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Time traveling girlfriend? Now i've seen everything [Silus and Avie]

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Time traveling girlfriend? Now i've seen everything [Silus and Avie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Time traveling girlfriend? Now i've seen everything [Silus and Avie]

Post by Silus May 3rd 2014, 11:23 pm

" two are obviously different. You're identical body, well. When she takes away ink and piercings. But your souls are like...totally different. I uh...I can see souls so...I'm not sure how I mixed you two up...unless I...lose my sense." Silus said with a rather shocked look. The women seemed to bicker over him, to which Silus found himself slightly strange, because he was pretty positive that they weren't talking about playing hop-scotch or hide and seek. With a sigh he stepped around, behind a tree out of sight, and when he emerged front he other side he was his older self again, walking up, standing next to Mike and making their similarities stand out some.  He crossed his arms and hummed as he looked at them over.

   Yancey took another small lick of the ice cream before nuzzling into his new friend affectionately and letting out a little whine...not a scared or hurt whine, but a happy and content whine, like that of a sigh. He took note of the woman now being two women. how did he miss that!? He looked to Michael his eyes shaking a little as his little voice whispered. " How she do that!? S-she was one and now she's two! I...I don't like either of them...Can I sic 'em?" He asked whispering, not letting anyone other than Michael hear, his eyes narrowed slightly as a little growl escaped him.

   "I'm not sure what to think of all this to be honest. I've dealt with some crazy Ethereal stuff too. Like, my dad coming back from the dead twice and my other dad becoming a 40 foot dragon. I travel realms every weekend, but I've never been THIS confused before. Why are you guys here?" Silus asked, his older voice not losing it's innocence but somehow becoming a little more mature. He felt more comfortable around all these adults in his older form for some reason. He also wasn't sure how much of his family she knew. For example...he just stated he had two comes back from the dead and the other is a dragon. Hopefully the question of a mother didn't pop up. Knowing his luck though....

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Time traveling girlfriend? Now i've seen everything [Silus and Avie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Time traveling girlfriend? Now i've seen everything [Silus and Avie]

Post by The Bolt May 3rd 2014, 11:48 pm

Michael raised an eyebrow, looking upon the female that had appeared, one that looked much like Avie save for the piercings and the tattoos. A low sigh slipped through his lips as the two talked, something one said seeming to annoy Michael somewhat, but he would not let that show. Personally he would have wanted to put a slug in between the bitches eyes simply because she annoyed him, but there was not a gun in hand, and humans tended to frown upon murder. So instead, all he could do was silently plot, though how far any of that would go was yet to be seen. Yancey nuzzled into him, letting out a pleased sound as he noted his displeasure with the female and the desire to…sic her. ”I personally want to say yes, but I think Silus might be mad if you…maul them.” Michael noted, scratching the wolf child behind the ear, chewing on his lower lip slightly. ”Well….if they go back to even hinting at Silus and…their inability to keep their legs closed in the same sentence again, you can sic ‘em.” Michael added for Yancey before simply reclining within the wheelchair.
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Time traveling girlfriend? Now i've seen everything [Silus and Avie] - Page 3 Empty Re: Time traveling girlfriend? Now i've seen everything [Silus and Avie]

Post by Artemis May 14th 2014, 9:56 pm

Avacyn and Kaalia where continuously bickering at this point over stupid things. Although it was obvious that Kaalia was just egging Avacyn on with out even trying. Although one thing Silus said caught Avacyn's ear.

"Wait you knew!" said Avacyn shocked. Even at this point Kaalia looked a bit surprised.

"Huh... it isn't as funny if he knew..." said Kaalia. Although she picked up on Silus' age change first, mainly because Avacyn at this point was crying to herself a few feet away.

"How did you?" asked Kaalia, giving Silus a weird look. The appearance change was weird but he did look like he was closer to the age where Avacyn met him. She then motioned to Avacyn. "Uh, don't worry about her... she should stop in a matter of moments. Anyway to answer your question. Our uncle opened a hole in space and time in our timeline. He sent Avacyn, on our birthday, back in time to stop him from doing it. But something happened and she was sent back to this time period. The hole eventually closed through other means, another one of our cousins fixed it. But after two weeks and Avacyn not returning our parents got worried and we contacted someone else to help with the problem. They gave me a device to travel through time. I spent the past week trying to find her. But now the device isn't working, which is a problem."

Kaalia paused, there was something else about Avacyn, it was hard to explain though.

"I-I don't know if because I'm her twin or something... but something about Avacyn seems off. She looked generally surprised to see me, not like in a 'Oh hey it's you' sort of way. More of a 'Holy crap, that's right I have a twin sort of way." I think there might be something different about her. I did see what she did earlier... which is surprising... Avacyn always had extreme precision with her powers and would never kill anyone, even on accident. She also seemed different when it happened, but only for a second."

"Hmm.. maybe you guys know someone who could fix this?" asked Kaalia, holding out the device for them to look at. Avacyn came walking back shortly after, slightly sniffling.
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