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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Asmodeus April 23rd 2015, 3:38 am

The needle buzzed as he forced his eyes closed. Austyn gave him a funny look and folded his arms while Cale seemed to grind his teeth. It wasn't that this hurt, but it was the fact Gadreel was a big friggin baby when it came to needles. Austyn just rolled his eyes and stood silently as he watched Gadreel a.k.a Cale get his "treatment". It hadn't been twenty four hours since Cale had lost another member of Seraphim, and he was NOT dealing with it in any way that was considered healthy.  Austyn kept quiet, trying his best not to breach his secret identity and slap his friend around for blaming himself. Sadly he did not object to what was transpiring here, mostly because it was done in memory for the fallen.

  "So what angel name are you adding this time?" Austyn asked, trying to maintain his composure. Cale let out a little sigh.

  "Muriel." Cale said as he turned and looked to the needle. The tattoist wrote on his arm right beneath "Barachiel - Paul Anderson". Another name to the list on Cale's arm. The name and angel name of every member of Seraphim who had perished during his time with them. The newest tattoo, in fine calligraphy and maroon letters read "Muriel - Natalie Davenport". The needle clicked off and the tattoo was covered and taped to his arm. The transaction was competed and Cale walked down the street, hands in his pockets as he tried to distract himself. Austyn followed him for a time but then vanished to go to work.

  2:30pm and everything was quiet for a change. He managed to go to the scrap yard and he managed to find a few cool things. Next he planned on going back to the lighthouse and picking up some lunch, but he found himself...distracted. By distracted I mean he found himself literally staring at a massive explosion in the distance. Cale immediately started on his way to find the source of the explosion but it didn't take long for him to realize exactly what was going on. Men in clad Saika Munatori armor were running in the streets with samurai swords that were literally shimmering and glowing dark purples and otherworldly hues. From the smoke emerged one figure above them all, his armor distinctly different. Wearing Hon kozane dō gusoku armoring with a rather fierce headpiece as black mist radiated from him and an unusual gravity taking the area.

   "Taifū no yō ni, watashitachiha-ryoku de sorera o toru!" He roared the demonic voice bellowing through the streets as dozens upon dozens of samurai minions began taking hostages and fighting the men in the city. Cale immediately went to help whomever he could, but it was apparent it was a losing battle. The police station was swarmed and the hospital was the next target.  The streets soon found themselves overwhelmed by samurai terrorists and their shadow shogun, leaving chaos and paranoia in it's wake as the media broadcasted the story. Alley ways on lock down, patrols wandering around...helicopters being brought down by samurai jumping from buildings and driving their blade into the vertex of the spinning portions. Swat teams taken down by skilled warriors and remnants of police on the other side of town congregating. True enough the entire town may not have been lost, in fact only a small segment. But it was on total lock down with absolutely no cracks in the defense. All of L.A was in a state of panic.

 A bunch of racist samurai with light sabers following some twisted form of corrupted bushido bullshit... have seriously just attacked L.A.

"Oh just great..."
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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Alpha April 23rd 2015, 5:38 am

“Are you seeing this?” Eta questioned glaring at the television in question, Zeta rolling his eyes in an almost exasperated fashion.

”Yeah, it’s a bunch of samurai assholes running around in LA, what of it?” He asked in response, crassness as prevalent as ever. This drew a slightly disappointed frown from the younger sibling, who rapidly turned around to glare at the older male.

“We’re in LA. Can’t we do something about that?” Eta whined with a frown, drawing Beta from the other room hair slightly wet from a recent shower. “I mean they’re just nerds with swords.” He added, much to the amusement of Zeta, not that he was likely to just let him walk out.

”Alpha told us to stay here where he needed us, not run out to save the day. We aren’t some kind of band of superheroes.” Well that was what Zeta thought anyway, he liked to fashion himself as more of a moral person than his siblings, Beta notwithstanding.

“Come oooon, not like anyone could do anything to Alpha. He’s like…..invincible.” While almost painfully wrong, the statement more than anything showed a certain trust within their leader.

