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Just Another Day in "New" New York.

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Zell January 13th 2015, 9:16 pm

Zell was going to enjoy this. Teaching people was his thing, he was a college professor after all. He was also a mentor to the hero group Prodigy. He found himself wondering what other little tricks this girl likely had up her sleeves. He quickly reasoned that she would not understand why he was doing this. She wouldn't understand and if she did then she would not trust it. That was good though, he lived by the maxim that those who deserve trust will never ask for it, and will understand when you choose not to trust them. Zell actually sat down with his feet hanging over the edge of the building. He let out a little hum before his visor pulled up three dozen metahuman criminals. Some of them were up to stuff, some weren't.

  "So we've got a couple options. We got a couple guys we can detain. First one is a guy called Pathos, second one is a guy called Sync and finally we have a pair of twins called "Tag-team". So I cast my vote for Tag-team, but This is your training, you go ahead and tell me what you wanna do." Zell said as he reasoned through all of these people and their powers. He figured if she were under the illusion that she had control over which metahuman the detained she'd be more at eased. Not to trust him, keep her semi-relaxed so she wasn't overly anxious and going to get herself killed.

The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Number of posts : 1417
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Orsy January 13th 2015, 9:27 pm

Neon listens to his list of people, thinking about their names.  Pathos sounds like some emotional person, so maybe he’s got something to do with emotions.. Sync sounds like something with sound, so maybe he’s a sound guy.. and the twins..  “Tag-Team.”  Not sure what to make of them, but her “teacher” advices to get to them first.  “Alright..” She thinks for a moment, “I’ll take your advice and get after the twins..  Since you seem confident they’re the best choice..”  She looks at him, going to put his trustworthiness to the test.. best way to find a trap, is to spring it right?  

“Are you going to tell me about them, what they do, what crimes they did?  Or am I running in blind?”  She crosses her arms, it didn’t matter to her if he does or does not tell her about the targets, it would be better if she knew more about them beforehand although.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Zell January 13th 2015, 9:48 pm

"Speaking out loud is easy for sonokinetics, superhuman hearing to pick up what you're saying. Unfortunately you destroyed your phone, now we need to do this the difficult way." He said as he reached up and pressed a button on his visor. A small beam of light flashed and projected an image onto Hikari's biker-helm's own visor.

  Tag Team is a combination of the dizygotic twins that go by the identities "Alpha" and "Omega". Their names are derived of their capacity to *****Section deleted***** and their biblical ties to the hero "Archangel" and his father "The Minister". They are most noted for their most recent attempts at destroying a large section of the LA subway and trams and inhabiting the hospital basement where they kept victims. They were relocated to New York's correctional facility under the authority of *****Section deleted*****. They are believed to have deep ties to the Pittsburgh metahuman anarchist known as "Royal Pain".

  "So, as you can tell I needed to remove certain names because they are not important and it's a safety precaution should one of the twins acquire your phone. I also removed their powers because identifying powers is important. First though, Tell me what you can gather from that limited information I gave you." Zell said, apparently class began just then.

Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Orsy January 14th 2015, 12:23 pm

Neon arches an eyebrow as her average, every-day motorcycle helmet lit up like some science fiction videogame HUD.  She read off the text that was displayed to her, feeling like a total James Bond doing so, and takes in the information.  The stranger said something about destroying her phone being a bad thing, which annoyed her, but she ignored it.  Her eyes dance across the images presented to her, listening to what the man asked. He wants me to profile them, like some kind of detective?  Alright, that’s kind of cool.. she thinks to herself and recalls the information.  

“Well..  They are fraternal twins, meaning they don’t look alike.  They’re bible freaks, calling themselves “Alpha and Omega” which is a phrase the biblical God refers to himself with.  You said they had biblical ties to a hero who refers to himself as an angel, and his father a minister.  This all mean they have a highly religious background, and possibly using that to justify their crimes.  This could mean they preform acts of terrorism “in the name of God,” like back in the Crusades.  Their boss may be some form of religious leader, manipulating them into creating chaos and anarchy for their God as well.”  Neon shrugs her shoulders, taking an educated guess from the facts presented.  She’s not that big on religion, but her parents did try to send her to bible school after she got expelled from middle school, so she knows enough about the bible for this to make sense.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Zell January 14th 2015, 5:12 pm

Well she started off good. Especially given she was new to the whole profiling thing. Zell listened to her, smiling and nodding as he heard her little debriefing. Zell knew these twins personally, not that she needed to know that, and all he could say was that she wasn't all right. He wouldn't say anything though. It would be good for her to be surprised and to remember than while one can try and profile with all their might...people were still people. Individual and not entirely predictable. He let out a little hum as if satisfied with her analysis. "Alright, I see. But now it comes to a more situational problem. What do you do next?" He asked her as he smirked, nodding at her to take the reins of her own training.

