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Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Asmodeus April 8th 2015, 9:04 pm

It was done...

 "Of course I can." Gadreel said, bringing an arm up and with a fearsome swipe he snatched the tickets right form Silus' hands. Silus looked to Ryan and rubbed the back of his head a little, Gadreel knew that look, but he didn't have to worry with Lucifer. Lucifer at least could keep his feelings lodged inside and not cry like a little- No. Bad Cale. he internally chided himself.

  "Oh. Okay. I uh... I'll just get going and tell the authorities." Silus said, trying really had not to seem awkward. His trying not to be awkward was actually the think maging the moment so awkward. "I-I...uhm. Have fun." Silus said as he void walked and left the area. Of course Gadreel caught onto the fact the kid was being strange, but that posed two questions in his mind. One was the possibility that Luci was hurt that Ryan chose Gadreel over him, and he misconstrued the selection for the person he liked more. The other possibility was that this was Lucifer's R.I and Cale was interfering. Knowing Lucifer he assumed it was the prior. The kid didn't even get the concept of calling people a "couple" so how in the Hell was he going to do a "couples cruise" effectively.

"Ok so we'll need luggage. So we're going back ta the Lighthouse so I can back some bags." Gadreel announced before turning and walking out the door, still slightly irritated by what had happened and how he managed to get drawn into this. "Hope ya like motorcycles." Cale said as he lead Ryan through the parking lot and right to the motorcycle that was chained up to a light pole base with a securing rod across the handlebars. After it was safe, Cale pulled out a helmet from underneath the seat, a strange form of hidden compartment it would seem. He walked it to Ryan and looked him dead in the eyes.

"If ya so much as put a scratch on this thing...I'll kill ya." He said before pushing the helmet into Ryan's stomach, not hard enough to hurt but enough to let Ryan know that it was there. "Ya put this on. So help me god if ya die...I'll bring ya back and kill ya. Got it?" He asked before leaving the helmet with Ryan and having Aegis put a barrier over his own head. That done, he started the motorcycle and waited for Ryan. Then it was off to the Lighthouse. Probably had been a while since Ryan was there. Well, living there anyway. Cale sighed and packed bags, he brought Ryan up to his own living space, but kept the barrier around his room active.

 "'s a suit case. This one is yours for our trip. Fill this suit case. I don't care with what just- What the fuck happened to my table!?" Cale yelled as he dropped the empty bad at Ryan's feet and charging to move random things form the table. It revealed that the table was now a rather flamboyant hot pink, something that made Cale's eye twitch. "God...I take in a stray and this is what happens. Where did they even go!?" He grumbled to himself before rubbing his eyelids and turning back to Ryan. They had bigger problems at hand.

"We're gonna have to act like fags. So... as my boyfriend. What do I call ya? Do I give ya a pet name or what? Also... you gotta tell me what kinda boyfriend ya want me ta be. Should I be the cuddly and clingy kind? The isolated and mysterious, or the kind no one would believe was with ya?" Cale asked, the last one made him think to himself So pretty much my regular, insulting and intimidating self? the thought was slightly bitter in some regards.

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 8th 2015, 9:35 pm

Ryan had made his decision, not out of who he liked more really, but more out of some weird Ryan logic that dictated it. Unfortunately, Ryan did not quite catch what was off with Silus as far as the whole cruise thing and him going with Gadreel, he hadn't even really thought of it like that. With that done, Gadreel said something about needing luggage, which  meant they would return to the lighthouse. As for motorcycles, he had never really rode one before now, which would make this a new experience for him. He wanted to say he had never rode one before, but something about Gadreel just made it difficult to actually talk. Where he was lead was to what looked like a rather cool motorcycle, something that looked like Gadreel would own it. Not that Ryan could explain what exactly that was, but it just had a certain something to it.

Turning to him and looking Ryan dead in the eyes, Cale did what he usually did and scared Ryan. Biting down on his lower lip and nodding, he looked to the helmet thrust into his arms with the usual amount of care; meaning little. It was sentences like these that made Ryan question if Gadreel even liked him, how they were said was icing on the cake, or maybe he was just a pussy like the guy had said earlier. Putting the helmet on, he swallowed harshly and nodded. ”Got it....” He said with a nod, that sentence coming out almost begrudgingly. With that he climbed on the motorcycle, and they were off, arriving at the lighthouse whenever they did as he stepped off the motorcycle and removed his helmet. With that done, Cale brought him to his living space, or wherever they were anyway. A barrier was active, but not like he would want to see what was beyond it anyway.

