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Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus March 20th 2015, 12:44 am

"Uhm...uh..." Okay, Silus was totally and utterly lost as to what to do. He could honestly say he never had to fight cats before. He honestly had no idea what kind f threat these things posed and honestly he didn't much feel like killing animals if he could very well help it. Silus was not in a good place right now, normally he had Yancey to do things to help with this. "We should...uhm..." Now he froze up as he blinked and tried to take in the severity of the situation.

 You should not pussy out of fighting the pussy cats. HalluciYancey said as he crossed his arms and shook his head with a little smile. He actually didn't understand what he was trying to say, but he figured that his subconcious made the suggestion for a reason. " stuff... for just another sec." Silus said as he began to draw the finishing touches upon the ground. Finally the drawing was finished and Silus stood up. His hand attached to the drawing as he literally pulled it from 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional. The drawing brought to life...the biggest bushel of catnip you've probably ever seen. The things would probably fight themselves for the thrill of chewing and playing with it. He backed up and nodded to Ryan. "Ok...let them in and kick butt while their distracted I guess." Silus added as he shrugged.

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 20th 2015, 3:54 am

Ryan never had to fight cats before, so him having to do so now was sort of weird. Yet if they threatened Silus, well he would do something about them. Sure, this barrier would hold up for a small while, but he needed Silus to do something before they made this any more difficult. ”Do stuff? I...can do that.” Ryan noted with a nod, causing the ice dome to shatter around them with enough force to send the poor unfortunate felines to scatter, yet before they could do anything else a field of water in the form of a barrier would form around them, rotating fast enough to push back the cast if they were so inclined to try. Hopefully his friend had something to deal with these cats, and he did not disappoint. Using that oh so magical paint stuff of his, Silus conjured up what looked like a bag of weird plant stuff, though the cats seemed to be reacting different.

While distracted by the weird plant stuff, Ryan let his water thing dissipate and began to work on the containing the felines, which came to splashing them really hard with water. Which did not seem to go well with someone, as they shouted at him in particular. “No, stop you little brat.” She said aloud, as the cats not taken down would seem to trail back around her, circling almost protectively around her. The woman looked a little wild, a mousy sort with spectacles around a size too large and in rather frumpy looking clothes.

“Hey, it's the crazy cat lady!” Someone would yell say from the crowd gathering.

“I am not a crazy cat lady!” She would shout back at them.

"Hey's a crazy cat lady." Ryan whispered to Silus, and chuckling at the idea itself. "Do we like....beat her up or somethin?"
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Zell March 22nd 2015, 2:56 am

"Uhm... I dunno." Silus said, more to himself than anything. So this lady was a crazy cat lady. Who wishes she weren't a crazy cat lady. That's almost as a cat not wanting to be a cat and wanting to be a bird instead. It was just said and slightly comical to those with a heart as black as sin. He blinked at the cat woman and waved his hand before suddenly a giant bird manifested in the distance. It had various rainbow colors in the feathers of it's wings and a rainbow was left behind in the trail. For reasons of copyright this creatures actual colors were silver, navy blue and red as the largew bird began to swoop down, aiming to take and lift the cat lady up and fly her away. it was easily stopped if there were enough cats that loved their master, but the coinciene was something Silus went for. The bird wouldn't hit her, just drop her off on the nearest police car.

  "Uhm...cats. What do we do? This is a messof trouble." Silus groaned. If the bird were vanquished then sadly they had a lot more trouble. If not they still had to find a way to get a savage bunch of cats out of the park before they ate the animals...or the people.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 22nd 2015, 8:42 pm

Without him needing to do much more, Silus seemed to conjure a solution to the strangely dressed woman in the form of a large bird. An oddly colored but familiar bird that swooped out of nowhere, grabbing onto the woman and flying away before the cats had any chance to react to such a thing. “Let go of me you borderline copyright infringement!” She would scream as sh e was carried away, leaving Ryan looking both confused and somewhat relieved that part of the problem was over. So with that done, they could likely get on with their day, as the cats seemed to pause of as if a trance were broken before scattering.

