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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Silus March 31st 2014, 12:38 am

Heavy breathing and exhausted legs buckled beneath the by as he continued to run. This was a situation unlike any he had ever been in before. Silus Atterrius, Loki himself was running away. That was not the surprise mind you, the true surprise was in what he was running from. How often did someone end up running form themselves? This was no analogy, this was no parable, this was just an eleven year old boy with the power to kill a God, running away from what was LITERALLY himself. He lacked speed, this much was certain, however what he lacked in speed he made up for the stamina to keep going. He maneuvered himself throughout alleyways, making himself as small and as quick as possible, even going through the pains of making unnecessary turns throughout the complex maze of buildings before shooting out into the open. The open, just where he DIDN'T want to be, though there was a small community park but 100 meters off. Silus continued to run, just before energizing himself and zapping 91 meters away and collapsing in front of the fountain that adorned the center of the park. The young boy struggled and got to his knee as he scooped up some water in his hand, splashing his face before wiping it off. His brown hoodie-jacket, still three sizes too big was scraped and torn up with several little cuts, a little blood seeped through the wife-beater and into the grey clad long-sleeved shirt. He kept trying to stabilize his breathing, but nothing was working, even a run through of "proper breathing technique" wans't helping him. He was scared...he had never seen a power like this before. And he was used to Ethereal Bullshit, so that was saying something.

Several little soul-shards pink-violet and blueish in nature, all glowing with the energy of the soul-stream rained upon him. Silus shrieked as the Magical exosuit formed over his person, The Gemini material forming over in segments, deflecting the crystals and shard, while some buried deep into the armor which formed over him. Other area's of his body now seeped blood as not only the shards dug themselves into his leg, but shattered, maximizing the bleed and the internal damaging, keeping his running away to a minimal distance. Oh God how this hurt. He propped himself up with an elbow and attempted to stand, but his right leg was too far gone to be of use. The sound of footsteps could be heard as the assailants approached. The clicking of the exosuit upon the pint-sized opponent appeared. Dark red cloak and techno-runic glows in contrast to Silus purple, the same size and the same damned gauntlet, this one with a pale silver and red glow. Silus didn't summon forth his version of the weapon yet, as this creature caught him by surprise. The Helmet of the exosuit seemed to pull away as little mechanical gadgets whirled and the magical energies fueled it. The same face as Silus...the same eyes and nose, but dark black hair and a smirk on his face, the desire and bloodlust apparent in the glowing indigo eyes.

"Wow...If you were good enough to beat dad... just think of what I can do." He scoffed, mocking the sweet, kind hearted eleven year old child as he held out the mystical gauntlet and formed a sword by compiling soul-shard after soul-shard. The weapon fashioned in hand the Anti-Silus stepped on his target's shoulder to keep him pinned down, the tip of the blade threatening the throat of the boy. This "Anti-Silus" was the very essence of Evil. IF Silus...were evil, this would be him... and truthfully he was scary... There was a faint laughter and a clapping as even more footsteps joined the fold. There he was...the puppeteer, the mastermind of this whole scheme. It broke Silus' heart to see him. Matthew...his friend... Matty the tanned male was clapping. But unlike his usual self with the calming blue eyes, he had red eyes and the whites of his eyes had spoiled black. Dark Tendrils had formed around him as a clad armor and the stoles, dipped into the river of boiling blood upon him, and a tatter cornflower blue overcoat, synced at the waist by a wine colored sash and shooting down to grace the Achilles tendon.

"That was impressive... "BLAIR", but you were wrong about one thing. I'm not out to rule the world. Open your eyes kid. I am Sin, the Origin of all evil...ALL EVIL comes from me. Ever malicious thought, everything done in spite, everything and anything done without the purest of heart... is mine. Depravity, immorality... it's all mine. I'm not out to rule the world kid...because I already own it... But you WERE spot on about my other little plans...and I can't let that get out." Sin said with a chuckle, almost seeming as if he were sorry that things had boiled down the way they had. "Such a shame... Matt really liked ya little guy." He scoffed before nodding at the Anti-Silus, whom slashed at the armor, which was charged with Silus' own energies to keep him safe. It wouldn't keep him safe long however. Silus used his telepathy to reach out to anyone and everyoine with "metahuman" conditions to call for help frantically as the Anti-Silus was only pleased by the attempts at defense. He just kept hacking and slicing away, knowing that soon the child would wear out...and then... he would die...

Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Lucife10
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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Elena Vexus March 31st 2014, 1:29 am

Elena had now found herself in the Los Angeles area after her ordeal in Seattle, Washington. It was nice to see the sunshine versus the perpetual rain in that state. Again, she was dressed in black as she made her way through the city. At first it was just some leisurely shopping, just kind of doing 'normal' people things. It was fun, going about her day as if nothing of her past affected her or anyone else. Only for a short time was she able to pretend that she was not a sort of terrible monster.
Continuing through LA she grabbed a coffee at one of the hundreds of shops in a single square mile and found herself in a sort of suburban part setting. There were some chairs, benches, a small amount of foliage. Concrete mostly, but there was a fountain in the middle. She took a seat at one of the chairs with a small table by it and simply took in the scenery. Not entirely too much to look at, a few people, some doing the same as her, others walking their dogs. Just classic human behavior. It bored her.
She had been carrying a purse with her, and inside contained basic womanly utensils on top of her Jamais De Fin d'Embrayage. Leaving that where it be, she pulled out a compact and a tube of lipstick and began to touch up her makeup. Not being completely flawless as she had in past bodies was becoming slightly annoying. The sun shone from behind the clouds and Elena put on some sunglasses, almost laughing at how 'normal' she was being. Such traditional actions she was taking, on purpose or not. Though things did liven up quite quickly.

In the next moment a young boy came running through almost tripping over his own speed. The child was bent over the fountain splashing water on his face as if he had never seen the substance before. Maybe one of those homeless cretins perhaps? Vexus paid no attention, turning her focus to reapplying her lipstick. It seemed though that this kid was keen to hold her attention. He let out a shout as shards of glass-like energy rained down on him. The situation was much more dire than she had first assumed, and now that she had a clear view she recognized the child. She could swear that was the child of Robert Soros, though his name she could not remember. It was mentioned to her but it must not have been important enough to her at the time, that had only spoken briefly but they had definitely met before.
The kid was definitely Robert's son, she could tell by the defense that were being executed even though they did not seem as if they were doing much for him. This next part though is now what kept Vexus more than interested. A man approached who she did not recognize, but the other individual was what appeared to be another one of Soros' child. He never mentioned having twins, and she could easily tell they were exactly the same. But why was one senselessly beating the other..? Vexus put on some of her red jewelry, a ring and bracelet both she took out from her clutch. This clone was not just beating the child, he was trying to kill him. Everyone in the area had fled and it was already a little suspicious that Vexus was still around and so calm for that matter. Now was the conflict. She could just sit there and watch the slaughter take place... Or maybe, she could try to atone for her past brutalities and save this poor kid.

