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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 3rd 2013, 3:38 pm

(Somewhere high above NYC)

For Lord Ingvar the Far-Travelled of Idun, one of the fiercest Vardo to ever traverse the universe, on his epic "Lodbrok", which would be the thing of Vardo legend, the solar storm in front of he and his band seemed easily traversed. These were some of the warriors who'd fought and defeated the swarm of "Techno's" in the universes center, and they were capably led by one of the greatest champions of Vardo, who'd vanquished the "Techno's" overlord into the black hole at the universes direct center, as such they were supremely confident in any situation the gods put them in. During Lord Ingvar's "Lodbrok", the champion and his band made their way from Vardo, all the way to the far side of the universe, which was much more untravelled by the Vardo, and the known civilizations. Lord Ingvar wanted to earn his nickname, and wanted to travel further into the universe then any other Vardo, conquesting, exploring, and spreading the Vardo's reach as they sailed throughout the darkness of space.

Onward the Vardo Champion and his band sailed into the unknown, and as the storm approached they stopped their usual drinking, feasting, and storytelling, and began to scatter throughout the ship, preparing to weather the storm. They'd been through a thousand storms before, countless battles, and had no reason to be anything but confident, as their Snekkja (A long, thin, longboat, encased in an oxygen bubble, and enchanted by the priests of Vardo, allowing it to be flown vast distances across the universe) sailed through vast waves of energy, given off by a flaring sun.

Lord Ingvar shouted orders with his booming voice, to the various members of his band, who prepared the ship to continue traveling through this rough patch of space. The members of his band did as they always did when their travels brought them into the clutches of danger, they sang the epic songs of their people, which no doubt were being song about them on Vardo. These were songs of great victories, travels, and laments, which filled the Snekkja with the surprising sounds of song. Lord Ingvar's great band sang in powerful unison

"The wait is soon at end,
Always charge never bend
Morning is here, make your stand
Live for honor, glory, death in fire!

Total war is here
Face it without fear
Age of sword, age of spear
Fight for honor, glory, death in fire!

See the fire rise
Flames are raging high
Soon all will burn and die
Burn for honor, glory, death in fire!

Storm of lethal flames
Only death remains
Ragnarok is closing in
Die for honor, glory, death in fire!

Forces of chaos is on the move
Everyone, choose your side
And know the end is coming soon
The day for all to die

The day is here when Bifrost breaks
Nor sun or moon will rise
When the dead rise from their graves
And Surtur spreads his fire

All you know will wither away
And sink into the sea
A new world will be born one day
Where everyone is free"

Their songs filling the black void of space, the Vardo and their champion traversed the solar flaring skies, seeking new distant stars. New worlds filled with limitless adventure, glory, and riches, where Lord Invar's great battle ax, the "Desolate One" would drip with enemies blood. They sought to avoid the only known planet in this system to support life, known locally as Earth, as it was a void by Vardo standards, neither rich, nor truly worthy of Lord Ingvar's efforts. The fates and the gods had different plans however for the "Lodbrok" of one of the greatest Vardo champions of new or old.

Lord Ingvar's Snekkja, as with any other was enchanted by the priests of Vardo, allowing it to be flown vast distances across the universe in a protected bubble of air, which allowed the ship to support life throughout the universe. This enchantment was a powerful blessing of the fierce Vardo gods, who could just as easily recant their blessing, leaving the ships inhabitants exposed to the dangers of deep space, a proposition which almost certainly spelled death. This was exactly what the gods had in store for Lord Ingvar the Far-Traveled and his band of Vardo warriors, and from the heavens they abandoned the powerful enchantments of the Vardo's fierce champion, bringing as they intended the Snekkja on a collision course with this planet known as...... Earth.

First noticing the drop in the enchantment, was Lord Ingvar's loyal second in command, a massively muscled Vardo named Norns. Lord Ingvar's Captain noticing the intense heat from the incoming solar flares, penetrating the weakening protection around the Snekkja. Yelling to Lord Ingvar "My lord!! The enchantment!! Somethings wrong!!!", racing to the bow of the ship, Lord Ingvar's voice boomed "Change course!!! Turn our course to Earth!!". Several of Ingvar's party raced about as the hulking Vardo issued his order, quickly changing the Snekkja's course to the tiny blue planet not far from their course.

