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The line [invite only]
The SuperHero RPG :: The Superhero RPG Universe aka Roleplay Section :: North America :: United States of America :: Los Angeles, California
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Re: The line [invite only]
Xiao attempted to speak but she was muted for her trouble. She tried to let out an angry roar but found no sound come from her maw. She lowered her head in temporary defeat, then turned around to look at Abby as she spoke about Seagirl. Her draconic eyes conveyed meaning where her silence could not.
Do I look like I have something to say about Seagirl at the moment?
The dragon lifted off and homed in on a warehouse on the other side of the state in a not so shabby time, those muscles of hers propelling the dragon through the damp clouds that were omnipresent whenever Deluge was around. At least his power provided a convenient means of not sending the whole city into cowering mode. She landed with the grace of a battleship in a ballerina outfit around the warehouse.
She sniffed the air for the scent of Danny, letting her team hop off and hoping they could do better. She peered into the warehouse through a high open window. Perhaps the sight of a large dragon would do something than cause public hysteria and generate a panic epidemic. Like, miraculously produce the tablet they needed?
Do I look like I have something to say about Seagirl at the moment?
The dragon lifted off and homed in on a warehouse on the other side of the state in a not so shabby time, those muscles of hers propelling the dragon through the damp clouds that were omnipresent whenever Deluge was around. At least his power provided a convenient means of not sending the whole city into cowering mode. She landed with the grace of a battleship in a ballerina outfit around the warehouse.
She sniffed the air for the scent of Danny, letting her team hop off and hoping they could do better. She peered into the warehouse through a high open window. Perhaps the sight of a large dragon would do something than cause public hysteria and generate a panic epidemic. Like, miraculously produce the tablet they needed?
The Nekromonga- Mega Poster!
- Number of posts : 2582
Registration date : 2013-01-18
Re: The line [invite only]
"Well what do I do Hachiko?" Silus asked as he had the tablets scattered next to him. He already knew the right thing to do, and already did it too. He had sent a text message to Ryan already, clearing up which warehouse he was supposed to be going to. The little Corgi sat in his lap with a dopy smile and it's tongue hanging out. The only emotion this thing ever felt was happiness it would. That made Silus extraordinarily happy. To be able to make SOMEONES life decent was something he always wanted to do. Even though he gave Hachiko to Diana, it was still partially his job to raise him and take care of him. He was glad that he was able to do that. Snuggling the little Corgi pup he hugged it a little before letting it down. He then stood up and looked to the tablets. He couldn't carry all of them. He'd need to take one at a time. Of course he could always... yeah. You know what, that's what he was going to do.
"You're a genius Hachiko!" Silus giggled as he reached over and patted the little Corgi's head.
"I am a Corgi!" Silus could have sworn he heard a voice but he quickly retracted his hand to see his little pet sitting there panting with his tongue lolling out like a dopey little munchkin. Not the one that hung himself, one of the more happy and pleasant ones. Silus shook his head and chuckled before picking up one tablet and walking off. He needed to find a way to get to a teleporter or something. Oh wait, didn't he have that warping power. Not the one with the void but the other one? Yeah, yeah he might be able to do that. Closing his eyes and focusing he let his Trickster style kick in and warped the area, closing distance and actually relocating himself. He appeared next to Danny and sat next to her cross legged and looked up to her with a smile.
"Hi!" He said with a little chirp in his voice an a shy little wave before looking around at the new accommodations. "You guys should seriously put this place in for "pimp my crib" or something..." Silus added in with a slight tone of disapproval of the base.
Silus- Retired Moderator
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Re: The line [invite only]
Well, with his question answered by the more competent members of prodigy, Ryan felt somewhat better about the situation, though the earlier instance still had him somewhat worried. That aside, they had a destination to reach, and it would do no good to waste time, otherwise Danny would probably get killed or something like that. With all fo the drama done, they would hop on Xiao, destination unknown because he had...no idea where he was supposed to be going, cryptic information considered. The rough feel of the scales beneath him were uncomfortable for the most part, however his body seemed to have adjusted to that, skin turning a light blue and toughening almost. Nothing too major, but ti was enough to avoid having his flesh peeling off or anything like that. Luckily enough, it seemed that his phone had gotten another text, as they flew above the clouds that followed him always around, though his attention was mostly on the phone.
Despite his advances when it came to reading, he still had certain difficulties, granted all he had to do was tell someone else the location and they could go from there, so that was what he did. Making things much easier for them, they would arrive at the warehouse in record time, Ryan jumping off, landing on the concrete parking lot. The warehouse was a worn down building, a small amount of rust wearing away the white paint, and a single large door leading into it. ”So this is the place.” he said, not really hoping to give any sort of revelation as he took somewhat of a lead, and opened the door. Standing beyond the threshold revealed, Danny with the bag over her head and that weird masked guy standing over her, hands held behind his back. What he was not expecting was to see Silus standing there, but there he was. ”Wow Silus, you work fast.”
”You're here, and with ten minutes to spare.” The masked one would state, not really making a move. ”Now the question is do you have the tablets?”
”Continue with your quips, you won't be making them for long.” Alpha would say almost tauntingly, considering the scene unfolding upon the screen. ”I doubt the patricidal metahuman and the dragon will be able to do anything against Delta. I've already thought this through, they have no chance.”
Well, with his question answered by the more competent members of prodigy, Ryan felt somewhat better about the situation, though the earlier instance still had him somewhat worried. That aside, they had a destination to reach, and it would do no good to waste time, otherwise Danny would probably get killed or something like that. With all fo the drama done, they would hop on Xiao, destination unknown because he had...no idea where he was supposed to be going, cryptic information considered. The rough feel of the scales beneath him were uncomfortable for the most part, however his body seemed to have adjusted to that, skin turning a light blue and toughening almost. Nothing too major, but ti was enough to avoid having his flesh peeling off or anything like that. Luckily enough, it seemed that his phone had gotten another text, as they flew above the clouds that followed him always around, though his attention was mostly on the phone.