Elena let out a deep sigh and stood up from her table and began to walk over to the three of them. Before they noticed her she slipped on another ring of her, Anneau De Vexus, making her appear as if she was young and powerful as she was in her past. Also so that the boy in question might not recognize her. Though once the two attacking did notice her, Elena did not even give them a chance to take in her image. She gently waved her hand and catapulted the both of them through the fountain as if they were a couple of rag dolls. Elena had her clutch in her left hand and still had her sunglasses on as she knelt down to the kid who was in desperate need of medical attention.
Behind her sunglasses, her left eye morphed into the mechanical one she had implanted scanning the boy up and down. He was in much worse condition than what appeared. She slipped off her red jeweled bracelet and put it on his wrist instead, just incase. It was obvious, at least with her eye, that he was extremely well protected with whatever sort of armor he had on, but if he was fighting himself then she could only guess that this other 'him' would know a weakness or two. Vexus then helped him out of the way and onto a bench where he could recuperate for a moment. She then walked back over to the now destroyed fountain and pushed her bright pink hair over her ear. The mechanical eye deactivated for a moment and she removed her sunglasses casually placing them in her clutch.
"I cannot say that I have ever seen someone attacking themselves. Would either of you care to enlighten me..?"

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Silus March 31st 2014, 3:04 am

Silus was shocked at this point. He couldn't exactly keep together what was going on. His of his best friends was assaulting him with that strange construct. It wasn't long though until both of the assailants found themselves flung at the fountain. Matty, or "Sin" in this form found himself more than able to compensate for this sudden propelling. He simply flew at the fountain and just before he made contact, he used that beautiful brain of his and transmodulate into a liguid, forming perfectly whole on the other side. Two curved sticks shot our from the cornflower blue tatter over-robe thing and each end flew out, snapping together in the middle where his hand was, forming a bow that he dug into the ground as he began to slide backwards. Sin came skidding to a halt while Anti-Silus flew right into the fountain and stood up, wiggling his jaw, cussing up a storm. He even used a very explicit C word that Silus had never used in his life. In fact...the eleven year old didn't swear.. he said Damnit once. Right after his older brother Michael mutilated his best friend and murdered him in cold blood, proceeding to tell him Death was too good for him. The woman tried to do him a kindness, and he didn't understand why. He wasn't going to complain, but he certainly wasn't about to trust her. Then again... perhaps that's because he knew who she was...
  "Miss...Magic? No... Miss Vexus, right?" He whispered. His indigo glowing eyes weren't for show. His eyes were finely in tuned with Ethereal energy, granting him the ability to see and distinguish souls and life force. It was rather useful in "beating" foes who hid under the guise of deceit and invisibility. He didn't understand why she was helping him, but it became quite clear to Silus that this was about to get REALLY ugly. Silus fought to stand up and stand beside the woman...Vexus. He held out his left gauntlet and instantly summoned forth the energies of the Etherium and the various soul-streams. He put together a grand contraption, made in ways that not even his grandmother knew. She'd likely hound his ear off if she found out he was holding secrets out from her. Yggdrasil The bane of immortals appeared on his hand as a glowing gauntlet, radiating with the energies of souls and the multiple afterlives tethered to the weapon. Several dozens of smaller soul shards accompanied with the primary larger ones as seen before and began to encircle around the mystical gauntlet. His exosuit vanished as he suddenly revealed himself for a moment and within a small flash, he took to his older form, appearing seventeen or so before the suit recalibrated itself and formed over him again, everywhere save for his face at the moment.
    "Oh big whoop, you changed your costume. Doesn't make you any less of a bitch." The little Anti-ChristSilus scoffed as he held up his own mystical sword compiled of soul-shards. "What's this... pretending like mom can save you? You're dead Atterrius" This little thing was vain as all get out, very much unlike Silus. Though he was hoping that the last name Atterrius didn't give too much about him away. Then again, he knew who she was...perhaps it was karma's way of stabilizing the Zen.
   "Well, Well, Well. Look at this." Sin said as he left Ichaival the bow of Odin stuck within the ground and he proceeded to brush himself clear of dust and dirt. He fixed his hood and with a single finger hooked the edge of the bow, tugging it out of the ground before he twirled it and clasped onto the neck, arching an eyebrow as he observed the woman. "You...I KNOW you... hmhmhm..." Sin chuckled. Of course he spoke metaphorically, he never actually had the pleasure of meeting the mastermind, he spoke in the sense that he could sense the echoes of her evil past, the deeds she had done. She was a fine showcase of his work. He cocked his head to the side as he seemed to analyze the woman to see what all he could tell. This was not something he'd expected, but nothing he couldn't handle. With a snap of his fingers, a large roar bellowed, and suddenly the little "Fountain" turned into an otherworldly portal as a large black winged Dragon appeared, glowing red eyes and a large seating arrangement upon it's scales. It was not only a Dragon...but it was a ship. True enough, this was Ellida a magic dragon ship given to Víking's as a gift by Aegir. It was lost, at the bottom of one of the many fjords. Matthew had found it...and when he restored it, he imbued within it a living and breathing Dragon, a servant of Yam, the soul in which he was made from. The Creature let out a roar before glaring at the woman and the "young man"
   "Space out lady, this isn't gonna be pretty."
   "My God does the evil me ever stop talking?" The older Silus snapped as he extended the hand, the shards like a sand flowing out at the Anti-Silus with the intent to shred him like a blender, circular snaking motions in the shards. It was finally then that the noticed the red bangle thing that had been "gifted" to him temporarily, though to be honest he wasn't sure how to use it...or how it was used...or even if it did anything. He had to admit was fashionable.

Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Lucife10
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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Elena Vexus March 31st 2014, 8:01 pm

She was partially successful in her attack. The clone child went through the fountain, while the other liquified himself to avoid damage. He had been unharmed, but this other one seemed to have broken his language filter. There was one word in particular that cut through the barrage of curses, she shook her head at that knowing that she was definitely going to put this little brat down. And speaking of brats, the one she had just saved made a come back. Not a minute had gone by without something new happening. This kid apparently possessed the ability to change his age. He appeared much older now and with a gauntlet on that simply radiated power. These magic types were always full of interesting weapons. His clone was really getting on her nerves though, far too confident for his size.
In other news, it seemed as if her pink haired disguise was not doing her very good. The clone's partner said that he knew her, he had to be bluffing as it had been quite some time since she had been present in this form. Whether any of them knew her did not matter, there were more pressing issues at hand.

The fountain in which the two had just flown through morphed from a mess of rubble to a inter-dimensional portal from which flew a massive dragon. Once it landed it let out a prehistoric roar that had enough force to tousle Vexus' pink locks a little bit. The little kid then instructed her to "Space Out". She rolled her eyes and extended her arm about to launch him a thousand feet in the air, but before she could the older child sent fourth shards similar to those that had impaled him earlier. They created a snaking vortex around his clone, hopefully to aid in his efforts Vexus gave the attack a telekinetic boost to swirl the shards around the boy faster aiming to cause more damage.
Elena then adjusted her focus to the reptile in the room. She extended her arm out and then lifted it upwards and completely off the ground. She then directed it over both of their opponents and slammed it down hoping to hit someone or something. Regardless of the result she flicked her hand off the the right sending the dragon summersaulting violently away. It tore up the park, destroyed the streets, flattened cars, and was finally brought to a halt when it collided with a multistory building. Hopefully people will know better than to investigate when dragon weighing in at a handful of tons goes toppling through city streets.
"Maybe after this is finished, I can skin your lizard there and make a few good handbags."
She said confidently. Vexus then turned towards the now teenager.
"I can see that you're hurt, you should rest for a while. I'll be able to handle whoever these kids are."
Elena could see in this kids eyes that he did not trust her in the slightest, but she tried to look back and let him know that it would be in his best interest to trust her. These guys were obviously a handful, but Vexus was confident as always. If the kid was given a chance to catch his breath he would be more of a help if she needed it. Normally she would never accept it, but though she may appear young for the time being, Elena is an old woman and definitely cannot perform as she had in the past. However, handling these two children shouldn't pose too much of a problem to her.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Silus March 31st 2014, 9:59 pm

