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Post by DGib123 January 25th 2013, 5:31 pm

Cassidy sat there on his knees, trying to make sense of what was going on. He had just arrived and was already in the middle of a fight. Garganoth and Miracle Boy were fighting some unknown person, Womb had some random civilian pinned to the ground, and around him were injured bodies - two dead. He called for them to stop, but none of them seemed to have heard him. Many emotions filled up inside him, mostly anger and sadness. Although he did not know these injured men, he felt as if he could have prevented it.

This group hasn't even started it yet, and already we have blood on our hands. No amount of good will ever be enough to plain murder anybody. I can't be apart of this!

Cassidy stood, watching as the fighting continued around him. His head was throbbing, and he blinked rapidly trying to take in everything that his senses were picking up. It was as if everything had moved in slow motion around him, as he glared at the stranger. However before he was able to move, he heard Womb beside him.

"STOP, STOP. He is a friend! I recruited him from the metropolis in the east." The Womb had shouted, trying to regain order.

A friend? How is he a friend? He's a murderer, not some hero. How could Womb even consider a friend?

"We do not take life unless it is absolutely necessary! Theses young ones were no threat to us, they should not have been felled in such a dishonorable manner! Who did this!" The Womb asked shocked, noticing the bodies around him.

Cassidy closed his eyes, allowing his anger to subside before replying.

"Your friend did this, Womb" he answered in a cold, mocking voice. "Your friend did this."


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Post by BrightChaos February 2nd 2013, 4:08 am

Miracle Boy landed but didn't drop his guard continuing to hold his dagger. He didn't trust this new guy and from what he heard from Womb and the others neither did they. Something wasn't right about this guy. And this guys only justification was that to fight was to lay your life on the line?

"Well maybe I feel like laying my life on the line!" The boy threatened. He knew this guy couldn't be trusted. Such callousness would cause suffering. Womb had made a poor judgement of character this time. But he ultimately backed down placing his dagger back into his shield to walk over to the fallen man to check them to see if it wasn't to late.

Miracle Boy
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Post by Switched February 2nd 2013, 9:22 am

Delvar hated everyone of these Light-Siders. They claimed war on evil, they claimed they would do what was neccessary for the greater good. Ha! They couldn't even be heroes properly. Delvar stopped that line of thinking. He couldn't do this on his own. he needed assistance, whether they knew it or not.

Delvar whipped his sword around to fling the blood off, sheathed the sword, and turned to Womb, a cowed expression on his face. "I am the one who took this man's life," he confessed, "I saw they were trying to beat you, and in the culture I am from, when you fight, you have a cause that is worth your very life. I am still trying to understand this culture, this world, but everything is so different from the hell I have lived in for the past eternity."

Turning to the others, Delvar bowed his head in a respectful manner. "I am a being from another realm. I was given immortality that I might enjoy my punishment for a lost war for all of eternity even though I was simply a farmer for the wrong side. I beg your forgiveness for this apparent slight," he asked, well acted sincerity in his tone. These children know nothing of war. They know nothing of my struggles. I will destroy them all when their time of use is over. Delvar contained his true emotions deep in the back of his mind and watched as one of the members checked the bodies, only one of which should be beyond repair.

Lastly, Delvar turned to the giant rock he had been fighting. He bowed his head once more, "You were a great champion in your defending your master. I was glad to see your strength and I am sorry for the injury I have caused you. If at any point you need me, I can offer a favor in return for your forgiveness."

Last edited by Switched on February 2nd 2013, 10:59 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Orojed13 February 2nd 2013, 10:58 am

Garganoth looked down upon the pale fighter in front of it. It didn't like this being. Garganoth couldn't trust it's feelings of dislike right now though, as it had just fought a losing fight against this warrior. Garganoth looked at the unconscious bodies and the dead robber. Finally, it spoke, "I too am a stranger to this world. This is a very confused planet, but they prefer their peace. The peoples of this planet have simply been brainwashed by their greed, by their lust, and by their hate. These are all things we seek to eradicate. I will forgive you this slight against my new people this one time. If ever I see a dead body lying before your blade again, you will lie beneath my foot. I will trust Womb, I will trust my team members. That means that if Womb seeks to have you in this team, than I will trust you as long as you show you deserve that trust." Garganoth than turned to followed Miracle Boy to see how it could help.
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Post by The Womb February 3rd 2013, 10:01 pm

Womb was surprised by the reactions of his comrades. There was an obvious animosity in the air. Cassidy's condescending tone of voice cut through Womb like a steel blade. Your friend.

