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Cold snap [invite only]

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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Silus October 14th 2014, 8:00 pm

Yancey didn't really say much, he just looked to Deluge and then placed a hand on his shoulder, and then he moved swiftly to hug him. Things finally made perfect sense and Yancey felt BAAAAD for everything. True enough competition, but still a friend, and still a big enough person to know when to isolate himself. Yancey allowed himself to be cloak in light, the light keeping any intruding ice at bay as Yancey kept himself latched onto Deluge. "We'll help you...promise." Yancey said with a sigh as he let go of Deluge and smiled at him. "It's time to get some friends of ours in here!" He said with a smile as he backed away and stepped over to one of the many tables and stood up on it. He let out a loud whistle, catching everyone's attention. Everyone grew silent and looked to him, a couple people laughing at him, but Yancey just ignored them with a little clearing of his throat. "G-guys! Listen up...please. We need to get ahold of Metatron and Lucifer! Deluge here is a guest of theirs and we're gonna make him feel at home! Because we know what it's like to be far from home and a little lost. Lost in direction, lost with out powers...lost with out hearts. So make him feel welcome!" Yancey said, everyone seemed to nod and a few people let out "wolf howls" and others just cheered like it were a new person joining a party. Yancey stepped down and walked back towards Ryan.

"I think Lucifer and Metatron are people you'll find familiar. They'll be able to help." Yancey said as a couple people had meandered over to him and Ryan. The first one being a due with a pony tail, dressed out in biker gear, and the other one having short, curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes, pale skin a thicker human being, muscular even with a rather intense stare. The man with the pony tail and gruff facial hair held out his hand. "Hey there Newbie! Name's Nuriel! This is Baraciel. Nice too meet ya!" Nuriel said as he offered his hand.

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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 14th 2014, 8:45 pm

So now the male knew, but Ryan was not quite expecting the reaction that came about, which was far more kind than he could have ever hoped for. It started with a hand on his shoulder but ended up with him being wrapped into a hug, drawing a small surprised gasp from him as he felt the warmth against him once again. That for a second made him wonder if the cold was bothering the male, the one that seemed to constantly radiate from him, as he would not want to inconvenience this person who seemed to be some kind of friend to him. He was hugging a person that could kill accidentally with a touch, something that did not sit too well with him, but it seemed like he was not freezing, so that might be why he was doing so. Still, he was taken aback by the sudden show of affection, not used to the whole thing, and trying to choke back any sort of show of emotion. Worst, or best of all he was willing to help him.

He would have thanked him, but it seemed that speechlessness had taken ahold, leaving him a silent mess as the angelic male would continue with what seemed like a sort of rallying deal. Someone named Metatron and Lucifer were mentioned, making him wonder for a moment who this Lucifer was, and if they were pretty important to this thing, along with someone who sounded like Megatron rather than their actual name to him. Apparently however he was supposed to find these two to be familiar, which hopefully meant they were friends of some kind, but he would only find out once he met them. However two people approached him, one offering their hand after an introduction, seeming friendly enough to counterbalance the rather intense glare of the other one. ”Hi, its nice to meet you too.” He said trying to go for the friendly approach, forgetting mostly about the whole skin contact thing, and extanded a hand forward to shake the males.
Jordan Reynolds
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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Silus October 16th 2014, 3:30 am

Nuriel touched his hand and immediately turned into Ice, shattering instantly and falling down in shimmering frosty shards like snow. Nuriel's little trick when he met everyone. He'd touch them, turn into ice and then disappear. Ryan no doubt would freak out, but then again most people did. Yancey Immediately kept himself at Deluge's side and yelled at Nuriel. "Nuriel! STOP IT HE'S AN ICE MANIPULATOR!" Yancey snapped as he rushed to Deluge and wrapped his arms around him, trying to hold onto him like he had to do to stop Silus' nightmares. But he wasn't sure what he was able to do. The "shaved ice" then began to spiral up and reform as the man then reverted himself to human fles, perfectly as he was before. "W-woah man I-I didn't know! CAS I DIDN'T KNOW!" He called as he backed away and his breath showing in his panic. Yancey nodded to Barachiel and kept his attention focused on Deluge.

"Hey! You okay? You okay man?" He asked, voice full of worry as he couldn't begin to imagine the potential fear that Ryan must have been feeling.

Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Lucife10
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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 16th 2014, 3:47 am

It was the moment that skin made contact to skin that his worst fears seemed to have come true within an instant. Flesh would become as ice, as the cold spread along the once vibrant tissue, converting water to ice, and reducing them to a sentient statue of frozen water, yet still believably flesh. It was within that moment that he found all things stop, as if he had silently hoped that this was all a dream, that this was not happening and in a violent shattering the body would fall apart into fragments. The frozen fractions of a person would fall to the ground, Ryan looking to his hand in silent shock, legs growing weak and breathing growing difficult. He did not hear it personally, but he was beginning to hyperventilate slightly, and then falling on his rear, still looking at the hand that had touched them.

It had happened again, he had killed someone, and  the only thing he could see was the sight of them freezing in his mind. He barely registered the person wrapping their arms around him, but once he did, he found himself trying to push them away, using any portion of his arms except his hands themselves as if afraid that he would accidentally do the same to him. Even if he had not done so, the realization that he could was more than enough. He was dangerous, and he would only hurt the people around him eventually. He opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was a small amount of incoherent mumbling as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Silus October 16th 2014, 5:05 am

Deluge was fighting to break free as Yancey let go of him. Yancey wouldn't let him go that easily, but for the moment he'd let him have his space, as long as he didn't run away. Yancey glared at Nuriel and the Cryokinetic just shook his head and blinked at Deluge. "Dude I am so sorry!" He sighed as he bit his lower lip and walked away, apparently convinced that he wasn't helping anything. Yancey stayed with Deluge, still genuinely worried about Ryan. "Deluge, it wasn't your fault, he did it himself. He controls ice too! It's alright, I promise." Yancey said as he stood in front of Ryan and tried to stare him down. "You gotta trust me...I promised you it would be fine... please trust me." It almost sounded like he were pleading with Ryan right then when suddenly, out of the trees arms wrapped around Deluge's back and squeezed him. Little arms to be specific, ones that Yancey didn't even see coming. Yancey smiled though when he noticed the little arms had a very familiar cloth attached to them. Or rather an article of clothing, a burgundy brown hoodie to be more specific.

  "I MISSED YOU!" The words were loud but slightly muffled as half of Silus' face was buried into Deluge's back with one cheek pressed in and the arms secured like gorilla glue. Silus nuzzle din there as a secondary familiar face looked to Deluge and smiled rather big. His "adoptive brother" of sorts, Amir was there too laughing as he ran up to Deluge and laughed as he seemed to run right into him in order to wrap him up as well. Deluge was surrounded by people he loved and Yancey was sure to let the light subtly take to them, preventing the harm and freezing over of the little guys. "Feel like home yet? I could always start a bath." Yancey asked with a wink before folding his arm and smiling as Silus and Amir seemed to immobilize him from the waist down.

Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Lucife10
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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 16th 2014, 3:01 pm

Castiel had allowed him his space, which helped more than one would have expected. He did not believe he would hurt another friend, still the initial panic needed a chance to fade away. The haze over his senses seemed to have lessened some, Ryan inhaling deeply, and sniffling as he did so. Yancey's words were not entirely lost on him, but he found himself wondering what he could do to help, there was nothing really anything that anyone could do to stop him from freezing people. Well aside from killing him, and even he would have shrunk from that rather harsh sounding conclusion. Still, the sentiment was enough to calm him down slightly, even if it was only by a small margin. However he then found himself with arms wrapped around his torso, drawing a small surprised reaction, and the small voice proving all too familiar. The question of why they were here was the question though, as he was not expecting to meet Silus here of all place, but then again stranger things have happened.

Well no, he found himself that he was being hugged by two people, another partially familiar person by the name of Amir. Ryan ran the back of his hand along his cheek, brushing away a small frozen piece of ice that one could assume was some manner of tea, looking down to it on his hand before letting it fall soundlessly to the floor. ”I....missed you too.” He said just loud enough for the two to hear, before taking notice of what Castiel said and looking to him with a raised brow for a moment, curious of what he meant. The wink however put across some kind of meaning, which cause him to reflexively turn red. He could have said it felt like home, but part of him forgot what that had felt like.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Silus October 16th 2014, 5:29 pm

"Ryan where did you go?" Silus asked as he pulled back a little, wiping his own eyes. Amir was pretty calm and collected. One might even be able to use the expression that he was "Zen as fuck" but he still seemed more than happy to have Ryan back. Silus on the other hand was just tears of joy over there. Not that he was letting many through. Trying to act big and tough for whatever reason, something about it was endearing, though something about it bothered Yancey ever so slightly. Silus seemed to be nothing but a beaming smile and all happiness and sunshine now, which was scarring and jarring to an extent. But ultimately the smile on his face was deemed worth it as Cas smiled at Ryan and backed away, obviously not wanting to get in the way of a reunion, or not feeling welcomed any longer. Silus took note, but unfortunately his child-like enthusiasm for having a lost one come back was sort of president on his priorities.

