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Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 26th 2015, 11:08 pm

It seemed to be ignore Ryan day, because the guy totally did not stay there while he looked for his friend. Not that he was he type to bear a grudge, as Ryan was too busy seeing what was happening. Silus singing was not something he had been expecting to find, but he did learn that his friend had a pretty good singing voice, well compared to him the singing voice was perfect, but Ryan's inability to sing aside. While the joke flew over his head, he did note that the narwhal dude had been taking out, and his blind friend would give him an earful, not that he could really say anything in return beyond making some noises. The blind snake or whatever his name would apologize, which didn't really undo the chaos caused, but it did make him less annoyed with the duo at ruining his fun at the aquarium.

All he knew now was that this narwhal guy had lied to his friend, a real lame move to do, but then again he was sure the guy would pay for that later. Before he could do anything, Silus found himself being whacked on th shin, and him the back of the knee, Ryan being nearly knocked on his own butt. In the end, the blond guy ended up knocking himself out, though Ryan only managed to feel worse about that somehow. ”I.....yeah a movie would be great.” Ryan agreed with a nod, looking to the two before following Silus out of the aquarium before anything else happened. The sooner they got away from there, the better things would be, or so he hoped anyway. Soon enough they were at the theater, with the smell of buttery popcorn wafting through the air and causing his mouth to water.

Man, did he love popcorn, but if he remembered these kind of places were pretty expensive. Sure, he was thinking about the snake guy, hopefully he wouldn't get in trouble for working with that Narwhal guy. Silus read out all of the movie titles before he could even get finished with the first one, leaving Ryan slightly annoyed. Not that he would say anything, but the feeling was there. So many cool sounding movies, Ryan couldn't honestly decide which one he wanted to watch. So, when that failed he would randomly decide one, and the one he ended up choosing was....Intimidate. ”Um....Intimidate sounds pretty good...yupp.” With a nod he looked to Silus to get an opinion on his choice in movie.

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus March 31st 2015, 7:41 pm

Silus didn't really give an input or a reaction other than an "Okay!" and a little spring in his step. If it weren't something Silus wanted to see, Ryan probably knew Silus well enough by now to know that Silus wouldn't let it show. Unfortunately Silus would endure anything for his best bud, even stupid romantic comedy that he could basically watch in real life by inviting Gadreel anywhere with them. But that aside, Silus waltzed off to the side and looked up at the promo-poster they had of the movie. Well a little kid and slightly older kid going to see a rom-com probably wouldn't look quite right... Silus would need to do something about that. So what would look right. Silus watched and listened in as people began to ask and pay for the tickets. The general theme he saw here was a boy and a girl, around the same age. Okay, not hard to do. So he did it. Yes, Silus told Ryan to wait for him before he slipped away for a minute. Before long he was reappearing as a young woman.

"Ok. So Here's what's going to happen. You buy the tickets and I'll just go over there and grab popcorn... You want a drink? Sprite, right?" Silus asked, unsure if that was Ryan's favorite drink or if he had somehow mistaken him with someone else. Likely Sean. Regardless he, or rather she, handed Ryan some money for the tickets before (s)he went off to the concessions area.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 1st 2015, 8:23 pm

So it seemed Ryan and Silus were off to see a romantic comedy, something he had seen a  few times before but never in a movie theater. That was mostly because Ryan never had an interest in those kind of movies, but something about the premise was familiar, so he had to see it for himself. Ryan for a second hoped it wasn't a movie that Silus would dislike seeing, as that would only make things more awkward for the two of them. Not that the little guy showed it anyway, as he seemed to be fine with things as they were, but then again that was just how he worked. Disappearing for a minute, Silus would return in a different form, or rather a different gender. The sight was not something he had expected, Silus being a girl and all of that. Honestly, he wasn't sure if he was supposed to call her/him anything other than Silus.

