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Existentialism [Red Tide]

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 5th 2015, 9:06 pm

Once everyone was together, Alpha would wait for whatever to happen as far as them getting there. While it seemed that Dnaiel would not be able to teleport them there, Lucius had a means by which they could get there without tiring the metahuman out. From what he had heard it involved using the very thing that’s Daniel created in teleporting, and allowing them to create some manner of portal. Some of it made little sense to Alpha, but he could glean enough information to have a basic understanding of it all. Within a second, Daneil would teleport but leave behind a portal for them to step through. ”Well I’ll be damned, it actually worked.” Zeta noted with a smirk, being the first of their group to step through, followed by Delta and then Alpha, likely the last of them was Gamma.

”That’s an impressive piece of tech you have there Lucius.” Alpha noted simply as they stood on the outside of what looked like a slightly worn down brick building. Here and there were a few vehicles  out in front of it, but not enough to suggest anything was going on here. ”This is the place Lucius, not that impressive looking on the outside but I hear it’s much better on the inside.” Alpha noted with a smirk.

"There’s something underground.” Delta said with the utmost certainty, likely using that seismic sense of his to get a scope of the area. Kneeling down, he would press the knuckles of his left hand against the ground, eyes narrowing slightly as he seemed to scope something out.

”Give him a few minutes. We’ll go through the front entrance.” With that he would motion for everyone to follow him through the semi-rusted front entrance of the building. It would lead into the interior of the building, which was as one would have expected of it. Dusty, dilapidated and for the most part, though all it took was a bit of pressure in the right part of the wall for a secret passage for open up within it. It appeared as if it had just opened up from nowhere, but that was just the signature of one person Alpha knew.

”Awww shit, it’s this bitch again.” Zeta growled crossly, seemingly knowing who they were messing with. Flicking the ashes from his cigarette, Zeta removed another from a small pack and lit it with a flame from his index finger.

”Once we get to the end of the passage, we may end up needing to split up.”

”Splitting up are we? I call the teleporter.” Zeta called out, Alpha rolling his eyes.

”Very well. We will need to split up into two groups of three, and one of two, there are three arenas and doing so will save us a lot of time. If Daniel has no compunctions against it, he will go with Zeta. Lucius, you will come with me and Gamma, and that leaves Delta to go with…Isabel and leo.” he explained this while they stepped down what seemed like finely carved steps until they reached a large way point. It branched off in three directions from there, three different arenas that they would end up walking into.

”Well, it looks like it’s you and me.” Zeta noted with a click of the tongue, waiting for Alpha leave before choosing the walkway on the right. ”Come on, we don’t got all day.”

”Once we’re done without objectives, we should meet back at the safe house.”

”What is that objective exactly?” Delta would ask.

”Just a little metahuman liberation.” he responded and the smirk reached his tone.


Number of posts : 1832
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 6th 2015, 3:55 pm

As much of an improvisation his portal trick was it worked out pretty well, and as far as he knew no one got merged with a fly or anything. After Gamma came through the device came through the portal and then it closed, leaving them standing outside a pretty shabby looking building. Lucius picked up his tech, receiving a complement from Travis for his teleporter. It was a lot coming from the male, he had made some pretty wild technology himself. Lucius responded with a simple nod, he wasn't really ever one to say thank you for things like that.

"Making buildings look run down on the outside but high tech on the inside is Lucius' thing.....all the more reason to put the hurt on these assholes. " Isabel said as she slowly walked away from where the portal had been. Indeed Lucius had done that before......but why was it all the more reason to 'put the hurt' on anyone? Alpha then motioned for them to follow him, which all of his siblings did but Lucius' followers waited for Lucius to give them the order. That was a bit irritating, he had told them the listen to Alpha to an extent.

The group then walked through the entrance and into the building, which looked just as abandon as the outside. However, Lucius knew there was likely some form of secret entrance to the real party. In a few moments his speculation was confirmed by the opening of a door, which got an odd reaction from the one they called Zeta. It seemed they knew who was running this, but Lucius would wait to ask any questions on the subject. Alpha then mentioned they would need to split up, it was a good thing they brought so many people. Again for some reason Zeta mentioned Daniel, he seemed to be a bit obsessed with him. Lucius just shook his head softly at his comment, hopefully that wouldn't go any further.

I have no.....compunctions...i guess." Daniel said as everyone got into loose groups. Passing Daniel and Zeta Isabel paused for a moment. She looked to Daniel, then to Zeta, then back again, then started laughing.

"That's twelve kinds of fucked up right there.." Isabel said walking off to join Leo and Delta.

"Very well, does everyone understand? Good, now lets go." Lucius said shaking off the subject of Daniel and Zeta with his rather commanding voice. One by one they all walked through the secret entrance into a set of stairs. They all walked down until they reached the split, where everyone would separate. Turning around to face everyone he realized the three best leaders were going in the same group, well, there wasn't time to change that now, hopefully the rest of them wouldn't completely ruin this.

"Alright, don't mess around, this is serious. That means you Isabel." Lucius said spinning on his heels, following Gamma and Alpha closely.

"To bad Leo's here, we could have had some fun....." Isabel said as she pasted Delta, leading the second group. All that left was Daniel and Zeta.

"Um....yeah, right." Daniel said following Zeta, kind of freaked out he was being flirted with by one of Alphas.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 6th 2015, 5:11 pm

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma

Whatever it was Zeta was trying, Alpha did not quite care for it. So long as he did not prove detrimental to their mission, he would allow his sibling to do whatever his heart desired, that was sort of how Alpha thought. As for Delta, he seemed more amused than anything by his sudden interest in Daniel, though something told him his sibling had more in mind than just flirtation, if only because he seemed to know him more than anyone else. If they did screw up things on their end, well he was sure that he and Lucius could salvage whatever mess they ended up making. Zeta, don’t forget your mission he would send the mental reminder with a sharp tone, causing the male to wince as he walked off with Daniel.

Have a little faith Alpha, we’ve fought this person more than enough times. he responded, though he knew that Zeta was not stupid enough to think this would be by any means easy. Alpha was actually more worried about Delta dealing with that woman named Isabel and if she would end up only putting him in danger, unless the other could keep her in check. Still, he had to have more confidence within his siblings, despite a few setbacks they still prove far more competent than many would give them credit for. Still, if he knew anything then he and Lucius as well as Gamma would be dealing with the leader of this entire thing. The generals would likely be saved for the others, not that they would begrudge him that much.

