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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by Neal Winters January 27th 2014, 10:21 am

Neal watched as this woman was able to avoid all the shots by slamming her bow into the ground, she was nearly thrown forward into the blasts from mortem, but narrowly avoided them. 'She is no ordinary being, she is far too quick to be regarded as even close to human skill. Judging from her appearance, she must be some sort of magical being. Even at that, it seems very impressive that she seems to be able to so effortlessly avoid these attacks. I will need to be very careful and work on something to defeat her.' She performed a quick set of movements, and then was down on the ground. Neal wasn't sure why, but something bothered him about this woman. It would be very difficult, but he needed to somehow stop her.

Within a moment, she formed an arrow in her hand, and then loosed it at Neal. He saw the arrow as it was flying toward him, and he narrowly avoided a direct hit. The arrow ran across his side as he dodged, and fired some of his own hits toward this woman. He again fired two concussive shots, but this time one on top of the other. Blasts from mortem would fly off to the side of those concussive blasts, ready to encompass their target in a flower of powerful energy. Of course, those two shots weren't guaranteed to hit, nothing was in fact. Neal needed something to do though, something to try and hit this woman who seemed so agile and so able to avoid his attacks.

As he flung his body back up, he felt a pain where the arrow had grazed his flesh. The arrow wasn't just a regular arrow, it seemed to have been poisoned. Neal would need to be very careful if he did not want to be killed by this woman. Still though, all he needed to do was give the man another few minutes to get away, and then Neal should be ready to escape without worrying about him. 'I am not sure how hard this will be, but I need to hope that I can hold her off and then escape without dying. If not, I may need to run before that. I am not willing to risk my life for one person, especially when it seems like this woman won't kill anybody else.'

Neal Winters
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by creator January 27th 2014, 7:38 pm

Yumo's blood stream that he let seep out of the vials earlier prove to came in handy. He quickly yanked himself back as a wall of lightning appeared. Seconds after he was being followed back to the car by spikes of lightning. He touched the car and flipped over without hesitation. He could hear the spikes tearing through the car and sparks of electricity hit him like a blunt bullet.

"Son of a!!!" Yumo yelled as he ran away from the car.

He ran down to another car and just as he hid behind it the car he was just behind exploded. Yumo looked at the car as it flew into flames then realized something.

"Wait....The hell am I running for?!" He yelled then he stood up and grabbed the car he was behind and swung it towards the guy.




Karah (Renegade)
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by The Bolt January 28th 2014, 6:35 am

As soon as the arrow was loosed, she quickly retreated back into the alleyway and out of the way of the seemingly powerful gun fire. A hit was placed upon the human and that meant that he would begin to slow down from her poison, his flesh would find itself turning black around the area from it and that would mean the fight was nearly hers. So she would let the male fall into her web, one that was slowly being spun within her mind while the fight went on. So with another arrow she would then initiate combat again, ducking around the corner with an arrow aimed for the males torso, and then with all the speed that she could conjure she ran. Another arrow was drawn as soon as she could form it, and then fired once again at the male.

This time aimed to take out his knee with one decisive shot. If that was enough to cripple him even for a small while, she would have no problems with him pursuing her.
The male slung himself back with the blood within the vials, something that was expected by the titan and that was why he did not act surprised. In fact he found himself amused as the demon used a car as his shield, and that only ended up blowing up in his face, the red energy tearing through it. He was sure that he had hit the male, but at the same time he was unsure of that would be enough. What he did not expect was a car coming right at him, and yet it amused him nonetheless, watching the vehicle careen towards him and connect. One would expect him to have been destroyed, to have been crushed by the twisted hunk of metal but he was craftier than that. At the moment of impact the process began, forming into an almost untouchable mist that the car found itself only spreading this mist further.

Within a matter of seconds the mist would coalesce ahead of the burning vehicle. It would take the form of the male, with a Cheshire smirk upon his face as he looked to see the demons annoyance at his survival. “So that the best you have?”[/color] He asked raising both hands into the air as the energy seemed to pour from the upturned palms. Red lighting spilled from there and began to form what looked like a cloud above them, all power sources seeming to give up their own energy to this conduit, forming a greater and greater cloud above them as it grew larger and larger. With a motion of a black clothed hand,, lighting fell upon the demon, enough to possibly destroy him.
”That’s considering that you could.” Michael stated simply letting his ethereal sense stretch over the area, feeling the small little flames stark in contrast against the black scape of his mind. There was the powerful ethereal one only a few feet from his and one approaching their location rapidly, and likely to occupy the café. He would not sense the ethereal energy sources within the place, as Michael had made sure that they were covered well enough and that even if he did, he would not know where it was, and they would be far too faint. This man would not escape, not with his soul at any rate.

