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Another Way
The SuperHero RPG :: The Superhero RPG Universe aka Roleplay Section :: North America :: United States of America :: Los Angeles, California
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Re: Another Way
Sam was keeping up with Sean as the two of them ventured through the hallways of the castle they were in, it was nice to see a little bit of colours on the walls and floors, even though it wasn't very much it was still nice to look at after staring at just whites and blacks for so long. "Who doesn't like weapons?" he asked rhetorically, Sam personally didn't use weapons, he had always fought with his hands and feet, that's what he learnt whilst training at the gym anyway, they hardly let anyone bring in a weapon to train. Sam deduced that this castle had a lot of servants, there were many of them around all of the corners, they all seemed to be doing things amongst themselves, but they would always acknowledge Sean as he walked by them.
"A sword huh? I wouldn't really use it that much but it would be awesome to have, I would definitely keep it and look after it" Suddenly a small child seemed to have appeared our of nowhere as he recognized Sean, the small child seemed normal until Sam noticed the black markings across the side of his face. Sean and the boy seemed to know each other, Sam's eyes widened slightly as the child explained that he was told about him from some others, "I suppose my reputation precedes me, I am the new Titan around here, I'm Sam, it's good to meet you bud" Sam was still trying to put a label on these Titan's, were they a family? Where they an army? In the end Sam just called them a Community, they seemed to be hiding in the shadows, just trying to survive, but a part of him knew that one day they would make a move on the real world, and his label of them would surely change.
"A sword huh? I wouldn't really use it that much but it would be awesome to have, I would definitely keep it and look after it" Suddenly a small child seemed to have appeared our of nowhere as he recognized Sean, the small child seemed normal until Sam noticed the black markings across the side of his face. Sean and the boy seemed to know each other, Sam's eyes widened slightly as the child explained that he was told about him from some others, "I suppose my reputation precedes me, I am the new Titan around here, I'm Sam, it's good to meet you bud" Sam was still trying to put a label on these Titan's, were they a family? Where they an army? In the end Sam just called them a Community, they seemed to be hiding in the shadows, just trying to survive, but a part of him knew that one day they would make a move on the real world, and his label of them would surely change.
Re: Another Way
Regardless of whether Sam planned to use the weapon that he was going to have made for him or not, Sean was sure he would enjoy the weapon nonetheless. There was also that small fact that fists, and physical combat would not always serve him well, when weapons could prove helpful. The little Titan would continue to cling to Sean like a leech, but his attention was on Sam more than anything, considering that he was a new thing placed before him. He could feel Sean’s distinctive Nether radiating from the strange male, but also a signature that was all his own, something that when mixed together formed something that seemed to deter him from laying a finger on the male. He could also feel the strange mixture radiating from Sean, and that only made his mind wonder even more, and perhaps formulate wild theories.
”Well it’s nice to meet you Sam, I’m Noah.” The young Titan would greet in return with a quizzical smile, examining the new one within this realm. He was younger than him, and yet his body looked older for some reason. If anything, he could sense how new the energy coursing through the male was, and that meant he had yet to really get used to the atmosphere. It was rare that one of their race was created from a lesser one, but it happened, so it was not an unheard of thing, at least not as far as he knew. ”I hope you two don’t mind if I tag along. Sean still owes me that martial arts lesson he promised.” Noah would note pointedly, which Sean could only look away from.
”Fine, you can come with us, but don’t get in the way, or anything.” Sean said agreeing with a certain begrudging tone to his voice, though the kid did not seem to really notice that as his mood only seemed to lighten further. ”As long as Sam doesn’t mind anyway.” Sean said looking to Sam, perhaps partially hoping that he would mind, but there was small chance in that really. Guy was too nice, and perhaps way too nice to really be a Titan, but then again that could always be groomed out of him, as long as he was willing to put some time into that. Either way, with that small amount of business done, they could keep going onward, even if there was someone extra with them.
”Well it’s nice to meet you Sam, I’m Noah.” The young Titan would greet in return with a quizzical smile, examining the new one within this realm. He was younger than him, and yet his body looked older for some reason. If anything, he could sense how new the energy coursing through the male was, and that meant he had yet to really get used to the atmosphere. It was rare that one of their race was created from a lesser one, but it happened, so it was not an unheard of thing, at least not as far as he knew. ”I hope you two don’t mind if I tag along. Sean still owes me that martial arts lesson he promised.” Noah would note pointedly, which Sean could only look away from.
