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Chateau of vice (Invite)

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Chateau of vice (Invite) Empty Chateau of vice (Invite)

Post by Artemis November 16th 2014, 11:59 pm

Natalia sat in her club. More specifically she sat in a large booth in the back that had two guards standing at either ends of the booth. She could see most of the bar area from here. Just one of the main commodities her club had to offer. But most people come here for a bit of fun afterwards. As long as her guests paid there membership costs all that was offered here was at a discount, even the rooms. But to Natalia it was just business as usual.

As for what Natalia was wearing, she was dressed as the lotus queen, her alter ego that ran this joint so that she could live in mostly peace with her daughter. She wore a slim and elegant golden mask, encrusted with diamonds. It looked only decorative but it was far from it. It changed her voice into one completely different from her natural voice. Yet the voice it changed it to sounded natural and a bit on the seductive side. Not only that it changed her reddish-brown eyes to a deep sapphire blue. Her bright red hair had been disgusted as a sandy blonde. Even though it would usually hang free today it was up in a messy bun, held together by two long, gold hair pins encrusted with rubies. Her tattoo on her next was visible cause of this. A simple black lotus flower, to show she was part of the society. All members where required to have it on their body, regardless if they where just customers or employees. Natalia wore a long, low cut emerald colored dress with a high slit on the left side. She wore a pair of 4 inch black heels to match.

Overall Natalia relished being the Lotus Queen. She never had to hide her powers and she could actually have her hair up. She was a queen and loved to flex her powers on those who wrong her. She could be herself, something she couldn't do all the time, even around her beloved daughter. The moment Opal had been able to remember stuff Natalia had hide her powers from her daughter.

"My Queen, we have captured the traitor." One of her officers approached her. Her underlings knew better to annoy her unless it was important. A smiled crawled over Natalia's face as this was mentioned to her, she knew what this was about.

"Bring him here." said Natalia. The officer nodded and after a few moments returned with the captive. It was an holder gentleman, probably in his fifties. His name was Martin Gou, who up until his point was a low ranking member is the society, having just joined. He was beat up relativity bad, but still alive.

"Now, give me a good reason I shouldn't kill you for your treason Mr. Gou." said Natalia. She held up her hand and a piece of earth that was sitting on the table rose up and played among her fingers tips.

"You wouldn't dare to! Not with all these witness around." said Martin, his eyes full of hate and anger.

"Oh really? Look around you Mr. Gou. There was at least 4 off duty police officers, two judges and a state official here. I could kill you in front of them without even blinking, they won't tell because they are loyal and since they are loyal I treat them well. That isn't even the best part, they are royal and obedient. I fulfill their darkest desires in exchange for it. If I wanted to I could command them all to fuck in front of everyone and they wouldn't ask why, they would ask how hard. I have more power then you could ever dream. So I repeat myself, why shouldn't I kill you?"

"Because I know who you really are N-!" The man was cut off. The small rock that was dancing on her fingertips had flown right into the man;s head, killing him.

"Take him away and clean up this mess. While you are at it, see if Judge Monroe wants the body before you depose of it. His toys rots so damn quickly. Destroy anything and everything he could consider evidence as well. If you decide to take a peak well, you will share hi fate." With that Natalia returned to drinking her wine.
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Chateau of vice (Invite) Empty Re: Chateau of vice (Invite)

Post by Alpha November 17th 2014, 2:08 am

A slow clap would echo through the room, the sound of leather sheathed hands smacking against one another. This was accompanied by a low filtered chuckle, slipping through the room with a certain rhythmic sound that one could not deny was appealing in a strange way. Alpha had taken it upon himself to investigate this gentlemans club that he had heard of, stray allegations of it being some manner of den of crooks interesting him, but not as much as the one called The Black Lotus. No, this geokinetic mystery was what had drawn the elusive Alpha from his abode, curious almost as he had slipped amongst the corrupt. He was dressed in his typical attire, black jacket made of fine leather with a simple black shirt under that and black jeans that hugged his legs in a certain manner. All who had been watching the systematic execution would turn towards the one that was clapping.