”I’m sure you will want to know a little about who we may be facing.” Alpha started once he was sure they were alone in the log stretching hallway that seemed to go on for a small while, lit by fluorescent lightbulbs. ”It would be a strange one, a metahuman if you would believe it. They call her The Mistress, a rather prominent figure in the criminal underworld, though she has been active more recently. I’ve been encountering a lot more recently, and you could say we have an antagonistic relationship.” He explained, giving the short side of things. ”We don’t know what her powers are but they seemed to be some form of reality alteration. So be very careful.” He would explain as they continued to walk.

Zeta and Daniel
”Lighten up a little blondie, we’re gonna have us some fun here.” Zeta said in an almost chipper fashion, if one could look past his usual brashness. They had their own hallway, though the ending seemed to be in sight without them having to do too much walking. ”If I know how this is going even a little, we’re gonna have a fight on our hands. I hope you’re good with that piece, not that I mind offering a hand.” he said the last part he said with a slight waggle of the brow as the sound of cheering could be heard in the distance, likely the arena they were about to walk in on. Reaching into a small holster hidden under his shirt, Zeta pulled out what looked like a simple hand gun, and one would have not been wrong to assume that.

Checking the weapon quickly, he looked ahead with usual cheeky smirk. ”And here we are.” Once they stepped through an opening, they would find themselves in the middle of what looked like a roman coliseum, with people looking down upon them from behind what appeared to be some manner of barrier, likely protected against teleporting. Sitting within a throne was an unknown woman with an aura about her that screamed death almost.

”Two new lambs come to the slaughter.” She spoke, a voice that sounded as if two were speaking rather than one, and within an instant a gate would open to let what looked like a single person enter, bearing a sleek body that was almost metallic in color and a tail that trailed behind them, multi segmented.

”Well shit.”

Delta, Isabel and Leo

Delta did not quite get what Isabel was getting at, but then again to say that he was knowledgeable would have stated that he knew a lot. ”Have fun?” He would ask with a raised brow, slightly confused by the woman’s suggestion and looking to Leo as if wondering if he would know.

You don’t want to know.

Omega, you’re in my head.

And in Zeta’s, I am regretting that. Anyway, I’m here to help, Alpha requested it so you could say I’m the Navi.

Please don’t tell me you’re going to start yelling in my head.

Only if you ask nicely. More than anything the conversation did something to calm him down, which made them walking into potential death somewhat not scary and reminded him why everyone loved Omega so much, well except for those that didn’t, because they were bastards.

"Oh look…a dead end." What he thought was a dead end would open up below them and the endless chasm would swallow them as they ended up falling into water. Upon likely swimming to the surface, they would find themselves looking upon what appeared to be a strange woman garbed in cloth and brandishing two blades glowing with unknown energy standing on a floating platform.

Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 6th 2015, 6:17 pm

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma

Lucius hoped the others would be fine, to many times had he picked up their slack. It had nothing to do with the fact he was more powerful, he was just smarter and more experienced. If only all of them had enhanced intellectual capacities. Regardless though, the main group would succeed where they failed. Lucius was about to ask about their opposition, but before he could, Alpha beat him to it.

"Reality alteration, glorious. I've been unfortunate enough to have to deal with those types before." Lucius said considering what Alpha had told him. There was usually a limit to what reality manipulation could do, and it varied from user to user. Lucius just hoped he wouldn't be killed with a look.

"Alright guys, don't mind if i borrow these." Oliver said attempting to touch both Lucius and Alpha on the shoulder. A faint spark would be felt, and in a moment Gamma had both their powers.

Woah......this is some serious stuff Lucius." Oliver said with a smirk, forming a ball of crimson energy in his hand. Lucius hadn't known Gammas powers were that of power replication, interesting.

"Never do that again....." Lucius said simply as he walked a little further ahead. It wasn't that he was angry....but the boy didn't even ask.

Zeta and Daniel

"Don't call me blondie....seriously. And i'm obviously fine with fighting or i wouldn't be here." Daniel said in a irritated tone. He just wanted to get this over with, but he had a feeling it wouldn't end so soon. Hearing cheering faintly Daniel got a half interested half confused look on his face. So was a fighting ring, crowds and all. Zeta pulled out a hand gun, which told Daniel he should probably ready himself. He pulled out his own gun, checking its chamber before following Zeta into this ring. Almost frighteningly sudden a very odd voice screamed out. What the flying fuck?

Almost just as sudden was the appearance of some kind of robot out of the entrance opposite of them. Daniel hoped this kid was packing more then that gun, because Daniel himself wasn't powerful enough to carry this fight. Tapping on the communicator on his ear Daniel tried to contact Lucius. The best part about Lucius' tech was that it was always secure, even technopaths had trouble with it.

"Lucius......we have a problem." Daniel said readying himself as he did.

"Deal with it, i can't hold your hand through everything." Lucius snapped before cutting off communications. Looks like they were on their own. Taking the initiative Daniel touched the ground, teleporting a large chuck of it weighing about a ton above the robot things head.

Delta, Isabel and Leo

Leo walked ahead of Delta, catching up to Isabel. If no one else was going to keep her in line he would have to, not that he would be very effective in doing that.

"Don't be such a whore Isabel,  do you do that with every guy you meet?" Leo said irritated. She probably would have punched him in the teeth if they weren't in the middle of an operation, but alas they were.

"Of course not, only the pretty ones." Isabel said with a wide smirk. Eventually they made it to a dead end.....why make a path if you were just going to end it abruptly?

"Alright, we should head back and follow Daniel and that other gu...what the hell!" Leo said before being cut off by.....falling to his likely death. Yells of terror and shock could be heard from Isabel and Leo, but fortunately there weren't any spikes or whatever at the bottom. They plunged into the water, surprised but otherwise unharmed. Swimming to the surface they were surprised again by a floating lady with...lightsabers.

"This just got a whole lot more fun." Isabel said half giggling as she formed her own pair of blades with her pink energy.

