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Devoid (Finished)

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Devoid (Finished) Empty Devoid (Finished)

Post by The Reject June 17th 2013, 8:57 am

A cold, adult voice boomed over the roaring engines of the transport. The voice was gruff, and distant. It came from speakers mounted on sides of the carrier, a threat that would never fully came to fruition. It spoke out to a boy sitting in the darkness, slumped over and for all practical purposes, dead. A fake pulse beat in tandem with the man's disconnected words, the static accompanying them holding more meaning than the random strings of sound the man made in the effort to speak. "SU-17b," the serial number came, and the slumped over machine looked up, becoming alert as its body raised to become as arrow at the sky. "Confirm status."

"Running Diagnostic." The boy's voice was completely emotionless and monotone. It was like the man's voice: a simple stringing up of random words and sounds to give the illusion of life. However, the reasons for this were far different. The man spoke from the some of all his trauma mounting in the back of his skull, pushing him in a terrible direction of the sociopathical. Paragon, the code name for the 'boy' looked into the darkness the voice bounded from, his green eyes staring emptily forward. "Scanning complete. No anomalies detected. All systems nominal." For a few seconds silence held the reigns, not man or machine but an abstract manifestation of the absence of sound. 

"Alright." A simple reply came back form the speakers. Behind Paragon a mechanical grinding started up, the lowering of the cargo bay doors. From all around him, wrestling with the air the noise came. "You have your orders. Flush them out. Exterminate with prejudice." The words pushed Paragon forward, raising his feet and making him walk to the edge of the bay. It was the suggestion that caused the action, the drive to fill emptiness with order. The desire that no machine possessed until implanted by man. Paragon stared over the edge of the lowered door, staring at the ruins of the city below him. All of the destruction, all of the reconstruction. All of the people and the suffering and the kindness: none of it was something he could comprehend. 

The plane passed over the city to the harbor, low to the surface. Reject took a step, falling from the low-flying plane into the harbor, sailing through the air as his black suit hugged his skin, showing off the curves of the few muscles that he displayed. It was a fleeting image of a black speck that fell from the sky, cutting the air like an almighty sword. The impact was a splash into the water, not large but small. Paragon had hit the dive perfectly, and was waiting to surface for a few moments. He swam closer to the shore, poking his head from beneath the waves and staring out at the port. Nothing that he could spot was visibly moving. He swam out a little more, heading towards the semi-ruined port. No ships were present, simply rubble. 

It was a mere few minutes of this stop and go play with the water and port before Paragon would reach the destination. He would duck under, swim with the concealment of the waves, then check again, the repeat. The wet bodysuit climbed over the edge of the concrete port, the body coming with it. He gave the area another look around, before deciding that this area was as good as any to start looking for Meta-Humans. He began to peel through the ruined port of scattered stone and bent steel, examining everything he could as thoroughly as he could all to no avail. "Negative contact," he stated aloud. "Targets are not present." Paragon turned his head and tuned his eyes, narrowing them into slits and staring down the road. Perhaps, by venturing into the city Paragon would find what he was sent to kill. 

Just ahead of where he stood was the cross section of 47th and Avenue East. Beyond that, 47th and Broadway. Paragon started his trek to the latter area, still scanning his surroundings for anything and everything that he could claim as a reaper of super men. The sun hung high in the sky as if it to was being strung along by the orders of its better.

Last edited by The Reject on July 7th 2013, 12:36 am; edited 1 time in total
The Reject

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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by BrightChaos June 17th 2013, 3:34 pm

Miracle Boy flew over the ruined city of new York.  He vaguely remembered coming here before, but it was worse then he remembered.  In the distance he could see several workers putting of the support beams to a new building to defy the destruction that surrounded it. 

The boy in green landed on a damaged building to watch them work curiously.  He wondered what had caused all of this?  Seems to big for one person to do.  And why had it been done? 
At least this gave him a chance to clear his head. He was on his own again. Now he would just look until he found something new.

He jumped off the building and flew to the ground to land in the rubble.  The dump trucks hadn't made it here yet.  The streets were dead.  No cars, no people walking.  He kicked a rock wishing there was something fun to do.