”I must commend you, to so boldly walk into a situation that you know nothing about. Few people would have the guts to do something like that, yet I must also warn you.” His teeth flashed for a moment in a friendly smile. ”Deals you make with me are rather binding and well….i’m sure you know what happens to those that break the deal. You’ll find souls being of little matter to those that transcend mortality.” His drink found itself empty, something that Michael as not pleased in the least about. The female ethereal looked upon her king, and then nodded, turning around with the sound bubble still around them.

”Anything is possible, depending upon what you want. I could deny your request, or just as easily oblige you. Speak and we shall see.” The female returned with his blended chai tea, a cold beverage that he also took a great interest within after meeting the ethereal Niall in Chicago.[/color]
The Bolt
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by Morire January 28th 2014, 2:20 pm

Michael Atterrius wrote:”That’s considering that you could.” Michael stated simply letting his ethereal sense stretch over the area, feeling the small little flames stark in contrast against the black scape of his mind. There was the powerful ethereal one only a few feet from his and one approaching their location rapidly, and likely to occupy the café. He would not sense the ethereal energy sources within the place, as Michael had made sure that they were covered well enough and that even if he did, he would not know where it was, and they would be far too faint. This man would not escape, not with his soul at any rate.

”I must commend you, to so boldly walk into a situation that you know nothing about. Few people would have the guts to do something like that, yet I must also warn you.” His teeth flashed for a moment in a friendly smile. ”Deals you make with me are rather binding and well….i’m sure you know what happens to those that break the deal. You’ll find souls being of little matter to those that transcend mortality.” His drink found itself empty, something that Michael as not pleased in the least about. The female ethereal looked upon her king, and then nodded, turning around with the sound bubble still around them.

”Anything is possible, depending upon what you want. I could deny your request, or just as easily oblige you. Speak and we shall see.” The female returned with his blended chai tea, a cold beverage that he also took a great interest within after meeting the ethereal Niall in Chicago.[/color]

"I am hunting a pair of men. Two superhuman men. They interrupted my work, and assaulted my person. I have already enlisted one Ally, and if you are willing to assist me.... then we will have overpowering might. We can accomplish what I want to. The capture and experiment on the pair."

Mor sees the way he can order his follower... without even words... he twists his wrist and his cup is in his hand.... Darjeeling tea... the doctor sips quietly.

"I am not afraid of making the deal with you. I always keep my word... Therefore breaking your deal and causing your wrath is not something that frightens me. The doctor lies to Michael, but actually will keep his word as long as Michael doesn't try to betray him....

The history of Dr. Mor.:

All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Mor_gr12
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Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by Neal Winters January 28th 2014, 3:18 pm

Neal watched as an arrow flew toward his chest, and there was not much for him to do in the case of dodging it since there was a severe pain in his side. 'Whatever that arrow was, there was something unnatural about it. I need to end this quickly, or I may need to worry about more than a seemingly innocent civilian.' Neal thought quickly, and fired Navita to knock the first arrow off course. For the second arrow, Neal fired Mortem and narrowly managed to hit it on the second shot. The arrow burst into energy, and Neal's blast lost a majority of its power. Still though, Neal was safe for the moment. That was all that really mattered to him anyways, Neal was a "hero" but he cared about his own life more than anybody else.

She was running about quickly, and it seemed that she was on her way away from Neal. He began to step away slowly, facing the alleyway and making sure that the woman wouldn't return to attack him. He needed to be ready to counter, and with both guns drawn, that was more than true. If she decided to show her face and attack him again, Neal would make sure to hit it this time. Something told him though, that she was planning on making an escape. This was fine with him though, it seemed that she was heading in the opposite direction from the man that had gotten away.

Neal thought that the man would be safe enough for now, so he would simply leave the business of this woman alone for now. If she was a mercenary, she was a very skilled one. If she worked for somebody else, then that person was likely far beyond Neal's skills. Should that be the case, then Neal had no business here at all. Neal knew that he would be better off getting away safely with his life than risking it to take down a woman who seemed far more powerful than him. At least in terms of physical skills and in terms of fighting. He would be no match for this woman unless he could get the jump on her, and at the moment he was too slow to get the jump on a sloth. At least, that was his opinion. The truth may be different, but Neal knew that this woman was too powerful at the moment for him to fight her the way he was.