Gammas Copy Log:


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 6th 2015, 7:26 pm

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma

The Mistress, someone that Alpha had met before but he had never faced her directly. Sure, he had seen her powers in action but not enough to surmise what she could do beyond the fact it appeared like she were warping reality to an extent. ”That alteration might be a non-issue if she even faces us directly. She has a habit of sending others to do the dirty work for her.” Part of that made him think that perhaps she simply could not do it, but then again such speculation would do no good until he found out personally. Gamma placed a hand on his shoulder, and within an instant he would likely have both of their powers, though which of Lucis’ he took was uknown. Lucius did not seem to enjoy the power replication very much, but then again it made sense considering him of all people.

Not likely that Gamma cared much about what he wanted, if Alpha knew anything the male disliked Lucius to the extreme. Already Oliver had made use of the power by making a small red construct, and Alpha had a feeling he would not want to touch something like that.
Still, within a matter of seconds what looked like a doorway would form within the endless hallway and upon stepping through they would find themselves in a coliseum much like Zeta and Daniel were in, but looking over them from her throne was a woman with deep red hair, dress Victorian style.

”Well now, Alpha you have interesting timing.” She would speak, seemingly loud enough for them to hear even though she did not shout. ”Welcome gentlemen to my domain. People, I have promised you a show and I have more than delivered! Three powerful metahumans, to fight my strongest champion! Four enter and only one side will leave alive!” Already she was entering into the persona that they loved her for.

”Always one for theatrics, aren’t you?” Alpha would state with a smirk beneath his mask. If anything, he could always find himself amused by this woman’s insistence on showing off.

”Keep your eyes on me boys. I’m your opponent afterall.” A woman would note, stepping from a gate that was being raised, wielding a blade wreathed in a vibrating energy field. She was dressed in what looked like skin tight armor, two nodes glowing upon her right arm, two on her left and two each on her legs. ”I was told I would have a true challenge, and well…. Don’t disappoint.”

”Be careful Lucius, it’s likely she’s under some manner of mental control. It would be no good if you kill the person you’re trying to liberate. If you two can buy me a little time, I should be able to break that control.” Alpha stated, looking to the two of them to do just that.

”Release restrictions 1-4.” She spoke and within an instant, she was in motion, shattering the very sound barrier as she would aimed a powerful kick at Gamma’s face.

Zeta and Daniel
Well, it looked like the gut was just not going to be any fun, or perhaps they just did not enjoy Zeta’s unique brand of conversation. Not that many people did, he was not the easiest person to like when it came down to it. ”You need to loosen up a bit, I’m just messin round with ya.” Staring down at the thing they were supposed to fight, Zeta sighed and cocked the gun. Alpha had thought ahead, and he did the rest, making this gun just for whatever they would be facing, It would hopefully be enough to at least damage this metallic looking being.

Try not to kill them, they may only be controlled by The Mistress.

”No burning to death, got it.” Zeta muttered to himself, preparing for whatever this thing would do. The segmented tail would twitch, before breaking apart, a few of these segments flying off at them, Zeta not wasting a second as he fired off a few rounds, sending a few of those attacks off course. However, it seemed that the thing was more than ready for the ground, as a few would move upwards and slice through the earth with seeming ease. These chunks would fall around it, dust through up and giving him enough room to unleash a great torrent of fire at whatever they were fighting.

The shards of its tail would regroup and spiral around it to negate the fire. "So can you do anything else? I mean other than teleporting?" Firing off a few more rounds to keep the thing busy.

Fighting himself to dry land, Delta coughed as he took in a deep breath and glared at the woman with energy swords. She brandished the weapons, and with inhuman speed, closed the distance between her and Isabel, slashing with a serene skill as if trying to cut her legs out from under her amidst the flurry. Delta felt around for some kind of earth, but all he felt was thick concrete underneath a lot of water, something that would be impractical to manipulate.

Attempting to control the floor beneath them did him no good, meaning that Delta was useless here. ”Dammit, this is…just not good.”

Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 6th 2015, 9:36 pm

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma

Lucius went into a silent mode as he walked down the endless hallway. They knew what was coming, so there was no use in wasting breath to go on about it. Eventually another door opened in the same fashion as before. Stepping through it the three found that they were in a roman arena of sorts, wonderfully recreated actually. Upon hearing the woman's voice Lucius let out a chuckle, it seemed everyone he met had an inflated ego. If she thought Lucius would play into her game, she was dead wrong.

"Lets hope this champion of yours doesn't tick me off to bad, i would truly hate to splatter the blood of my own kind all over this pretty little arena." Lucius said to the woman as he watched their opponent enter. Alpha then warned him about mind control, looks like he couldn't go all out in this fight. Lucius never killed a meta if they were non hostile.

"I'll buy you as much time as i can." Lucius said before getting into position and crossing his arms. He never really assumed a fighting stance, he always seemed so casual even in combat. For some reason his enemy, who seemed to have superspeed, did not attack Lucius first. She went after Oliver, which was a horrible mistake in multiple ways.

Oliver got kicked in the face, sending him dumpling back. However, the kick barely left a scratch. Smiling, Oliver gathered himself and sent a pulse outward that would likely send the woman flying. Lucius saw it coming, sidestepping out of the way. If she was thrown, which was likely, Lucius would walk toward her and start to form a cube like construct around her. In under a second the make shift prison was finished, and the woman was probably inside. If she wasn't though, Lucius just used the construct to smash her body with a quick flick of his wrist.

"Now that's enough of that...." He said turning his attention to the mistress.

"Why don't you give these people a real fight. This woman is nothing to us. Show them what the oh so powerful mistress can do." Lucius said standing confidently.

Zeta and Daniel

Figures, the metallic being just sidestepped his teleporting floor attack. This didn't look as if they could win. Daniel took his gun out and began firing and teleporting the bullets at the beings face, but they merely bounced off. He needed a bit more fire power, and Zeta seemed to have it.

"No, I'm a one trick pony." Daniel said half joking as he popped off a few more rounds. What he did next would probably shock Zeta, but his constant appearing and disappearing tended to do that. He teleported right next to Zeta and grabbed his gun, then teleported directly behind the metal dude. He was now at point blank range where he proceeded to fire as many rounds into their opponents head as he could.

Delta, Isabel and Leo

Isabel was taken off guard by the sheer skill of the woman, earning her a cut to the leg. A normal human probably would have got their leg cut completely off.

