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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Forceaus January 8th 2015, 7:47 pm

Over the years the Ultra Gang has seen a bunch of members join, and unfortunately lost a bunch too. Recently, they've acquired a pretty large batch of new recruits. How wonderful an occurrence this was. Though Deathbringer wasn't entirely joyful. He still had to reign in all these new members and somehow manage their trust and loyalty. He would though, in due time. In the meantime, there was this plan they had to enact. The takeover of Springfield. Yes, here they were in the city of Springfield, in the great state of Illinois. Well, some of them were here. Was that a good thing or a bad thing that only some of them were here? Jacob Coleman sat on the roof of a building as he planned his next course of action. His mind strayed to thoughts of his teammates.

There was Alpha, somebody they had recruited entirely by accident. They had been trying to get somebody else entirely and just ran into him and one thing led to another. It worked out though, for both parties involved. He was one of those evil scientist types. Brought some resources in along with him, and wanted to expand on those endlessly. Simple enough to work with. Just keep providing him with the chances to create and develop whatever his creativity formulates together. In the meantime, the rest of the group would have access to said resources. Alpha had wanted allies, and now he had them.

Then there was Lucius. No attempt at an impressive sounding codename at all, just Lucius. Another scientist type, just like Alpha. They couldn't be treated exactly the same though. No, each one of them was unique in their own way, and would be thought of as such. The results of those two working together had a ton of potential. Potential that he could not wait to see get tapped in to.

Finally we have Tsxero. Tsxero was a something or another that was from another planet. A shapeshifter that could somewhat pass off as a human, but the real form revealed its true nature. This was a feral beast with a pack mentality. Easy enough to work with. Just let it be apart of the pack.

Those were the new members that had agreed to take part in this attempted complete takeover of this city. All of the members of the group from before this influx of new recruits occurred were all here. As for the rest of the new members, they weren't here for some reason or another. Jacob couldn't be bothered to remember what those reasons were at this time. They would surely come in if this city were successfully taken. The Ultra Gang was close to taking over an entire city. He thought about what this mean't for them. The biggest victory would be in proving that they were better off working together than trying to do things alone. The results would speak for themselves, and any doubts any of them may have would begin to diminish because of this.

The plan they had involved taking down the city's defenses. In other words targeting the police stations. There was also the power plant by the lake. The group had split up in order to make this go by faster. Alpha and Red Tide were leading the charge at the power plant. All they had to do was disable it and cause a city wide power outage.

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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Alpha January 8th 2015, 8:19 pm

The Ultra Gang, a rather strangely named organization but one that Alpha had found himself drawn to nonetheless. Their meeting with the enigmatic male was an accident, yet what came out of it was something that could prove beneficial to both parties. He valued allies more than anything, and he was sure that this gang could make use of his rather lucrative genetic research, research that had produced rather potent metahumans, as well as a few other things. The one sending them that way was the strange man known only by Deathbringer, though the title was enough to show that they were dealing with a killer. A man that wore their crimes like a badge of honor, and one that Alpha could respect more than anything. Their location was a powerplant by a lake, one that supplied the entire city with power, or a large portion of it anyway.

It was to be his and Lucius' job to shut the thing down, and then from there he had no idea what to do. He could of course consider multiple solutions, but then again that would come when it came, so until then there was the small task of shutting down the power. ”Omega, you know what to do.” He noted through the mask, voice coming out as mechanical as ever. Omega nodded, Epsilon and Zeta trailing only a few step behind them, already more than aware of what their parts were within the whole scheme. Nonchalantly, he adjusted the black leather gloves and looked up to the building known as the power plant, a vast lake stretching out behind it. Omega's hive mind had included Lucius within it, meaning that they could have contact with one another no matter the distance. It was a useful mutation, one that Alpha used to perfect, though it was not the only weapon he had within his arsenal.

”We won't be meeting any resistance.” He stated aloud, before opening the door before him and stepping into the power plant. EVE had already begun a scan of the entire facility, rifling through all surveillance equipment and shutting it down within a matter of seconds. It was not something that was required, but then again it was something that he did out of habit. A long hallway stretched out before him, branching off in different directions, yet only one of them would lead to the control room. It was from there that he could access and shut down the powerplant. Zeta and Epislon had broken off a few moments ago, Epislon slipping into the water and waiting, while Zeta hid as best he could. Anyone that attempted to stop them, or even looked slightly suspicious, would be dealt with by the two.

