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Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight)

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Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Empty Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight)

Post by The Womb December 19th 2014, 8:11 am

The banquet was close to completion. All the long tables had been set out in a semi-circle, with their tail ends facing towards the central podium. The site set itself neatly in the clearing of the surrounding groves, complementing the natural space with well crafted wooden furnitures. Servants went back and to, carrying platters of meats and jugs of wine from the tents only a small ways away. Others began to gather about the area, picking seats and laughing together, excited for the event to come. A large bonfire was lit by the elevated podium for heating, cooking and light if the dark should come. All ran smoothly for the gathering, all that was left was the host himself to show.

While the people waited, they painted and dressed themselves whilst eating and drinking. Some took to the drums and flutes, filling up the atmosphere with melodies and rhythms. There was a strong feeling of happiness in the air, despite their otherwise somber reason for such a secret and important meeting. Looking past the festivities, warriors could be seen stalking the perimeter of the area keeping a keen lookout. A good three hundred soldiers guarded them today, all trained by their esteemed leader and chief. They were known as some of the toughest warriors in the region, and rightly so. Their presence spoke volumes of the seriousness of this event, that the people involved seemed to be taking so lightly. Some began to dance, outlined painting of skulls etched onto their faces almost in a ceremonial way. It was only shortly after the festivities seemed to peak, that they dramatically stopped, and a call announcing their host was made.

"All hail Dingir Tur, as he makes his way to the stand!" A voice sounded. Almost like an echo, the crows became subdued, and in what could only be described as a trance like awe, began to mutter and chant the words "Dingir Tur" in unison. As they chanted, a large, dark figure walked between them, parting through the crowds gracefully. He wore a black cloak, garnish at the shoulders and chest with a large golden collar, adorned in precious stones and engravings of his image. On his head he wore an elaborate headdress, which looked to be a tall hat fashioned with golden wings on each side and many decorative beads and cloths dangling on each side, framing the wearers face. On his waist he wore a simple garment of white cloth, rolled up to cover himself, and a red hanging sash hanging over the crotch, with golden emblems stitched into it's front. On his feet he wore the sandals of his people, unafraid to show that though he may be great, in truth he walks with them. After a brief moment, the figure reached the podium and turned to his subjects, all of whom had quieted their chanting.

"Welcome my children. What a feast have we here!" He shouted, receiving an immediate response of cheering and clapping., "It has been fine has it not? I treat my children well, as often as I can. However, it seems we have fallen on dark times. I have brought you all here today, you scholars, generals, engineers, alchemists, philosophers and leaders to help me decide what we must do. We live in a time of great wonder, great splendor and advancement. Yet, there is great turmoil and suffering. My sweet daughter Ereshkigal visits our plain often, releasing those she deems worthy from the clutches of my son Enki. There are five emperors in the east that spread pain and suffering in the name of Enki. The eight kings to the west and south, spread war and famine in the name of Enki. And further west still, a greater king rises and demolishes his own people, in the name of Enki. Ereshkigal no longer chooses the fate of man as had been preordained, no! She is now being forced by the hand of man! A command she does not take lightly. And now this practice of commanding the gods, the very practice we seek to escape, has reached our homes. A tribe stalks our people! Kills our people! My children!"

Tur paused, looking out at the now silent and somber crowd that anticipated his next words, "what are we to do? None have seen, none have heard the attacks. There is rumor of death, rumors that there are those that seek to destroy us and our cities, our towns, our villages and farms. There are stirrings of war against us. What are we to do against these foes? They seek to force the hand of Ereshkigal on us, us, her loyal and devoted. Would she not weep if it were to be so? Already, vanquishing those that need not have died tasks her beyond measure. To dispatch her own, those that see the truth in this world, would surely crush her; her will lost and the will of man over the gods will run rampant. Should we allow it?" Tur roared a them, their response a well voiced decline, "Yet how do we do it? I do not wish to force her hand either. And to vanquish our foes makes us kin with them. I would speak with her and have her answer, but I do not converse with her lightly. As a people, we should decide for ourselves what is right, for surely we should know. And if we do not, I shall do what I can to speak with her." He then sat down and gave the floor to those that would speak their minds.

