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Post by The Womb March 3rd 2013, 9:06 am

Womb had taken a seat while the others jumped to Miracle Boy's aid. They gave him words of great encouragement, words that The Womb felt would be lost on Miracle Boy if they had come from him. Right now, The Womb was the propagator, the reason behind Miracle Boy's confusion and anxiety and if he spoke now he would only confuse him more. It would be his teammates that swing him round to the cause, or, we would be seeing the last of Miracle Boy with the Legion. Womb dared not think of it, one of the founding members of his Legion passing from its embrace. The Womb obviously would not try to stop his comrade from leaving, in truth, Miracle boy would always be a comrade to The Womb regardless of his absence.

Watching the scene, Womb mused to himself;
It is a very sad occasion indeed, to be facing the prospect of fighting without a hero by my side. One of the last true heroes. Unshakable, resolute. I daresay I will miss him.

The Womb
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Registration date : 2012-11-12

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Post by DGib123 March 3rd 2013, 5:23 pm

Cassidy watched sadly what was happening around him. Miracle Boy seemed ready to abandon the group because of reasons Cassidy couldn't understand, while the others except for The Womb tried to stop him. To Cassidy, he felt that The Womb did not want to cause any more tension between the group and relied on its members to settle it. As everyone else was busy with Miracle Boy, Cassidy felt agitated as he saw this as a distraction and confused as to why Miracle Boy didn't seem to understand the options that laid in front of them.

This is getting way out of hand. We can't keep fighting against each other like this, and expect to get anything done. If Miracle Boy still doesn't get why we have to go after that building, then I don't know how else we can straighten this out to him.

Cassidy sighed, sitting on top of the table allowing his legs to dangle under him until everyone else returned. As much as he wanted Miracle Boy to stay, (as Legion needed as much help they can get), he didn't feel it was necessary to stop him.

"Miracle Boy isn't really helping anyone out acting like this," Cassidy said finally, mostly to Womb who was of earshot. "If he leaves the group and goes alone to attack the threat head-on, then he's gonna get himself hurt or worst. And even if he stays, we need everyone to be one-hundred percent focused on the task, because if we're not none of this will even matter." Cassidy looked back at the entrance way where Miracle Boy was headed then he raised his voice hoping Miracle Boy could hear him. "If getting yourself killed by doing something stupid is the only way for you to get why this is the best plan, Miracle Boy. Then by all means, you have my blessing and God knows you'll need it."

Either Die The Hero or Live Long Enough To Be The Villan.. However, I Won't Be A Victim

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Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Post by BrightChaos March 4th 2013, 3:51 pm

The boy stopped to looked down as he heard the new guy, Delvar, pleaded with him to stay. He almost hoped they would reject him. It would make leaving easier. He had never had so many friends or a place to call home since he came to this world. He sniffed lightly. But attacking the 'village' just wasn't him.

Garganoth's story was touching. It reminded him of where he was from as well. He closed his eyes for a second remembering what little he could of it. Did they really believe this would lead to that? He just couldn't see it.

Cassidy seemed the only one actually angry at him. Or maybe he just was worried he would attack by himself?

“Once you are done with the fox building and are ready to go after Dominus directly, use the communicator to call me. I'll wait a few sunrises for that.” Miracle Boy said before stepping through the door and hastily taking flight before another word could be said fearing they may be able to talk him into this if he stays another minute.

Miracle Boy
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Post by Switched March 6th 2013, 9:14 am

Kid probably couldn't keep up anyway. The team is better without someone that will hold back on something like this. Probably would have been nice though to have someone that can fly when you're planning on attacking a village. Delvar was irritated that the kid was going. It made the team shrink down to just four, almost as though five was just not an allowable twist of fate. They would work past it though. The Legion of Womb would march on the world, and the Dark-Siders would reap all the benefits. When the world was burning, left dazed and confused, that would be when the portal would open again, allowing all of his army to march on what was left of the world.

Delvar turned to Womb and knelt on one knee, "I'm sorry my liege. We were unable to stop him from going. Does this change our plans to march on this building of conniving canines, or will we still march as planned?"

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Registration date : 2013-01-06

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Post by Orojed13 March 6th 2013, 9:21 am

Garganoth watched as it's first friend on this planet flew away. It was sad to see Miracle Boy go. He was a stalwart companion and a loyal friend. If Garganoth hadn't already committed itself to this course of action, it would call for it to be done with and go after the flying child. As things were though, there was nothing more that could be done. They would press on without Miracle Boy if that was what must happen. Garganoth trudged back to his usual corner that he stood in and was silent as Delvar apologized for their combined failure. "I think we should press on. The sooner we do this, the better. We have planned and planned, but now it is time to take action. When do we move Womb? When does the legion march upon this foe of the world?" Garganoth stated his opinion on the matter now at hand.

Red 53
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Post by The Womb March 6th 2013, 11:17 am

"We march at sunrise. There have already been too many delays. It is a sad day indeed, however, Miracle Boy has not left us, he simply wishes not to take part in this particular plan. I said it many a time when you all joined, that I nor anybody else would stop you if you wished not to take part with any one of our plans. This still holds true, and we must respect Miracle Boy's decision to back away at this point. For now we shall act as a four piece and gain the information we need. Once gathered, we shall rendezvous with Miracle Boy and form a plan that may be more to his liking, in an effort to win him back. So for now, rest. We move out on the morrow."


((FOX Building thread to be posted later this afternoon, I for one am EXITE))

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

The Womb's Bio
The Womb's Experience
The Womb
The Womb
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Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

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