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Another day in los angeles

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Another day in los angeles Empty Another day in los angeles

Post by Lafiana July 10th 2013, 6:11 pm

It was a rainy day in los Angeles California but that didn't stop people from going about the usual business they do. Robbers were stealing, people were working, drivers were driving. In one particular area there was a large store that sold engine parts and other vehicle parts. There were a few people in the store but only one girl, a young girl. Her white eyes were fixated on the dozen parts in front of her. She slowly put parts in a cart she had grabbed as she deemed them appropriate. Multiple guys wolf whistled at her but she ignored them. She was wearing her black combat boots, black Capri pants complete with a studded belt. A tank top that left her arms free, with finger less gloves over her hands. Her long black hair was tied in a pony tail behind her head.

The girls choices for parts were almost.... Random. However in her hand was a list of larger parts she couldn't simply walk in and grab. Silently she grabbed parts that wouldn't even fit in the same common vehicle. It was almost as if she was outfitting a larger number of vehicles with top of the line parts. After what seemed like an age she went to the till and handed the cashier her list. His eyes went wide. He looked at the girl then back at the list. He coughed a little. "I'm going to need you to pay in advance." His voice laced with mistrust, thinking that she couldn't afford the items on that list. "With a glare she reached in her pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. She slammed it on the table and leaned forward slightly. "Get my parts." He nodded and began typing, asking her for an address to mail it to. She gave him it and added, "Those need to be at that address by tomorrow. Have these delivered there as well" She threw some extra cash down on the table and payed for everything else. Leaving the parts with the cashier to deliver as well. Slowly she walked out into the rain and stood for a moment, lighting a cigarette before she started walking.

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by The Legion July 10th 2013, 7:27 pm

Drake looked up as his friend Jack came into the room.
"Hey whats up",Drake said
"Well look at this",replied Jack,"Some one has been buying parts for cars", Jack turned the laptop Drake.
"So" Drake snorted
"They don't match up, this person isn't making a car they are making something else" said Jack
"So" Drake said slowly, "you want me to investigate this"
"Just to be on the safe side.
Jack told him the address.
"Okay, see ya Jack, thanks for the tip".

Drake (now Fate) was soaring through the air using his powerful fire capabilities through the blistering rain. He laughed, he still couldn't get over how awesome flying was. He looked ahead as he saw a small building at the top of a winding hill. This was it. 'Now please not be a mastermind psycho' Fate prayed.
He landed with perfect precision at the front door. He turned the handle and pushed the door open. The room was bare. This house had to be deserted. He maneuvered his way to the kitchen, his hands ready to deliver a fatal attack. Nothing, he checked the other rooms but every where was bare. So much for Jacks assumption.
He heard the front door open and saw a hot girl wearing hot clothes, Fates mouth watered. Smoking her cigarette she folded the carpet back and there was a trapdoor. Fate waited 5 minutes to make sure she wouldn't reappear.
He carefully lifted the hinges of the trap door and climbed down the ladder.

"Wow" he whispered.
There were broken cars and lots of parts of cars Fate believed.
He heard a pistol being loaded.
This was bad.

Another day in los angeles Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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Registration date : 2013-07-07

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by Lafiana July 10th 2013, 7:50 pm

Lafiana Stood behind the stranger with a cigarette dangling from her mouth. A pistol was in her hand aimed directly at the mans head. Her eyes had a digitized effect glazed over them. Smoke was raising off her smoke as it burned slowly. "You know, it is impolite to enter somebody's house without permission. Now.. You have 5 seconds to tell me who you are or you will die." the grin on her face would show she was serious. "Oh and if you think it will be a smart idea to try anything, look above you." In six different places around the room high tech turrets, unlike any most people have seen are locked onto the intruder. each one shining a laser beam with split second reaction time. Each one powered by it's own mini generator so they will still function in a power outage situation.

Lafiana's power grid

Kisrath's power grid

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Number of posts : 60
Registration date : 2013-07-02

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by The Legion July 10th 2013, 7:57 pm

Fate looked up above him.
"Ah, shit" he muttered
He quickly replied.
"Well my name is Drake Storm and I'm here to have wild and passionate sex with you" Fate said with as much gusto and suave as he could muster.
Hopefully she would believe him.
And if not...well.

