that someone was on their way there. He smirked as he looked over to the puddle on the ground. Dropping to the ground and falling headfirst into blood he lay there, waiting for Travis to look in. Simply nothing to be seen here it would seem. Perhaps chaos would ensue. Perhaps there would be fingers pointed and there would be total anarchy. The idea was interesting in it's own right. Focus and dedication shallowing his breath as if he weren't breathing at all.

Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Gman10
Gravitas Gang:
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I've been a hero and a villain. Don't pretend you an teach me anything on morality."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Job : I'm Knight Artorias round these parts.
Humor : If you have time to crack jokes, then you have time to post.
Registration date : 2015-04-09

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Bliss May 3rd 2015, 11:58 pm

"Eight seconds early. You aren't giving it time to breath." Bliss still downed the first drink before the next two came in. Some ruckus took place behind her, but badasses never look at the explosion. And, there was some explosive behavior going on behind me. "Hey, Circle Takes Square, what's the asshole climbing out of the pool look like." Somewhere between the heat and the alcohol, Bliss could only feel her head starting to lift a little.

One more South Side went south in Bliss pretty quickly. "I like you so much, I'm actually going to apologize for not tipping you." The third drink came in before the monetary compensation withdrew from the table. "I probably shouldn't tell you this- mm pineapple, mm rum- but, yeah. Um." Her finger continued to push up and down while she looked around the deck for those she wanted to keep an eye on. "I'm here to check out some kind of villain plot. Some bad dude or dudes or something- I don't know, but I'm going to stop em. Going to be pretty good. Like this drink. How bout another? South Side. No lemon though. Or Garnish. Just a South Side with no lemon or garnish; what's that called again?"

While the drink went to being made, Bliss pushed herself back and felt her head float several feet above her body. Feeling her sudden movement was a bad choice on her part, she stumbled without her drink. Planting both feet firmly on the ground, Bliss grabbed a bottle of water off a passing service cart and tried to down it as quickly as possible. The spinning declined, but the boat still swayed with the waves, making Bliss' closed mouth fight back the urge to vomit.

The cavalcade of losers she  despised made their way further down the terminal. With how she felt, Bliss would either need to sober up or get more drunk. Floating back to her seat, Bliss slammed both arms down upon the counter. "I need to get ready for a fight. I think I need something special." Bliss squinted at the menu on the chalkboard. "Um, water."


Mitsy's Boutique


Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Alpha May 4th 2015, 12:08 am

Alpha considered the door before him that would lead into the cabin, wondering what would be beyond the door and if likely he would have to get violent with it. His mind was still in contact with Omega’s to an extent, he could feel his thoughts brushing against his own, a familiar and almost comforting sensation to have when he knew he was likely walking into danger. With no time to waste, he opened the door which made a low creaking sound as Alpha stepped through into the room beyond and into a small puddle of gore. It appeared that someone had really gone out of their way to mess this place up, and someone lying in the bloody mess only added to it.

He would have considered them to be a victim, but unlike whatever this mess was, he did not see a single injury upon them. ”Cute, really.” With a motion of his hand the door would close, leaving the room closed off. Likely already any surveillance had already been cut off by Omega. ”So, how long do you intend to lay face down like that?” He would then ask, arms crossed over his chest but more than ready for whatever it was that they would throw his way. If they were truly dead, then he was talking to a corpse but if not, well then he would likely have to deal with some kind of attack coming from them.

Either way, he was ready.

Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Proarden (Gravity Man) May 4th 2015, 8:25 pm

"The rich not-so-pretty boy? He's all smiles, trying to not look angry. I would have hit him harder. You have more class than me though." Ink stated, highly amused by Travis. It didn't take a mind reader to know that getting yourself knocked into water would annoy and anger you. This was a text book example of someone who tried way to hard to be perfect. Ink was much more interested in what Bliss had to say about her looking for some bad guys. Ink had the opportunity of a life time, and not lifetime as in all one word. This wasn't one of those movies that promoted the feminist agenda while portraying all men as evil pricks trying to victimize woman. This was Inktime, the show that promoted all men in the light of truth...they were all idiots. Women too, except this lady, she was alright I guess.

"Gin it is." Ink said to herself as she prepared the drink for Bliss. That was the only thing that came to mind as a Southside without lemon. Ink knew she couldn't resist the curiosity that flooded the area. "I should probably not tell you this...but my boss snuck onto this cruise to beat up and humiliate the host of this event for being "Anti-metahuman". My boss can be stupid. If you see my boss and beat him up, I'll make sure every drink you get from our distributor for the next year is free. Just look for the man that looks like he thinks it's Halloween. Ice with you water?" Ink's concluded with her question. Whatever Bliss answered Ink would comply with the request in regards to ice.


