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The Unforgiving Spider in California (Augsp Only)

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The Unforgiving Spider in California (Augsp Only) Empty The Unforgiving Spider in California (Augsp Only)

Post by Chaos July 28th 2013, 8:39 am

Once again, he had succeeded in spreading a bit of chaos and anarchy throughout another part of the nation of the red, white and blue. What was the source of this chaos that had everyone running around in a panic? Why, it was quite simple, of course. Out of nowhere, on the south side of Los Angeles, a few orphanages had up and just randomly exploded, spraying fire and shrapnel everywhere. It was actually quite glorious a spectacle to hear the roar of the flames, and wails of the sirens, and the screams of people at this little act of terrorism.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a long, red-haired man with a streak of white going through his bangs chuckled to himself as he stood over the body of a few LA gangsters he had roped into doing his dirty work. Due to the locks he carried around with him, he managed to lock them up in some dumpsters after wrapping them in cocoons and then locking the dumpsters with a sinister chuckle. He still couldn't believe how easy it was to trick people into doing his bidding at the cost of luring them with finely made silken that could be sold for money.

With that out of the way, he quickly went into the streets of LA and quickly integrated into the crowd, his stealth lessons allowing him to blend in with them. Luckily for him, the alley was very dark, allowing him to hide his features from anyone who might have seen, so there was no way anyone was gonna be able to link him to the murders.

Last edited by Chaos on July 28th 2013, 11:36 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Unforgiving Spider in California (Augsp Only) Empty Re: The Unforgiving Spider in California (Augsp Only)

Post by Augsp August 3rd 2013, 5:01 am

As usual, Lyra watched the store quietly, an eye on her phone and another on the shop. Since there were a couple of customers, she tried her best to focus on the shop. But something on the phone-which was in DMB mode, as she didn't have anything else to do-caught her eye.
It was on a news channel, and breaking news had just appeared.
"What's the matter, sweetie?"an old woman asked and Lyra turned her head to face the lady, who had a carton of milk in her hands.
"Oh, just...." her words became quieter as Lyra quickly rang up the milk for the woman.
the woman glanced over the counter and stared at the phone, shocked.
"Oh my....."
Lyra also turned her head to the screen with pursed lips.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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