”Wow....that happened.” Ryan noted with a blink, scratching the back of his head as if totally confused by the whole thing, but then again who would have not been? Now the cats would have been a problem, or should have been if they did not start running off in the opposite direction, as if chasing something else entirely. Okay, now that was double weird. ”And that happened. This day is just...weird.” Ryan muttered with a sigh, burying his hands into his pockets.

”So Si, how about we go somewhere else before more killer cats attack?”
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus March 22nd 2015, 10:06 pm

"Yeah...that did just happen." Silus blinked as he had a little grin. The moment was stored in his mind forever now. Or at least until he drew it out on paper, or painted it. It was one he really, really wanted to paint now. It had a bit of majesty on also has a bit of comedy. "Somewhere else? Uh-yeah. Sure. Where do ya wanna go?" Silus asked his friend before literally jumping onto his back and leaning his head over to hear what Ryan would suggest. Yeah, he jumped on Ryan's back. Hey if you were lazy and you didn't want to walk yourself you'd do it too! After he nuzzeled himself and was comfortable (praying Ryan didn't fall over) he tried to find where Ryan wanted to go.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 23rd 2015, 7:11 pm

Now he had the question of where they would go, and that was when Ryan found himself almost dumbfounded as far as the where. He didn't really know what to do after mall, because he was not that great when it came to the whole what they could do thing. Silus always seemed to know about those kind of things, so it would have been much easier for him, granted Ryan could likely have thought of something if given a few minutes. Well, until his thought process was interrupted by said Silus leaping onto his back and sort of latching onto him, nearly throwing him off his balance. Luckily, he did not fall over and so now he was carrying around a Silus, who did not weigh too much, a good thing. Grabbing his legs sort of to keep him up, he went back to trying to think of what to do next.

Honestly, he had to rack his brain for this one, because nothing was coming to mind right off the bat. However, something did come to mind eventually, all it took was a little thought, or for Ryan a little more than that. ”I was thinking we could go to that place....the one with all of the fish swimming around in tanks.” It took him a moment to remember what it was called, because his brain derped out heavily. ”The aquarium, yeah thats what it's called.” He said with a nod still carrying Silus, not even thinking about it now. ”How does that sound?” Not like he was expecting Silus to say no to it, so when that was answered, they could get to that. Ryan liked fish afterall, so it would have been fun for him.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus March 24th 2015, 7:04 pm

"Sounds good." Silus hummed. He didn't really care where they went, all he knew was with he was going somewhere with his friend. Good enough for him.  He released Ryan and dropped to the ground. It was never really sure as to why Silus always latched onto people like that. One theory had been that it was a safety mechanism for an 11 year old. Another theory was that it was simply within a playful little trickster's attitude to be...well...playful and very animated and close to people. The final theory was that Silus were some form of otherworldly leech and if it didn't attach to people like it did he would die. While Silus was certain he'd "die" if he weren't allowed to hug or attach to people he liked, he was certain that he was not a leech in any sense of the word. Well, no more of a leech than any other 11 year old. With that in mind he was now trailing behind Ryan, hands buried into his hoodie pockets.

   "You must feel right at home here, huh?" Silus asked as they appeared at the entry way. The front door was almost clever in design, as the entrance was inside a massive plastic whale's mouth. Apparently inside the large rooms were shaped and structured like a whale's anatomy. The L.Aquarium, the best aquarium ever...especially since it was the only one Silus had ever seen. "I...I've never seen one of these before." Silus said as he walked in, a little bit of awestruck wonder in his voice. This place was amazing! The fish they were all like...swimming around them. Silus put his hands against the glass and watched as the fish moved about, as if this place were their natural habitat. Silus looked to Ryan with a big smile before nodding. "This place be awesome!" He said in a slightly contorted voice, sounding like he had an Indian accent almost. He nodded before following Ryan. The quality time with friends was nice, and he was certain that Ryan would be elated to be around all this water. He had noticed that Ryan was getting more...comfortable and confidant in himself, and his powers. Either the training with Gadreel was helping or he finally just grew into his own skin. Either way, this trip was worth it

   "ALL SHALL FEAR! THE NARWHAL IS HERE!" A voice bellowed and in an instant there was a person in a literal Narwhal Mascot costume and next to him was a costume of a Blind Snake with only a little hole in it to depict a face. Unfortunately the nature of a blind snake was lost onto Silus, but the man literally looked like he was dressed up to be a black phallus.