[Everything was going according to plan.

The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 8th 2015, 8:59 pm

Walking through a city in Illinois more dangerous than Chicago is pretty tough to do, but Danny is a tough girl. Some group of morons thought taking over Springfield, Illinois would amount to some power grab. Whoever would delude themselves into the greatest of grandeur, but unfortunately it would cost innocent lives and empower others to act out with greater aspirations. For these reasons, and a few others, Danny found herself trying to infiltrate the city grid.

Sticking to the shadows in a body suit with nanobites fit into the lining to change the color of the suit depending on the user's surroundings and wishes, Danny sneaked past a down fence before making her way towards the back of the plant. Moving from truck to truck, Danny hoped to keep nervous eyes off of her until she could get closer to a side entrance leading into the plant. Activating her bracelet, Danny channeled the martial prowess of a monk, allowing her to deliver a swift kick to knock the locking mechanism of the door loose.

Before her operation sent her to infiltrate the city, they informed her of the possible strongpoints of the city. All utilities would be targeted, fire stations, hospitals, and most likely City Hall and the metro police, but the power plant would need to be defended above all else. Without power, the darkness would give thugs too much cover to crawl within unchecked. Danny knew her mission and what her plan needed to entail. Now, she just needed to know who she needed to dispatch.

The side door opened into a breakroom. Easy enough to find a major corridor mapping out the arteries of the plant. Now all Danny needed was to locate the central control. She turned and noticed the lights on the surveillance cameras remained motionless. Some sabotage already came through this way. Danny turned her suit to a more pastel color of light blue to try and not stand out as much as the solid black suit already cast her. She side stepped a puddle and slid across the wall, stopping to try and peer down the hallway, unaware of the danger hidden in the murky water behind her.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Red January 8th 2015, 11:15 pm

The Ultra Gang, sounds like a corny super villain group from a Saturday morning cartoon. But the name wasn't important, no, just the power the group wielded and the mutual gain that could come from joining them. Lucius was actually one of the only new recruits to seek the group out. They had gained a rep years ago but slowly faded away, when Lucius heard they were making a comeback he saw opportunity. The job they were currently doing was proof of their reemerging power, they were attempting to take over an entire city. Taking a city had its obvious gains, but Lucius as always had another motive, one that he would keep to himself until his partners needed to know.

He was working with Alpha, a man he had partnered with before on a few occasions. He was glad he was the one to be with him instead of someone he wasn't familiar with, even though Alpha wasn't exactly predictable Lucius could trust him to an extent. There first job was simple enough, shut the power off to the city. All of it ran from a very unmonitored plant, so it would be like taking candy from a baby. Lucius suggested sending his posse to do it and station Alpha and himself on more pressing matters, but the 'boss' insisted they go. If that's what he thought was best then Lucius could respect that, but that didn't mean he would like it.

They approached the plant with no opposition save a guard in the toll booth at the entrance, who Lucius promptly killed. He had John keep watch hidden outside the plant while he, Alpha, Leo, and Daniel entered the building. Lucius scanned the building to attempt to shut the cameras or any other hindering tech down, but found them already off. "Looks like you beat me too it Alpha." Lucius said smirking under his mask. The scanners had mapped out the entire building for Lucius, he could see the control room and all he needed to do was port to it. "I told him this would be too easy, give me a second." Right after saying this Lucius disappeared in a flash of red, leaving everyone in the lower floor while he made quick work of this mission.

Last edited by Red Tide on January 9th 2015, 4:08 am; edited 1 time in total


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Entei January 9th 2015, 1:41 am

With a flash of blue light, very similar to Lucius', a hooded figure appeared in front of the power plant. Behind the tall, medium build figure, a black tail swayed in the gentle Illinois breeze, the blue-black hair on the tip bristled with excitement. It wore a black hoodie, with the hood pulled over it's face, the shadow obscuring vision of the user. Though, anyone with even half decent tech would be able to see through this ancient form of disguise. Strapped to it's back was a katana sword, it's hilt wrapped in blue cloth, and stuck inside a blue sheath, which was decorated with gold ornamentation. The figure let out a soft breath of air, their breath appearing in a cloud in front of them, an after effect of the cold mid-eastern climate.

