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There's a first time for everything [Sin]

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Alpha February 9th 2014, 8:54 pm

”Shael wake up!” Fera’s voice boomed through the room, his room to be exact. The small multi colored wolf was curled up on a nest of blankets, mostly covering the animals save for the small head speaking from under them. The red haired ethereal waited for a few moments before shouting at the male again, a single brow raising angrily as her twin seemed to ignore him, still deeply within sleep. Trotting over to the bed, she swatted the sleeping wolf and it grumbled before rolling over and the onyx black eyes opened. They considered the female for a second before the wolf rolled over and proceeded to ignore her once again. ”Shael you have to wake up. Remember, you have that school thing today.” She reminded him with a deep sigh, the wolf growling lightly and within an instant it would shift back into his human form, granted he looked older than usual.

A tanned male with messy black hair was now laying in the bed, dressed in only plaid boxers and a white wifebeater. ’Do I haaaave to?” Shael groaned lightly, looking at Fera with the puppy dog eyes that usually worked.

”Yes, you do.” She said steely with a slight frown, arms crossed over her chest as she waited for him to roll out of the bed, which he did only after a brief second of thought. The young male was now nearly as tall as their father, only an inch or two shorter than Michael.

’Fine.” He huffed shifting into the form of a cat and then trotting off towards the small bathroom, nudging the door shut with his head before once again shifting into human form and taking the shower he was supposed to take last night. With that small thing taken care of, Fera stood in front of the large mirror in the shared room and ran a brush through the slightly messy hair, forcing it to comply with her whims. A few knots within her hair found themselves being tugged on and with a few strangled curses she straightened all of it out, leaving her with the simple wavy red locks. Dressed in a simple top and blue jeans, the ethereal let a bag drape over her shoulder and then she would have to wait for Shael.

Moving through the bathroom door dressed in only the boxers, Shael dug through one of the large wooden drawers for his clothing, folded neatly by the female that he knew as his twin. ”Can’t we go back?” He whined frowning lightly as he drew cargo pants sized to this form, as well as a graphic t-shirt with a large skull emblazoned upon it. Fera sighed, looking to her twin with a slightly pained expression, frowning as if the question hurt.

”No Shael we can’t.”

”Why not? Daddy would never hurt us, you know that!” He said glaring at her for a moment, before seeming to frown.

”I don’t know anymore.” The conversation was over, he could see it within her eyes as she walked away from it, stepping through the kitchen and pulling a small bottle of water from the rather dirty looking fridge. It was only a few minutes until the male trailed from his room, a small looking backpack loaded with what Fera had assumed school required and a similar one for Fera draped on his arm, handed to her somberly. She sighed, as if looking down upon a beaten puppy and ruffled his hair up slightly. ’Well we better get going. Places to be, and I doubt being late will do us any good.” She noted digging through the fridge and building something out of components from there and a few slices of bread.

”Now eat, I don’t know if they supply food there.” Shael frowned at that and bit down on the sandwhich as the two left the small apartment, Shael pulling on his tan looking jacket while as a small gust brushed across him. With that small bit done the two would begin perhaps their most arduous adventure, which was….high school. Taking the scenic route, with the sun beginning to climb into the sky they arrived when people began to materialize within their vehicles and a few other things. It took a little convincing on her part, but they managed. A schedule was already made and soon enough they would go about their long day, the strange school building standing high, interesting in a way. ”Well here we are.” She said, Shael making a rather annoyed sound through his lips as he followed closely after her.