The woman made quick work of the dragonship Ellida, the creature let out a roar and three cannon fired out directly at Silus and Vexus. Silus made quick work of them by using the remainder of the shards on his gauntlet to fire out and deconstruct the shots, swirling around them and deteriorating it to dust in the winds. The Anti-Silus countered in a rather elaborate way. He held out a hand, and a blast of Ethereal energy augmented his own shards as a Shield. The Crystalline nature of the shield shined, amplifying the blasting radius of the Ethereal and let out a three foot tall horizontal blast. that circled around Silus and Vexus like a Halo and enclosing it like a Dome. Vexus MAY have recognized something like this back form her encounter in Chicago. Unfortunately it was quite clear form the sheer feel of it, this one would not be as forgiving. The Shards appeared, hidden form behind the energy and rained out as the Demi-sphere created seemed to implode rapidly, rotating and vibrating. This thing was designed to destroy.  Don't move Silus said as he placed a hand upon Vexus' shoulder. With an instant the two converted into sheer energy and fired the two of them out of the ethereal sphere that let out a weird grating noise as the area around it turned a grayish color with a thick black outline. A tear in-? Damnit the little twerp was serious about trying to kill them.

    Remember that "Intangibility" trick you used against my dad? Yeah, don't try that. This gauntlet is able to damage things that otherwise can't be hurt. Ghosts, Fog-form, Liquid form. It's all useless, there's no way around this gauntlet, or those shards. Just a heads up. Silus said. He had to warn her about Yggdrasil's powers, lest she end up thinking she's safe and end up dying and it being his fault. True enough he didn't trust her...but he wasn't going to let her die. She was willing to help him like this...and she was "concerned" enough to advise him to stay back while she dealt with it... she obviously has something in there. Whatever light she had wasn't snuffed out yet...and so Silus...even though he didn't know her, still refused to give up on her. Silus aimed the gauntlet and discharged a blast at the ground, disrupting the Anti-Silus' balance before firing out and kicking the boy into the air. Silus then commanded his shards to circle around the Anti-him and cause a vacuum above the boy, spiraling upward, drawing the evil one up high into the air, very...very high. Silus snapped his fingers and the shards froze, making no movement, and dropping the evil Silus, plummeting into it's death...or it would have.

   "Skatert-Samobranka!" Sin called and out of nowhere a celestial moonlit cloth flew through the air and caught the boy. Sin rolled his eyes and began to message the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "Oi Vey, Finding decent minions is impossible." He scoffed. The Anti-Silus stood on the carpet and unleashed a barrage of shards at Silus, while riding the carpet up high, out of reach for Silus before flying it's way over towards the downed Ellida, as if trying to Draw Silus away from Vexus. Sin seemed to be looking to Vexus now as Silus seemed to keep his eyes on the other him.

  I'm only stepping out a minute... if you can give me that long, then You're the greatest thing since sliced bread. Silus said to her before he knelt down. He wasn't truly catching his breath, he was building up his power. In a minute or two, he could manage to be of more help than even he probably realized. He snapped his fingers and instantly there was a large runic marking in the ground, glowing with energy as it seemed to glow, vibrate and rejuvenate. Sin stood there with his arms crossed, still eyeing up Vexus as if he were trying to reach a conclusion...

Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Lucife10
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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Elena Vexus April 1st 2014, 11:06 pm

Elena raised her hand in order to blast away the attack, though before she had a chance the boy put his hand on her shoulder and they instantly teleported away from the blast. He continued to explain that the attack would cause damage to even things that might have been rendered intangible. It was a good note that Vexus' wouldn't forget while fighting the two of them. The boy then did a number on his clone, and it seemed like he would finally be done in, however his partner saved the day with a strange floating carpet. If she wanted this evil kid dead then his 'white mage' of sorts had to be dealt with first.
The clone retaliated again by firing more of those strange shards towards her acquaintance and Elena powered them away with a blast of Telekinesis sending them towards the dragon that she had put down just a moment ago. She wasn't expecting the shards to actually make it there, but it would help in keeping the beast where it lay. Her 'partner in crime' requested that she took over for a moment while he charged up an attack or another power or something. Elena wasn't entirely sure, but it would be no problem.
"You take all the time you need."
Vexus snapped her fingers and the red bracelet she put on him activated creating a red barrier around him. She was more than confident that she could handle these two goons, but just incase something magical slipped by, he would be safe.
Elena then set her clutch on the ground and putting her foot on it for extra security then extended one hand out towards the clone, and another to the his partner. With her right hand, pointed at the clone, she extended just her pointer and index finger. In a scooping motion she pointed her fingers up, following chunks of rocks from the ground below shot up to hit the clone and knock him off the cliche flying carpet. The rocks would continue to orbit around him in a constant effort to cause damage. If successful, rocks would continue to pummel him to a pulp. As for his sidekick, she gave the air a good punch and sent a large telekinetic wave towards him. The power behind it could easily launch a semi, though the way it distorted space made it easy to see as it rushed forward. As to not to keep things simple, she made her hand into a gun-like formation and continued to 'shoot' more blasts forward. These attacks would hopefully keep these two occupied for as long as this kid needed. Occasionally a rock or two would fly over and try to hit the man on the ground, and occasionally Vexus would fire a couple of blasts at the clone in the air. Just to keep them on their toes.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Silus April 2nd 2014, 10:35 pm

This seems familiar to an extent. While Sin, nor Anti-Silus knew it, she was planning to deal with "The White Mage". Miss Vexus would very quickly realize that she was once again, correct. He was the white mage. Though apparently she would need to be educated in the very Maxim that surrounded the role of such a position. This rule, simply put is... "I'm the White Mage.... and nobody...fucks...with the White Mage". This was made quite clear as the Anti-Silus activated it's own version of the Seraph Suit, and began to encompass it's own shards around the carpet, keeping it from harm. Granted, it was only so effective. The stones themselves were easily dealt with, however the telekinesis itself was proving far more irritating than initially believed. Sin however just stood there arms still crossed. The woman proceeded to offer out a large kinetic "funnel" of sorts, more than able to throw the light-weight male quite the distance. However, this tactic was almost predictable. He closed his eyes and sighed. Hrothgar's Haven, the amulet of the Anglican legend began to glow, though was masked deep beneath the tendrils which interwoven and clung to his figure. The damage of the telekinetic powers aimed at him were rather... ineffective now as he simply stood there and allowed his natural durability to shrug off the rest, save for the annoyance of the "bullets" pecking at his skin like bee-bee's.

  "It intrigues me why one such as yourself would assist this child. Crisis of Faith? Change of the of heart? Maybe this is some form of penance you feel obligated to fufill." He'd state, very calmly as he picked up Ichavial and walked forward. He drew back on the draw-string, a single black arrow forming as he aimed it right for Vexus. He released the shot. Whereas Vexus was likely expecting one arrow, there were suddenly ten, all of them on a different trajectory at alarming speeds. They all seemed to arch around and attempt to collide with the Vexus ?Barrier that protected Silus. Upon crashing, or being stopped, they would transform into a black, corrupting and addicting substance with the same name as their master.

   "Don't touch that! It's addicting and it makes you do... bad things." Silus warned Vexus. Silus barely knew the gravity of the words he spoke. The substance was highly addictive, any lengthy exposure through skin contact or ingestion/injection of the material was a sure-fire way to find one's self addicted to the very man they fought against. It was a very powerful means to get one to obey and follow him, or to even break down. Many who were weak of mind would break... those whom were strong enough never truly "kicked" the desire for more...only controlled themselves. "Matt, you gotta fight this!"