"So tell me again," A male voice spoke into an ear piece, connected wirelessly by blue tooth to his cell phone. "Why is it that Jeisen sent me, if this mission requires, how did he put it again? 'Delicacy in which you are not use to.'?"

"He probably thinks you need the tempering." A female voice spoke into his ear, "Can't really say I don't agree with him, after the cop fiasco...and the building in downtown France...and the Eiffel Tower... you're really lucky your sister is beyond wealthy Michael."

"Yes, I know Lily..." Entei said, letting out a soft sigh again "I swear, we elect him leader of the Guardians, and he turns into  my dad or something. We'll have to talk later about this, but for now, what can you tell me?"

"Well..." Lily said, and with his advanced hearing, Entei  could hear the soft click of keys in her microphone. "I'm not very good with computers, like, at all, so..I've got the basic blueprints available on the governments website."

"...What? That's it?" Entei asked, his voice hissing out. "Why didn't Jeisen lend us Nolan? Or why isn't Vanguard there? That kid has a suit with more technology in it than a Korean kids cell phone."

"Er, well, he's been dispatched to another part of the city, and Jeisen and Nolan are doing...something, I don't know. But, they did leave a note! It says um.. oh.. well, 'Dear hooker, please don't kill anyone, or destroy anything. Our expense report this month is large enough after the Eiffel  Tower. -Nolan'"

"Of course that's what it says.." Entei trailed off, pinching the bridge of his nose as he approached the guards booth, finding the body that Lucius had left behind. "Damnit.." He muttered under his breath, stepping inside the booth to place his fingers on the mans neck, hoping to feel for a pulse, but to no avail.

"Michael? What is it?"

"We were too late for a guard." Entei said, letting out a small clicking noise with his mouth. "I'm cutting communications here."

"Right, well, I ported you as close as I could." Lily said, taking a slight pause. "Please don't die. Uzma would never forgive, and she scares the hell out of me."

"You and me both, " Entei replied, placing his pointer and middle finger over the power button  on his head set. "Michael out."

Standing over the body, Michael placed his two fingers on his forehead, before moving them to his chest, then his left, and right shoulders, creating a cross shape over his body. As he moved his hands, he spoke in a gentle voice, mimicking the words he had heard his adoptive father say so many times before.

"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, may your soul find peace in this world, and move on to be with our lord and savior. In his name we pray, amen."

With the mans final prayers uttered, Entei stepped out of the guards booth, looking unto the power plant with a scowl carved deep into his brow. Somebody was going to pay for this. His nose wrinkled as he took in the scents around him. It was a bit hard for him to make out, with the variety and distance of smells, which was unusual for him, but he could make out at least four separate and unique scents, which brought a smile to his face as he began to walk towards the front entrance. He only wished someone would come and attack him.

Quick Draw
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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Alpha January 9th 2015, 2:24 am

Alpha and Omega
”Interesting.” Omega muttered outloud once Lucius did his little teleporting trick, leaving the two alone within the hallway. Despite the fact that everything had seemingly been going alright, they had to be sure no heroes would suddenly appear and ruin the entire operation. Well, actually when he thought about it, heroes would only makes this far easier than it needed to be, as they tended to have a violent and almost destructive streak about them. If he could get them to help in shutting this facility down, then that would have been perfect for Alpha, but then again he did not always have the most luck among superhumans. ”We may have a little trouble.” Omega noted, letting his voice rise loud enough that Alpha could hear him, without letting it echo along the bland hallways. His superiority had mapped out the immediate area, relaying a large amount of info on the local area and anything that Alpha would have found of interest, sending it directly to him.

