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Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
The SuperHero RPG :: The Superhero RPG Universe aka Roleplay Section :: International Territories :: Open Ocean
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Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
On the Pacific Ocean lays an island that has not been tread on in several decades. Being sold to the businessman, Jack Kerriga, it has since been turned into a headquarters of sorts, where robotic androids roam the island with deadly weapons. Their assignment is to destroy any unauthorized personnel found trespassing on the island. Ranging in all sorts of models, the highly lethal androids relentlessly are on alert, night or day, needing no downtime to rest.
All along the coasts are stationed squadrons of the lowest, and cheapest model that Hurricane personally has designed. The SNK Mark VI. A very unintelligent, but alert robot who has a very high accuracy range. But weak in almost every other area. Armed with only a fully automatic assault rifle, each patrol keeps relatively together in squads of 4. This would be the first obstacle any trespasser would have to overcome, let alone various traps on the island. The temperature on the island is fairly tropical, however Hurricane's base of operations lay deep in the middle of the island, perched high up on a mountain in frigid temperatures ranging well below 0 degrees.
In his facility, were various areas ranging from cloning facilities, to robotic factory lines, to his personal genetic research. It had been some time since he left the island, his plan was soon to be set in motion. However, he needed a few instruments to implement his plan. That all, though, were to change. For soon an intruder would step foot on the island to disrupt his ever important research.
All along the coasts are stationed squadrons of the lowest, and cheapest model that Hurricane personally has designed. The SNK Mark VI. A very unintelligent, but alert robot who has a very high accuracy range. But weak in almost every other area. Armed with only a fully automatic assault rifle, each patrol keeps relatively together in squads of 4. This would be the first obstacle any trespasser would have to overcome, let alone various traps on the island. The temperature on the island is fairly tropical, however Hurricane's base of operations lay deep in the middle of the island, perched high up on a mountain in frigid temperatures ranging well below 0 degrees.
In his facility, were various areas ranging from cloning facilities, to robotic factory lines, to his personal genetic research. It had been some time since he left the island, his plan was soon to be set in motion. However, he needed a few instruments to implement his plan. That all, though, were to change. For soon an intruder would step foot on the island to disrupt his ever important research.
Hurricane- Post Mate
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."
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Registration date : 2010-12-02
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
HIS location was important but at the same time will wasn't porn was the fact that in a long time he had finally found a target that was worth seeking. First he had to track down his target which took a bit more time than expected because this particular target was not on any type of city or country, but on a specific kind of special Island developed for his specific target. this in honesty would probably be his first meta human off at Target usually do to him training and dealing with special but very normal human beings. Tonight on this particular half moon was going too fight a meta human that could be more dangerous than any target he had to kill, judging his location, power level and age Sixteen suspected it wasn't a reason of vacation to be on such an island alone. He still had to get used to finding and taking out targets on his own - almost forced to be a loner won't help him out ... but for the most part he had to try. He accepted the contract and that meant he officially had a target to either catch or kill. He suited up in the most proper way he could. Battle Staff, wrist shooters, and an all black rubber leather suit with combat gauntlets alongside boots. Lets not forget the grenades!
-Upon Arrival-
Stepping silently he found an unguarded area to check the place out before finding a checkpoint area - most likely where he'd meet his target. It was not a bad thing to him that he found a place where it's completely honest isolation from the world. Starting at 90 MPH the assassin took off running, getting past any robot or trap as fast and undetected as possible.His fert stopped on top of the facility. Using an unguarded window he made himself welcome by coming inside.
Infiltration Complete.
-Upon Arrival-
Stepping silently he found an unguarded area to check the place out before finding a checkpoint area - most likely where he'd meet his target. It was not a bad thing to him that he found a place where it's completely honest isolation from the world. Starting at 90 MPH the assassin took off running, getting past any robot or trap as fast and undetected as possible.His fert stopped on top of the facility. Using an unguarded window he made himself welcome by coming inside.
Infiltration Complete.