"ENOUGH!" Fury filled him now, this slight on The Womb's judgement could rock the very foundation which he had so carefully constructed his leadership. "Thank you Garganoth, friend. Your support is well noted." He turned to Delvar stepping within close proximity to the man and peered into his eyes, a harsh, even vaguely threatening tone in his voice. "I explained to you the dealings of this world when we made our return from the Babylon in the east. Do not callously pass off your actions as though you had no prior knowledge of the consequences. We will never change this world if the people believe us to be murderers of their kind. That, is what is important. That, is what should be remembered. If you can not adhere to this, you will be banished from The Legion and become lost in this world." He stepped away again and turned to his comrades. "Quickly, we must leave this place, for the guards will soon descend on the scene. Come with me, we shall head back to the shack via a unique path. Come." Womb turned on his heel and began walking briskly, not waiting to see if his Legion followed.

Regardless of my own thoughts on this matter I must not be lenient. I feel the felling of these humans was justified, when they attacked me for my valuables. But my words still ring true, the greater good is what is truly important here. And it will not be accomplished with such behavior becoming a staple of our reputation. It ill ruin any credibility we may acquire.

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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Post by DGib123 February 5th 2013, 12:02 am

Everyone had stopped fighting hearing The Womb's voice, and Cassidy stood besides The Womb trying to make sense of what had happened. Five bodies were on the ground, and one appeared to be dead from Delvar's sword.

"I saw they were trying to beat you, and in the culture I am from, when you fight, you have a cause that is worth your very life. I am still trying to understand this culture, this world, but everything is so different from the hell I have lived in for the past eternity." Delvar had said, after placing his sword away. He then bowed to his head to each of them continuing "I am a being from another realm. I was given immortality that I might enjoy my punishment for a lost war for all of eternity even though I was simply a farmer for the wrong side. I beg your forgiveness for this apparent slight"

Cassidy peered into his eyes, sensing the coldness that were in them. He didn't trust the man, especially after he was so quick to murder a random person. The Womb had made an error in choosing Delvar to be apart of The Legion, as he didn't seem to be completely down for the cause. Cassidy didn't know what Delvar's true intentions were to join The Legion, but something about him made him seem far more dangerous than any of them had expected.

The Womb approached him, with an edginess in his voice "I explained to you the dealings of this world when we made our return from the Babylon in the east. Do not callously pass off your actions as though you had no prior knowledge of the consequences. We will never change this world if the people believe us to be murderers of their kind. That, is what is important. That, is what should be remembered. If you can not adhere to this, you will be banished from The Legion and become lost in this world."

Cassidy continued watching Delvar, focusing in on his every movement, trying to figure him out. He was definitely strong, and could defend himself surprisingly well.

"Quickly, we must leave this place, for the guards will soon descend on the scene. Come with me, we shall head back to the shack via a unique path. Come." The Womb said again, stepping away, and walking the opposite direction for them to follow.

"After you," Cassidy gestured to Delvar, not taking his eyes off him.

I hope Womb knows what he's doing having this guy in the group. Friend or foe, he's definitely something of a threat. [i]

Either Die The Hero or Live Long Enough To Be The Villan.. However, I Won't Be A Victim

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Post by BrightChaos February 6th 2013, 5:14 am

Miracle Boy frowned seeing yet another victim was gone after checking his pulse. He felt anger inside at this. He heard the police sirens approaching. If these guys were still alive they would help them. The boy levitated off the ground as they left. He kept taking glances at their new member expecting him to turn on them.

(OOC: Sorry for this short post. Not sure if we are going anywhere with this. On another issue, are we going to be in The Purge?)

