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A bugs life.

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A bugs life. Empty A bugs life.

Post by Troglodyte December 12th 2012, 5:03 am

Doctor 0 was rather confused. The city he had been hiding in had apparantly somehow obliterated itself, and a big old spaceship seemed to be hanging over the city without making much noise. The Brain in a jar was rather suspicious about this fact. Initial scans had been unsuccessfull due to the various defences of the spaceship, but soon enough the not-so-good doctor had managed to give himself a rough idea of how the ship worked. The first few steps had been easy to work out, primitive repulsor-drifts, a sort of, similar, but less efficient than a protoype of his own, in fact, Replicating energy-loot and frequency-shifter. All very dandy, and impressive. Then there were the seemingly biological elements to the ships. Some sort of primitive life-forms living in a symbiosis with the vessel as a whole, seemingly working in tandem with the machinery. Doctor 0 thought it was rather tasteless, in fact. The inferiority of biology versus technology had been proven many times. Especially when he pitted robots against various animals for his amusement and research-possibilities. However, he could not deny the advantages of biological, synthetic lifeforms. They were self-replecating, generally cheaper to mass-produced, and they where not all that greedy wit hthe power, in case you couldn't have one of his handy Infinity-generators lying around.

All of this was mighty impressive for any scientist to create, but then came the difficult bits. The stuff that did not make sense. At first Doctor 0 had simply thought that he had finally found technology that even he could not comprehend, but it was not that simple. After studying it he found that he could in fact understand the rudimentary concepts that governed these things, but they did not rally follow any of the laws of physics. They followed different laws. Strange laws that he wouldn't touch with a ten foot long science-pole.
Obviously things like this were impossible, and thus he had scratched the ship of his "to do" list. It simply could not exist. It was obviously the result of some sort of programming error in his database, so now he was free to focus on other unlikely impossibilities.

Instead, he had once again started to produce robo-zombies to replace those lost during "the event". He needed lab-assistans and manpower to do science! Especially under the conditions he was currently working on. His lab was barely functioning, but since the collapse, he at least did not have to worry about the police being unsympathetic towards his experiments. Instead, he had set up shop in an abandoned industrial-plant, once devoted to making shoes, now hastily converted into a rudimentary laboratory, utilizing equipment that had survived the "event" and scavanged machines built out of bits and pieces. Wich explains why it took so long for his instruments to pick up the rather odd life-sign traversing the blasted-apart wasteland.

An Alien lifeform of some sort, obviously. the rudimentary scans showed no connection with anything indigenous to this planet. Mighty interesting indeed. He had observed the alien for an unspecified amount of time before attempting to make contact, using a static resonance-transmitter, wich basically allowed him to metal objects as one-way radioes.

It must have seemed wierd to the little alien when a broken-down lamp-post suddenly said "Be warned, unidentified lifeform! You have crossed my questionable borders of dubious legality and have accidentally ventured into the PROHIBITED ZONE! Yes! A zone that is PROHIBITED TO YOU!! Muwa ha ha ha! Here Science is the law, and I, Doctor 0 am its enforcer! Mua ha ha ha!" In an overdramatic bombastic manner, before a brief period of static took by.

after barely half a minute passed by noise was once again comming from the lamp-post. It was the same voice but this time it was sounding far more amiable and a bit confused, similar to an old man who had randomly wandered into a radio-station. "Ahum, Oh, yes. I almost forgot! How silly of me, haha. Forget me own head if It hadn't been surgically removed, haha. Uh, yes. Hrm. If you don't have other activites to pursue, I would very much like to invitify you for a cop of hot cocoa and Chocolate cookies. I baked them this morning. With SCIENCE!. Uh. . . thats all, Ithink. Bye, bye." before the lamp-post once again fell silent.

However, another half-minute later the voice once again came back, this time from an old, broken firepost.

"Oh, and if you do come by, you should definately try out this transmitting systemification. It makes you soundify like some sort of. . . Sky-God. Heh." it blathered on, seemingly talking more to itself than to the bug in queation.
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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Spacebug December 13th 2012, 1:29 pm

This world was a confusing and terrible place. Zolt didn't like one inch of the surface, with it's odd green life and sentient beings that screamed odd things at him. No one was trust worthy; he had been attacked with at least three different ballistic weapons in farmland before he wised up and stole a big heavy coat and hood combo. He blended in a little better in the black material that hid his second pair of arms and his antennae, offering him some limited movement through the concrete hives. Their technology was strange and out dated, like he had stepped back a hundred years on his own planet. And the stars were so, so wrong that he felt terrified to look up in the darkness. The worst thing, the very worst, had to be the great big yellow disc that rose every few hours over the horizon and hung in the sky. A close up star that burned and consumed a blue sky.