   "Oh would you shut-UAH!" Sin's voice roared as he grabbed hold of his head. His eyes blue and the whites returned, though soon in a flash of red malevolence the black returned and his eyes began to glow red once more. "It looks like I misjudged my control. Killing his friends turns him into a rather...troublesome thing to stave off. You are a fascinating woman...a Prodigal daughter." Sin said, chuckling a little when he mentioned Vexus being his prodigal daughter. A woman of evil history now playing hero... It was indeed a strange change. "Allow me to show much better you COULD be." Sin said, holding still for a moment. The tendrils around his abdomen shifted, the clad armor now looking like inky-tentacles that slithered and sloshed away revealing tanned skin and a cosmic void that burned through his flesh as a bone-jar began to protrude. A fine mist began to cover the area, growing heavier and heavier until nothing under four feet could be seen. Suddenly, the bone construct stopped producing the smoke, and receded into the male's body, the skin wrapping and twisting violently back into position as the tendrils covered over him once more.

   Sin began to chuckle as the smoke began to fade, but not anytime soon. There was a faint silhouette, a black outline that could not be made clear quite yet...until an arm like appendage move up, casting some smoke up. Sin took reached down and took the hand assisting the figure to stand. The smoke all rose in a rather eerily manner as he helped the figure up, keeping it guised. Sin crossed his arms and stepped back. A faint clicking could be heard, as if one were approaching. Suddenly, a leg spawned forth from the dark cloud of miasmic evil. Then a swish of shimmering red. The smoke seemed to peel away, but just before the figure could be seen spoke.

"Well what have we here? A boy and frail old woman hiding behind a ring..." The voice said, a cybernetic eye pin-pointing the true source of the Vexus disguise. The figure stepped forward once more, seeming to be bursting forth in a rather glamerous revelation as the dark evil purples of the miasmic haze seemed to shine off of her dress. A familiar face was seen as her eye narrowed at the two standing across from her. "How utterly uninteresting." She said, pushing her red hair back as she sighed. Sin stepped forward through the Fog, arms crossed beside his new "ally".

"Well... I've never seen THIS big of a difference...Hm... interesting." He said as he looked over the woman whom was intended to be a clone of Miss Vexus. Sin sighed and simply accepted it could do what it could do. He took the cybernetic woman's hand and smirked. "Well my dear, it believe it's time I left things with your capable hands." He said as he kissed the back of her hand, sending a dark energy through the clone's body surging it to the points where it was far more powerful than it had been before. He pulled himself away and left her hand go as he turned and walked away. "Give 'em Hell."

"Hmph... My first day back and once again, It seems I must do everything myself." The cybernetic creature sighed with a hand on her hip, eyes fixated on the enemies as the Anti-Silus Ethereal energized to her side, cracking his knuckles with a rather vicious smile.

Elena Vexus:

Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Lucife10
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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Elena Vexus April 3rd 2014, 12:29 am

Elena seemed to be decently successful at stalling them, the Clone manifested a the same sort of armor that the other kid had on which was very effective in defending against her earthly barrage. On the other side of things, the White Mage was dealing well with her attacks. They did not seem to be doing much at all. It was no matter. She had may more methods of causing pain and destruction to these childrens.
Her target was being smug, going on about what reason she would have to help the child. Elena did not need to explain herself to the likes of him so she simply glared at him and kept quiet. His response was an arrow to the knee arrow, which seemed harmless and easy to counter. Though as she prepared to force it away, the single arrow multiplied into ten different arrows all aiming for different points. Vexus moved her hand in an arc creating a dome barrier around the both of them, and once the arrows hit the melted into a strange black liquid. The kid she was protecting went on about how it was an addicting substance, regardless she was not going to let it touch her. It looked like it would violently stain her clothes. She easily forced the substance far away hoping not to deal with it again.

It seemed that the child knew his attackers though, the man apparently went by the name 'Matt' as it seemed to have stirred something causing him to lose focus for a moment. Matt then continued on, it sounded like he mentioned Elenas his 'Prodigal Daughter'. Just who exactly was this creep and why did it sound like he knew so much about her? The questions continued to mount as in his abdomen region appeared a portal. A jar appeared and began to dump out thick smoke  that was nearly impossible to see through. A short moment transpired after the strange jar and void receded back into the man. Vexus looked curiously onto the smoke to maybe see what was happening, and soon her had her answer. Another individual had appeared, Matt helped it to its feet and then Elena could hear them walking forward. But the click was all too familiar. It was something she never thought she would ever be on the receiving end of. The sound of size 38 Daffodile Christian Louboutin Pumps...In pink.

The figure came into view. Red hair, shining red dress, the shoes. It was none other than Elena Vexus herself. Elena stood in absolute shock. This was never anything she had ever encountered, or could have prepared for. She now had to fight a past self, and not just any past self, a form of hers that even she deemed to be the most powerful. The sort of magic behind this was beyond Vexus' comprehension, possibly even more powerful than Marie's. After a second of surprise, Elena recomposed herself.
"I will say. I have pushed the absolute limits of this reality's definition of 'impossible', but never could I have imagined such a terrifying sight as this. A world cursed now with not one, but two Elena Vexus-es."
Her past self had easily seen through her disguise, but it wasn't hurting keeping it on so it continued to project. Elena then had her clutch float up into her hand, opened it, and all of her rings floated onto her fingers. Fighting herself in this past form was not something to be taken lightly.
"Son of Soros... I highly suggest you run away. This previous form of me is capable of causing such widespread amounts of damage that maps will need to be redrawn if she is not dealt with swiftly. I cannot guarantee that even being in this city is safe..." Elena took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly then pushed her bright pink her back behind an ear.
"There is a massive flaw with your plan though, 'Matt'. Pitting the present form against a past form is a horrid idea. This version I see knows nothing of the current me, where as I know everything of her. I know all of her weaknesses, all of her tactics, every last detail of her programming. I may be old, but you are outdated...Bring it on, RoboBitch."
And as if they were standing in a mirror, both the Elenas made a move. The previous form unleashed a devastating wave of her nanite fire and Elena roared back with a powerful telekinetic blast. Dead even. Elena then quickly raised both of her hands up, this unearthed an astonishing mount of the ground below Post-Elena bringing her and a few dozen tons up rock up into the air. Vexus continued to barrage her with rocks from all angles, but she was too good. Post-Elena was easily able to keep up with the onslaught of rocks. She also tried to work her way back down to the ground, however with ever rock that she stepped on Elena released control of it causing it to plummet to the ground. To her surprise, this robots reaction time was much better than she remembered it being. But eventually she got the best of her and she came back down to earth and hard. Unfortunately not hard enough. Post-Elena dusted her self off and began to send more barrages of the back nano mite flames. Vexus knocked them away with her telekinesis, but already this fight was lasting too long. She reactivated her mechanical left eye and began to formulate a new plan.

