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What Pokemon is your character?

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What Pokemon is your character? Empty What Pokemon is your character?

Post by Twinkletoes November 11th 2013, 8:36 am

Whose that Pokemon?

I thought it was about time we all forget about the ic drama of the shrpg world and focus on something a little more fun and lighthearted! It's easy, just think of what pokemon your characters would be, it could be due to their appearance, powers, personality or a mixture of them all. I'll start it off so y'all get the idea. (For the pokemon sprites, visit this site!)

Lilia is: Kirlia #281

What Pokemon is your character? 281

A pokemon that is clearly designed after ballerinas, a dual psychic/FAIRY (ahem...Fae) type with a very feminine and dainty appearance is unquestionably the one most closely relatable to Lilia. Plus! their names sorta sound similiar don't they?

Daji is: Mienshao #620

What Pokemon is your character? 620

A tricky choice (honourable mention to Zoroark & Houndoom) but Mienshao seemed the most likely candidate for the Chinese royal. With its elegant design, fighting type and the clear aesthetic elements linked to Chinese opera/martial arts this quick-as-a-whip weasel pokemon is Daji pokemonified.

Tengri is: Rayquaza #384

What Pokemon is your character? 384

As much as I disliked the idea of using a legendary, no other pokemon seemed fitting for a man who goes by the moniker of 'Father Sky'. Rayquaza is a grand, ancient dragon who has one of the coolest designs of them all. Due to Tengri's 'legendary' status and powers it only seemed fitting.

What Pokemon is your character? Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by keblinky November 11th 2013, 8:47 am

Kim-Mi Hyun
What Pokemon is your character? 037
It's a magic flaming fox. Does any more really need to be said? It's also adoraboo

Row-Echelon Cuboctahedron Eureka
What Pokemon is your character? 233
It seems very fitting. This pokemon is all math and logic, and so is Row-Echelon!

Vahnuk World-Thief
What Pokemon is your character? 171
Similarish color schemes, and the little light on top of Lanturn's head is quite a fitting symbol of a guide. And that's what Vahnuk is!
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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by Swordsmaster November 11th 2013, 10:48 am

Cain is Giratina
What Pokemon is your character? 487-origin
Who better to represent the Lord of Shadows than the Lord of the Distortion world? I had originally thought perhaps Gengar or maybe even Zoroark each for their own separate reasons but then of course I remembered the Ghost/Dragon type Pokemon and knew it had to be him. Cast out by Arceus, the Pokemon God, and forced to rule in its own dimension? Sounds a hell of a lot like vampires who are forced to roam the nights, and not only that but when Cain, or his shadow monsters, shadow travel they travel through a shadow realm.

The Ranger is Blaziken
What Pokemon is your character? 257
Both are exceptional fighters in their own rights and both Pokemon and human alike dawn the color red. As Blaziken is a fire type so too did Ranger use fire in his original concept, even now he carries around two flamethrowers and uses an explosive arrows. Although they both usually have a calm and collected personality they can become very...explosive if provoked.

Darren is Hitmonchan
What Pokemon is your character? 107
Not only is he the best swordsman on the site, and Hitmonchan one of the best fighting types, Darren refers to himself as the swordsman version of Rocky Balboa. So, who better to fit this jokester with a sword than the Pokemon version of Jackie ChanRocky? Plus, whose to say there isn't some Hitmonchan out there with a jokester, or jolly, personality?

The Phantom is Zoroark
What Pokemon is your character? 571
Illusive, Crafty, and practically invisible. Who better to portray the World's Greatest Thief than the illusion master of the Pokemon world? Just as Phantom himself can get away without any trouble so too can this crafty Pokemon. Zoroark is probably just as classy as Lucifer himself is too, and even then both are obviously very smart in their own rights and skilled at what they do. Or not even that, but the best at what they do. Plus that Dark type isn't as evil as some may proclaim and at Lawful Evil, Lucifer isn't the most evil man in the world.

William the Bloody is Scrafty
What Pokemon is your character? 560
A Dark/Fighting type, William is well in a word crazy. He's always looking for his next little scrape and this little guy is one hell of a fighter too. Plus, he's the only Dark fighting type besides a giant Panda and with Scrafty not only does the name fit but works a hell of a lot better than a giant Panda.

Last edited by Swordsmaster on January 4th 2015, 7:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by Chellizard November 11th 2013, 6:14 pm

Chelle would be Shiny Charizard:

What Pokemon is your character? 006

Not just because it's my all time favorite Pokemon, but because of the color scheme on top of it's personality. Charizard is loyal, but also very selective over who it protects. It will listen to it's heart before it listens to a trainer; and for that, it is a very independent Pokemon.

