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New Beginnings

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Zell November 16th 2013, 12:42 am

”That depends upon your intentions behind the word interested, I am not at-” Shi began as he stood up, only to find himself pinned on the wall. Of course her tongue was in his mouth and being that he was taken by surprise as he was he of course didn‘t even think to kiss back, not that the grand samurai would even have bothered to

Yam's reaction. Could not be censored beyond this point, I'm sorry.:

      ”Dragon boy was better.” She added in. Shi gave her a sideways glance, genuinely wanted to backhand her for what she just did. In fact…he might! No...he won’t…Shi is too disciplined, he doesn’t have time for her mind games. He cleared his throat, walked into the bathroom, took the bottle of Listerine and walked out in front of her. He dumped half the thing down his throat, and then used a mouthful to rinse, before spitting into the sink

      ”You should stop licking your crotch, or you should stop eating or the other.” He snipped to her as he let the remains of the purifying liquid cleanse his mouth from the impurity that was Artemis.

      I-I-I Kiss better than you…T-that‘s not even a friggin thing to boast about! Oh hey, yeah I kiss better than my dad! Which insinuates I kiss the same girls you do….ew EW EW EW EW!!!!! SEAN! TAKE ME TO THE ABYSS! SEAN! SEAN!! SEEEEAAAAN!!!

      Oh hush, you‘re being a…”drama queen” is it? Shi thought, before the door opened, and Shi looked up from the sink. Penny was home apparently. Thank the Spirits, at least there was a proper woman afoot and Shi was not stuck with a Wolf-woman Harlot. A werewolf Harlot….or as Shi would now refer to her as a “WereHarlot”

      ”She’s Jealous of the people who DON’T need to look upon indecency.” Shi said to himself in a low tone, though it was mainly to avoid penny from hearing, if Artemis had animal hearing though, it was likely to be heard, as Shi would have wanted. Shi returned to Penny and lowered his head apologetically. ”I am sorry, I did not realize that phones had more than one noise. I can easily have it replaced!” He stated as he took off his sash, revealing a small burlap sack, Shi removed the sack to reveal a sum of cash, one that was given to him as a reward, and living in OCEAN HQ means that he need not fear rent or any other normal expense.

   Penny then asked Shi and Artemis to look ,holding up the phone of a very exhausted Salone and a young baby girl. Shi smiled and chuckled as he stood up and walked across the room, picking up his mask. He quickly placed it on his face and sighed.

       Wow, Mr.Death and dreary has a soft side, afraid that Artemis will see you cry for joy? His son teased him. He didn’t stop there of course, he had to press on. She‘s my daughter, I should be crying!

      That‘s just it. She is your daughter and you SHOULD be crying with joy. My tears, are not of joy, Yam. My tears are tears of regret…You should be here with your daughter. With your…girlfriend, wife, whatever she is. They need you, and because of me you are not here. Shi said, revealing the cause for his tears. With his mask on, hiding his eyes and tears form the others, he returned to the phone to look at the picture.

       ”Too often we are forced to say goodbye to those we love and cherish. While we know that they are always with us, wishing us to be happy and pushing us to carry on, they do not know the pain we suffer because they are not here. Too often we give our hearts away to another, and I am forced to pry that from their hands, and take it into eternity forevermore… Taking love to the grave is not something I rejoice in, but when the day comes when I take the other across eternity to reunite…it is something that always makes a light within the darkness. Though it is important to never give up upon our love…because I tell you this. The day will come when Artemis, Sean, Salone and even my granddaughter shall die, for they cannot defeat Death…but I tell you now, ad Death itself…not even I can conquer love. The bond is too thick and ageless, to pure and indestructible. It is sappy, it is cheesy, and I may have given myself diabetes by even saying it….but it is true.” Shi said, and without further warning, he took off his mask, flashed a smile at penny with bloodshot eyes. Shi channeled himself for a moment, and instead of seeing him for who he truly was, for a brief moment Penny would see the person she cherished most that had gone into Death….the person Shi was forced to take from her. Shi could feel that He was probably smiling at her too. Shi then turned, and made his way to the hospital. Before he left….before it was all said and done…he would see his Grandaughter, and her mother.

