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White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Alpha April 1st 2013, 9:25 pm

Elena was already to the semi finals, the last opponents slightly harder to defeat than she had expected of him, but in the end she had done it. However, the hardest of the tournament had yet to be finished, there was far more to be done before she could claim her place as the champion. The transportation took no ill effect upon The Crimson Witch, who had offered the means of performing this teleportation, though masqueraded as science for the masses. No one ever seemed to believe when magic was involved, so she found it easier to simply say science.

It only took a moment, but she found herself in the middle of what could only be described as a blizzard, the downpour itself nearly obscuring everything. Each icy touch sent a chill throughout her body, and raised the few hairs that covered her body. ”Well then, this might prove to be interesting, though I could go without the cold. Its....unnerving, but I suppose I could put it to use.” There were a few trees, most of them leafless husks that stood as obelisks against the snow that fell relentlessly.

Rayne, as she was known drew the red jewel tipped staff from her back and held it at the ready, waiting for her opponent to make his grand appearance. Sweeping a strand of lightning blonde hair out of her face, the highlight startling against her brown hair. She would have to pay that bastard back for dropping her off in the middle of the arctic ass end of nowhere. She would wait for him, and then he would go down like the others did. This time Elena had made sure that she had everything with her, to assure that this would be a smooth victory. There was a small lake, frozen over by the wintery weather, which was something.

White out {Tournament Semi-finals} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Forceaus April 2nd 2013, 12:21 am

Forcewave had made it to the semifinals of the tournament. His first two opponents had fought with completely different styles from each other and he had prevailed on both occasions. His next opponent would probably have a different one entirely. Whatever it was he was going to have to adjust to and attempt to counter in order to give him a good chance of winning and advancing to the finals. His opponent had made it to the semifinals in a tournament like this so they must be quite formidable. He had been checked up on at the medical bay to make sure he was ready for the fight. After being cleared for the next round he was off to the battlefield. The teleportation device activated and soon afterwards he had arrived.

The very first thing he was made aware of upon arriving was the feeling of the cold. The next thing was seeing that it was snowing. This battlefield was a lot different than the previous two. The environment would definitely play a factor. They were located in a forest clearing. Nearby was a frozen lake. Forcewave had no idea whatsoever where they could be in terms of geography. His best guess was somewhere up north based on the weather. His opponent was a young brunette woman. She was holding a staff ready and was clearly prepared to fight.

Forcewave studied the area extensively. The basics were easily gathered. It was cold, snowing heavily, there were trees all around the area and a frozen lake. No telling what may be beyond those trees. Besides even more trees. Maybe a cave where a bear lies hibernating or something. Definitely should not enter a bear cave. That would not end well. He took a few steps around his immediate vicinity to try and get used to moving around in the snow seeing as he would probably need to be doing a lot of that. Hopefully there wasn't something nearby that would trip him up. That would be very costly. As he prepared himself the robotic referee could be seen in the distance approaching them to start the match.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Alpha April 2nd 2013, 5:17 pm

Rayne took in a breath, coming out in a semi transparent cloud lost within the white veil of snow. It was time that she begun the plan that was took take place, something that if done correctly would gain her the win. Holding one hand behind her back, Elena begun the creation of four small orbs of energy, each too small to really be noticed unless one looked close enough. Next they would be disguised via illusions and allowed to fall with the snow to become one with the fallen snow before simply laying there, unused for now.

Small landmines to be called upon when Elena needed them the most, ones that she was sure that her opponent would not have noticed in this brief span of time. “Lets see what you've got.” She muttered feeling the cold nipping away at her bones, though it would not do anything life threatening as long as she held the fire elementals heart close to her. If that were taken, she was sure that she could create a minimal of heat through light.

Allowing the small mines to migrate, she moved them to what would appear like a square formation, if the opponent were able to see them. With those in place she thrust the staff forward and launched a stream of fire that billowed outwards towards the young male in question, like a great conflagration. This attack was meant to gauge his ability, to see what this man was truly capable of when pushed, she was allowing the staff to release flames at full power.