Miracle Boy
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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by Zell June 17th 2013, 7:05 pm

         Zell was still at the Black Badger after his little dedication at the fundraiser. He was able to raise quite a bit of cash for the recovery project, but the world knew it wouldn’t be enough. The bottom line was that they would never recover, not fully. The bastard that did this cut deep. Even if they were to heal, the scars would remain so long as human kind existed. The cycle of violence would continue, and it did not bode well for the future. Zell was calling it right now, there was some big stuff unfolding, and while he couldn’t predict the future, the past repeats itself. Heroes rise up, get knocked down, then the innocents pay for it. Of course the heroes only ever rise up to defend the innocent, but when they fall the innocent are tormented once again. He sighed as he took a sip from his glass.
         “Lemmie see yo license shuga.” said the sassy black bartender. Zell rolled his eyes with an annoyed sigh and set down his drink. He handed her his license. “Im afraid Imma have to call the cops.” She said almost apologetically. Zell pointed out the fact that his ‘under twenty one until xx/xx/xxxx’ was a different color. He then instructed her to read the back side of his license where it explained his ‘condition’ and why he was an exception to the law for health reasons. The cops of course were called anyway and they confirmed the validity of the license and things returned to normal. “Sorry shug.” The woman said. Zell smiled and waved it off. “You’re just doing your job, don’t sweat the small stuff.”          Zell’s cell phone went off and he looked to see that he had missed two messages via text. One was from Archangel in a secure line only accessible to Gene-tech. The other was an actual cell-phone line. The message from Archangel basically said that it was an uneventful day thus far and that there had been no computer viruses, no breaking in, no workplace violence, and the only ‘blow up’ they had was Specter dropping the ball on getting  Chinese take-out for the group at lunch. Zell smiled and remembered his Russian operative’s forgetfulness. With the good news from home, Zell looked to find the next text message was from Shara, which was the ‘civilian name’ of Valkyri (Occ: She is called Banshee in the NPC listing, but due to the inability to get anyone to unapproved it for a name change she is called Valkyri in thread. Sorry for the interruption). While Valkyri was a member of Gene-Tech’s S.T.A.R.K Corps, she was also Zell’s girlfriend. Of course given the fact that he was the employer and she was the employee, there wasn’t much publicity on it. It was kept a secret even to Thorgron and Corbin, who were Zell’s family. He opened the text and smiled at the innocent question placed before him.

    -Whatcha doooing?

    -Waiting for the helicopter to come pick me up. I can’t wait to just get home. We really need to try that new place on Rose street. Zell typed back. What was he supposed to do, tell her that he was drinking and he sent his ex-nemesis now best-friend to beat the tar out of a random meta human?

    -“on opening nite!? OMG yes! I bet I can get us in >Smile Zell smirked. A member of S.T.A.R.K didn’t need reservations, they just walked in. But It wouldn’t be appropriate for Zell to show up with Valkyri.

    -Babe, insecurity on my part. Besides I think they’ll let me in. After all, I did make reservations Wink. <3u N-&4e. Zell replied. Zell was pretty good at planning things. After all his massive intelligence was his primary ‘power’. He knew exactly how she would react, he knew exactly what she’d text, and he knew exactly where in the restaurant she would want to sit, so he booked it.

       Zell stepped out of the bar, The Black Badger, and looked at the foot-prints his two ton friend left while on a rush to intercept the bandaged faced weirdo. Looking overhead he saw what he assumed to be a military grade jet flying overhead, with a speck shooting out of it at an angel. He knew anytime the damn military sent something in that shit was real. He took off in the direction of the speck’s impact, making it not quite to the harbor before the impact. Zell saw the impact itself to notice that it made a small splash, and not a large one as it should have. Zell’s eyes widened and he quickly ducked out of sight. No human could possibly go at that speed and be that precise, not without extreme training and preparation. This was either M-or-M. Meta-or-Machine. Zell’s A.V.A.T.A.R locked on to the “speck, which was swimming with the waves. If Zell didn’t have his A.V.A.T.A.R he wouldn’t have been able to tell there was anything at all.

    ’’uhmanoid. Nah data avahlible.’ Niall added.