As the Snekkja's course changed, and the ship began racing toward the strange alien world, the ship was blasted by another solar flare, which penetrated the disappearing protection the enchantment offered, immediately incinerating those Vardo of the port side of the ship. The massive Lord Ingvar turned quickly to his side, just fast enough to see his comrades turned to dust, and cried out "Brothers!!!!". Norn's ordered the sail dropped, reasoning with Ingvar "The solar flares will propel us faster.... If we're still here to be propelled.... Just need those enchantments to hold a little longer. Let us hope this planet is not made of solid rock, as we're coming in far to fast to control anything...". Lord Ingvar nodded his large head, then stormed off towards the aft of the ship, yelling "Take cover men!! And pray the gods have not abandoned our quest!!!", fear nowhere in his voice, only the steely determination to land the ship as best he could.

The blue planet was growing close now, and its atmosphere was starting to pour through the now gaping holes in the ships enchanted protection, severely burning several crew members whose tough Vardo frames and durability were the only thing that protected them from certain death. However as the planet came ever closer, blue oceans and green land rushing towards the brave Vardo, the constant sounds of thunder all that could be heard, the flames of the atmosphere continued to race in, only hotter and hotter, incinerating those closest to the holes.

Flames whipped at Lord Ingvar's face, as he raced towards the helm, which was now abandoned, holding it strong and firm, as the fire rained down. Just as it seemed Lord Ingvar would succomb to the flames, and join his forebears in the great sky halls of his ancestors, there was a massive crash, and then only black. Death gripped Lord Ingvar and his companions as the Snekkja broke up as it slammed into the already devastated ruins of New York City. Blackness gripped Lord Ingvar as death bloomed in his lifeless eyes.

Death however was not Lord Ingvar's fate, as the gods had something far greater in store for this Vardo champion, who's quest on new worlds one more time. Standing up amid the rubble of his smashed Snekkja and among his broken, dead companions, Lord Ingvar adjusted his heavy mail armor, and looking around yelled in a deep bellow "Brothers do none of you live!!! Most mighty of the Vardo have you all fallen??". Glancing over his Captain Norn, who lay broken against the side of a strange building which he'd destroyed upon impact, the Vardo champion raced over and knelt at his captains side, but their was no life in his eyes. Grunting, the champion stood amid the rubble of his ship and the city, and walked over to his battle ax, known as the "Desolate One".

Picking the ax up with his massive, muscled arms, Lord Ingvar said "Whatever strange creatures, bouts with glory, and riches await me in this strange world.... I will never forget you.... My companions.... My blood brothers...". Then stepping off into worlds uncharted, this strange, most alien fish out of water began making his way across the ruins of this destroyed, desolate city.

The Black Angel

The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 6th 2013, 10:47 pm

Lord Ingvar the Far-Travelled of Idun looked around his surroundings on this strange new world, moving his massive muscled neck from side to side, breathing in the brisk spring air. His long flowing hair, which reached the centered of his defined back blew in the wind, giving the warrior the appearance of a barbarian of old, as he clutched his battle ax tightly. Nodding his head, the warrior softly growled "So this is where the gods decide my Lodbrok meets its greatest challenge, where my companions meet their glorious ends, and where some great challenge requires the desolate ones mighty blade.". Raising his head to the strange new sky, the warrior bellowed "Mighty companions!!! I shall make your sacrifice the greatest lament sung by our mighty people, and vanquish whatever foe this world will deem worthy of my challenge....".

Stepping forward into the ruined city, Lord Ingvar hulked forward, past smashed cars, buildings, and monuments. His eyes scanning side to side, near and far, as he gripped the desolate one in anticipation of an attack by some unseen foe. Making it nearly a block, the massive Vardo stopped, noticing a large black bottle, clearly liquor of some sort. Being a Vardo warrior, whose drinking tales were almost as great as their feats of battle, Lord Ingvar grabbed the large bottle, uncorked it with his massive teeth, and began pouring the strong liquor down his massive throat, with much running down his thick beard.