Of course the two waiting outside would likely be deal with, if not at least slow him down. Considering that there were metahumans that made even their power look paltry, he would have to be sure they did not do something that would lead to any deaths. ”Be careful with this one. While a victory is the preferred, retreat if things turn unfavorable.” He would transmit to the two siblings before leaving them to their devices, seeking out the latter intruder that had been found within the field. Whether they would be any threat he had no clue, but then again Alpha loved to be thorough with his work, and the prospect of ruling a city was something that he could not turn down. So Alpha would follow along to where this female waited, moving through the corridors in an almost deliberate fashion, hands buried into his pockets as he turned the corner supposedly where she was to be.

”Well now, what do we have here?” He would say aloud and with a motion, the ceiling behind the heroine would cave in.

Zeta and Epsilon
”Got it boss.” Zeta whispered to no one, flicking a finger as a flame would come to life at the end of his index, and light the end of a cigarette. Epsilon peered out from the water of the lake, dripping wet and with a small grin playing along his features, wondering when they could get to their whole role within the sabotage. ”Okay, looks like its time to see what this guy is made of. I go first, test him out and you back me up.” Zeta noted in a somewhat gravely tone, though it still held a youthful quality to it. Lifting a palm skyward, he would turn from his hiding point, which was essentially around the corner and hurled a fireball at the buildings entrance, creating a barrier for the hero, rather than simply trying to hit him.

”Hey!” I dunno who you think ya are, but important business is goin on around here. Flames spread out along his arm, bright and hot as the very air would wave around them.

Zeta and Epsilon grids:

The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 9th 2015, 3:11 am

Stealth did her no good. No stepping from any shadows needed to take place but she did need to distance herself from the falling rubble. "Neat trick." Danny rubbed her bracelet to unlock some secrets she needed. "Let's see how it stacks up." Thoughts shot through her mind and invigorated her muscle memory. Against his ability to destroy walls, Danny did not want to test that with her face right off the bat, so she went a little more conservatively with her approach. Evasive cuts would do what she could to keep the most powerful of the telekinetic blasts at bay, while Danny tried to see what capabilities he could unleash.

The good thing about the layout of a power plant came from the good amount of machinery capable of exploding. If Danny could put enough distance between herself and Alpha, she would try to bait him into chasing her into a more enclosed corridor. Spotting a fire extinguisher on the wall, Danny took her new found weapon and prepared for the second portion of her plan. "Are you coming? I've got a surprise!" If Alpha could sit back and throw Danny around the room he would, and Danny could really do nothing to stop him, but in this smaller area, the extinguisher could provide her with a spray to attempt to blind Alpha, and a more potent, metallic means of delivering an point of impact to his head.

If Alpha failed to follow her bait, or tried to merely trap her with by bending the walls, Danny would need to try her luck against him in hand-to-hand, and her whooping mallet would definitely follow suit right upside Alpha's face.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Red January 9th 2015, 3:38 am

Lucius appeared in the small power plant control room with a flash of light. It was full of dirt and rust, it seemed more like a shed then anything. "Springfield, you have got to upgrade your tech" He said as he walked over to one of the many switches on the nearby wall. The red tape around it indicated it was the main, so Lucius simply switched it off. Just like that the power went out in the entire city, homes went black and there was probably someone who just spent a bunch of time writing only to have their computer shut off. That was it, seemed pretty unnecessary sending major players to do such a simple task. "Powers off, we're out of here" Lucius said over the hive mind as he shot energy at all the switches and random important stuff, by the time he was done the control room was nothing but four walls and ash. "I'm coming down, be there as quick as i can" He would say over the hive mind as he started moving down stairs.


John watched as the hooded male approached, walking toward the power plant for unknown reason. Then a fire ball hit him, it seemed to have come from one of Alpha's. That was all John needed to see "Hey! Daniel! Leo! We got a situation" is all he would say to warn the others before charging. The stupidly of this kid was insane, he didn't even think to use the hive mind. The others had heard him though, and in no time they were outside watching John charge the potentially potent metahuman. "What a dumbass" Daniel said before running after him guns drawn at the hooded male. He would fire off a few shots at him to see what they were dealing with while john aimed a fist at his jaw as he charged in full bore.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Entei January 9th 2015, 4:11 am

"Well...that's interesting.." Entei said, absentmindedly scratching the back of his hooded head. He could feel the heat of the flames from where he was standing, whoever he was dealing with, was an above average pyrokinetic. But, they were no where near the level Entei was at. Though, who could expect to match the natural born talent of a demon prince after all.