     ’thanks Niall.’ Zell said. Well that narrowed down the possibility. Now Zell knew for sure it wasn’t a bomb or an alien, which only left three questions. Who/what is he/she, why is he/she here, and how well armed are they? Zell wasn’t a fool, he activated his A.V.A.T.A.R’s Tech-NO-see. Zell was erased from the map to any and all technology. If the (wo)man was armed with thermal vision goggles or contacts, he couldn’t be seen. If they had retinal implants they’d better keep them unactive, because Zell would disappear like a ghost.
    The ‘Guy’ finally came up over the port in a tight, soaking wet bodysuit and starting looking around. The face was absolutely devoid of all expression. Zell couldn’t believe what he had seen. A guy, probably from sixteen to eighteen, near his own age, just jumped from a jet and had the ability to minimize the splash AND manage to avoid all means of human detection. ‘That bastard is more skilled than me! Zell snapped in his mind. ‘Almost as good looking too.’ Zell fumed. Zell had him a little in looks, but in skill this guy beat his ass hands down. HE could tell already from what he had seen.

      "Negative contact," he stated aloud. "Targets are not present." The other kid said.

       “A fuckin’ robrat.” Zell joked twisting the word ‘robot’. He groaned with disgust as he stood up and walked in front of the robot and started waving his hand at it, keeping far enough back that it wouldn’t walk into him. The thing couldn’t see him, hear him, the damn thing cold lick him and no taste bud receptors would work. “Hey, dude, I’m gonna stalk you now, okay?” Zell asked politely. Since the robot wasn’t able to detect him on any level he just smiled. “Awesome. I’m officially stalkin’ you.” Zell snickered in delight. Any human wouldn’t have been able to keep a straight face. Zell needed to be careful. If the synthetic being made contact with Zell, it would alert it, and his A.V.A.T.A.R wouldn’t be able to conceal him the robot for at least 48 hours.

     Zell trailed along, until they reached the cross section of
47th  Street
and Avenue East. The synthetic, and to its ignorance, Zell walked down the 47th and Broadway while it appeared that the synthetic was looking for something. Zell sighed as the sun beat down on his tanned face. IT might be nice to be a robot about now, not having a concept of hot and cold. In a small outburst of rage Zell smiled smugly and yelled at the robot.

     “Fuck you Terminator.” Zell said as the machine just kept looking around.
(Ooc: Sorry about the messed up colors. Trying really hard to learn this newbox and what not)

Devoid (Finished) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

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Age : 28
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Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by The Reject June 17th 2013, 8:26 pm

Paragon continued his scanning of the area, examining all the different businesses and buildings along the way. Scars of combat still festered in this region of the city, as could be seen from its general abandonment and state of discord. It was on this walk that SU-17b paused, glancing downward at the sidewalk. Before him sat a pile of concrete and steel. It was same as in every other area surrounding him, but this particular stack of cement had what appeared to be a very small hand protruding from it. Paragon instantly recognized the material as plastic, then held his own, human-sized up to his face. His hand was not plastic. It was flesh... or something close. Something hand crafted, but for all intents and purposes it was true skin and blood. "Why?" He spoke these words in monotone, observing his hand first, then returning his gaze to the smaller hand. 

He started to kneel, outstretching the hand before his face with the same concern he had exhibited when drawing it up for examination. Paragon had been active for a total of forty seven hours before arrival in New York City. In that time, he had been crammed with miscellaneous knowledge of landmarks and city streets to prepare for the mission. He had been 'educated' on various mannerisms used by the populace and the proper reactions to make to avoid drawing notice to his presence before finding his prey. But he had yet been taught what a toy was, as such things were irrelevant. Paragon's hand clutched the small plastic protrusion gently and with great confusion, tugging at it lightly before understanding that the heavy rubble a top it was keeping the object within pinned. With his other hand, he heaved some of the slabs away, freeing the object beneath.

It was a small plastic doll. A baby doll, to be exact. Paragon had never witnessed one before, so his emotionless face surveyed this strange, synthetic human child with an intent gaze. He moved his hand up and brushed its hard face with his fingers, the plastic pitted from age and wear but with large sections of it smooth nonetheless. It was a odd sensation for him. He placed the same hand against his own face, acknowledging that it was flawless but yet was more... malleable, if that was the correct term. Perhaps, elastic would be a better fit. Paragon's skin could move and heal, but this creature before him was inert, and injured. He contemplated the thing, lifting it up into the sky and examining it further. Was it a Metahuman? He was unsure. It didn't even seem to be alive. But it looked human. But its skin was cold. But its eyes were open and attentive. But it had no pulse.