”Fine, you can come with us, but don’t get in the way, or anything.” Sean said agreeing with a certain begrudging tone to his voice, though the kid did not seem to really notice that as his mood only seemed to lighten further. ”As long as Sam doesn’t mind anyway.” Sean said looking to Sam, perhaps partially hoping that he would mind, but there was small chance in that really. Guy was too nice, and perhaps way too nice to really be a Titan, but then again that could always be groomed out of him, as long as he was willing to put some time into that. Either way, with that small amount of business done, they could keep going onward, even if there was someone extra with them.
Arcana- Administrator
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08
Re: Another Way
Noah, a nice name, a seemingly nice kid, he continued too look at him like he was some kind of new toy in the toy box, Sam wasn't a very kiddy person, he had always wanted some at some point in his life, but he knew they were a lot to handle, especially when they were around Noah's age and hopped up on sugar. Sam could tolerate kids, but it was just a question of how long, soon this small boy would start asking Sam all kinds of questions about where he came from or how him and Sean met, and to be honest Sam was still a little bit tired from his sleep and the last thing he wanted to do was answer tonnes of questions.
"Well Sean's just giving me a tour of the castle, nothing special, and we're heading to the armoury, not exactly a safe place for kids you know? Sharp objects and all of that, we can talk some other time though if you want" Noah seemed to back away slightly with a rather confused look as he tried to piece together how it meant he couldn't come along, he probably had many different ideas running through his mind, but he simply said "Oh... Ok then, maybe some other time" he looked slightly dissapointed and it made Sam feel quite bad for saying no, but he would try to make it up the boy some other time, as for now him and Sean continue forward towards the armoury.
"Well Sean's just giving me a tour of the castle, nothing special, and we're heading to the armoury, not exactly a safe place for kids you know? Sharp objects and all of that, we can talk some other time though if you want" Noah seemed to back away slightly with a rather confused look as he tried to piece together how it meant he couldn't come along, he probably had many different ideas running through his mind, but he simply said "Oh... Ok then, maybe some other time" he looked slightly dissapointed and it made Sam feel quite bad for saying no, but he would try to make it up the boy some other time, as for now him and Sean continue forward towards the armoury.
Re: Another Way
If anything, Sean expected Noah to simply go along anyway, but he seemed to simply accept it. That was what caused the Titan to worry, but then again he was worrying far too much now, seeing as how this was still a child and he had little control when it came to his Nether and whatnot. ”Well I guess that’s my que to leave, but you still owe me Sean.” Noah would manage to add slightly annoyed but accepting it nonetheless, which Sean could not say no to really. The kid had a way of making Sean do what he wanted, and that mostly equaled out to him bugging Sean until he said yet. With that small bit done he would snap and then disappear in a small puff of acrid black smoke, perhaps the only real Nether based ability he had managed to master.
”Well, since we’re done with that we can get moving.” Sean said heaving a slight sigh of relief as they would continue their trek through the castle once again. It was the same thing really, with the servants trekking by them as they went about their duties, and regarding Sean with a nod of their heads, as if showing a slight amount of respect for the Titan. Not the usual forced respect that the others seemed to force out of these poor bastards, but something akin to the legitimate kind, and that was slightly better than fear. Sean would pick up his pace, sure that Sam could follow and within minutes there were there. The armory was a simple enough room really, though it was large and there were weapons lining the wall that seemed to stretch farther than castle space would seem to allow.
There was a male Titan in slim fitting black chitanous armor that seemed to allow a great range of movement, while allowing him a modest amount of protection against blows. He looked from Sean to Sam with a certain half interest, his coal black eyes like a chasm. Vine like markings would decorate his skin, or atleast what was visible through the armor, and his mouth was in a humorless line. ”Lord Sean, it seems that you brought your newborn here? I assume to be outfitted with a weapon.” His voice was one that seemed almost flat, and reflected his personality that was rather to the point. One could hear what sounded like hammers ringing off through a door that lead off from within the armory to another part of the castle; perhaps a forge of some kind.