16- Post Mate
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Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
Though his initial squadrons of robotic defenders were fooled, the assassin seemed to stealthily and luckily avoid all traps on his presence here on the island. Despite there being underground landmines, burrowing robotic artificial intelligence that could sense heat, and prowling titans of robotic mastery fit to match the strength of a metahuman. All seemed to be avoided by the man's speed, and luck to not step on one of the landmines. It would have gone all according to the assassins plan, had it not been for a simple misstep. Opening a window, the assassin entered the facility.
"What is it?" Hurricane responded. The security system didn't frequently disrupt him, but when it did, he wasn't pleased. The research plans he was developing was very important. It seemed one of the windows were opened, triggering a security alarm in the system. Though, it wasn't a traditional alarm. There was no nagging 'ringing' sound throughout the entire facility as if it were some sort of video game, alerting everyone in the universe that there was an infiltration. Rather, it was designed to keep everyone in the dark. Among the robots, digital instructions were given to investigate the disturbance, but no bolstering of security order was given. Yet.
Moving his hands towards his computer, he tapped on some key codes, accessing the surveillance cameras on the open window. Definitely was accessed. Being accompanied by very few living beings, not many would enter his facility through such a route. Cycling through his cameras trying to find the perpetrator, it came up empty. He was moving quick, and he was keeping out of sight. A smile grew on Jack's face. He wondered what this man, or woman, was up to. Either way, he decided to meet his challenger.
"Call off security. Let him through." he told the computer, before leaning back in his chair. He had several metahuman bodyguards on the facility grounds he could send to meet the challenger, but he had already assessed his opponent. If he could sneak past all security, the traps on the island, and avoid detection by surveillance, then there was no way any of his agents could find him. The only way to get rid of the intrusion, was for the intruder to find his target. And so it would be.
Only two robotic droids stood guard in front of the door to Hurricane's research laboratory where he was currently residing for the time being. However, their orders were not to engage any targets until instructed otherwise. As Sixteen would approach the corridor that led to Hurricane's current location, they wouldn't open fire, even if attacked. Hurricane sat in his chair facing the door waiting for his would-be assassin to arrive.
"What is it?" Hurricane responded. The security system didn't frequently disrupt him, but when it did, he wasn't pleased. The research plans he was developing was very important. It seemed one of the windows were opened, triggering a security alarm in the system. Though, it wasn't a traditional alarm. There was no nagging 'ringing' sound throughout the entire facility as if it were some sort of video game, alerting everyone in the universe that there was an infiltration. Rather, it was designed to keep everyone in the dark. Among the robots, digital instructions were given to investigate the disturbance, but no bolstering of security order was given. Yet.
Moving his hands towards his computer, he tapped on some key codes, accessing the surveillance cameras on the open window. Definitely was accessed. Being accompanied by very few living beings, not many would enter his facility through such a route. Cycling through his cameras trying to find the perpetrator, it came up empty. He was moving quick, and he was keeping out of sight. A smile grew on Jack's face. He wondered what this man, or woman, was up to. Either way, he decided to meet his challenger.
"Call off security. Let him through." he told the computer, before leaning back in his chair. He had several metahuman bodyguards on the facility grounds he could send to meet the challenger, but he had already assessed his opponent. If he could sneak past all security, the traps on the island, and avoid detection by surveillance, then there was no way any of his agents could find him. The only way to get rid of the intrusion, was for the intruder to find his target. And so it would be.
Only two robotic droids stood guard in front of the door to Hurricane's research laboratory where he was currently residing for the time being. However, their orders were not to engage any targets until instructed otherwise. As Sixteen would approach the corridor that led to Hurricane's current location, they wouldn't open fire, even if attacked. Hurricane sat in his chair facing the door waiting for his would-be assassin to arrive.
Hurricane- Post Mate
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."
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Registration date : 2010-12-02
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
When 16 feet have finally made surface inside of the facility he couldn't help but wonder why anything actually was so quiet in this area of range. His brain was far from primitive, his own island and robots? Let's not forget the cameras .. wait! Yes a hint to his day to day puzzle - This one was finding out if he'd been spotted or not. So far so good right? But he felt it was possibly more then what he saw the journey to the only building on this almost creative island. He choose to leave the window open - Mostly just to be a jerk and because it possibly could give him a proper plan exit. Everyone need a plan exit no matter how good he or she in the field such as this example right now. The mask on his face was attached to his full body suit by color or nature. Jumping in the shadows using his full speed he literally jump between shadows and ducking himself past all the Android Personal. He got his way to the entrance, at least the entrance of his money he WAS goimg to get. Walking maybe 16 meters before staring at both of them in silence, head cocked arms crossed.