   "And the blind Sssssnake!" The man in the snake costume said with a lisp. The blind snake proved that actually just form the waist up was a costume and his lower half was literally a slimy black tail that one would expect to find on a snake. The blind Snake began to flail about it's tremendous strength causing the ground to rumble a little. The Narwhal stepped forward...actually he hopped a little bunny. Then he held up the two fins of the Narwhal costume and declared. "TURN AND LEAVE OUR PALACE AT ONCE! EXCEPT YOU TWO! YOU CAN STAY!" his voice even cracked proving that he must either have been a total nerd, or not very old... maybe a deranged and disgruntled former-employee with an acne problem.  The Narwhal proclaimed that Silus and Ryan could stay... but that was just confusing. Silus just looked to Ryan with his head cocked to the side.

  "Do we...know them?" Silus asked.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 24th 2015, 8:19 pm

With Silus now unlatched from his back, Ryan had a much easier time walking around, not that the younger male was by any means difficult to lift. It was nice to have Silus along for the ride, otherwise he would have felt sort of alone going through an aquarium, even though he had only been to one of those one or twice a long time ago when things were.....different. Being that he was going with his bestest friend ever, then it would likely have been twice as much fun, something that Ryan absolutely loved. So now him and his eleven year old friend were off to that place with all of the fish, So Ryan could enjoy himself and maybe even see a shark. Unlike what most people thought, Ryan actually liked sharks, despite the fact that they could hurt him if they got the smell of blood. Luckily, he was super powered, so not like they could do too much.

Before he even knew it, Ryan was there at the aquarium walking through the weird whale mouth entrance. ”Yeah, I guess you could say that.”Ryan answered with a small nod. Beyond stood one of the most awesome things he had ever seen, so many fish swimming beyond a layer of glass, probably some sort of super glass that kept things from getting through. Many fish of different colors were swimming by without a care in the world, not even thinking twice about the people that were watching them. Honestly, Ryan just thought it was pretty cool, all the fish and stuff like that. Granted, he was easily amused by things like that, even if he made it a thing to stay close to his friend. Didn't want to lose him or anything like that, because that would have been terrible. Silus would have not been too wrong about him being elated to be near so much water.

A sort of sensation flowed through him, making him feel a sort of happiness that he could not quite describe, as he looked around. ”I haven't been to one of these forever.” Ryan noted with a small smile, before letting his attention trail away to what looked like...oh yes it was. Walking over to the glass, he found his eyes following a sort of shark thing that was slowly swimming through the water. True, they had found their way to the shark exhibit place, so there were a lot of them just sort of swimming around the water, which only made him even more happy, until of course something happened. Some hissing weirdo and a dork in a suit were causing trouble, saying that all of them had to leave save for....him and Silus. Ryan frowned slightly upon seeing the two. ”I...don't know them at all.” However something caught his attention, the weird hissing one that caused him to chuckle softly, before loosing control and just childishly giggling. That went on for a few seconds, before he got control of himself and returned his attention to the situation at hand.

” wang and unicorn fish. Can you like go away?” Ryan said with a motion of his hand.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus March 24th 2015, 10:04 pm

Silus didn't get what the word Wang was. He actually thought it was some like, Chinese name. Which means that Ryan DID know this person. But why would Ryan keep a secret like that from him? Eh, who knew. Silus trusted him that he had a reason. After all it wasn't like Ryan ever lied on purpose really. Ryan was too good to lie, then again his friend was almost perfect in his eyes. Just short of a cross and a few nails...but then again he liked Ryan better without the nails. Less dying and this way he could skip three days of boredom. How did he get caught up on this thought process again.

