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All That Glitters [invite]

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All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: All That Glitters [invite]

Post by The Doctor April 8th 2015, 9:42 pm

She would have successfully grappled him if she hadn't been the weight and molecular density that she was. Because Tsxero's crash down on her collided and she was in fact so dense, he literally bounced off of her, this was the entire person of the rotations. The rotations allowed him to easily roll off an opponent if he drove them into the ground, or against more durable metahumans he would simply bounce off and it would have a significantly dampened backlash. His people were used to much heavier gravity than that of Titan's, so they naturally developed attacking styles that used physics to their advantage.

Tsxero was now "safe from the grapple, but the girl seemed to take fly into the air but not before doing a metric dead-baby of damage. That's right. That's a new unit of measurement. Look it up. Now the area was sunk only into MORE chaos and insanity. Tsxero looked to lock onto a new target. His attack didn't do much to the girl that flew about. She was tough, tough enough that Tsxero would need to get creative. He was faster than her, he was stronger than her and he had the superior skills and reflexes. But was he strong enough to hurt her? He knew he was... but sadly he wasn't willing to resort to such a tactic. He growled as he looked about and his eyes fixated on Opal.

μrsine kept to Jacob's heels as he was instructed by Tsxero. He scoffed and folded his arms while looking to Jacob as he heard him talk into the phone. Who in the hell calls their own "men" gangsters? So did this guy know he was the scum of the Earth or was he just THAT inherently good at it? μrsine would never understand why Tsxero followed this guy so blindly. μrsine watched events unfold, his mere pressence there keeping the Ultra Gang at an advantage. Tsxero ran yet again, breaking the sound barrier once more, crating a loud BOOM as he ran before landing next to μrsine, who (at present) was far stronger and faster than him.

"Alpha. Grab." Tsxero whispered quickly before he then took off and returned to the stargirl he had yet to name. Unfortunately for Tsxero he made an unfortunate decision. Unknowing of Star-Girl's weakness to the magical affinities he sent off μrsine, whose God-Cell was of a magical nature. μrsine could have utterly destroyed her, but instead he prioritized μrsine to the capture of Alpha. Oh ignorance would be a pain to endure...but oh how it would yeild for a fantastic battle. μrsine took off, eventually to shatter the sound barrier in three steps as he launched for Alpha to fly him up into the air if possible. He had to avoid the fire, which he was oh so sensitive to, ultimately making it difficult...though perhaps not impossible.

"You've made quite an impression. Don't worry, I won't drop you. It would take more than that to kill you. We just needed...some privacy." μrsine said while holding Alpha very, very high in the air, unable to be seen clearly from the ground. "Now you will listen to Tsxero's plan. If you know what is best for you, you will follow it. He gains nothing from your perishing, in fact he loses a potential ally. So I'm afraid we're going to have to this exercise." μrsine said. He did say he wasn't going to drop Alpha, and he kept true enough to it. But what μrsine said next was rather interesting...

The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Number of posts : 162
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Post by Artemis April 9th 2015, 2:47 pm

It was hard to keep up with everything going on. Even with Natalia's seismic sense. Such chaos should never be allowed and Natalia deeply regretted the very basic truce between the two gangs. She made a mental note to tighten the freedom these people where allowed to do on her borders. Holding her gun out to defend herself. She began to move, not really bothering to shoot the gangsters who where attacking. It was self-defense and she needed to get these other speakers out. It may spark a small outcry from the meta-humans but no one is going to fault her. Besides she wasn't aiming to kill as much as she wanted to. She was aiming to immobilize. But with all that was going on and the fact she was a scared, mostly defenseless woman, some of the gangsters would probably never wake up again. The real issue was Opal. It took every fiber on her being not to jump on stage and drag her away. But not only could that ruin her reputation it would also bring up a lot of questions, questions she didn't want to deal with. So for the time being the girl on the stage was a stranger to her.


"Oi! Did I say you could just walk away!" shouted Opal as Deathbringer began to walk away. Although she seemed to of talked a bit to soon as he walked up just to greet more goons. Opal could imagine what Danny would yell at her. Something about if her mother loved her she would make sure she took her drug test then slapping her upside the head. Yes it had nothing to do with the situation but Opal had the feeling that's what would be said. Opal had to relocate off the stage considering it seemly decided to break apart for no reason.