Behind the doll that he gazed at so intently a figure flew against the backdrop of the strung-up sun. Paragon immediately dropped the doll, his attention averted as he watched the humanoid shape zip through the sky and land somewhere nearby. "Target cited. Parameters set." He turned his head and made a mad dash down the sidewalk, intent on closing in before his target could relocate itself. He sprinted down an auxiliary alleyway, turning on a dime and bolting to find this person who had landed. He exited the alley and turned his head left. Nothing, no signs of life. He turned his head right. There, atop a pile of rubble with his back turned, was a boy. With no noise, no warning, Paragon raised its hand and fired a burst of energy at this stranger, walking forward to the rhythm of war drums that he had been created to follow, rhythmically belting out balls of energy at the person standing on the rocks.

The Reject
Alexander Meadows
The Reject

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Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by BrightChaos June 18th 2013, 9:50 pm

Miracle Boy sighed. There was nothing to do here. May as well go check out the construction site and see what they were doing. He turned to take flight but before he could even get his feet off his ground he was hit by some force that sent him spiraling down the hill into the rubble. He tried to see who shot him but there was a cloud of dust from where the hill of debris he had been standing on had been shattered.

The boy quickly pushed himself to his feet and launched himself into the air. What had happened? His left arm was sore. His eyes scanned the area and quickly saw a teenager. That was who shot him! If he hadn't turned at that moment so his shield would protect him that would have been much worse. This guy wasn't even looking to fight. He was aiming to slaughter. So much for fun and games.

Miracle Boy flew at this strange guy while drawing his golden dagger from behind his shield intending to slash at his opponent's legs.
“You got a problem!?” He shouted as he swung his blade. He just wished he knew who this guy was and why he had attacked.

Miracle Boy
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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by Zell June 18th 2013, 10:15 pm

Zell followed behind his synthetic person of interest, coming to feel quite bad about his earlier comments that were more than rude. He especially came to regret what he said when he watched the android looking down at its own hand, and then to a doll. The question 'Why?' was posed, and Zell wanted to answrer, but he was uncertain of the hostility programming. Then again, the question why was normally the first question that would lead to sentience. Perhaps it had a killswitch installed, in case it should begin to develop its own opinions and feelings. Or perhaps this one was different, only time would tell.
   Zell would KILL to get inside this new androids head. The way it examined the doll was unlike that of a standardized combat drone, or a survellience drone. No, despite the emotionless face it almost seemed inquisitive about the little play thing he held. Zell could almost remember a time when his own A.I, Niall, was asking questions, and making comparisons. Zell wanted to help this thing along, but if he wasn't careful, he would rush the sentience process it would end terribly for the mind and the thought processing of the android. Rushing sentience is what makes A.I's all 'kill all humans' and 'humans are inferior'. If you coax them into the sentience, they begin to learn as a human does, and that facilitates humanistic thinking and logic. If you rush the A.I with tons of information to retain it cannot think like a human because it would be required to think and remember on a level that is beyond human. That is what makes them realize and jump to the conclusion that humans are inferior, because they can retain and process information much faster. A.I's are so relatible to children it isn't even funny, if you are a good, patient parent then your little boy or girl ill grow to be something that you are so proud of your heart could burst. If you are TOO assertive and aggressive in raising it and place too many expectations upon it, it will grow into the rebellous and emotionally callus child who would love for nothing more than to see your undoing.
    Zell had lost himself in his thoughts, and was shocked back to reality when he heard the dreaded words of finding a target. He saw as the android fire off an energy blast. Zell quickly aligned his A.V.A.T.A.R to scan the area to discover the type of energy blast that was fired, so that he could select the appropriate 'attire' should the situation turn south. Zell was in for the unpleasant shock that the 'target' was a child, one who was younger than him and most liekly younger than the android's physical form by at least a good three years.
   "Just when I start to feel bad you go and attack a little kid like that... You have me more confused than my girlfriend at a chick flick." Zell groaned at the poor actions that the android had made. He also was forced to recall that time he took his girlfriend to see a movie that was based off of a true romantic story and she ended up crying becuse she was so happy and the couple was so good together. 
   "You got a problem!?" The boy Yelled, Zell rushed over to the side of the android, far enough away that he wouldn't bump into him (ooc: yet : P) and he looked at the little tyke who was about to be assaulted by the android. The tyke was dressed in green and had a white circle around a leaf-like design and had a bad-ass looking golden knife. Zell mentally scolded himself after thinking that he'd have to take that if the child parished. No, Zell was gonna HAVE to do the Hero thing, which was a huge pain in his ass. But first, maybe he could get a little lucky by maybe assisting the boy in green.
    "Hey kid, you're wearing my favorite color, so I'm gonna help you out. Don't worry about me, this bucket of bolts can't see me for a reason haha. I'm a figment of your imagination. But you gotta shut up and listen to me, okay?" Zell called out to the boy confidently, seemingly unaffected by the barrage of blasts that had just been fired. In case the kid wasn't gonna buy the imagination thing, he waved a hand in front of teh android and began river dancing in front of it, then jumped out of the way when itg looked like it was ready to strike again. And if the kid still didn't buy it, his suits were all online and awaiting for him to select which one he would be using. Zell saw the golden knife again and smiled. "Serpantine, The golden God it is." He muttered to himself, so none could hear him. He punched in the codes and the suit wasen route. Now he just needed to buy some time.