Miracle Boy
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Post by Switched February 6th 2013, 11:14 am

This wasn't going near as well as I was hoping. Each has their own unique feelings and personality. Not one of them is alike the other. Delvar would have to tread carefully. The only one that showed any true trust was Womb. The gargantuan stone was nothing but a follower. The boy was just that, a child. The older boy though was going to be the toughest. He was cynical, didn't show trust easily. Most likely he had been betrayed before.

Smiling at Cassidy, Delvar said, "I thank you for your graciousness, sire. I am not used to special treatment from someone as gallant as yourself. I truly do wish to show you that I'm not evil, but have simply been raised in a different world than yourself." Delvar pulled the sword and sheath from his belt and held them out. A black hole opened and Delvar said, "home." He dropped the sword in the hole and the sword and blackness disappeared.

Delvar started jogging after Womb. He said to Miracle Boy over his shoulder, "I will find a way to amend this transgression. That was some kick and I would rather avoid being on the receiving end of another."

Finally, to Womb, Delvar asked so the whole team might hear, "What brings us together? Has something happened that requires action?"

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Post by The Womb February 6th 2013, 1:59 pm

((This topic is going to be purged related. This is why we're leaving now, back to the shack to hear the news on the radio or something. Just waiting on Oro to reply :p))

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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Post by Orojed13 February 6th 2013, 7:07 pm

Garganoth still felt unsure of this man from the east. He dressed darkly. He drew his sword quickly and quickly put it away. Garganoth knew a soldier when it saw one. It would keep quiet now though. It would plan it's move and strike when the time was right. For now though, it accepted the pale soldier's offer for a favor. It might come in handy.

Garganoth followed after Womb keeping an eye on this mysterious fighter.

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Post by The Womb February 8th 2013, 11:28 pm

the tension on the walk back to the shack hung in the air like condensation. Womb could feel droplets of it forming on his back. Eventually though after a long and predominantly silent trek back, they made it to the shack. As they entered Womb turned to them all to make an announcement. "I wished for you all to come back here to bare witness to this new development in the world. It seems, the humans plot against our kind." Without any more introduction Womb flipped a switch on the radio and turned the volume up loud.

"- - The government ran military group, Dominus, that previously handled any meta-human disturbances in the country, has released a new statement, claiming that their jurisdiction has been extended and are now passing a bill that requires any form of meta-human to register their identities and abilities in order to be able to be fully aware of the meta-human situation in the country.

However it's been brought to light that the group have been forcefully arresting any known criminals or even any known meta-human, without a fair trial might I add, with an overtly threatening ability, regardless of the victims criminal activity, or inactivity. Today we've got Linda Jones in the studio to talk about the topic. Linda it seems that on the phones and on the chatrooms that opinions are split own the middle about this one. Much like the gun regulation act of 2014. There was a great division on if it was right to regulate this kind of thing, especially with the whole amendment issues that surrounded it. I wondered if you, say, if you were a meta-human, would you register, especially now when we've been receiving these reports that they've been arresting certain Meta's just for their ability alone?"

"Well Gary, I'm not too sure about that, it seems a little extreme don't you think? I've also heard some reports that some Meta's who have signed up for the registration, have become lackies for the government, helping them apprehend what could be innocent bystanders that just happen to be metas, you know? I'm not sure if the reports are true but if they are don't you think that's wrong? And even if it isn't true, the whole thing of not even giving them a trial, and, what is it they've been saying? Oh yeah, saying that it's, I'm paraphrasing by the way, 'the removal of a threat to the populace inside the country, therefore they have legal grounds to do this, perform this kind of behavior.' But at what point do you stop? I mean, right now they're looking like more of the threat ya know? And all this stuff is going to blow up in their faces I mean, Humans, we like a good protest right? Think about the meta's and if they get upset, seeing their peers getting treated this way, isn't that creating more of a threat to humanity in this already sensitive climate? I mean do, we really want another New York on our hands Gary?"

