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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Zell August 5th 2014, 3:51 am

There was going to be a time for explanation so it would seem. The avoiding of the details weren't exactly able to be done any longer, and so it was time for them to have a serious conversation regarding the situation at hand. The situation that Yamm caused, but a situation none the less. Zell closed his eyes and shook his head and in a blur of color the world seemed to bleed together, like water were suddenly wiping reality away and the entire family, and all those present would find themselves within the Atterrius household. Zell cleared his throat and looked to his children with a smile and then to Sean and a sigh. "There you go. I have new powers I've recently awoken." Zell said very plainly as he cleared his throat and made his way to Silus, running a hand through the little guy's hair and sighing. He looked to Shael and smiled as he knelt down and wrapped his arms around his grandson as he squeezed him. "Good to have you back buddy." He said as he released and looked to Yamm, who seemed less than happy with Zell's given response.

"Bullshit. Tell them everything!" He demanded, the authority in his voice almost making Zell oblige out of sheer nature. The point was though, that he was not to be commanded. He was above Matthew, and he would not be submissive to a Primordial. But what he said next was bound to keep things stirring. "Zell please. I know you love him but he's a fucking dick. He's my friend and I can tell ya he's a dick! Don't give up your life for his happiness. He's KILLING you Zell!" Matt said, motioning to Sean calling him a friend. Perhaps it's because that's what Yamm once knew him as... still did to be honest. Just thinks he a dick regardless. "I know you're just trying to make him happy, but... he deserve to choose." Matt said. Zell glared at him and a scowl was on his face as he scoffed and rolled his eyes. He licked his lips and looked to Sean and cleared his throat. "Guys...can you give us a couple? Dragon stay! Not you Jordan..." He ordered clarifying as the kids vacated the room. He sighed as he closed his eyes and his eyes began to water.

"Sean... I've recently be awoken to the fact that...I'm an Existential entity." Zell said with a sigh, as if he were breaking heavy news. Which to him he was, but to Sean... well who knows?

What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Arcana August 5th 2014, 4:21 am

Sean considered what Zell had said with a raised brow, about his having new powers when he supposedly did not have any. How long had he had these powers and how long did he intend to hide them from his family? Not that he planned to really complained, looking down to Shael who was sitting on the floor with legs crossed. His face was strangely merry, not that Sean would really complain about how happy the child looked when that was supposedly his usual expression. It was what yam said however that caused some confusion, seeing as how he kind of yelled bull shit out loud. Alexander turned to Matthew with an equally puzzled expression, one eyebrow raised as he adjusted his glasses. Next thing he knew the dragon was calling him a dick….alright that was fair enough. He was kind of a dick, that was something that he could admit; he was a dick but what did that have to do with anything.

Sean considered powering up a little to silence the primordial, but decided against it, only grimacing lightly as he continued with his tirade. It seemed that this was going somewhere, and he wanted to know where. Michael however looked to the dragon, and did not really have much of a reaction, beyond bemused smirk. However once Zell teld most of them to leave, he would do just that, with Shael tagging along by his heels as that left the three alone in the room, with Sean clenching his fists tight enough that the knuckles turned white. What the dragon was getting at he did not know, but he had a feeling that he would find out soon enough, and he wondered if it was something he wanted to know. He turned from Yamm to Zell with a curious expression, taking note of the watering in his eyes and frowning over so lightly. His confession however was confusing, as Sean did not understand what he meant in the last, and that only lead to more confusion.

”You’re….an existential entity? Wait what the fuck does the dragon mean about me killing you?” Something was going on, and he wanted answers.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Zell August 6th 2014, 12:05 am

Well this situation was unavoidable. No, literally. Zell knew this was coming months in advance, but there was no getting around it. Believe it or not, this was the past of the least damage done. All other options would have ended far more horribly. But it's not as if his family could possibly comprehend that, they were but stick figures on paper in their comprehension. It was not a matter of mental capacity mind you, it was a question of experience and enlightenment. An enlightment not earned, nor trained...but an enlightenment that was selected, not by himself, but by whatever it was that made him what he was. Sean responded with anger, but not towards Matt as one might have expected, but towards Zell. Of course Sean wouldn't know what an existential being is, that would be too easy, wouldn't it? Once again Zell would need to explain himself thoroughly and entirely. "Sean I've literally just learned within the past two month that I am a manifestation of existence. Not the way you and everyone else is... but the primal essence of Origin, of existence itself. I am the manifestation, the vessels of it. The Archon Energy, the fundamental energy of all existence creates a Zell Atterrius in every single realm throughout the entire Omniverse. Once the time comes that Zell Atterrius "wakes up" and realizes the power it holds. Sean, I'm literally an infinite being that is spanning across innumerable universes at a single moment, living in all of them and interacting with people in all of them as an individual. It's not a hive-mind, it's literal existence. I know you in several realms, but I bet you didn't even know you were in other realms, did you?" Zell began to explain, but then he was stopped as he heard Matt cough. He looked back to Matt, who handed him a piece of paper and a pen. Zell's hand snapped out and ripped it put of the dragon's clutches, obviously displeased at his circumstance.