Neal Winters:
Kira Ito:
Neal Winters
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 5:39 pm

A plume of smoke dispersed around the car and it hit the railing of the stairwell. Yumo looked irritatingly at the smoke as it began to reform the guy. He looked around and saw he had nothing left to throw. He decided it was time to leave and jumped out of the view of the guy before he refromed but it was too late. The guy reformed and stared at him with a wide grin like that awesomely creepy cat from the movie where that girl falls down that hole like a dumbass.

Lightning seeped from his hands as a cloud grew above them. Yumo knew already that things were going from bad to worse. That's when he remembered on vital point for lightning. He quickly took most of the blood in all the vials he had and increased the iron to the point where the blood was glowing a bright red. He held the blood a few feet away from him so he could at least fake his own death if he wasn't truly killed. To help Yumo also lowered his own iron to deathly level. His body instantly became weak but he just had to survive for a few more seconds. Then..the lightning struck.

He could feel it surge in front of him and into the blood he was holding. He quickly raised his iron before his body collapsed, but the explosion was immense. His body burned horribly and some residual electricity was shot at him as he flew several feets away from the blast zone. His body collapsed behind a car and for a few minutes he was unconscious as his body worked to get his body back into moving and useable conditions. His clothes were torn like he fought a lion or something and he was painted with burn marks and sparks of electricity jumped across his body like arcs of fire on the sun.
(The blood is still at ability 4 and wont change till he goes inside to fight the others....if he makes it.)




Karah (Renegade)
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by The Bolt January 28th 2014, 6:31 pm

The male titan looked upon the demon, one that seemed to be preparing to defend himself against the attack that would rain down upon him, but how would he be able to deal with it? Would he create a shield of blood to try and soak up most of the damage, or was it something else? Blood contained iron, so maybe he was using that to his advantage? Within the flash he would see the damage done, and the foe seemingly too weak to fight against him. “Well that takes care of that.” He said simply as one could see the clouds of black mist emanating from the building that they had entered not so long ago. Forming beside him was a woman dressed in black, her deep red hair flowing down her shoulders and the other a male dressed completely in black, only piercing eyes peering from the folds within his wrappings.

One held what looked like a small orb within the females hand, radiating a primal power that could cause those that were weak of heart to go recoil in fear. She rolled the strange item within her hand, it glowing slightly as she looked to the fallen demon for a moment, one that seemed damaged, perhaps by her ally. “Well I suppose everything is finished here, unless you want to finish off this poor thing.” She noted depositing this item within a small leather pouch. The one that controlled the red lighting turned to her with an intrigued smile as if the notion were amusing.

“He’s no threat to us now, I suppose we could leave him.”

“Good, then that means we can make our leave.” She said giving Yumo one last look before they moved to leave.
The female titan was running as fast as her legs could carry her, everything blurring around her as she ran through the shadows that bathed the alleyway. Within a few minutes she was far away, yet was more than sure that the magis was sealing his doom as she thought over this. The Titan king would have what he wanted, whether the mage fought or not. Running a finger down the air, she created a dark looking rift and within seconds she was gone.
”So you wish to…get pay back?” He asked with a curious look, one brown raised ever so slightly. Someone walked into the café, a rather strong looking male in a black coat and looking slightly flustered. The male would sit down at one of the tables, and Michael tapped his foot lightly against the floor. A small amount of ethereal energy would gather around the sole of his shoe, piercing the ground and then slowly worming its way towards this newcomer, the magus that he planned to deal with anyway. ”The talk of experimentation upon them does catch my interest I admit, but then again what manner of experiment?” he would ask with the same false sweetness within his expression

”Never mind, I’m sure I will find out soon enough.” He amended with a wave of his hand as the female ethereal returned and place his drink in front of him. Smirking, the young looking male would take the straw into his mouth and deeply drink the frozen blended beverage. ”Well if you are willing to take whatever deal that I would lay out before you, then I think everything is good.” Michael noted with a pleased expression, clasping fingers around the cup that held the chai and leaning back within his chair. ”First things first.” He then muttered something within a strange language and then a man within the shop fell silently, seeming to choke upon his own blood as a gout of it spouted from his mouth. More would pour from a wound within his chest and then he fell over, blood beginning to be covered with his blood and Michael simply leaning back.