Finishing the formerly full bottle in less then a minute, Lord Ingvar grunted and threw the bottle to the ground, smashing it into pieces. Grunting, the Vardo Lord said "Sorry excuse for drink!!!", then continued on his way. Several heavily clothed homeless people, who'd been looting abandoned storefronts, quickly scurried away from the Vardo Lord, as rats to a predatory animal. Lord Ingvar chasing after one, unfortunate looter.

Catching the mans collar with his huge right hand, Lord Ingvar lifted him straight off the ground with his great strength, and turned him around. The man screamed and began to cry in fear, yelling "Please don't hurt me sir!!! Please!!!". Lord Ingvar ignored the mans cries and inquired "Tell me you little, smelly man where I can find more drink? And perhaps some of your planets worthy champions to fight? As I am Lord Ingvar of Idun, greatest of the Vardo!! And I am here to continue perhaps the greatest quest of my Lodbrok!!!". The Stunned homeless man simply nodded, saying after a few moments "There's a bar down the street..". The Vardo champion smiled and said "Good.... Take me there...".

After a short walk Lord Ingvar and his unwilling companion stepped into some seedy dive bar which had quickly sprung up in destroyed Lower Manhattan post Doctor Necrodium, to satisfy those who remained in the shattered cities need for drinks, among other things. Nearly everyone in the place turned to see the homeless man and his strange, massive, and well armed companion. It was a dimly lit, small room, which smelled of strong liquor, cigarettes, and dust. The decor seemed thrown together, but the bar was if nothing else well stocked, which kept the patrons coming back, as well as a small helping of pretty girls.

Lord Ingvar pushed the homeless man inside, and after making it to the bar, said to the homeless man "I'm not familiar with your alcohol on this planet... Order me what you will have yourself!". The homeless man nodded and said "A pitcher of Coors Light." to the obliging bartender. Seeing the pitcher be poured, Lord Ingvar scuffed and said "That is far to small make it to barkeep!". The bartender nodded and began filling a second pitcher with beer.

Once he finished pouring the two large pitchers, he pushed them towards Lord Ingvar and his new companion, as well as two glasses. As the homeless man, began to pour the beer into his glass, Lord Ingvar grabbed the pitcher and quickly chugged it down, spilling beer over his face, beard, and armor, but consuming the drink in only a few moments. Lord Ingvar slammed the pitcher down and said "You call that a drink!! I'll have two more.". The bartender looked at the homeless man who simply shrugged, and said "That's twenty dollars for the both of you. Twenty more for two more...". Lord Ingvar looked at the homeless man and said "Well pay the man!!". The homeless man turned and said "I don't have any money...". Lord Ingvar was unammused, as all those in the bar seemed to sense a fight over an unpaid tab about to break out.

Pulling the man aside Lord Ingvar said "Don't pretend to fool me that you were looting for the sheer enjoyment of it.... I'm sure you were getting some sort of profit from your activities.... Pay the man.... Or I split you from end to end...". The homeless man nodded, nervously saying "Alright, alright....", placing two twenty dollar bills on the counter. The bartender nodded and said "Two more pitchers coming up!". Lord Ingvar smiled, and slapped the homeless mans back so hard it echoed through the bar, bellowing "Excellent!!! Now tell me... Do you know any champions on this planet worthy of facing me.... As I haven't simply come here for the weak alcohol!!". The massive Vardo slammed his battle ax on the counter, and awaited the bartenders reply.

The Black Angel

The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury April 17th 2013, 7:41 pm

Maximillian Rose chuckled to himself as he chugged yet another bottle of rum, the drink had little to no effect upon him and he loved every seconded of it. Sure, the taste wasn’t the greatest in the world but it didn’t matter to him, what mattered was he was out living his life doing what his all Knights his age were supposed to be doing. It was his twenty fifth year of life meaning it was his ‘selection year’ and if he didn’t find a wife by the end of the year his Liege would have to supply one to him. Yet, he honestly wouldn’t mind as some of the women in his camp back home were not that bad looking, but as per custom he was sent out to find a wife himself. This of course also meant he had to prove himself worthy to all challengers he came across which of course explained why he was in a desolate part of New York.