For some reason he just felt nervous, and a type of nervousness that he did not like at all. It had been a while since he had been there, but nothing seemed to change as far as he was aware of anyway. Then came the suitcases, something he would have to fill up with whatever, though Ryan had been under the assumption you put clothes in them. Until he found his table was pink, not that Ryan really minded the pink but it didn't seem like something that Cale liked at all. As to the why, he did not know but then again he would not ask any questions. Then came that word again, he had heard it before, that much Ryan knew and each time it just didn't feel right. ”Why do you keep saying that word?” Ryan would ask, curiosity for a moment overpowering fear. If anything he would learn the connotation behind it, because every time he had heard it, he only found himself wondering what it meant.

”Ummm....just call me Ry or something.” He said with a shrug, filling up his suitcase thing, because that was what he was supposed to do, though how he wanted Gadreel to act was a different story. If he acted like he normally did, no one would believe anything that was happening, because he would be too busy feeling intimidated or whatever. ”Just.....don't act like you. You're kinda mean, and I don't think anyone would believe that.” He managed out after a minute. ” the opposite of what you usually do?” Hopefully he worded that right, because otherwise he may have just made things worse, or Gadreel might actually hit him or whatever.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Asmodeus April 9th 2015, 2:47 am

"I say it because it means something. Mean's a lotta things pretty much. It's mostly used to describe gay people. Stay out of my room." He pointed to the little cat with the goggles, which just gave it's usual w styled grin and perching on the TV, looking at Ryan curiously. Ryan then went on to say that Gadreel shouldn't act like he normally is. Because he's, and get this, "pretty mean". Gadreel was literally taken back by that. He was not mean, he was honest. If Ryan didn't want to be a pussy then he should just grow a pair and stick up for himself. Wow...really? That's am awfully big assumption for a helpless little maggot that can't even read right yet. Cale stopped himself and sighed before looking to Ryan and giving a smirk. An irritated one as he held his arms to the sides a little before letting them drop and slap against his thighs.

"Yeah... I'm mean. Because you know SSSSOOO much about me Mister Perfect." Cale said with a little chuckle, almost one of disbelief really. "I may be mean... but I'm still the one who cared enough to try and show you to control your powers. When Nuriel gave up on you and said you were hopeless I still showed up to help you. When you needed a place to live I let you in these halls to survive. Yeah..." He said with a smile before shaking his head left and right, the smile growing bigger and bigger over time. "What a real bastard. Not sure how you put up with me." He said. There wasn't much time to recoil from it as he began rubbing his forehead. Goddamn pink table was giving him a killer headache. He let out a little grunt and winced in physical pain before shaking it off.

 "And Scene! Smashing success, kudos!!! Such bravado in the performance! I honestly believed that you were both on your tenth anniversary. Well done lads." QT-MT said, the little kitty giving out breathy hisses of laughter as it's head bobbed around. Cale ignored it, but Ryan was likely surprised by the clockwork cat. Cale cracked his neck before filling his bag. Honestly he didn't know where Nostro and Q7 were, but he was okay with this. Honestly Q7 was the only reason he didn't stay on the cruise for the duration to get away from these meddlesome kids. Oh God he sounded old.

 "Are you packed?" Cale asked before lifting his own bag from the ground and throwing it over his shoulder with ease. "Let's go...your chariot awaits my prince." He said, a frivelous and nonsensical jab in his words as he seemed to lead Ryan to the Motorcycle and bungi-chord the luggage safely on.
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 9th 2015, 3:13 am

Well, he now understood what the word had meant, so Ryan had that much. However, the following words that came out of his mouth Ryan bit down on his lower lip, if only as more of a symbol of him deciding not to speak more than anything. He was beginning to regret choosing Gadreel already, though something told him that trying to get Silus to come with him was far beyond the realms of possibility now. Not sure now if saying anything would have been smart, Ryan decided to go for the silent route, packing his bag and forcibly zipping it up. This day where people spent time with the ones he cared about was going terrible, with all of the losers attacking him when he was trying to enjoy it, and then just this. Perhaps the day would have gone much better if he had stayed in bed, where people didn't try to kill him.