"Why would I stop her? I may not agree with her but she has the right to say whatever she wants. You on the other hand thing you can do what you want simply because you can? That's not how it works buddy." said Opal. She was getting ready to fight this man but then she sensed more goons running towards her mother. Opal mentally cursed. Hoping her mother could take care of herself she charged at Deathbringer. She would need to make this fast.


Ok so her daughter didn't hate her. Good to know. The thought did warm Natalia up even though she could barely hear it to begin with. She was low on bullets. She only had about 3 left so she had to be careful. She had lost one of the speakers. and she picked up one of the guns off the ground and it was strapped it on her back. She needed to get these remaining speakers out.
Mega Poster!
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All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: All That Glitters [invite]

Post by Stargirl April 11th 2015, 11:12 am

Stargirl looked down at the strange alien creature that pinballed her into the ground.  Her glowing eyes staring down at it furiously, but with confusion.  The impact of that alien on her chest, well, she felt it.  Out of all her long years of existence, out of all the aliens she had met, never had she been harmed through sheer brute strength.  This alien is different, its strong, her kind of strong.  The kind of strength that can protect alot of lifeforms, or in the case of this new alien, destroy it.

A loud yelping sound breathed out of her lips when that alien broke the sound barrier in a run, startling the flying woman due to the sudden noise.  It was fast, very fast, probably as fast on the ground as she is in the air.  But when it smacked into her, it bounced off of her and fell to the ground.  Stargirl guessed that meant it couldn’t fly like her, so she had that advantage. Its attack harmed her, but not near sever injury.  Stargirl guesses that means it’s as strong as she is tough.  That’s not really an advantage, but it’s convenient.  Hopefully this alien is not as tough as she is, and that her strength can hurt it more that it’s strength can hurt her.

Her fingers roughly clench into hard fists as she looks down at the alien, “Why are you hurting innocent people?  What have they done to you?  They’re scared, and in pain!” She frowns, glaring down at the alien.  Stargirl hates creatures like this, creatures who use their great power to hurt those who are powerless.  Its sickening, its cruel, and its a total waste of life.  

Her eyes move over to the rally people who are being strangled by their own shirts, “If you’re weak enough to choose not to help them, then I will..!” She shoots down towards some of the survivors of the chaotic explosion of earth that wrecked the area below, seeing the ones who are struggling for breath.  She moved fast, attempting to make it to any of those civilians, and use her strength to effortlessly rip he tightening shirts off their bodies to give them breath.

Status :

Quote : "Uhm... do I have to talk into this thing?" *Taps the mic* "Helloooooo?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : Here, there, anywhere.
Job : Everyone's favorite dumb blonde!
Humor : ...Huh?
Registration date : 2015-03-22

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All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: All That Glitters [invite]

Post by Forceaus April 11th 2015, 9:51 pm

For the most part Deathbringer was trying to keep the opposition pinned down until they were dealt with. The aliens were dealing with the flying girl and assisting in neutralizing Alpha and his gang while they were under sniper fire. The crowd was under control and as for the person that organized this, things were covered. Soon he'd be able to put more focus on dealing with the flying girl and the Alpha gang for they were the only real opposition present. They will surely fold when they get overwhelmed by what they're up against.

Deathbringer was behind where the stage had been and was talking to the woman that had organized this little rally, trying to get her to surrender. Shame she was completely foolish, as was the heroine that was trying to protect the speakers. Did she not realize that he didn't care about their opinions? Their opinions were useless in this situation anyways. The Duval lady pulled out a gun and tried shooting at the gangsters to escape, but Savage stood in the way of the gunshots and the bullets would do nothing against his heightened toughness. One of the gangsters would then fire a rocket right where she was standing since they refused to just surrender. Meanwhile the seemingly young heroine was attempting to attack him. Deathbringer imagined that the explosion from the fired rocket would distract her, but regardless swung his blade and a gale of sharp wind fired out at her. He was aiming to get rid of her quickly so he could focus on what was going on back at the stage.


Inside a building located next to the location of the rally, two people stood inside on the top floor watching what was going on below. From there they were reporting in on everything going on. Well, one of them was, the other was providing firepower.