 "I thought you... nevermind." Silus said with a little giggle before shaking his head at the Narwhal and the Blind Snake. He trusted Ryan to a fault, because Ryan did no wrong. Ryan, unfortunately, was a dumber version of what Silus wanted to be. Funny how that works out right? The Narwhal hopped forward...not even waddling or walking. Hopping. He hopped forward and opened his mouth as a highly durable and very fast spike shot out of his mouth right at Silus. It looked like a Narwhal's spike. Oh wow, so now we know why he's called the Narwhal. Silus almost missed the opportunity, but thankfully he was able to traverse through the void and appear on the other side of the Narwhal. As the Narwhal quickly retracted the horn back into his mouth Silus spoke. "Uhm... that's not leaving. That's attempting murder." He said before he flourished his hand and made a streak of black on the ground. Reaching down he made a quick little motion with his hand and drew a thick knotted end, like a handle to something. Then he pulled up and with a loud crack it revealed that the paint was nothing other than a long black whip.

   "MY HORN IS THE HORN THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVEN!!!!" The Narwhal yelled before turning to Ryan and shooting the horn out again. The Blind Snake just began flailing and thrashing about as it began to flop over in Silus' general direction.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 24th 2015, 11:21 pm

It seemed that Silus had not gotten the rather crude joke that Ryan had made, what seemed like such was now him looking as if he were lying. ”You thought I was what?” Ryan would ask, looking to his friend with a raised brow as if not understand what he was talking about. Regardless, he wanted to deal with these weird guys in their costumes, as they were likely going to do something that would only lead to more trouble for them. Honestly, he was not worried about the one guy dressed up as a narwhal, but the blond one looked more dangerous, because he actually shook the ground. However, the horned one attempted to spear his friend with a horn that extended from his mouth, failing rather spectacularly as Silus simply seemed to teleport around it. Leaving Ryan sort of gaping slightly at the male that had attempted to kill his friend, and growing slightly annoyed.

”Looks like I gotta beat you two up.” He grumbled, preparing to do something as the horn would retract, before the male shouted something and let it shoot out at him. What the horn hit was only water, as Ryan let himself turn into water and sort of move out of the water. From seemingly nowhere, water would form as a puddle on the ground, rising upwards to freeze around the horn as if to stop the guy from bringing the horn back. ”okay, for one it's my drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens.” He began forming a sphere of water in his hand, letting it swirl rapidly. ”” Okay and now the for the best. ”I don't know who you think you are but who the hell do you think I am?”Shouting the last part he unleashed the water bolt aimed to knock the narwhal down if not out.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus March 25th 2015, 1:22 am

So the Narwhal was hit with water punch attack. It's not very effective, but he was down for the count for a couple seconds. Unfortunately it only seemed to be elated by the water punch after 30 seconds of writhing in pain. "BWAHAHAH YES! YES! DROWN ME IN MY OWN ELEMENTARY! The idiot said as it literally began using it's mascot costume to belly slide at rather tricky speeds. Silus was impressed. By impressed I mean he was wondering how the heck that made any sense. How are you using a rubbery substance to slide on wax coated hardwood floors and red carpet? Wait, did he say to drown him in his own elementary? Oh boy. This guy better get better at being a villain soon...or he needs to learn how to do what his grandma does and just die and come back with new powers because THIS GUY had no future in academics.

Seriously though.... apparently this loser had quite a bit of experience belly sliding...somehow. The Blind Snake was still rumbling and tumbling, leaving Silus a little dizzy and trying to catch his balance. Unfortunately it seemed like the Narwhal was going to take this into consideration as it then began to target Silus. On his impressive belly slide he reached a wall, turned himself hopped and then belly slid again towards Silus, opening his mouth and the spike shot out. Silus went to use rift walk and remembered that he'd get sick if he did it again so soon. He quickly left a doppelganger in his place and shape shifted himself into a tiny little fly, leaving his doppelganger to feign getting impaled through the chest. The Blind Snake stopped rumbling and flailing around as it worked it's way upright...or sort of up right.