Devoid (Finished) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

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Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by The Reject June 20th 2013, 7:51 pm

One of Paragon's attacks went through, and the boy stopped firing as the blast hit what appeared to be a shield strapped to the target's arm. The target was taken by surprise, and even with the shield he carried could not fully stop the blast. The boy tumbled down, down, down the large pile of rubble, and Paragon's eyes locked onto where he may have fallen. Questions raced through the mind of this machine-man. Was the person dead? No, they mustn't be dead. The shield took the blow. Were they injured? The force of the blast suggested at the very least damage to the musculature of the arm. A cloud of debris from the few shots that missed hung in the air, acting as a blanket for the cold sky and fevered sun. 

It was only a few moments later that the boy burst from behind the mountain of cement and metal that he had just fallen down, an obvious survivor with the will to fight. Paragon felt his energy start to focus in his body, charging as he were for a pulse of energy. The boy gave no physical indication that his body was injured, but in Paragon's mind, what other truth could he have believed? He had done some damage, however minor, and he knew that he could do much more. This is what he existed for. This is what he was trained to do. The Reject's eyes flickered downwards. Something was wrong. Something was in front of him, but he couldn't perceive it. The ground beneath him showed slight shifts in the tiny rocks... no, its nothing. It was nothing. He could not see the thing that he had considered to exist, and so it must not. It was the wind, or the ambient energy he was focusing within his body. Or perhaps, his systems had been tampered with.

The latter option was fairly disturbing, but not enough for Paragon to be distracted, because it was also unlikely his highly complex synthetic DNA had actually been hacked and altered. The boy who floated became as a bullet headed for him, and Paragon stance shifted slightly. A bright, gleaming flash appeared from the shield, but the boy was moving too fast for Paragon to get a proper look, though he understood the presence of a weapon well enough. As the boy neared Paragon's personal space, just inside of his range, Paragon would release a powerful pulse of pure energy. Standing in this range would be painful. The blast would trigger the second his charging foe entered range, and moving directly into a power energy pulse would certainly be devastating. Paragon was counting on his foe not being fast enough to back out once it triggered. Hopefully, his gambit would pay off.

The Reject
Alexander Meadows
The Reject

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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by BrightChaos June 23rd 2013, 3:17 am

As Miracle Boy flew in he saw, some guy with brown messy hair just walked up to the attacker. Didn't he have about the same thing happen when he was fighting Songbird a while ago? Was this somehow normal here? The new guy said something about doing what he said, as if they could talk during combat. Strangely the attacker even didn't see him. How did he pull that off? But if he was going to help him why had he not already taken out the attacker? He wasn't about to trust his life to this guy.

Just as he was about to swing his blade the attacker's body began to build up a strong energy. It wasn't a beam like before but a pulse.
“Watch out!” He called to the other guy knowing that if the pulse went in every direction it wouldn't matter if the guy could see him or not.

Miracle Boy jumped back as far as he could and extended his free hand releasing his own life force in the form of a blast into the energy pulse. At slowed it but the opponent's energy still broke through and hit Miracle Boy. The boy clenched his teeth as what felt like fire washed over him.

As his senses came back he could feel pain. His custom was torn and he was vaguely aware of blood dripping down his face and his chest. This guy's energy attacks were to strong to face head-on like that. He had to take him out before he charged up another blast.
“You like to play dirty.” Miracle Boy said before throwing his dagger at the attackers leg hoping to demobilize him. As soon as he threw it Miracle Boy flew at him again giving a yell as he threw a kick to the attackers head.

(OOC: Sorry for late reply.)