As he was about to take a second swig of his drink a brute if a man, at least three or four inches taller than he himself was barged through the door and up to the counter as if he owned the place. Red hated those super human types who thought they ruled the world when they themselves were responsible for what happened just outside this bar. A chuckle escaped his lips as he continued to drink his rum, no saying a word and only watching the scene unfolding before him. Most of the mans actions simply amused him but the final thing he said truly interested The Red Knight. This blonde Viking was looking for a challenge was he? Than he would truly need to look no further as Red would be the only man in this bar whose blade would taste victory tonight.

With a grin he stood up and shouted above the roar of the bar. "I will be the challenge that thou seek Viking!" He called out with a grin stepping forward, helmet underneath his right arm, body already dawned in his armor and sword in its sheath on his hip. Sure, at his height if six foot four he may not have been the most intimidating person to present himself to the blonde Viking yelling about this planets champions and what not. But he knew otherwise that he was a formidable opponent to anyone on this planet and he of course loved to prove this fact. So, who better and how better to prove this than against a person who was willing to let himself be tested. "My name is Maximillian, Son of Set; and I am The Red Knight. And whom mightye be?"

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Romulus Emanuel Mercury
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Quote : "I am not a hero nor a villain I am simply a man prepared to do what is necessary to make sure no one goes without a family."

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Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 17th 2013, 11:40 pm

Lord Ingvar the Far-Travelled of Idun turned quickly, facing this challenger from the far corner of the bar, who stood up and shouted loudly "I will be the challenge that thou seek Viking!". Lord Ingvar smiled, saying "Good! Finally someone brave on this scorned, accursed piece of rock! Come brave warrior, there are two pitchers of your worlds drink here! One for you and I, first we drink! Then we fight!". The massive hulk of muscle and strong Vardo bone motioned for the young champion to join him and the bewildered looking homeless man at the bar.

As the Red Knight came closer, Lord Ingvar noticed his large physical advantage over the the knight, and said "You're bigger then those on this world.... Stronger looking to.... Yet still small.... Lets hope you back a wallop!!". As the Red Knight grew closer, and formally introduced himself, Lord Ingvar slapped him roughly on the back, saying "Well Maximillian, Son of Set!! I am Lord Ingvar the Far-Travelled of Idun of the most noblest house of all of Vardo... Here on this world on my Lodbrok across the stars, crash landed and last of my crew.".

Lord Ingvar slammed a pitcher of beer in front of the Red Knight, saying "Drink!! Maximillian, Son of Set..... You are a brave.... Whatever it is they call you on this planet... Far braver then the vermin that I see scampering around this shattered land.... I suppose you were not here when whatever calamity befell this place occurred...".

The Black Angel

The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury April 18th 2013, 12:10 am

Maximillian laughed at the words of this man, he liked him already and knew that a fight against this man would be one he would certainly remember forever. The slap on the back hardly registered to Red as he stood next to the man on the bar, the man who truly did have a good four inches on Max at the well...maximum. “I like thine style Ignvar! To the mightiest warrior whoever he may be, and may thine best man win!” He said raising his own pitcher in the air to meet Ignvar’s and slamming it against it when they did the cheers before gulping it down the hatch in one single gulp. The poor Viking from another planet knew not how to choose his beer obviously as he had chosen a light kind. “After our fight if thy win I shall buy the another drink, accept this one will be much stronger than this you drink now!”