Once everything was packed, he slung his bag over his shoulder, only giving a noncommittal mhm when Gadreel asked if he was ready. What did mildly surprise him was the talking cat...thing, though the quip had been lost upon him. Grumbling softly, a small cloud of cold air hissed through his lips, visible as a puff of mist.

Another jab at him was made, though Ryan did his best to ignore it, thinking over how this would be over soon enough. Hopefully this would be over soon, or he would just find himself dealing with more of this. That aside, they would have to ride on the motorcycle again, Ryan sort of falling into his own thoughts into they arrived. With a deep sigh, he looked around until his eyes fell upon the cruise ship thing they were supposed to be boarding. It looked like the one they were supposed to anyway, not that he had ever really seen any kind of cruise ship, so there was always that.  People were milling about, likely boarding just like they were supposed to be. ”Let's get this over with.” He thought to himself, removing his bag from the motorcycle thing and waiting for Cale to lead the way.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Asmodeus April 9th 2015, 3:31 am

"C'mon. Try to look happy at least, Ry." Cale said with a sigh and as he killed the ignition to the motorcycle and added the security bar. After that he used his chain to hook the motorcycle to a nearby lamp-post and put the key in his pocket. He closed his eyes and calmed himself. He had nothing to say to Ryan. Little twerp was annoying. He just wanted to follow up a clue on a suspicious attack warning they had on the theater. That was resolved but now this. This was way too much for him. He didn't even want to do this. He lead the way to the gangplank and walked up it dragging both bags behind him. When it came time for the tickets he pulled out both of them and pointed to Ryan as the second ticket owner. The man rolled his eyes  as he gave two key-cards to Gadreel. "Roll your eyes at him again...and I'll rip them out and force you to watch as I feed your intestines to your kids." He growled in a hushed tone, leaning in so it was a secret just between them. The man was intimidated. Go figure, this was part of Gadreel's charm apparently. He looked back to "Ry" and wore a warm smirk on is face.

"Let's go find out cabin." He said as cheery as could be. To be honest he was an actual nice guy...well, it seemed that way at any rate. He eventually turned back a little to look at Ryan. "Okay...I'm mean. Point taken." He admitted begrudgingly to Ryan, contemplating what he JUST said to that guy in order to change his attitude towards Ryan. They eventually found their cabin, it was on the third teir, which offered a good view if nothing else. "Damn...Luci didn't spare any expense on this one, did he?" Cale asked as he walked up to their door, caught off guard by the shimmering blue oceans. That wasn't anywhere as nice as the inside of the cabin though. This place had it's own mini-bar for Christ's sake. Granted Cale wasn't old enough to drink but still... He didn't really care. Cale smirked at Ryan as he brought the suitcases in and started looking around. It didn't take long for Cale to pop up behind Ryan.

"You know what the best part of this is?" He asked, dead serious too. The second Ryan even went to react Cale literally picked him up, turned and threw Ryan onto the really nicely cushioned memory foam mattress. YES, Cale did check to make sure before he threw Ryan. Cale was laughing a little. "So whatchu think?" He asked
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 9th 2015, 4:04 am

Ryan followed after Cale as they walked up the gangplank, the taller male deciding to drag their luggage behind him while he buried his hands into his pockets. Gadreel seemed to whisper something to the guy, not that Ryan bothered to listen in onto it, humming softly to himself while the guy dealt with most of it. The whole cheery voice Gadreel used when saying they should find their cabin did throw him off a little, but then again perhaps that was just the act he was putting up. Upon walking into their cabin, he took in the sight of it and could not help but smile slightly. Silus had been sure to get the best for them, though something told him that he had been expecting to do this whole thing with him. Ryan pursed his lips and nodded, deciding he would have to do something for his best friend.

”Wow.” he said softly, looking around pleasantly impressed with the whole thing. It even had one of it's own mini-bar, not that he was too sure about the purpose of a mini-bar but then again maybe Gadreel knew more about that one. He didn't really catch Cale sneaking up behind him until he spoke dead serious, not really having the time to react as he was picked up and threw him on the cushioned bed, which felt pretty nice actually. Ryan sighed contently for a moment, rolling around on the bed as he felt the memory foam caress his form, sinking into it slightly as he enjoyed himself. He had then decided he wanted one of these beds, though he was a little unsure if Danny would actually buy one of them. Cale laughing was a new thing for him to hear, at least when he wasn't making fun of someone.

