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FOX Plaza

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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by DGib123 March 31st 2013, 6:17 pm

There was so happening around Cassidy that even he could barely process it quick enough. He jumped from a small height off the building, and as he landed on the thin grass below him, he bent his knees and did a small role before standing back upright. He dashed towards The Womb, while dodging the falling pieces of structure from the collapsing building.

Yes! The building has been destroyed... At least we were able to get that done... Now I just gotta get Womb and get out of here...

The Womb was only a couple meters away from him, but to Cassidy it seemed like miles. As Cassidy inched closer towards him, the energy from the cage that had surrounded The Womb heated against him.

Whatever this thing is, it doesn't look anything safe to touch... How can I get Womb out?

Cassidy's ears rang as the Fox building collapsed behind him, and it would eventually become nothing more than a huge ditch full of broken and charred rubble. The only thing guiding him forward now was his senses, keeping himself safe from any fallen dust and hidden from anyone's view. He noticed The Womb had spotted him, and could tell there was something wrong.

Where is Gargonoth and Delvar? And where the hell is that hooker chick?


Leave? ... I never though it would be possible but if Womb thinks I'm going anywhere, he's more crazy than I thought...

"Delvar! Gargonoth! I need your help!" Cassidy shouted.

His voice cracked as he stained every syllable, trying to be heard over the wreckage. However, he doubted he could be heard over the wreckage that was happening around him. As he was inches away from The Womb, he stopped dead in his tracks as if his legs had taken control again. It took him only a few seconds to realize what it was that made him freeze. He looked behind him, back at the fallen structure that was wasting away, and noticed at the floor he had just left, somebody was there.

Well good job Cassidy, your little action rescue mission had utterly failed... This isn't good at all...


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Registration date : 2012-12-03

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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by Elena Vexus April 1st 2013, 12:13 am

Vexus stated as she released an impossible amount of her black fire from her body. It rushed upwards and out across the ground and through the air in all directions. It passed up the members of the gang that had started their retreat but caused them no damage, for once the flames reached a certain point on the ground they began to expand upwards. Simultaneously the flames in the air reached the same point and connected with what had been rising from the ground. Elena had constructed an enormous dome composed entirely of her Black Fire encompassing several blocks . As the top sealed itself off, all the natural lighting went away with it. Her night vision activated instantly and she began work on her next project. The falling building.
The fire that she had started earlier inside the building she manipulated to hold together that level of the building. Following she blasted forward more fire that began to twist and manipulate in order to support the building. Vexus moved her arms up as her flames climbed the building pushing everything back up in place. Now that it was stable her nanomites went to work filling in the gaps where the foundation was weakest to prevent any further damage to the structure. When using the fire in a constructive way she simply commanded the nanomites to not devour what they land on and instead take a more dense form for more support in situations such as this. Even though Vexus did enjoy occasionally showing off, this would be one of those times that he deeds would go unnoticed considering that the dome blocked out nearly all the light in the area making it almost pitch black.
It seemed like these kids' main goal was to destroy this building judging by the loud speech just given by who she could guess was their leader. However now they were trapped, they may try to escape how ever it would be impossible to get far without being eaten through by the flames that now surrounded them. Their forces were clearly outmatched and dwindling fast. She thought that she might as well reveal what had happened in the moments of absolute darkness so half of the dome swirled together, separated into four and shot down onto the ground at different corners of the semidome. The wall was still a few hundred feet high, but now plenty of light shone through to see that the building was still standing, all of the cracks and chunks missing filled with the dark flames of Elena Vexus. The four large piles of fire that had separated only moments ago began to undulate and grow upwards slowly to eventually create some constructs to aid her in containing these delinquents. Her Nanomite Defense deactivated and the small areas of skin that had been lost earlier were covered up with her artificial skin.
"I have exerted myself enough for you children. I present you with a final option. Bend to my will and be taken into custody alive, or be reduced to ashes where you stand and die nameless martyrs only to become another statistic..."

Last edited by Elena Vexus on April 1st 2013, 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by The Bolt April 1st 2013, 9:01 pm

The building came down upon the albino in what seemed like an instant, or at least it had begun to when the black fire took on a new behavior unlike a few moments ago. Now instead of destruction it seemed more focused upon keeping the building from falling, as if its master had given new marching orders. Shayla felt a devious grin curl across her lips as she looked back over the edge of the building to see what looked like the kid that she was looking for, as well as a dome of black flame that had begun to form over the unfortunate enemies of Dominus. They just did not know how outclassed that they were.

All natural light had been blocked out by the fire, and that left anyone without the proper equipment in the dark so to speak, even the albino. This was not the best situation to be in, but Dominus was known for its resourcefulness if nothing else, so she was sure that they would not leave her in the dark...if the saying were apt enough in this situation. ”hrm well this is...unexpected.” Shayla muttered her unseeing eyes darting about as she tried to think of a way to combat her sudden blindness within the new environment.