”, Sprites good.” Ryan nodded, still trying to work out just what had happened right now. Luckily, that brain of his could put it together, or rather a very rough sketch of what it was anyway. Taking the money, he would make his way over to the ticket counter thing, waiting behind what looked like a couple, one arm hooked around the others. They had ordered a ticket for the same movie he had randomly chosen, which meant.....wait a lot of people were acting like that, the ones going to that movie anyway. Maybe that was how it was supposed to go, or so Ryan had worked up within his mind; convoluted some might say. ”Two for....intimidate.” He said pressing the money on the counter then, as the person behind it produced two tickets. Change was dolled out, and he took the tickets with him back to where fem-Silus was.

”Here's your ticket.” Ryan said offering it towards Silus, before looking down at his own, slowly reading over what was printed on it. Slowly being the correct word, as he was pretty slow on the reading portion. ” did you....ya know?” He asked, trying to get to the point about Silus turning into a girl without just saying it out loud, because that would have sounded weird. Luckily they had a good ten minutes before the movie actually started, but seats could be a bitch to actually find.
Jordan Reynolds
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus April 4th 2015, 12:00 am

The man gave Ryan two tickets to "Intimidate" before Ryan managed to venture into Silus. Or rather the girl that Silus was pretending to be. Ryan asked as to why he "you know" but it took even Silus a second to figure out. Why did he agree to see a romantic comedy with Ryan? Why did he remember that Ryan liked sprite? Did he like Sprite? Okay scratch that one. Why did he become a girl? Eh, that one seemed to fit. He'd roll with it. He just smiled and shook his/her head a moment and looked at him as if he were strange. Well it was Ryan. He was definitely strange, but that was his most charming it's own equally strange way.

  "Because I didn't want people to look at you funny for taking an eleven year old into a movie lie...well..this one. It's mostly a guy with a girl. I couldn't let you go with a little boy because...well that's weird. So I did this...just for now...or...would you rather have me be a...well a guy?" Silus asked as he looked at Ryan. It was nothing like prying into Ryan's mind or anything, but he was curious as to if Ryan would have changed anything. It was common sense to Silus to adapt to be inconspicuous...he assumed that it was the same for Ryan. Maybe thought a little too highly of Ryan. But he asked mostly because he didn't want Ryan to be uncomfortable, even if this wasn't what it was supposed to be.

  "Woah. So a water boy and a pretty girl walk into a movie theater." A familiar voice said, Silus didn't even react to the pretty girl comment, completely forgetting he just suddenly grew boobs. Water boy and Mi-purple eyes...oh shit Luci? Cale asked suddenly in a hushed tone as he began looking around before grinning from ear to ear and folding his arms over.

  "Heya Gad! Whazzup?" Silus asked before turning to Gadreel. Gadreel just smirked and shook his head at Ryan.

Look at you. Such a cute wittwe couple. He said in baby talk before patting Ryan on the shoulder. Silus just cocked his/her head sideways. Nevermind. What movie you goin' to see?

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 4th 2015, 2:14 am

It seemed Silus had understood his question almost instantly, which was not a bad thing and yet he did not have an answer for it. Okay, he would have preferred them being a guy, but it was Silus, so he also didn't care about that either. True, it would have been very weird for him to bring an eleven year old with him into a romance movie, but then again Ryan was not one for thinking too far into things. ”” Ryan stammered out in response to the whole question, wondering if Silus would think he was weird because he answered the question like that. This was no that Gadreel?

Just like that, it  got really hot in here all of the sudden, which made Ryan just realize that his jacket might have been too much. Something was said about a pretty girl, and that was obviously directed towards Silus, which felt weird for him since he was just sued to it being Silus referred to as a dude. Honestly, it was all just weird for everyone's favorite dimwit, but then again that was always the way things went. He didn't even know his jacket was gone, as it was now tied around his waist. ”We're going to see that one movie with the guy and the other person.” Ryan said with a nod, forgetting the title of the movie entirely.

Who knew they would get a preview of the movie right now?