The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Registration date : 2013-05-07

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hanna November 16th 2013, 5:33 pm

Penny sat back in her chair, ignoring Artemis’ jab, and sighed as Shi took the phone, rubbing at the temples. Looking up again she realized the man seemed to be battling himself before returning the cell phone. Then he started spewing romantic mush… that within itself was odd. She exchanged a look with Artemis, having no idea why on earth Shi was doing such a thing. Then he pulled his mask off again and instead of Shi… it was Eli. He smiled showing straight teeth, his ridiculous head of brown hair that curled at the ends, with that dimple in the cheek.

“What?” Penny’s face paled, her thoughts flickering to the last time she had seen Eli… alive… He had been at the front door. Saying that he would come back later and then they’d go out to eat… but the drunk driver had seen that would never happen.

“What did you hope to accomplish by that?” She asked Shi’s retreating back. If he had attempted to leave Penny flustered and her blood racing in her ears Mr. Hopeless Romantic had done his job well. But Shi was out the door. Penny got to her feet to race after him.
Yeah it was three in the morning and everyone except for the house of Newton/Kendric was awake but that didn’t stop her from yelling at him.

“OI! I’m talking to you! You never answered my question!!” She slowed down when she caught up to him. The man hadn’t gotten anywhere. “Salone isn’t at the hospital if that’s what you’re wondering and they won’t let you in at this hour anyway.”

One could tell that Salone and Penny had been friends for a long time. They both seemed to have slightly similar personalities. Such as the demand for questions to be answered and expressing when they were displeased rather quickly. However Salone was much more subtle in this… were as Penny… ehhhh… not so much. Penny crossed her arms and stuffed her trembling fingers into her armpits. “Also… why is my dog glowing?”

She did notice that one of the dogs, Gir she was pretty sure, had faintly glowing eyes. Speaking of which both of the male puppies had poked their heads out the door, trying to figure out what was going on.

My Peoples:

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Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Artemis November 19th 2013, 10:36 pm

Artemis shrugged at Penny when she looked at her funny. Like heck she new what he was thinking about. He then started to go off on some tangent, Artemis figured that it was suppose to be romantic or something but it really didn't stir anything up. Then he tried to leave. Which Penny wasn't to happy about, she seemed flustered about it. Artemis sighed mentally and shifted into a wolf and darted in front of the door, blocking Shi's exit so he could answer Penny.
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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Zell November 24th 2013, 12:06 am

"Move child" Shi commanded, a Nether energy whipped in front of him, blocking off Artemis, if she stayed there, she would die. Shi's power was overwhelming in comparison, and even a beast would know it. If she stayed her ground it was of no consequence, as he activated his energy in his feet, and shadow stepped past her and into the thick of the city, headed for the hospital. Once there, he walked into the hospital, earning some pretty hysterical looks as a Samurai walked into the hospital. He stepped into the elevator and placed his back against the door. A child stood there, looking at him in awestruck wonder. Shi felt the increasing nether coming from the child. The child would meet him again soon....something Shi was not looking forward too.

       "A-Are you?" The child asked, being more in tune with sensing spirits. Shi was about to answer when he heard a deep "Hooooo Kherrrrrr  Hooooo- Kherrrr" coming from the back of his mind. Oh joy...the obnoxious son has returned

      I am your father! Yam said, bursting into a fit of laughter, hoping to God, or fate, or whatever Shi would actually say that.

      Be quiet

      DO IT, JOIN THE DARK SIIIIIDE! Yam said, sounding oddly familiar to the man who said it.

      You are unbelievable, stop quoting star-wars!Shi said, beginning to lose his patience within his own mind.

      YES! YES GIVE INTO YOUR HATE! Yam added in Shi went to scream, when he saw the child laughing. He looked perplexed to the child. How do you know Star Wars but not know what a dang telephone is!?

      "He's funny" The kid said. The elevator stopped and the door opened. The kid looked to Shi as he stepped out. "Bye" The child said as Shi walked form the elevator. Shi looked over his shoulder and tipped his hat.

      "Goodbye Maxwell." Shi said as he walked for the Maternity ward. Though when he reached the desk he froze, Yam tugging at him. As the doors closed Yam hummed. I think that kid sold me crack once... He noted aimlessly.
     Spirits! Your mouth runs like a ducks rear end, it DOESN'T STOP! Do you listen yto these pointless comments? Do you just like hearing yourself talk!? Shi roared in his mind, his breath panting in reality, as if thinking the thoughts had taken his breath away. It was silent passed the vending machine in the waiting room. I'm thisrty
     YOU'RE DEAD! that's just racist. Shi groaned with an exasperated sigh,  and the triumphant Yam sniggered as they continued on the walk to maternity.

