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The city of light {Closed}

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The city of light {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Van Helcraft May 1st 2013, 12:41 pm

Schneider floated the plant and herb samples he collected into the helicopter, and then proceeded to follow Elena through the broken doorway. Schneider slipped on the mask he was carrying and halted while the black liquid like ooze poured from it covering him then forming into a skin tight armor. "A most peculiar sensation, I doubt I'll ever get used to it." Schneider mused as his psychokinetic energy flowed from him and flowed through the walls of the complex. "Well there are few discernible dangers for a while yet, I'll place markers over the triggers to prevent any accidental tripping of easily avoidable trap and other than those there appears to be nothing of importance." He finished up, as the weird black liquid gobbed in his hand then shot of leaving small shafts over places that were to be avoided. Schneider then set off a a brisk pace calmly avoiding the marked areas until he reached a large door. "So far as i can discern there is no mechanism for opening this door that i can access, which more than likely means that a password, that I'm sure you know, Mrs. Marie is necessary for us to get through. Without carnage. He added with a side glance at Colonel. He knew Elena's associates wouldn't harm the place unless needed and Michael seemed far too grounded to cause drastic destruction.

Van Helcraft
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The city of light {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Alpha May 2nd 2013, 7:18 pm

Green eyes scanned over the massive entrance way, only one door leading them further into the great complex, but she was unsure what lay beyond the barrier. It would have been foolish to simply knock the door down and to even walk further without a thought for traps was equally foolish, luckily she had someone like Schneider to look ahead for her. With markers placed over the danger zones, Elena and her allies could easily proceed to the door with no danger to themselves, unless someone were foolish enough to aim for the obvious danger ahead. Black heels clicked through the expanse of the area, though quickly they were drowned out by the sound of Marians light armor boots.

”Whatever password there is, i'm sure it will not be too hard to decipher.” The red haired female noted allowing her red colored lips to form a slight smirk. When it came to dead languages, Elena was known foremost of her knowledge of them. Stepping around the marked areas, Elena approached the door with caution, placing a hand against it carefully as she considered how she would access the room beyond it. Perhaps there would be a clue of the password on the door, or she would have to be forced into advanced guess work, but either way the door would open for them.

”So, you have an idea on how to open this damn thing?” Michael asked examining the cartridge of his gun before twirling it on his left index finger with the skill of a master marksman. ”Cause this looks like it may be a tough one.” He raised a single black eyebrow as he considered how they could do it, though knocking the door down seemed the only applicable way to him. However his knowledge of the occult was pathetic when compared to Elena, then again he didn't study magic like she did. The only time that he did was when he was being hunted down by those crazed vampires once.

”I have an idea, though it may not work.” She muttered running a finger along her chin. If this were a temple near china, perhaps her knowledge of Chinese magic would prove useful within this situation, or it would not. Drawing in a deep breath, she let the word come to mind, something that would likely work as a simple key for her. The word came out dripping with magical energy, though it could only be felt by those sensitive to the flow of magic. Dǎkāi in an instant the door began to loudly creak as the ancient hinges move, door yawning widely.

”Well that was easy.” Marian noted as she walked ahead of the others, following close behind the the red haired leader of the small group. There seemed to be nothing within the next room, simply what looked like a circular floor suspended above a deep pit below it, one that looked too deep for a temple even of this size. However, she knew that all things were possible when dealing with something powered by one of the keys. Their access to the Soul Stream alone gave them an almost unlimited energy, one that she hoped to harness.

”Whatever this is, I want everyone to be as careful as possible. This place has a dangerous aura about it” A fog hung close to the ground, and the chains that held the ground in place would rattle in infrequent intervals, as pained breaths reverberated throughout the room. Something ancient moved among them, something that Elena felt wanted only to rip them apart. Marian drew her weapon and Ivan prepared to perform his transformation in an instant, and the dark figure appeared in the center of the strange arena ahead of them.

Its scaled skin set ablaze with deep blue flames and gnashing teeth spattered with venom. Around it stood what looked like miniature versions of itself, all with the same wings and hate filled eyes that called for their death. They were in deep trouble now.