Last edited by The Womb on December 20th 2014, 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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The Womb
The Womb
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Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

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Age : 33
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Registration date : 2012-11-12

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Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Empty Re: Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight)

Post by Mr. E December 20th 2014, 3:49 pm

OoC: Alrighty, I want to clear up which direction you're trying to take this in. This is a collection of humans and mortals right? And some sort of tribe? The man speaking, I assume that is the Womb as he identifies himself at the moment? Who are the gods he's evoking, and is your intent to have the Autumn Knight speak his mind on these mortal events and politics?

Also, a few more line breaks wound be appreciated. It's just easier on the eyes is all, and mine aren't outstanding. Hah

Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Cardimg_zpsd6e0437a Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Equipment
Mr. E
Mr. E

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Quote : When things go Bump in the night, I bump back.

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Registration date : 2013-01-13

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Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Empty Re: Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight)

Post by The Womb December 20th 2014, 8:39 pm

OOC: No worries man. Yes, Tur means Womb in Mesopotamian. Enki and Ereshkergal are Life and Death, both names taken from Mesopotamian gods that best represent the two. Who you don't need to worry about as they won't appear in a physical sense. They're more like visions, they could perhaps be real, but I leave it open to interpretation. In The Womb's back story Life and Death are what he perceives to be his offspring after he witnesses the evolution of life on earth. He's lost that kind of thing in the present, which is why you won't catch him talking much about it with Mr.E, however, going this far back in Womb's history he's fully entrenched in his own myths, real or not it's hard to tell at this point. But yeah this is his tribe, he's convinced them all that he is the creator of all things, even the Gods and proved it to them by being not only an embodiment of Death, but of Life, man and woman and eternal/can't die. So he's got mad followers at the mo, this is just a fraction brought together to decide what to do about the Winter Fae that have been killing his subjects.

I was thinking that you might have been scouting the Winter Fae or something, and in turn scouting The Womb, and you could gatecrash the meeting by putting in your two cents, striking up a deal or something (which means that yes, you gauged it pretty correctly.) I don't wanna tell you how to do your shit, but you get the idea, and it can kinda go from there. Sorry about not being clearer. I kinda just whacked this out in a fit of excitement to be doing a historical thread.

And yes I can add some line breaks.

While we're OOCing, I may as well take the opportunity to ask. Reckon Mr.E would be interested in taking part in my quest after the arc? I bloody love this guy's character and they way you write him would be great for the arc. He'd get a first hand look at The Womb's origins and perhaps be able to piece together the true meaning of the universe (according to Womb's mythos)

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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The Womb
The Womb
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Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

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Age : 33
Job : Rapper/writer/cafe assistant
Humor : Abstract
Registration date : 2012-11-12

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Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Empty Re: Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight)

Post by Mr. E December 20th 2014, 10:11 pm

OoC: Glad to see I was spot on. Just wanted to be sure, because without you explicitly saying "Winter Fae" I didn't want to assume.

Link me to your quest, and I'll check it out, for now...


Through alien eyes the outsider surveyed the gathered horde. Oh how they thronged and writhed and reveled in their own splendor. How like the Fae were they in this. How unlike the Fae were they in so many other ways. "To decide ones fate, thus is what it means to be human." Free will. What would that be like? The grey skinned being pondered.

Nonsense. That's not something someone like he could ever grasp. Like explaining colour to the blind. But duty? Something else these humans seemed to have? Oh he understood that. And these humans were enemy to his enemy. They would serve to oust the Winter Fae from their stronghold in this region of the mortal realm.

So with his first stride forward, it carried him as far as a man of his height would be expected to move, then his second doubled that, and his third doubled that yet again. Again and again did his momentum increase, though his pace did not. A casual stroll, yet within ten strides did he stand by the mortal who was not mortal.