"No certainly not Linda, and I find that I'm agreeing with most of what you have to say, but as it is my job I have to play devils advocate and pose the question of whether or not as humans, for our own safety and for our childrens safety in the long run, shouldn't we still be implementing this act? There are some rights that are being infringed here so maybe we need to revise this registration's jurisdiction a little, but the philosophy of it surely should be quite beneficial to us."

"Well you see Gary, this is the thin- -"
Womb switched off the radio.

He turned to the group, a contemplative tone to his voice now. "They hunt us, as I've said before, it was only a matter of time until we face opposition. And now we have it. What shall we do my Legion? I have listened to the debates all morning and I have made my decision on this subject. What is yours?"

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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Post by DGib123 February 9th 2013, 3:29 pm

Cassidy could barely comprehend what he had just heard. It seems that The Legion and meta-humans alike had posed a bigger threat than what he had thought. He sighed, calming himself, not allowing his fear to be seen. He knew from experience how dangerous humans could pose, and how far they would go to stop any threat against them. Womb had asked what they should do, and Cassidy hadn't the slighest idea of what course of action they could take.

"I don't know what we should do, Womb. I do know what we shouldn't" he began, wanting everyone's attention. "We have to stick together now, we can't keep bickering and fighting one another. Trust me, just because we're not completely human doesn't mean we're Gods. People will do anything to stop a threat - ANYTHING." he allowed his words to hang in the air. He eyed Delvar as he spoke, "And killing anybody should be the last thing we even consider. Killing or harming even one person won't help us, but only harm us. If this becomes a war, then neither side will win or gain anything from it." He turned his attention back to Womb. "Whatever it is we do from now on, doesn't just involve us anymore."

Either Die The Hero or Live Long Enough To Be The Villan.. However, I Won't Be A Victim

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Post by The Womb February 10th 2013, 5:25 am

((skipping tech's turn, I don't think he's active anymore.))

"Only from The Womb springs Life and Death" - WOMB

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Post by BrightChaos February 11th 2013, 7:16 am

Miracle Boy continued to fly above watching the group from above. They were heading back to the shack. Then the new guy starting talking to him after putting his weapon into some portal. He seemed to be trying to apologize? He couldn't decide if Delvar was sincere or not. His voice sounded honest, but lying and treachery came hand-in-hand.

The boy lost altitude so he could get closer to deliver his response.
"I wasn't even trying then." He bragged.
"Just don't do that again." He added. He just wished this guy was easier to figure out. Did he really not know better.

After arriving in the shack he could see something was bothering Womb. He turned on one of those TVs to see a news reporter. While TVs were great for cartoons they seemed annoying when it came to these reports. There was no way to ask the other person any questions. Or at least it never worked when he tried. One sided conversations were like being lectured to. From what he gathered it was about the whole meat-a-human thing and registering. Why did we get called meat-a-humans?

"These meat-a-humans hunters are clearly the bad guys! I say we make this our top priority!" He shouted energetically. But who were they facing?

Miracle Boy
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Post by Switched February 11th 2013, 10:21 am

This realm is to be it's own destruction. I would have to do nothing but stay out of the way. This world is simply going to crumble around itself. Delvar listened to the announcement and became excited even just thinking of the hunts these Light-Siders were proposing. He wouldn't be kept out of this war. He wouldn't be cast aside as too inexperienced to help plan, but too important to risk in battle. "I say we make the hunters the hunted. We have our strengths. All we need to do is devise a plan to use those strengths. By being proactive, think of how many lives and innocents you'll save from losing their lives or farms. Combined, we could raze many castles," Delvar suggested, careful to keep the battlelust from his voice.

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Post by Orojed13 February 11th 2013, 3:45 pm

Garganoth listened to each and thought for what felt like forever. After being silent for many minutes, Garganoth finally spoke it's opinion, "This may be the war I have come to avoid. Unfortunately, it appears it cannot be avoided. So the next best option would be to end it before things progress beyond repair. I agree with each of the others. I think a good plan would be to gather forces. Maybe find if they already have captured metahumans and seek to free them that they can fight back. If we can show a great force, they may be cowed to reasoning." Garganoth looked towards Womb, "What have you, as our general, to say on the matter?"

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