”Yes, and I was hoping that you had my blade prepared for me.” Sean noted crossing pale arms over his chest, as if he expected the male to know why he was here. "I do remember asking you to forge this weapon a week or two ago.” That was something added to prove that Sean had waited far more than he was willing to wait, and The Titan smirked lightly.
"Of course. If you two would come with me.” He said with a beckoning motion of his hand.
”Well, since we’re done with that we can get moving.” Sean said heaving a slight sigh of relief as they would continue their trek through the castle once again. It was the same thing really, with the servants trekking by them as they went about their duties, and regarding Sean with a nod of their heads, as if showing a slight amount of respect for the Titan. Not the usual forced respect that the others seemed to force out of these poor bastards, but something akin to the legitimate kind, and that was slightly better than fear. Sean would pick up his pace, sure that Sam could follow and within minutes there were there. The armory was a simple enough room really, though it was large and there were weapons lining the wall that seemed to stretch farther than castle space would seem to allow.
There was a male Titan in slim fitting black chitanous armor that seemed to allow a great range of movement, while allowing him a modest amount of protection against blows. He looked from Sean to Sam with a certain half interest, his coal black eyes like a chasm. Vine like markings would decorate his skin, or atleast what was visible through the armor, and his mouth was in a humorless line. ”Lord Sean, it seems that you brought your newborn here? I assume to be outfitted with a weapon.” His voice was one that seemed almost flat, and reflected his personality that was rather to the point. One could hear what sounded like hammers ringing off through a door that lead off from within the armory to another part of the castle; perhaps a forge of some kind.
”Yes, and I was hoping that you had my blade prepared for me.” Sean noted crossing pale arms over his chest, as if he expected the male to know why he was here. "I do remember asking you to forge this weapon a week or two ago.” That was something added to prove that Sean had waited far more than he was willing to wait, and The Titan smirked lightly.
"Of course. If you two would come with me.” He said with a beckoning motion of his hand.
Arcana- Administrator
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Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08
Re: Another Way
Sam felt bad for sending the child away, but he was still quite sleepy and he couldn't take the energy that some kids have at most times of the day. The boy left and Sam followed Sean once again through the corridors of the large castles. Again, the servants were doing what they were told, but they would stop what they were doing and would give Sean a slight nod in acknowledgement and respect, then they would carry on with their duties.
They both reached the armoury not soon after as Sean seemed to have sped up to get there faster. They both walked in and was greeted by a man in slim black armour, his face seemed slightly dirty, which is to be expected when someone works with coal, it certainly gets everywhere. The man seemed to know what he was doing, he looked quite experienced, especially if his armour was anything to go by. Sam was quite excited to have his own weapon, not that he would use it, but it would be cool to have, maybe with a year or so of training he would be able to bring the weapon into his offence. It also appeared that this man was late when repairing something for Sean and returning it to him and Sean did not look very impressed. As the sound of hammers hitting anvils rung through the armoury, the blacksmith seemed slightly pleased with himself as he asked the two of them to follow him.
They both reached the armoury not soon after as Sean seemed to have sped up to get there faster. They both walked in and was greeted by a man in slim black armour, his face seemed slightly dirty, which is to be expected when someone works with coal, it certainly gets everywhere. The man seemed to know what he was doing, he looked quite experienced, especially if his armour was anything to go by. Sam was quite excited to have his own weapon, not that he would use it, but it would be cool to have, maybe with a year or so of training he would be able to bring the weapon into his offence. It also appeared that this man was late when repairing something for Sean and returning it to him and Sean did not look very impressed. As the sound of hammers hitting anvils rung through the armoury, the blacksmith seemed slightly pleased with himself as he asked the two of them to follow him.
Re: Another Way
The ringing grew louder and they walked nearer towards the place where all of the armies weapons was constructed, and where anyone with skill in the art of blacksmithing was brought. Humans were also trained in the arts, and of course they had to be prepared to deal with the poisonous ores that were likely to be used when creating the weapons, seeing as how Titans enjoyed using poison. Killed people quicker, and that was good enough. Soon enough they walked out through the brief corridor, and came into the place where all weapons were made; The Forge Room as it was named by the more common folk.
”And here we are. I would ask that none of you get in the way of our workmen, as they are very busy around this time.” The male Titan leading them would note with his same flat tone, arms crossed behind his back as he walked onward. As hammers sounded off against the metal that they were shaping, cherry red as they were pulled straight from the flames that were hot enough to make the metal malleable. Where they were going was perhaps the largest of the forges, and where a strange black fire would belch out occasionally.