Last edited by Elena Marie on April 3rd 2013, 7:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

White out {Tournament Semi-finals} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Forceaus April 2nd 2013, 11:32 pm

The referee robot signaled the start of the match. The semifinal bout in the snow was officially underway. The signal could barely be heard over the howling winds. Forcewave did not think of this place as the best of sites for this. Still, it could prove advantageous under the right circumstances. He kicked up the snow around his feet and sent it in her direction as merely a ridiculous ploy. It did not come anywhere near actually reaching her. Not that he had expected such a thing to work. It was mainly a distraction for the other thing he was attempting to do. That and it had freed up his feet in order to ensure he would be able to propel himself a bit if he needed to move. In all honestly he was hoping to end this quickly. Quite unusual of him since in his previous battles he had spent a lot of time just stalling while waiting for an opponent. The difference here obvious. He was freezing. It was a really, really poor choice of a battlefield.

Forcewave channeled forth some energy that passed through him and down to his feet and into the ground beneath him. He had the chain of power split into 8 parts and fire in different directions slowly along the ground. The eight shots went in a pretty standard formation. One was shot directly at his opponent and moving beneath the snow. In the meantime he would have to deal with the roaring flames coming his way that emerged from the staff she held. They were coming towards him and they were certainly hot. He could feel the heat from here and see the nearby snow slowly melting from the heat. This battle had some crazy temperature fluctuations. He sent that one energy beam at his opponent really quickly and sidestepped the flames to his right towards the frozen lake. He had a plan involving that lake. One that may come to fruition.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Alpha April 3rd 2013, 7:10 pm

The flames were dodged easily by the agile appearing young male, as he launched a stream of electric energy towards the crimson witch, something that she knew was likely to cause grievous harm upon herself if it were not blocked, but she had the ability to do so. The spherical barrier formed within an instant and took the brunt of the powerful attack, something that had managed to damage the shield but not enough to break it. He would be far more difficult than her last two opponents.

Snow had melted but soon enough it would be reduced to frozen water, back to the consistent temperature within the environment. With how he were moving, it seemed that he were making a run towards the frozen lake, most likely to make his lightning far more potent than it already was. Perhaps he wanted her to somehow fall into the lake and then she would be fried alive by his powers, but that would not be how this fight went down; Elena had other plans for this little man.

His approach towards the lake was actually falling within one of the corner of her perimeter,something that she could take advantage of in an instant, considering the little landmines waiting upon her to bid them activate. The three small spheres not in his immediate range moved along a certain way between him and the lake, while the closest did what it did best. In an instant it would release a blinding amount of light before rapidly expanding to consume anything within its radius, sure to damage this man enough to knock him out from the pain if he did not dodge, or block the attack.

White out {Tournament Semi-finals} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Forceaus April 3rd 2013, 10:49 pm

And so the real action was underway in this cold barren wasteland. Forcewave dodged the mighty stream of flames procured by that staff, only the snow that lay between them had been affected by the intense heat. What's left was ice. Just something for somebody to slip on. That might actually help. His own little hidden strike trick did not work as well as he would have hoped. His opponent managed to block it with some sort of barrier made out of what appeared to be light. Light powerful enough to block his attack. This woman had two means of attacks of a formidable nature. How intriguing. This was definitely starting to shape out to be a much tougher fight than the previous two. Perhaps even one of the toughest he had ever been apart of.

Since he had already revealed what he could do to some extent there was no point in hiding it anymore. The remaining seven beams were still just mulling about without much guidance. Forcewave changed that and sent three of them swirling towards her in preparation for something. As he did just that he was met with a sneak attack of her own. A large surge of light came out from the ground and right at him. Forcewave readied himself for it and quickly blasted the light apart and then twisted the remaining power around and directly towards her. The blast then split in two with one continuing on its path and the other suddenly shooting skyward. After doing that he kicked up some snow and shot some energy into it in order to fire a scattershot attack at her to follow up the one blast heading towards her.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Alpha April 5th 2013, 10:00 pm

With the first of many of her sneak attacks revealed, the male began his assault upon the crimson witch. They came in the form of three streaks of energy that were aimed for her, something that she was sure could not be easily deflected like the bolts that her previous opponent had sent towards her. This prompted a powerful, if somewhat thick barrier of light to be formed that would take the brunt of the attack, as well as anything else that the young male would send her way. She was forced to be on the defensive,something that was not truly rare but agitating nonetheless.