Red said with a grin on his face upon setting the pitched down on the bar table before letting his eyes darken at the mention of what happened to New York. “Yes, I was not here when this great city with buildings that reached the sky was destroyed. I was still but a squire when it happened and mine Lord did not allow me to leave the castle to help fight. If I had been but a few years older I surely would have come to defend this once great city though; that much I can assure you big fellow.” He said with a shrug only to lift his helmet up and slapped the Viking back on his own back with the same force Ignvar used against him earlier. “But! Enough of that sad talk, it is time for a duel is it not? Time for a sport between to champions, which can only be dealt with in a field of battle! Come now Ignvar, let us take this outside the premises so as not to ruin this man’s fine establishment.” He said before walking outside of the bar/pub.

Once outside he went a bit a ways giving the bar at least twenty feet between where he was standing and where it its self was. He was not lying when he said he did not want to ruin the man’s establishment because of their ‘game’ of sorts. Sure, he knew it was no game but it was no duel to the death either, once he defeated the Viking he would ask the man to yield and he hoped that if Ignvar defeated him somehow the man would give him the option of yielding as well. This of course did not mean Red was not going to try his hardest to defeat this champion before him. When he saw Ignvar walk out and stand not too far away from him Red smiled before dawning his helmet, the last piece of his armor and unsheathed his sword. The weapon upon being released from its sheath brought storm clouds to circle above them, it crackling with lightning energy.

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Romulus Emanuel Mercury
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Status :

Quote : "I am not a hero nor a villain I am simply a man prepared to do what is necessary to make sure no one goes without a family."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 18th 2013, 3:27 pm

When the Red Knight said “After our fight if thy win I shall buy the another drink, accept this one will be much stronger than this you drink now!”, Lord Ingvar smiled, and proclaimed loudly "Excellent!!! I am glad this world holds stronger liquor then what this wretched man has selected for me!". Lord Ingvar shot the cowering homeless man a look of contempt, then flipped the man a valuable piece of metal from a far off land, saying to him "For finding me a worthy opponent....". The homeless man looked the precious looking metal over, then bowed saying "Thank you sir.... Thank you...".

Lord Ingvar listened to the Red Knights words on the city, and after the Red Knight led the way out the door for their duel, Lord Ingvar said "It is time! I'll enjoy dueling a champion of Earth much more then I thought I would when I crashed here.... It seems there is some strength in the bigger ones of you tiny people... Now lets see how strong you are!!!". Lord Ingvar slowly trudged out of the bar, pushing several of the drunker patrons who were moving to slowly out of his way. The Lord then stepped out into the brisk afternoon sunlight, which shown through the destroyed skyline.

As they settled themselves outside, the Red Knight donned his armor, and Lord Ingvar did the same, clutching the Desolate One closely. The sky began turning a dark color, thick storm clouds began to appear, and lightning energy began to make static sounds throughout the suddenly dangerous looking skies. Lord Ingvar was surprised this "Red Knight" had such powers, powers identical at least in appearance to his own abilities, and what better way to surprise him then using his own energy against him. This bought was all in fun, but certainly honor was on the line, and Lord Ingvar intended to show this earthling how it was done.

Raising his massive battle ax, which was made of a compound unknown to these parts, into the sky, Lord Ingvar began to channel the lightning energy the Red Knight had created into his body. The electricity running from the ax, through his body, and making loud static charging sound, which after several seconds stopped, and then Lord Ingvar quickly spun and released the energy back at the Red Knight at the speed of light. Onlookers raised for cover behind cars, or back into the bar, as electric bolts shot across the street in between the two dueling champions.

The Black Angel

The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury April 19th 2013, 11:47 am

Never before had Red faced anyone who had powers like his yet here this Viking from another planet had abilities similar to Red Knights. This of course amazed him and brought a grin onto the man’s face as he raised his shield as Ingvar began spinning, rushing towards the man in front of him. With both of them having powers of amazing proportions he figured he would limit the use of said powers and keep this battle up close and personal. Upon taking three steps the lightning from Ingvar came at him and Red barely had time to intercept it with his Sword, the energy channeled through his sword and into Red, who quickly redirected it out of his shield hand, firing it right back at Ingvar but with twice the power. At least that was something he had on the big man, he seemed to be much more powerful than he.