”Hey!” I dunno who you think ya are, but important business is goin on around here." A voice rang out from behind the hooded hero, it seemed that he wouldn't have to wait long to see the man he was facing after  all. Turning his body to face his assailant, Entei raised an eyebrow in amused disinterest. A boy, who couldn't have been older than a Junior in High School stood before Entei, making him chuckle as he remembered his own days of fighting crime as a bright eyed teen.

"Look kid," Entei began, reaching a hand to the handle of his sword. "I don't want to kill you,  especially not in this hoodie, it was a gift. But if you keep throwing fireballs around like that,  someone is going to get hurt. I promise you this though, it won't be me."

As Entei spoke, his free hand moved to his hood, pulling it down as he ignited his horns, the blue fire  floating atop his head, giving his entire upper body an eerie blue glow that cascaded into sharp shadows on his mid section. The flames on his tail also ignited as he waved it around, blue sparks following in a tight trail behind him, echoing his movements for a moment in time. His nose wrinkled once again, and he let out a soft sigh as his ears twitched a hairs breadth later.

"Tell your friend hiding in the water that it's a cute attempt, but I can hear the droplets of water falling off of his skin, and he reeks of fear...and sexual shame? That's..odd." Entei mocked at the pyro, "I'm a prince of demons, do you really think you petty attempts at fire can hurt me? I'm not weak like you humans, the element of fire is under my domain, and you'd be wise to just walk away from this."

He was, of course, bluffing. Though his skin could resist FAR more than the average human, and as long as neither blade nor poison took him, he could very well live forever, he was very mortal. That, however, didn't stop him from talking his game. He was told to temper himself, and that's what he would do. Not rush headlong into a fight, as he usually would, he would try to play this like Jeisen, and more notably, Uzma, would want him to. So he paused, his hands resting on his sword, his free hand in his pocket, and stared at the man for a moment, before continuing.

"Though, something does interest me. Who killed that innocent guard over there? He was just a poor human, caught up in our battle. His name tag said his name was Charles, probably had a wife and kid waiting at home. Nasty stuff, re-" Entei had started to say, before he was interrupted by the sound of feet haphazardly pounding against the ground. He turned his head, and let out an annoyed sigh, as he saw two humans approaching him. One, appeared to be as dumb as Entei was, charging head first into a battle with an unknown enemy. The second however, stood back at a distance, and seemed to be eyeing Michael through the sights of his guns.

Well, that was fine with Entei. All this standing around, mediating bull had gotten him rather bored, and he was itching for a fight. He waited until the man was close to himself. Close enough that unless he was on par with Entei's demonic reaction time, he couldn't move, but not too close that Entei wouldn't be able to counter if he did have that reaction time. Quickly pulling the Kurikara blade a sliver out of the case, he sent a ring of fire out from the sheath, pulsating 360 degrees out at about shoulder level of the approaching man. As the blast left his sword, it began to grow in height, growing to a full seven feet tall, before reaching the man. However destructive the power may have seemed, Entei was in full control of it. He stopped the blast before it reach Alpha, and the power plant, allowing it to absorb the guns projectiles, however.

If his attack didn't work, Entei would simply side step the man's incredibly well telegraphed attack, and use his attackers body as a meat shield from the bullets.

Quick Draw
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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Alpha January 9th 2015, 4:32 am

Alpha and Omega
”If you think that's neat, wait until I show you what else I can do.” Alpha noted with a smirk hidden by his mask The woman moved to rub the bracelet on her wrist, drawing an interested hum from Alpha, as he considered how he would react next, as likely she was doing something with that bracelet of hers. What she did however was reach out for a fire extinguisher, meaning that it had something to do with that apparatus. Perhaps she was planning to blind him with the foam that was formed within the metallic case, and then using it as a club. ”I would, but I prefer to let them come to me.” He quipped, and with a motion he would attempt to bring in the walls around her, to crush the female and bring this thing to a close.