"Look at this. See this piece of paper? This represents the plane where you, Silus, Michael and I exist. Now if I drew us all here...and drew a circle around us." He did, drawing stick figures and a circle around them. "You can't pass through this circle without having to penetrate it or tear it down. I am not really drawn on the piece of paper. I am the person who's drawing. I can move through or rearrange the things outside the circle without the need to truly break through or penetrate it... because I'm the one drawing. The reason I'm here right now is because I literally drew myself on the paper with you." Zell said. He sighed as if he were uncertain how his explanation would hold out. Matt crossed his arms and looked to Sean, as if he were completely fine, not taking any harsh or commanding tone as he did with Zell. "He's a fourth dimensional being who pinned himself down to the third dimension. Kind of lie Christians believe God in the flesh was Jesus. Zell is the Archon Energy in the flesh... which brings us to how- Zell don't walk away." Matt said as he looked to Zell who seemed to be moving towards the door. Zell held a hand up and waved Matt off.

"I'm not walking off, I'm moving to the couch." Zell said as he sat down and sighed. He then rubbed his eyes and looked to Sean. "Because I am what I am... when the Abyss swallows a kills that realm...and I AM that realm...I'm all realms...kinda... so when A realm get's killed I tend to get a little sick it's not a big de-." Zell said calmly, as if he were trying to relay it's not a big deal. But Matt was there still, so there was no way that was going without being exposed as a downplayed scenario. "When Sean unleashed the Nazi-dead you lost all lung function in rout right lung, your hear went into a heart beat of 230 and you ere bleeding from the eyes." Matt rolled his eyes. "So just kills the vessel..." Zell said, seemingly more like a teenager than ever, missing the point entirely. "Dude. I'm all for wanting people you love to be happy, but this is unhealthy. You were going to let yourself die just so he can eat another realm." Matt said with a scoff and walking towards the door, stopping by Sean. "Sean. I know you're still in there. I know you'll do the right thing... but you should make him tell you the truth about Ouroboros... OR I WILL." He said, saying that last part out loud, causing Zell to shirk back. Matt was sort of shocked to see him sink his head down and lean back into the couch as if he were trying to hide and not cry. Oh god...that's where Silus got it from. Matt rolled his eyes and stepped out of the room, allowing Sean and Zell space... much to Zell's dismay.

What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Arcana August 6th 2014, 12:46 am

So far the existential thing kinda confused him, because mostly he did not understand how it worked really. Especially the whole omnidimensional thing, considering the just did not understand the concept, and Sean was not always the brightest around; never could claim to be really. However when he spoke of the omniverse, it made Sean think of the multiverse which it likely was referring to, just with a different name. Sean intertwined his fingers, clenching hands together until the knuckles turned white and he considered all of what was being said. The whole demonstration with the paper heled him make some sense of it, though from what he could tell there was only logical conclusion within his mind, even if it were not true. ”Wait….does that make you God?” He asked with a raised brow, resting both hands on his lap as he considered Zell with perhaps apprehension, or skepticism. So what? Was he like sleeping with God or something? The thought alone made Sean chuckle to himself, if only for a brief second, then rolled his eyes at the irony of it all. If that were the case, then everything was far different than he had imagined it.

Still, what was said about what happened in Germany caught Sean off guard, if only because he had not been expecting it. That had caused that much damage to Zell? He felt as if the air had been knocked out of him, leaving him shocked and with a mouth gaping open for a moment, as he then tried to catch his breath. For a moment everything else seemed to pale to insignificance as he his mind focused upon one fact, and that was he was killing Zell, that he was hurting someone he loved. His head grew cluttered, as everything seemed to slow down for a moment as the truth continued to sink in painfully, leaving him in that strange state. Its in your nature, to kill and consume. The small voice spoke within his mind, his titan nature rearing up and compelling him. Even when suppressed he could still hear it, sometimes at the back of his mind yet now it was almost whispering in his ear, compelling him to kill and consume. One thing however was that it always reminded him of what he had done, as if his mistakes were the reason why all of this were happening.

One thing that did however stick within his mind was one thing, and one thing only, that he was truly a monster. However his attention turned when Yamm said something about Ouroboros and the truth about Ouroboros, the male realizing that his eyes were growing moist, and that dark voice growling within at the weakness spilling through. ”What does he mean by the truth about Ouroboros?” Sean asked now a little curious.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Zell August 7th 2014, 12:40 am

Of course. The whole "God" question came to perspective. So badly he wanted to be snarky or sarcastic with the whole: "Yes... You're sleeping with God...the same God who said this kind of relationship was wrong." Did he really think that? No, Zell knew better...and he hoped Sean did as well. Sean was likely using it as a reference, or a close comparison at the least. Zell smirked and shook his head. "I'm not God. I'm just the biggest kid on the playground, with a heart three times too big..." He said, he was honestly waiting to bust Matt listening in and correcting him saying "Yeah, a heart so big you'd let your husband kill you to make him happy." or something to that effect. Honestly that was true...if Sean wanted him dead...go ahead and kill me. But the issue was the reality they were in. The Realm. He needed to keep it safe. That was his duty, and because of that he would NEVER allow the Titan's to conquer this realm. Though he found himself in an awkward situation. The Titan situation to be exact. They had claimed 12 Realms, and from what he could gather from his Titan-born vessel, born under the Abyss' existence, all he could tell was that they were really itching to expand. Zell felt another presence within Sean...he felt it through the rings, though he didn't know what it was...yet... but he did know it wasn't pretty. It was a temptation that needed dealt with. Now.