”'s nice. I like it.” He admitted, kicking his shoes off, rolling onto his stomach and wrapping the blankets around him, until it was a sort of Ryan burrito.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Asmodeus April 9th 2015, 4:22 am

"Ya look like something I'd eat..." Cale said with a smirk before putting his hand up and forcing his eyes close, suddenly realizing how awkward that was as a slightly remoresful smile crossed his lips. "Totally not what I meant. But ya get the point." He said before sitting on the bed and leaning back a little. There was a wince, a muffled yelp and a long drawn out exhale. It was almost as if laying back on such a comfortable thing hurt him. That thought wasn't exactly right...but to say he wasn't in pain was entirely wrong.

"My motorcycle is the most important thing I own. Castiel...Yancey. He fixed it up for me, taught me how to work around with it. Last thing I got left... I accidentally killed my sister when my powers messed up... my dad hated me because I was a metahuman. He beat his kids and then he died when New York fell while my mom took my brothers and I out to L.A. My favorite color is blue, my favorite drink is root beer, and my "day job" is a security officer...My childhood dream was to be a superhero. If you have to talk about me at all... that's what ya need to know." Cale said, he knew he'd have to be somewhat open if he wanted this whole ruse to be a success. Though he said this without a smile, the sparkle in his eye died the second he brought up his sister. He looked to Ryan and smiled before his eyebrows shot up and he turnd his head and sat up with a groan.

 "There's dinner in fourty-five minutes in the dining area. Then there's a couples trivia thing and after that there's this dance thing on deck. I'm willing to bet that our guys will be out in public...Until I get a text back from Luci though I can't do much. So until dinner... I'm useless." Cale said after punching a few buttons on his phone and tossing it aside and contemplating going to the hot tub, or the gym facilities.
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 9th 2015, 4:45 am

Ryan blinked, trying to work out the whole eating thing, since it seemed like he was talking about him but the euphemism didn't quite stick. His mind ran over what the male had said over and over until he had a small headache, shaking his head and turning to Gadreel. ”Something you'd eat? You're not like a cannibal or anything are you?” Ryan would look to Gadreel with a raised brow, not quite getting what he had meant and hoping to gain some understanding on that. The sound he made sounded as if the bed were unconformable, but Ryan was unsure if that was even possible, because he was enjoying it.

Then came Cale explaining some things about him, one of them seeming rather familiar, being that he had lost someone because he lost control of his powers. The reminder had brought up a few mental images, ones that faded away as soon as they popped into his head. That made him wonder if he needed to tell Gadreel about himself, since he was so kind to do the same. He wondered what he needed to tell him anyway, since deep dark secrets were not something that he quite wanted to air about. ” favorite color is actually blue too. I like grape soda, I don't really have a job, my childhood dream was.....I think I wanted to...I forgot. Oh, I really like anime.” Ryan said with a sigh, scratching the back of his head and rolling up further, adding the last part almost enthusiastically.

”I also like making ice sculptures, those are pretty fun to do.” He had been working on his skills for a small while, so he could make pretty realistic ones. ”I wonder what we're eatin.” he noted outloud, looking to Gadreel as if he would know something about that.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Asmodeus April 9th 2015, 5:03 am

Oh boy. Ryan didn't get it. Well that sucks, because now Gadreel was up shore without a paddle. Like miles up shore. Oh hey wait! Miles Upshor! That's why the guy from Outlast was named that! Holy crap. Anyway... Cale bit his lower lip and sighed as he explained exactly what "eating" someone included, the various ways and the mouth and the details and the yeah you know. He didn't exactly enjoy explaining it, nor did he enjoy the color on his face slightly as he looked to Ryan to see if he understood the anatomy lesson. "So yeah..." Cale said with a gulp. He then quickly stammered his way to the secondary part of the conversation.

"That...doesn't surprise me. That seems like stuff you'd be good at." He added, the sinking feeling that he'd be called back to the previous conversation. He'd deal with that in order to fix everything once and for all with that mix up. Then he'd move onto the "dinner" thing. "We're eating burrito Ryan. NOT. LIKE.THAT." He said with a smirk and a chuckle, making sure the point was clear that he wasn't hitting on Ryan.