    She's not here... Yam replied informatively. He couldn't feel Salone...where was she? He began to reach out through the multiverse, searching and calling for his pendant. Where are you? He asked, a bit of concern in his voice.

New Beginnings  - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hanna November 24th 2013, 1:31 am

Penny blinked and suddenly Shi was gone. She grumbled under her breath and reached a hand out for Artemis.

“That insufferable yet odd man,” She mused. The woman was shaken and she still demanded answers. Gir was glowing faintly for pity sake! “Do you know what he did to him?” Penny asked Artemis before pulling her cell phone out again and sending Salone a text message. Giving her an update on recent events, not far off a sleeping Salone’s phone vibrated.

The woman stirred faintly in her sleep just as Jake called to her. Tendrils of her mentality brushed against him and flashes of her dream flashed vividly between them before she bolted awake, breathing heavily. The light on her phone let her know she had a text message and Salone glanced over to the sleeping figure of Hanna.

Sleeping… like any other sane being should be. Have you checked the time? Ung… Don’t you ever sleep? Or- Can Shi hear us? Salone suddenly asked, her eyes fixed on her text message she just received. He upset Penny pretty badly. What was he thinking?! Turning into Eli of all people! Just about killed her again…
She trailed off before realizing Jake had asked a question earlier. Apparently they or Shi or Jake (whatever… honestly she had no idea what to call two figures mentally melded together in one body) were trying to find her.

I’m at the birthing center a few blocks down from my house. Apartment 302… however I doubt they will let you in at this time in the morning. Unless you have a few tricks up your sleeves and no I’m not talking about your ability to make waterslides go faster. Salone sighed, slumping down into her pillow and playing with the medallion at her throat.

My Peoples:

New Beginnings  - Page 2 Tumblr10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Artemis November 29th 2013, 10:48 pm

Artemis easily dodged whatever that whip was, but as soon as she tried to counter attack Shi was gone. This left Artemis confused and she sat down where she was and just started confused at the door. She picked up Penny mumbling something and holding her arm out for Artemis. Artemis trotted over to Penny and sat under her hand, enjoys being petted on the head. She mentioned Gir, asking her if she knew why he was glowing. For this Artemis shifted back into her human form, which still had a lack of clothing.

"I dunno, but I think I know where he might of gone. I can ask him when I get there." With that Artemis got up and actually put some clothes on, if she was going to track down Salone she would probably need it. After checking with Penny where Salone was to narrow her search cause she still didn't understand road names, Artemis took off in hawk form, trying to find Salone.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Zell December 10th 2013, 9:52 pm

She's at the birthing center...not far form her house. Apartment 302 Yam said from within him. Shi grunted and immediately went to the nearest window, and looking down the three flights of stairs. It's a good thing he had these newest sandals of his. He stepped out, and the dragon bone sandals allowed him to walk upon the air. He took off running. A-uh..uhm...Are those MY bones? Yam asked.

     Yes... Shi replied. This response prompted sever gagging noises, and the simulated sound of throwing up, as Yam began sulking.

    Why-hy-hy-hyyyyy!? That is so SICK." Yam cried, Shi just ignored him at this rate. Shi ran past a hawk still focused-wait why was there a hawk at this hour? He stood on the air, and looked down. They were close to where they needed to be, though he was still looking around for the hawk.
      "A hawk at this hour?" He asked himself. He hummed as he tried to think.

      A hawk? I'm not sure I'd call her that...she's more of a B#$ch. Yam said as he groaned. Yam apparently really loved this Artemis character. Sensing Shi's thought Yam snapped. Don't be thinking that crap, you think it and It gets shoved back here with me! I ain't sticking around if your going to pollute my space. Yam rationed. Shi chuckled.
     Why so touchy? I'm almost tempted to believe you do...
     I don't
     You love her
     No, I hate her.
     You love her
     no, I love to HATE her...there's a difference

Shi descended to the ground, now standing at the main entrance to the center. He cracked his neck before yawning and drawing his blade. He wasn't expecting them to just let him walk in however.

New Beginnings  - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hanna December 11th 2013, 12:37 am

The woman in charge of the front desk when Shi walked in, taking in his samurai mumbo jumbo uniform. Her brown hair was streaked with white and held in place by a black hair clip. The center was pretty quite except for a few crys of newborns for their mother.