"Why did you let him make those things?" Weaver asked referring to the massive spires of dirt that has risen from the ground. She asked this of Killer Mime who was supposed to be keeping them from doing anything while Deathbringer and the aliens took care of the others. Killer Mime could only shrug as he knew he had messed up. Taking aim at the man standing atop the spires, Killer Mime fired a powerful telekinetic blast with pinpoint accuracy aimed directly at his head. Even if they couldn't stop those towers of rock from being formed, at least the one controlling them could be killed.

"Get rid of that other one too." Weaver said and with that, Killer Mime fired another telekinetic blast. This one was aimed at Zeta. Meanwhile she had noticed what was going on at the back of the crowd. The flying girl was trying to free the people that were trapped by her fabrics. "Sorry girl, not gonna happen." she said as they only grew tighter and some of the loose threads would fly out and try and grab the flying girl around her arms and neck.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: All That Glitters [invite]

Post by Alpha April 11th 2015, 10:29 pm

The spire had rose, with Delta at the apex of one of them controlling all of them with his mind. This rally had been reduced to mayhem with a motion, and he was pleased with himself for that moment. That was until something hit him in the head, hurting like hell as he was sent careening off of his lofty perch, slamming into one of the pillars that he had made. Fragments broke off a she plopped to the ground with a low groaning sound, the impact hurting slightly. However, that had given Zeta enough time to react before he was under fire, slipping behind one of the pillars as a shot fired off into it, tearing away a large portion of the earth. ”A goddamn sniper now? This is going nowhere fast.” He growled, trying to figure out where the attack had come from, so he could accurately counter them.

Now they were in some trouble, and things would only get worse once that strangely armored guy would actually...begin to charge Alpha. ”Goddammit.” He cursed unleashing a stream of flames in an attempt to intercept them before they could do anything, but that went nowhere at all. They were simply too fast for him, and Alpha had been lifted into the air.

”What's goin on?” Delta asked scratching the back of his head he he drew himself from the rubble of the pillar, brushing off a few bits of dust that clung to his shirt. ”So someones shooting at us? I think this whole security thing is just not going good.” Delta grumbled pressing himself against the pillar along side Zeta.

”No, and I doubt these psychos will be too happy with Alpha after this. I mean what the hell were they thinking attacking something he was attending?” Zeta growled, with a frown, letting the fire build up within his hands.

”What are you gonna do?”

”Only what I have to.” He answered with a sigh, with fire now built up, Zeta jetted up to one of the spires and unleashed a large fireball upon Savage.

Meanwhile, Alpha found himself a long way off the ground, in the arms of someone that likely wanted to drop him. He had no reason to trust them, much like they had no reason to trust him. They said he wouldn't drop him, but he wasn't even sure if that was the truth. He was apparently supposed to follow this Tsxero's plan, but he had no idea what that was, but something told him it was going to involve him putting himself in danger he would have preferred to avoid. Hell, he was already in a situation where the guy could just drop him and either kill him, or ruin that secrecy he had worked so hard to keep hidden. ”It doesn't look like I have much what am I supposed to do?”

All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: All That Glitters [invite]

Post by The Doctor April 12th 2015, 10:25 pm

Tsxero could understand the desire to help people. That was the whole damn reason he was here with the Ultra gang. Jacob had what Tsxero needed, Jacob proved to be a reliable ally for Tsxero. Tsxero, for all practical purposes was a man in debt, a man bound by the need to save his people. Jacob was his best chance for that. Jacob had the gene needed, Alpha had the experience and the recourses, Tsxero had the technology. Ultimately, the Ultra Gang was the gang that suited his people's needs best. Jacob only helped Tsxero's loyalty by remaining loyal to him, thus far anyway. He didn't have time to explain this to Stargirl, and honestly...he didn't WANT to explain it. He owed no one an explanation. No one. Anyone who wanted one could bite his shiny black ass.

He hissed and bolted with intense speed, not breaking the sound barrier, but skillfully and quickly enough to get out of Stargirl's way. He flipped and positioned himself in a crowd of people. With one fluid action he used his claws to make a superficial slice on the man's shirt, grazing the skin ever so slightly before putting the man into a headlock and pointed his very sharp tail at the man's throat. The man whimpered as Tsxero stared down Stargirl. "STOP! Move. He die. You want help? Save his life. Listen. Words. No Fight. Fight hurt more them. Fight no hur us." Tsxero called out in his broken and digruntled voice. It was true, their fight didn't seem to hurt either of them too badly, but these people were all just getting ravaged with damages.