   "I-Sean it's better if you just don't know..." Zell said with a sigh as he ran his hand through his hair and his voice cracked. He stopped his hand through his hair half way and slowed before sighing and letting his hand fall. "But you deserve to know...I can't tell you... but I'll show you." Zell said as he closed his eyes. This was not going to be easy by any means. He produced the Immortal's Masque and handed it to Sean, pointing to his own face, as if demonstrating what to do. When Sean put it on, is very soul would be seized, though not maliciously. It would be enveloped and it would pull him into the heart and mind of Zell, allowing him to see the events that had transpired. The Lych...he was trying to protect Zell...and when the violation befell Zell, The Lych executed them in a way that even the Abyssal one could cringe. Tearing away at them, grating day after day, baths of lemon juice and chlorine. For years, for what he had done to violate the little boy. It was even revealed that The Lych's distrust of Sean came form the Titan heritage, thinking of them as devourers that would chomp up everything, and then starve as the Void claimed their pathetic Abyss. Finally, a memory, The Lych screaming at Zakaken for allowing Ouroboros to "succeed".

   With that done, the Masque would fall off with it the actual memories fading into it. Sean was able to see Ouroboros for who he was, and in the moments of the memories, he was able to see and feel Zell's emotions, the confliction, and he could feel Ouroboros' the cold, unfeeling and manipulative truth. He could see how Zell's heart was put into Sean's reunion with Ouro, bergudginly setting Ouroboros up with Sean, telling him to treat Sean as he instructed. It was all Zell. Even fighting Raziel, God-mode Ouroboros couldn't defeat him..but Zell willingly amalgamated himself with his mortal enemy in order to not only destroy Raziel, but to be rid of Ouroboros. Zell knew how it felt ot fight being a cold manipulative bastard with no emotions. To that respect, it was just like being a Titan for Zell...but he didn't want to be Ouroboros...and he divided himself, and he conqured the monster. Zell was crying silently ashe kept wiping his leaky eyes, knowing now that Sean knew everything... even how he was the one who orchestrated the return of Shael, and subtle drops and Omni-diemsnional drops and clue for Michael to follow in his path to find the secrets to destroying Raziel. It was clear as day. Any love for this family had always been Zell. "I know what it's like to love your family more than anything. But to also struggle with a monster that does nothing but conquer and kill like it's its birthright. I know I've done terrible things Sean... I used you, I didn't want to. But I used you. But I didn't let him win, I never gave up. I kept fighting so that I could love and live with my family. I wouldn't let Ouroboros, or any Titan, or even Raziel take you guys from me."

What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Arcana August 7th 2014, 2:58 am

So he wasn’t god, just the biggest thing out there. Which still sounded like god to him, yet ell did not seem to want to take that title in relation to himself, not that Sean could really blame him. He would nod in response to Zell tell that he was not God and then waited for whatever came next, the truth about Ouroboros or whatever it was that was really, biting on his lower lip in anticipation and yet not sure what to be expecting in this situation. The answer that he got however was different, that he could not tell him but he could show him, which was an interesting way of putting things. He produced a mask and then handed it to Sean, making a motion as if he should put it on, which he did. Sean placed the mask on his face, feeling himself being enveloped and that was when the images started flowing through his head, and interesting ones they were.

So many images that made him cringe, and some even feel sick, a small amount of bile threatening to well up in the back of his throat, but managed to keep itself down as the show continued. Things went from there, including the Lych and then something about Shael’s death, more and more of these memories flowing through him. Ouroboros has planned to kill their children, no, infact he had planned to kill him as well, and he even planned the removal of his arm.  That alone left him with a strange feeling, something within his chest that only made him feel hollower, as if it was another thing to add to the pile. The whole thing seemed to flow by in a matter of moment, leaving him with that same confused look on his face as the mask fell into his lap.

So all of this time it was Ouroboros, the one who had planned Shael to die, caused him to lose his powers and so many other things. The one that was there for his family, it had always been Zell, and here he was….killing him. The truth hit him harder than he thought he would ever be ready for. He was a monster, a cruel monster that destroyed everything it touched. He found his eyes moist, a few warm droplets trailing down his cheeks, as he wiped them away with the back of his hand. He could however feel it recoiling within him, despising the show of emotion, almost sick at the thought that he was crying over doing what was supposed to come natural to a being of death. He continued to wipe away the small tears before looking to Zell with a weak smile.

