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Saving The Not A Hero? (OPEN)

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Saving The Not A Hero? (OPEN) Empty Saving The Not A Hero? (OPEN)

Post by Nerd Girl April 21st 2013, 7:07 pm

Penn "Penny" Smith was walking through the sunshine, her canvas bag hitting her leg every step she took. She didn't mind. She had just been to her favourite art supply store to pick up the usual. Crayons and pens with some clay. She had enough acrylic paint to drown a person and enough water colour to fill a dam. Or a resevoir. Aren't those the same thing? she asked herself. She shrugged it off.

She approached some lights and took the opportunity to check out her outfit. Nothing special for this girl. She wasn't the type of girl to go around wearing the latest designer shiz. Nope. Instead, she rocked the regular girl look. Sh wore black Converse All Stars with white fabric paint doodles all over them. She had painted them on herself. If you looked closely at her shoes, you'd see how they ever so slightly moved around her shoes. She also wore a black t-shirt with a white smiley face under a black hoodie. Finally, she wore her favourite jeans. These jeans were so worn and loved that she had had to sew extra blue denim pieces on them to continue to wear them. They had stains from every type of paint colour out there. They hugged her skin until her knees where they branched off a little and turned ragged at the bottom. She was in love with her jeans. She'd die for her jeans. Just as she'd die for cheese. Wait. Cheese? No. Cheese is not a worthy dairy product for me to die for. If it were a milkshake- say, chocolate or caramel latté- then, I'd die for it.

She crossed the street and was going through her bag when a hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed her by the wrist, slamming her against the wall of an alley. She didn't see anything but black and purple spots until her assailant slammed her against a dumpster further down the alley.

"Money," demanded the man.

Penn blinked. What the frig?

Illustrator talks with blue font
Nerd Girl
Nerd Girl

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 22
Age : 28
Registration date : 2012-05-13

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Saving The Not A Hero? (OPEN) Empty Re: Saving The Not A Hero? (OPEN)

Post by Mykel Thames April 21st 2013, 9:21 pm

Mykel was walking around city going on a small patrol but at the same time trying to enjoy himself. He had taught Dustin to at least know his boundary to attack without the intent to kill. He made him aware to only kill when necessary. He left the city up to him especially since he could get around quicker do to his flying. He stayed with more walking stroll because he always seemed to run into something by luck or maybe just being unlucky.

And right he was when he seen a man walk up behind a woman digging in her purse. The air spun around him ready to attack when open. Since he had air it was easy to get an opening. He grabbed her hand a slung her into a alley where she was pressed against a dumpster. He walked over as he was demanding for money from her. Now this is no good. You see people like you never get what they want especially not by force. As the guy took notice Mykel had already sent wind winding toward him picking him high enough in the air making him fall from a distance that he would sure to get knocked out from. It was not lethal because he did not need it to be.

He walked over to the woman and looked down at her with a smile. Nice bag. Here take my hand and I help you up. I'll buy you a coffee or whatever you want to help you. He said this a lot because so people would not jump to startle that he was a meta. He was just trying to help and he did not want to put up with guns because they ricksha-ed and he did not need a dead person on his hands. He reached out providing his hand to hoist her up.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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Saving The Not A Hero? (OPEN) Empty Re: Saving The Not A Hero? (OPEN)

Post by Nerd Girl April 21st 2013, 10:25 pm

The sixteen year old grabbed her bag and then examined her supposed saviour. He was smiling at her. This was the point where she ultimately would kick him where it hurt and ran but he did just save her. It's funny. I'm meant to be able to save me but I got saved by someone else. Penn shook her head and then smiled up at him. Manners, after all, were important. She took his hand. "Thanks, dude," she grinned. "I could really go for a hot chocolate. The endorphins encouraged to release in the brain to make you happy thanks to cocoa and all, right?"

She knew how she looked. The oddball. Immature. She smiled all the same because she was just being herself. She was being Penn. Penn grinned at her rescuer. "Milkshakes are good, too, though. Hey, what's your name? I don't think I remember seeing you around here. I've lived here a while, too."

She stood up and stretched her arms a little, flicking her forearms out so her elbows clicked. She opened her bag and found her paints and clay undamaged. Her pens and pencils were a little crushed but that didn't really matter. She ahd her permanent marker in her hoodie pocket and her small reporter's notebook. Just in case this guy was dodgy. He didn't appear to look dodgy. But in a city like New York, you couldn't be too careful, right? Exactly. Lastly, Penn checked the bottom of her bag with her fingers, looking for the cool material of her mask. There it was, beneath her art stuff, waiting for her to use. She breathed a sigh of relief and then turned back to her hero.

"Nothing damaged but my pens and pencils,"
she grinned. She shut her bag and slung it around her shoulder.

Illustrator talks with blue font
Nerd Girl
Nerd Girl

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 22
Age : 28
Registration date : 2012-05-13

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Saving The Not A Hero? (OPEN) Empty Re: Saving The Not A Hero? (OPEN)

Post by Mykel Thames April 22nd 2013, 10:33 pm

He smiled and looked at her. Ok we will go out for both of them if you want. And i happen to know a few things in New York. I'm usually take my time where I live which is all the way on the west coast in Los Angeles. But there should be a smoothie a few blocks ahead. As she was helped up he looked around and wondered which way was what. He seen an east sign farther down the road. So this way must be west. He held up his hands as if he was trying to figure out way from way. Ok I know where we are so we go this way. It would suck if I get lost. I'm not that capable around New York.

Both of them started walking. They walked past many buildings until they reached the smoothie shop. Ok perfect i thought I might get us lost. He smiled and laughed as he walked up to the door. Here right this way. He held the door open for her waiting for her to walk in with him.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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