"Oh fuck this, your better at swords." Isabel said manipulating the construct swords she had and reforming them into a blast that shot forward at the woman. Seeing Isabel already in combat Leo closed some distance before firing his own wide blast of fire like light at the sword wielding woman. It seemed their earth manipulator pal had a problem, and their really wasn't a way to fix it. Isabel then formed a mini-gun of all things and started firing dozens of energy bullets per second, this was getting quite serious now.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 7th 2015, 12:57 am

Alpha, Lucius, Gamma
”Such undue cockiness.” The Mistress noted with a chuckle, still reclined within her chair, people demanding blood and likely they would get it soon. The pulse would land, and the cube would form, but that did not mean it was over. ”Release the remaining restrictions.” As if the word of god had been spoke, a great crack would appear across the construct, as she seemed to slam a single fist through it with an incredible amount of might. ”Why should I deal with you, when you have not even dealt with my champion? You presume too much when you have done so little.” She dismissed Lucius with a coldness, as the strange woman stepped from the construct cracking her knuckles.

”Aren’t you a tough little thing. Looks like I won’t need to hold back as much as I thought. I wonder though, how fast and hard do I need to hit you before your neck snaps?” It was then that Alpha seemed to notice something.

”Be careful you two, I’ve seen her somewhere before. She’s a mercenary, stronger than she looks.” Alpha warned, and within an instant she was gone, his mind had a hard time keeping up, as if she was there one second and then gone. Now standing only a few yards before them, a blade was brandished.

”Mach six, that is how fast I just moved. Six times faster than before, and I wonder….how much you’ll be smiling when I hit you.” Without warning, she was in motion, aiming to unleash a flurry of punches into Lucius’ abdomen, the force behind them crushing.

Zeta and Daniel
The bullets bounced off of the metallic being, releasing small sparks as they fell to the ground and it just looked at them. This must have been one of her newest recruits, because he had never fought this one before. ”Well, at least you’re honest.” Zeta sighed, finding his gun being snatched from him. Within a second, they would teleport beside the metal thing and unload the clip into them, likely they overestimated their durability as they seemed to take the entire thing, cracks spreading across their exterior as they fell to the ground.

”Wow, talk about a finish.” Zeta laughed as he closed the distance and checked to see if they were out with a kick. So what do you say we kick the bitches ass up there?”” Zeta asked looking up to the woman in the black dress looking down upon them.

Delta, Isabel and Leo
The woman appeared to be better than Isabel when it came to swords, but then again likely she would not need to use them for long. Energy constructs had their uses, and this was one of them. Flipping backwards, the woman would flourish her blades and prepare for the next assault, aiming to go after Delta who was now helpless. Keeping an eye upon Leo, she would grip onto Delta’s arm before he could do anything, and hurl him into the attack Leo had thrown. It hurt like hell, but he was not really hurt by it beyond the destruction of his clothes, though even that was not excessive.

Whilw Delta would roll along the ground and try not to fall off of the stage, the blade wielding woman would begin to deflect the bullets shot at her, mostly succeeding though a few would scrape along her legs and arms, likely to impede her attacks. Energy built around the blades, then being launched at Isabel as she hurled one of the blades at Leo, connected to a bracelet of hers by an energy chain. If the blade hit nothing, well it would be jerked back, though there was room to catch it.

Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 8th 2015, 4:01 am

Alpha, Lucius, Gamma

Lucius said nothing as he listened to the Mistress, standing with his usual egotistical posture. He was about to respond but he was surprised by......his construct getting punched through like it was a car window. It seemed this champion had more to her. The construct dissipated once she stepped out, there was no reason to keep it up now. This one was fast, so there was no time to talk. Every second counted when you were facing someone that could move that fast, it was good that this one liked to gloat. Suddenly, she dashed off, much faster then before. Thankfully she stopped once again to tell them just how fast that was, buying Lucius precious time.

"Lock the targeting systems on to her, as soon as she gets close activate the teleporter." Lucius said telepathically to Hector in under a second as the woman explained that she just moved at mach six. She dashed off once more, nearly too fast for Lucius' tech to track, nearly. In the instant she got close to unleash her flurry of punches she would find Lucius was gone, now next to Gamma.

"Tsk tsk." Lucius said acting as if he were amused before unleashing a massive wave of harsh crimson energy with a movement of his hand. It likely would just be danced around with that superspeed of hers, but Lucius was counting on it. Lucius had purposefully left a clear escape route from the blast, which was to the womans right. It looked safe yes, but it wasn't.

"Throw a pulse to your left." Lucius said to Oliver through the hive mind. Gamma didn't exactly know what was happening, it all happened so fast so he was open to a little suggestion.

"Alright....." He said half hesitating before unleashing a telekinetic pulse outward at the opening in Lucius' blast. The woman would have to go out that way or she would take the energy blast, so she would likely he violently thrown by Oliver's telekinetic attack.

Zeta and Daniel

So their opponent seemed to have a bit more bark then bite. Surprisingly the high tech gun practically shredded the metal meta, hopefully he wasn't dead, that would be counter productive.

"I may be a one trick pony, but its a pretty awesome trick." Daniel said with a smile in response to Zetas comment about his finish. It was true his only power was teleportation, but he had learned some pretty neat ways to use it.

"Might as well while we're still on a roll." Daniel said holstering the hand gun he took from Zeta, he probably didn't need it back. Closing some distance with Zeta Daniel held out his hand, hoping the male would take it. Whether he did or not Daniel would teleport up on the balcony, only about ten feet from the two voice lady.

"So whats with that voice thing? You have multiple personalities or something?"

Delta, Isabel and Leo

"Ok, bitch with swords far more annoying then i thought." Isabel said as she watched her bullets being deflected for the most part. Alpha's earth boy had been thrown into Leos attack, which pretty much stopped it from hitting the woman but Delta seemed to be quite alright. With no time for apologies Leo prepared for another attack, yet found there was a blade being thrown at him which prompted him to hesitate. Its not like his light could stop it, it wasn't Lucius' energy or anything. The energy blade connected with his gut, but thankfully didn't wound him to bad due to his thick skin. It hurt yes....and drew a little blood, but he would be fine. As that was happening Isabel had to deal with her own attack, one in the form of energy that seemed to have discharged from one of the woman's blades. Isabel retaliated by reforming her mini gun into a pink shield, though the energy from the lady's sword seemed to crack it. Fortunately for Isabel it didn't break through, so for the time being she was unharmed.

