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Medical Service (Maria Hawthorne, open to whoever wants to join)

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Medical Service (Maria Hawthorne, open to whoever wants to join) Empty Medical Service (Maria Hawthorne, open to whoever wants to join)

Post by dantoon April 19th 2013, 10:34 pm

Grim was rummaging through the medical cabinet, grabbing as much supplies as he could hold and stuffed them into his backpack. His men were scattered around the hospital doing the same thing. Grim had recently broken into a hospital to get medicine for those that couldn't afford it. He knew that the hospitals charged a lot for medecine, and that was simply not acceptable. Once Grim's backpack was full, he exited the room and adressed his men. "Remember, if we stick to the plan, everything will be fine". He went into another room and started scanning it, hoping to find more supplies that he could take. If he was fast, they would probably get out before anyone found them. Though Grim had the sneaking suspicion that it was not going to go as he planned it. Quite the opposite really...

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Medical Service (Maria Hawthorne, open to whoever wants to join) Empty Re: Medical Service (Maria Hawthorne, open to whoever wants to join)

Post by Switched April 20th 2013, 10:31 am

Delvar had grown cocky. He had recently acquired a mask that made him feel utterly invincible. Along with his new costume to hide his identity, he could easily go as The Shadow Prince, but still not be found out by the Legion. With all the money he had taken from the bank, The Shadow Prince had an arsenal of more modern weaponry. All of this combined to make him more sure of himself than ever.

Recently, though, Delvar had heard of a place called a hospital. It was a building full of witch doctors that charged an arm and a leg for their magical remedies. Delvar couldn't pass on this. He had to have more of this thing Womb had called money. That night, Delvar donned the mask, as well as a suit of pure black, tight-fitting, leather armor. Lastly he put on a black cape with a fitted hood. He was now covered head to toe in black other than the demonic mask upon his face. So in the guise of The Shadow Prince, Delvar would steal these remedies and sell them himself.

As The Shadow Prince arrived at this building of healing, he saw that many people were still here. He would have to be sneaky to avoid a scene. As he approached the side of the building, he reached out his hand and said, "Grappling hook and rope." A dark portal opened above his hand, dropping the requested item into his ready palm. Quickly he began spinning the rope. When it had picked up enough speed, The Shadow Prince released the line. It flew high above the roof, finally landing. The Shadow Prince pulled it tight, and he began to climb. Once he had reached the top, he dropped the grappling hook and rope into a dark portal, saying, "Home."

Now on the roof, The Shadow Prince approached a door leading to stairs. Trying the door, he found it locked. With a quick kick, a loud crashing, and the door colliding with the bottom of the stairs, The Shadow Prince was on his way. Using the speed granted him by his Dark-Sider ancestry, The Shadow Prince was already on a promising floor. He entered the first office he saw, only to see a man that could only be defined as a court fool with the ridiculous mask. The Shadow Prince stood tall, demanding, "I need to know where your magic remedies are. You will tell me and help me collect them in one place. When you are done with that, you can go back to your fool's job. I am The Shadow Prince and that is what I demand."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 64
Registration date : 2013-01-06

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