He had skittered and drifted in train cars and shipping containers across the surface of a world, no idea where he was really going as he moved through the night and hid during the day. He hadn't forgot his training of course. If someone is probably chasing you, take as many different routes you can until they're as confused as you are. The Clutch, stolen by grubby chitin-less creatures, were obviously one of his biggest priorities. He had no idea what the beings in the metal cigar had taken them. Okay, so maybe he would need to find someone he could communicate with.

Where the hell would he start? Well, he had already picked up a word or two from the humans. Just things they said to each other. Hillo and Yez were most appreciated, with nods of his head. Whenever conversations got too abstract for him to understand he would wave the other person down and try to walk away. So far it had worked well enough, his bluffing skills not that bad. But it wouldn't hold up forever and unless he found someone dedicated to translating whatever these things spoke he would remain a stranger on an alien world.

He ended up in Massachusetts by sneaking into a supply crate of apples. They were shipped along the coast, Zolt sure that at some point someone was going to crack the shell and drag him out to be cut apart. To pass the time he tried a few of them. His stomach didn't seem to like them very much, like most non-meat food he had consumed since his arrival. Zolt missed the nutrient gruel he would have suckled from a canister back in his corner of the galaxy.

Drifters seemed to be gravitating towards one spot; north towards Manhattan. Shanty towns had been set up in sburbs, filled with hungry and homeless that were being supplied off the good will of others. Some clean up crews were hiring cheap labour to go in to the "safest" parts and when Zolt had simply Yez'd his way in, he was able to sneak into the labyrinth of collapsed and ruined buildings.

That was how he ended up sleeping in sewers, skittering through the empty humanless wasteland of New York, collecting reading material from the remains of libraries as he frustratedly tried to understand the first thing about the language these people spoke. He had been conservative in his movement at first, sometimes sneaking back in the shanty towns to have children read to him the sounds of words. From what he knew, Ay is for Apple. He got braver as he explored the dim quiet island, stealing pieces of machinery to pull apart.

It was in the fifth day, skittering along the pavement to find more audio equipment and discs, that a heavenly experience occurred. A black metal bar thrummed with the voice of an alien. His antennae twitched as wires inside hissed with blue energy, then died as a voice shouted indistinct things at him. What... He jumped in surprise, wings fluttering under his heavy coat at the same voice coming from a smaller, cracked metal thing. Zolt actually approached it and placed a hand on the thing, pulling it apart in wonder as the voice continued to vibrate through, if a little muffled. This didn't look like human technology. This looked like the large derelict space ship sitting on the island that the Bugman avoided like the plague.

His mandibles clicked as he sniffed the air, glancing from one side to the next. Electrical currents very rarely passed under the land, so like a blood hound chasing a dog he kept his nose, eyes and other senses close to the ground. He crawled over rubble and jumped across chasms, swung through office buildings that were no more until final the electrical after taste blossomed about an old spacious building. Zolt dropped the coat, if only because he'd prefer the use of his wings and buzzed his way above the collapsed ruins around it, toward the iron roof. It was here that his chitin clicked and clattered along until he found a skylight. Sticking his head inside he gave a loud, "Hillo?" A small hesitation followed until he dropped down to an iron walkway, disorientated by the sudden darkness and the overwhelming electrical flow. "[Is anyone there?]"

At best, Zolt was hoping that the ship had an alien presence that would be somewhat benevolent to a lone Antrax.

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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Troglodyte December 13th 2012, 7:15 pm

Doctor 0 hovered in front of the monitor, observing it, seeing what the alien was doing, expecting it to respond. However, despite the seemingly clear message he had sent out, there simply was no answer comming for the alien, however it seemed to be rather curious as it quickly started to pay attention to the general direction of his base, as if somehow being able to trace his message. "How remarkable!", the doctor thought aloud, a small smile appearing on the monitor hanging beneath the brain-jar. This was starting to get quite interesting, especially since his earlier, preliminary scan had failed to reveal any sort of electrical device or implant on - or in the person of the four-armed insect-man.