"Alright, lets try something else..." Isabel said waving her hand to generate a few whip like constructs from the ground. They lashed out at the woman, but at the last second changed course and went for her weapons. If they managed to latch on they would attempt to tug them from the woman's grasp. While the sword lady struggled with that, Leo shot another beam of light at the woman, thankfully this time she didn't have anybody to use as a human shield....or, a whatever Delta is shield.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 8th 2015, 7:10 pm

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma

Alpha could tell from a single hit that his sibling had taken, that he would not be able to withstand the force that the woman could exert, and if he knew anything about her, likely not even Gamma would walk away unharmed now. Her strength had only been proven more by shattering Lucius’ construct with ease as she would prove she could go even faster than before. Luckily, Lucius seemed capable of avoiding what would have been a painful hit, not that it seemed to daunt her in the least. ”I really hate you teleporting types. You just make it take a lot longer before I rip you apart.” brandishing her blade, she would prepare to move once again, watching the motion that Lucius made along with the wave of energy that had followed it.

Without seemingly even moving she was already doing so, avoiding the crimson energy and ducking around to attack them, only to be stopped a blast of telekinetic energy. While it had thrown her back, the woman would quickly recover as if she had not been hit at all. This was not good, she had become more durable than before. Still, he was attempting to dig into her mind with his own, either wrestle control away from her, or break the control that was upon her. Despite that, she was still fighting as well as she was, speaking highly of her as a warrior. ”Good, let’s see you stop this.” Within a second she was running again, around them this time in a large circle as what seemed like a vortex was beginning to form. She was hoping to suffocate them, ripping oxygen out of the air, though if Lucius were to attempt to stop her, she would zip out even faster than before to strike him in the face.

”I really hate these speedster types.” Alpha muttered.


Zeta and Daniel

They had finished their foe as quickly as the fight had started but something told him that was not the only person that they were to be fighting. Zeta seemed to be enjoying himself either way, perhaps this teleporter wasn’t as bad as he thought, though he still had Eta in the back of his mind. Sure, even with just the teleporting Daniel could do a lot, but overconfidence did lead to a persons downfall. Unnecessary death was something Zeta was hoping to avoid, and that even meant someone he was not quite sure how he felt about. Hate was still a possibility, but for now it was mild dislike.

He would let his eyes follow the teleporter as he would appear before the woman garbed in black, who seemed to not even move from her sitting position. ”Multiple personalities? You could say that.” Without warning, a body of shadows would rise around her forming blades, these constructs all sporting what looked like maniacal red eyes and teeth ready to bite. It looked less like shadow manipulation and more as if a being of pure darkness had formed from her shadow, a single blade of this darkness lashing out at the teleporter.


Delta, Isabel and Leon

The woman with swords was more annoying than Delta wanted to deal with, but with these two metahumans he felt as if they had a chance against her, despite his being powerless. Still, if anything Delta was one of the hardest things to hurt around, so there was always that to go for him. Isabel would try something else out, attempting to snatch away her weapon with small whips that extended from the ground, doing their job in keeping them busy if nothing else, as a few would wrap around the blade and keep her stationary. Leo would attempt to strike at her while she was prone, but letting one arm free as her left side jerked down, she would raise an arm as a shield of energy would form from a bracelet on her wrist, taking most of the attack.

Still, one could see that she was damaged to some extent, a decent  amount of blood running from a gash on her leg, though she had managed to avoid what would have been a rather grievous injury. Without wasting time, she would toss the shield at Isabel, sheering through the whip constructs with insane ease and likely the serrated edge would do the same to her should it hit. Still, it looked like this was nearly the end for her.

Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 9th 2015, 6:50 am

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma

Though it was all well coordinated Lucius' little tactic to hit the woman only resulted in her shrugging it off. So she was fast, strong, skilled, AND tough. What else did this woman have up her sleeve? Though Lucius wasn't phased by the woman's avoidance, in fact he looked as calm as ever. Lucius just chuckled at her comment about stopping 'this'. Yes the woman had a reason to be arrogant, but she just talked way to much in combat for his taste. Perhaps it was because she felt she could, since she was so damn quick.

"Any opportunity you get to copy her powers you take it, i doubt we can win this without matching her speed." Lucius said through the hive mind rapidly. Even though Oliver and Lucius didn't really like each other they did seem like a pretty good team.

"Yeah, i already gathered..." Oliver said smugly back. Seemed the test tube boy was even snarky telepathically. What happened next sort of sucked, no pun intended. The woman started running in circles around them, literally trying to take their air away. Oliver and Lucius would be relatively fine though, painful as it was their incredibly durable lungs would heal as the lack of air damaged them. That wasn't to say it wouldn't be a hindrance though, in only about thirty seconds both Lucius and Oliver started to heave from the pain in their lungs, it would heal yes, but that offered no relief, it only kept them alive.

Oliver soon dropped to his knees, unlike Lucius he hadn't gotten used to such strain on his body. Lucius had managed to stay upright, though for how long was unclear. Alpha was the real problem here, with no form of self healing or high durability he would die in minutes. The speedster had to be stopped. Thinking as fast as he could Lucius unclasped his sonic emitter, it was the only thing he knew she couldn't evade. Yes she was faster then sound itself, but she was confined to the arena, it would get to her just like anybody else.

"You may want to plug your ears." Lucius said telepathically through the hive mind before activating the remote like device. In an instant the sonic waves were sent out, enveloping the entire arena in less then a second. Yes it would hurt his allies ears, probably to the point of bleeding in Alpha's case, but it was better then dying. Unless the woman had some form of defense against sensory attacks, she would likely be stopped or at least hindered. If she wasn't though, Lucius would just toss a VERY high grade explosive at the vortex in a desperate effort. Yes it would blow up three quarters of the arena, but Lucius made a point to make sure their least durable party member was in the safe area.

Zeta and Daniel

Upon seeing just what this lady had in store for them Daniel pretty much shat a brick. Very odd powers this woman had, and very deadly from the looks of it. He realized it probably wouldn't be as simple as before. His body was also starting to strain, he could continue for a little while longer, but eventually he would have to rest. If this woman had some form of superhuman durability, well, he was screwed. Teleporting right before the shadow construct hit him Daniel appeared next to the woman, his hands on her head. With a motion of his arms he would attempt to snap the woman's neck, if he even got that far. A long shot as it was, what else could he do?