However that resulted in the woman running on close, considering they had not too much distance between them, before he could react, something collided with his mask. Pain shot through his skull, a crack beginning to run along the mask from the point of impact as Alpha was thrown to the ground, and he could hear Omega gasp audibly. Mid fall, he caught himself telekinetically, as a portion of the mask would fall away, revealing a small bit of bleeding forehead. ”Ow." He growled, feeling the warm blood flow from his wound, motioning to attempt to rip the weapon from her hand with his telekinesis.

Zeta and Epsilon
”Wait....did this joker just call me a human?” Zeta muttered annoyed, inadvertently biting down on the cigarette and reducing it into two small bits, as the front portion would fall off onto the ground. Spitting the butt onto the ground as well, the flames would further form around his body, Epsilon pulling himself out from the water and shaking it from his long blond hair.

”Sexual shame?” He would question looking up to Zeta unsure what Entei was suggesting, though Zeta was busy being angry and somewhat hormonal. While he should have thought things over, Zeta was rather hotheaded, shown by his ability to manipulate his fire. ”Hey now, calm down.” Epsilon muttered a little worried, before turning his attention upon the demon and the people that were attacking him in unison. He was keeping an eye upon the demon, looking over any show of force that he made, and with a thought he would let a single drop of water slide along to his finger tip and shoot outwards towards the demon prince, aimed to slice through flesh. This attack was aimed to be able to strike him, though it was not the main aim.

He was forcing the water from within the lake to snake through the ground, forming small tunnels underneath, a sort of preparatory thing more than anything. While this went along, Zeta began to gather around his fists, growing brighter and brighter, increasing in heat as he prepared to unleash his own attack.

The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 9th 2015, 4:46 am

Danny offered up no resistance as the fire extinguisher flew from her hands and impacted against the wall. For her next trick, Danny got a little help from her bracelet and let her courage do the rest. Wrenching her fingers into Alpha's shoulders, Danny propelled herself over his back to try and throw Alpha off of his feet and towards a nearby table. Before Alpha could regain his balance, Danny would try to to push her arm over his shoulder to try and dislocate his shoulder. If she failed in her flight, taking a blast from the telekinetic would put some damage into her abdomen.

Without any tools of the trade with her, Danny surveyed the room for anything she could find to try and give herself an advantage. Whether she assaulted the arm properly or took a blast, Danny would grab a tool chest and immediately try to grab a hammer and a screwdriver to duel wield a fierce opposition, but not before dispatching several smaller screwdrivers towards Alpha like throwing daggers. "Out of all the towns in the world, you attack Springfield? What are you guys, the C team of villainy." Once her screwdrivers flew, Danny would work around the desks to shield herself from direct attacks and try to launch herself towards Alpha, brandishing both weapons.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Red January 9th 2015, 5:33 am

As soon as John got close to the hooded male he was struck with a huge blast of the hottest fire he had ever felt. The pain was horrible, John fell straight on his back from the unexpected shock of the attack. He lay on the ground grunting from the pain with a large third degree burn across his chest. The fire would continue on and absorb Daniels shots, thanks to the fact John got hit which alerted Daniel and Leo to the danger they narrowly ducted under the spinning ring of fire. "Dammit! Red, we have a situation, we need you down here." Daniel would say over the hive mind before teleporting himself and Leo in to cover John. He stood at his side and fired a few more shots at the pyrokinetic, but he knew it likely wouldn't do much. Leo was on one knee attempting to heal Johns burns with his light behind Daniel. They needed a heavy hitter out here now.

Lucius heard the call echo through the hive mind, which he responded to. "I'm on my way, whatever it is contain it until i get there as much as you can." He said as he rushed down the stairs and to the first floor. He arrived at the still open entrance they came through and peaked around the corner, and he couldn't believe what he saw. This guy again, he recognized his blue fire and horns anywhere. He knew his power levels and took the necessary precautions before making a move to aid the others. He activated his repulsive field, put up an energy barrier just outside it, and injected his enhancement serum (stat booster: +1 red energy) then walked outside to meet the threat. He also dropped a few micro bombs that would roll through the grass into position by being controlled by Lucius' AI Hector. He had met this same being several times, and it was starting to become a pain in the ass running into him all the time. He would have to end that today no matter what happened.