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Zodiac February 9th 2014, 11:20 pm

6:00 am. Well that's a disappointment. Just another day he'd guess as his phone rang out, playing the same custom ringtone he pulled off youtube far earlier. His lower jaw jutted out slightly as his eyes narrowed at the song. He threw the covers off himself as he leaned up and moved up off his back and to his feet. He scratched his stomach and shook his head like a dog, stepping up to his "rack" of shirts, which was nothing more than a large curtain hanger suspended by two open eye-hooks. He let out a drawn out sigh and peered through the darkness to his various shirts. If he didn't love carrots so much this might have been impossible. He began running his fingers, tapping shirts and pulling them back as he cycled through them, stopping at the thirteenth shirt. A plain white tee shirt that was nice and roomy, being a size too big. He then stepped over to the armoire which contained his television and reached to the built in drawers on the bottom. He drew out a teal and white flannel shirt and trying to maneuver around all the random furniture in his room... a year later and they were still "moving in" and using his room as a storage room, because mom insists on keeping a room open for Zach whenever he feels the urge to wander his ass back home. He took a pair of under armour shorts and essentials. He did this all within three minutes, walking for his door and stopping by the drums and picking up the drum sticks.

"All mistakes by misassociation- Lead to the darkest of times- Here I am with a new- declaration- It's one line and it reads : All. Out. War!" Björn Strid's voice as a wake up call, and the very drum frenzy being played by the drummer was replicated upside down. One of the few things Dyslexia had done well for Matthew...doing things messed up was pretty normal for him. With the end of it he hit the symbols and set the sticks back down, knowing his little drum fit would have awoken his younger sibling as he took his clothing up stairs. His younger brother would stumble out of his room upstairs and wander for the bathroom to take a shower, meanwhile Matthew had breakfast to make. He kept it simple today, cinnamon roles for his brother, and his mother when she returned home from her late/really early shift... meanwhile he was going to skip the food again this morning. Cody popped up at the table with matted red-brown hair and a little glare.

"Awe c'mon really?" His higher than normal voice whined, causing Matthew
to clench his jaw slightly as he turned and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah Seriously. You're thirteen, almost fourteen. I'm not getting your food for you." He sighed as he walked over and picked up his pile of fresh clothing and heading for the bathroom upstairs. Of Course it wasn't enough that his brother used HIS body-wash, but he emptied it and left him to use the regular bar soap...which made him shudder. That was the nastiest thing ever... all the germs accumulated there, he'd be better off just getting himself wet and spraying himself with the body-spray. He just let the cold water wake him up and he resorted to simply showering more thoroughly after practice. Walking down the stairs, freshly showered wearing his shirt tucked into blue jeans and the flannel open over him, he snagged the hair "putty" substance and gave his hair a little fauxhawk look to the back to front. He heard his little brother scoff.

"You spend WAY too much time on your hair" His brother said. Matthew, as always remained silent. He didn't bother to waste time on the puny little athlete. Words never did anything for the pasty colored child. Cody was the epitome of their mother's image as an Irishwoman, meanwhile Matthew remained the spitting image of his Father, just in his youth as an Italian-mexican. Though Cody's hair was the family enigma... no one in their family had red hair...which often times led to the several "milk-man" comments Matthew made when he wished to disown the annoying sibling.

"Get in the car or you can walk to school." Matthew said plainly, Cody scoffing as he walked over to the door and picked up his backpack. Matthew carried a messenger bag, believing that they had a little more class and utility than the average. Matthew got into the car to find his brother blasting out his music and bouncing on the seats. He opened the driver door and sat into his seat, pressing the eject button on the disc and placing it in it's holder, before throwing it into the back seat. Matthew took great lengths to make his car look NICE and his annoying little brother bouncing about to music wasn't going to stop that through breaking a cup-holder or damaging a vent. They drove to school in near silence. Matthew had long given up the possibility of him and his sibling ever understanding ach other. Granted, he loved his brother and if his brother needed something he was always the first one there... but unless Cody NEEDED him...he didn't want Cody around, or bugging him. He felt awful about his feelings on the matter at first, but the more Cody grew up the more Matthew found him detestable and soon he was totally apathetic and justified in his dislike for the younger teenager.