Despite his advances when it came to reading, he still had certain difficulties, granted all he had to do was tell someone else the location and they could go from there, so that was what he did. Making things much easier for them, they would arrive at the warehouse in record time, Ryan jumping off, landing on the concrete parking lot. The warehouse was a worn down building, a small amount of rust wearing away the white paint, and a single large door leading into it. ”So this is the place.” he said, not really hoping to give any sort of revelation as he took somewhat of a lead, and opened the door. Standing beyond the threshold revealed, Danny with the bag over her head and that weird masked guy standing over her, hands held behind his back. What he was not expecting was to see Silus standing there, but there he was. ”Wow Silus, you work fast.”
”You're here, and with ten minutes to spare.” The masked one would state, not really making a move. ”Now the question is do you have the tablets?”
”Continue with your quips, you won't be making them for long.” Alpha would say almost tauntingly, considering the scene unfolding upon the screen. ”I doubt the patricidal metahuman and the dragon will be able to do anything against Delta. I've already thought this through, they have no chance.”
Alpha- AlphaGay
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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds
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Re: The line [invite only]
"All these names sound exactly the same. Which one is Delta again? Is he the one who gets you coffee or the one who moves tablets around?" The unwinding action on the television took a good deal of attention away from Danny. Seeing an opening, she began trying to free one hand from behind her back. Getting her feet loose would take too much attention, but securing a hand could be just what she needed if Alpha failed to spot her plan. "I think that kid who outsmarted you last time just teleported next to Gamma. I wonder how she's feeling with all this attention? I bet pretending to be me for fifteen minutes is her greatest achievement."
Air travel on a dragon never gets old. At least Abby could remember most of this flight, unlike the last time.
Once the landing became imminent, Abby slipped into her more concealed form and prepared for the next part of her usefulness in this plan. Following behind Ryan, Abby found the difficulties of other people being less than courteous when it came to an invisible girl, but she still managed to make her way with no trip ups or other difficulties. When Ryan made his way to meet with the masked man, Abby took to her stealthy ways and broke off to scout out the rest of the warehouse. Not wanting to fall into any traps, she narrowly slid through open doors and crawled below any opening she could fit through in the run down warehouse to see who else occupied the building, before she would go on to try and free Danny for a confrontation with the masked man.
Air travel on a dragon never gets old. At least Abby could remember most of this flight, unlike the last time.
Once the landing became imminent, Abby slipped into her more concealed form and prepared for the next part of her usefulness in this plan. Following behind Ryan, Abby found the difficulties of other people being less than courteous when it came to an invisible girl, but she still managed to make her way with no trip ups or other difficulties. When Ryan made his way to meet with the masked man, Abby took to her stealthy ways and broke off to scout out the rest of the warehouse. Not wanting to fall into any traps, she narrowly slid through open doors and crawled below any opening she could fit through in the run down warehouse to see who else occupied the building, before she would go on to try and free Danny for a confrontation with the masked man.
Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)
The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx- Mega Poster!
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Re: The line [invite only]
Dragon!Xiao looked around and sniffed as much as she could from the outside, and saw a Sphinx of the Danny variety in this warehouse, seated and bound. She decided to expedite the hostage negotiation with the masked hostage taker by entering the warehouse in her full, glorious form. An entire section of wall parted and threw debris all over the floor. She had to trust Ryan and Abby were in charge of securing Danny's freedom.
Unable to voice her objection to this hostage taking, Xiao simply stood five paces away from the masked man and snarled quietly, hoping to get her message across. One does not mess with Prodigy.
Unable to voice her objection to this hostage taking, Xiao simply stood five paces away from the masked man and snarled quietly, hoping to get her message across. One does not mess with Prodigy.
Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga- Mega Poster!
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.
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Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18
Re: The line [invite only]
"Hey Danny, look at this. This is cool. See how he's talking? I can use your tablet as a remote control and- mute." Silus said jiggling the tablet after pulling the bag off of her head. His illusion shifted now and Travis fell silent after "minutes" at the end of his sentence. Silus didn't like this guy. He was a poser, a wanna be. He resorted to kidnapping pretty girls just so he could get beat up by heroes like Silus. It's a shame, Silus wouldda beat him up is he just asked nicely. "Making you go silent is probably the best science experiment you've ever been a part of." Silus chuckled before he noticed Smaug-ette here.
Something wasn't right here, Silus looked to the bound girl. Didn't this Danny chick have a reactive property with the tablet? The tablet didn't feel any different... Wait didn't she have fire powers as well? Then why did they bind her with rope if she could just burn it off? Why did they put a bag over her head this time. She was the cutest one in the room. When Silus wasn't in the room, anyway. Then Silus blinked. He stood up and held the tablet. Was he going to do anything? No. Did they know that? Does a chicken lay pinata eggs?
"Uhm, Hi. Yeah. I'm the one with the tablets. Not Prodigy. I don't belong to their little club because I'm not as cool as Danny, her homeless boy wonder and Sargent Smaug-ette here...but I know this isn't Danny." Silus said with the arch of the eyebrow. His illusion finally faded and with the little strain he put on it he knew it would be a while before he could do anything with his glamour for a while. "So you already lied. Bad business. So... here's how this works. You bring me the real Danny, and I don't break a tablet, and then we can exchange and you can do your science stuff.... Or... refuse, I break a tablet, we get into a fight, then My dad fires a laser into your little drug store, ruins everything and then hunts you down." Petty using his dad as leverage? Yes. Did he care? No...not particularly.
Something wasn't right here, Silus looked to the bound girl. Didn't this Danny chick have a reactive property with the tablet? The tablet didn't feel any different... Wait didn't she have fire powers as well? Then why did they bind her with rope if she could just burn it off? Why did they put a bag over her head this time. She was the cutest one in the room. When Silus wasn't in the room, anyway. Then Silus blinked. He stood up and held the tablet. Was he going to do anything? No. Did they know that? Does a chicken lay pinata eggs?
"Uhm, Hi. Yeah. I'm the one with the tablets. Not Prodigy. I don't belong to their little club because I'm not as cool as Danny, her homeless boy wonder and Sargent Smaug-ette here...but I know this isn't Danny." Silus said with the arch of the eyebrow. His illusion finally faded and with the little strain he put on it he knew it would be a while before he could do anything with his glamour for a while. "So you already lied. Bad business. So... here's how this works. You bring me the real Danny, and I don't break a tablet, and then we can exchange and you can do your science stuff.... Or... refuse, I break a tablet, we get into a fight, then My dad fires a laser into your little drug store, ruins everything and then hunts you down." Petty using his dad as leverage? Yes. Did he care? No...not particularly.