Tsxero's plan was simple. This girl would be lured into conversation. Once there he would talk to her. Why talk to her? Why not kill her, or continue on fighting? Simple. Deathbringer said to take care of this by whatever means he felt like. Conversation was more productive than any other approach. Hopefully this girl valued human lives above combat, like every other hero. Tsxero felt the weight of this man's life on his shoulders, but he could not dwell on it. He extended the opportunity to speak, for a cease fire...all that was left was simply for her to talk. They would have to see where this would go...and the Ultra Gang would need to see what their were-alien had up his sleeve. For better...or for worse.

Meanwhile, everyone's favorite not-Tsxero was in the air with Alpha and he presented the terms of this deal. The terms were favorable for opposition to dropping to the ground and revealing himself as a metahuman to the world on live television...then again... that was assuming he knew that was done to the video feed prior to this attack. "The deal is simple, Travis. You willingly come to the ultra gang as a prisoner... or we always have the alternative. I don't playing hardball, but you of all people understand the weight of opportunity." μrsine explained. If the deal was made then he would fly away from the chaotic crowd, bringing him back to the base. If he denied was a long trip down, with a very angry were-alien at the bottom and a pissed off group of guys.

All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: All That Glitters [invite]

Post by Artemis April 13th 2015, 11:40 am

So much for conventional weapons. A hulk of a man stood in front of the bullets, effectively halting her progress. Natalia really didn't want to use her powers but it was getting to the point where she might be just have to so she didn't die. While she was judging the very little amount of pros that would come through revealing her identity, which was not many, a sound snap her out of it. Was seemed like an RPG was flying towards her. Oh just perfect...


Opal heard the explosion and turned to see where it came from. The dust was still in the air but it was where her mother stood not to long ago. Opal started to move without thinking running towards the area where her mother once stood. And then she saw it, behind her. She could see the man slash his sword through the air. Opal had just enough to to turn around and jump out of the way. She rolled to get her footing back. Right she needed to finish this. Opal darted towards the man, looking to disarm him. She let out small screams as she attacked the man, throwing punches and kicks.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Post by Stargirl April 15th 2015, 12:30 pm

The starlight creature lands hard on the battered ground when the shock of what she say came to her, causing even more cracks in the surface beneath her feet.  The alien got to the hostage before she did, and was now threatening his life!  Why?  Why would he do such a thing?  That innocent human is not hurting anyone?  He’s suffering! These thoughts flashed in her mind like a thunderstorm, causing a flaring emotional response.  “He’s going to die…!” She growls angrily under her breath, her fists clench tightly.  Her rage causes a flare in her own energy, which interfered with whatever it is that keeps the Earth from feeling Stargirl’s true mass.  The ground began to crack underneath her like thin ice under the boot of a wayward traveler.  Her feet began to sink as mini craters began to form at her feet, growing in size very slowly.  The fiery glow of her eyes brightened and spread over her body to the point where it was a bright and radiant aura around her.  The alien in front of her was met with a deeply enraged stare, the girl giving it looking like she was about to attack.

Then… she looked at the human she was held hostage.  What is she doing?  If she attacked him, and lost control of herself, people will get hurt.  She cannot hurt anyone, she won’t allow it.  Stargirl’s glare began to soften, her aura slowly faded.  The glowing fire in her eyes disappeared and left her shimmering blue underneath.  As she calmed herself, the pressure on the ground lessened, and the cracking of the earth ended. The woman successfully prevented herself from going on an enraged rampage.  Her stare at the alien turned from an angry glare, to a look of sadness and defeat.

“...O-okay… I’ll talk to you… b-but please… let the human go…?” She said with a worried whimper, her eyes pleading with the alien to let him go. “...He’s not your enemy… please… he’s suffering… just let him go and I’ll talk…” She frowns at him, with almost a childlike pout.  She only wants to save people, she doesn’t want to fight.  By looking at her, it's clear that even if the alien lets the man go, she’ll keep her word.