"Have a good day." Matthew said as he stepped out of his car, slamming the door shut and walking off towards his entrance, the senior High school, while Cody went off towards the junior high entrance to meet up with his friends. He had Brice, Braden, Joshua and some little blonde kid named Blair and another little blonde-brown haired kid named Blair. Those two Blair kids were the only ones Matthew liked, he tolerated Braden and all his ungodly antics because he was his own friend's little brother. Digressing back to the thought of friend, Cody and the Blair-Squared was a neat little group of good kids...never really in trouble. So at least they had that going for them. Matthew made his way for his locker, first period was a Study Hall, something he didn't much care for, but it was whatever. Mattthew found Tony waiting for him at his locker, along side Stephen and Steven who was missing his identical twin James.

"This test is going to be annoying." He stated matter-of-factly as the rest of his group of friends agreed with him, taking off into tangents which annoyed him slightly. Unless it was JUST him with his friends or a one on one conversation Matthew hated talking. Well, he hated talking to begin with...but he hated it less when it was a one on one or educational.

There's a first time for everything [Sin] Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Alpha February 9th 2014, 11:51 pm

Shael looked over the people milling about, doing whatever it was that humans did when they attended school, and hovering close to Fera, who was for the most part the calm one. The red headed female was cautious it would seem, something within that look in her eyes seeming above everyone around her and for the most part it was true; or so daddy had taught them. ”Remember the name I gave you.” She stated under her breath, letting it only grow loud enough that the males heightened hearing catching those words as if they were spoken clearly. Shael nodded his head, slightly annoyed that he could not use his own name, and instead he had to use a false one.

Granted he could see the problem, since not many humans would call their children Shael, or that was how Fera explained it, so he simply went with the name Shane, and his sister chose the name Sarah. Both were simple names and they did not draw too much attention along with the last name that was cooked up. ”Could have at least thought up a better name than Shane Smith” Shael grumbled crossing arms over his chest, lips forming a pout as the two walked through the yard that stretched in front of the school, fingers interlocked with the strap draping over his shoulder.

”I could have thought up plenty of cool names, but I wanted something that wouldn’t have drawn attention, Shael and Fera already do a pretty good job; throw Atterrius into the mix.” She noted wiping a strand of hair from her face as she seemed to glare at a couple of guys who gave lingering glances. If she were not undercover there would have been broken bones, but they were, so the wilting glare would have to do, she was after all here with her brother. They were twins, so she could feel some of the feelings radiating from Shael and most of them were somewhat nervous. He had never seen so many people around his age, even though they were technically older than him.

Stepping through the front door of the school, Fera lead Shael and directed him to sit down while she dealt with a few more things. Locker arrangements and whatever else the mind manipulator wanted to do, and within those few minutes she walked out with a pleased expression, motioning for Shael to follow with a nod of her head. Now with that done, they would have to dump a few things in their locker, or more to the point she would. Not that they were anything of importance, but Fera felt as if her small bag would need more room to shove things into it. A few people were gathered around these lockers, and that was exactly around the areas where they were supposed to drop their crap.

Sighing, Fera reached into her bag, and deposited a few large novels into the locker, as well as something else, leaving only one and a lot more room. His locker was paced right next to his siblings which just made everything easier in the end. However Shael was just mostly following Fera around, yet his hearing branched out to listen onto any interesting bit of info that drifted by. He may have not cared, but the male was nosey, and superhuman hearing helped.

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Zodiac February 10th 2014, 1:15 am

"Dude, did you see the look on his face though?" Braden said as he laughed. Matthew had been certain that the child was always doing something with the intention of making his feel weird. Granted, Matthew being solitary hardly ever let it show though the multiple times he told the fifteen year old child to stop he never did. That was probably enough to keep the younger child going. Then again, he was Tony's brother... like his brother he felt the need to try and seduce anything with legs. Unfortunately for Matthew the boy who was two years younger than him had him in sight.

      "Yeah man you gotta stop! I swear dude, He was gonna KILL you. You gotta stop flirting with him. It's just weird." Cody said, rolling his eyes. He could bear the fact that Braden was virtually the worlds biggest flirt (mostly because Cody was able to pass off the affections onto his older brother), but he couldn't stand the constant and incessant attempts to make things awkward. It's like he thought that irritating his older brother was somehow building tension or going to cause his brother to break.