Delta, Isabel and Leon

It seemed as if they may have been breaking their opponent, though her injuries thus far were minor they were numerous. Even if Leo and Isabel beat her though, they had learned not to underestimate people to an extent. Isabel had thought she would be able to swiftly dispatch this foe, now she saw she was quite wrong. The woman's shield had taken most of Leos attack, and now it was being lobbed at Isabel. Without much time react she was hit in the chest, it didn't saw through her or anything, but the wound was bad indeed. Isabel screamed as the shield fell to the floor, blood dripping from the cut along her chest. In moments though that agony had turned to rage, Isabel wasn't playing anymore.

"You bitch!" Isabel said not thinking of anything more clever through her bloodthirsty state. She pressed forward and unleashed a wave of pink energy that wound circle around the woman on both sides then harden into a construct, after that well, Isabel would try to crush her to death.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 9th 2015, 11:55 am

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma

She was planning to suffocate them, something that even someone without superhuman intelligence could see would likely do them in. By them, rather Alpha and he had no intentions on dying, especially not like this. She was trying to forcefully draw the air from around him, so he attempted to keep it in with his own power, meaning that he couldn’t probe as well into her mind by default. Whether she had done that on purpose or that was a lucky side effect, Alpha did not know but he wouldn’t let the possibility get out of his reach. Still, this little trick of his bought him minutes at the most, he needed to think of a way by which he could stop her running. A simple solution would have been to knock her feet out from under her, or make running impossible.

A few plans came into mind really, but in the end it appeared that Lucius had thought of the best course of action with so little time. His two more durable compatriots could deal with the lack of oxygen and the havoc it did to their lungs far better than he could. They would heal, he likely would not in time. A loud piercing sound would radiated from a device that Lucius had activated, causing a large amount of pain for Alpha, making his little barrier near impossible to hold up. Sucking in a breath and holding it in, he would let his shield down and the trapped air out into the vortex around them, hoping that Lucius knew what he was doing. It took all he had to keep the breath in, and for hearing all he had was a loud ringing that kept going on likely far after the sonic emitter stopped.

Warm blood flowed down the side of his head, but he could see well enough that the vortex had stopped. He didn’t need to hear to see, so he wasn’t out of one of his senses, so there was no point in whining, he would make due. The woman had stopped clutching her ears for a moment, though they weren’t bleeding like his own. He couldn’t tell what she was saying but the break within her mental defenses caused by this sound was perfect, his mind would jab at hers like a scalpel and broke through the surface as he felt her entire being sort of become covered by the great cloud that was his mind. Metaphorical tendrils latched on, and within an instant she was done, under his control like a puppet. Without even realizing it, Alpha had found himself on his knees, standing to his feet a little shakily and brushing himself off.

Our fights over, she won’t get in our way any longer. The telepathic message would send out to both Lucius and Gamma. Likely they would enjoy the news, because this woman was nothing if not annoying, though he had a feeling they would have not lasted a little longer against her. A single mental command and she would step aside for them, giving them access to likely attack The Mistress should Lucius so choose to.


Zeta and Daniel


”Goddammit, not this shit.” Zeta cursed under his breath as the woman would manifest her shadows, he had so little time to react, unleashing a jet of flames under his feet and propelling himself through the air. Daniel’s attempt to snap her neck was effective, the bones cracking loudly as her head lolled to the side much like a ragdoll, but that wasn’t the end for them. Morbidly, her lips would curl into a twisted smile, as if the strings were not done with their little puppets, eyes swiveling towards the blond.

”Naughty little boy, breaking my little toy. Now I have to punish you.” These shadows would rise once again to impale Daniel, but they did not get that far as a jet of bright orange fire would hit them from the front, only eliciting a scream.

”Hey dumbass, get outta the way before I fry you crispy!” Hopefully Daniel would move out of the way, because he turned up the heat, flames turning a bluish white as they continued to wash over the woman, burning her more as one of the tendrils of shadow would lash out, jabbing into his side and cutting outwards. It hurt like hell but then again he didn’t have time to cry over it.


Delta, Isabel and Leo
Isabel had been hit by the attack, which had done quite a bit of damage and most of all pissed her off more than Delta had ever seen someone get pissed off. The woman would form what looked like a splint of some kind around her leg, allowing her to continue to move despite what looked like a pretty painful wound. Isabel however had plans for her demise, and she just did not quite want that, forming a construct within her hands, a spear of sorts with a head covered by the same vibrating energy, twirling it before cutting through a small section of the construct and narrowly escaping certain death. Her eyes were not on Delta, and that was perhaps her first mistake, as he took advantage of that to hit her square in the face with a punch.

It didn’t hurt her but the force was enough to unbalance her, allowing him to rip the construct that had seemed to become a solid weapon within his hands,, twirling it before slamming the butt into her face with all of his strength, knocking her to the ground, he then repeated that until she was out. ”Look at that. I don’t need my powers to kick your ass.” He said with a smirk, more mimicking Zeta than anything else in speech.

Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 10th 2015, 7:17 am

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma

By the time it was all over Lucius and Oliver had burning lungs, and Alpha bleeding ears. Minor injuries really, but still annoying ones. It seemed Travis had broken the woman's will, though the sudden victory over her mind could probably also be attributed to Lucius' sonic device. And they said packing that around was redundant. Likely they would be fighting the mistress next, and if she really was as powerful as she seemed it would be an even more difficult bout. Regardless though, there was no turning back now. Gathering himself, Lucius turned to The Mistress.

"Such undue cockiness....." Lucius said with a chuckle, referring to their defeated opponent.

"Your champion has failed, Mistress. So either come down here and join her in defeat, or release my brethren." Lucius said refolding his arms in the exact manner as before as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile, Oliver was doing something any logical person that could copy powers would. Touching their downed opponent on the shoulder he copied her powers, or at least some of them. It was hard to tell sometimes when coping abilities, but speed and strength were rather straight forward and easy for him to recognize.

"Lets see how she likes getting kicked at mach six...."

Zeta and Daniel


So it seemed the whole neck snapping business was successful, who would have guessed it wou..... Oh, shes still alive. Somehow the woman had survived and not only that, said something very creepy right after. Daniel was in shock more then anything, he had seem some things in his time, but nothing quite as messed up as this. He was nearly impaled by a wicked fast shadow....thing, but a jet of fire from Zeta had stopped it, even though it nearly killed him as well. He got burned a bit on the arm before teleporting out of the way, now next to Zeta. The pyrokinetic would have to take this one, Daniel was getting far to strained and he really had no means of taking this bitch out. After all, he did beat the other one.