"But hey...I'm going ta the hot-tub ta relax my back." Cale added, the invitation out there by tone and when Cale turned to look at Ryan. Regardless that was where Cale was going, unless Ryan had something he'd rather do. If they parted ways for a bit they'd have to regroup before dinner to see if Silus managed to get the the info they needed.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Asmode10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 9th 2015, 7:32 am

So Gadreel wasn't talking about eating him literally, but more metaphorically than anything else. Ryan made a sort of oh face, followed by a sort of disgusted expression as if he couldn't believe that was what it meant, or that people did things like that. Cale's face turning red only made this awkward for the both of them, as Ryan found himself turning slightly red from the whole explanation. ” wanted to do that to me?” Ryan would ask only growing redder from the whole mental image that had sprung up once he thought about it. Hmmming to himself, Ryan rolled around on the bed, the ryan burrito that he was.

Him not being surprised about him liking anime was an unexpected answer, considering that he had rarely gotten to watch any anime these days. It might have been the homelessness, or something along those lines. Then Gadreel said something about eating a Ryan burrito, which only made him turn even redder, until he specified that he did not mean that. Maybe that meant he didn't know what they were eating, but Ryan wanted to know, in case he should know if he should get excited about it or not.

After that Cale said there were going to the hot tub, leaving Ryan to lay on the bed on his little blanket cocoon. Grunting softly, he attempted to escape it, and eventually crawled out of the blankets easily. Plopping out of the bed, he landed softly on the ground and moved to his feet. ”I'm comin with you.” Ryan said, dropping his phone on the corner of the bed and following after Gadreel, humming softly to himself. The hot tub was there waiting for them and man did it look nice.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Asmodeus April 9th 2015, 5:15 pm

Okay so it looks like Ryan was coming with him. That was good. Cale just rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the fact he was bothered by Ryan's comment. He eventually slouced into the water, having made sure that he had a bathing suit. One of the few thing he made sure to pack...just in case they had to be here multiple days. Not that he planned on it really. He wasn't sure if Ryan was coming in or not, but he probably was. Cale just hoped he didn't have to yell at him for wearing a shirt or whatever. Things were weird enough as it was. If he had to "correct" Ryan he would...still playing the part of the loving and caring boyfriend that was apparently the one with the brain. Whatever happened Cale couldn't get used to the fact people kept looking at them.

"Oh c'mon. We can't be the only ones that are..." Cale began before looking to Ryan and catching his tongue. Apparently Ryan didn't like that word from what he noticed. Or it was a possibility at least. Though if he didn't like the word there were certain implications one would have to assume. Which was something Cale didn't want to think about. "These people act like they've never seen something like this before." Cale said with a little chuckle as he sat next to Ryan and sighed. The warm water did wonders for his back. Being tall was a problem for the back...being husky was another one. Not fat...but he had a little cushion that hid his muscle mass. That didn't help someone's back either...especially with some of the accidents and blows he's taken to it. He didn't have any permanent damages...but he hadn't been able to relax in a good while now.

"It's been so long since I could just-" He shook his head and opened his eyes before looking around. "Seriously man. Why are they all lookin' at? Help me out here... talk about somethin' anythin'." He requested as he shifted around a little, trying not to lose his temper on the people staring.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Asmode10
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Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 9th 2015, 7:33 pm

Ryan had never been in a hot tube actually, as nice as this one looked all bubbly and warm. One thing he was hoping was that it wasn't too hot for him, because that would just be uncomfortable for the poor guy in general. He sort of did what Cale did as far as getting into the hot tube was concerned, having managed to actually pack a swim suit along with whatever else he put into his suit case thing. Taking off his shirt, Ryan slipped into the hot tub and at once realized why they called it a hot tub. A low hiss slipped out of his lips as he forced himself to sink into the water, the initial minor pain fading as he got used to the heat. Once he got past that part, it actually felt nice, the hot water stuff.