The Doctor- A Drunk Homosexual
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Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09
Re: The line [invite only]
One minute the weird masked guy was talking, and then the next he wasn't, it was weird really, but sort of cool art the same time. ”Woah, cool.” He muttered under his breath, though from the tightening of the males fist one could surmise he was slightly annoyed by the sudden loss of their ability to speak. Dragon girl had burst through the wall, leveling that part of the building, and with a dragon peering through it, looking as intimidating as ever, making the hydrokinetic shudder somewhat. Not out of cold mind you, but the sight alone was pretty scary.
No, something wasn't right here, the ground was shaking, a low rumble sure but a shake he could feel. Silus had said something about that not being Danny. Something was said about dads, and firing laser..wait was he saying his dad was going to kill them all? That only made the guy scarier than he had already thought, though the idea of someone killing someone was not good at all. ”I knew this stupid plan wouldn't work.” An annoyed voice would state, female and slightly muffled by the bag, as the bindings seemed to undo themselves, with a motion the bag would come off.
Much like her siblings, she had a strange dirty blond hair color and grey eyes, though her lips were formed into an annoyed grimace. ”I don't like this kid though, Beta's friend or not.” The bindings would unfurl, revealing a strange flexible metal core to the ropes, coiling around her arms like snakes. ”Aint that right, Zeta.”
”Twerp does have some stones, gotta give him that.” The accented voice would state, likely drawing attention to someone sitting in the rafters, a curl of smoke rising from their cigarette. ”Yeah, we got us a nice fuckin crowd too. The LA dragon, and the fatha killa, I guess we should run for the hills.” he was mocking them at this point. The rumbling had begun to grow stronger, causing the remaining glass window to rattle.
This was followed by a crash, someone falling through the roof, landing on their hands and knees, far enough from the others but close enough to make notice of them. ”Note to self, do not fall through the roof.” Delta muttered to himself, shaking his head and looking around. ”So am I late to the party?”
”No, you're just on time, right Omega?”
The one that had been identified as Alpha only softly chuckled, realizing that the silence around him had faded. ”Yeah, right on time. Now, break the tablets, really go ahead. Do so, and you will never get your friend back, at least not in one piece.”
”Really cute Danny.” his tone was unamused, though not audibly annoyed, more neutral than anything. ”Lets say, now your life is in the hand of a child. Fun, isn't it? Let us all hope they don't pick wrong.”
One minute the weird masked guy was talking, and then the next he wasn't, it was weird really, but sort of cool art the same time. ”Woah, cool.” He muttered under his breath, though from the tightening of the males fist one could surmise he was slightly annoyed by the sudden loss of their ability to speak. Dragon girl had burst through the wall, leveling that part of the building, and with a dragon peering through it, looking as intimidating as ever, making the hydrokinetic shudder somewhat. Not out of cold mind you, but the sight alone was pretty scary.
No, something wasn't right here, the ground was shaking, a low rumble sure but a shake he could feel. Silus had said something about that not being Danny. Something was said about dads, and firing laser..wait was he saying his dad was going to kill them all? That only made the guy scarier than he had already thought, though the idea of someone killing someone was not good at all. ”I knew this stupid plan wouldn't work.” An annoyed voice would state, female and slightly muffled by the bag, as the bindings seemed to undo themselves, with a motion the bag would come off.
Much like her siblings, she had a strange dirty blond hair color and grey eyes, though her lips were formed into an annoyed grimace. ”I don't like this kid though, Beta's friend or not.” The bindings would unfurl, revealing a strange flexible metal core to the ropes, coiling around her arms like snakes. ”Aint that right, Zeta.”
”Twerp does have some stones, gotta give him that.” The accented voice would state, likely drawing attention to someone sitting in the rafters, a curl of smoke rising from their cigarette. ”Yeah, we got us a nice fuckin crowd too. The LA dragon, and the fatha killa, I guess we should run for the hills.” he was mocking them at this point. The rumbling had begun to grow stronger, causing the remaining glass window to rattle.
This was followed by a crash, someone falling through the roof, landing on their hands and knees, far enough from the others but close enough to make notice of them. ”Note to self, do not fall through the roof.” Delta muttered to himself, shaking his head and looking around. ”So am I late to the party?”
”No, you're just on time, right Omega?”
The one that had been identified as Alpha only softly chuckled, realizing that the silence around him had faded. ”Yeah, right on time. Now, break the tablets, really go ahead. Do so, and you will never get your friend back, at least not in one piece.”
”Really cute Danny.” his tone was unamused, though not audibly annoyed, more neutral than anything. ”Lets say, now your life is in the hand of a child. Fun, isn't it? Let us all hope they don't pick wrong.”
Alpha- AlphaGay
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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds
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Registration date : 2011-03-25
Re: The line [invite only]
"Great. Now they're talking to each other. You should've taped Gamma's mouth shut and done us all a favor." More of the alphabet soup gang poured into the warehouse. Confidence in her team kept her calm. Calm enough to look down at her wrists and decide to stop squirming to avoid the rope burn she would ultimately give herself. "Did you do your homework on Prodigy? Watch Deluge wash out your bad ideas while Xiao ups the heat on your dumb little gang. I don't know what the kid does, you know, besides make you look bad, but he's probably going to clean up what's left."
Left out of her assessment was the invisible girl making her way through the quickly deteriorating wall of the warehouse. Abby just hoped the wall would stay up for long enough so she could find a way of helping out. Her hope turned to despair, but came with a silver lining. Drywall kicked up a cloud of dust around her, not doing the invisible girl any good, but the destruction left several circuits uncovered. Lines sparked and ran from the broken wall, giving Abby a great idea on how to help Deluge take full advantage of his water powers.
Grabbing a bag, Abby wrapped it around the loose lines and started moving them towards the main chamber where the fight looked to be heading. Once Ryan gave her a good enough pool and it looked like she could zap two adversaries, Abby would drop the power lines. Until then, she waited in her little invisible bubble.