Delta, Isabel and Leo

It was good Isabel's attempt at straight up murdering the lady had failed, she was likely under the mistress' control so killing her would have been against Lucius' loose set of guidelines. Regardless, their opponent had been defeated, in a rather comical way really. Leo and Isabel just burst out laughing, nearly forgetting they had open wounds.

"You just.....straight up decked her into submission........spect dude, spect." Leo said with an amused smile on his face. At that point he realized he and Isabel were bleeding, though it wasn't like that wasn't easily fixed.

"Do i have to scream at you for heals like this is World of Warcraft? Do it already." Isabel said slightly irritated but still smiling from the whole punching thing. In moments Leo released his light outward throughout the room, taking only about twenty seconds to heal everyone, except for their opponent of course.

" now what?" Leo said finally looking around the room.

Gammas Copy Log:


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 10th 2015, 2:05 pm

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma
The Mistress watched with mute interest, fingers interlaced while she would wait for the battle to end and it would. If anything, she was unshaken by the defeat of her champion, because if anything that was expected of them. Their power was great, of that she had no doubt but her foes were just stronger than her in that respect. Now they foolishly called out the mistress in her own domain, something that would not be taken lightly. ”Oh Lucius, you poor deluded puppet. You’re nothing more than a prop on my stage, and even that victory you will find I allowed to you.” She said with an almost dark humor, standing from her throne as people would grow silent around her. For the first time, the crowd had grown truly silent, as if sensing a brewing storm.

For a moment, Alpha could feel as if the air about them had grown thick, and within that instant it had changed back to normal. ”I will show you three true despair, and only then will I permit you to die. That or I may keep you as gladiators in my arena.” Descending from on high like an angel, she would land softly in the dirt of the arena. ”Now, I will be a fair patron. I will only fight to your levels.” Raising a hand palm upwards what looked like a red energy would form above it, like fire but something else entirely. It cast a demonic glow upon her face, lips now curled into a devious smirk. ”Now children, come and face your death.”

Zeta and Daniel
His flames would continue even after the screaming stopped, when blood ran from his nose in rivulets and he felt the pain in his die increase. Still, it would end and Zeta fell to his knees with pain burning through his side, as he felt blood oozing from the wound. If he didn’t do anything, it would likely bleed out, so what he did felt right at the time. Removing the wallet from his back pocket, he would bite down and cauterize the wound, teeth nearly breaking through the leather as he did so. Passing out was the part he had the hardest time not doing, but in the end he was conscious enough to stand. Where there was one a woman, there was an unknown shadow that seemed to be crumbling in a sense, only two small red eyes and a crooked frown in what would have been a face.

Not giving him a chance to react, it would slip away and leave him to fall to his knees. ”F….fuck.” Zeta growled, falling on his back and looking to the ceiling. ”I think we did it.” He sighed, trying to keep himself from passing out.

Delta, Isabel and Leo
Delta soaked up the small amount of praise thrown at him, one of those trademark goofy grins of his making their way across his face. He didn’t need any super powers to kick someones ass, which he showed just then. ”I have a feeling that was just the mini-boss though.” Almost as if proving him right, the water below the arena would begin to drain, lowing them further and further until they reached a bottom, and glaring at them was….a large brown bear. Scarred with a child riding atop them. ”I…..really hate bears.”

Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 10th 2015, 5:02 pm

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma

Ok, this puppet thing was getting boring at this point. Either he really did give off the impression of not being in control, or it was becoming a more common derogatory comment. Either way, he knew the truth, and nothing short of dragging up his past would have any effect on that ego of his.

"And they call me arrogant." Lucius said in response to the woman's ramblings. As powerful as she seemed no one should be this confident, she would look like a fool if she were defeated. What happened next made Lucius raise an eyebrow, she seemed to have his energy. That had happened three times today, in some way or another. People really seemed to like that energy of his.

"Fighting me with my own power? That's a mistake you will regret." Lucius said as his entire body lit up with energy, not an attack, but more of a way to ready himself and show his mastery. The red light radiated off him and caused the entire arena to get a red hue over it. In all honesty it was hard to believe this arena would hold them if they all went full bore. With new powers of strength and speed Oliver was ready to get this over with. He was a bit angry at Lucius for this, if it wasn't for him Travis wouldn't have even bothered with this. Though, The Mistress was a bit of a problem, might as well get rid of her now rather then later.

In an instant he was in motion, not quite as fast as the woman, but that was merely because Oliver hadn't ever ran at those speeds before. At mach two, he ran at The mistress, hoping to deliver a bone pulverizing punch to her jaw. Regardless of that attacks success, Lucius shot a large wave of energy at his opponent that lit the place up with its bright red light. Basic attacks as they were, both were quite lethal.

"Is it possible to penetrate The Mistress' mind? I doubt it or you probably would have already done it, but i'm just hoping." Oliver said telepathically through the hive mind. That was a bit of a long shot yes, but Alpha was a pretty damn powerful telepath.

Zeta and Daniel

It seemed Zeta had been hurt pretty badly, though he managed to stop himself from bleeding out, which was, good? They had one yes, but it was more of Pyrrhic victory because they were both more or less out of commission.

"I should get you to Leo, unless you feel like continuing" Daniel said looking down at Zeta.

Delta, Isabel and Leo

So they were all healed up and ready for whatever was next. Leo and Isabel had to agree that the woman was just the mini boss so to speak. Suddenly and without warning the water in the room lowered, and out of seemly nowhere there was a bear....with a kid on top of it.

"Ok, what the fuck." Isabel said staring at their opponent. Assuming this thing was going to attack them, both Leo and Isabel fired blasts of light and energy, respectively.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Alpha May 10th 2015, 5:28 pm

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma
Lucius would draw upon his own energy as if trying to show off compared to The Mistress who had created a construct of her own. He had an idea of what she could do, but this was not one of those things, it was beyond anything he had expected. If she could copy Lucius’ powers then likely she would have done the same for the rest of them. His eyes widened for a moment as he thought over so many possibilities, ones that he did not want to be possible, but dismissing them would have been foolish. The woman did not make a move to avoid the attack that Gamma had made, moving three times slower than the woman, still within his minds ability to perceive him.