”Sam this is where all of the weaponry that supplies our army is made. They also make armor and anything else that we would need. It’s a pretty nice setup and we have some of the finest blacksmiths that aren’t Dwarven, but that’s only because the Dwarves’ won’t offer some of their workers.” The first part of his speech sounded whimsical, but then he sounded slightly resentful that the race would not offer their help in this endeavor, but maybe that was because they kept calling them Dwarves; even if that was not their race name.
”It’s also occasionally where rebels are thrown into the fiery pits, but that hasn’t happened for two millennia.” The statement made Sean shudder, seeing that how these forges were said to be so hot that they not only destroyed flesh, but they could also eviscerate the very soul. To be thrown in their was to be destroyed utterly, and no one would want a fate like that. ”We also have that blade of yours ready whenever you want it picked up.” He knew Sean would want it now, and without even having to be asked, he would lead them to the one forge belching black flames.
”And here we are. I would ask that none of you get in the way of our workmen, as they are very busy around this time.” The male Titan leading them would note with his same flat tone, arms crossed behind his back as he walked onward. As hammers sounded off against the metal that they were shaping, cherry red as they were pulled straight from the flames that were hot enough to make the metal malleable. Where they were going was perhaps the largest of the forges, and where a strange black fire would belch out occasionally.
”Sam this is where all of the weaponry that supplies our army is made. They also make armor and anything else that we would need. It’s a pretty nice setup and we have some of the finest blacksmiths that aren’t Dwarven, but that’s only because the Dwarves’ won’t offer some of their workers.” The first part of his speech sounded whimsical, but then he sounded slightly resentful that the race would not offer their help in this endeavor, but maybe that was because they kept calling them Dwarves; even if that was not their race name.
”It’s also occasionally where rebels are thrown into the fiery pits, but that hasn’t happened for two millennia.” The statement made Sean shudder, seeing that how these forges were said to be so hot that they not only destroyed flesh, but they could also eviscerate the very soul. To be thrown in their was to be destroyed utterly, and no one would want a fate like that. ”We also have that blade of yours ready whenever you want it picked up.” He knew Sean would want it now, and without even having to be asked, he would lead them to the one forge belching black flames.
Last edited by Pattata on October 1st 2013, 1:54 am; edited 1 time in total
Arcana- Administrator
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08
Re: Another Way
Sam could tell that the workmen in there were busy, they seemed to be zipping around all of their different stations as they prepared weaponry non-stop. The sound of hammers meeting anvils must have been coming from this room as Sam watched the blacksmiths lift the weaponry out of the forges and hammer away at them, merging them into different shapes and perfecting the weapons one at a time.
Sam had finally decided that the Titan's certainly were an army that planned on running a mock on Earth when they get their chance, and no Sam would be a part of that.Sam had certainly seemed to bite off more than he could chew here, all he wanted was immortality, he did not realize he would be joining an army, although this bad choice of judgement wasn't exactly his fault, all of the details clearly weren't explained to him before he was given the choice, with time though Sam hoped that he would be able to join the Titan's in both body and mind.
The blacksmith's note made Sam laugh slightly nervously, he was just glad that he wasn't around back then, but if he did rebel from the Titan's and leave, he was sure that they wouldn't just let him walk away for nothing. Before he knew it, he was following Sean once again, this time they seemed to be going over to a rather large forge that was spewing black flames, it appeared even the fire in this strange world lost its colour.
Sam had finally decided that the Titan's certainly were an army that planned on running a mock on Earth when they get their chance, and no Sam would be a part of that.Sam had certainly seemed to bite off more than he could chew here, all he wanted was immortality, he did not realize he would be joining an army, although this bad choice of judgement wasn't exactly his fault, all of the details clearly weren't explained to him before he was given the choice, with time though Sam hoped that he would be able to join the Titan's in both body and mind.
The blacksmith's note made Sam laugh slightly nervously, he was just glad that he wasn't around back then, but if he did rebel from the Titan's and leave, he was sure that they wouldn't just let him walk away for nothing. Before he knew it, he was following Sean once again, this time they seemed to be going over to a rather large forge that was spewing black flames, it appeared even the fire in this strange world lost its colour.
