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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by The Bolt January 30th 2014, 6:57 pm

The three seemed so amused by this males attempts on attacking them, the car simply crashing through the woman as she dispersed into a black mist, along with the other ones. Instead if reforming they would move, gliding into the air, through the wall of the black blood that floated above them as it fell to the ground, upon that person that was running under it. It would serve as a distraction if not anything else, within an instant the smoke seeming to sink through the ground, into the sewers. The three were no here to fight, and they saw that it was a pointless fight indeed. So they did what anyone with a more important mission was, and that was a tactical retreat.
Michael found the doctor to grow quiet, and that was something that he was perfectly fine with. He was beginning to talk more than he liked, ansd the manner by which he did talk was rather rude for someone as powerful as him. The three would leave the scene, but with his own unique energy signature masked, he was sure that his family would not have an exact read upon who had used so much power within the city, if they were here anyway. There were so many variables to bring into account where they could be hiding, but in the end it did not matter.

Something told him that they would come out of the cracks eventually, when they wanted to take the isles once again. It was always the case, Silus would want the throne. If Raziel knew anything, they were simply aiming to garner strength until they could do just that. The place in question was what looked like a shoddy little motel, one with one bed that Michael chose to recline upon with the older female sitting upon a chair, after pulling one out for Morire. In a small cloud of smoke one could see his body changing, morphine into something else. An older male with short cut dark brown hair, eyes like molten silver with those flecks of neon green within them. His clothing even changed, become a polo shirt and khaki colored cargo shorts.

”Now then I think we can start upon the more important part of the deal.” He said with a sly smirk, resting against the head of the bed. ’Now tell me more about these… gooders that you despise so much.”

The Bolt
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by Morire January 30th 2014, 7:14 pm

Michael Atterrius wrote:
Michael found the doctor to grow quiet, and that was something that he was perfectly fine with. He was beginning to talk more than he liked, and the manner by which he did talk was rather rude for someone as powerful as him. The three would leave the scene, but with his own unique energy signature masked, he was sure that his family would not have an exact read upon who had used so much power within the city, if they were here anyway. There were so many variables to bring into account where they could be hiding, but in the end it did not matter.

Something told him that they would come out of the cracks eventually, when they wanted to take the isles once again. It was always the case, Silus would want the throne. If Raziel knew anything, they were simply aiming to garner strength until they could do just that. The place in question was what looked like a shoddy little motel, one with one bed that Michael chose to recline upon with the older female sitting upon a chair, after pulling one out for Morire. In a small cloud of smoke one could see his body changing, morphine into something else. An older male with short cut dark brown hair, eyes like molten silver with those flecks of neon green within them. His clothing even changed, become a polo shirt and khaki colored cargo shorts.

”Now then I think we can start upon the more important part of the deal.” He said with a sly smirk, resting against the head of the bed. ’Now tell me more about these… gooders that you despise so much.”
"Two of them interrupted my work and I will have their names shortly. One is able to create weaponry from nothing, and another is a very powerful sniper, with advanced weaponry... That is the current extent of my knowledge." the black doctor explains, while sitting in the chair offered to him.

"I will be claiming these two lives, you may watch the experimentation or not at your leisure. And in return you will desire what, exactly?" he asks quietly. only slightly taken off guard by the transformation of little boy into full grown man

The history of Dr. Mor.:

All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Mor_gr12
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by creator February 1st 2014, 6:36 pm

Yumo Jumped back as the black blood like substance fell to the floor. He looked as the lady disperse into smoke like the other guy. Yumo was about to hit the car and cause it to explode when she dispersed into the ground along with the other two. Yumo took a deep breathe to try and calm didn't work.

Yumo jumped into the air and found a nearby manhole and crashed into it causing the top along with some of the surrounding ground to cave in. He then began to run through the tunnel to look for the trio.

"Where are you!!!" He yelled as he pulled out some blood and made it glow around him so he could see better.




Karah (Renegade)
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by The Bolt February 1st 2014, 9:12 pm

The three titans reformed within the sewer, the rotten smell of human waste fetid upon their nostrils, actually forcing them to wrinkle their noses. It was the female that looked down at the water that ran through the underground, dark broken with waste and just running quickly, too quick to really make anything of it. “Well, I assume the annoying one plans to follow us here.” The one who controlled red lighting wondered, crossing arms over his chest. “If so, I could deal with him while the two of you bring the item to The Abyssal One.” He noted letting a dark red spark of electricity rise form the palm of his hand. The female nodded and with a ave of her hand, the abyssal portal would appear and then they were gone, leaving him alone with the one that was now chasing him.