”Goddammit, you’re not gonna give up on this are you?” Zeta sighed softly moving to his feet and sweeping his fingers through his dark brown hair. ”If you’re goin out, I’m coming with you.” He growled, more annoyed than anything a she dug around for his favorite jacket, putting it on and zipping it up. ”Don’t sit there lookin at me like that, get up and get ready.” Another snap and the male was then up, digging around for a few articles of clothing and getting dressed for a little vigilante justice. After all, if they were to believe the mission Omega had told them, then they mind as well help a little.

“Beta’s coming with us!” Eta then added before Zeta could really argue with that statement.

”What?!?” He growled almost shouting, looking to his younger sibling with wide eyes.

”Yeah, I’m comin with.” Beta only agreed with a nod and an almost devious smile. It was almost as soon as he said that when the whole deal was sealed, that they would be going together. If anything, he could not argue with Beta, who was technically only outranked by Alpha of all people. So without being able to do much, Zeta and his siblings were off to deal with the samurai menace, much to Zeta’s annoyance. Getting through the locked down part took a little ingenuity but they managed to do so just fine, landing in the middle of what looked like a small war zone.

”Well, if anything I like the way these guys work.” Zeta muttered to himself with a smirk. Unfortunately they were now the targets of some of the energy blade wielding samurai, which Zeta would try to deal with by unleashing a stream of fire at them.

Now the fun was really starting.

Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Khellendros April 25th 2015, 3:01 am

Cromwell was visiting L.A. for the week to sort out some outstanding contract payments and to deal with a contractor who had been coerced into sending him on a  completely pointless trip resulting in serious collateral damage and his annoyance. He'd finally gotten to the point where he could start relaxing and get some rest in before getting back to his work and personal projects when the assault began. Driving down a street in his revamped 1970 Challenger, he was more than interested when he heard about an army of samurai attacking the city over the radio.

"Well... Alex, why is it weird shit just keeps following me around like a plague?" "I have no analysis for why... weird shit, as you call it, occurs in your general vicinity on a regular basis. I have come to the conclusion that it is a pointless practice in chaos theory. Impact imminent."

"You cheeky little- wait, what was that about an-?" He was cut short when what could only be described as a lightsaber katana made contact with his vehicle's engine block point first followed by the blades owner. Getting out of his car, he faces the one responsible for his car's demise. "Ā, sorehadesu!" As the samurai jumps down from his car to probably attempt to cut down what looks like a normal human shouting in Japanese at them, he weaves to the side and disarms them in one fluid motion before backhand swinging the handle into his opponent's helmeted cranium, causing a loud crunching sound and stunning them. Walking casually away from his opponent to the back of his car, he looks at the blade he'd confiscated. "Such an unwieldy thing, you should invest in some of my weapons tech, so much more fun and definitely more flair. Alex, I believe we have a war on our hands." "Stormbringer, Wrath and Aegis as well as Surgeslinger are battle ready, deploying now."

The trunk pops open before a pneumatic hiss anounces the presentation of Wrath and Aegis . Reaching into the trunk, he slams his hands into the gauntlets of Stormbringer, causing it to shift and form itself around him until sealing off, leaving The Black Knight, Khellendros, standing in the street. Addressing his foe in Japanese. "I am Khellendros, The Black Knight. Now that you know who you face, know that I am your demise. Prepare yourself." He tosses the confiscated weapon back to it's owner and fluidly draws Wrath and Aegis from their racks inside the trunk. Thinking on it, he puts Aegis on his back and sheaths Wrath, assuming an Iaido stance before noticing that he is being joined by some more of this samurai's buddies. Smiling behind the helmet, Khellendros can't help but put some old fashioned bravado into the oncoming fight. "Now it's a fair fight. Alex, To Glory." Music begins to play loudly from the Stormbringer armour. The stage is set and the opening act has finished, all that is left is for the next act to begin and the rest shall be written with steel and blood.

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
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Quote : [21:03:51] Odien : Well, the origins of All Fools Day are unknown, the theories dubious at best.