” what are you  doing here?” Ryan asked in a voice hushed, but loud enough for the sligtly older male to hear him. Maybe he was here with someone too, or perhaps he was here not to see a rom com about a Gadreel and a Ryan. That was until he noticed something, either someone was holding a well made prop or there was a guy with a gun. Oh crap, it was a guy with a gun and he was pointing it at some chick behind the register.

”Ummm...that doesn't look right, not at all.” Ryan noted blinking, and hoping to turn their attention from him to the current situation.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus April 6th 2015, 12:57 am

"Couple of what?" He asked. Silus couldn't help but become confused. Ryan started to talk to Gadreel, acting the same as he always did. Gadreel made Ryan nervous, like...really nervous. If Silus were smarter he'd have made a comment about Ryan liking Gadreel. Unfortunately his earlier question about Ryan asking him if he liked him as a guy better was more for knowing if Ryan was more comfortable, not "Hey are you gay!?". If it WERE that last question though...he'd definitely made a joke about how Ryan was acting and how the person in Intimidate acted. Ryan quickly noted that something wasn't quite right about "that". Silus looked to see what that was before quickly using the chaos to covertly transform himself back into his older male form. He poked Ryan and smiled and waved, meanwhile Gadreel actually did work.

"Not so fast." Cale said, his accent making his speech remind Silus of Sean a little. Cale held out his hand, a small spherical barrier appeared over the gun and the person's hand. Gadreel slowly clenched his hand into a fist. The barrier slowly collapsed and crushed he water gun and put pressure on the person's hand and- wait what!? Water gun? Cale looked to Ryan and blinked, slightly frantic. "Dude, seriously!? You couldn't say something about it being a water gun?" Silus sniggered a little as he stepped forward and approaching the person with the water gun.

 "'s not legal to do that... just sayin'." He added with a giggle.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 6th 2015, 9:00 pm

Silus' question about a couple of what was lost within the potential chaos that was ensuing involving the gun that he guy had, not that he had it long considering that Gadreel used those barriers of his to crush the gun. What resulted from it being crushed was water gushing from the remnants of the broken gun, as well as the guy letting out a cry of pain from his hand being hurt in the process. ”How am I supposed to know it's a water gun? I can't like sense water or anything like that.” Ryan weakly protested, realizing that removing his jacket did really nothing for that heat in the room, even though it was intended to be moderately cool inside. Silus, seemed to be taking thing the only way Silus could, not too seriously, but then again this was not too much of a serious situation.

“Wait....I know you.” The female behind the counter said before turning attention to someone standing not too far from the one with a now broken water pistol. “And you....” When she had said that, a small measure of disgust had creeped into her voice, as if she had not wanted to see them. “This wasn't all your idea was it?”

“Yes, it was.” he answered, though as to why he was revealing himself when there was a metahuman around, that was the question Ryan asked himself.

”I don't think your plan was thought out very well.” Ryan noted chiming in on the conversation. Which the guy actually heard, turning to his seeming friend who was cradling their hand.

“I...totally thought this through...” Yeah, he totally did not think this through. “In three seconds none of you will be able to stop me. With the power of Elaine, nothing can stop me!” He then laughed, like one of those terrible muahahahas that villains did. Hey, three seconds passed and then...was he transforming. There was some kind of light, one that covered him as the shape began to change, except he wasn't any sort of asian cowgirl but.....a rather intimidating looking guy. Damn, he was really intimidating...and where was his shirt? Without even really needing to think about it, Ryan pushed Silus infront of him.

”hey can beat this one up.”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus April 7th 2015, 9:10 pm

Gadreel watched events transpire and then suddenly there was a dude in a blue jean jacket with slick black hair and hazel eyes, a bigger guy like Gadreel's size actually. He next looked back to see Ryan without a shirt on and pushing Silus out in front of him. Silus looked equally as scared which made sense to Gadreel. The kid was really just eleven, disguising himself to be someone else. Gadreel put a hand on Ryan's shoulder and turned him around, eyes narrowed as he looked over Ryan and growled in frustration. Trying to struggle to keep focused on his newly arrived enemy and this shirtless Ryan was annoying.