16- Post Mate
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Registration date : 2013-09-17
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
The artificial intelligence made eye contact with the assassin who merely stood before them with his arms folded. Was he waiting for them to make a move? Their red optical retina contracted and expanded as they focused in on Sixteen, taking in several forms of data such as height, weight, visible weaponry that they could find. Only then afterwards, transmitting all data to Hurricane's computer.
Waiting with a sigh, he tapped on his chair. The data came in, as the robots assessed him to the best of their ability. He was right in front of the door leading to his laboratory, but not entering. It seemed as if the man had noticed that he hadn't been entirely invisible, as close as he had come all this way. He was being cautious, as he should. He was trespassing, after all, on private property. Scrambling his hands over the computer, he opened the door remotely so the man could get a good look right back at him. Standing up from his seat, he began to walk towards Sixteen, since he had been reluctant to continue towards him.
"Well now, you have come a long ways from whatever country you're from. You've evaded all the security and traps I laid on the island, and for that I must give you proper commendations. I'll have to make some extra measures to increase my security here. Had you not triggered the window alarm, you may have been completely invisible. So then, my guest. What is it I can do for you?" he said, walking towards Sixteen. He folded his arms behind his back. He appeared completely unarmed. But if Sixteen was aware of his target's metahuman abilities, he would know well enough that he was far from defenseless.
Waiting with a sigh, he tapped on his chair. The data came in, as the robots assessed him to the best of their ability. He was right in front of the door leading to his laboratory, but not entering. It seemed as if the man had noticed that he hadn't been entirely invisible, as close as he had come all this way. He was being cautious, as he should. He was trespassing, after all, on private property. Scrambling his hands over the computer, he opened the door remotely so the man could get a good look right back at him. Standing up from his seat, he began to walk towards Sixteen, since he had been reluctant to continue towards him.
"Well now, you have come a long ways from whatever country you're from. You've evaded all the security and traps I laid on the island, and for that I must give you proper commendations. I'll have to make some extra measures to increase my security here. Had you not triggered the window alarm, you may have been completely invisible. So then, my guest. What is it I can do for you?" he said, walking towards Sixteen. He folded his arms behind his back. He appeared completely unarmed. But if Sixteen was aware of his target's metahuman abilities, he would know well enough that he was far from defenseless.
Hurricane- Post Mate
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."
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Registration date : 2010-12-02
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
So the readers imagination can't think of why he decided to stand their in front of the door. Alright I suppose I could tell you, he knew the moment he didn't have the need to fight two robots in front of the door once with in range of blast radius through visual contact. This automatically tells Sixteen that a stealth approach that was plan A failed, he accepted it and chose to learn from it later. The biggest part from this was making his way to plan B - So this was surprisingly his thinking time to come up with, while waiting for his prey who now just went predator mode to make the next move. He doesn't get bested easily, especially by his targets no one could stop him. He had to be patient, patience can also be a bad thing dealing with certain kinds of opponents. In this case he was going to use patience as an advantage. Sixteen masked neck did not turn they kept forward. Sixteen wasn't going to make a frontal approach like that - way to dangerous. Claymore waiting beyond that door? Fuck that, enemy territory with high tech robots, there must be some high tech weaponry he was a critical thinker. He could blow up the whole facility when he could kill this guy and claim it for his own right?