Gadreel seemed to complain about something, them being the only something before stopping himself. Ryan looked at the male suspiciously with a raised brow, curious of what he was going to say, though he had some idea. Then they went on by saying people acted like they had never seen something like this before, though he still didn't quite know what that meant. People didn't see two people sitting in a hot tub? Regardless, something told him Gadreel didn't like people staring at him, for one reason or another. As for Ryan, he didn't quite care what people saw or thought as far as him enjoying a soak in the hot tube, because he was just enjoying himself, once the got used to the heat anyway. Reclining in the hot tub, he would try to relax, doing that much easier than his tall friend.

Apparently people looking got under his skin, something a normal person could understand but Ryan was by no means normal. ”I dunno why they're lookin.” Ryan said with a shrug, unsure what he could talk about that would keep Gadreel's attention of the glare of people. It was then that something hit him, much like a brick in the face. ”It's....not raining.” He muttered to himself, looking around almost surprised he had JUST noticed this detail of all things. No clouds in the sky, nothing, just not rain, which was a new experience but then again he remembered he should be talking about anything. ”Oh, I petted a hedgehog today. It was really cute, I thought the spines were gonna poke me but they didn't. It didn't go fast but it did curl into a ball, so it was cool.” He said making a circle shape with his hands to get the point across. ”And there was some guy with weird spoon powers, I mean worst super villain ever, right?” He said, semi-babbling in Ryan fashion.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Asmodeus April 9th 2015, 9:15 pm

Ryan went on a little babbling tangent and Cale just smiled and shook his head. What a friggin dork Ryan was all he could think about. He just remained there a moment, quiet and lost in thought as he listened. Something about hedgehogs and how he fought a spoon guy. Oh Cale remembered him, he sniggered and let his head lazily roll to the side smiled. "The spooner... I swear to god that guy wanted people to take that the wrong way." Cale's chuckle died into a little cough before he looked about. People were still staring. "Okay so either these guy's have never seen teenagers before, they've never seen gay guys before or they're tryin' ta piss me off." Cale said, his tongue finding it's way into his cheek as he bit down a little, trying to use it as an outlet for his irritations.

"Ya got the hair style of a hedgehog." He said with a smirk raising his hand and petting Ryan's hair. Of course he was acting like he was someone else so he had to be more hands on...unfortunately. He sat himself up a little and put an arm up on the concrete backing but it subsequently went over Ryan. He did this all the time when he was sitting so it might not be to awkward....but the awkward part was the fact Cale was listening to him. He had to for multiple reasons. "You have a watch by chance? I left my phone back in the room and I wanna keep track of the time. Don't want to miss dinner." He said with a chuckle, remembering how enthusiastic Ryan was about the food.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Asmode10
Post Mate
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 145
Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 9th 2015, 9:35 pm

”Yeah, he was on about spooning us or something. I don't know what was up wit the guy, ya know?” Ryan continued on chuckling softly, actually not feeling intimidated around Gadreel for once, which was a new thing entirely. It felt easier to talk around him anyway, especially when no glares were being throw his way. Despite the day going otherwise crappy, this wasn't so bad, the whole hot tub and whatnot. Swirling a finger along the surface of the water, an almost unnoticeable little whirlpool formed that followed the motion of his finger. However, things went back to the people staring at them, which obviously annoyed Gadreel, though Ryan thought perhaps he just didn't like people looking at him.

Ryan peered over to see that people were looking their way, though they didn't quite like it when someone looked back. Sighing to himself, Ryan relaxed in the hot tube, enjoying the experience despite the fact that people were looking at them. His head dipped slightly when patted, an unexpected thing to happen coming from the person doing so, though that didn't stop him from grinning. The comment however still made him feel over his hair, which was slightly spiky in a sense. ”You're right.” he laughed, feeling over his hair which was beginning to get damp from his wet hand. He didn't even think about the arm that had inadvertently found its way behind him, even when he did feel it against his back slightly.

