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Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer

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Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer Empty Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer

Post by Chellizard December 16th 2012, 2:47 pm

Princess Mirshann "Miri" Rosin

Master of the Art of the Bow.

The Bio

Real Name: Mirshann Rosin
Renegade Name: Princess Mirshann
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: Appears: 24 | Actually: 2,748
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145lbs
Blood type: B-

The Looks

The Personality

Passionate & Focused: Mirshann, or Miri, was born into a rich family that practiced the way and art of the Bow. She became very focused in her studies of basic Elvin Magic and Rituals, and also became quite the archer. She gained many titles over her life career, but the titles are likely lost in the old myths and legends about her life. She is also very passionate when it comes to her practice of the Art of the Bow. She projects her inner feelings through her skill in Archery.

Calm & Collected: Miri is very laid back, and her temper is not easily swayed. The most dangerous of situations have a hard time affecting her attitude. First impressions from people, however, will test whether or not she's going to bother with that person or persons. She doesn't lay her eggs in several baskets; she attempts to keep to herself, and respects other people over most everything else.

Perfectly Poised: Miri tries to carry herself as a higher being, considering she is. She sometimes has an exterior complex that's read as if she's full of herself, but she's honestly not.

The Story

Long, long ago, when a distant world was shrouded by wars and chaos, a race of Elvin people took it upon themselves to attempt and bring the world out of the rut it was struggling in. Little did they know, they joined in on something that was far out of their league. Their home Planet, Tresk'ri (Which Translates from their native tongue to 'World'), was under attack. The alien race that was at their door were known as the B'vecko Pholoren, or "The Strange Ones." A monstrous race of large, multi-limbed, life sucking creatures. Now, this may explain why the planet fell, and why the Elvish race is basically wiped out, but it doesn't explain why Mirshann Rosin was placed on Earth, now does it? Let us rewind to the beginning of this story and start with her life, and only her life.

A little girl, first born to the Rosin King and Queen of Ssinjin Thac'zil, was raised proper with respect and loyalty to her people. She was loved by her parents, and even more by her kingdom. She was named Mirshann, which translates to Angel, seeing as she was the Kingdom's Angel. That's only figuratively speaking, of course. Mirshann, who adopted the nickname Miri, was trained to be polite and have pristine etiquette. She was also taught the way of the bow. Her planet's dominant race, Darthirii (or Elf), being master Archers. Miri was also taught the ways of fletchery, giving her the ability to make and cure her own arrows. Seeing as her race were very practiced in the art of Magic, or the higher calling of Science, she also learned the ways of Alchemy and other Mage-like trades. When Miri came of age, she was 16 years old, she was handed down the bow of her ancestors: Thir'ku Mal'rak. This bow, when it's magical "soul" was resting, would appear as a simple Yew bow. But when it was waken up and used to ward off evil and fight for it's Darthirii, it would become Thir'ku Mal'rak; Forever Changing.

Mirshann had always fantasized about the bow and would mingle near the glass case embroidered with gold leafing and diamond when she was just a sprite. She remembers the day the bow chose her like it was yesterday. Her father came to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "My darling Mirshann, it seems the bow has spoken.. You will learn to become a skilled Archer and then you will be able to wield Thir'ku Mal'rak yourself.. I am honored to have helped bring such a wonderful being into this world.." and then the words fade and all Mirshann can remember is being the best she can be...

Time passed, and she was 24. It was the day of the great battle, and she was going to lead her people to victory. Dressed in ultimate battle armor, Mirshann Rosin drew her bow. She fought hard, and wielding a magic like none other, tore through The Strange Ones, bringing their numbers down, but their technology far exceeded her peoples own. Mirshann was wounded heavily, and before she had a say in the matter, her mother and father along with the High Court cast a heavy spell upon Mirshann and placed her into a deep slumber. Her body was then tucked into a gold, diamond, emerald, sapphire, and ruby lined glass case and a compartment beneath her sleeping platform was fixed for her bow, Thir'ku Mal'rak to lay and rest along with her. The incantation is as follows:

O' spirits of our realm
lay our child to rest
let her fight another day
she will pass the test.
May your light, O' Spirits
guide our child to victory
For she is the chosen one
And will see herself in history.