“Uhh, can I help you?” She asked hesitantly, looking through her glasses at the red eyed wannabe ninja. If Shi could prove that he was family he could walk on through and get a special privilege pass. A familiar ‘no shoes, no shirt, no service’ sign was posted on the desk.


Salone had woken up completely at Hanna’s faint cries and with some difficulty she managed to sit up and get out of bed to get her daughter, the child snuggled against her protectively. Carefully she made her way back over to the bed and leaning against her pillows. Nine months ago…. Salone sighed as the image of Jake falling to the floor, very much dead flashed through her mind. It didn’t seem so long ago, Salone could still see it when she closed her eyes.

Feeling her jaw constrict, she leaned her head against the headboard of while Hanna shifted around in her arms. Salone looked down to see a pair of vibrant blue eyes staring up at her.
The woman let out a surprised, “oh.”

My Peoples:

New Beginnings  - Page 2 Tumblr10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Artemis December 11th 2013, 1:20 am

Well had Artemis found the place. She didn't have to sniff around. Shi was standing in the air. He spotted her and Artemis prepared to fight but he ended up ignoring her and moved on into the build. Artemis circled the building, looking in all the windows until she found Salone. Artemis landed on the windowsill and looked inside. Salone was walking back to her bed, holding something in her arms. She guess that it was her pup. Silently Artemis shifted and slide the window up just enough for her to shift again, slip into the room and close the window. As a small spider Artemis climbed the wall until she was next to Salone. She walked to the floor and shifted back to human form. The clothes where wearing where a pair of very loose fitting short shirt that ended at her midriff and a pair of small shorts. They where Salone's clothing so the clothes themselves where small on Artemis. But at least Salone wasn't there when she got change to bug her about the strange under clothes. Those where just plan uncomfortable. Artemis looked over Salone's shoulder, she was still staring down at her pup.

"She's beautiful..." said Artemis softly. A smile grew on her face as she found herself waving slightly at the child. "Shi is on his way... I saw him walk through the enterance. I honestly don't think it will end well."

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Zell December 11th 2013, 9:14 pm

Before walking into the building, Shi raised his blade. The ancient looking blade tremored at his touch, an energy of death and despair coursing through it. For Shi's next trick he would need his "lovely assistant", and so his assistant he would summon forth. With a little growl of concentration and a little huff, his energy calmed for a moment.

     "May thy bell take to heaven or Hell. Ring Ma-" Shi began, though before he could finish something, or rather someone, came over him. -arrrrrrracchi band!" Yam said rolling his r's like a jubilant Mexican. Shi watched as his Blade began to transform, but instead of being the immaculate instrument of Death, it was...a large maraca on a hilt.
    You couldn't help yourself could you?
    No I could not... Yam confirmed with a snigger. Shi looked to his new "blade" His instrument of Death was now the instrument of a Mexican musician. ...Meh, same thing. Yam said with a chuckle. Shi rolled his eyes.

    "May thy bell take them unto Heaven or Hell. Ring Maria." He snapped, and the blade instantly returned to it's form of a Scythe. The Scythe and it's eerie glowing green blade flashed, and Shi conjured a perfect Illusion, fooling sight, hearing and smell. He managed to conjure an illusion of himself, a young boy, and then recreate the area around him where the REAL him wasn't there, making him entirely invisible and inaudible. The Shi illusion walked in with the boy, the real Shi in tow.

      “Uhh, can I help you?”
     "Yes Ma'am, this child is here to see his mother. I am but a family fried although I would much appreciate it if you could at least assure him his Mother is well." Shi asked nicely as he tapped the young boy forward. The real Shi passed through unnoticed, though was distracted upon seeing the boy. Small, black hair with aqua eyes and tanned skin. He had accidentally recreated his memory of his young son, before Shi was corrupted. Shi smirked, walking all the way to apartment Salone was in. Shi slipped in and smiled the door shut with tremendous force, though no one would be able to hear him, not even wolf-ears here could hear it, his illusion muffled it out. They wouldn't even know the door opened. Shi made his way over towards the crib when the baby began to cry.

      Salone had taken young Hanna, and Artemis joined the party. "Shi is on his way... I saw him walk through the entrance. I honestly don't think it will end well."  She informed Salone. Shi made his way over towards the bed and smiled, the illusion peeled away and seemingly from the shadows Shi formed looking at young Hanah with a smile.

New Beginnings  - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hanna December 12th 2013, 1:00 am

Salone stifled a panicked gasp as Artemis appeared and followed closely by a Shi. Both appearing within moments of each other was quite unnerving.