The mine had failed in its mission, but that did not mean that she was truly done with her overt tactics. With the mine stopped, the male launched an interesting attack, using the snow following a powerful blast that he had managed to produce, both striking her shield and subsequently shattering it. ”Damn him, he's too powerful to play around with.” She cursed, one hand on the staff and the other overtly dropping more of the light mines into the snow below.

With that done she formed a small orb of light in her hand, and launched it at the male. It was not the main focus of her attack though. If hit it would act similar to a flash grenade, though either way the orb would have exploded in a bright flash. Once that was done,and with a bit of guess work on her part; she would allow the three mines that were created at the start of the fight to converge upon him and in an instant explode with all of the power within him. The healer had enough power to repair what they would do.

White out {Tournament Semi-finals} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Forceaus April 5th 2013, 10:52 pm

Forcewave launched a powerful and quite unusual combination of attacks at his foe. It was so unusual even he found it that way. It had been kind of a spur of the moment move that he had figured might yield some success and as it turned out did just that. The two attacks that had actually been directed at her managed to break through her light barrier. Now he knew how powerful her light controlling power was. That was one vital bit of information now registered. Her power was extremely high. Forcewave could not tell if there was even a tiny bit of difference between the two of there overall energy output levels. This was quite possibly the toughest individual he had ever encountered. "This is going to be rough."

Though he had managed to break through her barrier no real damage had been done. It was only a minor success that his coordinated strike presented him to work with. Within seconds she was back on the attack again. Through the heavy falling snow he could see several lights flickering and fall to the ground beneath her. "Probably more of that last thing she did. As if one wasn't annoying enough." At the very least he still had those seven remaining bolts travelling around. Three of them were located in the general vicinity of his opponent's current location. As he did that there was a small impact explosion between them just off to side of the path of ice. A couple of their attacks had collided while mulling through the snow. There was no time to focus on this though. He formed a powerful barrier around him as another attack was launched at him. That attack quickly became four as more of those light spheres suddenly came at him. They formed together a massive explosion that his barrier was only able to withstand enough to prevent him from getting hurt. He did get knocked down to one knee however but used this to his advantage to quickly send some more energy into the ground itself. That burst of energy combined with two of the other streams from earlier and were heading directly towards her. They came out of the ground right in front of her, shattering the frozen water that lay there in the process and went right for her.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Alpha April 10th 2013, 5:35 pm

Her attack had met with the usual resistance, but it was only a minor set back. It seemed that she and her opponent were using similar tactics, so she would have to change it up, but to what was the big question. Elena could tell that this man was far superior to her when it came down to fighting but she could come up with something, what that something was had yet to be decided though. With little time between her assault, the male began his next attack upon her, though she was sure that there were more of his under the snow attacks, things that she would have to prepare herself to deal with if she wanted any chance in victory.

With the mines she had already dropped moving outwards, not towards the male, she prepared for the attack that she could feel in her gut coming. Creating a barrier more powerful than the last, she drew upon any light energy within the area and used it to block the attack aimed at her. However this was not enough to completely block the assault upon her, as the blasts had managed to shatter through her barrier, but giving her enough time to react. With what could only be described as luck, Elena managed to move to the side as what remained of the attack zoomed past her with still enough energy to do a large amount of damage.

”I may have miscalculated the power of that attack.” She muttered allowing the mines that she had scattered only moments ago, five in all to form a perimeter around her foe. With that done, she drew upon more energy and created a large sphere between both palms. It grew to the size of a basketball before ceasing the growth. With a quick motion she hurled the ball into the air and it seemed to sail high into the air, where it was hard to discern among the snow fall. With that done she would force the orb to break apart into many tiny spheres and with that done, allow them to fall with the snow, all within the general area of her opponent. While the mines would make sure to follow him if he managed to avoid it.