”You didn’t use me, it was Ouroboros.” Sean found himself saying, sniffling lightly as he looked to Zell. The person that he both loved and both was killing, the dark voice within chuckling at the possibility. However, something told him that Zell was speaking to him about his own struggles, with the titian within him and its desires to kill everything. If this was what his power was doing, it felt wrong to have it; especially if it was forced upon him.”I…I’m not sure what to say. You do all of that for me, for the family, and I’m…killing you.” he paused for a moment and shook his head, chewing on his lower lip softly. ”I guess that makes me a shitty person.” He sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Zell August 8th 2014, 12:15 am

"No... you didn't know...there's nothing you can do about it." Zell sighed as he rubbed his eyes and leaned against Sean as if he were using him as something to prop him up. This had proved mentally tasking for even a great mind such as his. Nigh omnipotence means nothing to emotional trauma apparently. Or to laziness that was self-induced. Zell really didn't know what to do before he separated from Sean. Before he knew it Matt had walked back into the room with a pudding cup and looking to Zell expectantly, as if he expecting Zell to say or do something. He plopped the banana-pudding into his mouth and literally began to scrape the bottom of the cup as he contemplated the situation as a whole. There was very little the Archon didn't now... but there was one method that Archon wouldn't try. Mostly because it was a risky endeavor, but it was something Matt thought of when he heard the voice of Thanatos speaking to Sean. "Sean, look at me a sec." He said casually, and when eye contact was established he spoke directly to Thanatos through divine inspiration. To kill and devour is not nature. A Titan feeds from death, but there is no nature which bids one to kill. To devour is within the nature of a Dragon, or a Leviathan. To which the dragon resides within YOU at MY discretion. Struggle and fight little creature, you will be remembered for it, but this is a war you cannot win. His mind was sending many things to the titan force within Sean. Somehow it was respectful, yet dismissive, as well as threatening and demeaning. A complex imparting from a complex Dragon. Though this was only to prove his point. Sean was not one entity... there was another, and that brought him to this suggestion.

"Let's put him through the division process. Far be it for me but we ripped out the Origin of all Evil from my soul, why can't we rip out his Zell-hating-Murderfest half out? Besides... I liked Sean, back when he was a badass...and not just an ass." He said. He then seemed to correct himself. "Not that you're an ass but the Titan.... look you know what I mean." He sighed, finally giving up. Archon would have been mad with him, but the idea was too genius. It would just take a slight alteration to the runic circle and the location would need to switch. But that brought in a whole new problem. "It's too late...just let him be happy Matt." Zell said with a sigh as he stood up and walked towards the kitchen. He wanted to see Shael just as much as the next guy, but before he did he depressed Matt. "I appreciate it but....nobody can save me now... I'll be back in a minute. I'm going to see Shael." He said as he walked out. Granted, Zell was trying to say "nobody but me" but he worded that so damn poorly. Unless he was trying to manipulate Sean's emotions into- no way. Matt's eyebrow arched, was he trying to manipulate Sean's emotions into fighting his inner demon? If he was, Matt wasn't sure if he was to applaud the man, or be mortified. Regardless, Matt was half anticipating Sean to grill him about the "ritual" that he talked about earlier...then again, part of him did not.

What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Arcana August 8th 2014, 12:44 am

How cute, acting as if ignorance is an excuse. Thanatos internally chuckled, seemingly mocking both Sean and Zell yet he could not be heard. All Sean knew was that he was growing bold, that perhaps he was growing to the end of the time period that he could suppress him, he would have to be let out or the vessel would suffer. Yet all Sean could think of was that he was killing Zell, that he was doing something like that. Muscles pains, any pain seemed insignificant to the realization that he had been hit with and that alone was enough to….shock him. He barely felt Zell lean on him, looking down to the couch and clutching his knuckles tightly into fists, the flesh growing paler as he attempt to put the darkness within under tighter lock and key, yet that was growing impossible. While he had learned to suppress his Nether, even one such as The Abyssal One could only do so much.

Sean’s attention  quickly snapped to Yamm, who was now sitting on the room with eyes that were bloodshot, colored with strange black veins that stood in stark contrast against the whites. He had suggested something about a division process, but that seemed to mean almost nothing to Sean, save for possibly being rid of Thanatos.

When they do, I’ll devour you. I do so love how this family condemns each other so willingly. Thanatos would chuckle internally, yet Zell seemed to brush that off and leave to see Shael, saying something about no one being able to save him. Makes two of you. Thanatos added, leaving Sean to groan audibly to himself, rubbing the bridge of his nose and feeling something running down his upper lip, warm and yet cool at the same time. Wiping a finger along it, he would pull it away to see that black blood was pouring from his nose, flowing over his lip and down his chin. His body was slowly beginning to deteriorate, though it usually took longer…..unless.