Now part of his does wanna spin while unleashing grenades exploding everything in a ill will. That could be used as a way to lure out his opponent, they lose concentration and control and get kills by yours truly. If what he was studying about the target was true then a head on decision would be very dangerous, he feeling absolutely caught up but he wasn't sure. The door began to open which told Sixteen thinking time was over it was time to start often; like really often. Slow by standards meaning it was on a slow destination but one thing was certain he chooses where they fight. He could then confirm his target by visual prowess. His target didn't seem like a head on kind of guy, but he could see why hiding is no good. The man began to speak, none that Sixteen gave a fuck for. Sixteen tossed a metal ball like object called a grenade four feet away from him and threw insensitive speed he began back flips right before the terribly large explosive explosion erupted blowing a heavy part of the wall, floor and ceiling to go BOOM! Sliding down after coming to a almost silent stop. He waited for the smoke to clear to see if his job was complete. 20 meters backwards from the blast radius.
Now part of his does wanna spin while unleashing grenades exploding everything in a ill will. That could be used as a way to lure out his opponent, they lose concentration and control and get kills by yours truly. If what he was studying about the target was true then a head on decision would be very dangerous, he feeling absolutely caught up but he wasn't sure. The door began to open which told Sixteen thinking time was over it was time to start often; like really often. Slow by standards meaning it was on a slow destination but one thing was certain he chooses where they fight. He could then confirm his target by visual prowess. His target didn't seem like a head on kind of guy, but he could see why hiding is no good. The man began to speak, none that Sixteen gave a fuck for. Sixteen tossed a metal ball like object called a grenade four feet away from him and threw insensitive speed he began back flips right before the terribly large explosive explosion erupted blowing a heavy part of the wall, floor and ceiling to go BOOM! Sliding down after coming to a almost silent stop. He waited for the smoke to clear to see if his job was complete. 20 meters backwards from the blast radius.
16- Post Mate
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Registration date : 2013-09-17
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
Made evident by the lack of communication, Sixteen made itself ever more clear that he was not on Hurricane's premises for any other purpose than to either take him dead or alive. Which of the two, Hurricane wasn't sure at first. He had met many so-called 'heroes', but just as many assassins. Now that it was finally resolved which of the two his intruder was, he could try to dispose of the threat as quickly as possible.
A grenade was tossed in his direction, as the assassin removed himself from the blast radius. Not being as quick and nimble as his opponent, he only had time to take one or two steps backwards before an explosion of rubble and debris rocked the entire facility with a thunderous 'Boom!'. The sentry AI robots sparked as they were immediately destroyed from the fragments of the grenade that shredded through their insides made of circuitry. The walls and ceiling caved, as the ceiling crumbled and fell on top of what remained of the two sentry guards who did nothing to defend their master.
Several moments later, the dust finally cleared. However, it may not have been a scene that was to be expected. A few feet from the explosion, Hurricane was sitting on his behind, his back leaned up against one of the research cabinets. His body limp and head tilted down. On closer inspection, his body was riddled with holes from the fragments of the grenade, as streaks of blood stained his shirt. His eyes were open but motionless, as his body didn't even do so much as twitch.
A grenade was tossed in his direction, as the assassin removed himself from the blast radius. Not being as quick and nimble as his opponent, he only had time to take one or two steps backwards before an explosion of rubble and debris rocked the entire facility with a thunderous 'Boom!'. The sentry AI robots sparked as they were immediately destroyed from the fragments of the grenade that shredded through their insides made of circuitry. The walls and ceiling caved, as the ceiling crumbled and fell on top of what remained of the two sentry guards who did nothing to defend their master.
Several moments later, the dust finally cleared. However, it may not have been a scene that was to be expected. A few feet from the explosion, Hurricane was sitting on his behind, his back leaned up against one of the research cabinets. His body limp and head tilted down. On closer inspection, his body was riddled with holes from the fragments of the grenade, as streaks of blood stained his shirt. His eyes were open but motionless, as his body didn't even do so much as twitch.
Hurricane- Post Mate
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."
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Registration date : 2010-12-02
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
The number to be frank went over the fight before he got here about five times in his head and those were the most likely ways it was going to go down. So when the smoke cleared he would wait for his opponent to actually show his real form as corny as that sounds – No way in hell was a high level Meta – human like that defeated. So with that thought in place he had almost no choice but to wait for the smoke to clear, he couldn’t hear anything out of the ordinary but that didn’t mean nothing couldn’t possibly be plotting at this particular moment.