”I had heard rumors, but to see it for myself, you are quite the elegant flower indeed.” Alpha would note loud enough perhaps for her to hear. He did not fear any sort of retaliation, even if it was more than likely to happen if he did not work this carefully. Grey orbs would peer from beyond the masks slits, looking over the female wreathed in elegant green, considering her worth rather carefully and perhaps keeping himself steeled against any sort of offense. For a second however he would turn to the now dead man that seemed to have known who this woman was, as he had managed one letter before he was silenced. Strange how he had managed to figure that out, but then again not like Travis truly cared about something like that. Removing the mask would take away some of the mystery behind this woman.

”I do have to admire your handiwork, so...efficient.” A single rock having punctured the skull, and killed them with minimal mess. A low chuckle would slip through his lips again, as he sighed and looked around. ”Do forgive my rude intrusion. I was planning to approach you earlier, but this display was too grand to disturb. A little criminal justice always goes a long way, especially with the judges here.” Alpha made sure to note he was aware of who these influential figures, were but then again he had no intentions of doing anything other than posture.

Last edited by Alpha on November 18th 2014, 12:52 am; edited 1 time in total

Chateau of vice (Invite) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Chateau of vice (Invite) Empty Re: Chateau of vice (Invite)

Post by Forceaus November 17th 2014, 8:59 pm

Doctor Xelek was a wanted man and as such, had been on the run. Staying hidden in a safe place for as long as possible until he was discovered and retreating to somewhere else when that happened. Occasionally he would commit some kind of crime of stealing technology to continue researching. The not so good doctor was being as opportunistic as possible. As such, when a possible opportunity arose recently, he took it. The thing was, it wasn't what he expected. About a week ago somebody had tracked him down and cornered him. That person, whomever or whatever they were, said they had an offer for him. One he should accept. Money and resources were promised, if he were to pass some sort of test. He had been brought to a place not far from New York city for it, and it had not been what he expected.

It had been over a week since then, and he was in New York city, and he was not alone. He had managed to impress the people that he had been asked to meet with enough to give him an opportunity. It had proven itself to be very difficult. In fact, he still had not fully passed their supposed tests. They had enlisted him for something. Xelek did appreciate what had been made available to him, but he was wary of his new potential allies. They were some strange people. Most of them had not even shown their faces to him. As far as he was aware, it was usually the superheroes that hid their identities. These people were definitely not superheroes. At best they were the darker kind of superhero. Though they were probably something else entirely. One of which had gone on about tearing somebody's insides apart the other day. Not very heroic sounding.

Now he was in a club being accompanied by two of his new friends. They had paid a lot to even get in. One of which was a young blonde woman whom was ordering drink after drink without slowing down at all. Where was she even putting it all? The other person was most likely a man in a metallic suit that had a strange feature about it. Words would occasionally scroll across it for no discernible reason. Xelek wasn't sure if those were his thoughts or just some random function of the suit. When he had asked, no answer came to him. In fact this one had not once spoken a single word. Perhaps he was unable to and the suit did the talking for him. The three of them were keeping to themselves for now as they waited for something.

Some sort of show began as a man was brought in and placed in front of the owner of the place. After a brief discussion between the two, the owner killed him with her power and then had the body disposed of.

"Is she the one we're here for." Xelek asked either of the two. "Are you going to have her join like I did?"

Neither of them spoke at first. The woman put down the bottle she was drinking from and informed him of something. "You haven't joined. Not yet. You're still going through the tests. This being one of them. And yes, she is whom we're here for." she concluded before picking the bottle up again and draining the rest of it.

"Well then." Xelek said now irritated at what he had just been told. "Shall we make our move?"

"After one more drink." the woman said as she ordered another one.

"Lady, I think I might have to cut you off. You've had over a dozen by now." the bartender said as he brought her next drink.

"It's my money. Let me spend it." she said as she drank some more.