White out {Tournament Semi-finals} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Forceaus April 11th 2013, 9:40 pm

Both of the combatants of this semifinals tournament matchup seemed to be using rather similar strategies to combat the other. The blizzard was proving a neutral force. Both of them were using it as part of their various attacks and as a result it was helping them both equally. At this rate this fight could go on for a very long time. Neither one of them was making any progress due to these conditions and their attack patterns being so similar that it was easy for both of them to prepare for what was to come. Forcewave knew something different would have to be done. This was just not going to work out. Figuring out what though would be difficult. He would first have to find time to think. That would be extraneous considering the constant back and forth onslaught that was occurring. It would involve him getting to a place where his opponent would not be able to hide her light based energy underneath the snow. Where though? "We got dropped off in the blizzard. There's probably snow all around for miles." Travelling for miles was just not a good option. That would just exhaust him.

Forcewave got back to his feet and steadied himself. His opponent had quickly recovered from his last attack. Just like with the previous occasions. This battle was certainly seeming monotonous. She brought forth another attack but this one was different but the same simultaneously. Once again all the snow was used to hide the attack but this time it was the airborne snow. Tiny balls of light blending in with all the snow. This was a very good idea. Forcewave had to admit to its ingenuity. He brought down the energy bolt that he had sent down earlier and merged it with an energy current he had going to form another barrier and scatter some of the snow all around him. He now had a greater area of footing to work with. He then pulled out his clawshot and fired it at his opponent. A surge of the psionic electricity was chained to it as it coursed straight for her.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Alpha April 12th 2013, 6:23 pm

The attack she had launched was not likely to succeed with this mans prowess but it allowed her a moment to act. With the multiple powerful shards of light falling upon him and his subsequent defense against them, perhaps it was time that she began hiding. Snow was scattered and with that she created another orb of light but this one had a different purpose than simple attack, and she hoped that it would do as she wanted it to. Throwing it towards the male, she covered her eyes until the flash went off and then dropped back. In the act of doing so she would make sure that there was both an illusion created of her still standing there as well as the snow around her remaining unmoved. In essence she had created a sort of pseudo camouflage, while the false Elena would stand in her place. With his attention likely on the false Elena and, she would with much care move from her spot until she herself a better point of attack, most likely one of the many trees that dotted the fringe of their arena.

White out {Tournament Semi-finals} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Forceaus April 12th 2013, 10:40 pm

A successful defense against the latest onslaught. Forcewave was still holding steady in this back and forth contest. Still, something new would have to be done. This was just too strenuous of a situation to leave as such. He had finally brought forth a new means of attack into this. He pulled out his clawshot and chained some energy to it as he fired it at her. This course of action did not go very far before he found himself in a bit of a tough spot. She had unleashed a blinding flash produced by her mastery over light and it left him unable to keep track of her movements. He swung the clawshot in 360 degrees to create a 25 foot radius in order to attempt to further protect himself from any attack that came during this. When it was gone he could still see her standing right where she had been surprisingly enough. Forcewave pulled back his clawshot and launched it at her again. It coursed straight at her and then right through her. It was not actually his opponent that had been standing there. Just a doppelganger made most likely from her own light power. An interesting tactic.

Forcewave was expecting a surprise attack but saw nothing around him. He pulled back the clawshot once again and unleashed a blast that cleared away the snow around him and gave him more room to maneuver. He could not see her anywhere in the clearing so it was most likely she had gone to take cover in the forest. Well at least something different was happening now. No more of the back and forth usage of similar tricks. It was hard to see anything with this blizzard about and he was starting to feel a bit colder than before. This slowdown to the action was now causing him to feel it more than before. He just wished he could get his body warm again. That thought gave him an idea. He activated the thermal sensors and scanned the area for any sign of a temperature fluctuation that would possibly inform him of her location. He looked all about until he saw a humanoid figure immersed in the forest. That was sure to be her so long as they had not been transported to a place where others were locating themselves. Forcewave dashed into the trees in a spot about thirty feet from where he thought her to be and prepared to sneak up on her in order to attempt to win this.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Alpha April 13th 2013, 7:53 pm