Left out of her assessment was the invisible girl making her way through the quickly deteriorating wall of the warehouse. Abby just hoped the wall would stay up for long enough so she could find a way of helping out. Her hope turned to despair, but came with a silver lining. Drywall kicked up a cloud of dust around her, not doing the invisible girl any good, but the destruction left several circuits uncovered. Lines sparked and ran from the broken wall, giving Abby a great idea on how to help Deluge take full advantage of his water powers.
Grabbing a bag, Abby wrapped it around the loose lines and started moving them towards the main chamber where the fight looked to be heading. Once Ryan gave her a good enough pool and it looked like she could zap two adversaries, Abby would drop the power lines. Until then, she waited in her little invisible bubble.
Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)
The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx- Mega Poster!
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Registration date : 2014-09-28
Re: The line [invite only]
The dragon took quite some time to formulate an action based on the conversation and situation around them. Indeed, with the ploy being pulled, the less than full cooperation of Silus, Xiao's dragon nature was becoming assertive.
So. These jackanapes have deceived us, not only absconding with our dear Danny but greeting us with no less than three metahumans.[/color]
Where's Danny? I don't get it, are they here to fight us? Why?
Clearly they wish to do battle. Not helping is the little whelp on our team, parading around with his annoying power to silence.
I wish I could say something. Why didn't I say sorry to Silus earlier? He seemed so upset. I should have asked.
Bah. The whelp is being a whining, self-centered, miserable wretch! IF WE ARE TO HAVE BATTLE, HAVE AT THEM! NONE WILL LEAVE ALIVE!
Dragon!Xiao's pupils dilated into a slit, narrowing her focus on the girl who pretended to be the captive. Rage seized her senses, and Xiao lunged forward with a vicious bite, trying to catch her between her snapping jaws. Alas, Xiao had no breath weapon to speak of, but her mighty attacks and sharp scales would cause anything- and everything- that got between her and her target to be torn asunder.
So. These jackanapes have deceived us, not only absconding with our dear Danny but greeting us with no less than three metahumans.[/color]
Where's Danny? I don't get it, are they here to fight us? Why?
Clearly they wish to do battle. Not helping is the little whelp on our team, parading around with his annoying power to silence.
I wish I could say something. Why didn't I say sorry to Silus earlier? He seemed so upset. I should have asked.
Bah. The whelp is being a whining, self-centered, miserable wretch! IF WE ARE TO HAVE BATTLE, HAVE AT THEM! NONE WILL LEAVE ALIVE!
Dragon!Xiao's pupils dilated into a slit, narrowing her focus on the girl who pretended to be the captive. Rage seized her senses, and Xiao lunged forward with a vicious bite, trying to catch her between her snapping jaws. Alas, Xiao had no breath weapon to speak of, but her mighty attacks and sharp scales would cause anything- and everything- that got between her and her target to be torn asunder.
Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga- Mega Poster!
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Online Offline
Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.
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Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18
Re: The line [invite only]
"I don't have time for this." Silus said suddenly very seriously. He didn't even make a move other than to look to the woman with the chords. "You shouldn't play with snakes that can kill you. And you shouldn't talk in languages you can't understand." Silus said. He didn't even need to use his trickster power. He simply used his shape shifting power on the metal coils the woman had on her, so now they were black mamba snakes who were very likely to be pissed. He then looked to the strange man who liked to swear, as he would not be afflicted with the curse of tongues, and forced to speak the language of a strange alien people that Silus had the pleasure of encountering not all that long ago.
Xiao moved to attack and Silus could tell that there was something wrong with her. She was never this aggressive. She was always so level-headed and calm. Silus began to feel bad, knowing very well that she was likely mad at him. But even if he was "in the right" so to speak he couldn't help but feel terribly guilty. Xiao was Yancey's friend too... Hell Silus was jealous of how much Yancey seemed to listen and take gravity to her some times. Childish instinct at its finest. He sighed and looked to the man in the mask pretending to be Alpha.
"I'm going to say this one last time. I'll even sweeten the pot. Let me deal with Alpha and Danny directly. If you do, I'll even restore everything to as it was before I came and mucked everything up." Silus said his normal glow to his eyes gone, the happiness drained from his expression. "Or don't let me, I'll leave and find them myself." Silus said holding his hands out, paint shot down out of it and literally fired off like a trail, leading him towards his heart's desire. That's right. His heart desired nachos. But they didn't need to know that at the moment. He could change it to Danny with enough though and obsession, but at the moment he wanted Nachos. Maybe Danny could make him nachos? Or she might just make him carry things again. Wait, why was he still holding this tablet? Oh hey, wait the paint trail was leading him to Danny now. Sweet, not he just had to follow it. "I'm lock onto the real Danny now. This is legit the last chance to save the mess from around here." He said casually as he looked over his shoulder, as if he were headed for the door.
Xiao moved to attack and Silus could tell that there was something wrong with her. She was never this aggressive. She was always so level-headed and calm. Silus began to feel bad, knowing very well that she was likely mad at him. But even if he was "in the right" so to speak he couldn't help but feel terribly guilty. Xiao was Yancey's friend too... Hell Silus was jealous of how much Yancey seemed to listen and take gravity to her some times. Childish instinct at its finest. He sighed and looked to the man in the mask pretending to be Alpha.
"I'm going to say this one last time. I'll even sweeten the pot. Let me deal with Alpha and Danny directly. If you do, I'll even restore everything to as it was before I came and mucked everything up." Silus said his normal glow to his eyes gone, the happiness drained from his expression. "Or don't let me, I'll leave and find them myself." Silus said holding his hands out, paint shot down out of it and literally fired off like a trail, leading him towards his heart's desire. That's right. His heart desired nachos. But they didn't need to know that at the moment. He could change it to Danny with enough though and obsession, but at the moment he wanted Nachos. Maybe Danny could make him nachos? Or she might just make him carry things again. Wait, why was he still holding this tablet? Oh hey, wait the paint trail was leading him to Danny now. Sweet, not he just had to follow it. "I'm lock onto the real Danny now. This is legit the last chance to save the mess from around here." He said casually as he looked over his shoulder, as if he were headed for the door.
