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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Jordan Reynolds January 27th 2013, 7:11 pm

Each blow came upon an invisible barrier,though the fourth managed to land a strike that did less damage than anticipated. Instead of his jaw shattering under the pressure,he was left with a bleeding lip and possibly some dizziness. This was followed by an earth spell that sent him and his minions into the air,everything becoming dizzying as he felt the blood rush to his head, and the things letting out no sound as they hurtled to the ground at a higher speed than him. They all hit the ground with a resounding crack as it spider webbed beneath them,but they were for the most part unharmed.

Anthony on the other hand would find the ground less receiving if he hesitated,summoning the power of the shadows he called a few tendrils to catch him mid air and drop him on the ground. ”A earth spell,interesting. So you can use a form of elemental magic? “ The warriors took a few steps forward as they seemed to let a low derisive grunt escape their lips,unharmed by their fall. ”You'll make an interesting test subject. I'll enjoy tearing you apart to find out how you function.” He of course would not yet elaborate how.

”Now again,get him.” The four complied.

Jordan Reynolds
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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 27th 2013, 7:46 pm

Shit, that didn't do as much as I hoped for. I need to think of something else to do. Let's see. I can't put up my shield again, so it is probably hopeless this time around. I can take them out, of course, this might come at a bad price. Whatever, I need to get them out of my way, anyway. As long as I'm not dead, there is more I could do. These fighters were much faster than I was, so I had to minimize, rather than avoid the damage. My skills could probably get past one or two of them. But not all. I had to do something to take them out.

I charged up the energy in my hands. I was ready to take him out, or at least, everyone else. The fire was getting hot, it was burning my hands, but I was not ready yet. The fighters approached the front. The first one tried for a punch to the face, the other tried for a hooked punch. I moved my head slightly out of the way and felt the knuckle of the first's fist graze my face. It went by so fast that it almost felt like it burned my cheek. The second tried too risky of a shot. I just had to move over slightly and his fist went past my hip.

The other two definitely got me, I wasn't as lucky or fast enough to dodge attacks. The first sent a fist straight at my stomach. His fist curved up at the last minute and almost instantly broke my sternum. The punch then followed up to the bottom of my chin. Luckily, an uppercut wasn't meant to damage the chin, the main target is the sternum. So my jaw wasn't broken, but it was going to be horribly bruised later, maybe even a hairline fracture, those were probably just as annoying, but not as deadly. The second one to hit ducked down and swept my legs from under me. I felt myself falling backwards and hitting the ground. The back of my head hit the ground and I saw stars... for the second time. My vision quickly returned and I was ready for my attack.

I shouted, "Taste fire, bitches!" I let the fireball out of my hands. At this point, they were all on top of me, ready to probably stomp my brains out. This was the perfect angle for me to get all of them, except for Anthony, but I would deal with him later. Right now, it was time to burn some annoying martial artists at a great range. Another trick for mindless drones to an asshole necromancer.

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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Jordan Reynolds January 27th 2013, 8:04 pm

Max proved his prowess in combat well enough but compared to his brutes he was nothing;a leaf in the wind. He was obviously preparing a spell but it wasn't like he would be caught unprepared and in an instant the warriors were bathed within an intense fire as they began to roar,rolling in agony as their minds perceived themselves to be burning. With a quick motion he severed their heads with a quickly slice of a blade of shadows,leaving them still.

”Interesting.” That was all he said as he prepared to bring out a person that would end this fight within a few seconds and end this mans struggles. ”Dúisigh bandia an Anu domhain agus an té a bhfuil máistreacht bás freastal. Hearken le mo ghlór agus a dhéanamh mar orduithe sé.” The air then grew thick with an ancient magic as his eyes took upon a golden glow,the fae blood within his burning within his veins. Everything seemed to ripple as if the air were on fire.

In an instant a woman dressed in simple clothes appeared with flowing red hair,her skin paler than porcelain. ”So you call upon me. What is it you want child?” He tone was biting.

”I want you to capture him,don't kill him.”

