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The Not Immortal

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Hanna June 22nd 2013, 2:26 pm

Salone arched her eyebrow again, A blue blood eh? 
The guy certainly smiled a bunch, showing perfect white smile. She wouldn't put it past him for being royalty of some sort... but that didn't matter seeing as he didn't have any money, looking from the state of him. 
"I do have to call you something," She stated stubbornly. Salone was particularly stubborn when it came to names. Any question, she could ask him any question she wanted. So she stated the most complicated question known to mankind.
Why implied just about anything, why now, why me, why dragons, why people, why is the sky blue why everything basically. 
Her dark amber brown eyes remained fixed on him, unwavering from his face. There was a slim white scar on her cheekbone that didn't stand out to much. It was almost silvery colored.

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Zell June 23rd 2013, 9:15 pm

I have to admit she was persistant regarding my name, but what was I supposed to do, tell her that I had like a thousand names throughout the years, and that 'Yam' was the last one used? In all honesty I wanted to hear a list of common names in this world before I decided on one to be called, but apparently that wasn't so. I overheard a woman yelling at her son and I thought i heard the name 'Jaykub' or something like that. With a name like that I think that i'd be the one with the normal name.
  "Jake"I told her after hearing the name a little bit more clearly. What kind of name was this...JAKE? What did I get myelf inot, that was no name for the dragon of chaos and water. 'Oh no children don't go into the ocean that's where JAKE lives.'A girly version of my own voice said, turning into a mocking tone at the name I just chose. Oh well, I suppose what's done is done.
   "Why?"I asked her, seeking claraification. That was a WIDE topic, I mean, she could be askign me whythy I was human, why I just lied to her about my name, why I was unable to talk her native tongue. Why was he choosing to be a human, or why he was searching for dragons. "I'll need a bit more to go off of than that I'm afraid. Just state a topic or a general 'why' question, but I can't just answer WHY to everythign all at once, neither of us have that kind of time." I said to her with a little chortle of laughter. However I was wrong and felt the need to correct myself. "Actually, I have the time, I assume you do not. I've been around longer than your bloodline most likely." I snickered at the thought of me as a dragon with a white beard and a cane.

The Not Immortal - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Hanna June 23rd 2013, 10:04 pm

Salone's lips quirked upward at his laugh, it was slightly contagious and the expression on his face when he picked the name Jake was priceless. 
Oh well, he was stuck with it now.
"Tell me about Dragons, what happened to them?" 
Salone adjusted her sitting position on the grass, crossing her long white legs. Her few freckles were spread across her nose and she listened with wrapped attention to what, now self dubbed as, Jake had to say. Then when he was finished she had more questions, "Were are you technically from? Is Latin your native language? Why are you in human form now?"
It was like she was a fountain of them. A few people were gaping at the two conversing in Latin but Salone ignored them for she was very good at doing such a thing. Before she knew it her alarm was going off and she had fifteen minutes to get to her class. 
"Will you not wander off anywhere?" She asked, "I'm not done pestering you. Please."
Her eyes were silently pleading with Jake, she did want to know more. She stood, dusting grass of her knees that she realized she had not been shredding with her fingers.

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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Zell June 23rd 2013, 10:55 pm