The city of light {Closed} - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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The city of light {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 3rd 2013, 1:15 pm

As Coronel was walking around it seemed that everything was in a little bit okay but it would all change. He looked as Elena and the others were figuring out the big entrance door and Schneider was pick flowers and it came off as a little funny. He knew he was going to use the flowers and plants to try and make herbs and medicines for his company but it was still a little weird. It was for the greater good but Coronel had his ways. The Earth begun to be more populated and people had to die just so people now would not be crowded by an older generation.

He looked at piece of ruble on the ground and floated it up to him. It was spinning until he decided to shoot it at a statue he had moved. Bingo pierced right through. He started walking to where Elena was to see if he needed to blow down the door or go through the wall. But as he neared she had said something in Chinese and the door started opening. The big screech came along too. He looked down to what appeared as a hallway leading to a big room. Now the doors were fully open a mist or fog come rolling out at there feet. It was harmless but it gave a weird spook to it. He wondered how fog could just randomly appear in a temple. He had never seen this before so it must mean there was something of power in there.

The sound must had woken something up because he looked and see some weird blue light. Everyone else gathered a stance like they were ready to fight. Sure enough it was some monster with blue fire erupting around him. He did not know its true power but to progress they had to beat it. It had the look as if he was going to send the intruders to hell. But truthfully he did not know it would be the other way around. Coronel burst for the group and had drawn his swords. He swung once for a test of this guys strength.

A wave busted out following down the hall way headed right for the monster. It did not hit anything in the hall because he was not going to be blamed for undoing a trap or something. The wind had followed behind it and it was closing in to hit him. Coronel sharpened his stare making sure to see if his attack would do damage or if it would would be propelled away. It probably was not Elena's wish to attack so immediately but it did not matter. The faster we go the key the faster Elena would be happy. He floated up in the air high enough so the others would not be staring at his back and just encase he was reading another wave in the act this monster started running for them.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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The city of light {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Van Helcraft May 10th 2013, 12:50 pm

Schneider made no comment as he felt the gears in the doors begin sliding in various ways, and likewise was unimpressed when the scaled bird like figures appeared. He was already mapping the area and was surprised by their lack of weight. He began to comment, " They are extremely light and if their looks are anything to go by it may be because of hollow bones, but approach carefully for they could be some form of sentient matter such as the statues, held together by ancient psychic impressions." No sooner had He finished his warning had the fool, Colonel, charged straight at them brandishing a sword. With a sigh of exasperation Schneider let loose more of the goo that constituted his suit, which formed into three spear shafts. The shafts quickly impaled one of the creatures, which in turn, burst into flame then reformed completely unharmed. Schneider now knew that their masses were constituted of living flame, that left a few easily discernible weaknesses, for most of which would be water. Schneider couldn't sense any water nearby so that left option two, round the creatures up and have them exhaust their supply of oxygen. He assumed from what he was seeing, that each of the creatures originated from a now flame less torch scones, for the numbers added up. Taking a deep breath he let more of the goo flow from his suit and fired off the barrage at several of them, like the last one they didn't dodge and reformed after reappearing. From just that he saw the reformation pattern and used that to his advantage, spearing three of the creatures and as they turned to flame, he let the spears spread around them until they encased the creature in a ball of the goo. Schneider quickly compressed the goo to drain the air faster and laughed at the resistance they briefly put up from being compressed. "This should be easy enough, the problem is only their numbers." Schneider said as he rolled his head popping his neck,"Assuming that we can create enough chaos to prevent them from reforming and attacking us that shouldn't be a problem either." He spoke analytically while firing more goo spears towards the things that got too close.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Registration date : 2011-03-24

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The city of light {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Alpha May 10th 2013, 10:40 pm

Coronel was the first one to react to the strange beings that now stood ahead of them, launching an attack against their seemingly physical forms. However all of their attacks proved in effective, as the things only reformed in a flash of fire, without a scratch to speak of. The largest one let out a guttural roar before a bullet ripped through its jaw, and left the appendage hanging there upon a torn hinge. However this was quickly fixed by that damn regeneration, however it pulled the damaged tissue back together much faster. ”Dammit, these things are really annoying.” Michael muttered blowing away a small amount of smoke that trailed from the barrel of his gun.