Miracle Boy
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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by Zell June 23rd 2013, 9:56 pm

The A.V.A.T.A.R began letting out a series of beeps hat began to increase in frequancy at a rather quick pace. HE knew that it was warning him of a build up in energy from a nearby source, and so he did what he thought was best and he yelled to the boy in green. "KID DON'T!" He yelled, but it was too late, he braced himself as he sprawled back and preparing for impact. The energy lasted him away, but he wouldn't be undone, not by some amature mech-boy. He landed on the ground, beaten the hell out of from being launched back. He noticed that the green boy wasn't around anymore, and the android wasn't in sight. in fact he wasn't in sight of anyone. Finally the exosuit he called for reached him; The Golden God Exosuit. The suit opened and let Zell step in on command with the A.V.A.T.A.R. The suit instantaniously went fullly online and sealed up, allowing him to fly into the air and return to the battle. He halnded between the android and the green boy with the cuts and bruises. The android still couldn't see him. The voice modifier in the exosuit altered his voice beyond any hope of tracing the voice of the teenager inside it.
   "Sorry, it was either I save you or that guy who tried to help you, I figured you could take a hit, but that wuss couldn't. Now what have we here?" Zell aksed turning from the boy in green to the android. The secondary weapon systen activated and two missiles revealed itself from the broad golden shoulders. Zell rerached up and grabbed the androids throat, not allowing it to escape. Zell smirked at the response of that Android seeing a boy in green and then suddenly in a flash a Dragon had it's hands around his throats with two missiles locked onto it's cybernetic pulsations. Zell spoke and for the first time the android could hear him."You're my prototype at best." Zell said through the modifier. HE ordered hsi suit to deploy the eletronic sapper, and he fired off the electronic shielding device off and it attached itself to miracle boy, the elecrtonicc sapper began it's work and funneled the energy to the shielding mechanisim, covering the young hero in a shield of electronic energies.
 (Miracle boy is shielded by a 6 int shield for two posts.)
(Zell is using The Golden God, Serpantine suit. The grid is set)

Devoid (Finished) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by The Reject June 24th 2013, 7:45 am

It seemed to be a work of chemistry. As Paragon discharged his energy field, the costume child called out to another, invisible presence. Something in the back of Paragon's mind clicked as two gears started to grind together with a high pitched, annoying whir of machinery that was dedicated slowly to the practice of forged thought. There was another presence. There was another person. His energy discharged Paragon turn on his heels, time bought for a sweep of the environment. Nothing. Nobody existed in the android's field of vision, and this greatly disturbed him. He returned to face his prey, focused with the blood lust of an experienced hunter. His fingers jerked along his knuckles and cracked individually like reeds breaking. 

The boy was up. He was clearly injured, but the wounds while deep and bloody were not critical. The target was still alive. He was moving and angry like an injured predator. He raised the weapon he had drawn before, clearly visible and gleaming with sunlight born of the cloudless sky. A dagger, a golden, gleaming knife with a blade razor-sharp to pierce and slash. The boy threw the knife at him, intent to immobilize him. Paragon was ready to dodge and move out of the way. The blade of golden retaliation would not strike as long as Paragon could maneuver. Fortunately, he would not need to dodge, though the did not know it. 

Something landed in front of him. A thud of metal directly in front of him, a moment of pause where Paragon looked down. Slight shifting in the small, meaningless pebbles below. The wind that moved the tiny rocks about the ground grabbed him by the throat, and Paragon clutched the hands as a voice rang out. 

"Your my prototype at best."

"Incorrect." Paragon pulled with all the force he could muster, breaking free of the hands on his throat. Those same hands started to pulse with energy. The Reject's feet also whipped up, also carrying energy within them. Blasts fired all at once from Paragon's hands and feet, as he pulled and released with his palms and kicked off the mechanical being before him. The missiles however, were another problem. They still were prepped to fire, and even with the damage likely dealt to the thing before him from his assault he didn't understand that the missiles were not just prepared to shot, but locked on to track him. More than that, in the chaos he hadn't identified the missiles. The creature simply bore strange protrusions from its shoulders, but other than that, Paragon did not realize what would happen. He stuck his landing after flipping off the creature, charging energy into his fist and rushing back forward with the intent to land a devastating blow to the machine's stomach.

The Reject
Alexander Meadows
The Reject

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Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by BrightChaos June 26th 2013, 5:30 am

Miracle Boy was just about to throw the dagger when the second guy jumped in the way. He had to stain himself to stop his arm that was already in motion. The second guy grabbed the attacker by the neck. He offered what seemed to be an unsatisfactory apology. Did he know the attacker?