The man had seemingly already located her but it weren't as if she hadn't already thought of something like that. He may have no known this, but she most likely had him right where she wanted him. It would elave them both in a precarious situation but she would come out on top. Standing at the center of the small forest, she found herself in what appeared to be a ring of trees, a small arena within itself. She would wait until he would come her, then again that would not be fun. So she simply went with the next best option, which was projecting a stream of fire from her staff as it caught a flame on the many trees and began to spread by command. This was a simple ploy to lure the hero out of his hiding, and then she could get on with this little battle. It was too damn cold for her and if she stayed any longer, it may prove fatal for her. In a few moments the fire spread quickly, the forest for the most part ablaze and the red head in the center.

White out {Tournament Semi-finals} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Forceaus April 13th 2013, 10:13 pm

A mad dash towards the trees and into the forest itself he entered. Forcewave had believed he had seen his opponent hiding in the forest and gone in after her but not at the exact same place. It would have been too easy for her to attack him from her hiding place if he had. Plus there was the fact that he needed to make sure it was actually her. Hopefully it was. The figure he had seen through the thermal goggles was certainly humanoid in its shape so unless there were other people roaming about the area then he was good to go. Now he silently moved from tree to tree closer to the place where he had originally seen her. He steadily drew ever so closer, keeping watch through the thermal goggles for her heat signature. He could see it through the trees standing there as if she were waiting for him. Suddenly the amount of heat in her area increased massively and soon his vision was nearly engulfed in it. Forcewave had to pull up the goggles to see what had just happened. He felt it as he saw it. A raging flame was overtaking the forest. It seems she had found out that he had come in after her and was trying to flush him out of his own hiding spot. That or just burn the whole forest down and him along with it.

He felt the irony of the situation seeing how he felt he was starting to complain about how cold he was and now things were heating up for him in an unpleasant way. These roaring flames drew closer as they licked one tree after another with intense heat. With it clouds of smoke coursed through the air. The air was like salt and pepper mixed together with both snow and smoke flying about. Forcewave looked from side to side to see the extent of the forest fire. The clearing from before was closer but he would be out in the open once again with her in hiding and able to attack while he was trying to get away from the flames. Instead he opted for the riskier but ultimately better option. He took off to his right, away from the starting area and tried to dash around the fire. He dashed ever so fast until he reached what he thought was the edge of it only to see that she had started this thing in all directions. An interesting ploy. In order to even get to her he would have to travel through these flames. Forcewave stepped back and charged his energy. He had an idea. He would blast straight through these flames. This would clear away the fire and present him a path right to where she was located. He was sure she was still there since he doubted she could safely travel through the fire either. A massive amount of energy coursed through him. Possibly more than he had ever used before. After a moment's wait he unleashed this power and a large wave of psionically charged lightning blasted its way through the flames while generally leaving the forest relatively okay even though most of the trees were still damaged and continued on its way right towards Elena.

Mega Poster!
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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

Post by Alpha April 14th 2013, 11:48 am

The man had made his move, shooting a bolt of energy through her veil of fire, and colliding with her. She could have blocked such an attack, but it would have been insufficient to block it at this range, so she simply took it. It struck her and seemed to fly right through the flesh of her stomach, no resistance meeting it as it flew onward. She looked down shocked at the damage once bolt had done, but it didn't mean the end for her, the run was undamaged, that was all that mattered. Blood splashed across the white snow as she fell back, but the healing had already begun. A bright light emanated from her wound and began to force the flesh together, and in a matter of a moment she could feel herself whole again if not somewhat weak. Moving to her feet, she felt over where the hole once, was. It seemed that the outcome of this battle was already decided, she didn't need to waste either of their time. ”Alright, alright, you win. I secede to you.” With that she stood to her feet, brushing off the snow. Removing what looked like a small crystal orb, she muttered a almost silent phrase and in a flash of light was gone.

White out {Tournament Semi-finals} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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White out {Tournament Semi-finals} Empty Re: White out {Tournament Semi-finals}

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