"Now I know why I though you two were a couple." Cale said, shaking his head in disappointment and judgment at Ryan. "I guess you being a pussy is what made it believable." He scoffed before yanking him back and brushing past Silus. Gadreel then proceeded to do what most angels did in combad. He put the fear of God into him in the most non-sexual way possible. It didn't take much for someone who spent part of hid life in martial arts to take this guy down, especially with Cale having superior strength. In the end Cale stomped on the back part of the guy's knee, causing his knee to buckle and forcing them man onto both knees on the floor. A barrier over his hand and Cale back-handed the guy, sending him flipping over the concession counter. Cale took a minute to fix his breathing from it's slightly elevated levels to normal levels. Then he started walking past Silus and Ryan.

"Don't worry though. If things don't work out I'm sure plenty of people need girlfriends." Cale said, though Ryan would probably know what he was talking about...Silus was all around lost. Cale reached over the counter and pulled the guy up, pressing his throat against the edge of the counhter and pressing. "Aight man. We gonna do this like back in MY town. I ask, you answer. You don't answer ya get hurt. Capishe? First question. Dafuq you doin' this for man?" Cale said through his teeth. Street justice was a good look on him as he began to perss on the guy's neck. If he didn't talk he would pretty soon be in for a world of hurt.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 7th 2015, 9:37 pm

Ryan watched what had happened, and any will to fight sort of left him then.  He could've had all the power in the world, but that didn't really make someone less of a coward, just more of a powerful coward. He knew that well enough, but there was nothing he could do to change that, but salt to the wound always helped the matter. The hand on his shoulder and the look of utter disdain, well enough was just another thing, his heart sunk into his stomach, leaving Ryan speechless. Absently grabbing his own arm, he felt a distinct lack of shirt, which Ryan looked around for on the floor, picking it up and slipping it back on. ” to go to the bathroom...yupp.” Ryan muttered sort of retreating from the scene while Gadreel delivered a little street justice to the not Elaine.

“I think I might know the answer to that.” The girl behind the counter spoke up, reclining against it with a raised brow. Unpocketing a phone and flicking through the messages. ”Yupp, it's right here. Something about me cheating on him.”

“ did.” He choked out

”No I didn't, I dumped you. It probably didn't get through that thick head of yours, and this stupid stunt proves me right for doing so. For one, the Elaine movie is not the closest thing to the concession stand. Secondly, there are no meteors to shoot so you would have been just some crazy chick with a gun, probably wouldn't have even had the ghost dog.” She sighed, rubbing her eyes. ”So turn out of that stupid form already. We already have one self styled tough guy around, don't need another.” The guy did just that, turning from tall intimidating guy into a rather scrawny nerd type.

”So is this the reason why you did all this? ”

“Yeah.” He admitted, much to her disappointment.

”Wow that was easy, and I didn't even have to strangle anyone.”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus April 8th 2015, 12:56 am

"Yeah. Cute. You're still goin' through the legal system." Gadreel said before he grabbed the phone from the girl and grabbed the man by the back of the shirt and pulled it slightly upward. In just a couple seconds there would be a series of beeps, he recognized it as Aegis and Bulwark tryingto communicate. Apparently there was something in that text messages was off. Though he wasn't entirely sure what he was going to do with information like that. Gadreel then looked to Silus and started to look for Ryan. Ryan, of course, was nowhere to be found. With a long drawn out sigh and a sinking feeling in his stomach he immediately seemed to know that maybe he pushed things a little too far with his comments.