He walked at a normal pace making a b-line for Entei, once in vocal range he would speak. "Hello Michael, nice to see you again" He would say attempting to draw the attention to himself to allow the others to fall back with John. Daniel and Leo picked up John by the armpits and attempted to run back to the plant as fast as they could. With that Lucius would send a whipping and whirling tornado of crimson red energy barreling toward Entei, which he would follow up with a a few basic energy beams.


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That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Entei January 9th 2015, 10:45 pm

"Fuck!" Entei growled, grabbing at the sleeve of his hoodie. The cloth had been torn, and a shallow cut ran horizontally along his bicep, red blood flowing down his arm, and onto the cloth of his top, staining the black fabric. "Oh come on!" he yelled, turning his head towards the boy in the water, the only logical culprit. "I literally JUST said this was a gift, what kind of asshole are you?" As he spoke, blue flames danced around his upper arm, snaking under the rip in his hoodie, and causing a bright blue glow to emit from the fault in the cloth. Underneath, his fire had forced it's way into the wounder, cauterizing it and stopping the bleeding. Though he lacked a healing factor like most demons, he could use his fire to creatively elongate his physical health in situations like this.

"Hello Michael, nice to see you again." Entei cocked his head to the side at the strange man who had called to him, his mouth slightly agape in confusion. Inside his head, the dusty hamster wheel creaked empty from side to side, cobwebs hanging from the metal base. That is to say, Entei had no idea who this man was, and his intellect was not near advanced enough to recall such an insignificant encounter in a situation such as this. Scratching at the back of his head once more, Entei could hear the crackling of flames behind him, and noticed the three other metas were now behind this mystery man as it were. Just fantastic.

'Okay..' Entei thought to himself, slowly drawing his sword from it's sheath. 'So, I've got this guy, who walks with a confidence that the others don't have. He must be the boss. The one who got hit by my fire isn't getting up any time soon, and the one healing him will be busy taking care of those wounds for a good while. The guy with the gun can teleport, though, I don't see him being much of a challenge. Jeisen can teleport too, and I can smell him before his physical body even appears, shouldn't be too much trouble to keep track of that.  The pyro behind me is strong, but not as strong as I am. My flames should easily be able to overtake his. The man in the lake, when he cut me, my wounds were wet before I started bleeding. He uses some kind of liquid to fight, probably water, which would make more sense of him being in the lake in temperatures like this.'

Letting out a soft sigh, Entei fell into a rather common sword stance. His legs spread, one hand on the handle of his sword, while the other hovered over it, his fingers splayed out. Although when it came to important things, like Math, Science, Literature, remembering birthdays, and generally anything a normal adult could easily handle, he was rather....slow. When it came to fighting, and battle however, Entei was a brilliant tactician, able of processing battle information much faster than should have physically been capable of someone like him. Though, not much else was to be expected from someone born from a family of warriors and conquerors. As he looked out onto the battle ground, time seemed to slow as he took in all the information, and the masked man begin to gather energy in his hands.

In response, Entei began to channel fire all around him, creating a circular dome around him, to protect himself from outside attacks while he dealt with the masked man's frontal tornado. The metal in his sword began to spark, turning a light blue, and glowing with brilliant light, as it's metal seemed to 'melt' into the very air in dazzling blue flames. As the tornado approached him, he put both hands on the handle of his sword, drawing it behind him, before slamming it forward, the two energies meeting in a climatic explosion of pure destruction. The winds of the tornado struck out an Entei, tearing at his clothes, his fires protecting his actual body from any real damage. A large noise escaped his throat, a mixture between a yell, and a feral growl, as he slashed through the tornado, the violent energies dispersing around him, slamming into the ground, littering the battle field with small craters.

Flipping his sword in his hand, Entei slashed out at the ground, a wave of blue fire cutting a small, crescent shaped hole into the ground in front of him. He flipped his sword once more, into a reverse grip, before stabbing it into the ground, and a small smirk escaping from his lips. Fire shot out from his blade, now emerged in the solid ground, and begin to quickly heat up the very earth the menagerie was standing on. The ground quickly began to glow a bright blue, before melting, deforming, turning into molten lava as his fires heated and ravaged the earth. Underneath his feet, Entei created a small platform of his blue fire to stand on.

"They never said I couldn't destroy the outside of the power plant..." he muttered to himself as he unleashed more and more fire.