Status :

Quote : "Uhm... do I have to talk into this thing?" *Taps the mic* "Helloooooo?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : Here, there, anywhere.
Job : Everyone's favorite dumb blonde!
Humor : ...Huh?
Registration date : 2015-03-22

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All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: All That Glitters [invite]

Post by Forceaus April 15th 2015, 8:46 pm

"Hey, the guy standing on those dirt towers is still alive, and the girl got away from my binding attempts. At least she's stopped trying to damage my fine work. Spent hours on those things. The designs are just wonderful, and are you even listening to me?" Weaver asked of Killer Mime as she continued to observe the situation below. She didn't get an answer. Not like one should be expected considering she was talking to somebody that had been rendered mute due to injuries.

Killer Mime was entirely focused on neutralizing or outright eliminating the only real threats that were left. Seeing that one of them survived his telekinetic attack, Avery decided this time to use a much more powerful attack. There was about a two second pause before the blast was fired. Once again it was aimed at the one that stood atop the spires.

(Back on the battlefield)

A rocket exploded right where the speakers had been standing. Deathbringer looked over there and could already see some of the devastation. Looks like they're all dead, or at least injured, or some combination of the two. To think they'd be fine if they had surrendered in the first place. Such unwise decision making on their part. So much for them then. "I guess it's time to wrap things up here." he thought. He just needed to get rid of this girl first.

The air cutter attack he sent at her while she was distracted by the rocket explosion just missed her when she managed to see it before it reached her. Why do they always dodge it at the last second? Deathbringer held his sword aloft as the heroine came at him with a flurry of flailing limbs. As she drew closer he activated one of the additional functions of the sword and a barrier of light energy formed all around him and blocked her series of strikes. Deathbringer then swung the blade at her midsection.

Meanwhile....Savage had just blocked the bullets that the Duval woman had fired at the gangsters with the rocket launchers, and one of them had shot the speakers. He looked to another of the gangsters and was about to order him to fire at the same spot where the last one had been fired for good measure when they all dove aside as something came their way. Savage turned in time to see a large ball of fire coming at him, but not soon enough to react to it. It struck him dead on and knocked him backwards, but not over. Savage grinned with sick pleasure as he brushed the small fires that covered him off before ordering the gangsters to fire at the spires before charging directly at the people standing on top of them and would begin to try and knock them down.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 Empty Re: All That Glitters [invite]

Post by Alpha April 15th 2015, 9:40 pm

He was supposed to be a prisoner of The Ultra Gang, something that did not bode well for Alpha, if whatever Tsxero had planned did not pan out. There was always a third option, but he would have to avoid that one for now, as it would have lead to nothing good. Gamma, take your siblings and get out of here. Consider this a success. With the telepathic message sent, he would let his mind rapidly snap to the situation at hand. ”Very well, i'll agree to this plan of yours. Don't make me regret doing so.” So with that, both were off.

The fireball was unleashed, Zeta backflipped off of the spire to land on the ground below next to his sibling. ”I have a feeling that did absolutely nothing.” He muttered with a scowl, Delta only nodding as another shot seemed to fire off above their heads, slicing one of the pillars in two.

”You should've made the fire hotter.” Delta stated simply with a nod.

”I made the damn thing pretty hot.”

”Obviously not hot enough.” Delta countered, the spires beginning to shudder under his control.

”Knuckleheads, we're out.” Gamma said seemingly from nowhere, reclining against one of the pillars. ”The day is won gentlemen, so Delta build us a tunnel and let's go.” one of them would open their mouths to protest but she stopped him there. For whatever reason, Alpha had wanted them to retreat for now, rather than trying to stop the kidnapping in progress. Regardless, Delta made that hole in the ground, both jumping in before he closed it up behind him.

What hid their escape was the very ammunition that the gangsters were firing up, explosions ringing out as the spires were level and dust was thrown about. It was the perfect cover really, and soon enough they were already gone.

All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Post by The Doctor April 21st 2015, 10:06 pm

Tsxero was amazed to find that she created a crater, though everyone around began falling inward and she only managed to prove his point. Fortunately she didn't catch onto the fact that Tsxero was bluffing about murdering this guy. It all came back to how it appeared. It appeared dire, and so it WAS her at any rate. Tsxero, being a creature of honor, released the man. That's right. He was a murderer...but he was a murderer with honor. Suck that down and swallow it.