"Why did you run off?" Amir asked as Silus looked up at Ryan with the big piercing indigo eyes. Despite the energized glow having long gone, the eyes were still rather unique. Amir's question was a highly anticipated answer. Unfortunately in situations when you're asked that question and Silus had his pleading face on it made you feel absolutely terrible. Like you killed his puppy. Thankfully Ryan did no such thing, as Ryan was still drawing air.

Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Lucife10
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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 16th 2014, 6:08 pm

The question asked was a simple one, but the answer was not as easy sadly. He had run away, that much was sure. He had run away because he was afraid that he would hurt someone, that more people would die because he couldn't control what felt like it could not be controlled. Ryan had tried, multiple times even but each time it came to about the same results, nothing happened other than him managing to lose control, though luckily no one had been around to witness it or find themselves in its wake. One thing that he did notice was that the male was wiping his eyes, which probably meant that Ryan had managed to make him cry somehow, not a good thing really. That assumption however seemed to conflict with the smile on his face, which confused him somewhat. ”I....went places.” He didn't really know where he went, the cities he went through were mostly unknown to him.

Looking into the strange indigo eyes peering up at him, he still found himself somewhat distracted by the color, furrowing his brows slightly as if considering how to answer the question. He could have tried to ignore the question, but the looks being thrown at him, it was unfair almost. Still, if they wanted an answer, they would have that answer even if it was likely poorly worded. He stuttered for a moment, grasping for an answer, but only one really came about. ”I...didn't want any of you to die.”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Silus October 18th 2014, 6:32 am

Amir was just as calm and patient as ever, though he was excited to see the once-homeless Hydrokinetic again. He worried for Ryan, but he was a child of faith and knew that regardless what happened it was for a greater plan of some kind. Silus found himself less than okay with this though. His eyes watered and silently tears streamed and a look that could only be described as "Pissed" was plastered all over his face with narrowed eyes, mouth pressed into a line that then curled into a frown and to little balled up fists of white knuckles at his side. If he had half a brain Ryan would know the child wanted to deck him, but unfortunately Silus didn't even process wanting to hit the other male, so instead he just hugged him again and shivered as the chill finally reached him. The other "group members" seemed to back away as they gave them space and the drama was dying down. Well the initial drama anyway. Silus was just getting started. Well...maybe not. Crocodile tears are hardly the drama of legends.

"Why would we die?" He grumbled as he kept latched to his friend, before letting go in fear of anything. Ryan could tell him he'd freeze to death, but Silus wasn't going anywhere. He settled himself down and sighed as he stepped back, Yancey's attention was drawn with a little growl, quickly he whistled to grab Amir's attention. The little Indie-stani kid "He's having a hard time controlling his powers. If you could do your like...helping stuff like you did with Nuriel and Barachiel that'd prolly do the trick." He offered up before walking over to the heater, grabbing his shirt and a random person's beach towel before heading for the door. He walked down the hallway silently, relatively unnoticed by the gang until he made it up the spiraling stairs of the Lighhtouse base and reaching the door to the old boat storage place factory thingamajigg. Once he stepped out he could feel a chill. It wasn't natural really, sure natural for rain but Yancey rarely ever knew rain to be so cold and chilled on a normal sunny day like this. Well, what HAD been warm and sunny, until he thought it best to drag that homeless kid back here. Yancey grumbled as he was confused as to how he could be so attached and feel so sympathetic to a homeless kid one minute and then regret meeting him in the next. Yancey didn't go far, just off the the left silently as he went down to the beach side, sitting in the semi-wet sand with one of the other member's towel over him like he were some form of monk or something.

"Yo. Whatchu doin' with my towel?" A familiar voice prompted Yancey to turn and smile, though Gadreel didn't seem to be smiling as he stopped just behind Yancey and cocked his head to the side as he looked down. "Only you would steal something and smile when you got caught." he scoffed before shaking his head and smiling partially. It hit him then that something was up. "Well scoot over ya dork, make room. I ain't gettin' wet AND listenin' to ya complain..." He sighed as he yanked at the towel and manifested a barrier around Yancey, the rain bouncing off of it and rolling down the sides of it as Gadreel covered himself in the damp towel.

Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Lucife10
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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 18th 2014, 7:11 am

Lookin to Silus he could register something from the young males expression, as brief as that was anyway. He thought perhaps the male was intending to hit him, but then again that was rather presumptuous on his part, as what followed was a hug rather than a slug. Ryan blinked, confused somewhat by the expression that did not really seem to come before a hug, but he did not really deny the gesture, as that felt like it would be just too rude or something like that. Still, he would be asked about why they would die, and that meant he would have to answer that question the best way he could, as he did the one before it. Still, he could feel the younger male shiver against him, likely finally feeling the unnatural cold and perhaps then he would see that Ryan was not as safe to be around as one would think.

”Its kinda how it goes, everything I touch dies.” Ryan noted flexing the fingers of his right hand, making sure they did not make contact with the mop headed male, though they had made sure to make a small amount of distance between them. With a sigh, he ran his fingers through his hair, lightly freezing the water along the surface of his hair and creating a sort of frosted effect, not that it was the intended effect. If someone could help however, that would have been....a miracle almost or something else along those lines.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Silus October 19th 2014, 6:29 am

"w-well I'm not dead..." Silus said as he nuzzled into Ryan a little before letting the male go and walking away, apparently not wanting to talk right now. He made his way to Amir and then shuddered a little with a small and oh so forced smile. S-s-so do yo-you think we can help him?"" Silus asked with a little shudder, the lingering cold taking a moment to leave from his trembling jaw. Amir just nodded and kept his typical calm and relaxed smile. [color:8bac=9999ff]"Yes. I already know how his power works but getting him to understand it himself and to get used to it will be much harder. Just like Nuriel it will probably take him a long time to master." Amir said with a slight frown, noticing how Silus seemed to slink into a sort of sorrow at the thought of Deluge taking a long time. "Relax. At least we can help him and he'll be bale to come home eventually. We could have lost him for good... we need to be happy we still have him." Amir said with a reassuring smile and a hand on Silus' arm. Little did either of them know that the pathokinetic's abilities nudged Silus to smile and nod, appreciating the fat he would have his friend back sooner rather than later...if all went well.

"Deluge...I'm sorry. I really didn't know. I mean no one around here even has water based powers. I'd never thought that you might have this power too..." Nuriel said as he came back with tension now running on the down slope, or at least the drama having soothed over a little. Barachiel seemed to walk over and stand by Deluge and sigh. "Hey, We uh...we both know what it's like to have a hard time controlling our powers. Lightning can be a little tricky too. But uh...if you ever wanna mess around with your powers a little, try and get a better grip on them by practicing with 'em then Nuriel and I go out on the beach and run a little back and forth with the powers...might help ya get a better grip." Barachiel offered, trying to be offhandedly, but rather convenient considering the placement.

Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Lucife10
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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 19th 2014, 7:08 am

No, of all people Silus wasn't dead. If there was one thing he could take in, it was that he wasn't, and that was something that Ryan did not want changing anytime soon. Not someone that he called a friend, even if something told him that friend was angry with him. Still, the feeling of someone hugging him was appreciated, even if it was contact separated by thick jackets. Still, that hugging sensation ended, and he was left sitting there looking down to his hand once again, clenching his fingers and causing the knuckles to turn bone white. Hopefully his powers had not inadvertently ruined his life in some way again, that would be perhaps the cruelest thing ever. It was the sound of a voice that drew him from his internal turmoil, the voice of the person that he had assumed he froze only a few moments ago, but the panic had for the most part passed.

Apologies would materialize, but it wasn't as if Ryan was the type to hold a grudge, atleast against anyone other than himself. No one would have really guessed his powers, unless his weird codename was any sort of indication of that anyway. Regardless of obvious things, Ryan sighed and pushed himself to his feet, exhaling and taking note of the cloud of breath that had escaped from between his lips. ”Its fine.” Ryan said with a sigh, picking his jacket up from the heater and placing it on once again, enjoying the instant feeling of warmth against his horribly cold body. It seemed that  even with this warmth, the cold would still win out in the end. The other male spoke about not being able to control ones powers, and so it seemed that he was not alone in that atleast. ”You....could help?” Perhaps he sounded more hopeful than anticipated but then again he was rather hopeful.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Zell October 25th 2014, 6:54 am