“Outta the way!” He protested. Why was he helping that guy!? Then he shot him! Well at least it felt like one when it hit. As the boy looked down at himself he saw that it was some sort of device. It had just hit a sore spot causing a bolt of pain in his chest. Some sort of barrier appeared around him. At first he thought he was trapped until he moved his arm and saw it move with him. It was a shield of some kind. At least this established the second guy was here to help after all.

He looked back up he saw that the attacker seeming to get weaker. He was being drained somehow. What other tricks did the second guy have? But the attacker broke free and unleashed his energy attack on the second guy. It seemed he could release energy from any part of his body. It would be difficult to dodge at that range. He was coming in for another attack against the second guy.

If he used his power it would slow his healing. But what other choice was there? He tightened his grip on his dagger. A mixture of fear and adventure beat in his heart. He ran to the side so the second guy wouldn't be in the way before extending his free hand. He gathered some of his life-force into a ball in his hand and threw it at the opponent hoping to knock him off his feet. If nothing else that may give the second guy another chance at draining him again.

Miracle Boy
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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by Zell June 26th 2013, 10:27 pm

“Incorrect” The kid said as he pulled away, obviously much stronger than the current exosuit. There were blasts that fire all off of him and he kicked off Zell with additional energy. Zell smiled as a flash of light came up on the exosuit ‘H.U.D’ stating the damages and the energy analysis. The energy he admitted was pretty decent; it even managed to scuff the suit a bit. The suit dropped to ninety-six percent from one-hundred. This guy was going to be a pain in the ass, because while Serpentine was a good exosuit and hard to kill, the secondary weapon system was the only thing that Zell could rely on. Serpentine was a support suit, meant to fortify his allies or himself and be an overall pain to his enemies. He resolved that it would be little Blondie here who did the killing of, unless Zell could get close enough to the man to use his nanites.
There was another option though, it would require a lot of work, but it was almost a sure fire way to win. Well, in theory. He hadn’t tried it yet. But that’s science, nothing ventured, nothing gained. The missiles were locked on the android and Zell let them go, one at a time. “Alright, kid. Let’s dance.” Zell said to the small boy with a nod of approval. The missiles were closing in quickly and Zell shot off to be in a better position to intercept the android, while deploying his illusion orb to the opposite side of where he was running too. Should it move to avoid the homing missiles Zell already had his A.V.A.T.A.R set to take the man head on. If it was foolish enough to charge him, it would soon have a computer virus and or a neruo-toxin working against it. If it tried to take out the kid it’s run face first into missiles. If it tried to run away it would run into a nanite illusion orb. This android had no idea what it was in for.
Meanwhile Zell noticed little Blondie doing something with a weird type of energy. Zell smirked, wanting to further investigate it. Too bad they were in combat. It would be truly educational experience. The kid was skilled with his energies, Zell had to give him that much. He could very well have been enough of a sword to get the job done. Zell just had to worry about being a spiked shield for little Blondie.

Devoid (Finished) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by The Reject June 26th 2013, 11:31 pm

The missiles fired from the large, golden machine's shoulders before Paragon could comprehend the situation. Paragon, before being sent off on his mission was educated on various methods super humans used in their fights. From overwhelming foes with great strength to performing incredible feats of martial artistry, to even confusing organic individuals with illusions or immense speed. While he only had basic hand-to-hand training, he was trained in a different way that made him more lethal to his quarry: he, for the most part, understood how their powers words. Perhaps the mechanisms behind them were lost on his mind, but he did possess the cognitive function needed to counter most foes, as well as the intelligence needed to recognize threats from them.

He had never been prepped on conventional weaponry. He was bullet proof. That's all his superiors cared about in the beginning. They fired everything from twenty-two caliber bullets to anti-personals rounds at his body and he shrugged them off. Deeming it to be of no consequence, they decided no further testing or briefing would be needed. Likely, they didn't anticipate that their perfect murderer would be faced with rockets. They collided with Paragon-- the first one just grazed him. He stepped out of the way on accident when turning after the large machine. He would have avoided the second one the same way, but something from his other target collided with him, staggering him back into the missiles path.