     "Ah please. He'd never kill this." He said with a chuckle and tilting his hat before walking off towards English, where Cody was headed. Meanwhile Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb were horsing around and laughing like little kids. Blonde Blair with the other one in a head lock. Those two were Cody's only other friends (beside Braden) who were "permanent" fixes. Those three had been friends with him through everything and that's the way it's hopefully going to always be.

    "Guys cut it out. Join the wrestling team or something." Cody said as he took out his English book form the dark blue locker and shut it.

     "No way! I'm not rolling around on a mat in something like that. I'll stick to a bat and ball thank you." Blondie said as if he were repulsed by the concept of wrestling. Something about his face though was almost a permanent smile, the little guy was always laughing, or playing a joke or something. The other Blair though just looked wide-eyed at Cody and shook his head, shaggy hair flopping back and forth. He looked over to see a very particular someone with tanned skin and a face that almost reminded him of...Cody's brother. His mouth crept into a smile. The boy wasn't looking at him, but he felt the slightest pull form his gut...the same pull he got when he looked at an Animal he could communicate with. He silently used his Animalistic telepathy, and found that the boy was exactly who he thought he was. He smiled and continued to pretend to be a part of Cody's conversation...and he realized that this kid, Shael had superhuman sensory...strong type too.

    You shouldn't eves drop. He thought and projected his voice directly into Shael's mind He didn't look at his nephew as Silus, or "Blair" rather, stood there with his friends laughing and giggling like foolish little kids. Don't call me Silus, don't call me Uncle. Call me Blair okay? Silus spoke once more directly to the young Amazonian looking male. He looked over at Shael and flashed a smile as if saying "here I am". He had to admit, he wasn't sure why he saw an older looking Shael here...or Fera too. He was happy to see them, but hesitant to make any move. He looked back to Cody when he spoke.

     "Okay, I'm going to English. Say "Hi" to Matty for me." Cody told Silus as he walked away, ruffling the little guy's hair. Silus smiled slightly, glad that even as a "prodigy" he still was able to make friends...even if they were older. Silus had like...twenty friends he talked to an texted... but these four were the only guys...and the only ones older...the rest were a bunch of girls his age and up. His older brother (The older Shael) kept calling him "lil Playa" even though Silus wasn't even doing it on purpose. The bell rang and he realized he had only five minutes to get to first period study-hall in the Cafeteria, he waved to Shael first...he could always "charm" the teacher into forgiving and excusing him. And by charm he meant convince....and by convince he meant guilt trip....
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Alpha February 10th 2014, 1:35 am

Shael waited for Fera to finish whatever it was that she was doing, while he let his mind wander elsewhere. For the most part he was enjoying listening in on what everyone else was saying, granted his attention was mostly on one other conversation. It was until a strange voice spoke through his head, a familiar one that made Shael perk up slightly. Even if the words were telling him not to eavesdrop onto peoples conversations, it wasn’t as if Shael intended to listen to that bit of information, seeing as how he just found what they were talking about interesting. Human cocnerns always caught his interest, as much as animal things did, if only because humans were as much animals as the things they called animals were. Still, it was his uncle Silus so he would stop his eavesdropping for now.

He was told not to call Silus by his name and that was fine by Shael, since he was trying to be all secretive too. They both had their own fake names, and that just made the whole game a lot funner. Turning from her locker, Fera took notice of Silus and raised a bright red brow as if curious of why her uncle was here of all places. Granted he did take a younger form, so then maybe it was the simple fact that he was young and had to go to school. A loud bell rang through the hall and Shael pressed hands against his ears, not so used to the loud sound assailing his ears. An assuring hand tappied on his shoulder before the red head approached Silus and Shael would follow suit.

”Nice to see you here.” She said with a pleasant expression, withdrawing the schedule from her satchel. ”Looks like me and my brother have…Study Hall, what about you?” She would ask and Silus would answer with…well it seemed that they had the same class this period, which made things so much easier in the long run. Shael found himself smirking, despite the fact that he was supposed to be acting as if they didn’t know anything about the kid, or at least that his name was not Silus. Appearances had to be kept and things along those lines. With a motion of her hand, Fera would let Silus lead the way and then they would go to their first class…ever.