”This will be easy.” She said dropping a few seeds to the ground as they tore through the concrete and formed large writhing vines.
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 27th 2013, 8:25 pm

Another summon, this is rather difficult. I'm losing patience with this battle. Very quickly am I losing patience with this battle. I'm usually a patient person, but this is annoying now. I had to end this quickly, I couldn't last much longer, I may be able to get rid of the new summon, but what if I lose power and he has powers that I didn't know about? It's more likely than I think. I don't want to do this, I really don't. It counts for everything demonic in my nature, rather than my good. It's an evil spell and I don't want to use it. Using it makes me feel as if I'm slowly moving into the dark... But I have to do it. If this guy captures me, who knows what I'll be forced to do? I have to stop this. I have to stop it right now.

I concentrated on Anthony. This boy was only two years younger than me, he had so much to live for, but that could all end soon. If I have to, it will end. I'll feel horrible, but will it do good? Will it be justified? That's not a question for now. It may not happen, he may not die. But if it does, if I accidentally kill him. I'll suffer with it for the rest of my life, but I can't question it anymore, it's time to act.

My concentration grew deeper. I saw the vines grow, so I had to act now. I felt the cells in his body start to grow colder. It wasn't much now, he probably didn't feel much at all, but it would be worse, very soon. Especially if he had the body of a regular human, it would be even worse if he was frail. I felt my expression grow dark as I called out to him. "Anthony, I don't want to do this to you, but I have no choice anymore. You feel that cold in your body? It is going to get worse, way worse. So worse, you can't even imagine. It will end with only one thing, your death. Your body will grow cold, then it will become painful, then it will be calming, you will feel your body slowly shut down, it will be a nice, peaceful death. How can you avoid this? Simple, you send your plant woman away and leave me alone, forever. If you or your summon were smart, you two would know that it would be best for you to stop... Right now... Please..."

I hated every word that I said, but it had to be done. I'm sorry Anthony, maybe deep inside, you are a good person, maybe if your intentions weren't so terrible, maybe it could've ended up differently. Maybe you could be a good friend someday, maybe not. It didn't matter, because what happened has happened and what will happen will happen. If anything, though, I will return from this vacation, unharmed and tell my family how much I really enjoyed it. I don't want my death or his death ruining it. I think I may have even begged him, rather than threatened him there. Because as I think back on my words. I think I really was meaning to warn him, rather than threaten. I don't want anyone to die, just please stop fighting, Anthony... I'm not worth it.

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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Jordan Reynolds January 27th 2013, 8:41 pm

He could feel something,a coolness growing within him as it permeated throughout his body within an instant. This man was working a spell and within it,he seemed to be robbing him of his body heat;he planned to kill him through hypothermia. Violent shivers racked his body and his muscles felt weak”So you intend to kill me? Though this spell is darker than I imagined a little boy like you to posses,demon magic I assume.” His sentence was occasionally interrupted by the shudders permeating into his speech. ”I could easily dismiss my summon,but whats to stop me from killing you after?”

His heart was growing weaker,he knew even if the cold stopped he would likely die. His palor was growing pale and breathing growing labored as his body tried to warm itself against the wave of cold. ”I tú a dhíbhe” In an instant the goddess disappeared and her plants fell as dead husks. ”There are you pleased? Now I have to kill you myself.” His voice now held no warmth like his body. The shadows rose around him a great wave,like an ocean to be released. In an instant they were loosed upon Max.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 27th 2013, 8:55 pm

"Shield!," I shouted, almost screamed it. I did it in time and the blast of the shadows hit my shield. The attack was too powerful, the shield almost disintegrated and I was thrown off balance. The force of the attack hit me even after I blocked it with the shield. I was sent back, tumbling. I tumbled about once or twice and got up instantly. My focus on the hellfire spell ended and I looked up in horror. Anthony was dying, but he was still attacking me! It's like he wants to die, that he will take me out, then die. "Anthony, stop! You don't have to do this! Please... Just stop."