”I don't think I have a watch.” Ryan said before looking at his wrists, which were watch free. ” watch, sorry.” Offering a small apologetic smile while his hands plopped into the water, sending a few splashes of warm water out. Luckily, he wasn't the type to get bothered by unwanted staring, otherwise he would have been about as angry as the taller male. The mention of dinner did cause his stomach to rumble, reminding him that he did want food, but he also wanted to relax in the hot tub. So many tough choices for everyone's favorite dumb hydro.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Asmodeus April 10th 2015, 1:04 am

Ryan seemed to be a little content with where he was at. Well from his perceptions if he was having a good time then he should stay in the hot tub and Gadreel could leave to get the phone. He leaned down a little. "Well then why don't I go back to the room and get my cellphone and you can stay in here and relax?" He said with a smirk before standing up and sloshing out of the hot tube shaking a little as the water splattered down on the ground. It wasn't easy leaving one of his favorite places, however he knew that it was probably better than making Ryan get out and try and get it. It was just mean-oh hey now that is NOT him talking. He exited the pool/hot tube area and ventured a little ways before looking at the sunset and smirking a little. Didn't he imagine this once? Who would have figured he'd be here now...on business. Oh Shit!

Cale quickly appeared back in the pool area with a smile on his face, he wanted to make it look normal or...somewhat normal. As normal as a six foot four dude picking up a five foot six dude could look at any rate. He bent over and literally lifted Ryan out of the water and chuckled a little as he handed him a towel. "Sorry, I just remembered that WE have a date." he chuckled eyes scanning Ryan's face a second before draping an arm around him and walking him out. Gadreel despised this, more than anything. Once they were out of there he kept walking towards their cabin. "Dude...I totally forgot we were here to stop two super villains." He said, slightly panicked and confused as to how one simply forgot about two super villains being on board. Probably the same way he forgot his arm was over Ryan, and the same way he forgot he that Q7 was at home....

"Okay, so get changed and we'll go to the dining area. We'll keep a look out for the targets and-wait did Luci ever get back to me?" Cale said as he brought his pants and shirt and jacket from earlier up onto the bed. He quickly checked his phone and smiled. "Luci came through. We got what they look like. So now let's just get through this and it will all be fine." he said as he gripped the side of his swim shorts and started to slide them down, but before he even got half an inch down he freaked and yanked them up slightly as he turned bright red.

"Sorry...I'm used to being alone...always." He said clearing his throat as he turned and excused himself to the bathroom and closed the door, giving Ryan his chance to change. After that Gadreel emerged rubbing a towel over his hair again. "Aight. Let's get to the dining area." Cale said as he opened the door for Ryan. "After you Ry." He said with a smirk and a wink, the people walking past not noticing him. Thank God, at least some people apparently knew what gay people were...well...pretend gay people? That they didn't know were pretending?

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Asmode10
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Number of posts : 145
Job : The Progenitor of Robo-sapiens
Humor : :red:
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 5 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 10th 2015, 1:25 am

Ryan was happy with the hot tub, it felt warm and just felt like something he wanted to soak in for a little while. Cale had picked up on it, offering to step out and get his phone while Ryan continued to soak, sinking until the water touched his nose and blew a few bubbles in the water. This was nice, and he had never been on a cruise ship before, for a moment, he just felt a peace, floating about in the warm water. Well, his soaking would only last so long, as Cale reached into the hot tub and sort of lifted him out, Ryan now dripping wet as he looked up to the male that had set him down outside of it. Something was said about a date, which he had totally forgotten about for a moment, considering he didn't know they were having a date.

Still arm draped over him, both walked out into their room, Ryan wondered what he had forgotten. It took a few seconds and Gadreel reminding him as to why they were here in the first place. They were on the cruise to have fun, but to beast up some bad guys, which for a moment disappointed him. How he forgot about them was simple, but he was slightly surprised that Cale had forgotten about them of all people. They were supposed to change into clothes for the dinner thing, which was the easy part of this. The hard part would have been figuring out what kind of powers these supervillains had, since supervillains had to have powers to be supervillains. Gadreel had started to change, but before he could, he stopped himself and turned red again, excusing himself to the bathroom while Ryan did his thing.

Now alone, he quickly changed, drawing the small amount of water from his hair and getting rid of it however, feeling dry once again as he plopped onto the bed. When Cale emerged from the bathroom, he sprung to his feet, hands burying into his pockets as he followed the guys lead. He still wasn't used to the Cale that didn't glare at him, smiling and winking, it was all really weird when he thought about it. Regardless, he walked out of the room with the door being held for him, people actually not looking at him. ”Thanks.” He said with a small smile going where he thought was where this dinner was supposed to be served Eventually they would end up seated, Ryan resting his elbows on the table.

”I hope they have somethin good to eat, or somethin not bad.” He noted absently.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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