In the meantime somebody else had approached the woman who owned this place instead. A masked man was now engaging her in a conversation. Xelek listened in on it to know what it was about.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Chateau of vice (Invite) Empty Re: Chateau of vice (Invite)

Post by Artemis November 18th 2014, 12:19 am

Natalia's sapphire eyes locked onto the the new voice. There stood what Natalia assumed to be a man, but he was covered from head to foot, so it was impossible to tell for sure. Natalia had met this guy before, back at Duval Corp. But that man didn't need to know that so she would act like this was her first time meeting the man.

"And who might you be my dear sir? A wanderer? What business would you have of me other then flattery." said Natalia with a smirk. She heard the bartender say he was cutting somebody off. It was kind of early for that in her opinion, it was only 9:14. She gaze traveled to the bartender. Once he noticed her gaze he nodded and served the girl who ordered the drink another, although this one was a slightly higher price. He noticed the three people at the bar. It seemed today she was seeing lots of people she wasn't used to seeing. She returned her attention back to the mystery man but used her seismic sense to keep a watch on the three knew people. Although she could see more then just those three people. Almost nothing was unseen with her seismic sense, just as long as it was touching the ground in some way. She could see the off duty police officers, the judges , the state official. She could even see one of her girls and costumers hidden in the broom closet not to far away. She knew of this affair for a while. The girl believed she had found the love of her life and was giving him freebies. Little did they know that both of their lives where on a short timer.

"The man knew the price of treason when he joined. It was his fault for choosing to try and get leverage over me. He really should of valued his own life more."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Chateau of vice (Invite) Empty Re: Chateau of vice (Invite)

Post by Alpha November 19th 2014, 10:30 pm

”Who am I? It’s a question I hear a lot, but for practical purposes I tend to go by Alpha.” He would answer the woman simply, hands clasping behind his back as he considered the criminal matriarch. Potential death wearing a mask of beauty, and another mask atop that. ”However, I am sure you have no interest in just hearing compliments, as hollow as they may be.” Alpha looked as unimposing as ever, but then again one that underestimated him, learned quick that he was no push over. ”I had come here to make a business proposition, with you of course. I am sure you would be interested once hearing my terms.”

Chateau of vice (Invite) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Chateau of vice (Invite) Empty Re: Chateau of vice (Invite)

Post by Forceaus November 19th 2014, 11:02 pm

Xelek and the other two continued to sit at the bar as they listened in on the conversation going on between the woman known as the Lotus queen that owned this place, and the masked man that had made his presence there known. The masked man identified himself as 'Alpha' and talked about making a deal with her. Xelek wondered not only what it was about, but whether or not it would be an obstacle for what he was here for. He was being tasked by these two to get on good terms with this Lotus queen for reasons that had yet to have been explained to him. Witnessing this was starting to worry him.

"Should we do something?" he asked either of them. Neither responded, but Xelek noticed something strange. The man's suit had the words 'Identifying', 'Establish', 'Possibility', and 'Recording' scrolling across it. What was with these words on him? Were these his thoughts? Xelek was still trying to make sense of him. He'd ask one of them, but knew they wouldn't answer. Xelek supposed he would just wait for an opportunity.

"What do you think this 'business proposition' of his is?" Xelek asked them hoping to actually get a response.

"I don't know. Maybe he has the hots for her." the woman responded as she attempted to keep the bartender from cutting her off. "Look." she said before he could respond. "Just make the offer we told you to and everything will be alright. Understand?" she finished looking rather annoyed.

"Understood." Xelek said equally, or perhaps more annoyed.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Chateau of vice (Invite) Empty Re: Chateau of vice (Invite)

Post by Artemis November 20th 2014, 12:04 am

Alpha? What kind of name was that? Natalia couldn't help but have her mind wandered to that funny little robot on a show she watched as a kid. But apparently this strangely named man had an offer to make.

