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Tiamat Empty Tiamat

Post by Humanity March 21st 2014, 2:06 pm


Basic Information

True Name: JharDarrnah Thanach Sygax Thal’Yamm
Legal Name: Jordan
Hero Name: Tiamat
Title:  The Dragon Prince, Lord of Leviathans, “The Princess”
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Archetype: The Fool
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Primal Dragon Hybrid.
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6’4
Weight: 240lbs.
Blood type: Essence Blood (Black)

The Looks

Dragon Form:
Tiamat Control:

Alignment Justification

   Jordan’s alignment has multiple factors. Jordan’s most accurate trope is “The Fool” which is a neutral party that may have a desire to be good or evil, but is still too early on their journey to figure anything out. Furthermore is lack of “traditional intelligence” makes it clear that the poor guy wanders aimlessly just to find something fun or interesting. The Fool, Jordan had no idea what he is doing, but as most fools are, he is more clever than even he suspects. Jordan does have something preventing him from being good aligned. His very nature causes terrible things to humanity. He has Dark powers, despite wanting to be a good person. His powers are seemingly bad, even evil when used near humans, often causing casualty to people even in his vicinity and warping their minds. That being said he is a “Bad Powers, Good Person” which prevents a moral commitment to Good and “The Fool” due to his seeming neglect of governing bodies and ethical structures.

The Legacy


An idiot to most people who come across him. He’s a standard young man that seems to be entirely consumed with a desire to hoard and collect different things, odds and ends and trinkets. He transfixes upon his obsessions and then moves on once he’s collected them. Avarice and Dragon’s greed do hold him tightly, but he is also a charitable soul whom understands the concept of recompense and reward. Definitely a kinetic and physical learner, Jordan is unlikely to be seen with his head buried in a book that isn’t some kind of weird ancient scroll with the potential to blow him up. He loves competition, healthy or otherwise. No matter what, Jordan takes a very child-like competitive spirit into all he does, this also helps make things spicy enough to keep his interest for a little while longer in a long event. Jordan will tend to start out highly enthusiastic on just about everything, his curse, however, is that by the time they reach the mid-way point of their ‘plan’ he’s grown bored and annoyed of it.


  The circumstances of this birth were not witnessed, and the way of conception remains a shrouded secret. Jordan is the combination of genetic material of creation itself alongside the eternal void. His birth equates him as a child of The Prime-Dragon from Ur, Yamm the primordial chaos, The King of Dragons, Father of Leviathans and the rightful ruler of Seppam. His other parentage brings him to Archon, the voice of creation. Named “A Child of Balance”, Jordan quickly took upon the mortal moniker of “Jordan” and began to expand his power as a dragon.

  The imprint upon the soul of Jordan, and his capabilities heavily sided with the infinite void, rather than creation itself, though Jordan tried his best to fit in with the others of his mortal family. Seen as an overprotective brother, he was spurned as a bully and he began to focus inward. Upon identifying the echoes of his soul and his draconic essence he mastered the ability to transform into a dragon, and abandoned his home to search for his father’s mortal vessel.

  Upon meeting Yamm, their interactions left much to be desired. Yamm quickly rejected Jordan, though spared his life in the odd chance that perhaps the strange conception was possible. Yamm’s vessel took Jordan in and trained him, watching as he developed his skill, until Yamm himself could no longer deny the child was simply too similar. Jordan, despite being the son of Yamm, found a kin and closeness to Yamm’s vessel, and regarded him as a father moreso than even Yamm, despite the vessel being simply differing in personality in time-space.

  Jordan was named “The Prince of Dragons” and heir to Yamm’s title, a gesture that summoned forth Typhon, the first-born of Yamm, who began to cause chaos and discord. Jordan fought with Typhon, and was defeated quite easily, leaving the defeated Jordan to be witnessed by thousands of dragons at The Conclave. Despite his defeat, many of the Dragons remain loyal to the lineage of Yamm, and Yamm’s decree, seeing Jordan as the rightful ruler until the days of Yamm’s return.

  Jordan’s defeat ever since has caused a schism in his very being. As a mortal he feared death, as a Dragon he welcomed it, reveled in the challenge. Tiamat and Jordan were not in alignment, and so the Dragon began to try and seize control of the mortal, and the duality of the soul began. Despite being one being, there is a terrible rift in him, one that causes a great deal of pain to many who would be mere innocents.

 Jordan has many siblings, but when one of them was killed in the London attack, Jordan recognized that Typhon was only the beginning of bad news. His father was still gone, and Archon would not save them for some reason. His little brother was killed, by the very visage of another one of his brothers, someone he holds very close.