“You will have to do better than that to defeat me!” He called with a grin as he finally closed the distance between the two of them, making it now just a swords length away as he slashed out at the big man’s right arm before throwing up his shield to push back against the man. Sure, he could have gone for any attack against any part of the man’s body but his arms seemed to be the least unprotected with his face being the next in line. He wasn’t really sure as to why in the world the man would leave his face so unprotected but it was not his custom so he had no reason to complain. It would more than likely just make things easier for Red in the long run. At least, that is what he hopped would happen.
((sorry its short))

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Romulus Emanuel Mercury
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Status :

Quote : "I am not a hero nor a villain I am simply a man prepared to do what is necessary to make sure no one goes without a family."

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Number of posts : 181
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 19th 2013, 2:16 pm

(No problem! Don't mind keeping it short and sweet.)

Lord Ingvar watched with something resembling pleasure, as the Red Knight channeled the energy through his sword, into his shield hand, and fired it back at the massive, burly Vardo warrior. Lord Ingvar only had time to dodge the energy ball quickly, as the Red Knight yelled “You will have to do better than that to defeat me!”, to which Lord Ingvar bellowed "Excellent!! Let the Desolate One defeat you!!", as the Red Knight quickly closed the distance between the two warriors.

The Red Knight first slashed out at Lord Ingvar's right arm, which he blocked with the heavy metallic looking handle of the Desolate One, making a large "Clang" ring throughout the now empty street. The Red Knight pushed into Lord Ingvar with his shield, which the Vardo Lord could not block. The blow pushed Lord Ingvar across much of the street, until the two came crashing against the stone wall of an abandoned storefront. The two massive warriors grunting, and struggling to gain the upper hand on the other.

Unable to get a strike in at the Red Knight at such close range, Lord Ingvar put his massive left foot against the Red Knight shield, and kicked him flying across the street. The two great warriors then faced each other from across the street, the fight having been restarted. The two, the Knight, and the Viking starring at one another each waiting for the other to strike. A hundred faces now filled the windows of the various abandoned and shattered buildings, as the dust began to settle around the street.

The Black Angel

The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury April 19th 2013, 2:30 pm

As the dust cleared from their blows Red grinned, having blocked most of the kick with his shield, spinning his sword in his hand he slashed down in the air sending a lightning bolt flying out at the Viking warrior. In terms of strength they were evenly matched and neither seemed to have any sort of upper hand. Rolling his neck as much as he could in his armor Red rushed forward once more and came at the Viking with an uppercut like attack but instead of his fist it was his sword that made the attack. This attack used all of Red's strength and he also once more channeled the lightning through his sword but instead of sending it out at the man it coated the blade. His sword essentially becoming a lightning bolt that he could attack with. "On guard!" He called out to the Viking, pushing forwards after the attack, raising his shield to parry any rebuttal attack.

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 19th 2013, 5:08 pm

Lord Ingvar held out the Desolate One, which took the full force of the Red Knight's lightning attack, and channeled it through Lord Ingvar the lightning burning his skin on its way into the ground, the colorful electricity and sparks it set off wowing the onlookers who peered at the champions from safe places. The Vardo Lord, cried in pain, and for once was confronted with the knowledge that the champion he was fighting was perhaps better then he, if not equal. Brought down to one knee, the Vardo Lord shook off this thought, raising his battle ax as the Red Knight quickly charged. Lord Ingvar had taken to much time deflecting the blow, and was more or less unprepared for the charging knight. Recovery was a skill the Lord had often mastered, and he was able to block the Red Knights sword attack with the handle of the Desolate One once again.

The lightning channeled through the sword was quite punishing however, and it burned Lord Ingvar's tough Vardo skin, which singed as it was burnt in several places. Using the Vardo predisposition to flight, as he knew he could not hold this particular attack forever, Lord Ingvar sailed into the air, landing ungracefully on a building not far away.