There came the sound of static in her ear piece and then the sound of a male voice following that. “This is Dominus control, performing visual augmentation in”

”Wait...what? How the hell are you? No one is fucking with my eyes!” Well there seemed to be no answer, only a searing pain that lanced through her ocular tissue, the albino letting out a loud cry as her eyes began their adjusting to the new darkness. Once the pain had passed and she was left with the product, a serviceable sight within the dark, Agent Reaper could continue her mission as it was. Jumping from her position, the agent landed on the ground in a crouching position before moving into a proper stand.

The enemies had attempted an escape, but luckily her comrade had created a wall of black fire that would contain them within it, which was goo enough for her. ”Well, well well, looks like this is when the fun really begins.” She cooed allowing the voice to echo through the boundless dark that now surrounded the unfortunate renegades against society, they would know the wrath of Dominus in its full.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by Orojed13 April 1st 2013, 10:43 pm

As the dust settled, the mound of rocks moved. Some fell, until others flew off. Finally, Garganoth's hand burst through, quickly followed by his head and upper body. It had wondered why it had been so easy to move the mountain of rubble above it. The answer was that it was no mountain but just a mound created from the first floor ceiling. Garganoth looked about, seeing the black flames holding the building together. Garganoth walked outside and saw the entrapment. This wasn't good. That was Garganoth's trump card and still they had lost. With that Garganoth heard the final option. Garganoth turned to the woman that appeared truly in charge of the situation and said, "I will willingly come quiet. The only request I have is that the child be released. The youngling is just that, young, and was persuaded by our bold words. Please spare him that he might go about his daily business as he did before he was caught in this mess."

Red 53
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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by Switched April 1st 2013, 10:51 pm

Delvar had almost made it away when a large amount of the black flames passed by him, stopping just feet from in front of him. He turned and saw the only victory that had been made was been destoryed by the woman. Her flames were repairing most of the critical damage done. Delvar headed back just as the woman finished her offer. Garganoth replied with surrender on the condition of Cassidy being released. Delvar lifted his wrist, saying into the communicator, "Miracle Boy, if you can hear me, please find Red 53 and tell him the legion is captured by Dominus!"

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Registration date : 2013-01-06

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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by The Womb April 2nd 2013, 7:57 am

Womb also heard the communication from Delvar. It seemed he hadn't escaped. Something The Womb had been banking on. After the brief eclipse, light had shone through the black dome to reveal that the fox plaza was still standing. The Womb did not mind, there was sufficient damage, and when the agent left the flames would surely fade and the building would crumble as planned. This was just a demoralization tactic, and one that seemed to be working on his teammates.

Womb sat in his flame like cage, his stomach now healed over, his insides still repairing themselves though they too were nearly healed. He sat, looking at Cassidy, the boy now not too far away from The Womb as he had ran over, trying in vain to free The Womb.

The Womb sighed, he had not expected such force to come from these Dominus agents. He despaired inwardly at himself, for leading his comrades, in confidence no less, to their dooms. His only hope now being the combined efforts of miracle boy and Red53 to rescue them. Perhaps they could but after witnessing the feat of power that had thwarted them here, The Womb was doubtful. Perhaps now was the time for diplomacy. Perhaps, The Womb's linguistic skills could at the very least postpone their incarceration, and perhaps plant the seed of worry and doubt in their enemies minds. So he stood, wincing as he felt his innards scape against one another, their forms still not full yet. Once on his feet he pointed towards the most powerful and spoke, calmly, yet with authority, a frequent habit of The Womb's despite his situation.

"You there, you have bested us this day. However, I must ask you, for it is a question burning within my bosom and I can not bear to leave it unasked. Why is it you do this work? From my research Dominus wishes to do away with the likes of not only me, but you as well. In time when your use has been fulfilled, and there are no more of us to capture, you will be destroyed. A weapon like you, and your comrade, will not be left to wonder this world freely. They will not allow you to turn on them, they will destroy you. You must know this, and yet, you still work for them. Why?"

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

The Womb's Bio
The Womb's Experience
The Womb
The Womb
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 33
Job : Rapper/writer/cafe assistant
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Registration date : 2012-11-12

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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by DGib123 April 2nd 2013, 3:08 pm

Cassidy watched helplessly at a large black structure surrounded the entire area like a caged dome enslaving them all into. It didn't take long for Cassidy to know the woman was the one behind its creation, and he sighed defeated realizing that victory would be lost. He turned before the black struction was fully formed, and saw that the building had not only stopped crumbling, but was actually being rebuild. Eventually darkness had completely engulfed him, and Cassidy could barely see but only a couple inches in front of him despite his improved eyesight. However without his sight, his other senses would take control and he had no choice but to rely on them, now more than ever.

This day just keeps getting better and better.... Now I have to find the others in pitch darkness... Still, I have to find a way to get Womb out that cage... Problem is, I gotta find him first...