The Narwhal retracted the spike from "silus" chest before the real one reappeared behind Ryan. Silus was...shocked, if not a little estranged by Ryan's antics. This definitely wasn't a version of him he was used to seeing. It was just a little worrying even. Ryan was getting smarter, he was seeing more of the world than Silus was regularly. Maybe he was just adapting to be like other people? People used that word a lot right? People smoked and would drink the alcohol stuff that Silus hated the smell of. Silus shook that off, now wasn't the time to be lost in thought like that.

"You got bad aim. In baseball we call that a ball" Silus said with a little smirk as he waved. The Narwhal looked to the little doppelganger to see it was a Silus that has black X's on each eye and a tongue lolling out with a dopey grin on it. The wonders of shape shifting were never ceasing with this kid. He definitely knew how to keep a power youthful, despite having it for a long time. Silus watched Ryan, waiting to see what he was going to do. He was sorta afraid that this was gonna get a little out of hand. "I uh... I'll take Narwhal. You take your friend." Silus said as he whistled at Narwhal and stuck his tongue out before turning and disappearing deeper into the aquarium. The Blind Snake just started looking around.

"What? Did we do it? Kyle did we win?" It asked before literally slithering into a door. "OW!"

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 25th 2015, 4:32 pm

His attack had hit truly, knocking the bad guy on the ground as they writhed in pain. This went on for around thirty seconds, before they sprang back up and even began to laugh, something Ryan had not been expecting. Usually when he hurt someone, they tended to stay on the ground, but this guy was freaking laughing of all things. Maybe he was insane, or Ryan had hit him harder than he thought, it had to be one of the two. Following that came some manner of belly slide, as the costumed male would actually slide towards them at a difficult speed, much to his annoyance. Maybe he should've froze the guy, then he wouldn't be sliding around and shooting weird horns from his mouth by some sort of devil magic. I mean, it had to be magic with how he did that anyway.

The spike seemed to impale Silus, much to Ryan's annoyance but luckily he pulled an Aizen, meaning hr was only right behind him. At least he didn't have to worry about Silus like slashing him with a katana or anything, because that would have really sucked. That aside, they had some weirdos to deal with, and Ryan would have had no problem doing just that. ”Hey Narwhal go swim in the ocean and cause some commotion somewhere else.” Was he making an intentional joke? Yes, yes Ryan was. He watched youtube, he knows these things, its not like he can't use a laptop. Silus however seemed to have called taking down this Narwhal guy, meaning that he would have to deal with the other one, not something he was looking forward to. So while Silus seemed to deal with that guy, he looked at the phallic nemesis with a raised brow.

From there his foe went from menacing to pathetic in around three seconds. ” you okay?”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus March 25th 2015, 11:17 pm

"I-I think sso. I'm not real ssssure. I'm just here following Kyle...wherever Kyle went. He sssaid we were gonna beat up his villainoussss bossss. But... I don't know anymore... did we beat the bosssss?" The blind snake asked before squirming about. In a second there was a hissing as the tail seemed to plop off, revealing two normal human legs and then the top of the costume came off as the person inside squirmed free. The young man getting out was probably Ryan's age, maybe a little older, but none the less he was quite obviously blind. Well, by obviously I mean he was wearing sunglasses. He wasn't just trying to be cool or trendy. If Ryan didn't quite get it, it would make more sense when he literally pulled out a little bundle of white sticks. Pulling an elastic band and putting it around his wrist the sticks shot out and made loud snapping noises as they connected and revealed themselves to be a collapsible cane of sorts.

  "Uhm...where is everyone?" The Blind Snake asked as he tried to stand.