[21:04:06] Khellendros : a joke at worst?

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Humor : Schroedinger's Cat, it is everywhere yet nowhere
Registration date : 2014-12-21

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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Quinn April 25th 2015, 4:40 pm

Q7 was out shopping for some equipment for herself, having decided that she was horribly under equipped for what the world was throwing at her. Having sold off few of the extra, unusable diamonds that were created back at the lab, she now had a ton of money to spend on whatever she deemed necessary to defend herself. It was for that reason that she was in the middle of a gun store looking at different batons for sale, trying to decide which one was the best choice for her to use.

She finally picks up one of the batons and gives it a practice swing or two, making sure not to knock anything over while she does so. Nodding to herself, Q7 wanders over to where the cash registers are, placing the baton down so they can ring it up, making sure not to break any of the rules. After she hands over the money and takes the bag that was offered to her, Q7 turns and looks at all of the firearms that were lined up against the wall. She gives off a sad smile, knowing that they wouldn't sell any of them to her, since she doesn't have any form of ID on her.

Of course, during this whole thing Q7 was basically ignoring everything that was happening outside of the store, so she didn't notice the crazy high tech samurai running around outside attacking people. It wasn't until one of them bust through the door and started attacking people in the shop that Q7 actually noticed the large amount of people getting cut down outside. Of course, the people that were close to the door fell to the ground in pieces, causing the cashier to scream in terror and run away.

Q7 tilts her head to the side, looking at the corpses. "Woah, you just cut them into pieces." That, of course, drew the attention of the samurai to her, causing him to rush at her. "What did I do? Hey, keep that blade away from me, I would rather not be cut into pieces." She manages to pull out her new baton, quickly flicking it so that it gets extended and attempting to use it to block the samurai's next swing, only for the baton to be cut cleanly in two. Q7 gasps at the sudden loss of her new toy, catching another swing on her arm and headbutting the samurai before he realizes that he can't cut her like he could the other people.

"Hey, I just bought this! ...Oh well." Humming to herself, she kicks the samurai in the head again before wandering back into the shop, grabbing herself another baton, this time deconstructing it so that she can summon one at will, like she should have with the first one. Turning back, she starts to head to the entrance before noticing the now unguarded wall of weapons just sitting there gathering dust. She looks around for anyone that would stop her, besides the clearly knocked out samurai that was laying on the floor.

"I am sure that they would not mind me just...borrowing some of these clearly unused guns for a bit..." She thinks for a bit before turning and wandering over to where all of the weapons are stored, hopping over the counter and humming as she begins to pick out some of the more interesting ones. After getting the ammo she needs for them and deconstructing all of the things that she picked out, Q7 climbs onto the top of the gun store, sitting down and looking out at the chaos that was being caused by the attacking psychopaths.

Knowing that she should be looking for Cale, to at least make sure he was safe in all of this mess, she slips off of the roof and into an alley, staying off of the main streets as much as possible so as to avoid any of the samurai from finding her and attempting to attack. It wasn't long until she spied a familiar wall, knowing that Cale was there if it was being made. She runs up to him, smiling slightly. "There you are Cale, I was looking for you. How are you doing today?" She pretty much completely ignores the chaos around them, not worried about it at all, though that isn't exactly surprising considering what she is.
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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Asmodeus April 27th 2015, 10:00 pm

The samurai managed to have quite a turn out for heroes. So many began to funnel in, local metahumans standing up to fight these well trained samurai, many of them falling victim to knock-out gasses and K.O's delivered in a more "martial" manner. Those that weren't immediately "removed from the equation" were a knight, a robot, a small trio of metahumans and a human. The Shadow Shogun contemplated this a moment, knowing that which defeated some of his pawns. His eyes narrowed as he looked to his left and his right. "Ima, watashitachiha, shōgi o hatashite imasu. Kore, pōn ga saisho ni idō suru koto ga, ima no shōgun." He said, there was a samurai in a golden Haori that seemed to stoically pay no heed to the shogun as he watched the battle unfold.