"Yeah. It's not so hard once you got practice. I mean sure it's scary as Hell when you don't know what's gonna happen at first, but I can keep you from freezing Barachiel here. And can't freeze me. So no reason to worry about it right? If you want to practice we'll be out there." Nuriel offered with a smirk as he hit Barachiel's shoulder and turning to walk towards the exit. Barachiel rolled his eyes as he looked back to Ryan and sighed. "You should come, best way to control it is to use it in repetition." He said as he smiled and turned to walk and follow Nuriel's path. They both wanted Deluge to follow them, but ultimately they were going to practice, one way or another. Yancey took note of all of this before he made his little mission to get out and see Deluge put his power through it's paces. Yancey pulled at Abaddon before motioning to the new guy. She looked to Yancey then scoffed as she turned, strutting over, her red hair flowing behind her in an upright pony-tail, black leather on and a rather dark vibe from her. She was a real "Black Widow" type from the looks of things. She would follow Ryan wherever he went, be it to Silus, be it to the beach for training...or even if he never moved. Regardless she was watching.

Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 25th 2014, 7:12 am

So they could help him with his power? If one looked close enough, they could see the faintest of a glimmer of hope there, enough that he considered actually going with them to do The cryokinetic could keep him from freezing someone, from hurting them again and that was enough to take away some of the fear, he could take a first step forward. Afterall, Ryan had never trained with someone who had similar powers, so maybe this would help in the end. His eyes followed the male somewhat, hazel orbs moving to watch them as they went and a low hum escaped his lips as he considered what to do. Stand here and feel sorry for himself or follow after them, maybe learn something that would help. Control was what he wanted, and he could not get it any other way than trying, so he would go along.

Adjusting his hood, Ryan would step out into the rain once more to follow the males, the heavy downpour now nothing more than a heavy drizzle. Another exhaled cloud as his mind ran over something, and with what appeared like a casual motion, the water ran out from his clothes into a puddle on the floor, leaving him perfectly dry. With that small thing done, he would follow along after the two to wherever it was they were going.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Zell October 27th 2014, 6:40 am

They were on the beach. The wet sand beneath their feet as Nuriel stood about five meters off, and Barachiel stood in his combat ready stance. With a flash, a branch of lightning crackled off towards the ponytailed biker. Nuriel fired out a bolt of ice from his own hand and upon collision with the lightning bolt the ice shattered into a dust like powder. With the closing of his fist, the powder condensed and collided together, forming spikes, a half dozen, each the length of a pencil but the girth of a sharpie. The spikes flew out at Barachiel The spikes whistled as they sheered through the air with immense force. Barachiel's hands together, rubbing as he created friction and heat before pulling his hands apart. As if there were yarn interwoven between his fingers he pulled and forced his hands apart and managed to use it as a "dreamcatcher" of sorts, destroying the ice to its very foundation. It didn't take long before he let his hands pull back together with a smack before sticking his hands out and a sword like projection fired out. Ice ruptured out of the ground as a pillar before the lightning his it, toppling it. Nuriel simply used it as a prop before jumping off, avoiding the initial lightning strike.

They then noted Deluge joining them on the beach, Barachiel having a bit of a surprised smile on his face and offering nothing other than a shocked smirk and a nod in welcoming. Nuriel clapped as he noticed him. "YEEEA! Attaboy! Lez go! Alrighty, listen up boyo. This is how it goes. One person is the target. We throw an attack, you block it. You know how to call your power out right?" Nuriel asked, seeking clarity.

Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

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Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Cold snap [invite only] - Page 3 Empty Re: Cold snap [invite only]

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 27th 2014, 6:20 pm

Rain fell down as usual, hitting his hood but finding a different reaction than usual upon doing so. It would hit the fabric, and slide down it rather than simply soaking into it as usual, and so the same would come of it hitting any part of him. One thing that Ryan did not have to worry about controlling was the smallest nuances of his power, it was either he didn't care about being wet or didn't want to, and now he did not want to. So that was how it would go now, or until his mind changed again, but it would not do so now. Moist sand squished under his feet as he walked out onto the beach, and took notice of the two males squaring off like they were going to fight, and that likely meant this was their manner of training. Within a matter of seconds his theory was proven right, though it did not require any sort of genius to figure that out.

The two would seemingly trade attacks with their powers, lighting and ice, canceling these attacks out and overall showing their control over them. Far more control over their powers than Ryan had but then again he had so little control that it was kinda minimal in the face of these guys. Sure he could do small things, nothing impressive, just small ice things, and splashing someone really hard with water. Soon enough they would notice him, and that was when things would likely get awkward for everyone. Explanations came, and to a degree it made more sense, defense he found easier when trying not to kill the other person. Large ice wall thing, and that tended to stop anything coming his way.

”Call it out? Yeah, I know how to do that.” Ryan answered with a nod. Okay, a question he could answer with some confidence, even if it were small.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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