The woman seriously just asked me what happened to dragons. If I knew that do you think I'd be asking you for directions to them? She seemed to enjoy my company at least as I tried to decipher the world around me. What a msitake this would be, I should never have come back. Regardless I was stuck with her now, for the time being. Can't honestly say that I'm disappointed by it, I rather enjoy the fac tthat there is ONE human here who has a brain and an interest in the history of the world. Although I wonder if she knows how old I am...what do I say if she asks?
   "Dragons are numerous, there are seven clans, each follows a genetic history back to the Arch-Dragons. There are seven Arch Dragons and one Dragon-King. The Arch-Dragons govern Chaos, Life, Nature, Magic, Wind, Lightning, and The Oceans. The King Dragon, holds power over all forms of governance. The King himself is not as strong individually as an Arch Dragon, but he has the power to use all seven powers. As far as looks, Well The Life Dragons horns all curle up from their head and curve inward, making it look like a little halo over their head, their scales varry form white to yellow or maybe a spring green. The Wind Dragons are dark green or red in naturem they have four wing and spiky tails fillled with venom. The Nature Dragons are brown or grey in color and they can be orange too. They have two wings, and they are covered in stones, some of them were even large enough to be confused with mountains, and their roar was so loud that trees fell in their wake, they were the first Dragons to walk on two legs. Then there was The Ocean Dragons, they were all shades of blue and they had no wings at all, but were they ever feirce. They were the msot majestic of the Dragons, and they could sing songs that lured in all forms of people. The myth of Sirens were actually based from the Oceanic Dragons. They COULD fly because of their webbing between their arms, if the winds picked up just right. Normally they were the laziest too, their passtime was sunbathing in the sand. The Magic Dragons were prismatic, and theiur color changed depending on their moods. When they died they lost all color and looked like a huge naked mole-rat with fangs and a bunch of glass-looking scales. They were fragile, but man were they strong. They could command the power of the cosmos, they could bend the fabric of reality itself by simply speaking spells. The last Dragons were the Dragons of chaos, they were normally purple or multi-colored. Like for example they were black, but had red hair and a purple underbelly. These ones were just strong, the more chaoitic things were around them, the smarter, stronger, faster and more reflexive they were. They normally had the most majestic crowns and the most dangerous powers. As for 'what happened' I have no idea, if I did I think I'd be having a little conversation with a Dragon as opposed to with a human. No offence intended you understand, but I wouldn't be revealing myself as a dragon to humans if I could avoid it." I expalined it all out, then i realized that she might still be offended and it made me think of how to add something to ease the sting a little. "Trust me, if I were revaling anything it would be to you, you seem like a good enough person with a strong head." I chuckled awkwardly as I moved on.
    "I'm from Terradei, The earth. As for the actual location, I have no idea WHERE I was born, you see even if I did the world has changed much apparently." I confessed, a bit ashamed of my distance form the mortal world. I quickly tried to answer her next question before she could pick up on my shame."This language is still called Latin then? How odd that it has not changed. Yes this is the native tongue of the Dragons, the very tongue in which the Dragon-titan Prometheus had taught the humans to speak when he first imparted his gift of thought to your people." I explained to her. I still can't believe they didn't change the name of our language. "I'm in human form now because I just woke up from hibernation, and I figured that it might be nice to get out for some authentic human flesh." I said with a little chuckle, I looked at her and held both my hands up in surrender. "I jest! No I simply wanted to see how you're people had progressed." Suddenly something made a lud noise and I shot up, my legs finally working as I believed they should and I lept up onto a weird flat-sided red circle that was attached to the ground by a weird green metal pole. Once at the top I glared at a small device that she pulled out of her bag. She looekd at me and asked fif I would not wander off anywhere. I honestly choouldn't say, but I suppose I could wait.
  "I will wait on the beach where you encountered me, or If the Luna Oculo (Moon's eye) is in the skies, I can be found in the place where the dead shall rest until the Evigilantes Rugiet (Waking Roar)." I told her with a nod and I made good on my word, going to the beach, until the moon took it's place as the light of the night.

The Not Immortal - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Hanna June 23rd 2013, 11:52 pm

Salone was surprisingly not offended, she laughed. Completely fascinated by Jake's tale she went to her class. Sitting towards the back she recorded the entire lecture to go over later and doodled dragons in the back of her notebook, her brain dwelling on the conversation with Jake. Salone wrote down more questions as the class went on. Her phone vibrated a few times much to Salone's annoyance. Most likely new creatures had been been added to the bounty list. 
WHen the class was over she packed up her stuff and walked to her car. Locking her stuff in her trunk she started down the beach. Her camera around her neck, she started down the beach, pulling off her flip flops and digging her toes down into the sand. It was warm out and she tilted her head back to look at the sky, maybe she would go for a fly later....
She spotted Jake and she walked up next to him before asking, "So what about you?"  She looked sideways at him. "Come on, you must be able to tell me something about yourself without being all mysterious." 
Her lips turned up in a smile as she coaxed him. "A question for a question."

My Peoples:

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Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Zell June 24th 2013, 12:01 am

I figured I'd go first, since I was tghe 'guest' after all. I thought for a minute about what kind of question I'd ask her. Then it hit me like a truck.
"What is your profession? Don't give me any of that 'haroo' stuff either, the Spartans did that to me once and I ate them." I warned her playfully.

The Not Immortal - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Hanna June 24th 2013, 12:09 am

"My profession?" Salone asked, laughing at his joke. "My normal jobs are I work for the news papers but I also am a bounty hunter." 
She winced at the wording, "It helps with my medical bills and its a great stress reliever."
She tilted her head back, what kind of question does a person ask a dragon? She sighed then she realized what he had said earlier, "Spartans? Jake, how old are you?" 

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Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Zell June 24th 2013, 12:13 am

"You jump to the first question that I hate answering, because what is AGE, what defines if one is old or not?" I asked her with a smile, I could tell that am answer like that wouldn't pass. I'm surprised she wasn't more willing to ask what Arch-Dragon I was. I'm not compalining though. Well, time to see how she responds. "I am older than kings and countries, I was here before humans, and I will be here after them. I have no concept of 'age' liek you do, but the underwater facility that tried to catch me carbondated a scale of mine to over three-million-years. But apparently that placed me in the time of 'Dinosaurs', and Dragons far preceed that, so I am ad least triple that." I confessed.
"So, what's with this sickness, is there a cure?"

The Not Immortal - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Hanna June 24th 2013, 12:54 am

Salone's jaw dropped, "That is indeed old. You could write history books." That would put him at about ten million years old, maybe more. She did not want to do the exact math. At his next question she stiffened, the color draining from her cheeks. What was wrong with her was a very, extremely touchy subject. "That's two questions."
She said softly. "Your going to have to choose one." 