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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Alpha January 9th 2015, 11:08 pm

Alpha and Omega
The fire extinguisher was ripped from the females hand, clanging along as Alpha quickly regained his bearings, only to find himself being latched onto once again and thrown into a world of hurt. Thrown off his feet, he was thrown through the air and collided with a table, wood splintering underneath him as he collided with the floor once again. A pain ran through his back, likely the impact as he rapidly tried to force himself up once again, and then perhaps try ti take this strange female down. He was being slow, though why was something that many could question. Yet when he sat up, everything seemed to slow down as he would take note of a few screwdrivers flying through the air towards him.

His brain had moved into an overdrive that caused these weapons to move so slow that the motion was imperceptible. All it took was a thought, one so fast that no physical motion could match, and the weapons would pause within the air. His power had saved him from painful injury, though something happened, a sudden pain that stabbed through his skull and caused a small amount of blood to begin to drip from his nose. The screwdrivers fell to the ground with a clatter, and Alpha gave on directive to Omega. ”Omega, get out of here, get as far away as possible. Zeta, I want you to attack the plant. I want this thing to be reduced to a burning cinder, something beyond recognition.”

Omega would not waste much time, turning from the fight that was happening and going on. He had his own mission, and so he would do as was required. In his mind, Alpha was powerful enough to survive a fight against a human, even if they were beyond the average. Turning his attention to the woman shielding herself, he would rapidly send the screwdrivers meant to harm him back at her like bullets, zooming through the air with the speed to sheer through the defense, and maybe even her if she rushed him. Forming a psionic shield around him to catch anything thrown at him.

Zeta and Epsilon
”Well shit, this is what I've been waiting for.” Zeta muttered watching the demon prince show an overwhelming show of force, burning the ground into slag and for the most part making all attacks against him useless. Attempting to defeat him directly was pointless, and their whole thing made Epsilons tactic for the most part useless, though he would continue with it anyway. He had heard the message and would do anything to make sure that the will of their Alpha was met without falter. Flames would rise higher and higher, until the reached as hot as he could make them, before slithering to one point. He was forming a single fireball with all of the power he could summon, condensing it tighter and tighter until it became sheer destruction.

”Hey fuck face! Suck on this!” He would yell out loud, raising one hand to make it appear as if he were throwing this fireball towards Entei, but in the last second his whole body turned and hurled the fireball at the plant itself. It moved with most haste, and upon impact would melt through the exterior without even a problem, seemingly catching on fire and consuming anything that it touched, the destruction was great. Epsilon simply served to as a decoy, unleashing a seemingly endless stream of highly pressurized water streams upon the blue pyrokinetic, not expecting to hurt him as much as annoy.

The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 10th 2015, 4:54 am

"Had enough?" Each one of the screwdrivers stopped motionlessly in front of Alpha. "Or, something else?" Danny's eyebrows rose as Alpha gave his underling the order to get out of the room. "Oh." The line of screwdrivers flew out towards Danny. One impacted against her armor before she could use her hammer and screwdriver to deflect the other. A sharp pain seeped in. Nothing out of the ordinary, but the force behind those blasts meant some serious business and Danny would need to not underestimate what he could unleash upon her.

With a flash of energy, Danny made her way towards the side of Alpha to deny him a direct shot at her. She darted in zig zags, ducking between any obstacles she could put between herself and the telekinetic, all while running a circle around him. His shield would put her in a state of comatose if she trifled with it, so she broke off for her direct attack. The lead mechanism to the attack would come when she threw a chair to try to bring down the shield or at least open a hole for her to slide through to grab hold of one of Alpha's legs and deliver him soundly to the ground.

Once the attack carried out a direct blast from the shield would be devastating to Danny, most likely knocking her into a wall and opening her up to a counter. If she got through and carried out her takedown, she would continue to rain blows inside of of his arms length to begin attacking his neck and head with minor blows from the hammer to try to disorient the man. Her hammer shots would not go for a lethal attack; Danny the seventeen year old hero would never pull an Entei.

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The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny) Empty Re: The takeover of Springfield (Thread 2: Alpha, Red Tide, Entei and Danny)

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