"You. Elder one. Like me, your Foe is not of this realm. Those of whom you speak art the race of Fae, of the Court of Winter, and they shall have thy eternal head skewered on a pillar of ice."

On that word he drew his blade, a variety of weapon man would not yet make for another several thousand years, and pointed it at the mountain upon which he stood moments ago. "Unless, your people doth do as I bid, and pull from that grey womb the cursed iron that lay within." To the Autumn Knight and his ilk, Iron was toxic, and would lay even the mightiest of Fae low.

"They shall fashion spear heads, and clubs from the cold material, and with that shall they smite their foes. Then, those weapons they fashioned shall be tossed into the sea, for it is not yet time for man to possess such tools. Should ye do as I decree your people shall triumph... Against this foe."

Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Cardimg_zpsd6e0437a Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Equipment
Mr. E
Mr. E

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Quote : When things go Bump in the night, I bump back.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 60
Location : Toronto Ontario
Age : 33
Registration date : 2013-01-13

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Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Empty Re: Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight)

Post by The Womb December 26th 2014, 11:33 am

Both Tur and his gathered followers were astonished to see a tall soldier melt through the shadows of the night and appear close to Tur's proximity. Tur was taken aback and almost lunged at the being and cursing at his guards for not stopping the assassin. However, the soldier stopped abruptly and informed Tur and the gathered throng of the enemy that they faced. Tur was naturally suspicious of such a creature and moved closer to examine the man. He was abnormally tall, clad in armor that seemed sturdy and of a very unique fashion. The man's face was not unlike a human's, yet it was different. The man's ears were long, his skin an odd complexion and his eyes were not of this world. Tur could not help but to be intrigued by this new being and addressed him.

"If what you say is true. Then I will see to it that what you have instructed will come to pass. I have with me the brightest thinkers, engineers, mathematicians and scientists in the land. There is naught that we can not do. However, in this world of deception and cowardice, how am I to know that what you say is true? As a leader, I must question your motives, on the surface it seems you are betraying your own kind for a higher purpose yet this may not be the truth. If I trust you, and dig; who is to say your kind will not swoop down on my people and snatch their lives away? If all of your kind possess such uncanny abilities, that have allowed you to pass by my guard unnoticed, what chances do my men have against such a foe? Give me proof of your word, and perhaps we may come to an arrangement," Tur declared.

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

The Womb's Bio
The Womb's Experience
The Womb
The Womb
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 273
Location : UK
Age : 33
Job : Rapper/writer/cafe assistant
Humor : Abstract
Registration date : 2012-11-12

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Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Empty Re: Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight)

Post by Mr. E December 28th 2014, 1:52 pm

"Mine word is good as gold as far as ye mortals are concerned. And they are no people of mine. They are usurpers and traitors. Knaves and black hearts. They have committed the gravest of crimes, and I will see them suffer and pay for it every moment they breath. Even on this, small mortal stage, I will see their plans derailed."

The knight's eyes shone, quite literally, with his rage. "If mine wrath doth not satisfy your trust, then I shall move on from the and thine waifs. But accuse me not of speaking a falsehood, for you only show your own ignorance towards my kin, that you think me capable."

He then looked to the assembled crowd. "Fear ye my powers? Well. Worry not. Only one in the field could meet my skills. He is the Knight of Winter, and a more fierce opponent you will not meet. But his followers are not without their strength. So draw ye iron from the bones of yon mountains or find thine selves crushed under Elven boot heel."

The knight turned back to Tur. "Speak now your decision God among Men. Lion among dogs. Speak now, and vex me with your indecision no longer."

Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Cardimg_zpsd6e0437a Ancient Wombopotamia (Closed to Autumn Knight) Equipment
Mr. E
Mr. E

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Quote : When things go Bump in the night, I bump back.

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Number of posts : 60
Location : Toronto Ontario
Age : 33
Registration date : 2013-01-13

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