As Cassidy walked, hands outstretched, in the same direction he had headed. He heard the woman again with her threats "I have exerted myself enough for you children. I present you with a final option. Bend to my will and be taken into custody alive, or be reduced to ashes where you stand and die nameless martyrs only to become another statistic..."

"Gawd, I wish she'd shut up..." Cassidy muttered to himself, nerved and annoyed."Where the hell is Garganoth and Delvar.. I hope they didn't get captured too"

As he continued walking, he began to hear a loud shriek behind him off into a distance. It was an unrecognizable voice, somebody that Cassidy hadn't met. He stopped in his tracks, blinking uncontrollably, trying to make sense of everything that was happening around him. His hearing had drastically improved, allowing him to notice even the smallest sounds that were around him. He heard The Womb, he was obviously in pain by the grunts he was making, but still he was trying to reason with the woman. He sounded hopeless, but Cassidy refused to give in to that defeat and it frustrated him how easy their plans had crumbled.

If I'm dying tonight, I won't die nobody's victim...

Either Die The Hero or Live Long Enough To Be The Villan.. However, I Won't Be A Victim

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 55
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by BrightChaos April 2nd 2013, 11:10 pm

A boy woke up after a peaceful sleep on the roof of the shack that seemed to be The Legions' club house in this place they called California. Though he had also heard it called America and Los Angeles. How could one place have so many names? He was suspicious that they just made them up as they went along.

His memories came flooding back to him. Had his friends been planning to attack a Fox building? Was it just a dream? It must have been. Peter stretched and let out a yawn. He climbed down the side of the building and went inside figuring he should look for something to eat. But no sooner then he had walked through the door he heard a beep from the device in his pocket. He pulled out the skull-like communicator hearing Delvar's call for help. Who was Red 53? One of the newer members? He felt torn. He felt what they were doing was wrong, but he couldn't just leave them to die either. A green light covered the boy and when it faded Miracle Boy stood in his place.

He ran down the hallway. As far as he knew Womb had moved all the Legion members here to get read for the attack. If Red 53 was here he'd find him.
“Hey Red!” He called loudly. Wait, if this guy had been made a member of the Legion maybe he had a communicator too. He hastily pushed the send button on the device.
"Can you hear me!? Red!" He called as he ran back to the window. He hated not knowing what to do. He took flight out the Window rising to get a good view of the city beneath him. Where was this guy?

Miracle Boy
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Number of posts : 146
Registration date : 2012-08-11

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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by Orojed13 April 3rd 2013, 2:28 pm

Katsumi was busy thinking. Much had happened the past few weeks and he had a lot on his mind. He used to only live for the next job, the next hit, the next paycheck. Just recently, he had helped The Womb simply because he felt it was right. He could have captured that woman and turned her in for a hefty payout, but had made nice instead. Nothing was making sense anymore, and Katsumi didn't like it.

Katsumi was walking about the city of Los Angeles that evening, wearing street closthes over his suit, his mask in his pocket. He fiddled with the wrist communicator he kept in his pocket. The Womb had given it to him in case he every needed to reach the Legion. As he walked the communicator started talking in a child's voice.

"Who is this?" Katsumi replied to the child on the communicator, "What's going on?"

Red 53
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Number of posts : 157
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Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
Registration date : 2012-11-28

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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by BrightChaos April 3rd 2013, 3:23 pm

Peter smiled hearing someone reply.
"I'm Miracle Boy." He said more proudly then intended.
"I'm friends with Womb." He clarified after realizing this guy didn't know him.
"He found some creative way to get himself into trouble. Where are you?" He asked hastily. He knew where the Fox building. He could even see smoke rising from it's direction.
He hoped this guy wasn't too far from it.

Miracle Boy
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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by BrightChaos April 5th 2013, 2:57 am

(OOC: Quick Q, what's the posting order now?)

Miracle Boy
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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by The Womb April 5th 2013, 11:52 am

((Lets go with starting from this post, Elena, Reaper, oro, switched, Me, Dgib, Bright.

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

The Womb's Bio
The Womb's Experience
The Womb
The Womb
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

Post by Chellizard April 5th 2013, 10:01 pm

Due to all the issues from everyone involved in this topic:

No one is allowed EXP.

No major landmarks were destroyed.

The Womb was not captured.

Elena Vexus shouldn't God Mod (No matter how strong you are)

You shouldn't double post; or post once, wait for ONE person to post, and then post again. (That's breaking a posting order that was originally established)

No inviting characters without consent from all within the thread. (I don't care if it's someone's character - Orojed. )

Aaand, that's about it.

I apologize for any inconveniences from this thread; but it's just role play, so erry one chillax.

And if you'd like, I suggest restarting this thread and calmly executing it.. with some better plot-points.

-My DeviantArt-
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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FOX Plaza - Page 3 Empty Re: FOX Plaza

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