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Zodiac February 10th 2014, 2:36 am

"Hey...looks like we're head the same way." He said happily as he led the way to the Cafeteria. He turned around and looked to the two of them as he walked backwards looking at them curiously. "I'm not gonna ask.... We can talk later and all but. Do you guys have money for lunch?" Silus asked them concerned slightly. If Shael was anything like his name-sake then he could DESTROY the cafeteria after a while. This kid would be a budget breaker for the state probably. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wallet and slipped out fifty dollars, handing it to the girl before looking to Shael, almost apologetically. He smiled though and tried to lighten the mood, hoping that his faint scent wasn't annoying Shael's nose any...then again to most people it did quite the opposite... and that wasn't something he wanted out of Shale either. He just kept trotting along as he tried to take his niece and nephew to the cafeteria. He walked down the stairs and into the school basement where their tornado safe area/cafeteria was. He walked in to see a ton of large white circular tables all scattered about with chair as them, three chairs to each table.

      Silus smiled when he noticed "Matty" or Matthew rather, the same person who sat at his table with him. Sadly there was only three seats there, which means that Shael or Fera was going to have to depart for a short time. Silus would have, but he likes to talk with Matt. More specifically he like to pretend he wants Matt to tutor him so he could actually have an intelligent conversation with someone else other than Ouroboros. He made his way over to the table where the teacher was sitting and he pointed to Fera and Shael. The Teacher looked up to the new students with a kind smile, while Silus made his way over to Matt, sitting down in his chair and slightly scooting over closer to see what he was working on.  The teacher would have to inform the students that there was only room for one more person at that table.
      "Hey...Whatchya doing?" Silus asked with a little voice of wonder, looking to the work that Matthew was working on. Matthew let a small smile form, Silus being one of few people he enjoyed. Or rather "Blair" but still the little guy was one of few people who could actually get Matt to smile. He turned the book slightly as he showed of the AP Calculus work and theories. Silus seemed to look as if interested. "Intermediate Value Theorem?" Silus asked. Matthew nodded and returned to his work as Silus watched intently, waiting to see if his niece or nephew would be joining them,

There's a first time for everything [Sin] Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Alpha February 10th 2014, 2:49 am

Silus happy demeanor towards them heading the same way seemed to lighten Shael’s mood immensely, but not the same for Fera, though that was more of her thinking over something internally. It was the question about them having money for food that confused them, seeing as how Fera came with only so much that she could spend for the day, and if she knew anything about the both of them, likely the school would be unable to feed them both. So she sheepishly accepted the money that was handed to her, which Shael simply raised an eyebrow as the exchange of money, wondering why he didn’t get anything. Sure Fera had said plainly that she did not trust him with money, but that did not mean that her worries were founded, he could totally use money.

They soon enough walked through the cafeteria doors, a few people talking amongst themselves as Sahel found himself thinking over the scent that radiated from Silus. It was an interesting scent, and one that reminded him of what Fera would usually spray on herself, girl sprays and things like that. Silus would direct them towards the teacher and then walk over to a male within the room, one that looked far older than him, and perhaps more around Fera’s age. Looking to the teacher with a kind smile, Fera would deal with what needed to be dealt with and then they could tak their seats, though Shael followed Silus to whatever seat he was taking.

Considering that the table only had room for one more that meant that she would have to be content with watching from afar, make sure that Shael did not make a fool of himself. Plopping beside Silus, he leaned over to see what this stranger was looking at, onyx eyes scanning over it rapidly. In the end it only looked like a bunch of letters and numbers, which confused the feral male more than anything else. He grimaced lightly, cocking hid head to the side. ”Hiya.” He said out loud, though directing it more towards Silus and his friend.