Heart rate and muscle performance is stable as of course checking ones vitals are very important in the field he works in, no doubt at all. His legs spread apart just a bit more after the smoke allowed visual of his target, everything was not what it seemed and it wasn’t going to go past Sixteen unnoticed. Way to obvious, and that was something that Sixteen wasn’t going to admit to himself or any other being about this creatively humorous world. Under his mask was no emotion, he slightly felt a bit insulted but he couldn’t help but silently understand the method that was going on here.
His fingers slowly excursed themselves under his gloves as his mode changed from no emotion to just slightly amused, perhaps this wasn’t going to end in any way he expected. Alright, this call for more patience as this time he spoke up in an act to show a bit of respect to his target before adapting to whatever he was playing and terminating his existence. Standing in the same place, though he could see the damage he could not see the mission as complete as it looks. Meaning he wasn’t done, he wasn’t going anywhere just yet.
“Whatever you’re doing I am not fooled … come out and fight or I’ll destroy this whole island you got. Show me your will to live!"
Heart rate and muscle performance is stable as of course checking ones vitals are very important in the field he works in, no doubt at all. His legs spread apart just a bit more after the smoke allowed visual of his target, everything was not what it seemed and it wasn’t going to go past Sixteen unnoticed. Way to obvious, and that was something that Sixteen wasn’t going to admit to himself or any other being about this creatively humorous world. Under his mask was no emotion, he slightly felt a bit insulted but he couldn’t help but silently understand the method that was going on here.
His fingers slowly excursed themselves under his gloves as his mode changed from no emotion to just slightly amused, perhaps this wasn’t going to end in any way he expected. Alright, this call for more patience as this time he spoke up in an act to show a bit of respect to his target before adapting to whatever he was playing and terminating his existence. Standing in the same place, though he could see the damage he could not see the mission as complete as it looks. Meaning he wasn’t done, he wasn’t going anywhere just yet.
“Whatever you’re doing I am not fooled … come out and fight or I’ll destroy this whole island you got. Show me your will to live!"
16- Post Mate
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Registration date : 2013-09-17
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
"Hnnhnnhah!" a voice echoed through the area, his exact location undetermined. Perhaps he was not there at all. Following the slightly ecstatic laugh was a slow but assured clapping that brought itself to a halt as Hurricane re-revealed himself to his opponent. Coming into the room from a side entry to the research facility, his feet stopped, and he contorted his head to be fixated at Sixteen with an amused look on his face. So far he proved himself to be much more capable intellectually than the assassins sent before him. But whether he was an equal to Rush, one of Hurricane's top men, was another story.
"And here I thought I would kill you as quickly as I killed the others. Or did you think yourself to be the first to get this far? Don't think you have control over the situation. I hold all the cards up my sleeve today. You're surrounded by my top agents. Even in my defeat, you cannot take on several metahumans of their power level. If you think you'll get out of here alive, you have been sorely mistaken. I have to admit, I thought that the projection was very lifelike. But you're the first not to fall for it, so that puts me in quite a predicament." He gave a soft commendation as he put his hand on his chin in puzzlement. Most assassins first instincts were to check the pulse on a fallen victim. However, he did make a critical flaw in judgement this time. Whoever kept sending these mercenaries eventually figured him to be more lethal than they originally expected. For him to die in a single attack would be far too conspicuous. An issue he would need to fix another time. For now, he had a persistent and cautious enemy before him. Though, the assassin's holding back attitude would get him killed at this point.
A wind energy swirled in the room, even though no windows were open. Already, Jack Kerriga was manipulating the air around him as his hair was fluttering around restlessly. He planned to start out his powers slow and work his way up. Seeing as he didn't want to destroy his own laboratory, but if he had to he would. Money wasn't an issue, but he had made some progress in what he was trying to achieve before Sixteen showed up. Now was his turn for a counteroffensive. Hurricane flipped a switch on his arm, which effectively activated two of his gadgets. Only one of which was visible to the human eye currently. His metallic arm bracers shifted around and plated his hands, forming the tips of his fingers into large talon-like claws. He wasn't as prominent at martial arts as his opponent, but he wasn't going into battle defenseless either.