Re: Another Way
The only one currently occupying the forge was a woman with hair like midnight, carefully and methodically hammering away at what looked like a red hot piece of metal and at her side what looked like a katana of some kind wrapped in fabric. ”Aria, is the blade for Sean finished yet?” The female would pause mid swing of her hammer, eyes unreadable through the black goggles that were worn over her eyes. He could see that one of her brows rose, but then again that was not an indication in her thought process, so he somewhat ignored that much and simply looked at her, waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, I finished the damn thing two days ago, and you insisted that I make sure that all of the spells woven through it were adequate.” She answered with a twinge of irritation, letting the hammer strike the steel one more time. She motioned towards the bundle near her feet, placing the hammer down and picking it up with the utmost of caution, as if it could cut her through even the thick covering. “I would have to say this is the greatest of my works." She would walk over to Sean, and hand him the bundle, which the power Titan would take gingerly, holding it with as much care as she did.
”Thank you. I was looking forward to this blade much sooner, but then again if its as good as I hear from you, my wait was well worth it.” Sean would show respect to her. She was the most skilled of the blacksmiths, and that meant that she would have that honor, even if she was only around one quarter Titan, and that made her barely better than a human in most of the people’s eyes. One could see that only a small amount of the markings would peak out from under her collar
“And you must be the new one everyone seems to be chirping about. Well it’s a pleasure to meet you. I do hope Sean had been treating you nicely, I know how these higher ups can be.” She said in greeting with a rather disarming smile. “Are you here for a weapon? I’m sure his blade was not the only reason Lord Sean would come all the way here, and I think I have just the thing.” She would reach into a pile of arms, perhaps ones that she had been working on recently and pulled out a broadsword that was a smooth black material, and held a strange red aura about it. Sean raised a brow at the female’s willingness to help Sam, but then again she was perhaps the kindest being in The Abyss as far as he knew, so there was that.
“Yeah, I finished the damn thing two days ago, and you insisted that I make sure that all of the spells woven through it were adequate.” She answered with a twinge of irritation, letting the hammer strike the steel one more time. She motioned towards the bundle near her feet, placing the hammer down and picking it up with the utmost of caution, as if it could cut her through even the thick covering. “I would have to say this is the greatest of my works." She would walk over to Sean, and hand him the bundle, which the power Titan would take gingerly, holding it with as much care as she did.
”Thank you. I was looking forward to this blade much sooner, but then again if its as good as I hear from you, my wait was well worth it.” Sean would show respect to her. She was the most skilled of the blacksmiths, and that meant that she would have that honor, even if she was only around one quarter Titan, and that made her barely better than a human in most of the people’s eyes. One could see that only a small amount of the markings would peak out from under her collar
“And you must be the new one everyone seems to be chirping about. Well it’s a pleasure to meet you. I do hope Sean had been treating you nicely, I know how these higher ups can be.” She said in greeting with a rather disarming smile. “Are you here for a weapon? I’m sure his blade was not the only reason Lord Sean would come all the way here, and I think I have just the thing.” She would reach into a pile of arms, perhaps ones that she had been working on recently and pulled out a broadsword that was a smooth black material, and held a strange red aura about it. Sean raised a brow at the female’s willingness to help Sam, but then again she was perhaps the kindest being in The Abyss as far as he knew, so there was that.
Arcana- Administrator
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08
Re: Another Way
Sam was introduced to another pivotal member of the Titan army, he overhead the man call her name, Aria, a quite nice one. She seemed quite annoyed that she was forced to hold onto Sean's blade to make sure it was absolutely perfect and face any consequences that could come with it, but she seemed proud of it and Sean seemed pleased with her work and the reputation that she has created for herself.