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Zodiac February 10th 2014, 3:20 am

"Hey!" Silus said, happy to see at least one of his favorite people had decided to join him at the table. True enough Matthew was probably not going to bee all gung-ho about it but in the end Silus was almost certain that Matthew would get along fine with Shael. Worst comes to worst he shows Matthew that Shael is really a doggy-boy and Matt would probably like him then. He ended up pulling out his own notebook and proceeding to draw similar formula's. Silus would intentionally draw them out to a certain point, only to find Matthew looking over his shoulder slightly to check the work of the younger male. Matt actually chuckled when he noticed that Silus was doing it wrong. Granted the smile was there as he took his own pen and circled the incorrect display of the theorem. Matthew more appropriately wrote out the theorem on the young child's paper, before moving on to a little bit of a harder problem. Silus watched almost awestruck, but acting (rather well) as if he were struggling his hardest to understand and process it.

    In truth Matthew found it nothing less than Adorable, to the point in fact that the only thing that rivaled the level of adorable was that of admiration for the young mind who was a kindred scholar. One of the few things that will actually get Matthew to open up to another. Matthew seemed to be ignoring Shael for a moment until he showed Silus the true application of the theorem and the usage of it. He let out an "Eh?" as he nudged the little kid with his elbow. Silus' eyes lit up like Christmas trees as he let out a drawn out "oooooooooh!" as if it finally kicked into place. Matthew just smiled, happy that the child learned something form him. He looked up to see the boy, the dark skinned one. Silus looked to Shael, and then back to Matt with a sly grin, looking up to Matthew with "That look" the childish innocent one who just learned something important.
     "You two look similar..." Silus said. Matt wasn't really sure how to assess this situation. Apparently he shared appearances with this boy somehow. Okay, so sure they were both tan but that's like saying all black people look alike. Which they don't. Silus was rather proud of himself though. They looked like those... he didn't really know what they looked like. But they were definitely a pair with that skin color and hair. Silus smiled. "Oh uh Matt. This is uh...This is- Shal- Shane" Silus said as he used his telepathy for the clutch memory recall. Matt looked to the young boy pressing his lips together and forcing a smile with both eyebrows popping up and a nod of he head.
     "Nice to meet ya" Matthew said as he put down his pencil and took out a book on animal physiology and biology.

There's a first time for everything [Sin] Guilty10
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Alpha February 10th 2014, 3:39 am

Shael considered the other male for a second, taking in slow deep breaths through his nose as to familiarize himself with his scent. Something about it was interesting in a way, dark in a certain sense, and with a slight musky undertone that drew the animalistic side within him. A small smirk drew itself across his face, as he then followed what Silus was doing, more of the complicated math stuff that he was working on. ”Hi!” He said cheerfully to Silus looking over what he was doing, a little confused. If anything he was retarded when it came to math, and most sciences, yet he knew a lot about animals, considering that he became them. It was Fera that was the smart one, always figuring out the complex stuff, while he did more of the heavy lifting.

Part of him wondered if this guy would really like him, since he looked like a smart kinda guy and brainy types usually got annoyed by…idiots. The comment about him looking similar to this guy was interesting, and when Shael looked over him he could see something, even if it was just skin color and overall hair stuff. If he didn’t know better, he would have assumed that they were related somehow, unless he was related to his mommy somehow. Not that Shael knew too much about his mother to begin with, hell, he did not know what she looked like. Turning towards the Matt guy after the brief moment of thought, Shael smiled widely flashing a mouth full of teeth, the canines looking slightly longer than normal.

”Hey Matt.” He said with a happy tone in his voice, fingers drumming along the table with a rapid rhythm. It was the book that Matt drew out that caught Shael’s attention, the image of an animal on the book catching his attention more than anything. ”Ooo, whats that?” He seemed to hum, a small interest flashing within his eyes.

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Zodiac February 10th 2014, 2:05 pm

"It's a book. AP Biology means I need to learn Animal Physiology and how they work." Matthew said, not really annoyed but more indifferent to the boy who showed up. Sure he was acting nice enough, but that didn't relieve any suspicions or anxieties. Matthew by nature didn't trust people. He lived under the philosophy that Trust wasn't something you just give. It's earned. Granted he was also well aware you didn't need to trust someone to appreciate them, their kindness or anything to that effect... that was all an entirely different issue. The issue of "Matthew is a dick and simply doesn't like people" to be exact. Generally the only people he liked were his five oh-so encumbering friends, and the occasional friend he made online.