”Shit.” Sean muttered quickly rubbing the back of his hand along his upper lip as if that would get rid of it, but only smeared it along his face. His breathing began to grow shallow for a moment. ”I…need to go to the bathroom.” Sean muttered bolting to his feet, noticing the back of his right hand smeared with black blood before moving to the bathroom.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Zell August 11th 2014, 1:19 pm

Well that was interesting. Sean ran out as if to head to the bathroom, but Matt would monitor with extreme caution with his otherworld perception. He pursued Zell for a moment, to find him ruffling up Shael's hair to which Matt popped up on the other side and did the same with a smirk. He looked to Zell, who seemed oddly fine. Matt arched an eyebrow and reached out, tapping Zell's shoulder. Zell was pulled aside. "What was with that bullshit?" He asked, Zell arched an eyebrow and smirked as he folded his arms across his chest. "It's easy to defeat an enemy who thinks he's already won. He thinks he has Sean and "The Archon" defeated... it's I'm playing Sean's emotions to give him a desire to fight. When he fights, he wins...because the allies he doesn't know he has trumps that demons within. Now do me a favor." Zell concluded. Matt's head jerked back, after having watched Michael and Shael, then Alex then Michael and then Shael again. He was listening, but not really involved until he heard about a favor.

"Get over it. Shael's back. You're elated, I get it. But you got someone else here with you that you've kinda left to dry. Now... leave him dry a little longer and go heal Sean." Zell ordered. Matt nodded and looked to Alex with a smirk. He decided to test out his apportion once more, allowing himself to bleed through time and space as he seemed to appear in a voic rift that bubbled and split. pieces of the void flaking off as Matt's pitch black eyes faded back to their regular blue. "Sean. Come'ere man. Let me help ya." Matt offered as he cracked his knuckles.

What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Arcana August 11th 2014, 3:01 pm

The door closed behind Sean, male collapsing against the sink using his elbow as support. ”Aww whats wrong Seany boy? Beginning to feel the pressure already? Feelin bad about killin lover boy? Thanatos would press as the black blood would begin to stream more from his nostrils for a moment before stopping altogether. Having an evil voice in your head chuckling like a mad man while you bleed from the nose was not the most favorable of outcomes, seeing as how he was going through it now but Sean would have to suck it up. He had brought this upon himself, this was his price for wanting to be around his family without having to subject them to…Thanatos. If this killed him, then it did. It’ll kill you, but not me. I’ll just be unchained. Thanatos would remind him, which caused him to grimace, material of the sink beginning to darken underneath his fingertips.

Slowly he would look into the mirror, what looked back was him but with a few vine like markings of black peering out from his shirt; pulsing an angry red. Back veins stood in stark contrast against pale skin, and the black veins that were standing out in his sclera’s were now more pronounced. The lower part of his face was now smeared with the black blood, which now looked like someone had rubbed black face paint thin across his flesh, save for the faint smell of nether that it left. Half of his right eye however was pitch black, the part of his iris it touched taking on a corrupted orange color. The sound of Yamm’s voice caught his attention, and the eye would turn to him for a moment and considered the old god. The first thought that can to his mind was…to kill him.

How rude, just apporitng into the bathroom while its occupied. Well I never. Thanatos was found mocking within Sean’s mind, mimicking a southern belle accent. Sean turned from the dragon with a scowl on his lips, one that quickly corrected itself to an annoyed line as the runic markings continued to glow.

”I…don’t need your help.” Sen started off with a growl before being able to control his own voice, the markings beginning to recede, as well as the black veins and the darkness within his own eye. He did not need help, especially not the help of the dragon. With a moist cloth he wiped away the blood that had smeared across his face, water tinged with blackness flowing down the drain and leaving him with a mostly healthy look once again, save for the eyes still bloodshot; save for the normal red color of the vessels. A tongue would trace out over lips as the pushed off from the sink. ”I’m perfectly fine.” Sean lied without a hitch.

You can’t suppress me forever Sean. Eventually your control will break and when it does, I’ll enjoy watching your world burn. Starting with…..that little guy. Thanatos chuckled internally.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Zell August 12th 2014, 2:17 pm

"Yeah, that looks like you're fine." Matt said with a smirk and a nod of the head. "Look man, I was born in the dark, but it wasn't last night. My mother would have a reason to hate me then. Sean I want to-Nice accent- help you but you gotta know when to take help. You're going to lose everything you love... and everything who loves you." He said, oddly enough it almost sounded like he was pleading. But Matt was willing to be mocked if it meant helping an old friend. Honestly he blocked out Thanatos after he commented on the accent, mostly because the son of a bitch was all talk. Yamm had no fear, and neither did Matthew any more. But now it was a matter of wants and needs.

   Zell was sure to keep around Shael, but Silus was still crying silently, sitting in the corner with Yancey kneeling beside, rubbing his back as Silus clung to his new locket that Matt had given him. Silus looked to Yancey and shook him off. Yancey seemed to be instantly depressed over the incident, but Yancey was sufficient to move back and immediately go to Shael, hugging him and nuzzling his cheek into Shael's, not even thinking twice that he must have looked completely different than he did before. Zell noted Silus but only smiled sympathetically as he looked back to Shael, pating his head and ruffling Yancey's hair.