It was time that he ended this little confrontation of theirs, and with a powerful blast of electricity, he would continue to feed that energy into the flowing water, allowing to to move through the sewer muck that flowed alongside. With a single thought one thing began to happen, lighting would begin to leap out form the water itself, striking out at the walkways leading to where he was, from behind and in front of him. Nothing was out of the way of his attack, meaning that he would have a hit soon enough.
So he was after those that ahd interrupted his work, something that Michael could respect. They ahd attempted to both kill him and destroy his work, something that should not have been forgivable and he understood his reason well enough. ”My desire?” he paused for a moment, considering what was being offered, and what he would actually want of the doctor that sat across from him, reclining within his bed comfortably. ”I’ll make it something simple. There is an artifact that I desire, one that belong to me rightfully. Take that and all shall be dealt with.” He paused for a second, looking deeply into the doctors eyes. ”Its in the last part of New York that remains broken, in a mansion there is an artifact that I want from it. Find that and I will gladly help you with whatever you want.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by Morire February 1st 2014, 9:41 pm

Michael Atterrius wrote:So he was after those that ahd interrupted his work, something that Michael could respect. They ahd attempted to both kill him and destroy his work, something that should not have been forgivable and he understood his reason well enough. ”My desire?” he paused for a moment, considering what was being offered, and what he would actually want of the doctor that sat across from him, reclining within his bed comfortably. ”I’ll make it something simple. There is an artifact that I desire, one that belong to me rightfully. Take that and all shall be dealt with.” He paused for a second, looking deeply into the doctors eyes. ”Its in the last part of New York that remains broken, in a mansion there is an artifact that I want from it. Find that and I will gladly help you with whatever you want.”

"You keep talking about 'an artifact' but you so far have neglected to actually tell me what the artifact is...." Mor points out carefully... while watching the pair of mysterious people with caution... "And what defenses have been placed around the artifact that you cannot simply go and fetch them yourself."

The doctor sets his satchel of brown leather down on the floor by his chair, knowing that the task they gave him was either insultingly easy or ridiculously difficult... just contemplating which of the two options Michael was more likely to give... and fearing it was the latter... he had destroyed a small section of the city with ease, so it is possible that the 'Artifact' is quite possibly guarded by a dozen demons and a horrendous monstrosity.

The alchemist rubs his cheek thoughtfully, stroking his chin with a contemplative expression.

The history of Dr. Mor.:

All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Mor_gr12
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by creator February 1st 2014, 10:01 pm

Yumo was running in the sewers blindly. His body glowed as he used his own blood and pigments for light. This was something he learned about in marine biology. Apparently it was common in marine life deep in the ocean and was known as biolumanessence. Silence was all that was heard besides the slightly loud slap of yumo's feet as he ran through the tunnels of the rancid sewer. As he ran he began to hear the sound of sparks and could see bright red bursts of light growing brighter and closer with every pulse. Yumo was about to rejoice when a spark appeared out of the water next to him and almost struck him in the face, but it was a few seconds too late and hit the rocks just behind his head.

"Now you wanna shoot lightning." He said to himself as another spark barley missed one of his feet.

Yumo lashed out several streams of blood and latched onto the ceiling; Pulling himself up and began to swing across the buildings. He wasn't about to get struck by this guy again. He was now moving twice as fast as before and the lightning seemed to become more fierce and happened a lot more frequently as he neared his target. When Yumo saw the man he pulled out streams of blood and formed a giant buzz saw. Yumo slung himself onto the side of the wall that led to the walkway and as he ran down he through the saw with all his strength, when the saw got close with would split into a lot of little buzz saws, and Yumo was hoping it would catch him off guard.




Karah (Renegade)
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by The Bolt February 2nd 2014, 6:39 am

”The artifact is a simple one really. It’s a blade, made of black crystal and with a silver colored handle. The security itself might not be much but it’s a simple enough task. If you can bring it to me, I will be more than glad to help you with your troubles, but if you decline…I’ll kill you and devour your soul. Simple as that.” Michael explained with a rather severe expression, laying out the man’s options as plain as day. He was sure that the simple terms placed upon him would be more than enough to motivate him to retrieve this blade of his, and hopefully he would do so without a fuss. After all if one thing, Michael was true to his word and he would idneed do what he had said he would, though he was unsure if the soul devouring part was possible. Maybe soul destroying but that was different.
The red sparks jumped about, casting their deathly light about the tunnel and creating a rather eerie atmosphere within the place. The demon would have to wade through the treacherous terrain to even have a glimmer of a hope of killing him, or even striking out at him. The electricity seemed more than enough to damage him last time and he did not think that it would do otherwise. However he was slightly surpised by what the demon was doing, a shadow along the close ceiling of the sewer, a swift shadow that was moving over the danger of the lighting and then struck. Without even needing time to think, eh drew all of the electricity into a powerful barrier above him, one that would begin to morph, and then aim to form an orb around the demon, and then he would…being to barbeque him, or at least until he fell unconscious.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by creator February 2nd 2014, 7:13 am