Once the incantation was chanted three times, Mirshann's body appeared within the glass casket and was sent to Earth, one of the safest planets in the universe. Miri laid, resting, for two thousand and so years. Maybe now she can be awoken.

The Priority

1. Endurance
2. Agility
3. Reaction
4. Strength

The Powers

Magically Gifted: Mirshann has the ability to use magic, and the wonderful things that come with it; the magical items and weapons.

Let me see it all: This spell, when activated, allows for Miri to see around 200 yards in every direction. Obstacles can hinder this ability, and if there's a door, she cannot see passed it, nor a shrouded window. But if the window is open, and there's light inside the room, she can see inside, but only just enough. While using this enhanced vision spell, all of her other senses are numbed, but are still present.

Illuminate My Target: This spell will outline her target, or a person of interest, with their "aura" giving Miri the ability to learn their mood. Happy would be green, sad would be blue, red would angry, etc. (The Mood of a PC would only appear if that PC chose to release that information in previous posts: e.g. The character being angry at a situation, or laughing while talking to someone, or being anxious/acting nervous, etc. So if the RPer actually drops hints on the character's mood being targeted, then Miri will be able to sense the mood. If not, the target will illuminate a soft iridescent light instead of one specific color. This would mean Miri has no proper reading on the mood.)

Cleanse My Wounds: This spell, when used, allows for smaller cuts to first degree burns to be healed. The wounds will illuminate with a glittery white healing energy and seemingly 'stitch' the wounds closed. (This is used as a situation power/spell. It's potency depends on the concentration put into the magic.)

Guide My Shot: When this spell is used, it will single out a target (up to 100 yards away if that's the case) and despite all odds, her shot will make it to her target. The shot will make it through troublesome obstacles like through small gaps, windows, cracks, etc. Despite reaching her target, there is still a window of opportunity to dodge this shot, of course. (This is mainly used as an RP Mechanic, but can be used to help her make a near-impossible shot. That and being able to reflect the arrow being shot at the target. Just because it reaches the target does not mean it actually hurts them.)

I am, therefor I will be: Miri has the ability to perceive her own movements and plan two and even three steps ahead. She has, for all intensive purposes, enhanced reflexes.

The Soles of my Shoes: Miri has the ability to run faster than the average person. She runs at a top speed of 80 mph.

I Know it All: Not really, but Mirshann is insanely intelligent. She is a fast learner, and as such, is picking up on more and more English every day.

Arcane Becomes Me: (NOTICE: This power is only used by her bow, and is an extension of her bow.) Miri's people are the wielders of a great Arcane magic. It is, for all simpletons reading this, a form of light magic. However, the light magic is harnessed from the souls of people who died with pure hearts. The magic is used by the bow to ward off darkness. Taking the form of ammunition the bow can use (arrows, smaller spears) the energy is compressed into tightly woven layers of the Arcane Light Magic. The magic may take the form of arrows when being fired from the bow, but can pose many different actions. So far, Miri has only been capable of creating minor shields to protect innocent people, as well as using the arrows to take down anyone in her path. So offensively and defensively.

The Weaknesses

My Soul is Soft: In possession of a gentle heart, Mirshann cares for the people close to her, and although it is a small number currently, she will not let them fall prey to harm. She is a believer in saving those she loves.

Bound, I Cannot Harm: Mirshann is the slave to a magical gauntlet she has to wear in order to keep up a normal appearance. This gauntlet cannot be taken off by anyone unless they have a pure heart and trust Mirshann completely. Seeing as Mirshann does not trust herself, she cannot take the gauntlet off. While wearing this gauntlet, which is nearly all the time, she has no access to call upon her Bow or use any of her magic. She is, for all intensive purposes, a normal girl with pointed ears and broken English.