Veuxs pushed downwards and pulled outward powerfully splitting the ground beneath the Robot. She was easily able to react and move out of the way of the fissure, however she looked away for the slightest moment. And in that instant Elena created a hologram of herself with her Mecha-Eye where she had previously stood because at the same time she activated her ring of invisibility on top of the Anneau de Vitesse(+4SPD). This now allowed Vexus to move much faster than previously, also, it kept her hologram active since teleporting would cause it to glitch. Elena hovered above the ground, and quickly moved around as the hologram appeared to fight the old her. She could only hope the invisibility tactic would work, she knew how much technology had been crammed into the eyes of that robotic form. Elena moved out and around, that way she would end up to the right of the Previous Elena. Once Vexus had decently closed the gap between her and her past self, she created another hologram to the far left of her Robot Form and also removed the invisibility ring, hopefully adding to the confusion of which might have been the real one. Without giving her opponent an opportunity to react, she fired the laser in her left eye with absolutely no mercy. Both of the holograms also performed the exact same action.
Knowing this form's base defense levels, this laser would easily tear clear through. She was expecting the worst but hoping for the best. It could end here, but it was much more likely that this clash was only just beginning. Just from deflecting the raging blasts of hellfire the city was being ruined block by block. Hopefully this kid was getting the idea of what was being dealt with and how wildly out classed he and his clone truly was. Not to mention the summoner of this beast. With two Elena Vexus-es, the world was now in another state of emergency.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Silus April 3rd 2014, 10:27 pm

The woman had brought up a very valid point, however she was entirely incorrect. This was not a game of "Past versus present", where she would have total intellect involving the previous "life" and the previous "life" remained a fish in a barrel. She would have been correct, if Sin had somehow reached into the past and pulled forth this marvelous construct. Alas...he did not. What Sin channeled was the very essence of Evil from within the woman, Elena Vexus, and while this woman may have had many forms...Evil was ALWAYS, with her. So in this sense...the "Anti-Vexus" (or rather the Vexus Excelsior) was very much aware of the current Vexus, her strife and her failure. In short? The original Vexus fell victim to the ever looming darkness that was assumption...brought to it's conclusion by pride, vanity and perhaps even a desire to maintain her "superior" attitude. Flaws.... all of it. Pride, making assumptions, jumping to conclusions and the vanity behind such a supremacist attitude. Vexus had them... Vexus-Excelsior did not. She saw things analytically, she saw an objective, she saw the facts and while she had the "supremacist" attitude, it was far more warranted than the woman whom guised herself behind rings.

The initial battle began to rage out, there seemed to be very little that the Telekinatic Vexus could do, as the Vexus-Excelsior proved to be far more agile and limber than within it's initial existence. She dealt with the barrage of rocks oh so easily. Her advanced processing and cybernetic mind kept things slow, easy to trace as her mind formulated a plan. Were she human, she would have been surprised by her sudden skill. Long ago, Vexus encountered two men, both appearing of an ancient time. Nothing truly worth remembering, though it was a good example of how her processing was countered by her lack of capability to act upon it. With the rocks dispersed of the mechanical Vexus let out a little hum, as if intrigued by her new-found skills and talents. She now had the ability to react according to what she processed, and for that she was sailing ever-higher into the "perfection" she once sought for. If she had the power she had now...Marie and all those inferior would bow... that being said... ALL THINGS would bow. She would find herself slammed to Terra-Firma, hard. Though it was nowhere near enough to stop the cybernetic. She stood up, and dusted herself off showing little concern for any wounds she may have just earned, though they seemed scant. With a flip of her hair the Nanomite-Hellfire flew out as she brought her hands up and began to fix her hair back into position. Though she appeared to be simply ignoring the other Vexus, she was watching... with an uncanny precision.

The telepathy blowing the nanomites away was of no surprise, though what came next was...rather surprising. The Vexus-Excelsior was of course watching, and scanning the electromagnetic spectrum searching for- not life, oh no- she had learned from her encounter with the Death Incarnate and the Storm Spirit. She searched for Brain-function and anything that would correlate within the spectrum. She was well aware of all the living things...and potentially "hidden" things through seeing this spectrum. Especially the sudden "activation" of the eye. Had she been ANYTHING less than the Beautiful Bionic Bitch she was she would have missed one little detail. There was not simply one activation. No... there were two. Timed just milliseconds apart... or perhaps it was seconds... it mattered not. She stopped her can to see the hologram still standing there. It seemed to fight back, all data suggested that Vexus-Excelsior should defend herself. A flash of the nanomite-Hellfire flashed out, engulfing the hologram, but it was all too easy. The second she realized the hologram was easily over-powered she activated her electromagnetic scanners once more. With superior reflexes, finally being pushed to their limit she turned and analyzed the situation. But analyze was the only thing she COULD do, until it was too late. The Scan revealed the true Elena Vexus was inbound, a laser charged and ready to sheer through the cybernetic being.

She smiled. Perhaps it was programming...perhaps she was more "human" than Sin anticipated. But Vexus-Excelsior smiled. Rather, a smirk and a scoffing tailored into a laugh. She had every intention on defending herself. She had already formulated retaliation, though it would not spare her ALL the damages. However it proved as though her "ally" was more competent than the average man...child...whatever it was. The Soul-shards all converged before Vexus-Excelsior forming a Cone-like shield construct that caught the light of the laser. Being crystalline in nature, what did the crystal's do? Refraction. Something the Vexus-Excelsior would use to her advantage. holding a hand out, palms open there was a flash of light as her flesh-like fingers wrapped around one of her old "God-Swords". More specifically St.Joan. The Vexus-Excelsior called upon the swords Power and fired manipulated the light of the lasers to follow a trajectory that would cause it to arch around behind the Orignal Vexus. With a slicing motion, as if a grand-general or an executioner giving the signal, the beams figure out at her from out in the air behind her. The Soul-shard Cone fired out forward as if to block out Original Vexus' charge at the Excelsior.

"Yggdrasil... you chose me... the binding of two foreign after-worlds. Now let me be as me save Matthew... because he's the only one who can help in the crisis to come." Silus said to himself. He stood up and as he did, his Sul-shards flew out and began to circle around the young Anti-Silus and the flying cloth. The shards were like a blender...each one able to easily cut through the Seraph-suit. Silus held up his hand and curled in his fingers, clutching down on his own palm as the shards all flew in and impaled the boy. One sole shard flew to the Original Vexus and began to glow as if it were offering up it's own power. The Gauntlet (Yggdrasil) disappeared, shooting up into the air as a vibrant energy before the clouds in the night sky vanished. An electric seafoam color danced upon the sky, seemingly as if tendrils, or roots that had been invisible before were now visible by this energy which sparked around it. The Life-Tree would grant it's power as it fired down a large blast of energy upon the boy. A twenty foot wide radial blast rained upon him. The shards, acting as conduits surged through and slaughtered the child, dropping him to the ground, into the fountain, lifeless and looking perfectly like his (now older) doppelgänger.

Silus held out another hand and one eye would glow silver as Titan runes took hold of the right side of his body, and Aether runes take hold of his left side and his left eye glowing blue. This magic swarmed over Vexus, implanting her with an unholy rush of power. For but a moment, she was as God before the power simmered down and settled within her. With the combinations of these three powers, Silus had successfully transformed Elena Vexus into a Goddess... and Ethereal if he could ever claim one... alas it was only temporary as the young male's body began to buckle from exhaustion once more for granting his "godhood" to another. (+8 Powerpoints to Elena Vexus wherever she deems fit for 4 posts.)

"Oh? This is rather....interesting." Vexus-Excelsior would state as she began processing the information she could gather. It was beyond anything she could... dare she say... comprehend? This was the work of Magic, and it appeared to be enough to rival that of the Crimson Witch, though that would be impossible... it was all so different. "Well now...without any further distractions...I believe we were in the middle of something." Vexus-Excelsior said ever so calmly as she held up a hand and unleashed a fury of Nanomite Hellfire.

Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Lucife10
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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Elena Vexus April 3rd 2014, 11:28 pm

All had been going according to plan, or at least so it seemed. Vexus had quickly made around to her former self and unleashed her laser. It appeared to be a success, however the other players got in the way yet again. Crystalline structures blockaded the laser's path to Vexus-Excelsior and due to their composure they reflected the laser multiple times within itself before firing it back at Elena herself. Not to mention with the assistance of an old weapon of hers. This clone was extremely detailed, not to mention powerful. The bursts of lights and laser rocketed back to Elena aiming to incinerate her where she stood, though with the aid of her Anneau De l'Abrégé she instantly teleported from the danger appearing a few dozen feet to the left of Silus who was now conjuring up... something.
In a moment, Elena was glowing with a power she had never felt before. It was unstoppable, it was absolute, it was the power of a god. The power subsided slightly as it rested inside of Vexus. The overflow of power had caused a malfunction in her appearance hologram reverting her back to her older blonde form. It was no matter. The power she now possessed would more than compensate for her age(+3STR +3DUR +2FS). There was no way anyone or anything on this planet could stand up to her now. In a strange way, Vexus was given some insight to who she was fighting with. The brat's name was Silus, and there was so much more to him and his father than she could have ever imagined. She shook the images clear, and focused on the task at hand.
The nano mites that Vexus-Excelsior had unleashed were abruptly stopped and balled up above Elena. She then forced them upon the Anti-Silus and hopefully to hit the White Mage in the process, also sending a few licks of the pseudo-flames back at the Vexus Clone.
"Silus. Shield your eyes and don't move."
Vexus closed her right eye, and from her robotic eye a light of absolute sheer brightness was released. For the two humans the bright light could cause immediate damage, if they did not keep their eyes closed the damage would become permeant. As for the robotic form, the light would more than likely overload the optical sensors. The light would not last long, and the time she had before her previous self adjusted to the light was even shorter so Elena had to work fast. She took off towards the robot at full speed, once within a very close range she let lose the power of Anneau De Vexus launching a devastating charge of electricity at the Elena Clone. Not only would this be capable of completely overloading the systems, it would easily fry the circuitry, and cause near irreversible damage to the rest of its systems.
Next she rapidly moved over to the Anti-Silus. Again she moved within a very dangerous range of them, and this time Vexus utilized the power of the Anneau Du Phénix unleashed a violet burst of flames aiming to completely engulf the boy. Her next and final target was the orchestrator of all this chaos. The light was beginning to fade at this point, but Vexus fought on. She lifted both her hands up and the entire area began to shake ferociously. From behind, a massive chunk of earth was being lifted up out of the ground. It was large enough to weigh 10? 20? Maybe even 30 tons. Elena even wasn't quite sure, but she was putting a dramatic amount of effort behind these attacks. The light had just faded with enough time for the sorcerer to see what he was being faced with now. Vexus gave a smirk and sent the asteroid sized piece of ground hurdling towards him. Even after all of this work she could still feel the power coursing through her veins. If the three of them managed to make it through this onslaught, then she was more than ready to unleash another volley of god-like power.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Zodiac April 4th 2014, 12:37 am

Silus listened to the woman, as fatigued as he was. His father would kill him if he knew what he just did. Well...maybe not. Ouro-no... Zell. Zell no longer seemed to have a care for the power of the Ethereal. He sacrificed his power to save his family...and now lived as a powerless human in a family of nigh-immortals. Maybe he would have trusted Silus' judgment. Maybe not. Regardless...his call had been made. Perhaps Ms.Vexus would prove Silus right...and maybe there was a shred of decency worth fighting to keep kindled...maybe the blessed Godhood would make it burn bright...or smother it out. Silus' eyes closed, and there was nothing left that could be seen by him. Vexus-Excelsior's reflexes could only take her so far, though it perhaps saved this moment anyway. She was called to by the one known as Sin, whom threw her an emerald of sorts. She snatched it up, unknowing why this boy was giving her this item, or why she should care about it, though the strange energy within it seemed to incline her just enough to keep onto the little trinket.With her own Nanomite turned upon her, forced to be confound to telekinetic spheres and sent down upon the already vanquished Anti-Silus and the man known as Sin. Vexus-Excelsior felt obligated to protect the man known as Sin, but she did not, as he proved capable of surviving far worse. After countering her own nanomite fire with her own nanomite electricity (item use) she found herself glaring upon her original form. The power she inherited was astounding, she was now physically Vexus-Excelsior's superior. With a bright light she forced her own eyes shut. She was spared some of the effects...but not all. She too, had a sensory overload. The stimuli in the area too great. Her brain ran diagnostics, and forced her to troubleshoot her optics once more. She was blinded. How could this happen? She knew, statistics only indicated that an attack would happen. Flesh peeled away form the cybernetic's left arm as she brought up the Anti-Matter gauntlet and deploying her Nanomites in the form of a barrier around herself and her only living ally (Sin).

(Slight back-step)The boy gave her a blessing? This was...not good. "Yo..." Sin called out as he tossed a small glowing emerald gem to the Vexus-Excelsior before the assault commenced. Sin rose his own bow, and began to draw back, rapid firing arrows upon the hellfire spheres. Many of them arched off and missed entirely, but a few managed to stray off and hit the spheres. Sin rolled his eyes as he was forced to Pull back once more, and fire a shot aimed over the true Silus' head. He would once more initiate his defensive mechanic, turning into barely stable liquid. The sphere would collide with him, however as he was pure liquid he was unharmed in the process. Sin (the substance) was scattered everywhere in puddles(end back-step) The flash was not pertinent to him the time of the flash as he had only begun to reform, not even having eyes at the moment. The situation was in fact rather dire...but Sin, as he always was, showed absolutely nothing less than a smirk and crossed arms as Ichavial formed sticking out of the ground like Caliburn from the stone. He watched as the woman moved with intense speeds. The Anti-Matter gauntlet would save the Vexus-Excelsior, however Sin himself was rather unimpressed by the way the nano-wielding cybernatic was handling the situation. She then flew after the Anti-Silus, causing sin to scoff and roll his eyes. The kid was already dead, the only thing she had done? Was give Sin time. While the flame began to engulf the boy's body. She then changed course directly for Sin himself, who looked right at her. A ground-shaking attack would soon be unleashed. The woman ripped a chunk out of the earth...perhaps around 35 tons, just at a rough guesstimate. Sin's eyes widened under the cornflower blue hood.

"Oh dear..." He said calmly as could be. The rock would come very close to crushing him, though superior processing was not a "Vexus-Exclusive". Sin activated the legendary Ǒusībùyúnlǚ. Allowing him to teleport himself to any "source" or pool of Sin. As his bow, Ichavial made possible, he was strategically able to move realistically wherever he needed to. His spot of choice? Right behind Silus...of course. He chuckled as he leaned down on one knee and patted the male's cheek with a snicker. Silus' eyes opened and he began to move away, but exhaustion had taken it's toll. "Don't worry... Matthew makes it impossible for me to kill you... but he can't stop me from hurting you..." The first part was truthfully reassuring, as Silus knew the delicate condition of the man who toyed with him. Suddenly, a series of intense ribbons began to wrap around Silus, shocking him into a more submissive and compliant state of mind. Sin snickered as he watched the shocks occur. Gleipnir, the very ribbon used to bind the powerful Fenrir, now upon the one called Loki. The sweet irony did not escape Sin. "It doesn't have to hurt... just remove the blessing..." He tried to coax Silus, but it was unsuccessful...and so more torturous screams would be heard as he was "conditioned into compliance" as Sin would state it.