  Silus on the other hand lead The Narwhal into the exhibit of the heart. This room was particularly cool because the main tank in the center of the room was literally made in the likeness of a heart. Silus would have enjoyed it much more if he weren't trying to avoid the belly-slider. He ended up with his back to the heart tank, The Narwhal sliding into view before propping itself up in the threshold of the only exit. Well this was a strange layout for a central room! Silus looked around before biting his lower lip and his eye began to twitch. He dropped the whip and held his hands up. "WELL. THIS IS WHERE IT ENDS!!!" The Narwhal announced before making it's charge... and by charge I mean series of hops forward in the most non-menacing way possible. Silus crossed his arm as the Narwhal was slowly beginning to encroach. Silus was rather bored now. This was...if this were a horror game this was drawn out too much. Finally it was close. It took one more powerful leap forward, arching it's head back as if ready to lunge forward and produce its horn. And Silus decided to make the ground beneath where he was going to land a trampoline. So when he landed he bounded into the air, which threw off his shot and the Narwhal's horn pierced through the glass hear, clean through at a perfect diagonal.  

  "Congratulations. I'm officially a hundred." Silus sighed as the trampoline disappeared and all was back to normal. Except...Silus had an idea, one he needed Ryan for. He was sure that he'd show up sooner rather than later if he just waited patiently....Ryan wouldn't forget about him...right?

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 25th 2015, 11:44 pm

Okay, so it sounded like he was dealing with someone that....thought they were the hero. Not quite the ending to this he was imagining, but then again Ryan had not met many villains who acted that way, thinking they were the good guys. They even began to wriggle out of their costume, revealing that  they were not actually some kind of weird snake person, which was somewhat of a relief to Ryan. ”Kyle? You mean that narwhal guy, right?” He asked, raising a single brow, now more trying to understand this strange guy with the even stranger costume, though now he was just trying not to have any more attacks aimed at him. One thing he knew was that this guy was around his age, if not a little older and...definitely blind, hence the sunglasses. Every time that sunglasses were being worn, he sort of expected them to be blind.

The cane helped him understand it to a point, but it was obviously the sunglasses. ”I dunno about the boss or anything, but your friend is trying to kill mine.” That was when it dawned on him, that he sort of needed to help Silus. ”Could you wait right here? I....i'm gonna go get your friend, just gimme a sec.” Forgetting the guy was blind and making hand motions for him to stay, Ryan would run off to find his friend, sort of following where he last remembered the little guy running off. What he found was the weird narwhal guy with his horn stuck in glass, likely trying to wiggle his way out while he looked to Silus. ”Okay, i'm done with my guy. How's it goin here?” He said looking around.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Silus March 26th 2015, 10:32 pm

Silus immediately painted a grey heart on the end of the horn, grabbing it to secure it while his enemy was still dazed. With the completion of the heart. He then pushed the liquid cement heart-caste he drew onto the horn, preventing the Narwhal from retracting it. had taken his time to draw out a little guitar and then sat there, strumming the chords before Ryan walked in. As Ryan walked in he had been strumming a rather familiar tune. Ryan would likely see The Narwhals still up in the air, a body that was being held up by the tusk horn thing that was diagonally piercing the heart. Funny thing was form up there...the Narwhal costume looked like grey arrow fletching's. Gave sort of an arrow through the heart look to it...then again the heart shaped thing Silus stuck on the end of it helped with the look. Of course Silus was singing a personal favorite, but then again that was just because it was one of the first songs he learned to play from Zell.

"Shot through the heart and you're to blame, You give love a bad name. I play my part, and you play your game!You give love a bad name!" Was where Silus ended, right around when Ryan entered with some guy with a cane walking behind him. Silus couldn't help but wonder if that were The Blind Snake. Then again it didn't look like him. Coincidence maybe? "Hey! We're all good in here. We had a little eh...heart to heart?" He said, pointing to himself then to the Narwhal then to the heart-like aquarium tank, more than confusing himself.