"Despite my being the "mentor" of sorts, I'll take the role of the side-kick. I'll do what you tell me to, but I draw the line ad being anything with the name boy or lad in it." He said jokingly as he put up a finger at her, warning her slightly about the name thing. This girl had potential, she had promise. Another hero for the world renown? Maybe not yet, but soon he'd have another nemesis on the streets looking to take him down. IT was an uplifting thought actually. He couldn't wait. "After you, Boss"

Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Orsy January 14th 2015, 6:05 pm

Neon doesn’t know if she got her profile right or not, and right now, she doesn’t really care.  She knows what they did, and where they are and that’s all that matters to her.  Wait, did he just say side-kick?  Neon ponders that for a second, looking at the man closely, slowly replacing his casual civilian clothing with a dorky leotard and cape.  He didn’t really seem like the side-kick type, and Neon usually worked alone.  But he offered, so couldn’t help but to go along with it.  He seemed really adamant about not being called ‘Boy,” or “Lad,” which was okay with Neon she’ll listen.  

The heroine grins from behind her helmet and nods to him, “Alright ‘kid,’ try and keep up.” She lets out a soft snicker, he didn’t say anything about being called kid, right?  After her bit of fun she quickly got to business, finally showing Zell her abilities.  In a blink of bright purple light, she was gone.  If the “mentor” looked down at the street, he would be able to see a very fast moving beam of the same light zipping through traffic and heading in the direction of the twins
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

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Age : 29
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Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Zell January 14th 2015, 6:24 pm

Okay. No. She was already lost. Zell chuckled and sighed. Oh God she was just like he was. He watched her run to the side walk. You see, being as highly advanced as his brain was he saw everything in slow motion. There was quite literally nothing that was beyond his perceptions. Her running at the fastest pace at the moment was a brisk jog in his perceptions. Mind you he had the ability to react to her...but he couldn't keep up with her on sheer movement speed. No way in Hell did he have that capacity. She called him kid though, which slightly elated Zell. One might have thought calling him a kid would have insulted him. He was The Archon, The Lych! He was a feared villain! But to her, he was just a kid. People too easily forgot that.... he was just a kid. A kid with a kid of his own, but still.

Instantly the Archon teleported, appearing right in front of Neon before sticking his arms out with lighting fast reflexes and grabbing her by the arms and standing her up, but not violently so. "Woah! hold up Boss lady. We don't even know where we're going... or what these people look like do we? Shouldn't we look for that first?" He asked, kindly trying to nudge her in the direction of gathering information. They had an advantage of them not knowing these "heroes" were onto them, so why not use it?

Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Orsy January 14th 2015, 9:09 pm

Neon gasps as she her arm was grabbed by this guy who appeared in front of her.  She looks at him and arches an eyebrow.  I guess he can keep up… nice.. she thought to herself.  Zell talked to her about not knowing exactly where to go, and he was right, she hadn't the faintest idea.. but she’d rather run around and look for them than sit around thinking about how to find them.  Then again, he’s the mentor..  

She crosses her arms and sighs, “Alright.. these people are wanted terrorists, so they should be on the FBI’s most wanted… and because you’re so smart, hack into their database and pull up their records.”  She shrugs, “And if you say, ‘I wont be here all the time, so you can’t use me...’ I don’t care.  Right now in this situation, you’re an asset, and I’m using you.”  She looks down at him, her tone was more commanding than usual, taking her new role as “boss” seriously.  

“Then, once you find their faces.. we can look for them using traffic light cameras..” She grins, proud of her plan.  When not fighting crime, or dancing at some nightclub, Hikari Nagato is a real sucker for stupid crime dramas.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Zell January 16th 2015, 4:44 pm

She went about giving him orders now. The Existential wasn't used to taking orders from anyone but The Archon Energy itself, or whomever managed to command his willpower through that accursed sword. He went to open his mouth but she interrupted him. Once again, total bitch move. She stated how he was an asset and she was using him. He just had to smile and accept the fact her personality was abrasive, though her plan wasn't bad it was a little shaky but not bad... but that didn't change things. She needed addressed.

"I can see why you don't have a side-kick." He said, glaring at Neon. "Don't assume to know what I'm going to say either. You're making yourself look like an ass." Zell said as he pressed the visor, quickly obtaining all the information he needed. He found Alpha and Omega's information, having known them personally was useful at this point. Granted, he was also using Agency data, secured and unable to be touched by primitives such as this. With their info obtained all he need was to was find their face. "Since I'm doing all the heavy lifting... you can at least learn from it." He said as he projected the image up on the wall. The pictures of the twins showed up. On twin had blonde hair wand wore an all black outfit with a golfer's cap on backwards, the other had dark brown hair that was just a shade off black and he was dressed in an all white attire to counter his twin. "Patterns is key. These guys are terrorists. They inspire terror. Let's look at out information. The children of a radiology expert and a skilled chemist. Divorced parents at the age of two, graduated High School and both ditched college after discovering their powers. One twin went to become a psychologist, the other went to become a media production specialist." Zell explained and looked to Neon, he really hoped she was catching the recurring themes here. It was painfully obvious to him, though perhaps it was because he actually knew them.