Q7 finally seemed to catch up to Cale as he found himself in a bit of a pinch. A samurai had arrived, a pawn of this elaborate scheme. He still proved to be more than Cale had anticipated, as Cale managed to find himself unable to keep up with their fighting prowess. Cale errected a barrier between him and the samurai, then he added two more walls on either side of the samurai, trapping him in a triangular shaped construct of barriers. Cale was a little out of breath as the energetic warrior continued to bash at the walls with his not-lightsaber katana weapon. Cale looked to Q7 and crooked an eyebrow. She was looking for him? Just to ask him how he was feeling today? Okay...this was odd, but whatever. He wouldn't ignore her, he actually didn't have it in him to ignore her. He liked her too much. Not that he'd ever admit it.

"Been better, but I'm still breathing. Can't complain too much I guess. How about you?" Cale asked as he brought a hand up and clenched his fist. The triangle construct began to constrict and began to "constrict" the samurai before squeezing the man into unconsciousness. "This ain't a social call sadly, I gotta do something about these guys or more people are gonna die..." Cale said, his resolve obviously fixated on nothing less than defending absolutely everyone he could. This obsession with saving people had long ago defined Cale as the youngman he was today. Sadly, it was also the thing that was killing him. Eroding and eating away at him slowly, but oh so surly.

This Black Knight spoke in their language, so the Shogun smirked beneath his kabuto as he contemplated how to deal with him. Meanwhile it seemed as though the robot and the human joined forces. The samurai with the three banded metahumans were in contact with one lowly pawn, though the fire would prove ineffective against the sword. The samurai himself was formidable, even for a foot soldier. True enough he stood no chance, though if nothing else he'd give them the shock value of having deflected a stream of fire with his blade. The samurai closed in towards Zeta, tip aimed for his throat as he rapidly closed in, completely defenseless against the others nearby.

Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Asmode10
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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Alpha April 28th 2015, 4:44 am

”That is just not right.” Zeta growled upon seeing his flames dispelled with a single swing of a sword, knocking it away strangely enough. However, that was not the end of the strange samurais attack as they would charge forward to skewer him with the energy weapon they wielded. He shifted his weight, stepping back in an attempt o avoid having his throat cut out, though the blade was stopped by something only a few inches from the soft flesh of his neck. In an instant, they were thrown aback by an unknown force, which was likely the result of Beta exerting his own power on the warrior. Thrown down against the ground, a great amount of force would fall over their body and likely break quite a bit of bones. ”Well…..that was close.” Zeta mumbled, feeling over his adams apple.

“I thought you were dead there.” Eta mentioned with a small amount of concern, though with that small problem dealt with they could strive to search for the source of this problem. Looking down upon the seemingly dead or unconscious samurai. Zeta gave them a harsh kick to see what the case was before turning back to his siblings.

So what? Are we just gonna beat up some samurais? Because that sounds really stupid, I mean I’m sure there a lot of heroes that could do this better.”” Zeta said with a growl. He didn’t feel like dealing with any heroism, if only because he was not a damn hero.

“Well, it’s likely these guys have some kind of leader. I mean, not like people dress up and cut people up for no reason.” A good enough argument, but that suggested them finding this unknown leader that was likely hiding in the shadows. If they were anything like Alpha, then it was likely that they wouldn’t reveal themselves until they knew they had the advantage. If they were to find this unknown leader, then either they had to make them think they had an advantage or route them out from their hiding spot. That was when a wicked idea hit Zeta much like a ton of bricks, his fingers popping loudly.

”Okay, both of you listen to me. I have a plan and I need both of you to listen, and nothing else.” With that done, he would begin to whisper something to his siblings, taking a few minutes before both of them nodded in understanding. ”Okay, let’s get this thing going.” With that done, they would break out into a dash down the streets, deflecting any samurai as best as possible while first searching for fellow heroes. From there, well they would be able to work on ending this.

Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Khellendros April 30th 2015, 12:59 am

Khellendros waited for the samurai to make a move, but one didn't seem forthcoming, almost as if they were waiting for an order or some sort of signal to attack or retreat from him. Unfortunately for them there was a destroyed car for them to pay for, one way or another. "I guess you guys are big in the patience department or something... Too bad I'm not at the moment."

Advancing at speeds beyond those of a common mortal human, Khellendros rushes past the samurai he had stunned while quickly drawing his weapon and slashing where his opponents waist is before sheathing it again as quickly as it had been drawn. Following this maneuver, he'll draw and deploy Surgeslinger before unleashing a barrage of javelin sized plasma bolts on the nearest moving target.

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : [21:03:51] Odien : Well, the origins of All Fools Day are unknown, the theories dubious at best.

[21:04:06] Khellendros : a joke at worst?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 34
Job : Quality Analyst, boring but stable
Humor : Schroedinger's Cat, it is everywhere yet nowhere
Registration date : 2014-12-21

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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Quinn May 3rd 2015, 1:45 am

Q7 glances over at the charging samurai, getting ready to defend Cale, but relaxes when the walls go up, trapping him. Now that the samurai wasn't a threat anymore, Q7, of course, completely ignored him. She wasn't worried about him unless he actually managed to break out of Cale's walls, but that was very unlikely, seeing as how Cale had just squished the poor man into unconsciousness with just a hand motion.

"I am fine. Thank you for asking." This time Q7 actually takes in all of the chaos that was going on around them, figuring that Cale was going to try to stop the samurai from continuing their rampage across the city. She tilts her head to the side while she thinks, then turns back to Cale. "So, we just have to stop the samurai from causing trouble right?" Without waiting for a response, Q7 grabs Cale's hand and pulls it out of the way of a blade, taking the strike on her left arm. She holds the blade there, smirking right at the samurai before sticking the barrel of her revolver right against his chin and pulling the trigger, blowing his brains out.

She turns and fires four more shots at another one of the samurai closing in, landing one in his stomach, the other three missing. She looks down at the weapon, wondering why she missed. She summons another weapon in her left hand, taking a few practices shots at the staggering samurai, practicing with the unfamiliar weapons so that she wouldn't miss again. Once she ran out of bullets for that one, she refreshes both of them, reloading them instantly. She turns back to Cale, revealing that some of the blood splatter had landed on her face. That and the smile makes her look far more sinister then she did just moments ago. "Do not worry father, I will make sure nothing happens to you. Shall we go?"
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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Asmodeus May 3rd 2015, 8:28 pm

The battle had begun. The Greek-Geeks did what they did best and plot without any actual narration while Kehllendross was somehow forgotten in the battle and suddenly engaged a plethora of samurai. May they find peace in their death as Khellendros would likely make short work of them. Cale, on the other hand was trying to cope with the fact he had just been called father by a robot he didn't create. Well that was indeed the most shocking thing to happen today, barring the obvious fudeal-invasion of japanese terrorists. Q7 seemed to lead them on for a moment but soon enough Cale found himself projecting a barrier to stop a sword, Q7 would likely kick ass from there, then another barrier. Between the two of them they had a pretty decent offense and defense. Quite a duo and Hey wait where the Hell did she get those guns!? That question wracked his brain. Oh she didn't steal them did she?

"Hey Q7. We gotta have a serious talk about borrowing things without permission." He said oh so casually as a Samurai tried to run him through. Stepping to the side, grabbing a wrist and twisting his, Cale grabbed the katana and then used the hilt to knock the samurai out with a swift strike to the neck. Flourishing the lightsabber-like blade in one hand he stepped forward to find Khellendros finising up his little assault. Cale projected a spherical barrier with the attmepts of trapping the black knight inside. He would not only be protected, but hopefully bound for just a moment. The Black Knight, unbeknownst to Cale, was quite reflexive and skilled, however. He could easily have avoided the sphere that was launched.