“Don’t do that again, please.” Salone murmured shakily, scooting over so they would have a spot to sit on her bed; first she let Shi hold Hanna, since he was the grandfather and through him Jake would be able to meet his daughter. Salone wasn’t sure how it worked but she would take what she could get.

What do you think? She asked Jake. Her name is Hanna… I didn’t know what name you would like so I just chose my mother’s name.

Hanna’s namesake had died from cancer right after Salone had been diagnosed with her illness. One of the few reasons she didn’t talk about her parents much. One of Hanna’s tiny hands wrapped around Shi’s fingers as she stared up at him with Jake’s blue eyes, Salone watched on. Trying to read the emotion’s in Shi’s face while her hands fidgeted in her lap.

My Peoples:

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Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Artemis December 12th 2013, 1:01 pm

And speak of the devil as soon as she mentioned Shi he appeared. Artemis sat down next to Salone. Artemis made a note not to scare Salone anytime soon, she had a feeling she was going to be chewed out for it later. Salone had passed Hanna to Shi, which kinda made Artemis sad but she could understand why. Instead she turned her attention back to Salone.

"How are you feeling?" asked Artemis. Salone still looked tired overall, but still happy.
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Mega Poster!

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Zell December 14th 2013, 9:40 pm

It's perfect...look at her! Yam's voice echoed. Shi removed his mask, and took the baby, closing his eyes as he held her close. Children did not seem to fear Shi, they did not fear Death. It was only when they grew older, when they began to fear the unknown. Little do people rememeber that they have known Death all along...

"My Grandaughter..." Shi said. The sound never got old to him, it honestly bothered him. His son was careless and ended up... He stopped his thoughts and kept his eyes closed, smiling at his little granddaughter as he began to hum an old Japanese tune, soothing and relaxing. It took forever for him to come to terms with all of this. Yam was still there, frozen, shocked and a little upset that he had did. Truly there wasn't anything he could have done about it...but he still felt terrible about it. He missed this time...he should be holding his daughter, able to feel her, able to be the one humming to her, being there with Salone and see them not through borrowed eyed. Yam grew silent...and so did Shi.

New Beginnings  - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hanna December 15th 2013, 5:58 pm

“How am I feeling?” Salone repeated the question to Artemis. “I am feeling like I want to sleep off pain killers, my insides feel like mush, and a whole bunch of people just showed up in my room. How are you feeling?”

Almost instantly Salone got distracted by Shi murmuring something and the emotions emanating from Jake.

“What’s wrong?” Salone asked this mentally as well as out loud. The silence was pressing down on her from both ends and her concern grew. Salone had a faint suspicion she knew what as she shifted anxiously next to Artemis. The baby appeared to be drifting off to sleep once more.

My Peoples:

New Beginnings  - Page 2 Tumblr10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Artemis December 15th 2013, 7:05 pm

"I'm pretty good, really just chilling a home considering I can do what I want with out you there." teased Artemis. "The dogs miss you though. Oh and speaking of dogs." Artemis shifted her attention to Shi. "Penny wants to know why her dog is glowing." Artemis then turned her attention to the little pup that Shi was holding. It was all pudgy is a strangely cute way. Artemis just wanted to reach over and grab her but she held herself back. Shi was her grandfather so it felt wrong just to take her. Artemis pulled Salone into a light one armed hug.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 865
Registration date : 2011-02-26

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New Beginnings  - Page 2 Empty Re: New Beginnings

Post by Zell January 9th 2014, 1:38 am

"The Dog is glowing because I healed it from an illness that would have otherwise ended it's life. I'm glad to tell you that it will live for a long time...probably about 100 or more years than expected... " Shi said. He pulled his granddaughter up and pressed his lips to her forehead gently. He lowered the child back down towards her mother, giving her up. Yam's essence left the girl, as she descended into her mother's arms.

     "I will be leaving soon. I will not be able to return for...quite some time I'm afraid." Shi explained, a hint of sadness in his voice.

    Tell her you need my amulet. Yam commanded.
    "Salone...Yam needs your amulet." He said.
Tell her you are taking it to Hawaii to the volcanos...where you will cast the amulet into the lava and free the world from an item of eternal power
   "I am taking it to Hawaii to the volcanos...where I will cast the amulet into the lava and free the world from an item of etern-HEY!" Shi said, finally catching on. Yam's voice erupted in laughter through his head and through the amulet.

New Beginnings  - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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