"Dad was chief radiologist, kid is trying to be a psychologist, they take haven in a hospital. Both kids took Media production in High School as an elective for all four years and the other kid goes for a job in that... Regardless of wherever they go they will ALWAYS have something familiar. Hospitals or production studios and things of that nature will be more familiar for them, they'll naturally justify that it's more defensible for them because it's so familiar. Hospitals and doctor's offices, studio's and the like. So I'll start face Re-Cog scans in several locations. This is a temp phone... it's meant to be destroyed. I'll call you if I get a good scan everywhere...meanwhile you go do whatever it is you think you should do... My suggestion would be to check the local hospital." Zell said before tossing Hikari a cell phone, a phone that was meant to be destroyed... hopefully now they could get the search on.

Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Orsy January 16th 2015, 6:21 pm

Neon looked at Zell, a young man acting so professional.  It seemed so ironic, and unbelievable.  But then again, teenage self made billionaires aren't that much of a fantasy.  He gives her advice to prevent her from looking like an ass, and just like the other advisement, Neon doesn't really care.  If she looks like an ass?  That’s fine, at least she’s saving lives.  

Zell uses his eye thing to project the profiles of her targets on the wall, trying to school her in noticing patterns.  Its not that hard, she may not be a super genius, but she’s not an idiot.  They’re opposites, they even dress up with that whole Yin Yang style going for them.  Even their choices in occupation are on two different ends on the spectrum.  One is a professional psychologist, the other does media things.  Opposite ends of the spectrum, but they both involve knowing what people think.  Psychologists know the mind in and out and can tell what someone is thinking, and media outlets use popular culture to make people think what they want.  The twins are probably master manipulators in that aspect.

Now as for Zell’s hypothesis of where they would hang out, it wasn’t the strongest point in all this.  Yes, a psychologist could hang out at a hospital.  They can also hang out in universities, school buildings, prisons, police stations, or even their own private office.  A hospital isn’t the primary base of operations for psychology.  Then again, the boy’s father was a radiologist, who are based at hospitals.  So it would be more likely to find the twin there in that regard.

Neon proceeds to just listen and nod to his descriptions, they make sense, even if they aren't concrete.  He tosses her a disposable cell phone, meant to be destroyed, which at this point is obvious to her.  Zell finally begins to do what she asked of him, suggesting that she checks the local Hospital in the mean time.  Which, again, Neon already got the message prior to this, letting out a sigh. “Alright.. I’ll check the hospitals..” she says, taking one more look at the Twin’s profiles, their real names specifically. “I’ll find out where their father worked, and see if I can find them there.”

The heroine places the phone in her boot, the same place she kept her old phone, and took off running.  Her body becoming a beam of purple light as she moves at a great speed, dodging traffic and turning corners like a light-bike from Tron.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

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Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Zell January 17th 2015, 10:34 pm

It would take a while, but it unfortunately would turn out that these twins were born in a small town in the middle of Pennsylvania. However with a little more looking she might be able to discover that their father made monthly visits to the NYC children's hospital to help their radiology department, tonight being that night. Zell on the other hand was already en route there. Thanks to his motorcycle he was able to make it in good timing, but he found himself being more, stealth oriented. He entered the establishment in order to get himself on the upper level. From there he'd get himself out of her way, step back and observe a little as his motorcycle remotely left the facility.

  "Neon. It's me." Zell said, still after all this time keeping his name from her. "The Children's hospital. They're probably on the move already, do what you do best and speed here." Zell commented, the link was always two-way, but he didn't need to respond per say. He would if needed, but it was fairly plain what needed to be one at this moment in time. Zell sat there a moment and calculated the probability that Hikari would be successful in taking them down alone. He didn't pay much mind, but he sighed as his visor vanished for a moment and he opened a door and stepped through, freezing for moment while looking around confused. There was a man dressed in all black, a uniform with black boots a ticked in shirt and a shining badge. He was the security guard he operated the cameras. Having pulled the employee records he already knew that this man was the only one on security staff at this time.

 "You're not supposed to be in here." The guard said peering over a laptop.

 "I-I-I'm so sorry I...I was just looking for my mom's room." He said, stammering and playing off of his innocent look to buy him time. His breathing picked up, as if he were panicking.