"Kyle! Are you really trying to kill these guys? I thought your boss was a super villain!? What happened to that man? This has gone on too far. I'm sorry your boss' daughter dumped you, but c'mon man! This is insane!" The Blind Snake asked the Narwhal, which actually only managed to give whining, grunts and frustrated growls in response, as it's mouth was filled with a massive tusk. Poor guy was going to need to breathe through his nose for a bit. "I am so, SO sorry about this guys!" The Blind Snake-Dude said as he turned, his stereotyped snake lisp entirely gone, though when he turned he manages to whack Silus in the shin. "Oh! Oh Are you okay I swear I didn't mean to!" He said apologetically as he turned again, this time his stick was inbound for the back of Ryan's knee. "Oh! Oh man...Uh...Look I'm just gonna go I'd help but...oh man, sorry!" He said as he stepped back and a loud THUMP was heard, then the the squeaking of the blind man's face sliding against the aquarium was heard, leaving him unconscious. Silus, still cradling his shin. looked to Ryan.

  "Okay, so forget this. Let's go see a movie." Silus offered, he was sure Ryan would have no objections as he finally managed to stand and marvel at the fact that the blind guy accidentally hurt them more than the actual villain did. At the theater the smell of popcorn filled the air and Silus sat back while looking at a lot of the movies. He was starting to feel bad about leaving the Narwhal up there...and leaving his guitar behind. More so he felt bad about the Guitar. It was pretty well drawn. Eh, he'd get over it.

    "The Potato cult, The legion of totally ordinary Psychopaths, Along came Elaine II: Then everybody died, Robots vs. Semi's, Occultist Files II: Spirits against the Photoshop Monster. There's also; Too many Aliens, oh and after that it's Wish upon a Star, girl! It's about a star that wishes it became a girl.... oh and then there's that sappy romantic comedy called "Intimidate"... apparently it's about some guy that keeps getting intimidated by someone he secretly loves. " Silus explained everything he had seen. He knew Ryan was getting better at reading, but there were times that Silus couldn't help the fact that he read everything aloud to help his best buddy out.

  "What sounds good?" Silus asked a little song in his voice as he put his hands in his pockets.

Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Lucife10
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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 26th 2015, 11:08 pm

It seemed to be ignore Ryan day, because the guy totally did not stay there while he looked for his friend. Not that he was he type to bear a grudge, as Ryan was too busy seeing what was happening. Silus singing was not something he had been expecting to find, but he did learn that his friend had a pretty good singing voice, well compared to him the singing voice was perfect, but Ryan's inability to sing aside. While the joke flew over his head, he did note that the narwhal dude had been taking out, and his blind friend would give him an earful, not that he could really say anything in return beyond making some noises. The blind snake or whatever his name would apologize, which didn't really undo the chaos caused, but it did make him less annoyed with the duo at ruining his fun at the aquarium.

All he knew now was that this narwhal guy had lied to his friend, a real lame move to do, but then again he was sure the guy would pay for that later. Before he could do anything, Silus found himself being whacked on th shin, and him the back of the knee, Ryan being nearly knocked on his own butt. In the end, the blond guy ended up knocking himself out, though Ryan only managed to feel worse about that somehow. ”I.....yeah a movie would be great.” Ryan agreed with a nod, looking to the two before following Silus out of the aquarium before anything else happened. The sooner they got away from there, the better things would be, or so he hoped anyway. Soon enough they were at the theater, with the smell of buttery popcorn wafting through the air and causing his mouth to water.

Man, did he love popcorn, but if he remembered these kind of places were pretty expensive. Sure, he was thinking about the snake guy, hopefully he wouldn't get in trouble for working with that Narwhal guy. Silus read out all of the movie titles before he could even get finished with the first one, leaving Ryan slightly annoyed. Not that he would say anything, but the feeling was there. So many cool sounding movies, Ryan couldn't honestly decide which one he wanted to watch. So, when that failed he would randomly decide one, and the one he ended up choosing was....Intimidate. ”Um....Intimidate sounds pretty good...yupp.” With a nod he looked to Silus to get an opinion on his choice in movie.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Hearts and cyanide [Silus] - Page 3 Empty Re: Hearts and cyanide [Silus]

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