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The SuperHero RPG :: Applications :: Character, Minion, and NPC Applications :: Character and NPC Applications :: Character Archives :: Hero Archives
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Basic Biography
Real Name: Helia murstan
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Illianis
Title: The fog that blinds even death
Alignment: Chaotic hero
Age: 18
Race: Mixed
Hair: Red
Height: 6,0
Blood type:
O positive
The Looks
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Either include pictures in Spoilers, a smaller picture/s for the profile, or a very detailed description of your characters physical appearance and costume.
The Legacy
She is very nice as you get to know her and she will defend her friends no matter what. However she is also quick to fight and not afraid of the site of death or blood. She has a really bad attitude and at times can be more of a man than a lady. She also hates dresses and other girly things and she despises bright colors.
She was alone until the age of 13 and now lives with her real father. Her mother took her from her father's care when she was 6 and then left her alone when she was 7 after realizing that she couldn't raise her. Her mother just dissapeared one day when helia was sleeping. The next three years after that she was fighting for survival which is how she discovered the fog later naming it Nerfram. From that point on she and nerfram were close like little sister and big brother in some since. All she had to do was sing a soft tune and the fog would appear like a silk blanket to protect her when she was scared. When her father finally found her she was hardened from all the fights she whent through and blood she watched spill in order to make a living. When she was 16 she decided that she would stop the evil that could possibly cause people to do such terrible things which is when she became the heroine named Illianes "The fog that blinds even death."
The Powers
Power 1:My Friend
When she sings a fog rolls in from all directions and any crack in the earth. She calls this fog Nerfram and this fog is like a loyal dog. This fog can act as both a "shield" and a "spear" with its diverse attacks. However the fog is mainly used for long range attacks. This fog also isn't made of actual water and air but of a substance Helia calls Nile which seems to be a more thicker form of water mixed with liquid metal. This is substance is what makes the fog able to block and return attacks. Where the substance comes from is unknown to helia at the moment.
Power 2: Doday
This is the brother of Nerfram who's decided to join Helia for reasons yet unknown. When Using this Helia can create clones of herself in the form of dark grey silhouettes. They aren't nearly as strong as helia or durable, but they are twice her speed. Doday appears as a pair of black gloves two chains with a reach to the moon and back.
Power 3: blanket
When Helia releases Nerfram to fight by her side she is covered by a layer of metals so thin that when the it connects with her skin it's as if it isn't there. This layer increases her speed, durability, and strength.
Because her abilities are used with unknown forms of metal helia is vulnerable to lightning as she runs around as a large lightning rod
By being attack by strong waves of magnetic energy her powers could essentially be stripped from her temporarily while the energy continues.
Helia's pride gets in the way of her thinking a lot and it causes her a lot of problems in life. She never gives in to anything unless there is nothing else she could do. She's quick to fight and almost never gives up.
Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Basic Biography
Real Name: Helia murstan
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Illianis
Title: The fog that blinds even death
Alignment: Chaotic hero
Age: 18
Race: Mixed
Hair: Red
Height: 6,0
Blood type:
O positive
The Looks
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Either include pictures in Spoilers, a smaller picture/s for the profile, or a very detailed description of your characters physical appearance and costume.
The Legacy
She is very nice as you get to know her and she will defend her friends no matter what. However she is also quick to fight and not afraid of the site of death or blood. She has a really bad attitude and at times can be more of a man than a lady. She also hates dresses and other girly things and she despises bright colors.
She was alone until the age of 13 and now lives with her real father. Her mother took her from her father's care when she was 6 and then left her alone when she was 7 after realizing that she couldn't raise her. Her mother just dissapeared one day when helia was sleeping. The next three years after that she was fighting for survival which is how she discovered the fog later naming it Nerfram. From that point on she and nerfram were close like little sister and big brother in some since. All she had to do was sing a soft tune and the fog would appear like a silk blanket to protect her when she was scared. When her father finally found her she was hardened from all the fights she whent through and blood she watched spill in order to make a living. When she was 16 she decided that she would stop the evil that could possibly cause people to do such terrible things which is when she became the heroine named Illianes "The fog that blinds even death."