 "Visiting hours are over kid." The guard said. Zell shook his head, his breathing increasing a little as he seemed to struggle trying to refute the point. The guard looked at him, slightly frustrated at the boy's stubbornness to leave the premises. The guard moved to escort him personally, but Zell was smart. He looked into this man's history. Like Zell, this man lost his mother to suicide, and while Zell shared his pain, this man was an obstacle. An obstacle that needed to be manipulated and moved.

 "P-please. She...she took those pills. I asked her notto but she did..I called the ambulance and when they got there they wouldn't let me come...I...I just wanna see my mom." He asked, years of acting paying off as his eyes watered, forcing himself to recall his mother hanging there form the ceiling, dangling lifeless and cold. The emptiness...the loneliness. Forsaken was the only word for it. It was a word Zell knew this man would sympathize with. The guard hesitated and sighed before nodding. The poor man had no way of knowing, who would expect a kid to have done this kind of research?

 "Okay kid. What's your mother's name, you know the room she's in?" The guard asked. Zell nodded.

 "Room 402." He said. The guard cocked an eyebrow and looked to Zell as he approached.

 "That's on the other side of the floor kid... Alright, C'mon. Follow me and well get-oooph!!!" The guard was interrupted as he fell to the floor, unconscious thanks to his turning his back to Zell once he walked past. Pressure points proved the human frailty time after time again. Dragging the guard back into the office he took the keys from his belt-loop and locked the door as he whistled "March of the ants" and plopped himself down in the guard's seat, kicking his feet up and leaning back on the comfy swivel chair. With a single swipe he cleared his face of tears and watched the camera's...anticipating the inevitable.

Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Orsy January 20th 2015, 4:26 pm

Neon sped into the lobby of yet another Hospital with Radiology treatment offered to its patients.  The speedster let out an annoyed sigh, this was the fifth one she went to.  Her eyes slowly scanned the list of names on a black board near the entrance.  The name of the twins’ father is not on it. Damnit!  There’s hundreds of hospitals in New York, this’ll take fore~ her thoughts were cut off by Zell on her phone,  the Childrens Hospital?  Great… what we need are two psychotic anarchists hanging around a children’s hospital..

In a flash of purple light, the heroine took to the streets running roughly half the speed of sound to get there within a minute.  She arrived in the front lobby of the hospital, a wave of discarded newspapers and fliers following her in.  The patients waiting for their appointment all gasped and stared at her, shocked by the sudden appearance of this leather clad woman in a motorcycle helmet.

Neon pulls out her phone and tries to contact Zell, “I’m here, where are you?  Do you have a location for me?”  She asks him as she runs throughout the building at a slower pace, trying to get where she needs to go while at the same time not messing up the hospital’s routine.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

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Number of posts : 143
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Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Zell January 21st 2015, 1:23 pm

Zell smiled as he looked through the cameras. Apparently she needed help again. Which is strange. She can somehow read his mind when it comes to what he's going to say, but she needs assistance remembering that they hide in the basements of hospitals. This girl was a real Rainman. He rolled his eyes, Vexus style, before wanting to behead himself for having anything in common with her. Then he regrouped and answered Neon's question. "Well since hospitals are 24 hour facilities I'd go ahead and probably check the basement. I'll get you access to it, don't worry about a key card." He said. Wow so he was this dumb starting out huh? Well dumb is a harsh word...oblivious. It was hard to believe she lasted this long. HE was interested to see the basement camera's light up though.

  The plan was moving nicely, so Zell stood up and excused himself from the office, withdrawing a memory erasing dust from a pouch in his pocket and dropping it on the guard before exiting.

Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

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Just Another Day in "New" New York. - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Another Day in "New" New York.

Post by Orsy January 25th 2015, 6:24 pm

Neon listened to her phone intently, “Basement, right..”  She sighs as she mentally curses at herself, she forgot that they had a tendency to hide in hospital basements.  That was one of the first pieces of information she was told about.  She looked around, elevator would take to long to get down, she spots the stairwell and grins moving at a normal pace around the doctors and patients to get there.  No one uses the stairs, she can get down to the basement faster than any elevator.  In a burst of purple light, the heroine zipped down the flight of steps getting to the basement floor in no time at all.  The door was locked, and a key card slot was next to it.  Zell stated she wouldn’t need a card, so she tried the door.  Fortunately for Neon, it opened without any alarms.

Neon walked into the basement slowly, not wanting to rush in and miss anything important.  The place looked like any basement would, stone walls, pipes on the ceiling, a shit ton of wires.  The heroine looked into rooms as she passed them on her way down the corridor, searching for at least of these twins.  She takes out her phone and speaks quietly, “Alright, I’m in the basement checking all the rooms.  See anything on the cameras?”
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