I couldn't even throw anything back at him. I had no defenses. I had done it. It was all my fault. But didn't I have a right to protect myself? Dammit, it wasn't fair, to either of us! He wanted to experiment on me, I didn't want that to happen, we fight, the good guys win, happily ever after. Isn't that how it's supposed to go? I guess sometimes the bad guys wins as well, but isn't that how it's supposed to go? Why does this have to be the real world? Why can't this be like in the comic books or anything like that? This guy was younger than I was, just a kid, a minor, not even a legal adult. I might've just killed him. I thought my innocence was gone with having this magic, from living again and losing my soul, but I guess not... I guess I'm just as much of a kid as he is after all.

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Max Ahlberg Hale
Max Ahlberg Hale

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Registration date : 2012-12-09

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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Jordan Reynolds January 27th 2013, 9:03 pm

His attack had hit a shield and max was sent tumbling back,some of the force seeming to have hit him,the spell ended and that meant his body could begin to heat itself up. He needed to heat himself up and there was only one who could do such a thing. He was dying,he could feel his heart weakly fluttering as the heat within his body was nearly gone,he could see his skin turning blue. He could barely feel anything within his fingers and toes,standing itself was a pain. ”Shut it!” His voice rose despite his weakness. ”Blaze.” Around him coalesced a bright red flame that rose higher as the heat warmed him. In an instant a woman with bright red hair appeared within the fire,her body bathed in the pure fire.

He wasn't sure if this was enough to raise his body temp seeing how directly his heat was stolen.”Blaze,kill him.” In an instant she sent out a stream of fire meant to end him once and for all.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 27th 2013, 9:13 pm

"Splash!" At that instant, water came pouring from the sky at the two of them. It doused most of the fire from Blaze's fire, but some ended up burning me a little. My shirt was singed off of my chest and I had some first and second degree burns on my chest and stomach. Hopefully the water will hurt the two of them.

I was angry, very angry. I can't believe he was still going, he was trying to help himself, he won't stop, does he not want to live, will he do anything for me to die? What the hell is wrong with him. I felt horrible for him, but he won't stop until I die, I need to stop him in any way. I called him an asshole. He really was one in the end. I watched as the cold water began to rain down towards them. I couldn't let my emotions get in the way, now. If I didn't stop him in any way, I would definitely die. I couldn't die, not on Aaron and Sean and all of the friends I made. Yeah, I'll probably be stealing someone's child and friend. But I don't want to! It may be impossible, though. If I don't try and stop him, that's it. I just only hope now that I am not too late to save him.

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Max Ahlberg Hale
Max Ahlberg Hale

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Registration date : 2012-12-09

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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Jordan Reynolds January 27th 2013, 9:22 pm

”You fool.” in that instant a black wall that sucked in all light formed in front of Max's spell and canceled it out completely. A fist collided with Anthony's and sent him hurtling towards the ground,pain coursing through his cheek. ”First you assault a member of an allied family and now you almost get yourself killed,I am disappointed to call you my son.” Nolan Caster had appeared upon the scene,dressed in a simple black suit and his hair kept perfectly in place. The barrier of pure black fell as his eyes moved to Max. ”Anthony if you know what is good for you,I would suggest not making another move.” This order would not be ignored. ”I'm sorry for my sons actions.” He said this simply fixing an almost invisible wrinkle within his suit. Anthony got up to his feet as he felt a sort of heat run over his body, as if his body heat were being restored to him. So his father had come to clean up his mess,once again.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 27th 2013, 9:39 pm

Uh... What the hell just happened? My spell was not only cancelled, but Anthony was just punched in the face by a strange man. He was dressed in a black suit and his hair was amazing. Even with hitting Anthony, his hair was almost not touched by the air, as if his hair defied physics. All I could do was have my mouth drop open in shock. This was really unexpected... Damn... As the man introduced himself as Anthony's father, I immediately stood up straighter. This guy really scared me. I tried my hardest not to do anything stupid or look too scared. I felt the magic in him almost suffocate me at first. Holy shit was this guy powerful... And I just fought his son. What did I just get myself into?