Another day in los angeles Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by Lafiana July 10th 2013, 8:03 pm

The girl tilted her head to the side with a distinct scowl on her face. Clearly the girl was not impressed with his words. She pushed the gun directly on his skull. "I do not like that answer. now give me the real reason you pig." She spat at his feet. Each of the turrets now completely arming themselves and letting out a very loud click. Slowly the girl pressed a second pistol to his back. Pressing the barrel there. "If you do not die from a shot through the brain you will die from multiple vital organs being blown to bits. Answer me properly. this time and you might just live."

Lafiana's power grid

Kisrath's power grid

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 60
Registration date : 2013-07-02

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by The Legion July 10th 2013, 8:11 pm

"Okay, my friend Jack found some weird behaviour from this place and wanted me to come and see what is going on" Fate said with a sigh,"but we really should have sex, I'm hot you're hot, what a perfect match".
If she did pull that trigger he was ready, he calmed his muscles and his mind.

Another day in los angeles Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by Lafiana July 10th 2013, 8:20 pm

The girl lowered her weapons and the turrets clicked off. She turned around and walked to her desk. An opaque screen appearing over the table and she typed a few things. "First off there is no way that will happen. I do not like guys. Your gender is full of pigs. Secondly what kind of strange behavior coming from this place? You people act like I am committing a crime and planning to kill thousands of people." She talked sarcastically from around the room. Dozens of screens appearing around the girl as she walked to another desk. Analyzing the part she is building as she works around the insides. On occasion parts would whirl and splutter to life on their own.

Lafiana's power grid

Kisrath's power grid

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 60
Registration date : 2013-07-02

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by The Legion July 10th 2013, 9:13 pm

"Well first of all I am totally not a pig and you should like me and secondly the weird behaviour is probably all these vehicle parts you  and now to add to the list, those massive turrets" Fate inclined upwards with his head, "so if you're not planning to kill thousands of people what are you planning".
Fate walked around the room looking at the amazing technology at hand not really knowing what it was. He swiped his hand through an opaque screen.
"Cool technology" said Fate as an afterthought.

Another day in los angeles Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by Lafiana July 11th 2013, 1:15 am

The small girl grunted as he swiped his hand through some of the opaque screens. "Well first off that is not necessarily technology. That is part of my ability as a metahuman. I control technology. These screens are part of my own mind, projecting out into the air to allow me full access to whatever system I desire access too as well as.. Simpler things. My mind is the most powerful supercomputer on this planet, allowing me full access to ever scrap of knowledge humans have discovered. I can hack into very sensitive areas. Including..." She swiped her hands along a couple screens, virtual keyboards appearing in the air. her eyes scanned the mans face and within seconds she entered a database that is secure to only members of his company. Digging deep down, she read a random section. out loud. "one Ms. Debra Valinski, known metahuman. After three months of constant watch, she was caught in contact contact with members of various mob organizations, selling drugs, and arrested robbing the grand central bank in new york, new york." She sent a sideways glance at the one known as Drake. the screens returned back to the previous areas and then vanished.

"As for what I am doing... Well.. the turrets are for my own protection as well as the protection of what I am working on." She stepped over to another table and put her hand on the cool metal. It opened up to reveal what appeared to be a suit of armor. It appeared to be missing the head. " this is my latest invention. For personal use. I am building a personal exoskeleton armor. The vehicle parts however..." She walked over to another wall and an opaque screen appeared. She did a few things on it and the wall slid open silently. "I am also building a vehicle like on which has ever been seen before." She walked in and gestured to the shell of a slick looking supercar. One that was built entirely out of a strong, light metal. It was merely a shell. the rest of the vehicle was half built around it. It had no wheels and a half built engine that would put a Bugatti to shame. "The vehicle parts are for my own mode of transportation. A custom built vehicle which, if my calculations are correct, will be the first ever car capable of flight. however I can't seem to make it capable of getting more then 40 or 50 feet above the ground. It needs more work." She turned around and glared at the man. "So do you still think there is something strange going on you pathetic man? I am simply a girl trying to make her own way in life. Be outside of the norm. Create technology that you will never seen in the next 50 years."