The Powers
Power 1:My Friend
When she sings a fog rolls in from all directions and any crack in the earth. She calls this fog Nerfram and this fog is like a loyal dog. This fog can act as both a "shield" and a "spear" with its diverse attacks. However the fog is mainly used for long range attacks. This fog also isn't made of actual water and air but of a substance Helia calls Nile which seems to be a more thicker form of water mixed with liquid metal. This is substance is what makes the fog able to block and return attacks. Where the substance comes from is unknown to helia at the moment.
Power 2: Doday
This is the brother of Nerfram who's decided to join Helia for reasons yet unknown. When Using this Helia can create clones of herself in the form of dark grey silhouettes. They aren't nearly as strong as helia or durable, but they are twice her speed. Doday appears as a pair of black gloves two chains with a reach to the moon and back.
Power 3: blanket
When Helia releases Nerfram to fight by her side she is covered by a layer of metals so thin that when the it connects with her skin it's as if it isn't there. This layer increases her speed, durability, and strength.
Because her abilities are used with unknown forms of metal helia is vulnerable to lightning as she runs around as a large lightning rod
By being attack by strong waves of magnetic energy her powers could essentially be stripped from her temporarily while the energy continues.
Helia's pride gets in the way of her thinking a lot and it causes her a lot of problems in life. She never gives in to anything unless there is nothing else she could do. She's quick to fight and almost never gives up.
Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Last edited by creator on May 3rd 2015, 10:53 pm; edited 8 times in total
creator- Posting Master
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Re: Helia
Now where can I start with this one?
You need to seperate ability for each of the things you listed. Changing the hardness of her skin would have to be reflected through an ability that increases her durability, if the first and second are the same, that would basically be manipulating the fog, and forming constructs with it, and the last is covered by Fighting Skill.
Flight only goes up to 2, 2 being a perfect form of flight.
The first point of wealth is free, and does not count towards the first 30 points you get. The first three levels of intelligence and Occult are equal to the other, so unless your character is capable in both science and magic, you do not need both. Please look at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for more information on stats.
As for the spells and magic, unless you plan to delve into the magic system, you do not need either of them. If you are [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is where you will find it.
Also it would be nice that you describe the fog power in greater description, and a manipulation ability needs to atleast be level 6 before it can create its own element.
Fix these things and I will look over the app again.
You need to seperate ability for each of the things you listed. Changing the hardness of her skin would have to be reflected through an ability that increases her durability, if the first and second are the same, that would basically be manipulating the fog, and forming constructs with it, and the last is covered by Fighting Skill.
Flight only goes up to 2, 2 being a perfect form of flight.
The first point of wealth is free, and does not count towards the first 30 points you get. The first three levels of intelligence and Occult are equal to the other, so unless your character is capable in both science and magic, you do not need both. Please look at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for more information on stats.
As for the spells and magic, unless you plan to delve into the magic system, you do not need either of them. If you are [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is where you will find it.
Also it would be nice that you describe the fog power in greater description, and a manipulation ability needs to atleast be level 6 before it can create its own element.
Fix these things and I will look over the app again.
Samael Christensen- Administrator
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Re: Helia
Do not reply with your app again.
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Re: Helia
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Re: Helia
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Forceaus- Mega Poster!
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Re: Helia
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Forceaus- Mega Poster!
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Re: Helia
Unapproved for edits to the new system
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Zodiac- Mega Poster!
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Re: Helia
You need as many weaknesses as you have powers. So if you have 4 powers then you need to have 4 weaknesses.
In your case you need 1 more weakness.
In your case you need 1 more weakness.
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Silus- Retired Moderator
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Re: Helia
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