Yumo swung over the sewer water and pulled almost all of his blood from his vials. He spun over the water in the form of a drill and angled himself to fly towards the man. He spun with immense speed and by using the extra blood he formed a sort of giant engine. He grabbed onto the blood and pushed it out. The blood touched a curve along the wall and sent him hurtling straight towards the Man. Yumo added an immense amount of iron to the back of the drill which was spinning wildly just above his hand.

"I call it bleeding twist." Yumo said with a tone of aggression.




Karah (Renegade)
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by Morire February 2nd 2014, 12:00 pm

Michael Atterrius wrote:”The artifact is a simple one really. It’s a blade, made of black crystal and with a silver colored handle. The security itself might not be much but it’s a simple enough task. If you can bring it to me, I will be more than glad to help you with your troubles, but if you decline…I’ll kill you and devour your soul. Simple as that.” Michael explained with a rather severe expression, laying out the man’s options as plain as day. He was sure that the simple terms placed upon him would be more than enough to motivate him to retrieve this blade of his, and hopefully he would do so without a fuss. After all if one thing, Michael was true to his word and he would idneed do what he had said he would, though he was unsure if the soul devouring part was possible. Maybe soul destroying but that was different.

The doctor nods and begins to stand, "Well, I'll need a way to contact you so you can pick up your knife tomorrow."

the doctor grabs up the satchel with his left hand as he begins heading to the door... I need to adjust my schedule... I do not have much time, I must retrieve this blade tonight or tomorrow so that I can be back in LA before Hel acts.


The doctor charters a private flight to New York within the hour, knowing that time is of the essence, he had gone back to his hotel room and changed out of his tweed jacket and khaki pants, into a black suit, slicking down his hair so that he looks like a successful businessman, his satchel gets put into a specially designed lead lined case, and he is on his way, his doctor's lab coat sitting at the top of the case, I don't care how easy this thing is to retrieve. I hate airplanes....but hopefully the man's help was worth the detour.

The history of Dr. Mor.:

All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Mor_gr12
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Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by The Bolt February 9th 2014, 6:33 pm

The titan would watch the male adapt to his attack, and the more time he wasted upon this battle the more he realized that it was a fruitless endeavor. They already had the thing that they wanted, and something inside said that their king already got what he came for, the mission was over and yet here he was fighting a pointless battle. Even if he did survive this battle, then he would find himself being punished for disobeying orders and staying behind. The electricity would have formed into a shield, and it was moving to, but not fast enough it would seem as the blood slipped through a small crevice within the forming defense and that was all he needed. The male would have taken on his intangible mist form, but there was no time for him to do so, and the blood saw sliced through flesh with ease. Blood spurted through the wound and within an instant he was cut in two, the black ichor spewing everywhere.
”Of course.” Michael said with a nod, snapping his fingers as the female drew a notebook from the nearby table as well as a pen. Michael scribbled down a number in perfectly legible hand writing, and handed this page to the doctor. ”Once you are finished, call me on this number and I will contact you. Then we can get down to the important business, such as that sweet revenge of yours.” Michael said and like that the male would be gone. He would be doing his duty for the Titan king and that was perhaps the most important of duties.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 3 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by creator February 10th 2014, 6:56 pm

"Got Dammit." Yumo said as he rolled violently on the ground before landing on his feet.

He quickly fell onto the ground as sparks of electricity surged through his body. He looked at the man as he fell to the ground cut clean in two. He rolled his eyes and cursed again as his last chance of being nosey just went swimming with the fishes. His arms were numb and one of his legs were a bright purple hue indicating that he was going to have a gigantic bruise and a lot of explaining to do when he got home.

"Ugh!!" He called as he limped over to the man now in two.

"I don't suppose you can still talk can you?"
Yumo asked rhetorically although he was hoping for an answer he pretty much knew he wasn't going to get one.




Karah (Renegade)
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