Stranger to this Land: Seeing as Mirshann was not raised on Earth, or even remotely in this time, she has no idea about the world's customs or normal human rituals. She assumes everyone is out of their mind, and has no idea why the carriages they ride in growl whenever they take off. Ryzo doesn't even growl that often. Because of her uneducated nature in regards to normal civilian life she is vulnerable to her surroundings.

Mirror me, and I am weak: Mirshann is weak against other magic users. Anyone that practices arcane spells are easily able to match and take her down.

I am but a human: Mirshann's physique is that of a human, mostly. Her muscles are stronger than the average humans, but only for the purpose of running faster. She has only normal human durability, but a bit higher stamina than a normal person. She can last longer performing in combat, but only in means of endurance/stamina.

My Bow Disobeys: Thir'ku Mal'rak will not be summoned to Miri if she intends on using it to shed blood of an innocent person in order to save someone she loves or cares about. This also goes for if Miri is acting on revenge. She cannot use her bow in order to harm someone for her own personal gain.

Cold Iron Burns Hot: Pure iron alloy burns Mirshann's skin, and renders her useless while in combat. Any damage caused by iron heals three times slower than a normal wound.

My True Name Is...: Every Elf has a True Name. Mirshann's is Isril'kar Quortek, literally meaning Iridescent Soul. If a person/character knows her true name, they have a social/magical advantage over her.

The Sound of Music Haunts Me: Not entirely, but Mirshann can get easily distracted by melodies at inconvenient times.

Darkness Swallows the Light: Any form of dark or shadow magic can nullify Mirshann's Light magic.

The Items

Thir'ku Mal'rak (Forever Changing):  [color=#00cccc]Power/Ability: This bow is more than just a weapon. It is a magical relic that was passed down from generation to generation. It's arrows can pierce the toughest of surfaces, and the craft of the bow is divine white magic. The bow is iridescent when it is awakened to do it's part during battle. But when it is not, it appears as a simple yew bow. See weaknesses.

The Bow:

The Companion

Ryzo is Miri's familiar.

Name:  Ryzo
Alignment:  True Neutral
Age:  Unknown without proper testing. He seems to be an ancient race of wolf, though. His markings say as such.
Height:  4'7"
Length:  6'9"
Weight:  375lbs
Race:  Canis Lupus; Wolf (Sort of)
Fur Color:  Black with silver tips
Markings:  Deep silver fur marks around his flanks, and around of his eyes.
Eye Color:  Yellow. Deep, glaring yellow.
Blood Type:  DEA 1.1 +

Enhanced Senses: Ryzo has enhanced senses! He can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel things at a very high level compared to any normal wolf.

Telepathy: More of an RP mechanic than anything, Ryzo has the ability to speak with his mind to Miri and any other PC that believes that animal's have the capability to talk, or if Ryzo wants to talk to the PC.

Just a Wolf: Despite being a very large wolf, Ryzo is just a wolf. He can be killed by any normal means, a gun being the easiest way, of course.

Sensitive to Fire: Fire, for some unknown reason, does way more damage than it should to Ryzo. He flinches even around the flame of a candle if it is too close to him.

I Protect my Master: Ryzo will do anything to protect Miri. She is his master, and if she dies, he dies too.

The Fluff

Nature Follows Me: For some unknown reason, butterflies will flock to her and try to rest in her hair. They flock to her and decorate her mess of curly blond hair. Another fun thing is if she is bare foot and walking on fertile dirt, small plant life will start to grow where she has stepped. Little flowers, clovers, and curly ferns.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Last edited by Chellizard on May 1st 2019, 12:05 am; edited 14 times in total

-My DeviantArt-
Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer Empty Re: Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer

Post by Forceaus December 18th 2012, 12:25 pm

Approved until stated otherwise.

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Mega Poster!

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Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer Empty Re: Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer

Post by Chellizard February 23rd 2015, 9:47 am

Unapproved for new system haul.

-My DeviantArt-
Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer Empty Re: Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer

Post by Forceaus February 27th 2015, 10:04 pm

Approved for new system

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Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

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Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer Empty Re: Princess Miri; The Elvish Archer

Post by MissingAxis April 30th 2019, 7:08 pm

Moving for formatting/style edits. Archiving previous state.

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