Silus- Retired Moderator
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Registration date : 2013-11-05
Re: The line [invite only]
Things had changed within an instant,and done so again, when the metallic rings around the woman's arms went from metal to snakes and the guy....started speaking in gibberish. Well, he was probably saying something, but all he could ear was that he was speaking in some kind of nonsense language. Well, he had continued to try to speak, expression growing annoyed with each word that did not come out as intended. The trouble only intensified as the dragon girl leapt at Gamma, now in true trouble with the snakes easily capable of killing her with a bite, if she had tried to avoid the attack Xiao launched at her. ”Delta.” Omega said simply, and almost as if knowing what he should do, the ground would rapidly twist and contort, as a fist of earth would rise from it to strike the dragon back. Not meant to do any major damage, but hopefully enough to keep her from killing the woman.
”Very well, i'll give you their location but only you. If any of your friends attempt to follow with you, Danny will be killed, no negotiations on that.” If he knew anything about Alpha, he would do so in a fashion that nothing could reconstruct her. After all, if all of them were to try to take on Alpha at once, he would surely be killed. The strength of the dragon was more than enough proof of that, and with how their last attack upon the base had gone, he had nearly died then. If the child wanted to walk into Alphas territory, then he would be allowed to do so, but it would be their funeral. All they needed was the location, and then they could go from there really, not that he could trust them even to speak it out loud, he knew Alpha wouldn't either. So he would do the simple thing, letting his mind extend outwards and envelope Silus' within it, releasing like a steady flow the information he would need to meet with both Alpha and Danny personally.
Omega had been sure to avoid letting anything like personal feeling and such slip through, closing up the connection and pushing him out as soon he was sure that the male had all the information he needed. He could feel Alphas annoyance on his part of the link, but they knew they had no other choice, while they could have allowed Gamma to have died, life being wasted was not their intention on this mission. One could argue they were being somewhat soft, but Alpha would then snap their necks, so fuck them. He would then allow the child to leave, though now they had the current issue, luckily Zeta had shut up and began to play one of those games on his phone.
”Looks like we'll be having a guest soon. I'll have to be sure to welcome them properly.” Travis noted with a roll of his eyes, turning to Danny. ”Now be a good girl and sit still while we talk.” He would likely have to hear any quip she had to say, though he would leave soon, going to meet with, though to make sure she did keep quiet, he decided to gag her. While a few quips were permissible, he did not have time to hear her talk. Where they would be waiting was within a well furnished living room, decorated personally by Alpha and to the discerning eye expertly. A few paintings decorated the wall, ones made by him as well, showing certain scenes, and a mastery of the paint brush.
Things had changed within an instant,and done so again, when the metallic rings around the woman's arms went from metal to snakes and the guy....started speaking in gibberish. Well, he was probably saying something, but all he could ear was that he was speaking in some kind of nonsense language. Well, he had continued to try to speak, expression growing annoyed with each word that did not come out as intended. The trouble only intensified as the dragon girl leapt at Gamma, now in true trouble with the snakes easily capable of killing her with a bite, if she had tried to avoid the attack Xiao launched at her. ”Delta.” Omega said simply, and almost as if knowing what he should do, the ground would rapidly twist and contort, as a fist of earth would rise from it to strike the dragon back. Not meant to do any major damage, but hopefully enough to keep her from killing the woman.
”Very well, i'll give you their location but only you. If any of your friends attempt to follow with you, Danny will be killed, no negotiations on that.” If he knew anything about Alpha, he would do so in a fashion that nothing could reconstruct her. After all, if all of them were to try to take on Alpha at once, he would surely be killed. The strength of the dragon was more than enough proof of that, and with how their last attack upon the base had gone, he had nearly died then. If the child wanted to walk into Alphas territory, then he would be allowed to do so, but it would be their funeral. All they needed was the location, and then they could go from there really, not that he could trust them even to speak it out loud, he knew Alpha wouldn't either. So he would do the simple thing, letting his mind extend outwards and envelope Silus' within it, releasing like a steady flow the information he would need to meet with both Alpha and Danny personally.
Omega had been sure to avoid letting anything like personal feeling and such slip through, closing up the connection and pushing him out as soon he was sure that the male had all the information he needed. He could feel Alphas annoyance on his part of the link, but they knew they had no other choice, while they could have allowed Gamma to have died, life being wasted was not their intention on this mission. One could argue they were being somewhat soft, but Alpha would then snap their necks, so fuck them. He would then allow the child to leave, though now they had the current issue, luckily Zeta had shut up and began to play one of those games on his phone.
”Looks like we'll be having a guest soon. I'll have to be sure to welcome them properly.” Travis noted with a roll of his eyes, turning to Danny. ”Now be a good girl and sit still while we talk.” He would likely have to hear any quip she had to say, though he would leave soon, going to meet with, though to make sure she did keep quiet, he decided to gag her. While a few quips were permissible, he did not have time to hear her talk. Where they would be waiting was within a well furnished living room, decorated personally by Alpha and to the discerning eye expertly. A few paintings decorated the wall, ones made by him as well, showing certain scenes, and a mastery of the paint brush.
Alpha- AlphaGay
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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds
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Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25
Re: The line [invite only]
Everything went right in the wrong way, but it seemed good enough for Abby to spring into action. While Gamma narrowly avoided sudden death at the hands of numerous terrible demises, Abby followed up on her with a sneak attack to wrap her to a pole using bubble wrap. Feeling good, and invisible, Abby continued her ghostly act by moving towards Zeta, who looked lost in the chaos called to order by Omega. Well, maybe not lost, just bored.
Before a truce managed to materialize between the Prodigy side and the side of too many letters, Abby sneaked behind the game playing Zeta with a crow bar and delivered a swift blow to destroy the device. Once she saw the wake of her destruction and the probable response come from a possibly angry Zeta, Abby would drop the crow bar and turn back invisible before scampering back behind Xiao.
A truce broke out, followed by a threat. Abby thought long and hard about her abilities to go undetected, but did not know just what anti invisibility devices would be constructed about the compound or really anything relating to this weird little kid who possessed such strange powers. Coming back to a more visible spectrum, Abby took their current state as a sign of victory. "Good job Prodigy. We definitely did it. Yes. We. Us. Together." Looks like someone could almost text Bliss and tell her she wanted a reassignment- if it was okay with Bliss.