Then he did something that I did not expect to happen, he apologized to me. Uh, what the hell is going on? He doesn't want to kill me? He said that he was disappointed in his son for attacking a family member and then losing. I guess that was a compliment? It didn't really matter. I kept my mouth shut. If I said anything, then who knows what this guy would do to me. He would probably snap me in half in a blink of an eye. I chose to speak up, though. I couldn't just sit there speechless.

"Uh, don't worry about it, Mr. Caster. I'm just happy that I didn't end up killing him, I didn't want to. I should be thanking you and apologizing to you instead. Not only did you save me from your son, you prevented me from killing him. I am very sorry and grateful." I gave him another quick apology before shutting my mouth. I was actually kind of sorry for almost killing Anthony, even if he tried to experiment on me, but I guess those details could be kept from Mr. Caster, just in case he had any ideas of his own. I then thought about Anthony being okay and asked Mr. Caster, "Is Anthony going to be okay, he is walking, but I hope I didn't do any permanent damage to him." I just hope that Anthony is okay and Mr. Caster doesn't kill me, that would make my day so much better.

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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Jordan Reynolds January 27th 2013, 9:47 pm

”He'll be fine. I've dealt with a major part of the possible damage to his body from that spell but I don't forsee him performing any major feats for a few days.” He shook his head. ”No need to apologize young man,my son did attack you first.” Anthony said nothing as he simply stood there and waited for his father to finish talking with the male known as Max,someone he had probably made an enemy of. ”Now Anthony,I want you to apologize to him. I don't need any bad blood between the Casters and Hales,especially when they have Elena's son on their side.” He had no choice of course.

”I'm sorry for trying to...kill you.” His eyes averted to the ground as he dismissed blaze to wherever he held her.

”I hope there are no hard feelings from my sons actions.” Nolan spoke towards Max. Having to fight Arianna would prove a pain in the ass.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 27th 2013, 10:10 pm

Well, this was awkward. Not only did Mr. Caster apologize to me, again. But he made Anthony apologize as well. Damn, parenting at its best. I felt bad for Anthony... Even if he tried to experiment on me, then tried to kidnap me, then tried to kill me. Oh well, what can I do? I don't want to make this any worse for Anthony, he wasn't trying to kill me anymore. I wanted to make this better for him, besides, I'm not dramatic, so it doesn't matter.

"I forgive you, Anthony. Also, why would I start anything, that wouldn't be good for any of us, being a dramatic bitch doesn't solve anything. I don't like the thought of being a little tattletale, either. I'm sure as long as Anthony doesn't flat out attack me again, there shouldn't be any problems. If anything, I wouldn't mind having a friend around my age." I stuck my hand out to Anthony and asked him, "Friends? Frenemies?" I wanted all of this to be water under the bridge, so that nothing wrong would happen to the three of us and to have a battle happen that is not needed. Maybe someday we can explore what the hell I actually am, without experimenting on me of course. It would take me a long time to actually trust someone like Anthony again, but it didn't matter, I guess I would find someone else who is worse someday, so it's not so bad. I smiled at the two of them. I couldn't stay angry at anyone, really. It wasn't in my nature. Worse things have happened to me. Worse things will happen to me, so I should just be glad that I lasted this long, with just a broken sternum and probably a broken chin/jaw. In my opinion, everything was going to work out just fine.

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Max Ahlberg Hale
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Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max] - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkness everlasting [Closed to Max]

Post by Jordan Reynolds January 28th 2013, 5:30 pm

”Of course.” Anthony muttered averting his gaze,knowing that he had done more than he was expecting.

”Hrm now that we have that dealt with,I suppose I have to escort my son home. By the way,tell Aaron that Nolan says hello.” He was sure that the young head of the Hale household would know what it meant,though it seemed to hold little bearings upon what was happening within this situation. He pressed his hands into his pants pockets before turning around. ”Anthony,perform that little shadow jumping trick of yours. I wasted enough of my time that could have been spent meditating cleaning up your mess.”

”yes father.” In an instant both seemed to sink into a large shadow and were gone.
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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