"You waltz in here like you own the place and make demands to a queen. Now you are a risky one aren't you. Normally I would have to kicked out for such a thing, especially when coming unannounced. But I'm in a good mood after that execution so I'll humor you. Speak your terms and then we will see if we can do business." said Natalia, lifting her wine glass to her mouth and taking a sip. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a man staring. He seems to be an acquaintance of the woman who was driving her bar tended crazy. He seemed to be studying the strange pair from afar. Although if he was trying to be stealthy about it or not was up in the air.

"What about you over there. What do you think about all of this? I seem to be getting a lot of unwelcome visitors today." said Natalia after Alpha spoke his offer. Her eye's didn't move from Alpha but it was obvious who she was asking.

"Or is it you have something you want from me as well? Well don't just stare, what is it?"
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Registration date : 2011-02-26

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Chateau of vice (Invite) Empty Re: Chateau of vice (Invite)

Post by Alpha November 29th 2014, 4:34 am

Risky was perhaps not quite the right word for him, daring perhaps but Travis never took a risk that he did not have some idea about. If things grew dangerous, then he already had around three different ways that he could escape from the dangerous female. ”Lets say I’ve just heard rather interesting things, about you and this….society of yours.” Eyes would scan over all of the people gathered within the place, prominent figures that one would have called lawful. He had already remembered all of their faces, and EvE had pulled names for those face as well, he knew everything, and everyone except this mysterious woman. ”As I had said, I came here to see it for myself, but now with all doubt cast aside.” He removed a small drive would be removed from his coat pocket, barely visible between gloved fingers.

”I wish to propose a partnership. An alliance of sorts, afterall no man to accomplish their goals alone. Consider this a sort of…peace offering.” He said letting the drive levitate above his palm.

Chateau of vice (Invite) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Chateau of vice (Invite) Empty Re: Chateau of vice (Invite)

Post by Forceaus December 1st 2014, 6:39 pm

It was made obvious that the Lotus queen knew they were sitting over there and wasn't too thrilled about what they were doing. That just made things more complicated. Things possibly became even worse when the masked man known as Alpha made her an offer of a partnership. Now this was just unfortunate. Xelek was supposed to create a partnership with her and he felt she may not be interested in starting two in one night. Oh dear, what now? Should he just make the offer anyways and negotiate his way to success? He could probably throw in some extra things to make it more enticing. Oh, but what could he add in? "So, what now?" he asked of his two acquaintances.

"Just make the offer. If need be, I'll deal with with Alphie over there." the woman responded as she looked at him with utter disdain.

"Very well." he responded before standing up and walking to the center of the floor to stand not far from Alpha. He looked directly at the Lotus Queen as he addressed her in a somewhat friendly manner "My name is Ignatius Crauss. I am also known as Doctor Xelek. Me and my two acquaintances do have a reason for being here. The exact same reason that this man is here for actually." he said as he indicated Alpha. "Now, I understand if you may not be welcome to accepting two similar offers, but I assure you, we have a lot to offer you. Would you be willing to hear me out?" he asked wary of what may come next. He suspected this Alpha to take offense to what he was doing. He wondered if action would be taken against him, and if his acquaintances would do anything if such action were taken.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Chateau of vice (Invite) Empty Re: Chateau of vice (Invite)

Post by Artemis December 8th 2014, 2:18 pm

"You offer a partnership yet to neglect what you offer. If I accepted every partnership of every man in a suit I wouldn't be where I am today. I needed details, you got to start with a hook or no one is going to care. That's just basic business." said Natalia, her eyes staring at Alpha as if she could stab them just by looking at him. It shortly after that the other man spoke up. She recognized this name. Although she hadn't heard it in a while.

"Ah so the good doctor also comes to be for a partnership. Now tell me, what do you have to offer. Since both of you decided not to start with any sort of hook. I am growing rather bored of both of you. Would you both like some help on how to make an offer to someone?" said Natalia, her eyes shifted to Doctor Xelek.

"Or do you want your lackies to take over for you good doctor. Or are you just their lackey."
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Mega Poster!

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