Lafiana's power grid

Kisrath's power grid

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Number of posts : 60
Registration date : 2013-07-02

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by The Legion July 11th 2013, 3:41 am

"How dare you call me pathetic" Drake said with mock horror.
"Is this suit also for protection" asked Drake, "are you trying to be a real Iron Man, saving the day or are you going to use it for revenge" his eyebrow knitted together in thought.
He walked closer to the girl but she put up her hand, signaling for him to stop.
"Your ability seems pretty cool, but can you do this" Drakes body came alight and his arm became a sword made of solid fire. The small girls eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Call me Fate" Drake flashed her a white toothed smile.
He still wanted to get in bed with her, how was he going to make that happen?

Another day in los angeles Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
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Registration date : 2013-07-07

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by Lafiana July 11th 2013, 4:43 am

"That suit is exoskeleton armor. It is made to fit only my body. It is made for protection and offence. It is as of yet, incomplete. I have some modifications to make before it will be battle ready. the flight systems are imperfect. the gyro is not functioning properly at the moment. As for what I will do with it is none of your business. I will do with my property as I see fit." She growled at him, closing everything up tight. then she turned back and walked to her original table and continues working on a futuristic looking tech, "now is that all you want? Or was there more mr Drake storm?"

Lafiana's power grid

Kisrath's power grid

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 60
Registration date : 2013-07-02

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by The Legion July 11th 2013, 4:45 am

"Maybe we could have sex, i'll stop bothering you" Drake said on his knee begging.

Last edited by C-art on July 12th 2013, 12:57 am; edited 1 time in total

Another day in los angeles Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by Lafiana July 11th 2013, 4:50 am

With a growl she pulled her gun back out and levels it at his head. "this is why your a pig. all men want is sex. Just because I look like I do, doesn't mean anything. Let me put it to you in a way you'll understand. I don't like guys. I like girls. No 'dudes' For me." the turrets didn't arm this time due to her not activating them.

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Number of posts : 60
Registration date : 2013-07-02

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by The Legion July 11th 2013, 5:30 am

"So your lesbian" Fate said
"Well call me when you have finished the suit I'm pretty sure we would be a great team" and with that Fate or Drake left the house without another word.

Another day in los angeles Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 112
Age : 24
Registration date : 2013-07-07

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Another day in los angeles Empty Re: Another day in los angeles

Post by Lafiana July 11th 2013, 6:27 pm

Lafiana growled as the man left. She slowly shook her head and went back to work. Days pass as lafiana continued to work. Stopping only to eat or get a drink. Slowly she took a step back from her finished exosuit. She nodded and clocked her fingers, the armor shot up and wrapped around her body. she could feel the light weight of the tight armor wrap around her protectively. She walked slowly, each step clanked on the metal floor. "hmm.. if I muffle the sound then any kicks would be weaker. I shall leave it." Slowly she walked back to the top floor and went outside. She tested the flexibility of the suit as she moved. She approved. It still provided maximum mobility of her limbs.

She activated parts of her armor and crouched slightly, flying high up into the air with her miniature jet propulsion. the jet died and she fell, landing on the ground heavily but undamaged. "Jet propulsion not strong enough. could be upgraded. Still capable of reaching a few hundred feet up before stopping." She raised her right hand and there was a hissing sound, a strong energy beam shot out, destroying a tree and causing a tunnel of smoke to rise into the air. She tired to fire another one. it glowed red and beeped. "Limited capacity to shoot energy beam. Will continue to work on prototype." She continued the testing of her suit. Her shoulder opened up and a missile shoot out, destroying a stone wall with ease. "Shoulder missile unit functioning properly. Will work on upgrading the capacity." She activated her propulsion again and landed on the roof of her house, taking a seat to rest for a moment.

Lafiana's power grid

Kisrath's power grid

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Registration date : 2013-07-02

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