      "Hey Matt... did I do this right?" Silus asked, turning his notebook as he showed off a long calculus equation. Matt's eyebrow arched and he hummed, using his pen to circle a small portion of the written out solution.

      "Now I don't think that's right- oh wait nah, it is right. My Bad" Matthew said, his Jaw clenched and a smile as he took in a sharp inhale through his teeth, like he had just broken something on accident. He shook his head as he handed the notebook back to Silus (Blair) and flipping open his Ani.Phys book. Skipping through he categories he managed to fid himself back to the reptilian alligator's physiology and habitual information, ecology and such. Granted Matthew already new this crap, Seriously who doesn't know that alligators are the apex predators of the wetland regions and are imperative ecosystem engineers to their regions. Okay, not really. Matthew just loves reptilian things and is a total nerd.

     "Ooh! Ailillagators." Silus said as he noticed the book he was on. His weird annunciation of the word made Matthew look to him questioningly.

    "Alligator?" Matt asked the child plainly, offering up the correct word. Silus just smiled widely.

    "Not the way I'm imagining it." He said with a happy sigh, like an exited little giddy kid. He chuckled to himself as he buried his face into his arms, folded on the table.

There's a first time for everything [Sin] Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Alpha February 10th 2014, 4:55 pm

Shael nodded taking everything that the male was saying interested. So he was learning about animal stuff? Leaning over more, he attempted to get a better look at the boo in question, making a sort of grimacing expression that one could assume to be a thinking face. The page was open on what appeared to be croc….no alligators. Shael never saw the difference between the two, but then again he had only seen pictures of the two before, so experience did not play a factor in his experiences. There was something about teeth and stuff like that, Fera tried to drill the differences into his head, they just never stuck. Something about apex predators and crap like that, even though he already knew that he was the Apex Predator as far as Shael was concerned, everything else was like so much meat. Which reminds him, he actually had eaten alligator before, not that bad…so he had seen one before; go figure.

Well except for people, Fera said that was bad or something like that, even though she tended to talk poorly about humans anyway. Something about them looking a lot like them, so they shouldn’t go about eating them or whatever, so Shael didn’t. That was he imagined humans to taste really nasty, like how they smelt sometimes. Snapping from whatever was running through his mind he turned to the giggling Silus with a raised brow having caught most of what was making him laugh, but not really getting what was so funny. Whatever it was didn’t seem to register with the wild child, granted not much did. Inhaling, he caught another whiff of that strange scent coming from Silus and cringed, remembering why he hate that stuff Fera always spritzed on herself.

”I’ve eaten alligator before, tasted….nice.” He noted outloud rubbing his chin.

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Zodiac February 10th 2014, 5:58 pm

"Yeah. Alligator is good. I like to cook it up and bread it. White meat breaded up and baked or deep-fried is delicious. Personally I like deep-fried more but baked is better for your overall health. If you like alligator, try dove sometime." Matthew informed as he turned through the book, flashing a smirk at Shael to see if he was listening. Matthew, without the advanced brain had read over six-hundred and fifty words a minute, when you add the super-cranial advancement then you hade a speed reading machine. Then you add in the fact that he loves to read and has his own little hidden library, then he was just insane. Though that seemed to be a side effect of the occult.

"So Matt, Braden huh?" Silus asked. Matt's hands dropped to the table and he sighed, leaning down to Silus' level.

"I don't know what he told you but I DID NOT-"

"I now I was just askin' if he was buggin' you again." Silus said with those shaky indigo eyes. Matthew had a rather soft spot for children, but not grievous enough for him to be "controlled" or manipulated by one. Though Silus' clarification made things much easier for him to respond to. He nodded simply to Silus and returned to reading, flipping it from the third page of alligators to the first page of Komodo Dragons. These things were pretty frigign' cool as far as Matthew was concerned. Of course for the young Ethereal's (or at least Silus) it was just another human creature. In the same respect Matthew knew of magical beings...but simply because magical beasts were less common didn't mean he couldn't appreciate the magic that was the common beast.