He knows? No it's a bluff, that or total BS. He didn't even turn me over, for all he knows my chest is blown open like something form AVP. That or worse I could probably look like Amanda Bynes acting career. Gravity Man thought to himself. Thankfully for him he kept his head to the opposite side. His face was entirely and perfectly safe from Alpha's view. After a few seconds Alpha would likely hear a snort and a growl as a thick wad of slobber dropped down, likely to hit his hair. If Alpha were to look up he would see Poltergeist staring him down with a predatory gaze. Well it looks like Alpha found his "killer" of the captain. It jumped down from the roof and landed on the other side of Alpha, blocking him from Gravity Man in a casual but not defensive way. In the next instant it froze. With a powerful and sudden lunge it would attempt to tackle Alpha onto the deck and probably bak into the pool. The tackle served as not a means of damage, but was forceful enough to not easily be detured.

Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Gman10
Gravitas Gang:
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I've been a hero and a villain. Don't pretend you an teach me anything on morality."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Job : I'm Knight Artorias round these parts.
Humor : If you have time to crack jokes, then you have time to post.
Registration date : 2015-04-09

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Bliss May 4th 2015, 9:38 pm

"I don't like ice in my drinks. Waters it down too much- Now, let's talk about this proposition..." Bliss ran her finger over the mouth of her drink while trying to mull over the possibilities of working with a villain against a villain while beating up the first villain. "So, I beat up your boss, because..." A circling finger motion would try to ring a little more information out of Ink. "I'm not complaining, but as someone who deals with villainous elements, I know not to just go ahead and trust them when they offer to pay me in alcohol." Not from first hand experience, but more of a transitive dimension.

After a reason came bearing some reason, Bliss would put enough water in herself to give Bliss the ability to touch her finger to her nose. On the third try, but the first two didn't count. Nervous systems are complex. Shut up. With enough liquid courage squelched for motor coordination and enough floating about her head for bravery, Bliss made her way towards the corridor. A few steps down the hall and Bliss returned to the deck. Tapping her fingers on the counter, Bliss pointed a finger towards Ink. "Got any weaknesses you want to tell me about before I go try to take your boss down. Oh, and a name. I may have heard of this guy or should keep tabs on him."


Mitsy's Boutique


Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Alpha May 4th 2015, 10:12 pm

Alpha waited a few seconds for something to happen, perhaps the body to animate or something along those lines. In the end it seemed that was not going to happen, and he would have to flip them over to check on the damage before reporting this in. That being until he heard something above him, a slick wet substance slashing over his head in a most disgusting manner. Looking up, he would find himself looking upon what appeared to be something out of a gothic horror flick, or something along those lines, though all he knew was that it wasn’t human. How he had managed to miss that before was the big issue really. It could have easily torn his throat out, but instead there it was sort of looking at him as if waiting for something.

Instead of attacking, it would land before this body in an almost casual position, and he prepared himself to reduce it to nothing more than a stain on the floor, along with what was already there. Without much warning, it would then tackle him with an incredible force, unable to defend himself quickly enough, all he could do was take the brunt of the damage. His breath was knocked from his lungs, a shock pulsing through his body as he felt as if some damage had been done by the contact alone. He was then thrown back, through glass which begrudgingly shattered as he was thrown through it. A few shards managed to cut their mark, but nothing he couldn’t deal with.

Next thing he knew, he was hitting the surface of water and sinking below it. It was the contact that stung, only relieving him of any breath he had managed to draw before. It seemed that people were intent on dying today, people and creatures. Small streams of red seemed to trickle up within the water before being lost within the crystal blue, Alpha quickly swimming up and taking a deep gasping breath of the air around him. With no wasted time, he would work himself up to the side of the pool ”I don’t know what that was, but I know I’m going to kill it.” He growled under his breath, feeling over what felt like a small but painful cut on his upper right arm.

Yes, it appeared someone felt like ruining this otherwise lovely cruise, so he would need to cave their skull in.

Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Proarden (Gravity Man) May 5th 2015, 2:06 am

"Wanting to beat him up for being an idiot isn't enough?" Ink asked with a little smirk, she sighed and then decided to divulge her explanation. "He is trying to show Pro-metahuman superiority by beating up an anti-metahuman figure on a cancer cruise. His motives may be good...relatively...but he's being an idiot about it. He needs to be put back in line before he gives ALL metahumans a bad name. We all play against a stacked deck as it is. He's only going to make it worse. I may support metahuman equality but I don't support idiocy." Ink concluded very matter of fact. It was true, she thought her boss really half-assed this idea, which was unlike him. She normally agreed with Gravity man's plans and their messages they sent. But honestly she just wanted to watch him struggle for making a poor decision. Especially since Ink truly believed in standing for metahumans as a whole before she stood as a gangster.

  Chaos ensued below as Poltergeist flailed to get out of the water, hissing as he moved past Alpha and suddenly vanished from vision. It found new prey apparently. To everyone other than Alpha it would look as though he literally threw himself from the upper layer window and jumped into the pool. Ink looked as everyone looked to the area with broken glass and as Travis Masters surfaced from the water. "Poltergeist. He remains invisible to all except those he targets. I know how to keep him from disrupting your workout. I'll help where I can." Ink said as she placed a bottle down and grabbed a towel. She jogged over to the pool before handing Travis a towel.