Her attention soon turned to Sam, like everyone's attention had, it appeared new Titan's were a sight for sore eyes around these parts. The black haired woman introduced herself and took a jab at Sean, Sam found it slightly funny but Sean might have not. "It's nice to meet you too" Sam said with a nod of acknowledgement, "Apparently I am here for a weapon, don't be in a rush to make one though" he said out of kindness, he wouldn't be using it anyway so he would allow her to take her time with it, although she seemed more prepared than he thought as she lifted a large broadsword out of a pile of weapons, a black one that seemed to give off a cool red aura, she advanced on Sam with it laying across both palms of her hands as if she was delivering it to him, he was surprised that the sword that he had been promised was right in front of him right now, he slowly grasped the hilt and lifted it into the air, he was quite surprised by how heavy it was, but he swung it around slightly and was impressed by the way it hummed through the air. "Wow... Pretty cool... I appreciate this, honestly, maybe one day I can use it on someone." He said, and he was quite scared that he did say that, it certainly didn't sound like him, maybe his surroundings were rubbing off on him...
Her attention soon turned to Sam, like everyone's attention had, it appeared new Titan's were a sight for sore eyes around these parts. The black haired woman introduced herself and took a jab at Sean, Sam found it slightly funny but Sean might have not. "It's nice to meet you too" Sam said with a nod of acknowledgement, "Apparently I am here for a weapon, don't be in a rush to make one though" he said out of kindness, he wouldn't be using it anyway so he would allow her to take her time with it, although she seemed more prepared than he thought as she lifted a large broadsword out of a pile of weapons, a black one that seemed to give off a cool red aura, she advanced on Sam with it laying across both palms of her hands as if she was delivering it to him, he was surprised that the sword that he had been promised was right in front of him right now, he slowly grasped the hilt and lifted it into the air, he was quite surprised by how heavy it was, but he swung it around slightly and was impressed by the way it hummed through the air. "Wow... Pretty cool... I appreciate this, honestly, maybe one day I can use it on someone." He said, and he was quite scared that he did say that, it certainly didn't sound like him, maybe his surroundings were rubbing off on him...
Re: Another Way
”Don’t have to be in too much of a rush though. At most we use these weapons on some of the darker things within The Abyss, creepy crawly things and stuff like that.” She showed an obvious pride within her weapons, even if they were ones that she was ordered to hammer out on the fly. Aria was perhaps the rare case within The Abyss, where pure blood did not always mean high status and her talking to Sean the way she did was a sign that they were equals in many respects. She could tell how Sam enjoyed her craftsmanship and that seemed to give the woman a certain pride as she sat back down at her work station and grabbed the hammer once again.
”Try not to poke your eye out though, its sharp and I’ve already seen someone do that within this week. If we didn’t get him to the healer as fast as we did, would have had more than a damaged eye to worry about.” It started off as a friendly jest, but devolved into a little rambling but she did that sometimes. ”Anyway, Sean do you like your new sword?” The diminutive Titan had taken the blade from the wrapping, it’s strange black metal seeming to glow slightly, the color of his Nether energy and radiating a killing intent. A katana made for him to wield, and made for him to wield with precision.
”Yes, the work is amazing. Hell, it’s better than I was expecting.” Sean noted letting his silver orbs scan over the metal with interest. ”Oh, and thank you for giving Sam his blade too.” Sean said with a rather legitimate smile as the woman seemed to finally sniff something, and look to Sam with a raised brow before shaking her head.
”Well it’s my job so whatever. Now if you two could excuse me, I have a quota to meet.” She said with a wink, before motioning for them to move on, and Sean would do just that.
”Try not to poke your eye out though, its sharp and I’ve already seen someone do that within this week. If we didn’t get him to the healer as fast as we did, would have had more than a damaged eye to worry about.” It started off as a friendly jest, but devolved into a little rambling but she did that sometimes. ”Anyway, Sean do you like your new sword?” The diminutive Titan had taken the blade from the wrapping, it’s strange black metal seeming to glow slightly, the color of his Nether energy and radiating a killing intent. A katana made for him to wield, and made for him to wield with precision.
”Yes, the work is amazing. Hell, it’s better than I was expecting.” Sean noted letting his silver orbs scan over the metal with interest. ”Oh, and thank you for giving Sam his blade too.” Sean said with a rather legitimate smile as the woman seemed to finally sniff something, and look to Sam with a raised brow before shaking her head.
”Well it’s my job so whatever. Now if you two could excuse me, I have a quota to meet.” She said with a wink, before motioning for them to move on, and Sean would do just that.