"It's just a barrier. Didn't want to approach you if you were only seeing red. Are you against these guys like we are?" Cale asked, if Khell hadn't avoided it he would take the barrier down to show him that there was no threat or harm involved. Minions began to pour in by fours as they flooded in, seemingly endless in comparison to the ones that initially landed. While they were not overly skilled in comparison to their superiors, they had the numbers to make it difficult for anyone, fighting skills be damned.


Note: Feel free to grab a Charkratana and use it for this thread if you want.

Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Asmode10
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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Alpha May 3rd 2015, 8:59 pm

”Dammit, how do these guys keep batting down my fucking fire?’ Zeta growled, ducking out of the way of a slash that he was sure would have sliced through him like nothing. Whatever these guys’ issues were, he really hated them now. Acting slowly and carefully, he moved in close enough to one, gripping them by the wrist before they could do anything with the blade. Sure, it seemed like he couldn’t hit them with fire from his hand, but they did not expected the fire breath that took them by the face. Mask and flesh were reduced to ash as their fingers slacked upon the weapon. Taking advantage of this, Zeta took the weapon from their hand and then brandished it, already adapting himself to using it similar to how they did.

Despite their skill, they acted in a certain fashion and all he had to do was react accordingly. Eta however had little issue with them, simply drawing the air from around them, as well as out of their lungs to reduce them to suffocating wrecks. Honestly, it just was not fair how he could do something like that, and Beta was throwing them into each other, tossing their ranks into chaos. ”Now these guys are making me look bad.” He cursed, kicking the down body of the burnt samurai before jumping into the frey. Ducking and weaving around strikes, he took one after another down. Flesh, armor and anything else was wet paper. While fire was a weapon he could use, it was not the only thing that Zeta had within his arsenal.

“Hey Zeta, I think we’re not the only one fighting these ronin.”

”Do you even fucking know what a ronin is?” Zeta snapped kicking one’s feet out from under them, causing them to stumble and meeting a blade in their throat.

“Of course I do!”

”As if.” Zeta scoffed, decapitating another with a flourish as blood jetted out from the stump that was their neck. ”if there are other people, I think we might need to get their help, because I doubt we could be able to do anything to a person that could lead these….cosplayers.”

“Best cosplay ever I say.” Eta added, knocking away a few with a burst of wind, only to be torn apart by Beta who seemed to be having the least difficulty. It was now that they knew why he was Beta, rather than anyone else. “So, do we walk up to these guys and go hey, we are here to beat up samurai?

”Sounds good.” So with that, they sort of took off into the frey, making a way through the hordes of samurai, much like mowing down wheat. Eventually they actually found the other dudes beating up the bad guys, beta making them known by tossing one of the samurais into a small group of them much like a bowling ball. ”Well, looks like we’re not the only ones out here, huh?” Zeta said parrying one of the samurai and driving he stolen blade through their heart with a swift motion. Honestly, these guys were not that good once he got used to them, ducking around and then slicing them down. ”So who knows what’s up with all of these dorks with the lightswords? Because, while I think the weapons are cool, the whole cutting people down is fucking stupid.” Whether or not he got an answer, he would continue fighting.

Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) CjhXQha
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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Quinn May 8th 2015, 10:43 pm

Q7 looks away from Cale, hiding the gun's behind her as she does so. "I do not know what you are talking about." With that being said, she turns and dashes towards a small group of samurai that were trying to attack a group of police. Stepping in front of one of the samurai, she blocks his sword with a barrel of one of her guns, sticking the other one directly into his eye and pulling the trigger.

That being done, she turns and opens up on the other two samurai, wounding both of them enough for the police to easily finish them off. That being done, Q7 moves onto the next group, distracting one of the samurai by throwing her pistols at him before sliding up behind him and putting a round into the back of his head, having instantly summoned another set of weapons while closing.