 "Mister Masters, are you alright? What happened?" Ink asked, pretended oh so perfectly to be concerned and confused.


  "....This guy had a little too much sugar in his diet." Gravity Man said as he stood up and walked into the other room, immediately shedding his uniform and wiping off his face before suiting up into his regular appearance. He was used to it by now, it didn't take long. Gravity Man, from this area actually had a straight shot to the security room, and from there he took perfect advantage of it. He stepped over a ladder, lightening his own gravity to allow him a peaceful floating feeling down the space. He landed and made his way discretely to the security room. It didn't take much of anything to stop security really. He just crushed come conduit and wrenched pipes to destroy some wiring and all cameras were offline. Security was now no longer a problem, video feeds and the like utterly shut down. Stepping into the security room he found nothing that he didn't expect to find. As he predicted the guards were out on their rounds, and most likely concerned with the ruckus up on deck. Quickly searching around he withdrew a pistol and concealed it on his being before stepping out back into the darkness and to his designated area where he would reveal who and what he was and why he was doing this.

  Show time...

Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Gman10
Gravitas Gang:
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Proarden (Gravity Man)
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I've been a hero and a villain. Don't pretend you an teach me anything on morality."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 114
Job : I'm Knight Artorias round these parts.
Humor : If you have time to crack jokes, then you have time to post.
Registration date : 2015-04-09

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Bliss May 5th 2015, 3:03 am

"You had me at idiot." Still no weakness, but at least Bliss could do stuff in peace. "You can start that payment a little early; I'm going to need that big bottle of vodka. Don't worry; it's for a friend." Bliss twirled her new found bottle around her wrist while she attempted to walk in a straight line down the hall. Ink made some good suggestions on the long term and with the ideas she came up with for a philosophy, but those two losers Bliss shook down in Cali looked like they needed some reintroduction to what Bliss would have done to them if not for the interruption from two other villains.

Wanting to look a little more distinguished, Bliss buttoned two more buttons on her blouse to cover most of her midriff. "Hey losers. I don't want to use this bottle up just yet." What little alcohol remained in the bottle threw its motion towards the side as the bottle twirled around her hand. "We're going back to my room and I'm going to ask the two of you questions." With a quick flick of her wrist, Bliss would shoot the bottle up her wrist and impact it into the bridge of Zeta's nose. The blunt edge would move over to hit Theta in the head next to make the two of them more agreeable. "That was the pay back for last time. Do you two want to rack up more charges or tell me about this guy your boss is after?"

A strong telekinetic force would pull the two of them to somewhere more quiet. If Bliss could pull them to a side room, she would open negotiations by bouncing the bottle of vodka off of Theta's head. "Danny wanted me to give you that. And don't try pulling metal or anything. Whatever you can't do, I can do better- and look better doing it. Or do you think winding up on Instagram in a gloating hero selfie looks good?"


Mitsy's Boutique


Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

Post by Alpha May 5th 2015, 11:24 am

Alpha looked at his index finger, which had a small amount of dark red blood clinging to it from the whole tumble he had taken through the window thanks to whatever it was that had thrown him through it. Someone ran up to him, asking if he were alright, but he didn’t recognize them. Alpha paused, looking to them for a moment while letting the anger silently bubble underneath. ”I’m fine.” he answered with a sigh, keeping a hand over the small bleeding cut on his arm, which was bleeding far more than he would have liked. ”It appears we may have a small problem.” Brushing the woman off, he removed his phone from his pocket and dialed a number in, pressing it to his ear. There were a few things he had to deal with before they got out of hand, and likely the remains were already found. Whatever was happening, he would not abide it for too long.

”Chris, we may have a problem.” He said into the phone but a different conversation was going on within the hive mind. I have a feeling that this cruise may have more than Bliss Fukuyama to deal with. Whatever it is we’re dealing with takes top priority, I have a few things of my own to deal with. With that mental message getting across, Alpha would slip into his personal cabin to retrieve something.

As for Zeta and Theta, well the prior had not been expecting the bottle, so it took him in the nose and drew an annoyed sound from him. It appeared that everyone just loved beating up on him, and people wondered why he was such an ass. ”Our boss isn’t after anyone.” Zeta snapped with a frown. ”Ya know, this whole thing, it’s supposed to be a benefit, but as always some asshole wants to ruin  something good, and they say Alpha’s the bad guy.” he scoffed with a roll of his eyes.

”We think someone is after him however. We’re not sure who yet, but it’s likely someone on this ship. Someone that you know?” Theta would ask, annoyed by the woman’s insistence on hitting her on the head.

Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite) Empty Re: Totally original topic name (Bliss, Alpha, Invite)

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