First came the impact. The explosions came less than half a second later. Paragon was sent dazzed and reeling, the only saving grace for him now that he was not biological. If he were, the SNT effect from the explosions would have certainly ended his life. Beyond that, because the liquid in his cells consisted of diluted mercury and liquid plastics they did not expand as water would have in the explosion, meaning that cell damage was limited to three factors: the size of the explosion, the force of the explosion, and the heat of the explosion. Paragon spun from the cloud of fire and black mockery and tumbled, falling to his stomach but not yet unconscious. The suit he wore was damaged on the abdomen from the first blow he received from the child he intended to kill, but other than a scuff undamaged. His back was scorched and bruised, with much of his synthetic skin burnt off.

The healing process began soon afterwards. Skin started to stitch itself back together, healing before the eyes of any onlookers as he stood up. A strange, gray liquid bleed from the wound the seemed to scab over fast. The wound was healing quickly, though it was by now means immediate. "Internal damage," he said aloud. The impact of the missile had cracked a shoulder blade. The crack was but a hairline fracture, and had been healed by the end of the sentence. The robot stood up slowly, clearly showing signs of damage but at the same time disregarding those signs. It started to charge energy through its hands again, noticing that the large, golden machine had suffered hardly a scratch against his energy attacks. He looked at the machine, then to the child. He was making a decision when he placed both of his hands together.

Paragon decided that this should end quickly, but with the child encased in a barrier the only tangible threat was the machine. While the boy and machine both could attack, Paragon realized that there was one area he could exploit. The places the missiles came from. They were openings into the armor. Direct openings. By the size of the missiles, deep openings. It would be difficult, but if Paragon could get his one of his hands in the openings he had a direct way inside the machine and could totally bypass that energy-absorbing armor. That was the core of the problem. The armor needed to be penetrated, and Paragon's systems were not at full capacity yet. He had only just been woken up, and was barely a newborn by most standards. But he was a clever newborn.

It wasn't as though that cleverness counted much for anything at the moment however. The only way to the machine was a straight line. Paragon could do nothing but pay attention to both the boy in the bubble and the giant suit for attacks from either party. He ran forward towards the suit, firing seemingly haphazard blasts of energy at it to keep it off guard. The truth was that the blasts were aimed to only occasionally hit, and as he fired and attempted to draw nearer, he would attempt to execute his plan.

The Reject
Alexander Meadows
The Reject

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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by Seathe Allogonis June 27th 2013, 2:37 am

The sounds of war were loud and clear. Innocents were in danger. Seathe ran as fast as he could towards the explosions.
"My first metahuman encounter...this should be interesting." He thought to himself.

He saw an android standing directly in the line of fire of a large robotic mech-suit that was actively firing at him. He didn't know which participant was the enemy and which was a friendly, so he induced an image of a large brick wall rising from the ground between the android and the mech-suit. Then he put a clone of himself in front of both fighters and asked "What is this all about? You are risking the lives of innocent people!"
Before either parties answered he thought about where they were and how everything was pretty torn up anyway, then hoped that they didn't both realize immediately that he actually was using that as a mere excuse to test out his abilities.
Seathe Allogonis
Seathe Allogonis

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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

Post by BrightChaos June 28th 2013, 6:23 am

“Yes!” Miracle Boy exclaimed seeing his attack hit followed by the new guy's missiles impacting. But then Miracle Boy felt a chill at seeing the guy get up despite all the damage they had dealt. The injuries sealed themselves up. This guy could heal also. No, this guy healed even faster. That meant they had to take him down quickly or he would be as good a new. The guy in the suit was out of missiles as far as he could tell. Unless he had a weapon he could not see the fight was left to himself.

Then the attacker starting firing more energy blasts at the second guy again charging forward. Miracle Boy began to charged forward as well when...a third stranger popped out of nowhere! And once again right in the line of battle! This was really normal around here? But why did people feel the need to do this?
“Get down!” The boy yelled leaping over the third guy descending on the other side of him. The energy blasts collided against the shield he had been gifted with. They didn't seem to be of the same strength as the one from before judging from their size and speed. But he had little time to think of that as he had to push his speed to it's limit. Just as he reached his target he heard a crackle as the device that had been placed on him gave out and the shield began to fade. There may not be a second chance for this.

Miracle Boy flipped his dagger around and in a desperate strike he swung it at the side of the attacker's head using it's handle as a blunt object putting all his strength and the momentum of his flight into it hoping for a knock out.

Miracle Boy
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Devoid (Finished) Empty Re: Devoid (Finished)

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