Outstretching his hand, he tapped into his metahuman abilities with his mind. A vortex of wind energy shot out towards Sixteen at a very rapid rate, the very tip of the vortex having enough shredding power to devour almost any obstacle that decided to get in his path. If Sixteen were not able to move quick enough, it could bore straight through his flesh.
"And here I thought I would kill you as quickly as I killed the others. Or did you think yourself to be the first to get this far? Don't think you have control over the situation. I hold all the cards up my sleeve today. You're surrounded by my top agents. Even in my defeat, you cannot take on several metahumans of their power level. If you think you'll get out of here alive, you have been sorely mistaken. I have to admit, I thought that the projection was very lifelike. But you're the first not to fall for it, so that puts me in quite a predicament." He gave a soft commendation as he put his hand on his chin in puzzlement. Most assassins first instincts were to check the pulse on a fallen victim. However, he did make a critical flaw in judgement this time. Whoever kept sending these mercenaries eventually figured him to be more lethal than they originally expected. For him to die in a single attack would be far too conspicuous. An issue he would need to fix another time. For now, he had a persistent and cautious enemy before him. Though, the assassin's holding back attitude would get him killed at this point.
A wind energy swirled in the room, even though no windows were open. Already, Jack Kerriga was manipulating the air around him as his hair was fluttering around restlessly. He planned to start out his powers slow and work his way up. Seeing as he didn't want to destroy his own laboratory, but if he had to he would. Money wasn't an issue, but he had made some progress in what he was trying to achieve before Sixteen showed up. Now was his turn for a counteroffensive. Hurricane flipped a switch on his arm, which effectively activated two of his gadgets. Only one of which was visible to the human eye currently. His metallic arm bracers shifted around and plated his hands, forming the tips of his fingers into large talon-like claws. He wasn't as prominent at martial arts as his opponent, but he wasn't going into battle defenseless either.
Outstretching his hand, he tapped into his metahuman abilities with his mind. A vortex of wind energy shot out towards Sixteen at a very rapid rate, the very tip of the vortex having enough shredding power to devour almost any obstacle that decided to get in his path. If Sixteen were not able to move quick enough, it could bore straight through his flesh.
Hurricane- Post Mate
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."
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Registration date : 2010-12-02
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
Revealing oneself might not always be the most toughest moment in your life but it could have its for filling rewards. Sixteen as he stayed alert was not going to be a fool and wait too long, he knew exactly how long he was willing to wait before he sunk to the ground with no remorse for even his own side mission after sending his soul and whomever in his way to hell. A laugh was then heard from his ears echoing from a specific unknown source with the same origin like most other opponents. People always think it's funny to lose, he thought laughing at him would probably be more productive on his end. Sixteen listened untill the clapping stopped, then he had to start looking for him.
He came out of another door, which from his angle of position was unavailable for view - But he was definitely there. Sighing almost lightly to his opponent as the science freak tripped out mentally boosting about his ability to take the lone assassin out. He must have went crazy to look at Sixteen and say such a thing. His brain formulated a battle tactic almost immediately during the manspeach. Sixteen at blazing speed of 100 mph bursts forward with nothing to say but all to do, he completely noticed his opponents attack and ran right around it and made a stop about 7 meters in front of his opponent and he listened to the vortex behind him move farther away than ever. He stood silently awaiting for his opponents next move, because after that warm up is done and the real party begins.
He came out of another door, which from his angle of position was unavailable for view - But he was definitely there. Sighing almost lightly to his opponent as the science freak tripped out mentally boosting about his ability to take the lone assassin out. He must have went crazy to look at Sixteen and say such a thing. His brain formulated a battle tactic almost immediately during the manspeach. Sixteen at blazing speed of 100 mph bursts forward with nothing to say but all to do, he completely noticed his opponents attack and ran right around it and made a stop about 7 meters in front of his opponent and he listened to the vortex behind him move farther away than ever. He stood silently awaiting for his opponents next move, because after that warm up is done and the real party begins.