The Powers

Quintessence Projection: The power of Quintessence flows through the very fabric of his being. Quintessence is the combination of the essence of creation in harmony with the unknown and bizarre nature of the infinite Void. The power manifests as sparks of energy that can take on the properties of other energies or matter once introduced. (Example: It is a spark of energy, meaning the default state behaves similar to electricity, but when the spark hits fire, it take upon the burning, destructive property of fire. When introduced to water the energy takes upon a slower moving, liquid and more material form.)

Primordial Physiology: Enduring, Powerful and a force to be reckoned with. The physiology of this being grants them incredible strength that bounds tons beyond human capability. Their physical body is augmented with Quintessence, allowing them a near matching durability to endure and continue fighting beyond fundamental limitations. Their Quintessence constantly resonating with the world around them grants them advanced reflexes and skillful fighting, allowing him to even keep up with much faster metahumans while they are in his reach. (Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Reflexes)

Restoration: Born of both creation and Void, Jordan commands Quintessence. The use of Quintessence can be further used to restore one’s body and heal one’s self from wounds and other maladies. It grants Jordan the ability to focus his Quintessence and gain an impressive regeneration factor, capable of regrowing entire pieces of himself from little material or merely the memory of him.

Dragon Form: The Form of a Dragon is a powerful one, and one that Jordan has learned the hard way. From several fights with his half-brothers, Jordan has learned to take the form of a Levithan class dragon, granting him a size of his choice from 20ft to 150ft long. The Dragons’ strength scales and the squared-cubed law seems to be negated in the transformation. In this form he gains flight.

Primordial Runes: The Magic of the dragons from the dawn of creation. Rune Magic was the magic of the dragons, while Primordial Runes were the magics of those dragons tied into the dawn of creation itself. Primordial Runes are powerful magical runes that invoke and force a converging effect using a myriad of magical sources. Primordial Runes are powerful, but heavily exhausting. (Magic Feature: 3 Limited Abilities : 1 Weakness.)

Primordial Runes:

The Evil Within: A mixture of magical arcane energies from within Jordan and imbued with his quintessence. These magical secrets are hoarded and channeled by his inner dragon. Arcane knowledge, Eldritch magics and Infernal power all mix and are hoarded from the being inside him, granting him an extensive spell list that he can only use if he wishes to risk transforming into a dragon, or if he is already controlled by his dragon. (Magic Feature: 6 Limited Abilities : 2 Weaknesses.)




The Weaknesses

Amber: Despite being fossilized tree resin, Amber is a substance that is quite irritating for Jordan to deal with. Amber when in contact with his body, negates his access to his Dragon form and The Evil Within powers. It does not remove Jordan from his dragon form, but prevents it from accessing much of it’s magic.

Crystal Clear: Jordan’s Dragon form loses its water manipulation capabilities when the crystal in its chest has suffered sufficient damage.

Obsessive: Jordan has the curse of a dragon’s avarice. He can easily become obsessed with certain things or people. When this happens he is only able to “snap out” of his obsession through being defeated, gaining a new obsession, or if food is presented to him.

Darkness Within: Jordan cannot control his inner dragon. It’s not possible for him to live a normal life and be a good person when his powers all cause people to go insane, hit their heads of walls and manically burn their homes down. For this reason alone, Jordan will often times rather take a defeat than even contemplate utilizing his powers.

Dragon’s Pride: Pride is all a dragon has. When you remove the treasury that is. Jordan is incapable of turning down a challenge from another dragonkin, and is forced to act in defense of his honor when a non-dragonkin insults dragonkind.

Blood In The Water: Jordan struggles to maintain himself against his inner dragon. Upon tasting blood, Jordan has a severe chance of losing control and all rationality in order to continue a feeding frenzy.

Magical Limitations: As seen in the magical abilities, they have time durations and/or limits to the number of uses they have. Additionally being on consecrated ground protects a person from being the target of these magics, providing they adhere to the faith that the ground is consecrated by.

Monstrous Shrine: A creature can create a shrine to Tiamat and invoke the blessing of Tiamat. If this happens, Jordan is controlled by this person and obey’s their whims to the best of his ability, as his own inner dragon begins to use him for the gain of the dragon’s followers.

Dry Land: While his inner dragon is in control, he loses the ability to use their Quintessence in any form other than as a breath weapon. If he is located at least 2 miles away from a nearby body of water he cannot gain the benefit of his Restoration feature.

Ashes: Tiamat and Jordan cannot cross a line of ashes. Similarly to the mythos of ghosts and salt-lines. Jordan is incapable of passing beyond a line of ashes, and any powers he attempts to employ will not affect ashes that are arranged in a line.

Father’s name: Reciting the name and title of Jordan’s father will compel Tiamat to release the body from control, forcing it to thrust control back onto Jordan and reverting him from Dragon form into his normal humanoid form.