"Oh Shane! Matt is like, really smart. I bet he could tutor you." Silus said as he looked to Shael hopeful, doubting that Michael could have prepared his children for the nightmare that was Jr. High school.

There's a first time for everything [Sin] Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Alpha February 10th 2014, 6:12 pm

Shael seemed to absorb everything that the male was saying with a certain wide eyed interest, a smirk forming across his lips as he took in every word like some kind of sponge. So many ways that one could eat alligator and he was sure that Fera would enjoy the cooking ideas, seeing as how she was the only one that did any kind of cooking around their little apartment, he only ate all of it. ”Awesome.” The small male muttered with a nod as his mouth began to salivate over the possibilities, though he snapped back when Silus said something. Something about  braden guy, perhaps a friend of his uncles or something along those lines, he was kind of new to everyone here, so for the most part Shael just made a lot of assumptions.

So many animals in these books that he knew nothing about, and that meant more for him to learn about, then change into. While werewolves and dragons were cool, nothing beat being able to enjoy being a simple wolf and running through the forest. It was then that Silus said something about this guy being smart, and being able to tutor him, which worked since he….knew almost nothing when it came to school stuff. Was he smart like Daddy and Fera was? If that were the case then Shael felt like he would probably learn a lot of stuff from him, or at least some stuff anyway. ”Really?” He peered at Matt for a second as if somehow staring at him would ascertain his iq level. ”Like really really really smart?”

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Zodiac February 10th 2014, 11:54 pm

. "I would think so... I should have graduated last year but I didn't feel like graduating at 16 like a I stayed to take another year of Media Editing and Advanced Placement Biology." He stated once again very matter of fact, not wanting it to be a big deal. Though that was thrown out the window because every Sunday he whined about going to church his mother felt the need to remind him about the fact he would have had a year off if he just gave up the "silly pursuit" of the Devils working technology. He leaned back and looked to Silus as if asking if this kid was for real or not. Silus just smiled sheepishly and bit his lower lip and looked to Shael as if asking for him to contain himself. Surely he knew the look...he lived with Fera in god knows where.

"SO whadda ya think Matt? Will ya take my pal and teach him a few tricks?" Silus asked. Matthew didn't even try to hide the fact he was not thrilled by the request. In fact it was quite clear that it was a little inconvenient. However he would not exaggerate it, and he wouldn't hide it even though he quite easily could. Wearing his own little "China-shine mask" most days was just part of his existence. He nodded and put his pencil down on the desk. "Alright sweet!" Silus said as he put an arm around Shael and shook him a little, maybe slightly too excited about the prospect of Shael learning.

"Alright...bring him out to the football field after school and I'll start when I'm finished. Or would you rather start tomorrow?" Matt asked, looking to Shael, indifferent to the decision the Amazonian appearing male would choose.

There's a first time for everything [Sin] Guilty10
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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There's a first time for everything [Sin] Empty Re: There's a first time for everything [Sin]

Post by Alpha February 11th 2014, 12:07 am

He spoke about not graduating at the age of sixteen, something about it catching his interest but not totally. Whatever that meant, it probably had something to do with him being like super smart or whatever. Looking to Silus, he noticed a certain look, much like one that Fera would give him when he was acting….too out of control. Something about him not acting like he looked, acting too immature or whatever it was that she said. The young ethereal frowned lightly but calmed down for the most part, resting chin against the back of his hands as he looked back to Matt. There was something about teaching him a few tricks, but what type of exactly? That alone was something that caught his interest, though he was shaken out of his train of thought by Silus placing an arm around him and shaking him lightly.

’We could so do that today I guess.” Shael said with a shrug, trying to tone the enthusiasm down a little, but the whole acting cool thing was weird. ’Wait…what I am learning?”

There's a first time for everything [Sin] CjhXQha
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