"Wow, that wasn't even close. I don't know which part of that- hey!" Danny found herself cut off from continuing her rebuttal as a strip of cloth wedged itself around her mouth. "Ew sil thuck" While unable to fill all of her words, Danny muttered up enough to throw one last quip towards Alpha as he left the room behind. Squirming, Danny started to struggle more against the binds keeping her in the chair, but to no avail. This could take something of a miracle without her bracelet.
Before a truce managed to materialize between the Prodigy side and the side of too many letters, Abby sneaked behind the game playing Zeta with a crow bar and delivered a swift blow to destroy the device. Once she saw the wake of her destruction and the probable response come from a possibly angry Zeta, Abby would drop the crow bar and turn back invisible before scampering back behind Xiao.
A truce broke out, followed by a threat. Abby thought long and hard about her abilities to go undetected, but did not know just what anti invisibility devices would be constructed about the compound or really anything relating to this weird little kid who possessed such strange powers. Coming back to a more visible spectrum, Abby took their current state as a sign of victory. "Good job Prodigy. We definitely did it. Yes. We. Us. Together." Looks like someone could almost text Bliss and tell her she wanted a reassignment- if it was okay with Bliss.
"Wow, that wasn't even close. I don't know which part of that- hey!" Danny found herself cut off from continuing her rebuttal as a strip of cloth wedged itself around her mouth. "Ew sil thuck" While unable to fill all of her words, Danny muttered up enough to throw one last quip towards Alpha as he left the room behind. Squirming, Danny started to struggle more against the binds keeping her in the chair, but to no avail. This could take something of a miracle without her bracelet.
Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)
The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx- Mega Poster!
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28
Re: The line [invite only]
Silus watched the fist come out of the earth and he choked back a snicker as it derailed the dragon from being able to kill Gamma. Silus looked to Omega, giving him a scan over before deciding that he was telling the truth. Silus smiled a little and nodded to him thankfully before running his little hand through that shaggy mop of a head he had. He looked back to Xiao and then to Ryan and where Abby reappeared. "Yup, team victory for Prodigy." Silus said with a smile. Of course it was his best smile. He may not have been a member of prodigy, but he wasn't the kind of person who got into this line of work for the fame or credit. Maybe he was a little bitter, but it was for a split second at longest. He looked to Ryan quickly before averting his gaze to Xiao and then burying his hands in his pockets.
"So, yeah, bye guys." Silus said before turning to leave. Omega gave him a path to follow obviously, so he followed it. He didn't trust that this wouldn't end up with a good back-stabbing, but he was fairly certain that he was prepared to handle anything Jason's dumb older brother could throw at him. Unless it was Jason. Like, if he literally threw Jason himself at him. That would be such an effective tactic, throw someones friend at them. If they don't move they'll get hit, if they do move their friend will get hurt and then you could totally make them feel bad for it. That's genius. Why wasn't Silus a villain, he was already more effective than this group! Even if he wasn't.
Silus knocked on the door, being a hero didn't mean he had to have manners. Being the son of a rich philanthropist and a man-whore means he had to have manners. After politely knocking he opened the door and peered around before his faintly glowing eyes fixated on Danny and Alpha. Squirming his small self through the little crack in the door he turned around and closed it before looking about. "Huh... nice place." Silus said as he looked to the paintings. As an artist his primary focus in a room was almost always the creative aspects of things. "So uhm... nice paintings. Oh uh-hi. You okay Danny?" He said before looking to Danny and quizzing her with an arched eyebrow. This felt odd. Like seriously, why did he gag her? It's almost like Alpha WANTS to be seen as a creepy perv.
Was Alpha going to be civil, or have a villainous monologue? Please let it be a villainous monologue. Silus' favorite pass time is interrupting Villainous monologues and beating up the villain as they try to give a speech. Okay so it might not have been fair, but all's fair in love and war right? That made Silus thing, was this love? Because just a small conflict like this was hardly a war? He didn't like... love Danny or anything did he? After a moment he realized that this was, in fact, NOT a Disney film and he was in no way under the illusions that he loved someone he just met. Though he was getting the whole "pack mule" feel that most boyfriends got in the high school he temporarily was on hiatus from. That didn't mean he was dating Danny did it? He didn't want to carry all of her stuff, his back would start to hurt. Oh, now he knows why Sean complains. Wait, what in the flying ferrets was he thinking about?
"So....yeah." Silus said sheepishly, a little bit of an awkward feel escaping his voice.
"So, yeah, bye guys." Silus said before turning to leave. Omega gave him a path to follow obviously, so he followed it. He didn't trust that this wouldn't end up with a good back-stabbing, but he was fairly certain that he was prepared to handle anything Jason's dumb older brother could throw at him. Unless it was Jason. Like, if he literally threw Jason himself at him. That would be such an effective tactic, throw someones friend at them. If they don't move they'll get hit, if they do move their friend will get hurt and then you could totally make them feel bad for it. That's genius. Why wasn't Silus a villain, he was already more effective than this group! Even if he wasn't.
Silus knocked on the door, being a hero didn't mean he had to have manners. Being the son of a rich philanthropist and a man-whore means he had to have manners. After politely knocking he opened the door and peered around before his faintly glowing eyes fixated on Danny and Alpha. Squirming his small self through the little crack in the door he turned around and closed it before looking about. "Huh... nice place." Silus said as he looked to the paintings. As an artist his primary focus in a room was almost always the creative aspects of things. "So uhm... nice paintings. Oh uh-hi. You okay Danny?" He said before looking to Danny and quizzing her with an arched eyebrow. This felt odd. Like seriously, why did he gag her? It's almost like Alpha WANTS to be seen as a creepy perv.
Was Alpha going to be civil, or have a villainous monologue? Please let it be a villainous monologue. Silus' favorite pass time is interrupting Villainous monologues and beating up the villain as they try to give a speech. Okay so it might not have been fair, but all's fair in love and war right? That made Silus thing, was this love? Because just a small conflict like this was hardly a war? He didn't like... love Danny or anything did he? After a moment he realized that this was, in fact, NOT a Disney film and he was in no way under the illusions that he loved someone he just met. Though he was getting the whole "pack mule" feel that most boyfriends got in the high school he temporarily was on hiatus from. That didn't mean he was dating Danny did it? He didn't want to carry all of her stuff, his back would start to hurt. Oh, now he knows why Sean complains. Wait, what in the flying ferrets was he thinking about?