"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"
Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
16- Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
Sixteen's superhuman speed was made evident by his demonstration of not only dodging the attack, but closing the gap between him and Hurricane. He stopped a few meters away and let Hurricane make the next move. His patience and observation skills he used to assess an opponent did not go unnoticed. However, Hurricane was not a fan of fighting close quarters, which the situation was starting to turn into.
Noticing the gap closing, Hurricane changed hands, extending his opposite hand to manipulate another stream of wind energy. The air in between Hurricane and Sixteen rippled. A large wave of unconcentrated wind energy blocked the path in between the two and expanded outwards, having enough burst energy to send both opponents flying back in opposite directions.
Stopping his momentum a safe distance away by propelling opposite wind energy in the other direction, he began to introduce a new tactic. Quickly reaching into his satchel on his side, his hurled four very small orbs far in front of him, blocking the path of Sixteen. Emitting a burst of light, they projected an image made of hardened, solidified light resembling large concrete barricades about eight feet tall. Pushing his body upwards with wind energy, he hovered a few feet above his normal height to see over the barricades, before throwing another devastating vortex of wind energy streaming towards Sixteen at an accelerated rate.
Noticing the gap closing, Hurricane changed hands, extending his opposite hand to manipulate another stream of wind energy. The air in between Hurricane and Sixteen rippled. A large wave of unconcentrated wind energy blocked the path in between the two and expanded outwards, having enough burst energy to send both opponents flying back in opposite directions.
Stopping his momentum a safe distance away by propelling opposite wind energy in the other direction, he began to introduce a new tactic. Quickly reaching into his satchel on his side, his hurled four very small orbs far in front of him, blocking the path of Sixteen. Emitting a burst of light, they projected an image made of hardened, solidified light resembling large concrete barricades about eight feet tall. Pushing his body upwards with wind energy, he hovered a few feet above his normal height to see over the barricades, before throwing another devastating vortex of wind energy streaming towards Sixteen at an accelerated rate.
Hurricane- Post Mate
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."
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Registration date : 2010-12-02
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
7 meters in distance, he couldn’t sense any kind of fear but he did notice a few things just off a few seconds of the combat that was for sure. Sixteen himself wasn’t going to fail, he usually doesn’t – If the information was correct which so far it was – Unless he make a few too many mistakes then he should be able to take him down with a few swift movements and get it over with. Sixteen had the blankest expression when it came to fighting him, confidence and patience had to be key in all fighting. His opponent noticed the change, and in the time of noticing sixteen saw him make another move, same time as his super brain formulated he sprinted forward – Let’s be honest he was only 7 meters away so covering distance was going to be a piece of cake for him. Instant burst of speed the moment the wind energy he noticed began to activate – Sprinting to the other side of his hand and up the wall at high speed at the right timing.
[Combo Breaker]
The timing was simple; it was enough to not only dodge the attack but the ripple that was supposed to push them back only pushed back the caster. Estimating and correcting the man’s distance he from the wall pushed off by his powerful legs he threw a powerful flying kick to the man’s face to knock him to the wall which would add a bit more damage to his tactic. See this was pulled off by Sixteen high intelligence, he knew when and where his opponents landing was going to be. His opponents focus and attention was on shifting momentum and stopping his ‘knockback’ – Or what would have been. The Exact moment his feet would hit the ground again would be when that kick was designed to smack his ass.
[Combo Breaker]
The timing was simple; it was enough to not only dodge the attack but the ripple that was supposed to push them back only pushed back the caster. Estimating and correcting the man’s distance he from the wall pushed off by his powerful legs he threw a powerful flying kick to the man’s face to knock him to the wall which would add a bit more damage to his tactic. See this was pulled off by Sixteen high intelligence, he knew when and where his opponents landing was going to be. His opponents focus and attention was on shifting momentum and stopping his ‘knockback’ – Or what would have been. The Exact moment his feet would hit the ground again would be when that kick was designed to smack his ass.
"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"
Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
16- Post Mate
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Registration date : 2013-09-17
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
Intelligent though he may be, he couldn't have been prepared for every trick Hurricane had up his sleeve. Right on queue, the flying kick came in at a high speed, only to be blocked before it made contact with Hurricane's face. A green light rippled from the point of where Sixteen's foot made contact indicating that Hurricane's body was protected by an energy shield. But now it was him that made the fatal mistake.