What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Arcana August 12th 2014, 4:03 pm

He could feel Thanatos’ revulsion, well that and his overall amusement at the dragons want to help the person that was responsible for killing him before. The images that moved through his head however, courtesy of Thanatos were lovely as ever, nether blade sliding through lung with the ease a hot knife slide through butter. Won’t be much of a loss for you, when you’re already dead anyway. Thanatos noted to Sean simply. Of course for what The Abyssal One had planned, Sean could not be around to allow to happen, and that meant that he would have to…fade away first. Sean shook his head, Thanatos proving more of a headache than he was worth. The dragon spoke about losing everything he loved, yet it felt as if that had happened before. Things he loved tended to have a way of losing itself, especially in ways that meant he lost them.

”Lose everything I love? Sounds familiar.” Sean muttered irritably running fingers through his hair, looking to the dragon for a moment. ”Fine, help or whatever it is you want to do.” He looked to Yamm as if saying “get on with it already.” Another example of how he had to rely on someone else to get anything done, Thanatos had been right in a sense. The titan was strong and he was weak, that much never changed. The titan seemed to have a laugh at that, or was it a chuckle? Either way he was amused and it was mostly at Sean’s expense, which was nothing new at all.

Shael considered the Yancey rubbing his cheek against his, still confused by the strange male that smelled so familiar rubbing their cheek against his. He smelt like Yancey, but Shael was not sure of it was, mostly because of the face. He continued to sniff Yancey wondering if his nose was going bad or if Yancey could also do that thing where he looks like other people. He looked to his daddy, though he was busy sitting, not really talking much since they had come back from that river place. Shael had thought he was sick or something like that, but he didn’t smell it, so it couldn’t have been that.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Zell August 13th 2014, 6:42 am

Matt rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as Sean was suddenly glowing with the energies of life, energies strong enough to push away death, and ultimately they would likely be strong enough to push away Thanatos within Sean...though that was not the actual intent but it might have been a real welcomed reprieve for Sean's sanity. But for now Matt's intentions were pure, and purly focused on the stopping of any decay or side effects of Sean's holding Nether within him. The powers of Divine Intervention were truly something to behold, and with any luck it would buy Sean a lot more time than he had earlier before releasing the nether within. With that concluded it would probably feel a lot better for Sean, maybe even that nice and happy tingly feel vibrating inside. It wouldn't disappear, but what happened next was of Matt's design. Matt shot his arms forward and grapples onto Sean's shoulders keeping him as still as possible. (Chaos Control: +4 Strength +2 Speed +4 Fighting Skills) and to be sure he used the power of Origin manipulation to enhance the use of his clothing for it to become it's own set of armor, all while appearing to be the exact same. His grip wasn't to hurt, but it was sqift and attention grabbing as Matt tried to look as sympathetic as possible.

"Sean, asking for help is normal. Zell asked for help, I ask for help, I'm certain at some point your mother as asked for help. You can hate me all you fucking want. But you have no reason to hate me. I'm trying to help you. But I can't help you when you are literally your own worst enemy. I knew a way to try and save your family...but YOU had to do it...and I don't know if I want to help any more. I'm tired of being hated for trying to help you. Go ahead. Go try and do it on your own. But I'll bet you wish you let me help you when Silus' blood is on your hands, and The Archon has his blade through your heart, crying because "you didn't like how people had to help you" and it ended up shitty for everyone you love... you know what, No. Grace: UNDESERVED FAVOR...and I'm going to help you and your family, even if you don't deserve it, just like Zell TRIES to help you, but you keep shoving everyone away. In the meantime... Fuck you. Learn how to suck it up about as well as you can suck a dick and then you'll be able to do it on your own. When you can do that call me. When sean wakes up and remembers what it's like to be part of a team I'll be ready to die for him again." He said, apporting form the room as he appeared in the kitchen to Alex before pating him on the shoulder and asking him if he was ready to go...or if there was anywhere he wanted to go. If Sean called him back he'd answer. But he was deadset he knew Sean. He's whine and mope like a little bitch because "I can't do anything right" or some shit. Sean needed to grow up and understand that EVERYONE needed help, even the motherfucking Archon needed help, and he asked Yamm to do it! When Sean learned that nothing is able to be done on his own, then Matt would be more than willing to help his old friend...but until then.... in your face grace bitch.

Zell just rolled his eyes at Matt, immediately noticing his red face and his irregular posture and breathing ever so slightly thrown. Yamm still felt for Sean, he still felt for an old acquaintence that he considered a friend. So much so that his eyes were shot a pinking color to a slight extent. He must have gotten mad, that was how Dragons displayed sorrow to an extent. They bashed and verbally shouted, not that Archon cared much for how the Dragons did things, but he couldn't help but find it curious that Yamm was so shaken by what happened to the person who killed him. Perhaps it was because Yamm see's the similarities between his past self and Sean, and he wants to save Sean the pain and suffering. Or maybe it's because Matt was just trying to help...trying to be a friend and he was being put down and feeling helpless. Zell groaned and stood up as he walked over to Wam, brough his arm up and walked past Yamm, hooing an arm around the dragon-boy's throat and turning himself around to pull Yamm back slightly into a hug. Matt's hands propped up and grappled the arm aroind his throat as he turned his head to look at Zell who was behind him, hugging him. "Thank you for everything. I love ya brotha." Zell said, making Matt smirk as he reached back and messed with Zell's hair, causing Zell to let go. "Ditto man, don't be a stranger... you need anything call." Matt said with a brightening demanor. Zell nodded and patted Alexander on the shoulder.