"So....yeah." Silus said sheepishly, a little bit of an awkward feel escaping his voice.
Silus- Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 932
Registration date : 2013-11-05
Re: The line [invite only]
Ryan, Omega and those other guys
Zeta was enjoying himself, playing one of those games where you fling angry birds to their deaths in an attempt to destroy a pigs house. Messed up as it sounded, he almost enjoyed it, well until the crowbar smashed his phone anyway. The screen would crack, though his fingers pulled away before they could be damage. That did not stop a look of shock from falling across his face as the phone skittered across the floor, now broken beyond use. ”What the fuck?!?” He cursed audibly, a small spurt of flames spewing from his right nostril, glaring at the broken phone and looking around to see who had ruined it. Okay, this was not good in Ryan's eyes, guy looked pretty made and was even spewing fire about it.....wait he could spew fire?
Water was supposed to be good against fire, or so the game where animals beat each other up said anyway. Lucky for them he was a water ty...where is he going with this? ”Looks like we have an extra guest. One Delta didn't warn us about.”
”What? I totally did, you..just weren't paying attention.” Delta shot back defending himself, crossing his arms and pouting.
”Bet it was the invisible chick who wrecked my phone.”
”You will get a new phone, stop being childish.” Omega snapped with a roll of his eyes.
”Snakes....the nerve.” Gamma muttered rubbing the metallic bands that had now turned to their original form, shuddering.
Omega sighed, holding back from rubbing the bridge of his nose, as the mask sort of obstructed any attempts to do that. ”Why did Alpha leave me with the children?”
Alpha and angel kid
The knock came at last, and if he had followed the instructions, then it would only be the young friend of Betas. Much easier to deal with than the massive dragon, which seemed more out of control and less likely to be talked down. They wanted their friend back, so Alpha was expecting them to be in more of a dealing mood now, granted that had not been the case the last time they met. However, if Silus did chose to try to get out of there with both, then he would have to make that a regrettable decision. ”Come in.” Alpha would say, likely loud enough for the younger male to hear and actually enter the home.
The first comment was on the place, which Alpha could not argue with really. It was built nicely, that much he could agree with, even if some would call it bland. Next, Silus may have unwittingly hit the right spot so to speak, Alpha after all did enjoy praise when it came to his artwork. ”Thank you, I painted all of these myself.” He said reclining within the couch, waiting for the male to say something not involving the home in general. He wouldn't really bore the young hero with long draw out speeches, as much as one would have been called for at some point. Alpha preferred to talk when there was no chance he could be interrupted. ”Now, we can talk without the extras.” He motioned for Silus to take a seat on one of the remaining couches. ”Now, before we get to the all important exchange, I have a question for you.” He would pause for a moment, waiting maybe to catch Silus' interest. ”Earlier, you could have let me bleed out and made off with your friend, likely not have had to worry about this again, but you didn't. Instead you decided to repair my injuries, why did you?”
Zeta was enjoying himself, playing one of those games where you fling angry birds to their deaths in an attempt to destroy a pigs house. Messed up as it sounded, he almost enjoyed it, well until the crowbar smashed his phone anyway. The screen would crack, though his fingers pulled away before they could be damage. That did not stop a look of shock from falling across his face as the phone skittered across the floor, now broken beyond use. ”What the fuck?!?” He cursed audibly, a small spurt of flames spewing from his right nostril, glaring at the broken phone and looking around to see who had ruined it. Okay, this was not good in Ryan's eyes, guy looked pretty made and was even spewing fire about it.....wait he could spew fire?
Water was supposed to be good against fire, or so the game where animals beat each other up said anyway. Lucky for them he was a water ty...where is he going with this? ”Looks like we have an extra guest. One Delta didn't warn us about.”
”What? I totally did, you..just weren't paying attention.” Delta shot back defending himself, crossing his arms and pouting.
”Bet it was the invisible chick who wrecked my phone.”
”You will get a new phone, stop being childish.” Omega snapped with a roll of his eyes.
”Snakes....the nerve.” Gamma muttered rubbing the metallic bands that had now turned to their original form, shuddering.
Omega sighed, holding back from rubbing the bridge of his nose, as the mask sort of obstructed any attempts to do that. ”Why did Alpha leave me with the children?”
Alpha and angel kid
The knock came at last, and if he had followed the instructions, then it would only be the young friend of Betas. Much easier to deal with than the massive dragon, which seemed more out of control and less likely to be talked down. They wanted their friend back, so Alpha was expecting them to be in more of a dealing mood now, granted that had not been the case the last time they met. However, if Silus did chose to try to get out of there with both, then he would have to make that a regrettable decision. ”Come in.” Alpha would say, likely loud enough for the younger male to hear and actually enter the home.
The first comment was on the place, which Alpha could not argue with really. It was built nicely, that much he could agree with, even if some would call it bland. Next, Silus may have unwittingly hit the right spot so to speak, Alpha after all did enjoy praise when it came to his artwork. ”Thank you, I painted all of these myself.” He said reclining within the couch, waiting for the male to say something not involving the home in general. He wouldn't really bore the young hero with long draw out speeches, as much as one would have been called for at some point. Alpha preferred to talk when there was no chance he could be interrupted. ”Now, we can talk without the extras.” He motioned for Silus to take a seat on one of the remaining couches. ”Now, before we get to the all important exchange, I have a question for you.” He would pause for a moment, waiting maybe to catch Silus' interest. ”Earlier, you could have let me bleed out and made off with your friend, likely not have had to worry about this again, but you didn't. Instead you decided to repair my injuries, why did you?”
Alpha- AlphaGay
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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds
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Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25
Re: The line [invite only]
Instead of a fight, a conversation broke out. Niceness extended from one party to the next and even passed over to the side of the room with Danny. Danny mumbled something through the cloth over her mouth, but assumed most of the greeting for her served a ceremonial purpose and her mumbled response would serve for the mean time. Still, she hoped to accomplish something while in her disposed state. Any kind of heroics would serve now, but without a bracelet or any formal training in anything, Danny would be hard pressed to even adjust her chair, let alone accomplish a daring escape.