Lord Ingvar's skin quickly healed itself, and with this healing came a renewed attack by Lord Ingvar, who raised the Desolate One into the air, and channeled tremendous amounts of lightning into his body, which began to glow. Lord Ingvar then made a circle from high in his perch, and released it in a mighty volley towards the Red Knight, yelling "Let the Gods of my people rejoice!!! I have found a worthy opponent at long last!!!".

The Black Angel

The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

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Lord Marcus Dark
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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury April 20th 2013, 5:26 pm

Out of all the things the guy could do that Red couldn’t it just had to be flight, why in the world did he have to have flight? Sure, he could keep throwing blasts of lightning at him until he fell down or something but where was the honor in that, where was the sportsmanship in that? Stopping Red stood where he was and watched as the flying blonde Viking from another planet landed down on a roof of a building not too far away from where he had stood, and Red now stood, not too long ago. Of course, as soon as he got his baring and turned to face the man completely a blast of lightning was sent hurtling down at him. This time he didn’t have time to react, this time he was hit, and boy did he feel it.

Red had never been on the receiving end of an electrical blast before as he was always the one to be sending them out but he can honestly say that they did not feel pleasant at all. The blast of lightning singed straight through his armor and shot into Red’s chest leaving a black scarring mark as he shook from the electricity. “Woaa….well I will certainly feel that one in the morning.” Red muttered under his breath as he rolled his neck and then shot his own lightning bolt back at Ignvar, except this was not aimed to harm, this blast was aimed to stun Ingvar just long enough for Red to somehow find a way up on top of the building. Or to knock Ingvar down without actually destroying the building he was now standing on.

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 20th 2013, 9:07 pm

Lord Ingvar stood atop the high building, laughing his hearty laugh as his volley struck the Red Knight, if for no other reason then having gained some pride back. The blast burned through pieces of the Red Knights armor, pushing the Red Knight back across the pavement. Recovering quickly however, the Red Knight struck back with his own great lightning attack, which raced across the short, but high space that divided the two warriors. Traveling at the speed of light, it left little time for the Vardo Lord to react to the Red Knights counterattack.

As the bolt quickly closed with the hugely muscled Lord Ingvar, the Vardo Lord softly uttered "Shit....", as once again he was unprepared for a counterattack, perhaps because he'd never been so evenly matched during his long and glorious "Lodbrok". No sooner had the words left the Vardo Lords mouth, when the lightning bolt smashed into his chain mailed chest, exploding in a massive and colorful explosion, which sent the Vardo Lord flying.

Crashing through the brick wall of the buildings utility shed, Lord Ingvar found himself among a collection of tools and other utility equipment, which had fallen on and around him. Grumbling and cursing in his native tongue, the Vardo Lord began extracting himself from amid the wreckage and rubble, and felt a twinge of pain where he'd been struck from the Red Knights blast, which had already bruised his tough Vardo skin, underneath his strong composite mail armor, which was taking a beating from the Red Knight.

As he came to his feet, the Vardo Lord heard someone coming, and knew it could only be one person.... The Red Knight...

The Black Angel

The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

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Lord Marcus Dark
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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury April 20th 2013, 9:31 pm

The Red Knight smirked as he saw the man fall to his blast of lightning, once he hit the ground he knew he’d be stunned and this would give him the time to rush into the building. This is of course exactly what he did, taking off as fast as he could towards the building lowering his shoulder and busting down the door as he entered inside. “I shalll pay for that!” He called out to whomever owned the building as he kept going, hearing Ingvar crash through the ceiling and hit the ground he shot out another bolt of lightning, this one once again set on ‘stun’ as he didn’t want the Viking to be able to move and get up by the time he got over to him. Which he did in about ten seconds after the bolt was fired, knowing he had a couple of options as to whether or not the bolt hit.

If it did of course and the man was still on the ground stunned he would place his blade to the blonde Viking from another world’s throat and grin, “Yield warrior, ye fought bravely but thy has been bested.” It was the one offer that all Knights should give to an opponent who was downed and did not deserve death. It was the honorable thing to do, not only because this was a duel of sport but because it was how Maximillian was raised. One should always show their opponent honor even if the face of defeat, and especially in victory. “If thee yield now I will help ye to thine feet and back to the bar, if not by mine code of honor I will be forced to leave ye here. Tis thine choice Ingvar.” He said blade still pointed at the Blonde Haired Viking from another world’s throat.