  Gadreel rolled his eyes as he walked up to Silus. A quick question to Silus revealed that Ryan went to the bathroom. Cale had a snarky comment about Silus not having to hold his hand which left Silus even more confused by Gadreel. Why would someone need their hand held to go to the bathroom? His insults either went over hs head, or were just terrible. Gadreel wanted to say "fuck it" and let Ryan be a little whimp. Another part of him felt slightly remorseful for the fact Ryan didn't react the way he wanted. This was most unfortunate but even moreso unfortunate his mind said fuck you and he went in anyway. Ryan was someone Cale/Gadreel felt responsible for, despite them not being a member of his group. He didn't want a situation like this to ultimately destroy Ryan when there was something he could do about it. As he entered the bathroom there was a very familiar noise and he sighed as he crossed his arms and leaned back against the counter of the empty bathroom as he stood across from the one occupied stall.

   "...'Ey...Deluge." He said before sighing and hating himself for a moment. Just a moment though. He was over it soon enough. "Look man. I'm sorry, but c'mon man. Ya put an eleven year old out in front of ya. What would ya have done if he got hurt? Ryan I don't want ya to get into a situation where being a coward is gonna get ya hurt; or worse yet I don't want ya ta hesitate and then pay the price for it. I don't want for someone ya care about to pay the price and you be responsible. Just like if I didn't try to help woulda been me who was responsible fer losin' another friend. I was just trying to make ya mad so you'd try ta prove me's...the only way I know how to motivate someone. It's how my dad taught me and so it's the only way I know how ta teach other people. I mean C'mon, you trained with me. Ya know?" Gadreel said, mostly getting everything out there before sighing. Friends and family were gone so quick from this world. He lost Yancey, and for all he knew he was going to only lose a lot more in the days to come.

"Ryan...If I didn't care about ya....I wouldn't have come to apologize. I wouldn't have tried to motivate ya. But this life can be over just as quickly as ya can blink. If I can teach ya, or motivate ya into having a better chance... ya damn well better believe I'm gonna do it." Gadreel said, these open and out there moments were not his style, so he sort of rushed through it and got everything off his chest. Well, most everything anyway. He rested there for a moment before contemplating leaving. This was awkward enough as it is he didn't need to hold in mind the fact Ryan ditched Seraphim to go with those Prodigy dorks. He might have held some resentment for it, but no autopsy no foul.

Last edited by Silus on April 8th 2015, 2:41 am; edited 1 time in total

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 8th 2015, 1:29 am

The bad guy had been stopped, but Ryan wasn't there to enjoy the victory. As he had said before, he had gone to the bathroom, just not for it's traditional usage, unless crying in a stall was considered traditional. Closing and locking the door, Ryan pressed his back against the wall of the stall and sunk down to the floor. He was a coward, or whatever Gadreel had called him, though it was the tone that seemed to say everything. It was the fact it was the truth that seemed to hurt the most, and so he did the only thing he could think of, which came down to sobbing into his arm. Luckily the bathroom was empty as people were busy doing their things, watching movies and buying overpriced popcorn. Fingers clasped around the amulet hanging around his neck, cold as always as it bit into his hand. Not enough to break skin, but enough to be felt.

Why he had done what he did seemed very simple at the time. Silus could do anything, despite being just an eleven year old, not that Ryan had ever seen him like that. No, he couldn't really think of him like that for obvious reasons, but it was also because he believed he could do anything. He didn't hurt people accidentally, he didn't kill people accidentally, and that was something Ryan did. Closing his eyes, the warm tears fell down his cheeks warmly, starkly so against his usually cold skin. Sadly, he could not control the noise he was making, and that was more than enough noise for whoever came in to know what he was doing. Radiant air temp began to low, but that was just something that happened when his mood suffered too. A familiar voice would rise up enough to overtake his quieting sobs, causing Ryan to jerk slightly at the sound of it.