So this kid could have saved all this time by actually doing nothing? Maybe the heroics he displayed cost the world a greater evil, but the weight of such a decision did hold and carry such a load. Such a heavy burden. Danny wondered if given the chance she would save a nemesis who would inflict harm upon the world. It seemed like a good scenario in which she could move her hands and talk, but the ramifications still rested within her resolve.
Back in the warehouse, Abby watched as the infighting between the alphabet soup gang turned from a squabble to a kerfuffle. If Abby kept her routine, she could possibly escalate it into a full blown calamity. She however decided against it. With her simply act of destruction, she almost brought Hellfire upon herself, so right now, she would take her leave into the invisible spectrum and wait for her next move. When the next move needed her, she would be on the ready to unleash the ultimate mayhem upon any unsuspecting antagonist.
So, she started ahead with the next move. Pushing her luck, Abby tried her best to sneak around the bickering siblings and hide behind a stack of crates. With a crowbar, she would ready herself to drop the crates on her foes should they become unruly.
So this kid could have saved all this time by actually doing nothing? Maybe the heroics he displayed cost the world a greater evil, but the weight of such a decision did hold and carry such a load. Such a heavy burden. Danny wondered if given the chance she would save a nemesis who would inflict harm upon the world. It seemed like a good scenario in which she could move her hands and talk, but the ramifications still rested within her resolve.
Back in the warehouse, Abby watched as the infighting between the alphabet soup gang turned from a squabble to a kerfuffle. If Abby kept her routine, she could possibly escalate it into a full blown calamity. She however decided against it. With her simply act of destruction, she almost brought Hellfire upon herself, so right now, she would take her leave into the invisible spectrum and wait for her next move. When the next move needed her, she would be on the ready to unleash the ultimate mayhem upon any unsuspecting antagonist.
So, she started ahead with the next move. Pushing her luck, Abby tried her best to sneak around the bickering siblings and hide behind a stack of crates. With a crowbar, she would ready herself to drop the crates on her foes should they become unruly.
Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)
The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx- Mega Poster!
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28
Re: The line [invite only]
Silus cocked his head when he heard that Alpha had a question to ask of him. He was even more surprised when he heard what Alpha asked. Silus let out a little sigh before contemplating the fact that Travis even knew that Silus had saved him. So why was he still doing all this? It was clear that the intent wasn't to hurt him, so he should just stop being a jerk and try to work out a business arrangement with Danny, rather than trying to kidnap her. The more Silus thought about it the more idiotic things seemed to him. You're telling me this dude has his own pharmaceutical company and he didn't think to actively employ Danny under some ruse or guise. Wait...maybe he did. Maybe this was all a big waste of time. Maybe they all lived in the Matrix!? No? Dang, dodging bullets would be fun. Silus finally looked to Alpha, finishing his contemplation of the Matrix.
"Because that wasn't the right thing to do. By letting you bleed out I would have left her amongst your siblings after she murdered you. I'd be pretty mad, and knowing my brothers she'd have been in a lot of torture. She'd be a murderer too, so she's no better than you if I let her do that. I did it because it was the right thing to do, because by doing it I saved more people. I save Jason from losing his brother. I saved her from proving she's no better than you. I saved you from dying and saved you from never getting the chance to fix your mistakes." Silus said. Of course, Silus always wanted to be a Hero. From the time he was young he watched videos of his dad flying around in an exosuit, or his other dad bending water for a greater good. "I gotta do what's best for everyone. I gotta save everyone, or try to anyway. I'll always protect and save everyone I can. I'll always stop the bad guys, I'll always protect the people who can't protect themselves. I'll always save as many lives as I can, even the villains. Why? Because that's what a hero does. A hero doesn't have the right to choose if you live or die. A Hero won't sit back and watch his friend make a mistake without fighting for them. A hero doesn't let a victim die just because they messed up. I guess it just sorta comes down to the fact that I don't see them as a villains. Just a victim with a story you probably don't know. But being a victim doesn't excuse what they choose to do, ya' know?" Silus shrugged. His delivery was probably a little sporadic, but he was honestly wondering more about what he was going to have for dinner. That was more important to him right now than explaining what a heroes job is in her perspective.
"So, uh, yeah... I talk a lot. You should talk more." Silus said as a doppelganger appeared beside Danny and removed the rag from her mouth with a little smile before vanishing. This actually had a tactical ploy to it...believe it or not.
"Because that wasn't the right thing to do. By letting you bleed out I would have left her amongst your siblings after she murdered you. I'd be pretty mad, and knowing my brothers she'd have been in a lot of torture. She'd be a murderer too, so she's no better than you if I let her do that. I did it because it was the right thing to do, because by doing it I saved more people. I save Jason from losing his brother. I saved her from proving she's no better than you. I saved you from dying and saved you from never getting the chance to fix your mistakes." Silus said. Of course, Silus always wanted to be a Hero. From the time he was young he watched videos of his dad flying around in an exosuit, or his other dad bending water for a greater good. "I gotta do what's best for everyone. I gotta save everyone, or try to anyway. I'll always protect and save everyone I can. I'll always stop the bad guys, I'll always protect the people who can't protect themselves. I'll always save as many lives as I can, even the villains. Why? Because that's what a hero does. A hero doesn't have the right to choose if you live or die. A Hero won't sit back and watch his friend make a mistake without fighting for them. A hero doesn't let a victim die just because they messed up. I guess it just sorta comes down to the fact that I don't see them as a villains. Just a victim with a story you probably don't know. But being a victim doesn't excuse what they choose to do, ya' know?" Silus shrugged. His delivery was probably a little sporadic, but he was honestly wondering more about what he was going to have for dinner. That was more important to him right now than explaining what a heroes job is in her perspective.
"So, uh, yeah... I talk a lot. You should talk more." Silus said as a doppelganger appeared beside Danny and removed the rag from her mouth with a little smile before vanishing. This actually had a tactical ploy to it...believe it or not.
Silus- Retired Moderator
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Registration date : 2013-11-05
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