Turning to deal with the remaining samurai, Q7 finds that they were already dealt with, all three of them throwing things like fire, wind or samurais around. Seeing as how they weren't in the samurai outfits or some sort of official outfit, she turns towards where Cale is, waving and calling out to get his attention. Once she does so, she points at the three people. "What do I do about these three? Are they enemies too?"
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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Asmodeus May 10th 2015, 8:43 pm

Q7 was being far more effective than Cale himself was. He quickly decided that it would be her job to deal with the Samurai as he decided what to do about getting ahold of Seraphim. He couldn't help but hear the comment about the dorks with the light sabers. Cale scoffed and rolled his eyes as he heard it. The joke was old by now, there were over 30 members of Seraphim now and all of them made the same damn joke about light sabers and things. These were terrorists and this was not a joke. Cale was also quite stressed to find solutions rather than address new potential problems. Unfortunately heroic code dictated he needed to help them as long as they defended the innocent. Or well... he subjective innocents in this case.

"They're terrorists from Japan. Those light sabers are high-tech and they're called Chakratana." Cale snipped, though he was in fact taliing as he disarmed a samurai and then knocked him out. The next thing he did was rely on Aegis for a barrier and thebn Bulwark charging the shield to stun his attacker into submission. He turned to look about before finding that he was at a horrible disadvantage. Once again he was less effective then the rest of the others around him. It didn't help with the previous events that had transpired. Truthfully he was just thankful he knew the threat.

"No Q7, they are allies for now. That might change though so be careful." Cale said, saying it mostly because he knew nothing of them or their potential heroic or villainous histories. He tried to look for more tools, more assistance. He couldn't find it though "I hope you didn't like your DNA being a secrete. Chakratana have DNA recording and streaming capabilities." Cale added before looking back over the area.

"Keep your guard up. These are literally brainwashed civilians, these aren't even their foot-soldiers yet. If you wanna get out alive, run for your life. If you want to actually do something about all of this follow me." Cale ordred them all as he took off, running as fast as he could. He turned down a dark alley, then made his way up the street. He made another turn before finding himself in a small turn-around in the center of a small community housing complex. "Alright, they've got a signal jammer in here. We need two people to get there, one of them smart enough to work the jammer. That means Q7 or I. Then we need three of us to go to town hall and secure the hardware store." Cale said to them all before turning to Q7. Cale felt the need to inform Q7 of a few things prior to the offer he was about to make.

"The hardware store is literally six blocks away from Main Street where they attacked, right by the courthouse. It will have foot soldiers there, it'll be difficult. Probably has traps near it too. No less difficult getting around the jammer though. Whichever one you want to do I'll do the other." C ale offered her. After that he'd look to Zeta. "A'ight. Whichever two of you goes with Q7 better keep her safe, or the samurai will be the last things you need to worry about. Whichever ones are with me...please don't die." He said before going to the OPPOSITE direction of what Q7 selected for herself.

Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Asmode10
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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Alpha May 10th 2015, 9:36 pm

The guy seemed to react somewhat snappy towards them, saying something about them being called Charkatana instead of lightswords. Now they sounded more like Naruto weapons than anything else. However, things were made more annoying when the guy said the swords were streaming and recording his DNA, something that would have….well not made their leader very happy. Zeta threw down the weapon, slamming the flat of his foot onto it and burning the handle until it was worthless. ”Fuck.” Zeta cursed under his breath, glad more than anything it was just his DNA, rather than any of his siblings, thought that was more than he was willing to give in the beginning.

Something was said about them just being brainwashed civilians, making Eta look….perhaps shocked more than anything. ”You have got to be kidding me.” Zeta murmured with an even more annoyed growl, a jet of flames shooting form his left nostril. While he wanted to ignore this whole thing, he knew his siblings wanted to do something about this, so he would follow the bossy guy. So they would run after him, managing to keep up even at the impressive pace that he was keeping up. Where they ended up was what looked like a community housing complex, thought what importance it had was lost upon them until they were told it.

”Wow, looks like we’re a bunch of dumbasses.” Zeta murmured with a frown.

”Zeta I don’t think that’s what he meant.” Eta would whisper to his sibling, who roll his eyes.