Arcana- Administrator
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08
Re: Another Way
Creepy... Crawly things?... Sam wasn't exactly a fan of spiders in the real world, he didn't want to imagine the size of spiders in this one, they were probably as tall as buildings and as deadly as anything, he most certainly didn't want to have to deal with them, but at least he had the equipment to if he ever ran into some of them. "Hopefully it won't come to that" he said with a nervous laughter, "And I've held a sword before, I think I'm pretty safe with it" he said as he swung the sword around again, actually almost taking his eye with it, he quickly lowered it and looked around with a red face before listening to Sean's conversation.
Sam noticed in between their conversation that she gave both Sam and Sean a strange look, just like Noah did when he met them, at first Sam thought it was just a one time thing, but now there seemed to be a trend, he would need to ask Sean about it later, certainly if it happened again. Sam and Sean respected the fine work that she did so when she asked the two of them to leave, they did. Sean turned first and exited the armoury and Sam examined his new sword once more as he slowly left with him, "Not too shabby, what now?" he asked.
Sam noticed in between their conversation that she gave both Sam and Sean a strange look, just like Noah did when he met them, at first Sam thought it was just a one time thing, but now there seemed to be a trend, he would need to ask Sean about it later, certainly if it happened again. Sam and Sean respected the fine work that she did so when she asked the two of them to leave, they did. Sean turned first and exited the armoury and Sam examined his new sword once more as he slowly left with him, "Not too shabby, what now?" he asked.
Re: Another Way
”What next? I was thinking that we just walk around for now and take the castle in, see the sights.” Sean for the moment was thinking over that he would likely have to train Sam in the use of his new weapon, and that was not something that he was looking forward to. Sean thought over where he could go for a moment, and that was when one of the many human messengers would approach Sean with something all official in an envelope and with a seal. It was a male only an inch or two taller than him, with light blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Sean would rip open the seal and let out a long and somewhat drawn out sigh. ’Well it looks like I have business to attend to, annoying business at that, so you should escort Sam around the place.” He said to the messenger who for a moment looked a little surprised by the sudden task hurled upon him, but then again Sean would not hear anything else. ”Answer all of his questions and if I hear any complaints, expect to be seeing me again. Now if you excuse me Sam, I have places to go, sorry about leaving you so suddenly.” And like that he ran off at full speed.
Arcana- Administrator
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08
Re: Another Way
Sean seemed to have to leave rather abruptly, apparently whatever was written on the letter in his hand was extremely important, so important that it would cause him to cut the tour short and leave it to a slave. The slave seemed slightly more relaxed now Sean had gone, maybe because this task wasn't exactly hard, it was the equivalent of a short break, or long depending on how long this slave wanted to walk around before.
Sam seemed happy with this slave anyway, he did a good job and Sam wasn't going to sentence him to anything bad despite if it he enjoyed it or not. The tour was slightly quicker with Sean not around, he didn't have to stop and wait as he discussed work with everyone and it was just as informative, in around 30 minutes or so he had seen torture rooms, he wasn't a big fan, the bathroom section, he was relieved to see that they had regular toilets and showers and not just holes in the ground, he was even given a sneak peak at the fancier rooms, the decor looked very expensive and there was more colour in there than any other room it seemed. The last thing that he was shown was the museum type area, it looked like a place where the Titan's hung up their trophies, of people, other Titan's and strange beasts that he had never seen before and were probably native to this strange land. The slave showed Sam back to his room, he was relieved that he could put his sword down and not have to carry it anymore, it would take some time to get used to carrying the weight around, he felt better about it when he thought of it as a workout.
Sam seemed happy with this slave anyway, he did a good job and Sam wasn't going to sentence him to anything bad despite if it he enjoyed it or not. The tour was slightly quicker with Sean not around, he didn't have to stop and wait as he discussed work with everyone and it was just as informative, in around 30 minutes or so he had seen torture rooms, he wasn't a big fan, the bathroom section, he was relieved to see that they had regular toilets and showers and not just holes in the ground, he was even given a sneak peak at the fancier rooms, the decor looked very expensive and there was more colour in there than any other room it seemed. The last thing that he was shown was the museum type area, it looked like a place where the Titan's hung up their trophies, of people, other Titan's and strange beasts that he had never seen before and were probably native to this strange land. The slave showed Sam back to his room, he was relieved that he could put his sword down and not have to carry it anymore, it would take some time to get used to carrying the weight around, he felt better about it when he thought of it as a workout.
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