Tyuki would be Pikachu:

What Pokemon is your character? 025

Team Rocket is always after Pikachu, and Tyuki is always getting kidnapped. It only seems appropriate. Not only does Pikachu have wits, but it can be a bit silly and very impulsive. Just like Tyuki.

Uzma would be Eevee and then Eevee's evolutions:

What Pokemon is your character? 133What Pokemon is your character? 196What Pokemon is your character? 134What Pokemon is your character? 135What Pokemon is your character? 136What Pokemon is your character? 197

Skyler would be Gyarados:

What Pokemon is your character? 130

Brave, protective, and eager to win Skyler fits perfectly as Gyarados.

And finally, Mirshann would be Sawsbuck:

What Pokemon is your character? 586

She's innocent like a doe eyed deer. ;] So cute.

Sorry I ran out of words to talk about my characters... Lolz.

Last edited by Chellizard on January 20th 2016, 9:29 pm; edited 2 times in total

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What Pokemon is your character? JiLqjv0
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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by SecretSquirrel November 11th 2013, 6:25 pm

Leonhard Alexander Booth aka The Man with the Mandlebrot Mind

What Pokemon is your character? 150

This should be self-explanatory. He is the quintessential mastermind, he's just new to the scene and still dealing with his powers and history. All of his powers come from his mind, and yet he looks and appears more human than most. Unlike other pokemon, he's also an expert planner and communicator, not just a powerful mind. He also has a heavy contempt for the humans that created and raised him.

The Man in Black:

What Pokemon is your character? 430

The hat matches! He's the greedy crow in the darkness, watching his investments grow. He's not special, but he's pure darkness, and easily underestimated.

Last edited by SecretSquirrel on November 11th 2013, 6:44 pm; edited 2 times in total


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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by Forceaus November 11th 2013, 6:31 pm

First off. This is awesome. Thank you twinky.

This was the easiest to figure out. Ailill is Alakazam.

What Pokemon is your character? 065

Much like Alakazam, Ailill is a squishy wizard with really high intelligence that he values. The only thing he's missing is the awesome mustache Alakazam has.

John is Lucario

What Pokemon is your character? 448-mega

Personality wise nothing fits him more than a fighting type that is known to be fiercely loyal. They're also both versatile in combat. Able to run an effective mixed style that can leave opponents forever guessing.

Sophia is Absol

What Pokemon is your character? 359-mega

Absol's existence is pretty tragic. It gets blamed for disasters that are not its fault simply because it tries to warn people of these disasters. Sophia goes through something a bit similar. She gets blamed for things beyond her control.

Sarah is Mew

What Pokemon is your character? 151

Has there ever been a more elusive pokemon? Can only be found via events or glitches, yet desired heavily even with its reduced significance. Sarah is also really elusive and invaluable as well.

Deathbringer is Hydreigon

What Pokemon is your character? 635

He is a vicious and brutal hunter.

Last edited by Forceaus on January 4th 2015, 7:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by Venus January 4th 2015, 6:31 pm

Thistle is Serperior: What Pokemon is your character? 497
For obvious reasons.

Venus is Musharna: What Pokemon is your character? 518
well, either Musharna or Koffing: What Pokemon is your character? 109

Ouija is Gastly: What Pokemon is your character? 092

And Champion is obviously Machamp: What Pokemon is your character? 068


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What Pokemon is your character? Rudypudy
"Men are from Mars but they all belong to Venus"
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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by Silus January 4th 2015, 7:19 pm

Archon is What Pokemon is your character? 493

Despite me not having know about this Pokemon, google reveals that this Pokemon may be a universal being in which actually created or assisted in the creation of the Pokemon universe. Archon's an omniversal being who is charged with the protection and the sustaining of all the dimensions throughout the omniverse. To be honest the pokemon probably does a better job at keeping shit from falling apart.

Silus is What Pokemon is your character? 151

Silus is a little trickster in his own right with a very big purpose in life. Despite the roaring and raging world around Mew and Silus both seem to keep highly elusive and their inherently good natures as all things around them seem to become just a little bit brighter. Also they are both adorable as heck.

Tsxero is What Pokemon is your character? 262

Tsxero is an attack dog with a very intimidating growl with dark colors. That's all there is to say about that.

Noel is What Pokemon is your character? 478

Noel is
and Froslass is kawaii. Also they are shown to use their ice in the form of illusions, which Noel is infamous for doing, the structure of a Froslass also seems to resemble a Kimono, and Noel is a holds high respect for the Japanese culture and traditions.