”Yeah, and bears don’t shit in the woods.” He grumbled, them falling into a sort of near silent conversation, before beta sort of swatted Zeta on the back of the head. ”Dammit, now he’s got you doin it.” His opinion on the matter very little, so he would have to only follow along with whatever they wanted to do. One of them would go in one direction and the other would go another, splitting them up with likely one of them not knowing what to do. Zeta knew nothing about this guy but something about him rubbed him the wrong way, so he would have to go with him rather than thrust his siblings with him.”Jammer and Hardware store, got it.”

” Don’t need to worry about that, I’m pretty hard to kill.” Zeta stated simply, motioning with his head for Eta and Beta to follow after Q7 while he would go with the other.

Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Quinn May 14th 2015, 4:29 pm

Q7 just stands there as Cale gets his whole let's be heroes speech out of his system, taking potshots at any samurai who was stupid enough to move in their direction while they talked. Once that was over and done with, she turns to look at Cale, nodding at his orders. Q7 didn't exactly want to leave him alone, who knows what could happen in the short time they were alone, but he had been out in the world longer then she was and as such, was more likely to know how to deal with the whole thing. "I shall go clear out the hardware store Cale." That being said, she just turns and starts to walk down the street, barely even glancing at any of the samurai scrubs that rush at her before she puts a bullet in their brain.

A few blocks and a larger body count later, Q7 stops half a block away from the hardware store, finally turning to see if the weirdos were still with her. Seeing that they were, she turns back towards the hardware store. "I am tougher then you two. As such, I shall draw their attention." Without waiting for a response, she jogs towards the entrance of the hardware store, opening up on the mindless drones that were attempting to guard it, killing a few but putting most of them down for the count. Stepping inside the store she looks around, wondering where the so called real threats were.
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Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed) Empty Re: Shadow Shogun and his samurai terrorist of Bushido bulls**t. (Now Closed)

Post by Asmodeus May 15th 2015, 12:49 am

Both places were well defended. While the hardware store sprung bombs and traps the jammer was guarded by more people in the direct area. Cale was happy to have been assigned to the jammer however. Bless Q7, she was one of his favorite people, but she had a way of...well... making things explosive. These Samurai were superhumanly skilled with smoke cloud teleportation to make matters worse. Cale initially just threw a barrier up and blocked them out while giving Zeta time to do his thing. He was the defensive player, though his shields did secretly deal some damage of their own to tire and weaken the opponents. Finally they reached the top floor of the building and they saw it, at the very end of the hallway was a jammer with a strange insignia on it, one that Cale forced a sigh. "Of course..." He said as he created barriers around the samurai and trapped them in, preventing their teleportation. Zeta could do what he wanted but Cale just kept going towards the jammer in the seemingly empty room.

"Yeah of fucking course. Exactly what I was afraid of...I created this jammer. You're never going to be able to deactivate it without triggering it's self-destruct sequence. That's what I figured. Needs my DNA or it'll level the block." Cale said. Honestly he was confident in his work and these guys would probably mess it up. "So... Dumbass. Do me a favor and turn these four yellow guys black." Cale said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice as he pointed to the samurai that were all round them. Cale put a barrier over Zeta before he immediately made his way to the jammer.

  A few wires to snip and cut and that was that. A fingerprint scanner and a retinal scanner to provide the perfect deactivation sequence. Now all that he had to do was make it to the hardware store with Zeta leading the way.

  Q7 would find herself in a rather unfortunate situation. The Samurai all attacked her, as she thought but she would soon find herself in the presence of someone unlike the other samurai. This samurai was in shimmering silver armor and had a shimmering silver glow to his Chakratana. The man was quite obviously not your un of the mill samurai. It's eyes were black as sin and it stood with discipline and focus as it looked to Q7 and the others.

  "Now I wirr show you da true meaning of diciprin! " He said in a deep voice as he moved and tried to slash Q7, though the very energy emitted form the Chakratana might have given Q7 the urge to probably NOT let that thing hit her unless she absolutely had no choice. The silver general then bypassed her and made a break straight for Eta, trying to cut him in twine.
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