He observed the insect as it discarded its heavy coat and took to the air, the wings, that the good doctor had earlier considered vestigial was apparantly more than enough to grant the little bugger a rather impressive aerial manouverability. At that point he sent the order to the Robo-zombie patroll nearby to dodge into a building. No need to distract the little insect-alien. It was simply too interesting to observe what the creature was doing all on its own. Who knew what sort of great intelligence was hidden within that cranium. . . Assuming that what passed as the creatures "center of thought" was actually located within the head. However, it seemed to be something of a moot point, since he was assuming that was not only sapient but had an intelligence greater than most humans. After all, a lesser intelligence could probably not have made the journey all the way here.

However, the seemingly amazing tracking-ability that led it to his Highly scientific base seemed to stop working as the creature landed on the rooftop, and opened the skylight, saying something that sounded suspiciously like 'Hello' before shouting some random alien goobeligook at the nothing. Doctor 0 figured that whatever sense it had that enabled it to track him all the way here was the sort that worked better over great distances than in close quarters such as this. Instead he hovered over to the advanced tesla-coil he had, and quickly programmed it to light up some of the lightbulbs, forming a metaphorical chain, so that the alien could find his way down here. He also called in some of the nearby robo-zombies. It was always good to have some backup, just in case. He also had them bring out some special equipment from his old lab. Something he had pretty much made on a whim and never really expected to actually use.
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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Spacebug December 14th 2012, 7:44 pm

The room he had landed in was used for some kind of storage. Cardboard boxes lay strew around the floor with false leather shoes and gaudy sneakers dropped where they fell. People have obviously been in a rush when they abandoned this place. Zolt sniffed the air once more but didn't get much but blossoming mould. He lifted himself over the hurdle of the walkway and dropped to the packing floor. Electricity flowed through other walls not too far away but this room had simply been turned over. If Zolt had paid much attention he might have noticed that the packing machinery itself had all been cannibalised. Instead he was blinking up in pain at a light bulb which had suddenly flared to life. Angry mandible clicked at it, but he noticed the trailing blue line flowing away from it, through a door way and down a hall.

He considered the space for a moment, two right hands holding the frame as he peered curiously around it. One antennae twitched upward curiously but flopped back down in disappointment when he realised that nothing was waiting to greet him. He almost abandoned the packing room completely before he skittered back in, crashing into a box to dig out a pair of LARGE brand new trainers. His feet were uncomfortable in them, but the trash bags he had been using were attracting far too much attention. Two long toes flexed and worked to get comfortable. The stitching didn't pop loose immediately, but there would definitely be ripping soon with the odd flicking way the back of his foot scrapped material. With that little distraction complete, Zolt was at least wearing more then a pair of baggy cargo shorts that had been kept in space with adhesive spit. What? His ACTUAL clothes had been stolen when in that long metal cigar. Weirdoes.

Finally, Zolt entered the hallway. He walked low, his lower hands occasionally laying on the ground when he paused to follow the cables above. There was a low thrumming chitin sound coming form his throat, like a hum or a purr, but more impatient. "Yezhillo?" He tried again, chitin plates of his brow lowering as he finally made his way into the real space of the Warehouse; the air had a permanent tinge of blue here. The Tesla coils were flooding his senses so bad he barely even noticed the little hovering tin machine or any kind of trap laid in wait. He was too busy putting a muffling hand over his tiny stubs, the other hands clenching into fists as he gnashed his sharp teeth. Everything on this damn planet was annoying! "[When I get my hands on the 'effing slimechuggling googuzzlers that took my clutch I'm going to fire them into the damn star.]"

His language sounded completely alien; a long exhale without pause through his nose more then his mouth. In fact, his mouth movement had very little effect on the tone and pitch of the whistles, clicks and tiny shrieks coming from his nostrils. His species was unique on the plant for the simple face that language and breathing apparatus wasn't all too connected with the eating part.

And speaking of the eating part... Zolt felt far too disorientated for a belly full of ratmeat and old store packaged sausages (The rat had been gnawing them.) His chest puffed up as he sucked down air; a parallel to a diaphragm exploded outward and with the force of Superman throwing a baseball he expelled a thick sticky yellow mass. There was a hiss and a crash as it crashed through the tip of the Tesla Coil, electricity sparking a little more wildly as the alien landed on one knee, propping himself up with four elbows. "[Bury me in the sea, I hope to to the galaxy that whatever was in that long pink thing wasn't bad for me.]"