Part of him wondered if he had come here just to make fun of him for crying, because that had been the reason he ran away to the bathroom in the first place. Instead, he said something else entirely, perhaps explaining himself or something like that. Small crystals of ice formed along the floor, nothing major but they were there, the very water in the toilet freezing solid. That would not be a good thing, but then again that was not what was on his mind at the moment. If he only knew, someone he cared about had already paid the price long ago. After the rather rushed talking portion came to an end, Ryan ran his fingertips over the blue gem in the amulet for a moment, before sighing and pushing himself to his feet.

He found himself without a shirt once again, not that he noticed this time either. Running the back of his hand over his eyelids, he undid the lock and opened the door, letting it sort of just creak open after pushing it. ”Y..yeah, I know.” He didn't really know what to say, or maybe he just didn't want to know anything else.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus April 8th 2015, 2:36 am

The door opened and it was Ryan. Except he was shirtless again. Honestly if the kid weren't such a coward he'd have thought he did this on purpose to mess with him. With a sigh Gadreel shook his head and chuckled before letting out a slightly agitated sigh. He looked to Ryan and tried to be as nice as he could when he smiled and tilted his head to the side to ask Ryan. "Dude. Why did you take your shirt off?" Of course he tried to be nice, though Gadreel and nice didn't mix very often so this was probably either really strange or even more intimidating. While Gadreel didn't know what the intimidation would lead to, he certainly didn't intend or want for anything other than an answer.

Silus, on the other hand was calmly trying to let people sort out their issues as he made a few questions to a certain girlfriend, then turned and did a little texting to his daddy before finding out that there was going to be a little bit of a problem. The text messages this guy got about his girlfriend cheating on him? Totally fake. Silus wasn't as good with technology since the wish was undone, but he retained a few tricks up his large-ass hoodie sleeves. What? If he didn't keep his tricks there they would just be empty space. Regardless of that fact he did a little digging and researched a number, called Regal to get the scoop on an I.P address and found that this was all part of an undercover deal.

" Remember the Narwhal dude from earlier? He was totally a victim of this strange break-up contract too. Remember The Spooner? Yeah he was just crazy, he had nothing to do with this, but still!" Silus exclaimed, to everyone around it would look like he were simply talking himself through a great revelation. To his eyes he was talking to "tan and Texan" sitting on the floor against the wall that would lead to the bathrooms. He didn't say anything this time, surprisingly, but maybe that's because he had a piece of duct-tape over his mouth and his hands were tied with a lasso. He looked exceptionally cowboy. Silus smirked and shook his head. "Wow, if only I knew how I did that. But no time, I gotta tell these guys." Silus said before finishing his quick little "gold collection" time on Dragon Valley so the clocks could reset and he could get the Apocalypse dragon sooner.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 8th 2015, 2:48 am

Ryan sort of stood there, unsure what he should have been expecting to hear from Gadreel at this point. He looked from the male to the floor, only to hear something about him not having a shirt on. Where did his shirt go? Now that was the golden question. ”Why didn't you?” Ryan would ask in retaliation with an awkward smile as if trying to forget that whole crying thing he was doing a couple of seconds ago. Something was off with Gadreel either way, that much he could tell but if he would ask about it, that was a different question altogether. Regardless, he picked his shirt up and put it back on, because he had come to see a movie with Silus afterall, so that meant Silus was somewhere around here. So to Silus he would end up going, probably out of the bathroom because he was obviously not in there.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus April 8th 2015, 3:18 am

"I-I-I-I" Cale stammered like a kid with an impediment. His face went from slightly tan to a mixed red that definitely made him noticeable. He wasn't sure what just happened. Did...did Ryan just hit on him. He was in a bathroom with Ryan, Ryan without a shirt on...hitting on him. Yeah he was worried about where this was headed. "I-I-I" He just kept going. Ryan had the awkward smile and then put his shirt on, letting Gadreel relax for a moment on the outside and letting his motor-mouth end. Unfortunately the inner turmoil was more than enough to leave him speechless as he simply followed Ryan, flustered and confused about what just happened. He was even upset at himself for his inability to even reply.