Elena was somewhat amused by her husbands attempt to destroy the behemoth, however she knew even his spirit imbued shots would not harm their incorporeal bodies. They would need water to deal with such a threat, however as Schneider had so eloquently put it, that was also not something they could use. However, her trusty intellectual ally had another plan, one that seemed to work. If they smothered the flames, perhaps the beings would die anyway. However she was unsure if that method would work upon the largest of the flaming abominations, which radiated far more magical energy than the smaller ones that floated around it.

Most were trying to avoid Schneider’s tendrils of black liquid that snuffed out their vibrant blue lights. Their efforts were in vain as one by one, the smaller beings were snuffed out. Either by Schneider, Coronel or Elena’s light magic. When at last it was only the largest of the flaming monsters, the thing seemed to let out a throaty chuckle as what seemed like small balls of fire leapt from his blue framed body and began to warp. Within seconds they had taken on the appearance of the things that they had destroyed only seconds ago, however their flames were twice as intense and the hate radiated farther within the room.

The thing could spawn them? That only meant that they had to defeat it before destroying its little secretions, but how would they do something like that? ”Angelica, I would like you to check the bottom of pit beneath us.” The winged woman looked at Elena strangely for a second before nodding. The red haired witch created what looked like a a medium sized bucked of light that looked like it could hold a decent amount of water. ”Now go.” She said with absolute authority. While they dealt with the threat ahead of them, the female would search for its Achilles heel with the container of light as her only source of light.

”You're rather confident Elena. You sure that she can even find water?”

”I have a feeling that she'll find something, not water but something.” She said crossing thin arms over her chest, as the small creatures would go ablaze and charge the intruders within the great temple within the sky. With a flap of wings, the demonic lieutenant delved into the pit beneath them. With that, the other homunculi would begin a battle of their own, Marian slashing through the smaller ones, as they found themselves frozen over with an unearthly frost. If her frost saber did nothing, then the water that was likely to come would prove useful.

The city of light {Closed} - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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The city of light {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 10th 2013, 11:20 pm

As the fight to end this thing was taking place it seemed sharp nor blunt objects would hurt it at all. It looked as if it had done something but it only reformed. As Schneider had jumped in he used some weird stuff that look like black liquid. He must have been controlling it to go where he wanted it. He figured it was the power he was using to quickly shoot at the monsters to hurry and snuff them out. It gave Coronel and idea.

He looked back at the smaller monsters and he rapidly created a cyclone around large groups of them using his power to spin around it making the oxygen level to drop at a high pace. The oxygen quickly left and the little blazes of fire quickly snuffed out and disappeared. The only problem was he could not keep doing this because even he has limits. They would not stop coming out of no where so there was more and more after the first few were killed. It was weird just a while ago they were doing nothing but they grew significantly brighter. Now they were at a full run towards Coronel. He held a barrier and made it so the things could not touch him. He held out the other hand as a wave burst out and sent them all flying farther back. He was just preventing them from setting himself on fire.

Now its time to finish this. He held out both hands and made a giant bubble around as many of them he could in one go. They slowly withered out into nothing as again the oxygen slowly left the pocket they were in. The angel girl had flown down into the dark pit carrying something that Elena had made, but it was not clear since it was a blur of light at the corner of his eye. He figured she was going after water to help in this fight so it must had been a bucket. If she brought it back it would only hope that it would have better effect than his powers. Every time he cut the oxygen it was like there was no use because more came in their place. He sighed as he looked around checking up on what everyone was doing. They had to hurry and finish this before it took too long. But now it seemed like the only way to finish it all is to kill the head guy.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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The city of light {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Van Helcraft May 12th 2013, 6:36 pm

Schneider was not excited about the fact that the creature was spawning even more of the foul monstrosities. Elena sent one of her allies down the pit, Schneider had no idea what was at the depths of the pit for he had not had the time to properly map it. The need to focus on the near overwhelming number of opponents had forced him to focus on fighting. He flung a huge shaft of the black goo, straight through the main creature, who instead of turning into flame simply hand the wound healed by absorbing another one of the lesser creatures. Biting back a curse he flung more goo spears and then extinguished a third of the newly formed creatures. He was hopeful that the ice sword one of Elena's associates was using, for the enemies she struck were weaker when they reformed.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
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