"Alex. I hope you like the book." Zell said with a smirk, and then suddenly with his own apportion, Aleander and Yamm were both gone, returned to their houses within L.A as Zell turned to Michael and shot him a wink and a smirk...his own wise-ass way of saying "See, I told you it'd work out" but that was what made Zell so enigmatic to even hs own family. Somehow when he said it would work always did, even if it wasn't by his own hand it was at least by his own design. He looked back to Silus and his smile faded as he noticed the boy's cheeks still had a faint trail of drying dampness on his cheeks that shined in the light...but his eyes were closed and he had his hoodie pulled over him as if he were sleeping, as if he wanted to sleep forever. Zell's heart sank because it was another prokect he needed to work on. Restoring the happiness of those he loved...while he still could. He did not fear Thanatos, he did not fear the Reaper as the reaper held no power over him. But he feared for the ones he loved, especially when one of those people... was the reaper.

He would have to make his way back to Sean, as he stepped out of the kitchen and made his way back towards the family room.

What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Arcana August 13th 2014, 7:43 am

The energies rolled like a wave through Sean and pushed Thanatos back to whatever place that Thanatos stayed when Sean suppressed him, back to the darkest corner of Sean’s soul. It was there he would build power once again, until he could begin to try and take control again, likely slower with the divine power having pushed him back but he would return nonetheless. A temporary fix and one that sent a shudder through him, as if he felt Thanatos digging his claws in and raking his way all of the way back into his hiding place. Following that feeling was a pleasant tingling, leaving Sean better than a few seconds ago and yet he was not expecting what happened next, a powerful hand clamping around his shoulder and forcing his attention towards Yamm. Sean did not really try to hide his confusion at the sudden hands on approach, yet what was said next added onto the confusion anyway.

It seemed to be more of a tongue lashing than anything else, and then within an instant he was left alone again. Sean stood there for a moment, taking everything said to him in and then sighing deeply. ”How selfish of me.” Sean muttered shaking his head, right hand clenching tight as the knuckles began to turn a pale white. It was true that everyone needed help, but sometimes being able to do something on one’s own helped, that you didn’t need to rely on borrowed power helped. His fist clenched tighter and without Sean needing to think, it was thrown into the mirror, causing cracks to form along the span of the glass with a small cracking sound. Shards of glass bit into his knuckles and drew a small amount of blood, droplets falling down from the middle knuckle and into the sink.

Sean withdrew the hand and examined it, shaking his head as he recalled the first time he tried to cast a spell. The image of his arm black and twisted, angry red lines along the horrifically burnt flesh glowing as he cried like a baby. Then came the memories of his mother fixing his arm, the cool healing energies pouring from her fingers and his arm returning to its former fleshiness. A reminder of everything that he was not, strong, independent and most of all perhaps not as much of a mopey bitch. He could never be Elena Marie however, whatever curse that prevented him from using magic saw to that, that he would never tap into any potential he possibly possessed. That was of course if he was even capable of doing magic, or if he was much like Brandon in that regard. The blood continued to flow from the cut but at this point Sean wasn’t paying attention to that. Bits of the mirror would fall to the counter with shattering sounds and Sean would step away, red blood continuing to flow.

Shael disentangled himself from Yancey, standing to two feet and walking over to Michael, poking his leg and drawing the attention of the ethereal, who looked to him with a raised brow. Eyes would meet for a moment as Shael seemed to look deeply into his eyes for a moment and then loudly sniffed, crawling up into Michael’s lap in his typical younger form and just leaning back against him much like one would a recliner. He wrapped his arms around the young ethereal and sighed, Shael seeming to smile and hum contently. ”Love ya daddy.” Shael said softly, looking up to Michael waiting for a response. The male seemed to fumble with the response before his mask seemed to break for a moment, a small smile cracking from an otherwise blank canvas.

”Love ya too little guy.” Michael muttered squeezing the little ethereal tightly, looking up to see Zell make some sort of strange winking gesture and raising an eyebrow as if silently asking what he was getting at. His attention then moved to Silus with a raised brow, seeming to be sleeping soundly. The small smile faltered for a moment, another reminder. Michael shook his head and hugged Shael tighter as his father moved from where he was, leaving the kitchen and making his way back to the family room. Sean emerged from the bathroom with a crudely doctored knuckle, now wondering why he had to punch a mirror when a wall would have been less….sharp. His eyes followed Zell and soon enough so did he, like a lost puppy almost.