Moving faster than even Gamma, she would raise a hand to swat away the fist that had been aimed for her face, before deftly turning to slam a kick wreathed within the red energy against his face. This motion had gone all too fast for him, but it showed that what she was doing was more than copying Red, at least she had copied the mercenaries powers as well. If her strike had worked, she would quickly take a defensive stance as her own red energy would meet the pulse with an explosive result, tossing up dirt as he would take this chance to jab at her mind. The more she was focused upon using that power, the more likely her mind would be unable to resist. If he remembered, giving into rage did not do anything for a person’s mental defenses, so all he needed to do was have her use that energy more.

Be careful you two, I think she may have copied more than just that energy of yours. He would send the mental message, as his hearing was still composed of a ringing noise, though even his healing rate would help somewhat with getting his hearing back faster than the average human. Regardless of how that went, she would stand within the chaos that was the attempted attack, brushing off a small amount of dust.

”Let me give you some information. You are within my domain, as such you are under my power. Rush into a man’s home and demand their belongings, that will only have you met with a gun to your face.” Three red cannons would form. ”This is the same concept.” With a snap of her fingers she would unleash a barrage of fire upon them. Hopefully they would supplement the telekinetic barrier he created, because it would not hold for too long.

Zeta and Daniel
Time had felt like it was dilating for Zeta as he breathed slowly, each second feeling more like an hour as he felt the pain from his side. What snapped him from his torpor was Daniel saying something, rolling onto his side and looking up to the blond with a raised brow, eyes looking a little distant. ”N…no I’m fine.” Zeta said trying to brush them off but falling to his knees, dizziness falling over him like a wave. ”Okay, I might need a little help standing up. Mind giving me a hand with those big strong arms of yours?” Joke or not, he really couldn’t stand up very well on his own, so the help would have been appreciated.

Delta, Isabel and Leo
”Kill it!” He would shout and the two would comply, unleashing hell upon the poor thing, causing the large bear to roar loudly as it raised a paw to swipe at them. Delta dived out under the large claws, which looked like they could cause some damage to him. There was the smell of burning fur and it just growing…angrier and larger. So…they were making is stronger by hurting it or by pissing it off. Either way, he was not liking how this was going, the kid atop its head seemed to hide behind it by clinging to its neck, meaning they had something to do with it.

Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Existentialism [Red Tide] - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism [Red Tide]

Post by Red May 10th 2015, 7:17 pm

Alpha, Lucius and Gamma

Gamma would get flung across the arena by The Mistress' wicked fast head kick which left a bloody gash on the side of his face, Oliver wasn't expecting her to be fast. Lucius, however, was. He knew if she had his energy she would probably have a few other things as well, and it seemed Alpha had the same idea. His basic blast had been thwarted by the woman with an equal showing of power, the meeting had a rather explosive result that caused flashes of brilliant light all over the arena and cheering audience. The floor around them had been ripped at and burned into nothing but a black sand. It was going to take a bit more cunning then this to take her down.

"When i first got my powers i could be sent into a rage at the drop of a hat. We need to make her use my energy and try to piss her off. At that point she will be more aggressive yes, but she'll lose tactical thinking and martial prowess in favor of just trying to tear our heads off." Lucius said through the hive mind as he took a more serious stance. She would be nearly impossible to defeat without paying on her weaknesses, which just so happened to be those of the people she copied. Their opponent then utilized Lucius' energy offensively, forming cannon constructs to fire upon them. Alpha had put up a barrier, but knowing his energy Lucius knew it wouldn't last to long. Putting up a red energy barrier around Alpha's he waited for the assault to cease.

Gamma, though, was caught outside the barrier. A few shots came his way, which he quickly danced around with his new speed. Oliver had heard what Lucius said in the hive mind, so rather then straight up trying to punch her to death he needed to annoy her. Charging her once again with his fist raised he prepared to strike. This time was a bit faster, around mach three. Once he got close though, he didn't finish his strike, instead sliding low to the ground at high speeds in an attempt to trip the woman. Seeing that The Mistress' bombardment had stopped Lucius lowered what was left of his constructed barrier and Alpha would likely do the same.

"Decent constructs, not very creative though." Lucius said in a tone that could probably be heard from a school teacher. With a movement of his hand he formed four large serpent constructs that then burrowed into the ground. In moments the four snakes would strike out from the ground beneath The Mistress, three attempting to catch a piece of her in their jaws while the other moved in circles around her before tightening. Since she had Lucius' energy and likely the mercs strength, this wouldn't be a problem. However, it wasn't meant to be, it was meant to lure her into using more energy.

Zeta and Daniel

Zeta seemed a lot worse then he was letting on, though he still managed to make a joke which surprisingly got a smile out of Daniel. He didn't know exactly what to do, he could teleport them out and get some help.....but wouldn't that mean all that fighting they just did was for nothing. Daniel thought for a moment and came to the conclusion they would be fine, they had meta humans to free. Grabbing Zeta by the hand he helped him to his feet, before teleporting them both up on the balcony where Daniel looked for the entrance to a possible holding area.

Finding a door he gently let Zeta stand on his own before kicking it down. It looked pretty much like a old roman prison, yet each cell seemed to have high tech modifications likely to counter act the meta human powers. Luckily the locks were electronic, which made them hackable. Removing his phone he typed in numerous codes and got connected to the locks before cracking each and every key code. The doors sprang open, allowing the liberated meta humans to walk out.

"Who are you?" One of them said as he staggered out of his holding area like a zombie.

"We're your liberators."

Delta, Isabel and Leo

The bear roared and trembled, but it just looked to be getting more pissed. Isabel had managed to duck under the bears flailing strikes, but Leo got caught by a single claw that opened up a nasty looking cut on his arm. He yelled in pain and took a few steps back, then realized something. Why was there even a kid on the bears back? And if bear was getting bigger and stronger as they attacked, why not try to hurt the kid instead?

"The kid! ...Um, this sounds bad but...KILL THE KID!" Leo said as he tended to the wound on his arm with his healing light. Isabel had heard that loud and clear, and if anyone had the guts to hurt a child, it was her. Firing a blast of energy it would loop around the bears back and attempt to hit the kid in the back of the head, hopefully she was like the bears control or something because Isabel had just about enough of this fighting business for one day.


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Now i see that is not the cost

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