Hurricane had him right where he wanted him. His feet were off the ground, which took away the only advantage he had, which was speed. The air was Hurricane's to control. A vortex of air formed underneath Sixteen's falling radius, and shot up into the air, aiming to hurl the assassin into the air and push him straight through the ceiling, inflicting a heavy amount of damage.
Hurricane had him right where he wanted him. His feet were off the ground, which took away the only advantage he had, which was speed. The air was Hurricane's to control. A vortex of air formed underneath Sixteen's falling radius, and shot up into the air, aiming to hurl the assassin into the air and push him straight through the ceiling, inflicting a heavy amount of damage.
Hurricane- Post Mate
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."
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Number of posts : 126
Registration date : 2010-12-02
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
Hey no joke Sixteen confidence is only as good as his backup and on the spot tactics. The moment his foot hit the shield it was of no kind of surprise to Sixteen. My very quick friend Sixteen saw him activate his gadgets a while back during the beginning of the fight so of course his super brain picked up on that as well – Sixteen knew that he activated some type of gadget and if his opponent was throwing around wind and air currents like this bitch was bowling or something and nothing strange was happening it was most likely a defensive tool used that wasn’t to be used right now.
So his foot turned upward and he used his other leg and bounced off the shield itself like a fucking boss bro!
So the air attack he made upward to push him, he just missed it with that flip like an epic ass boss whooping good ass. His feet stopped on the floor lightly, not another movement was made, aside his fast dash 20 meters away from him right before the explosion went off – 250 mph speed baby. Explosion? I know you’re looking at this post like the fuck? When he did the flip off the shield like a bawss he dropped yet again another grenade while in the air, his arms had to be in movement too haha. That grenade that he dropped rolled right past his legs and right behind his target. However this ends Sixteen would still have the decency and respect to comment so far on the fight, more like the target himself of course.
“Such a Powerful Meta-Human like yourself that uses gadgets? Cruel …”
So his foot turned upward and he used his other leg and bounced off the shield itself like a fucking boss bro!
So the air attack he made upward to push him, he just missed it with that flip like an epic ass boss whooping good ass. His feet stopped on the floor lightly, not another movement was made, aside his fast dash 20 meters away from him right before the explosion went off – 250 mph speed baby. Explosion? I know you’re looking at this post like the fuck? When he did the flip off the shield like a bawss he dropped yet again another grenade while in the air, his arms had to be in movement too haha. That grenade that he dropped rolled right past his legs and right behind his target. However this ends Sixteen would still have the decency and respect to comment so far on the fight, more like the target himself of course.
“Such a Powerful Meta-Human like yourself that uses gadgets? Cruel …”
16- Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17
Re: Insidious Intentions (Closed to 16)
It seemed he had all his bases covered. The assassin called Sixteen may have been unaware that Hurricane was possessing an energy shield protecting him, but he conceived that it was a possibility. Using his shield as grounds for jumping, he pulled off an acrobatic backflip off the shield and barely evaded Hurricane's vortex by a hair. He may have been defeated if he did not. However, he got too clever with his attacks, thinking he could throw a grenade without Hurricane noticing. The grenade came in the vicinity of Hurricane's body, but he did not miss a beat.
Manipulating the air around the grenade, the grenade was propelled by wind energy back at its target, following him inches from his back as he ran 250 mph, it didn't matter. Hurricane's wind manipulation was mastered beyond compare. He could move the grenade 1,000 mph if he wanted to. It didn't matter how fast he ran. The grenade meant for Hurricane was thus used against the assassin.
Manipulating the air around the grenade, the grenade was propelled by wind energy back at its target, following him inches from his back as he ran 250 mph, it didn't matter. Hurricane's wind manipulation was mastered beyond compare. He could move the grenade 1,000 mph if he wanted to. It didn't matter how fast he ran. The grenade meant for Hurricane was thus used against the assassin.
Hurricane- Post Mate
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Quote : "At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go in the same box."
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Number of posts : 126
Registration date : 2010-12-02
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