” Now that we have that out of the way.” He said as the shouts began to emanate from the people within the café. ”I suggest we get out of here before things get heated.” Pushing the chair back, Michael would wait for the good doctor to follow suit, and then they would leave the café.

Last edited by Michael Atterrius on January 28th 2014, 8:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
The Bolt
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by Morire January 28th 2014, 6:50 pm

Michael Atterrius wrote:”So you wish to…get pay back?” He asked with a curious look, one brown raised ever so slightly. Someone walked into the café, a rather strong looking male in a black coat and looking slightly flustered. The male would sit down at one of the tables, and Michael tapped his foot lightly against the floor. A small amount of ethereal energy would gather around the sole of his shoe, piercing the ground and then slowly worming its way towards this newcomer, the magus that he planned to deal with anyway. ”The talk of experimentation upon them does catch my interest I admit, but then again what manner of experiment?” he would ask with the same false sweetness within his expression

”Never mind, I’m sure I will find out soon enough.” He amended with a wave of his hand as the female ethereal returned and place his drink in front of him. Smirking, the young looking male would take the straw into his mouth and deeply drink the frozen blended beverage. ”Well if you are willing to take whatever deal that I would lay out before you, then I think everything is good.” Michael noted with a pleased expression, clasping fingers around the cup that held the chai and leaning back within his chair. ”First things first.” He then muttered something within a strange language and then a man within the shop fell silently, seeming to choke upon his own blood as a gout of it spouted from his mouth. More would pour from a wound within his chest and then he fell over, blood beginning to be covered with his blood and Michael simply leaning back.

” Now that we have that out of the way.” He said as the shouts began to emanate from the people within the café. ”I suggest we get out of here before things get heated.” Pushing the chair back, Michael would wait for the good doctor to follow suit, and then they would leave the café.

"If the deal is fair. I will not renege upon it. His smile is barely above a crocodile grin... which fades when the man begins dying...

"damn, Now I have to play the part of the diligent father." He crosses over to the boy and lifts him up, like a strong father would. taking the woman's arm and heading for the door. "Where are we heading?" he says as they make it out the cafe.

The history of Dr. Mor.:

All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Mor_gr12
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 7:07 pm

Yumo gasped for air when he finally woke up again. His body was sore but he was able to move and in a few seconds he would be back to full strength. He looked at his wrists and ankles to make sure he still had blood. He had enough in his vials that they replenished themselves and he smiled when he saw the full red dark color in each vial. He stood up and stretched before looking for the culprit of this attack. There were now three instead of one and they were all a few blocks down the street. They seemed to think he was dead which was a big mistake.

"Never turn your back unless you know the person is dead."
He whispered to himself.

He looked next to him at the car then smiled evily. He grabbed the car and and filled it with blood in the hood and the trunk. He then proceeded to throw the car high into the air so it would take a minute to come back down...hopefully. His body twitched with adreninline as he ran at his top speed to the three people now leaving. Not even seconds went by before he cut off their path.

"I'm sorry I figured I should pay you back for see I was holding back somewhat thinking you were gonna be as easy as your partner." He said straight faced.

Out of his peripheral he could see the car beginning to fall. He made a slight smirk but made no motion to move. Instead his eyes burned a bright red as his demon half screamed for him to kill them. And this time he would listen. He licked his bottom lip as he scanned his opponents. Each of them reminded him of the guy from earlier which meant they looked weak...but he wouldn't take them lightly like before.

"And this time when i'm fighting....I fight to kill." He said calmly hoping to get a laugh out of them instead of an assault.

He was trying to by time for the car to fall. If his attack activated to earlier it would be a waste....and if his attack activated too late he might end up hurting himself.




Karah (Renegade)
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by The Bolt January 28th 2014, 8:49 pm

The one covered in nothing but black cloth stop, a strange aura around him as he heard something. The sound of metal making a loud scraping sound against the ground, and the nothing. No, it was as if…something large and metallic had been thrown into the air, and upon looking into the air he saw what it was. If one could see beneath the fabric they would know of the smirk that he held, eyes glowing a dark color that made the shadows look bright and within an instant the car would find itself suspended within midair. “So…pointless.” The dark and dusty voice noted as eyes fell upon the demon rushing them and with a thought he commanded with his mind that they car fall upon the male.