Raja is What Pokemon is your character? 480

Raja and Uxie are both heavily "psych" types and both are seemingly calm collected and docile. While Raja has a very dark and horrific past he is still a very Uxie like character as he brings forth both knowledge and his powerful psychic abilities.

What Pokemon is your character? Lucife10
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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by Seagirl January 4th 2015, 7:38 pm

Elaine- She can be anything, but chooses to be amazing  What Pokemon is your character? 133
Bliss- She is more of an administrator who lets others do the heavy lifting. Also she shoots things out of her hands. What Pokemon is your character? 106
Danny- Face puncher What Pokemon is your character? 107
Hanna- Yeah What Pokemon is your character? 129f
Misaki- Goes without saying What Pokemon is your character? 038

What Pokemon is your character? Tumblr_lzt8ylC6T71qdqyxho1_500

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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by Khellendros January 4th 2015, 7:43 pm

Khellendros would be Scizor #212 What Pokemon is your character? 212

Because he has armour made of earth's toughest metals like this pokemon's body and Scizor's technician ability is much like the overall function of Khell's armour in boosting his physical stats.

Malytrix would be Skarmory #227 What Pokemon is your character? 227

Because she is made of the toughest metals known to earth as well as her fighting style consists of her flying around and shredding stuff with her talons. She is also not capable of having her accuracy decreased due to her sensor packages like Skarmory's Keen Eye ability, and she is very unlikely to be taken down in one hit as if she has the Sturdy ability.

Khellendros, The Black Knight
Khellendros' EXP

Malystrix, The Iron Dragon
Malystrix's EXP
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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by Thorgron January 4th 2015, 9:17 pm

Redline: What Pokemon is your character? 215
Intense, aggressive and even has the claws and speed to match.

Rozmer: What Pokemon is your character? Missingno
Missingo technically doesn't exist and neither does Rozmer. Both are the results of a very specific series of accidental events occurring in the fabric of their reality (coding bugs in Missingno's case).

GIZMO: What Pokemon is your character? 132
Made from the DNA of other Pokemon and able to change it's form based on what it's fighting. Doesn't look nearly as intimidating but this is definitely the Pokemon GIZMO.

ANONYMOUS: What Pokemon is your character? 137
It's made of living computer code, able to travel freely through cyber space, need I say more?

Thorgron: What Pokemon is your character? 095
Large, durable, strong slow and loyal to the right people. As an added similarity they both have a big weakness to water because of their weight and physical makeup.

What Pokemon is your character? Pbucket
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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by Jeannie Rose August 23rd 2016, 10:12 pm

that's kinda tricky there is a couple that fits Jeannie

What Pokemon is your character? 039
jigglypuff Jeannie is cute and cuddly but comically scary when angry,jiggly puff draws on people  that make it mad Jeannie likes to shoot and blow up stuff that makes her mad
What Pokemon is your character? 025f
Jeannie is very hyper,also like Pikachu is with ash Jeannie is loyal and very protective of her friends,cause she's less likely to get hurt she'll bullets,explosions and whatever else might come at them for squishier companions.

What Pokemon is your character? 054
like psyduck Jeannie is kinda a oddball Smile

What Pokemon is your character? 143
they both have ridiculous large appetites

What Pokemon is your character? 052
Jeannie has alot of catlike tendencies,overly curious,easily amused  

What Pokemon is your character? 059
her dog-like sense of smell is one of her most noticeable abilities as she is always chasing something,being a human bloodhound
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
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What Pokemon is your character? Empty Re: What Pokemon is your character?

Post by Row February 1st 2019, 10:01 am

#802 Marshadow

What Pokemon is your character? 250px-802Marshadow
Due to her alignment with darkness and her family's history being so secretive. She is effective a ghost of their past that haunts the living Vogila

#706 Goodra
What Pokemon is your character? Latest?cb=20131020033048&path-prefix=en
As a fellow slime being that's cute and has a strong resistance to physical attacks. Plus we all know Pori is secretly a dragon type >.> and loves to hug people.

#354 Banette
What Pokemon is your character? 354
The vengeful mentality of this line matches this angry ghost girl perfectly. However, Banette being a left behind doll that seeks out its original owner matches Riley and how she got her powers.

I love this gal so she gets to be 4 pokemon >.> for obvious reasons
#632 Durant
What Pokemon is your character? 632
#557 Dwebble
What Pokemon is your character? 557
#542 Leavanny
What Pokemon is your character? 542
#193 Yanma
What Pokemon is your character? 193

Poring Flan
What Pokemon is your character? Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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