  "Oh hey guys!" Silus said as he put his phone in his pocket and smiled, before looking at Gadreel's face and then at Ryan's shirt. He smirked as he realized that this looked REALLY familiar. "Just spar already." Cale's face burnt up again "W-whatchu say to me?" He asked slightly defensive. He looked to Ryan and choked up before backing up, licking his lips and laying down the line with Silus, but Silus spoke first and all seemed to be clarified. "You guys look just like my dads before they go sparring." Well Cale couldn't say that his assumption was wrong, but hey...poor kid didn't even catch the reference. Cale looked to Ryan, fairly certain that he may have caught the reference. Then again...

  "Anyways, get this. Gad, Remember the Queen of Hearts? She's got herself a partner in crime now. Some guy named Cupid. They've got this "make people fall in love and pay us" scam going. We ran into a guy named "The Narwhal" earlier and he was a victim too, just like this guy. I talked to Regal and we got their location pinned down to a Caribbean couples cruise." Silus said before holding up two tickets. He managed to make those appear fast.

"So...couples cruise? You know those are for couples right Luci? Like...boyfriend and girlfriend." Cale said, quickly disrupting the plan. Of course nothing is safe form HalluciYancey, even when his mouth is (rather WAS) taped. If I didn't know any better I'd think Gadreel doesn't think that two guys could pass as a couple. Wonder what your DAD'S would be sayin' about that 'round now. He added, which made Silus perk up.

 "Hey!! Yeah, what he said!" Silus started out the sentence like a little kid that just realized someone took his toy away and then turned it into a more of an acusation type of tone. "You guys could pretend to be a couple and infiltrate the boat." Cale immediately shot it down without a problem.

"Yeah what who said? Wait-what?" Cale asked, looking around for whomever might have said something. Okay am I missing something? I got a bad guy arrested and hurt Ryan's feelings. Went to the bathroom to apologize and got hit on, made a damn idiot outta myself and now they want me to pretend to be this homeless guys boyfriend? No...just OH! ta top things off now Luci's seein' shit too? Uh-uh. Nope. Not happinin' Cale looked to Silus and shook his head.

"Pretend ta be a couplea fags ta get in ta stop people from making other people falling in true love? Sorry, not bitin'. It's been nice guys but I paid for first class seating" Cale said, Silus protested before he looked to Ryan and smiled. "Oh no-no. First class on the Crazy train. All aboard. Whoo-whoo... anyway!" Silus added as he grabbed Gadreeels jacket sleeve and smiled widely at him.

  "Ryan, it's our job to stop these guys. Whichever one you want to go with you will go with you, the other one will tell the cops of our plan." Silus said, leaving the choice to him.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds April 8th 2015, 3:49 am

Gadreel's response to him saying what he did was....strange actually. His face was turning a weird red like he was choking on something, but Ryan didn't remember him eating anything. The muttering got better one he put his shirt on, but Ryan did not quite notice that detail, as he was already walking out of the door. What was waiting beyond the door was Silus, who Ryan waved at. ”Hi!” He said, now over that whole funk that had affected him not only a few moments ago. What his friend had said about sparring went over his head, much like it had over Gadreel's head, granted that's just how most jokes of that nature went with him. Whatever Silus had said, Gadreel had gotten really defensive about, until it had been explained anyway.

That aside, Silus had found some info about all of the things that had been happening through their entire day. They had said something about The Queen of Hearts, a villain that Ryan was not too aware of. Sure, he knew nothing about most villains in general so that was not too much of a surprise. Either way, they were supposed to be stopping some kind of scam on a couples cruise, the only thing that stuck to him was that it was a couples cruise. Like a couple with two people that were dating? That much Ryan understood, which likely meant they would somehow have to get on that cruise, not that Silus had a problem getting tickets as he had produced two. That was his friend though, always capable of doing almost anything.