A large amount of pressure was placed behind the attack, and perhaps enough to utterly crush a human into paste, let alone whatever this thing was. The female turned for a moment, smirking at this demons attempts upon them, and formed what looked like a large orb of black liquid that oozed from her skin like sin itself. With a mental command this black blood would shoot out was well towards the demon, enough to probably tear through him.
Before Michael even could realize what was happpening, he found himself being hoisted like a child and being brought out of the café. Part of him recoiled against the idea of a human treating him like a helpless child, and he nearly had his Chai left behind, but rh female ethereal was kind enough to grab it for him. His legs dangled along as the male brought him out of the building, with his servant in tow, one arm around hers. It seemed that he was only proving to make things more convenient for him as within moments something happened. Radiant magical energy spiked within the are as one could see a bright glowing purple light pour from the windows within the café.

People would scream and then within that instant a sphere of dark ethereal energy would envelope the café, destroying everything within it, tables, people and even the building itself. Nothing would remain of it when he was done, and that suited Michael just fine. With that done Michael would forcefully remove himself from the males arms, standing on his own as he glared at the doctor for a second. He dusted off the rather baggy looking jeans before snatching the drink from the female’s hand, who then freed herself from his grasp. ”Now lets get going, the police will be here any second.” In his wake there was only a smoldering crater, with small traces of ethereal energy.

”Once we find a safer location, we can discuss our deal.”

The Bolt
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by creator January 28th 2014, 9:27 pm

"The car wasn't the attack." Yumo said laughingly as he snapped his fingers.

The car exploded as blood spewed out from everywhere. The blood shot down towards the black blood coming towards me. Yumo's blood deflected the blood as it tried to shoot through him but it couldn't cancel it or absorb it sadly. The rest of the blood was going towards the two guys. Yumo knew that he wasn't going to be able to beat any of them that easily. Yumo dashed towards the girl at full speed. He was a blur in the vision of any normal human. He ran behind her and attempted to kick her in the side of the head with all of his strength.




Karah (Renegade)
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by Morire January 28th 2014, 9:31 pm

Michael Atterrius wrote:
Before Michael even could realize what was happpening, he found himself being hoisted like a child and being brought out of the café. Part of him recoiled against the idea of a human treating him like a helpless child, and he nearly had his Chai left behind, but rh female ethereal was kind enough to grab it for him. His legs dangled along as the male brought him out of the building, with his servant in tow, one arm around hers. It seemed that he was only proving to make things more convenient for him as within moments something happened. Radiant magical energy spiked within the are as one could see a bright glowing purple light pour from the windows within the café.

People would scream and then within that instant a sphere of dark ethereal energy would envelope the café, destroying everything within it, tables, people and even the building itself. Nothing would remain of it when he was done, and that suited Michael just fine. With that done Michael would forcefully remove himself from the males arms, standing on his own as he glared at the doctor for a second. He dusted off the rather baggy looking jeans before snatching the drink from the female’s hand, who then freed herself from his grasp. ”Now lets get going, the police will be here any second.” In his wake there was only a smoldering crater, with small traces of ethereal energy.

”Once we find a safer location, we can discuss our deal.”

Doctor Mor's satchel flies through the door as if thrown by someone... with one hand the doctor catches it easily... "Warn me before you go to destroy my favorite coffee shop. Now I have to find another." the doctor quips, moving quickly down the street... His right hand glowing slightly as he prepares a nasty surprise for anyone that tries to stop him..."Hurry up you two... I want to get around to my revenge as soon as possible."

The history of Dr. Mor.:

All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Mor_gr12
Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by The Bolt January 29th 2014, 12:48 am

“How cute.” The female cooed with a devious smirk, feeling the blood move before it even began to. As the car tore itself apart, she let her power react as more of the black material flowed form her to form a powerful shield above them and soaked up all of the blood that collided with it. Now the three were underneath an umbrella of dark blood, one that blotted out the light that would have shone upon them; however there was almost no light. With that done, the other male would unleash a burst of powerful red lighting to strike down the demon or at least catch him off guard. With that the blood that had fallen upon the barrier would find itself begin to assimilate into the black blood, her nether rich blood taking over it, corrupting it. “It doesn’t matter what was the attack, either way you are dead.” She noted simply, and with a snap of her fingers the blood would then began to unleash what looked like small bullets that shot out at rapids speeds towards Yumo, aimed to kill.
So now he was giving orders? Michael found himself grimacing at the notion that the male would do such a thing, and he would pay for that later. ”Hurry up?” He noted out loud with a questioning tone, showing displeasure over the word choice. ”From what I hear, it sounds like you’re demanding that I hurry up. That you’re commanding me.” His voice carried a rather angry growling quality to it, as if he could grow carnal any second and kill this human. ”Do not forget, I leveled that café with a snap. You would be so much easier.” He added taking a few steps ahead, walking faster than the doctor. If he wanted to play that game, Michael was more than capable of doing so.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by creator January 29th 2014, 3:04 am