My Peoples:

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Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Zell June 24th 2013, 2:15 am

"What does this sickness do to you?" I clarified. I could sense her rising anxiety level and would not press it, but it was definately fair game.

The Not Immortal - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Hanna June 24th 2013, 3:28 pm

Salone swallowed and looked away, "It hurts, like someone is jabbing knives up into my abdomen. I get fevers, almost like the flu except more severe." She ran a hand through her long blonde hair, swallowing. "It's not something I like to talk about."
Salone cast around for another question, "When was your first time you came into contact with humans?" 

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Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 754
Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Zell June 24th 2013, 4:00 pm

I can understand not wanting to talk about an ailment, it proves a point of weakness. I would leave this topic alone as best as I could. I almsot feel sorry for her, she acts as though this sickness would be the death of her. For all I know, it could be. The question fired back at me was about my first contact with humans.
  "You weren't even called humans yet. I myself have a rather long history with your people. I was on this planted before humans were, and I've watched you grow. From a species with a ten year life span to the creatures of a forty year life span. I was there when the ice covered the world. My first contact with your people was...long before the age of dinosaurs. Your people were much different, the loved the water much more. They had captured me, and attempted to use me for food. It was not a good first impression, for either of us." I said with an a nervous laugh and I thought of my own question to ask.
 "So, what are your gifts? Your...i suppose...governance as the dragon's would say." I asked. her.
 (He is reffering to her powers, if she can't understand he'll just ask a different one)

The Not Immortal - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Hanna June 24th 2013, 4:59 pm

Salone cracked a smile about first impressions, "You didn't eat them did you?" 
She teased lightly while thinking how to answer, how much to actually relieve about her powers... the one she was naturally gifted with? Or the one that has to do with her illness?
"My natural one is Telekinesis," She said hesitantly. "My others... are a side effect of my illness."
She rung her hands before finding another question, "Can you fly?" 

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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Zell June 24th 2013, 5:10 pm

So she was a movens mentem, a mind mover. She had the prowess to ove things with the mind, a gift that only skilled Dragons could learn, and one I myself have not learned.  She said she had other powers though, and those interest me, and while I take no pleasure in prying, I find my curiosity greater than my logic at this point. Besides, she brought up a 'touchy' subject
with her flight question.
  "You see, I was once free to fly, and go across the lands at great speed, but now...I have no ability to manuver the airs. My wings were taken from me in an illness of my own." I said to her. While It was not a disease, it was an illlness. Baal Hadad had struck his wings and severed them clean. Betrayal is the most woefull ailemnt one can experience.
  "I will ask this question, and this will be the end of this 'touchy' subject, I promise. You're disease, you say have side effects that give you powers. What are those powers?"

The Not Immortal - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Hanna June 24th 2013, 5:39 pm

Salone winced, the exact question she had been avoiding.
"I... eh... shape shift," She said quickly. Not wanting to go into the details she only said that, pressing her lips into a thin line. "It's not a very pleasant experience for me, um. Whats your favorite thing about being human?" 
Salone waited for a response.

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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Tell me I'm a fricken fairy princess one more time... I dare you."

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Location : I am not required to answer stalker questions
Job : I am a book person... I read, sniff, and throw them at obnoxious people
Humor : Oh you like that character? Let me kill them for you. :D
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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The Not Immortal - Page 2 Empty Re: The Not Immortal

Post by Zell June 24th 2013, 7:27 pm

"Ah, so you are Anima venántium" I said. I proceeded to say a large number of things in the tongue that Dragon's only used amongst themselves. When speaking with humans, we used Latin, which was a more human-friendly version of Zhardahn (Dragon). I was marveling at this person, she was highly plesant in spirits, until it was brought up. Many people who were of Anima venántium were so depressed and woolowed in self pity, yet here she was, fine until the topic had been pressed. "Indeed unfortunate, it is a very painful condition. Many had hardships with it, and only few could ever master it before they parished. Even in the times of Rome, when drink was a mandetory thing, the condition prospered greatly. Although that is a condition that is very, very old and rare. I am sorry that you must suffer from it, I have known others with the same condition, and I wish you the best in it." I said to her. Of course she could have a different ailment than the one I spoke of, but the two sounded susiciously similar. similar. Yam knew much about this topic, simply because as a 'God' it was my job to know, but I truly had forgotten much in my slumber as well, as for a cure I can't not recall what it was, but I knew that at one point there had been. So if there had been one then, why is there not one now?
"I can finally understand how she felt." I said to the woman, Salone. I had forgotten that she would not understand me, becuase she would not know what i meant by she.
 "You said about a friend of yours, what is that like?" I asked her, trying to bring us from the morbid topic of her impending doom to the thought of friends and family.

The Not Immortal - Page 2 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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