Compulsion of Belief: Jordan’s powers and abilities are hampered and limited to what he himself believes. If he believes a human is stronger than him, his own strength will pale in comparison to them. If he believes that a mundane knife will cut him, his durability will not stop the knife.

The Fool: Jordan is not the smartest person...

The Mechanics

Spark of “Genius”: Jordan does not understand a lot in this world, but with the ability to hyper-focus he can achieve impossible feats when people continually push him to accomplish some of the most odd feats that baffle even genius’ such as his father. This is described as Dragons having a different understanding of primal forces, such as physics, and him simply exploiting things humans do not have the ability to comprehend.

Bioluminescence: When needed, Jordan is capable of focusing and causing patterns on his body to appear. These patterns glow in a variety of intensities but are soft blue color. The lights are capable of providing light in dark spaces. This happens involuntarily if Jordan is shaken vigorously.

Levithan: Jordan can breathe water as if it were air, moves through water easier than land, and seems to be immune to the crushing, frigid depths of the ocean

The Arsenal

Item: N/A

Physical Priority
1: Strength :1
2: Reaction : 2
3: Endurance Kitty Face
4: Agility :4

Character Trivia

  • Jordan’s true name is Draconic.
       - Jhar meaning “Charm, Mystic, Spell”
       - Darrnah meaning “Dreadful, Fear, Panic”
       - Thanach meaning “Chaos, Hatching, Freedom”
       - Sygax meaning “Ruler, Victor, Battle”
       - Thal’Yamm meaning “Born of Yamm”
  • Tiamat is traditionally depicted as a female, though this vexes Jordan endlessly, as Dragons whom discern his name recognize Sygax as the feminine form of Zygax.
  • Jordan’s Aura’s releasing effects unto the population typically cause a great deal of discomfort for Jordan.
  • Jordan is the second child of Yamm, and is brother to Typhon, Frankenstein and Hannah.
  • Despite his historical disrespect for humans, watching Yamm’s vessel and idolizing him has caused Jordan to respect humans and oftentimes become obsessive with protecting them.

Last edited by Humanity on November 8th 2022, 5:04 am; edited 22 times in total (Reason for editing : New System)


Tiamat Humani11
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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

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Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Tiamat Empty Re: Tiamat

Post by The Bolt March 21st 2014, 11:53 pm

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The Bolt
The Bolt
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Tiamat Empty Re: Tiamat

Post by Forceaus May 24th 2014, 10:59 pm

Unapproved. Quintessence is life-force manipulation and that's banned. That typhoon power is also a no-no. It's something that's not being paid for at all.

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Tiamat Empty Re: Tiamat

Post by Humanity May 25th 2014, 12:03 am

I believe it's a mix up the whole concept of Quintessence.

 I think you're using the Superpower Wiki's Quintekinesis as a definition for Quintessence energy.

  I was using the literal definition of Quintessence in which I saw listed as...

  1) The pure concentrated essence of a substance.
*The substance being his draconian blood*

  I suppose that in it's own right is a form of life-force manipulation, but it's no different than a fish filtering oxygen because of it's fish heritage.

I was making a point to avoid using the "Physics: Quintessence" and the "Quintekinesis" in option of him simply calling forth power from his dragon-blood. The name Quintessence being his drawing on he pure essence of his draconian nature.


Tiamat Humani11
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

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Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Tiamat Empty Re: Tiamat

Post by Chellizard May 25th 2014, 10:54 am

Low: Quintessence Breath & High: Quintessence Shell seem a bit OP to me.... and dragon armor needs to have a duration, even if it's 10 posts; I want one listed; and then it can deteriorate over the course of six posts or something.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Tiamat Empty Re: Tiamat

Post by Humanity May 25th 2014, 11:43 pm

Quintessence breath has now been limited to being a simple "light" looking energy that be breathes and it was given a limit on distance for good measure.

Quintessence shell's radius was halved

The armor was given the suggested duration and the deterioration time.


Tiamat Humani11
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

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Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Tiamat Empty Re: Tiamat

Post by Chellizard May 25th 2014, 11:56 pm

And I figured this wasn't life force manip; cause you're a league player Razz And the name is totally from league! Razz Quintessence... rofl.

Nice stolen thing Zelly. Razz

-My DeviantArt-
Tiamat JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Tiamat Empty Re: Tiamat

Post by Humanity May 26th 2014, 12:42 am

Hey Quintessence is an actual thing!!!

....okay yeah... I'm a terrible person hahah XD


Tiamat Humani11
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Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Tiamat Empty Re: Tiamat

Post by Odien January 19th 2015, 9:08 pm

First off, yes, you do look like a girl, going off of the avatar.

Secondly trashing this because I'm an OCD prick.

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Tiamat Empty Re: Tiamat

Post by Arcana November 8th 2022, 5:35 am

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Tiamat Empty Re: Tiamat

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