The Vexus-Excelsior's body sensory rebooted and it was no surprise that the annoying Anti-Matter gauntlet had spared her a most untimely demise. She scoffed at the Original Vexus, whom floated tall as. "So now you've changed your costume? How...drull." The Cybernetic would say with a sigh before crossing his arms across her abdomen and walking with a rather sophisticated posture, dress gracing the ground, tattered and frayed at the bottom form exposure to her own nanomites. "Look at feeble...victim to the futility of flesh...I'm sorry, but no matter what manner of tricks you pull, you will always be nothing more than a shadow of my legacy." The Cybernetic taunted, perhaps it was an analysis...perhaps it was a tactic. was a genuine attempt to insult the original Elena Vexus.

"Don't forget to make a wish..." Sin called out, though it was of little consequence to Elena or Silus.... only the Bionic Goddess knew the gravitas of those words as she smirked, taunting the older Vexus before her.

Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Guilty10
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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Elena Vexus April 6th 2014, 4:14 pm

It seemed her burst of attacking did little to no damage to the two left standing. She could feel that the power Silus had given her was fading, as expected, so she would probably have to tidy up things relatively quickly. This Matthew character continued to demonstrate a wide variety of abilities. He appeared next to Silus through the strange liquid he had released earlier. Elena cursed under her breath for not expecting something like that. Whatever the man was doing, it would not kill him but the poor child was in agony, which was defeating the whole purpose of Vexus trying to help him. Not to mention her former self taunting her from the background. Elena paid no mind to the robotic woman and glared at the man hurting the kid.
She stomped the ground firmly sending a pulse towards the two, and once it reached them it split the ground apart aiming to push this evil Matt away from Silus while simultaneously draining the strange liquid from the area. Elena then directed her attention to the attention seeking ginger. She extended her palms to the earth, and again the entire area began to shake as she dislodged a layer of the pavement beneath them. She brought her hands up and then straight down sending a wave of the ground forward towards Vexus-Excelsior. It looked like something out of a cartoon with the way the earth itself rushed forward in a rippling wave. At about two car length, the attacks was wide but did not have much heights to it. Right now, it would hopefully cause some damage but mostly would just keep the overdressed harlot at bay for the time being. With the way that Vexus was fighting, she would soon detach California from the east coast.

Whether or not she was successful in pushing Silus away from his attacker, Vexus would quickly close the gap between them. She erected a telekinetic barrier around herself while hovering towards him, immediately she moved up to her top speed and kept herself on a crash course with the man. If she managed to make contact with him, she would allow the force field to continue off of her and surround Matt imprisoning him. The barrier, like all her telekinetic constructs, distorted the light and space around it making it visible to the naked eye. Judging from the attacks that she had used earlier, and his reaction or lack there of, he might not avoid this allowing her to trap him more easily while her clone was distracted with the earth wave.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Silus April 6th 2014, 9:35 pm

This was an interesting turn of events. Though it is much to the dismay of this woman, none of her tactics would work on him this time. Simply because one appears normal, does not make them normal. Matthew was still VERY much a liquid. The Cloak of Cthulhu allowing him to simply be as liquid once more. He was interested however in the tactic used by the woman upon the Bionic Goddess. Immediately the Nanites in her body began to react as the fissure set in. Her advanced processing, her even grander reaction time. This was true. This was real. She was here...she had returned... even stronger than before. She was still climbing, ever higher... and with this new "blessed" reaction time, she was able to prepare with her own nanites. She leapt, an astounding distance in comparison to that of the original cybernetic woman. She threw a fire barrier around Sin and Silus, if the Original Vexus wished to persist she would clash head first with the Hellfire. To make matters worse, persisting would yield only the result of her splashing the man known as Sin. She had leapt well, landing close to Sin as she turned and scoffed, pointing St.Joan in the direction her computerized mind had projected the original Vexus to be, and immediately forced the light to form into a laser and fire out. If it deterred the original Vexus even a fraction of a second it was enough. Vexus-Excelsior held up the Cintimani stone and scoffed, as if she weren't expecting it to work.

   She was not a being of wished, but Sin smirked. He thought to himself, he wished Vexus-Excelsior would have the powers of a Goddess, to fufill her role. The stone flashed in the cybernetic's eye and a relentless wave of Hellfire energy shot out in all directions with the force of 400 tons, uprooting trees with the hellfire as the entire area turned to ashes and slipped away. The water ran dry, the park obliterated. Much to Silus (And Matthew's) relief there were no people within the range that would suffer the instantaneous disintegration. The Vexus-Excelsior dropped down on her feet and looked to her hands, observing. Her power had increased exponentially. This was true. She had it... The perfection that had always evaded her grasps. True enough, this would not last long...she would find ways to improve, to become better...but to know that there was a plane beyond even herself. She smirked as she looked up. She was Elena Vexus, the Excelsior. She was Perfection. (+8 Powerpoints to Vexus-Excelsior, her own stat booster and Sin's Cintimani Stone)

    The ground beneath her cracked as magma-like ley lines appearing, coursing through the ground. The nanites began deconstructing portions of the ground, pillars of fire shooting up. Excelsior pushed her hair off to the side as she held out her other hand, Shinigami appearing on the scene. Nanites began to form over one and other, three swords of Nanite-Hellfire over her head like a majestic mane as her eyes began to glow with power. Systems super-charged she unleashed the three blades, using the "cutting" noise as they flew through the air to be fortified by Shinigami, sending out an audible funnel of noise, powerful oscillations tearing away at the Original Vexus' direction. Then, St.Joan used the light emitted by the Hellfire nanite-swords(lv 10) to emanate a radiant glow (lv 8), making them even more powerful and able to damage and weaken any kinetic barriers the woman may try to construct.

    "Congratulations are in order. I've never been pressed quite like this before. If Only Marie could see us now." She said, a divine reverb to the android's voice. Nanite fire shot up and engulfed the area, meanwhile the Nanites circled the ground around Sin and Silus, keeping them "isolated" by means of setting preemptive nanites to intercept incoming damages and energies. The Elena Vexus' had reached a whole new level now and all Silus could do was look to Sin. Sin remained there to glare at the boy, something within him churning...feeling...regret, remorse? Impossible...maybe it was "Matthew" taking a toll on him. He looked to the sky, which had a hellfire arena around them, spanning sky-scrapers high. It was then he saw it. Silus' Yggdrasil was a device which summoned forth the power of two separate sources of souls...and now we have two beings that transcend mortal capacity. His eyes narrowed, anticipation and caution being brought to his wits. It was nigh time to call it quits...but not before his newest "Ally" put her original in her place.

Vexus' statboosters:

Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Lucife10
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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Elena Vexus April 6th 2014, 11:15 pm

It seemed uprooting the earth had not made a profound effect on her robotic clone. And to Vexus' surprise, the robot ended up in front of Silus after a bound far beyond her assumed capabilities, not to mention her heel staying completely in tact.. What the hell kind of pumps was this bitch wearing?! That was beside the point, there was a new immediate danger forcing Vexus to bring herself to a complete halt. Her clone and made a barrier around the two of them, and knowing the properties of the fire she dare not move closer. The red head continued to counter by highly concentrating a beam of light from the sword and firing at Elena like a laser. With her cybernetic eye she locked onto the beam and fired a beam of her own that met and overpowered the beam of light. Unfortunately what appeared like a transfiguration on the level of a god took place. The robot seemed to have been granted with a supercharged engine as she let out a massive wave of the black nano mite fire. Her laser was devoured along with everything else in its path. There was no avoiding this one. Elena shrouded herself in a forcefield which she had rotate at an impossible speed dampening the impact of the fire and causing it to orbit around her lessening the damage on her barrier since it prevented the nano mites from sticking and eating through her defense.