"People. Scared. Why. You. Do-This?" Tsxero asked as he bore witness to the surrounding area. It was basic, but speech had been established and this "piece" had temporarily been removed from the chess board, allowing Deathbringer and the others time to do what they needed. Meanwhile, μrsine flew away, bodies upon bodies falling limp and dead. All those that had been spared form Death due to his power was officially out of time. Their bodies hit the ground and chaos had been quelled. Well, to some extent at any rate. μrsine then took Alpha through the air and landed right behind Deathbringer, a hand on the back of Alpha's neck for the sheer appearance that he had the situation under control.

"I am taking this one back to HQ. We will await you there Deathbringer." μrsine announced before grabbing Alpha's arm and firing off into the air, not taking even a second to hear Deathbringer's response. It was more if an report than a request really. With that taken care of all that remained was the matter of Miss Duval. It seemed as though she was in a desparate need of salvation. The man had watched this all unfold, though his own suit not affected by Weaver's power. He didn't even need to step before he found himself positioned between Natalia and her opposition.

"Well I have to say, impressive little band of misfits you've acquired. But alas, I'm afraid I can't let you kill this one. I'm sure you understand." He said, his Scottish accent lingering as he smirked, the glimmer in his eye neglecting the entirety of situation as he turned to Natalia and snapped his fingers. Instantly she would find herself far away from this conflict. He's turn around and give a little bow before vanishing himself, appearing right across from Natalia. "That was...very close..." He said, though he seemed at ease with the situation at hand. The area around them was none other than Natalia's office. He had cleared her from the battle, and so he had achieved a minor victory, but at a greater price. He would need to rearrange his plans now. He had intended on personally giving this gang of miscreants the information on his little progenitor, but the probability of them trusting him or going off of his word was very slim now that he acted against them. He needed a new way to funnel the information tot hem, to get them to do what he needed them to do... a way that Miss Duval would now be providing him with.

All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Post by Artemis April 23rd 2015, 12:34 am

Natalia controlled a very small layer of dirt over her skin. It was in no way visible, considering she was already covered in dust and dirt from all the commotion happening so she was set. What she was going to do was once the rocket was right in front of her she would harden the earth just enough that she would survive. Sadly since she was going for stealth over effectiveness the rocket would still her like hell but it she lived through it, it would be worth it. The man shot the rocket and it flew towards her. She closed her eyes and increased the density of the earth, preparing for a very painful ride. And then nothing. Where was the kaboom? There was suppose to be an earth shattering kaboom! thought Natalia as she shot her eyes open. To her surprise there was a man standing in front of her. He said something about him needing her alive and then next thing she knew she was lying on the ground in her office.

Natalia's heart sank like an anvil thrown into a pool as she realized where she was. The man was there as well and he made a comment about how close that was but Natalia just ignored it. She jumped up and darted to her desk, pushing aside the man as she past him. She scrambled for the remote trying to remember where she put it.

"No... no... no no no no no no no..." said Natalia quietly under her breath. She then remembered Opal had it last and she darted towards some of the plush chairs in the room, once again pushing the man a side. She grabbed the remote and turned on the new, thankfully the helicopter was flying over the scene.

"The location of the remaining speakers is unknown. Host and speaker Natalia Duval and speaker Travis Master are considered M.I.A. No word on where either of the two are. But Ironically two heroes appeared on the site to deal with the gang that showed up. These heroes have no been seen on camera so not much are known about these two heroes or what their motives are. More after the break." said the male newscaster. The last few seconds of video showed Opal fighting Deathbringer. They currently seemed evenly matched but Natalia knew that it wasn't a fight Opal could win. He had the numbers and it was only a matter of time. Natalia collapsed on one of the plush chairs, staring blankly at the TV.

"Who are you, why did you save me. You must want something so what is it." said Natalia, sounding kinda blank. She didn't mean to come off as rude but it most likely sounded like it.