Yumo watched as the blood of his was absorbed by the blood of this witch. His face filled with rage as he watched all the blood he used go to waste. He jumped back and using his full speed rushed out of the way of the bullets that were coming at him. He flipped over a car and kicked it into the lady hoping it would make contact. He didn't stay in one place though. Now that the fight started he was going to have to keep moving. As he ran to the guy next to the lightning man he let blood seep onto his palms. Unlike all the other blood he was using this blood was high in iron but yumo made it look as if it was normal.

"You are such a copy cat lady." Yumo said as his body rushed past her before the car did, he smeared some of the iron filled blood on the car.

He lunged at the guy but tried to use the force of his back foot when he kicked off, to knock the female off balance. Yumo then proceeded to make a dagger out of a piece of metal he found on the ground. He took the sharp end threw the metal towards the guy who can seem to stop objects in mid air. He used the hand covered in iron rich blood to throw it so now the pole was a disaster waiting to happen and all Yumo had to do was provoke the guy to use a few sparks of lightning.

Yumo then jumped back a good distance so that if any of them wanted to attack he could defend himself properly.




Karah (Renegade)
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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by Morire January 29th 2014, 6:54 pm

Michael Atterrius wrote:So now he was giving orders? Michael found himself grimacing at the notion that the male would do such a thing, and he would pay for that later. ”Hurry up?” He noted out loud with a questioning tone, showing displeasure over the word choice. ”From what I hear, it sounds like you’re demanding that I hurry up. That you’re commanding me.” His voice carried a rather angry growling quality to it, as if he could grow carnal any second and kill this human. ”Do not forget, I leveled that café with a snap. You would be so much easier.” He added taking a few steps ahead, walking faster than the doctor. If he wanted to play that game, Michael was more than capable of doing so.

The doctor follows quietly, having gotten the response he sought...

The history of Dr. Mor.:

All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Mor_gr12
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Humor : Superpowers do not always mean you are a Superhero.
Registration date : 2014-01-18

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All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire] - Page 2 Empty Re: All according to the plan [Neal, Creator and Morire]

Post by The Bolt January 30th 2014, 6:57 pm

The three seemed so amused by this males attempts on attacking them, the car simply crashing through the woman as she dispersed into a black mist, along with the other ones. Instead if reforming they would move, gliding into the air, through the wall of the black blood that floated above them as it fell to the ground, upon that person that was running under it. It would serve as a distraction if not anything else, within an instant the smoke seeming to sink through the ground, into the sewers. The three were no here to fight, and they saw that it was a pointless fight indeed. So they did what anyone with a more important mission was, and that was a tactical retreat.
Michael found the doctor to grow quiet, and that was something that he was perfectly fine with. He was beginning to talk more than he liked, ansd the manner by which he did talk was rather rude for someone as powerful as him. The three would leave the scene, but with his own unique energy signature masked, he was sure that his family would not have an exact read upon who had used so much power within the city, if they were here anyway. There were so many variables to bring into account where they could be hiding, but in the end it did not matter.

Something told him that they would come out of the cracks eventually, when they wanted to take the isles once again. It was always the case, Silus would want the throne. If Raziel knew anything, they were simply aiming to garner strength until they could do just that. The place in question was what looked like a shoddy little motel, one with one bed that Michael chose to recline upon with the older female sitting upon a chair, after pulling one out for Morire. In a small cloud of smoke one could see his body changing, morphine into something else. An older male with short cut dark brown hair, eyes like molten silver with those flecks of neon green within them. His clothing even changed, become a polo shirt and khaki colored cargo shorts.

”Now then I think we can start upon the more important part of the deal.” He said with a sly smirk, resting against the head of the bed. ’Now tell me more about these… gooders that you despise so much.”

The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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