Silus suggested that he and Gadreel go on the cruise, which actually made him turn a little red. The color was perhaps more obvious on his cheeks, obvious enough perhaps for a person to notice anyway. If this was the plan, he would have been more than willing to do it, but it seemed Gadreel was really against it for some reason. Maybe he was mad at him or something, considering the use of that word. Ryan never figured to what it meant, but when he heard people say it, anyone could tell it was meant to hurt. In the end it appeared as if the choice was left with him, and that made Ryan actually think. True, he trusted Silus more than anyone else, but he had a feeling that neither of them knew what to do as far as a couples cruise was concerned. That, and as Gadreel had said, Silus was eleven, and as far as Ryan knew eleven year olds were not good at pretending to be someones boyfriend/girlfriend thing.

”Ummmm....Gadreel can come with me.” Ryan said after a few minutes of intense thought, checking to make sure his shirt was on and a nod of his head. Something told him this would not go well.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Asmodeus April 8th 2015, 9:04 pm

It was done...

 "Of course I can." Gadreel said, bringing an arm up and with a fearsome swipe he snatched the tickets right form Silus' hands. Silus looked to Ryan and rubbed the back of his head a little, Gadreel knew that look, but he didn't have to worry with Lucifer. Lucifer at least could keep his feelings lodged inside and not cry like a little- No. Bad Cale. he internally chided himself.

  "Oh. Okay. I uh... I'll just get going and tell the authorities." Silus said, trying really had not to seem awkward. His trying not to be awkward was actually the think maging the moment so awkward. "I-I...uhm. Have fun." Silus said as he void walked and left the area. Of course Gadreel caught onto the fact the kid was being strange, but that posed two questions in his mind. One was the possibility that Luci was hurt that Ryan chose Gadreel over him, and he misconstrued the selection for the person he liked more. The other possibility was that this was Lucifer's R.I and Cale was interfering. Knowing Lucifer he assumed it was the prior. The kid didn't even get the concept of calling people a "couple" so how in the Hell was he going to do a "couples cruise" effectively.

"Ok so we'll need luggage. So we're going back ta the Lighthouse so I can back some bags." Gadreel announced before turning and walking out the door, still slightly irritated by what had happened and how he managed to get drawn into this. "Hope ya like motorcycles." Cale said as he lead Ryan through the parking lot and right to the motorcycle that was chained up to a light pole base with a securing rod across the handlebars. After it was safe, Cale pulled out a helmet from underneath the seat, a strange form of hidden compartment it would seem. He walked it to Ryan and looked him dead in the eyes.

"If ya so much as put a scratch on this thing...I'll kill ya." He said before pushing the helmet into Ryan's stomach, not hard enough to hurt but enough to let Ryan know that it was there. "Ya put this on. So help me god if ya die...I'll bring ya back and kill ya. Got it?" He asked before leaving the helmet with Ryan and having Aegis put a barrier over his own head. That done, he started the motorcycle and waited for Ryan. Then it was off to the Lighthouse. Probably had been a while since Ryan was there. Well, living there anyway. Cale sighed and packed bags, he brought Ryan up to his own living space, but kept the barrier around his room active.

 "'s a suit case. This one is yours for our trip. Fill this suit case. I don't care with what just- What the fuck happened to my table!?" Cale yelled as he dropped the empty bad at Ryan's feet and charging to move random things form the table. It revealed that the table was now a rather flamboyant hot pink, something that made Cale's eye twitch. "God...I take in a stray and this is what happens. Where did they even go!?" He grumbled to himself before rubbing his eyelids and turning back to Ryan. They had bigger problems at hand.

"We're gonna have to act like fags. So... as my boyfriend. What do I call ya? Do I give ya a pet name or what? Also... you gotta tell me what kinda boyfriend ya want me ta be. Should I be the cuddly and clingy kind? The isolated and mysterious, or the kind no one would believe was with ya?" Cale asked, the last one made him think to himself So pretty much my regular, insulting and intimidating self? the thought was slightly bitter in some regards.
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 4 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

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