"What is this bullshit! This is cheating!" shouted Opal as she got frustrated as she hit the shield of light multiple times. Opal easily danced around Deathbringer's blade with ease. Time seemed to move in slow motion as she dodged it. While the blade was in mid-swing Opal kicked the blunt side blade to knock it to the ground before moving in close to Deathbringer for another flurry of barrages. She was so focused that he just killed her mother she didn't even notice her mother had disappeared.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Registration date : 2011-02-26

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Post by Stargirl April 29th 2015, 3:32 pm

(( I apologize for tiny post, I'm pretty dern sick ))

“Why do I do this?  You believe these people fear me?  Which one of us has a blade to one of their necks  I was protecting them, and you stopped me.”  Stargirl frowns, this probably being the most words spoken from her at one point.  She sounds almost as if she didn’t have the mind of a small child.  Her fists clench again, “Let him go, he’s done nothing to you..”

Her gaze snapped to her sides as the bodies began to drop, corpses now littering the rally square.  Stargirl lets out a gasp and holds her hands up to her mouth, turning her head to look at Tsxero with tears starting to form in her eyes.  Don’t ask how an energy being can cry, you won’t find the answer. “See what you did?  I could have saved them…” She frowns, “Why didn’t you let me save them!?”

Status :

Quote : "Uhm... do I have to talk into this thing?" *Taps the mic* "Helloooooo?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : Here, there, anywhere.
Job : Everyone's favorite dumb blonde!
Humor : ...Huh?
Registration date : 2015-03-22

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Post by Forceaus April 29th 2015, 9:49 pm

In a relatively short timespan a bunch of things happened. Savage was attempting to knock down the mountainous spires created by the people that served Alpha, with some help from a dozen rocket launcher carrying gangsters. With his great strength he struck them again and again as they began to fall. Chunks of rock and dirt would fall down and would make it impossible to see what was ahead of him anymore. By the time the dust cleared the spires were gone, and so were the members of the Alpha gang. "Damn them." Savage growled and was heard over the communicator.

"Oh don't worry. We still have their boss. Now go help either Deathbringer or the aliens. Do something useful why don't you?" Weaver said over the phone mockingly.

"I know what I'm doing. We got this won anyways." Savage replied as he looked back and forth between the Ultra Gang members that were down here on the battlefield. Alpha had been captured by one of the aliens and would probably suffer for his perceived betrayal after this was over. The unknown flying girl seemed to have been dealt with by Tsxero. That only left that one superheroine that was trying to protect the speakers, the one that Deathbringer was fighting. Yeah, she needed to be gotten rid of. So that's where Savage headed to next.

Deathbringer was pretty much toying with the would be heroine that wanted to save these people. She just didn't seem to be worth the trouble of putting much effort into fighting. Instead he focused on discovering the fates of those people that felt like getting people on their side for some supposed cause. There was a man standing there, completely unharmed. This strange fellow told Deathbringer that he wasn't allowed to kill the Duval woman. He scoffed at this statement, but didn't get a chance to respond. They were just gone.

Starting to feel annoyed by the constant additions to this equation that he had to take into account, he didn't even notice the young superheroine knocked his sword out of his hand. "Oh, you're still here. I almost forgot about you." he told her before she started to attack him head on. Her strikes to him, did nothing. Deathbringer was built like a tank, and thus this one could not do any harm to him. "You bore me, now go away." He said as he swung his arm to shove her away before walking over to grab his sword. "No, stay back. This one is mine." he said to an approaching Savage. Deathbringer picked up his sword and spoke again. "It's time to start wrapping things up. Our business here is nearly concluded." he told Savage before turning back to Opal. "If you choose to continue, you will die horribly. I suggest you run while you still have a chance." he told her before swinging his sword again and sending another blade of wind at her.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Post by The Doctor May 2nd 2015, 9:45 pm

Tsxero was royally confused. He had already let the man go yet she was talking as though he still had him. What the Hell is this lady on? More importantly where can I get some? the thought crossed his mind, but then he immediately decided against it. Not that he wasn't Jacob's fan or anything....he didn't much feel like giving people an avenue to control him. He dismissed this and immediately fired back.