Eventually the attack subsided and all that was left was Vexus floating above the ground with the hellfire orbiting around her. She pushed it out wards revealing that she had survived the ridiculous wave of nigh unstoppable power. Elena pushed her shorter blonde hair behind her ear while still floating just above the ground with her arms crossed confidently. Underneath red hot cracks in the earth ran along the charred surface, fire even bean to break ground and shoot upwards. A pillar of fire shot up right underneath Vexus, but without the slightest movement the fire curved around her and out. The light of the blaze reflected on her eyes revealing a different kind of motivation. Something not driven by gears or a plethora of machinery. It was genuine and human. Something so real no amount of magic or science could ever replicate it. The fire subsided and she remained in the air watching as her counterpart readied her next attack.
Three of swords pure hellfire formed formed and brought forth her sword Shinigami known for Sound manipulation. As the three swords of fire were flung towards Elena, Shinigami was used to enhance the sound they made to send powerful waved ahead of them. She was able to measure the waves going through the air with her eye and used her powers to vibrate the air in such a way that when the sound waves collided with her artificial vibrations they would be cancelled out. The next issue were the swords themselves which had now been coated with a burning light, just to add to their lethality. These would be devastating if taken head on, Vexus moved herself slightly to the right as they rushed forward. Instead of blocking them, she pushed them slightly to the left and they roared by her but Vexus was not done influencing them.

More fire shot up from the ground and Elena pushed it forward towards Elena-Excelsior and her summoner. It happened on a couple occasions allowing her to send three total towers of fire at the two of them. After the fire had passed, a 'stone wall' began to build itself around the three of them. It was obviously just a hologram, but one that still obstructed their view even if it was just temporary. It was built up in a second and in the next it had shattered away revealing three Elenas standing around the three of them with their hands pointing forwards aiming to attack. However, the three Elenas faded away as three blades of hellfire coated in a neon light spun through coming to impale them in a triangle formation. The real Vexus had used her invisibility ring and moved herself above the two of them and as the three swords were closing in she revealed herself and launched a full-force solid pressure wave downwards at them. It was a multi-pronged attacked that flowed pretty well in Elena's opinion. But the two of these demons working on conjunction were a challenge even for someone as powerful as Vexus. Not to mention that one of the two was her former self. She was confident that this move would at least cause damage, be though as it may she knew that it would not finish them.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Empty Re: Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga)

Post by Silus April 8th 2014, 12:48 am

Vexus-Exelsior was ever vigilant. She had anticipated every possibility, but once again she found herself over-analyzing the situation. Sin took note of this quickly. It almost looked as if the machine second-guessed itself. Perhaps there was something going on within the cybernetic construct that the male did not understand. This "hesitation" would prove detrimental... well...not really. But in a was. Vexus commanded the Hellfire nanites with deadly precision, though no matter of telekinetic power she held, Hellfire was the domain of Sin, and it's utilization was, dare one say, "God-given". Her attempts to manipulate the pillars of raging fire were quickly nullified by the Vexus-Excelsior, whom specialized and was the very source of the substance. Though it took effort, the pillars were diffused, and Vexus-Excelsior found herself in an interesting situation. It was Sin whom first noticed it...a slight warp in the air. He smirked and sighed, shaking his head. The auditory vibrations hit the receptors in the Vexus-Excelsior whom looked to the male with a glance.

Sin knew this tactic, simply because he knew the power in an uncanny detail. One of Matthew's unique gifts that was shared with Sin was his ability to recognize powers, and to dissolve them down into a grander understanding...simply by observing them. It was this power that perhaps saved him the pain of biological reconstruction. His deep understanding of the power allowed him to determine that there were the smallest changes when the power was used. Sin was unconcerned by this assault, though at the same time he was concerned. His capability to become liquid was a rather...draining task, and as such he would only be able to continue his liquid state for another moment at best...after this assault, he would be forced to remain in his solidified state of normality, exposed to the potential damages that ensued around combat. He was amused to watch the cybernetic being react the way she did. Hellfire formed up around her and she moved to blast it out in countering the telekinetic power. The Kinetic energy collided with the Hellfire, and a flush wind swept the area surrounding Vexus-Excelsior, the winds so powerful the cybernetic flesh began to peel away from the cybernetic body it clung to. The Hellfire in turn had the same concept as it's own "boom" could be felt on the other end of the "Energy-deadlock" but rather it was simply extreme heat.

Vexus-Excelsior smirked, hidden beneath the Hellfire. Her plan was brilliant. Little did her humanoid countenance understand the gravity of what just transpired. That "boom that wind that simply "warmed" that area around her in a rush of pressure... it was all nanomites. In just a mere second, upon Vexus-Excelsior's unspoken command, like death itself the fires would claim yet another victim in the progress to perfection. The plan was simple, this feeble creature had suddenly surrounded itself with nanomites, unseen to the naked eye, and without a proper microscope spec and the intent to try and find it, then it would not likely appear to the "original" Elena. The nanties, however moved far too slowly. Working against the air with friction, and though it only delayed by a fraction of a second... it would stand testimony...

In a war of immortals, even a single second could make a God bleed...

Upon the command the Nanomites condensed, and fired out, ignited once more and flew to consume the Orignal Elena Vexus... but fate would not have this. The Original Vexus had a similar idea, it would see. The Kinetic energy that transferred when the molecules in the air flooded out from around Elena during the initial dead-lock would soon be turned against the Bionic Goddess. True, Vexus-Excelsior initiated the strike first... but the means of damage...the abilities they heald were the deciding factor. Vexus-Excelsior's nanites required to move through air, igniting friction and slowing their progress...and upon the nano-level the slow was near debilitating. Original Vexus manipulated Kinetic energy with her mind... and Kinetic energy WAS the movement. There was a tearing. A loud crack a mechanicxal whirr and the snapping of chords. Vexus-Excelsior's optics turned to find that her own right arm had been severed, sparks flying as the cybernatic scrap fell to the ground lamely. The sudden damage caused her systems to reallocate priorities, run diagnostics and ultimately took away fromt he control of the nanites. The original Vexus would find herself victim of the heat, and a powerful one...but ultimately she would likely emerge in a less damaged state.

Sin finished reforming once more and he solidified, this time for a good while to rest his mind for a moment as he watched the telekinetic power and the hellfire nullify each other in a cosmic collision of particles, sending an uneven shockwave of tremendous power and a brilliant plasma blue light flashing across the region. The shockwave itself would likely harm both the Vexus' as well... though Sin had grabbed onto Sius and teleported into just before the shockwave hit them, teleporting into the region where the wave had already passed. Sin grunted as he looked back at the two Vexus'. The Cybernetic being standing tall, still looking unconcerned as her hair draped over her head messily. She looked up to the air, searching for the other Vexus, her hair shifting to reveal the area around her eye had been completely skinned clean of the fleshy-substance. She shifted her hair, immediately fixing it so her hair covered this "flaw" and simply tossed her hair to the other side, now suddenly "Sporting" the look, rather than actually looking as if it were a flaw.

Only the good die young...(Closed: Elena Vexus and Nekromonga) Lucife10
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