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Cold snap [invite only]

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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 27th 2014, 6:20 pm

Rain fell down as usual, hitting his hood but finding a different reaction than usual upon doing so. It would hit the fabric, and slide down it rather than simply soaking into it as usual, and so the same would come of it hitting any part of him. One thing that Ryan did not have to worry about controlling was the smallest nuances of his power, it was either he didn't care about being wet or didn't want to, and now he did not want to. So that was how it would go now, or until his mind changed again, but it would not do so now. Moist sand squished under his feet as he walked out onto the beach, and took notice of the two males squaring off like they were going to fight, and that likely meant this was their manner of training. Within a matter of seconds his theory was proven right, though it did not require any sort of genius to figure that out.

The two would seemingly trade attacks with their powers, lighting and ice, canceling these attacks out and overall showing their control over them. Far more control over their powers than Ryan had but then again he had so little control that it was kinda minimal in the face of these guys. Sure he could do small things, nothing impressive, just small ice things, and splashing someone really hard with water. Soon enough they would notice him, and that was when things would likely get awkward for everyone. Explanations came, and to a degree it made more sense, defense he found easier when trying not to kill the other person. Large ice wall thing, and that tended to stop anything coming his way.

”Call it out? Yeah, I know how to do that.” Ryan answered with a nod. Okay, a question he could answer with some confidence, even if it were small.

Jordan Reynolds
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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Silus November 10th 2014, 6:41 am

"Alright. Starting simple. Gonna throw a weak one your way. Get ready and defend however you want. On the count of three." Nuriel called out as the rain tapped all around them. "3...2...1!" Nuriel called out unleashing a rather minor spike of ice (2 Ability) and sent it out at Deluge. The spike very well may have pierced a normal human, but Nuriel was dead-set that he could call the bolt back before it killed Ryan...if it came to that. It was a simple enough attack, it was clear that for a metahuman he wasn't very powerful, or he didn't intend for it to be very powerful. As of this particular moment of time it didn't take very much to defend against it. This portion was Nuriel examining his control and his ability to summon his power at will. This was a huge step in things, simply because it would prove to see how quickly and reflexively his power could be called forth.

If everything worked out here then there would be a good think to build from. If he had bad habits though, they needed to be broken ASAP. Cryokinesis was one of the more unforgiving powers, as this "Deluge" kid seemed to realize. One wrong move, one jittery action and there could be a lot of things that could go wrong. Nuriel learned too well what it was like to have such a cold and unforgiving power like Cryokinesis, hence the ice shards. He was just happy he was able to wrangle in his anger and angst to become a productive member of this meta-family... and now he wanted to do the same for this kid.

Cold snap [invite only] - Page 4 Lucife10
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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 10th 2014, 4:50 pm

Okay, so he had to defend himself however he wanted, that was something that Ryan could work with. Hopefully it wasn't something stronger than his norm, otherwise he would find himself in a heap of trouble. His mind prepared itself, reaching out for a small bit of his power, the portion that he could control and then working from that. They were at the moment on a wet beach, plenty of water to draw upon and hydro was much easier than cryo, so he could start with something simple from that branch. Still in panic the colder side of his power manifested, as the water rapidly shot out from the moist sand in a rapid motion, moving to stop the attack, but freezing along with multiple other bits of water that became a sort of impromptu ice shield.

It was this that the ice shard would collide with, sinking marginally in and sending small crack along the surface of. He had not out his full power behind it, no, going all out was a bad thing and lead to a lot of collateral damage. ”That.....went better than expected.” Ryan muttered.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 4 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Silus November 11th 2014, 1:56 am

Silus watched as Nuriel began the training. Ryan was doing well from what he could gather. Gadreel even got distracted and let himself take a little break to watch Ryan with Abbadon and Silus. Nuriel seemed to know what he was doing, granted no one could really figure out what he was instructing from that distance. The shock of finding Ryan had faded, and Silus was back into the same old soulless husk that he had just hours ago. It was odd though, for a moment he almost felt as if he wanted to have his soul back, as if finding it would be more for him than simply being able to keep himself safe from Hellshrike Sin. It was foolish though. At that moment it wasn't. All that...emotion, echoes of his soul being affected by his very perceptions and being strong enough to reach him. A testimony of how powerful the soul really is. But despite it's power it did not change the fact Silus was better without it.

Yancey/Castiel was concerned though. He saw Silus' descent back to the soulless Silus he had known since his return to this world. The price of what Silus paid for him to return to this realm was more than Yancey could ever want him to pay. At first it was an assumption that he was lonely, that he lost all of his friends. He would listen to his nightmares, a side effect of being soulless he assumed.

The whispers, the haunting that Silus went through was enough to torture Yancey by simply hearing it. So, with the information he had, he made two promises to Silus (though Silus was sleeping and didn't hear it). He first promised to find Ryan and to keep Silus safe, he promised that he'd never let anyone take his friends away from him again as long as he had the power to live. Then, he promised a promise he knew Silus would not want, but one that Yance himself desired. Yancey promised revenge. When he promised revenge he had three targets in mind. First, he would kill Kaisses and force him to answer for the death of Hocus. Then, he would hunt down and Sin. Finally he would indulge himself in both personal satisfaction and righteousness. He would kill Michael, no matter if he had to go through both Jordan's, if he had to go through Sean, or even Archon. Yancey was going to make them pay, specifically Hyperion. If that meant the destruction of the other fragments...well that was a price he was willing to pay.... no in all reality he never thought lose them was a possibility. He's not the brightest.

Silus smiled, but there was no emotion. His glowing eyes had died so long ago in feeling. No more fear. No more pain. But no more warmth, no more comfort, no more love. He was more of nothing than he was of being. But he was content it would seem. Ryan was one of the only things to ever get an echo of a response from the ever distant and elusive soul. Yancey's own arrival back in this realm being the other.

"Alright, a little tougher now, ready?" Nuriel said as he cracked his knuckles. "1...2...3! He called out as he sent a sphere of ice (4 Ability) to strike at the young male, confidant that he'd be able to block it.

Cold snap [invite only] - Page 4 Lucife10
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