"WHAT!? YOU STOP ME. I TRY TO STOP BROTHER! BROTHER KILL! ME SAVE. YOU SCARE! TAIL REACTION! ME CAN'T HELP!" Tsxero growled as he looked to the bodies. "SEE! Brother do that! Brother bad! Me stop, you stop me stop him. But I stop you from stop him!? You crazy! Loco. Bonkers-lady!" He said, the trill and little growl in his voice making it clear that English was not agreeable for the lipless physiology he had to deal with. Fortunately there was nothing to say that Tsxero wasn't telling the truth. When you're afraid you flinch, you have certain reactions. His first reaction was to defend himself in a primal way. BUT he had also saved Vanguard and soon enough his plan would see to it that the world saw him deliver the ever industrial Travis Masters back to safety. He and his younger brother traded sides in this "assault" where now Tsxero seemed to be the innocent one. Regardless of what happened they were both looked at with skepticism, neither one would escape this event without a negative portrayal...even if they saved every single person in there. That's why Tsxero did not focus on winning today's battle. He focused on winning the next six.

One time Meanwhile at band camp...

Natalia seemed rather vexed at the moment. Samhain simply drunk in the situation around as the television spat out information. He seemed to be ever unphased by Natalia' rude nature, though he smirked when he was allowed to introduce himself. "My name is of little importance. Though my saving you was quite costly to my own agenda. But we can talk about all that in a minute. For now just rest easy that your safe and weren't stabbed in the back." Samhain sniggered a little before looking to the television and letting out a satisfied sigh. When you can see the future there was indeed irony everywhere.

"Oh dear. It looks like that party crasher of yours is quite the handful. Magic bag o' tricks he must be toting around... feel rather bad for those two girls. They are certainly in for a world of trouble with the numbers and powers working against them at this rate..." Samhain mused aloud to himself, though Natalia would quite obviously be able to hear it. With a little grunt he hobbled over to a chair and at in it, resting his cane across his lap.

All That Glitters [invite] - Page 2 The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Post by Artemis May 5th 2015, 9:54 am

"Are you going to fight me or are you too chicken shit?" said Opal getting into a fighting stance. As it stood at the moment This man couldn't really touch her and she could touch him but not be two effective. Opal went over possibly options in her mind, trying to figure out what to do. All she got where two options: Take his sword or us his own strength against him. Both of which seemed do able as he could barely touch her as it stood. Side stepping the blade of wind she darted towards Deathbringer. She didn't exactly have much time to think. In that case time to start with her counter attack.


"That doesn't tell me what you want. You saved my life so you obviously want something in return and even though you are a meta-human you are hoping my honor will keep me to my promises correct?" said Natalia staring blankly at the TV. Natalia was furious, not just at her daughter but herself. She should of seen this coming, Opal always wanted to help people. She was like that since she was a child although Natalia had no idea who she got it from, probably her grandfather. But Natalia was actually kind of impressed with her daughter's fighting. Although she didn't know where it originated from. Natalia never signed her up for self defense, she would always assign guards to her. She never wanted her daughter to fight.

"Not really, they chose this for themselves. However you are not the only person I owe. Do you see that girl, the one fighting the man with the sword? She saved my life. I want you to pay her back for me. She is out numbered and I don't believe that man will keep that fight one verses one for much longer. Teleport her somewhere safe and away from that rally. Do this for me and I will do whatever you want me to do and more. Does that sound fair?" asked Natalia. It was has to keep her voice from cracking as she talked about her daughter. The CEO's eyes never wavered from the TV, trying to think of why Opal would fight. She recognized the extremely quick reaction times. That was a sign of her seismic sense, the only power Natalia thought Opal had. Long before Opal knew her mother's stance on meta-humans she recognized the signs that came with seismic sense. Although those signs were hidden by Opal once she fully understood Natalia's public stance. Natalia never though she had another power, she never showed signs and to be completely honest her daughter was a horrible liar and unlike Natalia who could steady the ground to hide her lies Opal never could do that.

Natalia's brain went crazy as she thought of what Opal's power could be and after minutes of silence came upon one solution, her fighting. Her level of fighting was extremely high for some reason. Could it be because of that week in LA? She did return rather brusied up but that was one week, there was no way she could of gotten to that level in such a shor- then it hit her. Opal always caught onto things fast, even if she didn't always understand what she was doing. Natalia always chalked it up to Opal being extremely smart and a natural at most things she tries. Could that be her power? Could that even be considered a power? It was the only thing Natalia could think of.
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Registration date : 2011-02-26

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