Attempting what one would call stealth, he snuck up behind Zell and did what looked like a hug, okay there was hugging involved; definitely a hug. Strange how you needed to be told to suck it the fuck up before you actually did it, especially with Sean concerned. Typically sucking things up was not a problem, but that seemed to change when it was not a thing of a sexual nature.”Zell….I…need your help.” “Oh Sean you indecisive asshole” one would think of saying, but it was never said that Sean was altogether in the first place.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Empty Re: What doesn't kill you.... (Sean)

Post by Zell August 14th 2014, 6:47 am

For Silus it was intersting to say the least. His eyes were closed and he was trying to sleep, hoping that when he slept he could be left alone. Forever. "Love ya daddy" He heard, and his heart sank as he recalled doing the same to Ouroboros at his leg, holding on his trench coat. Ouroboros just smirked and looke ddown at Silus, putting a hand on his head. He never told SIlus he loved him back. Of course being a child one would expect it was inherant...but it wasn't there. Silus wanted it so badly that he was willing to believe it was there, even if it wasn't. Ouroboros could probably have tried to kill him and he would have thought and accepted it was jsut because Ouroboros loved him. His eyes threatened to water again, wondering how Shael would respond if Michael said nothing. But...he didn't need to worry it would seem. "Love ya too little guy" To this his breathing stopped and a chill ran down his spine. His eye lid opened to see Michael squeezing Shael tightly as Zell walked out. Silus' jaw quivered, trembled as if chattering from coldness or sorrow. His eyes finally began leaking again though he made no noise to indicate. His violet eyes hardended and turned an orange-red for a moment before he swallowed and closed his eyes again, the little blue veins under his forearm turning black as death as he let out a little sigh and his mind wailed out where he wanted to, but could not. He remembered being in this room with Michael in a wheelchair... when Kaisses called Shael a wetback for attacking him. It was funny. Shael was dead and came back... Kaisses had betrayed Silus, saying ti was his fault Abra had died...and Kaisses trie dto kill him. Because Silus "let Michael" kill him. Hocus died trying to save Silus form Kaisses. Zell had powers again, Yamm came back and Michael was smiling and hugging Shael. But Silus hadn't changed. He still felt asphyxiated, painfully existing in a place where he was forced to feel and forced to have emotions.

Silus knew that this was the truest testimony as to how he knew he was Seans son. He didn't want to run from his emotions...oh no, never. He wanted to drown them. He wanted to drown them in the sea of black tears. Lita Ford's version AND the allegorical liquid nether. He even tried to become a Blackened and it WORKED! He felt nothing and it was amazing. Michael was just a figure, Silus no longer worshiped him mentally or desired to see him happy. Silus only wanted to see him alive, the rest was history. But Zell just had to pull some of his mumbo-jumbo ultra sized magic stuff and make him have emotions again. His tears weren't stopping, but he was keeping up his faux-sleeping appearance up, but if one saw they would be able to tell it was more akin to "trying" to sleep, or trying to whisk yourself away. Silus was tired and sick. Where Zell had almost given up on the family...Silus had given up on himself. No one loved him... he was deprived of the only thing he wanted. It made him cry thinking about the hurt itself, then he thinks about WHY he's hurt and what caused it and he turns into a train wreck. He had faith in Michael and Sean and Jordan... and he gave them everything... but all he had to give....resulted loathing. He clenched onto the locket and trembled slightly with a shudder sigh as a brisk cold wind went down his neck once more in a rather alarming and supernatural way. The only person he knew who loved him... died protecting him from the only person he wanted to hear loved him. The only person who loved Silus...was on the other side. Silus couldn't wait to die. Abra was waiting for him. Michael should have just killed him back then and saved him all of this heart ache. But then again Death was to good for him, and it's not like Michael loved him to help him. He tried to remove the conection of the Etherium again, the tugging of the Ether in the room as he tried to sever the proverbial umbilical chord. If one were in tuned enough with it, they could feel him trying as he sat there silently, eyes closed. Why could he not be blackened again? Why wouldn't the connection sever?

Yancey smelled the sorrow and the rage mixed in Silus, he saw it and felt it, his heart sinking as he sat there and looked to the male. His own heart ached and he contemplated getting Zell, but when he stood up to move around his enhanced ears told him that Sean was talking with Zell, and bothering them was a bad idea. So Yancey was forced to take his wolf form and lay at the threshold and keep an eye half open to watch Silus, unsure of his master (and best friend's) state.

Zell just about had a heart attack as he heard the words slip from Sean's mouth, but it was perhaps the most plesant surprise he had ever had in his life. Other than that three word answer that got him pulled into this mess back when he was eleven. He couldn't keep a smile from forming on his face as he looked over his shoulder with an arched eyebrow. He wasn't sure what it was Sean meant though. Sean could need help with a lot of things, though he desperately hoped that it was involving this whole family business. Much to his own anguish...he was beginning to slip. To lose hope that his family would ever be happy. Granted yes, Michael was exhausted...but it was worth it. Even when he didn't hear Michael say he loved Shael, he could feel a relief... perhaps the Archon Energy relieving him some and giving him a peace in his blackened and troubled heart. He put a hand on Sean's arm and nodded at him. "You need my help? it." He said as if he were anxious or worried, but not enough so to chomp at the bit.

What doesn't kill you.... (Sean) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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