If of course the bolt did not hit and the man somehow made it to his feet before Red could rush over to him and do what was stated above, Red acted. He laughed and shouted out in excitement for having found a worthy advisory. “Have at thee Ingvar, thine self is truly a worthy opponent!” He would yell before swinging his blade at the man’s head with enough force to take down the titanic quicker than some iceberg ever could have. His shield raised in the air after executing the strike; ready to take any oncoming return attack from the giant Viking warrior of course.

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 22nd 2013, 12:39 pm

The second bolt the Red Knight had fired at Lord Ingvar had exploded exactly where the Vardo Lord had previously been sitting, the section of shed exploding in a brilliant hail of equipment and wood. Lord Ingvar grunted, and stepped forward once more, just as the Red Knight made his appearance onto the roof of the building. Lord Ingvar noticed the Red Knight was somewhat surprised, but bordering on happy he'd not stunned the massive Vardo. Noticing this, Lord Ingvar bellowed "You have not defeated me yet human knight!".

With that the Red Knight yelled “Have at thee Ingvar, thine self is truly a worthy opponent!", before swing his blade toward Lord Ingvar's head, which the Vardo blocked with the handle of the Desolate One, while kicking the Red Knights shield with his tough animal skin boots. "This is the way the fight must be ended...." Lord Ingvar thought to himself, not with his ability of flight, or both champions use of lightning, but rather with hand to hand combat.

A smile came across Lord Ingvar's face, finally he'd found someone worthy! As the smile left Ingvar's face, he raised the Desolate One, and with 2 massive hacks into the Red Knights shield, the battle was on once more. The sound of metal on metal, making thunderous "Clangs" which could be heard blocks away. Many people were now taking to the streets, all looking up to see what the massive commotion was, or what champion would emerge victorious.

The Black Angel

The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

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Lord Marcus Dark
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The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open) Empty Re: The Desolate One Arrives in A Desolate City (Open)

Post by Romulus Emanuel Mercury April 22nd 2013, 3:50 pm

Lord Ingvar was certainly a tough opponent and one Red could not take lightly, of course he had gotten up and moved before the blast came. The close in fight quickly started and the champions were at each other’s necks, almost literally at that. Blow for blow Red kept up with the much larger Viking warrior, blocking the hacks with the Ax with his shield, and pushed back against the mighty kick with his own strength. He knew the shield couldn’t survive very many more attacks from this brute of a man but it was his saving grace as he so far had not yet tasted the unknown metal of the ‘alien’ ax and as far as he was concerned that was all that mattered. Digging his heals into the concrete that held together the building they now stood on, Red held his ground and readied himself for a counter attack.

With all his might he pushed back against the Viking warrior with his shield, attempting to throw the man off guard before stabbing forward at his chest with his electric blade. He was not going to lose this fight and would do everything in his power to make sure he came out on top. The Viking was certainly the most worthy opponent he had ever yet faced, but he was not going to allow himself to be defeated just yet. No, he would not lose during his selection year and so early into it as well. This fight was simply to prove who was the greater warrior to the Viking and for sport, but to Red it was to prove to any females of age watching that he was truly a fine warrior and would make a good husband. Not only that but if he lost he knew he would have to return home shamed, defeated and wifeless.

This not being a fate Red ever wanted to face he dug into the ground even more, standing his ground once more, ready to dodge or parry whatever was sent his way he attacked again. Lowering his shoulder he faked an attack at the man’s knees, but quickly changed course spinning his body, leaving his side protected still, and slashed out at the Viking warrior’s sides. “I admire thine bravery Ingvar, but I shall defeat ye!” He called with a grin upon his face, although of course it couldn’t be seen underneath the metal of his helmet. He still thought the gesture was required when talking in a joking manner or sporting fun at his opponents in battle.

Romulus Emanuel Mercury
Et Bellator's Experience
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