A bugs life. Zjtfti

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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Troglodyte December 16th 2012, 7:19 pm

Doctor 0 barely had time to actually lay a metaphorical eye on the alien before it launched a presumably defensive projectile at his Tesla-coil, presumably because the magnificent machine frightened insect brain for some reason. Presumably an alien reason. The Tesla-coil was slightly damaged by this, causing eletricity to crackle slightly louder, the arcs moving slightly more erratically, and electricity-levels of the building fluctuating as a result, causing the lights to buzz and flicker slightly. This was a rather unexpected event, but it told Doctor 0 a few rather peculiar things about his guest. It appeared that he was somehow made queasy by being near so much electricity for some reason. How interesting. However, it was not nearly interesting enough to take his mind off the damaged tesla-coil however.

"Oh, nice!one!one!one!" The good doctor cried sarcastically as he mentally directed a few of the Zombie-bots towards a nearby controll-panels where they adjusted the energy-fluctuations and gradually stabilized it. Luckily, he was convinced that the fluctuations would not be severe enough to damage his more sensitive equipment. The many Robo-zombies in the room placed their hands upon their rayguns, seemingly moving as one man. However, he still hoped that the space-alien would not be difficult, since combat would probably damage the tissues of the insectoid, even in the best of outcomes, and a damaged carcass would provide less in information when autopsied. He much preffered vivisections when it was time to see how the anatomy of a strange creature worked.

"Darned aliens, comming here unleashing their agressive. . . agressiveness onto my equipment, without a thought of what might be considerized polite manners and proper protocoll!" He continued, but this time it was more of an annoyed grumble rather than a sarcastic outcry of indignation. One of the robo-zombies next to the good doctor threw rolled what looked like an open-faced, rather old-timey chrome motorcycle-helmet with various scinetific-looking antennas towards the alien. It was not a translating device per se, but rather a database containing knowledge of english, ready to be "plugged in" to an existing brain, basically allowing anyone to comprehend english as long as they wore the helmet. One could liken it to a sort of USB-memory for living brains. He was uncertain why he had developed it in the first place, but he expected that it was so that he wouldn't have to bother explaining things to people. He did not really like explaining things, and it was so eady to get distracted when you were not focused. He had not really had an oppurtunity to test it on anything but humans and humanish critters, but since this thing seemed to have a rather humanoid shape and anatomy, it would likely work just fine.

"My patience-levels are depleting rapidly with your current mode of operation. Continue acting as such, and friendly relations between us will be ranked quite low on the 'likely scale'. Never did care for vandalism, nor any of its related fields of research." The doctor continued, hopefully being able to deter any more wanton violence upon his highly scientific technology.
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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Spacebug December 17th 2012, 7:29 pm

The chaotic, disorientating electrical storm seemed to fluctuate, worsening and lessening in other more sickening waves. Zolt groaned as he head some mechanized voice wailing at him in English, his eyes moving from the floor to spot that something of a trap had been laid... Odd strange humans littered the room, more energy running through their limbs and chest cavities then should be found in a nervous system. His eyes moved to land on the source of the annoying alarm at what he done. He blinked in bemusement at the jar of liquid with a pink sponge floating inside. Was this the animal those sausages had come from? Was it some kind of unknown super-sentient creature that live in this planets water? Anything was possible with this weird alien world. Something skittered along the floor. A metal helmet twirled and bumped into one his hands.

The interior was... intimidating, a lot of metal and padding and wires that curled down the back of it and over to the temple. A hand tentatively touched it, worried the thing might shock or kill him outright if he didn't handle it with some care. Carefully he lifted it from the ground and shook it a bit, before he investigated the metal with sharp teeth. A couple of scratches formed but it wasn't alien tasting, so he felt a little disappointed. Rightfully so. "All this Zdcklck way for a metal hat." The though registered briefly that perhaps the floating thing in the jar wanted to help shield him from the disorienting ripples of an Electrical field. The idea seemed... too optimistic, but he didn't think much as tried to fit the thing on his head.

His antennae get stuck against his skull and it refused to sit right until he was able to scrape and scratch his way through the top of it with his thumbs. Threading the alien parts through he dropped the hat onto his head and-The pain was excruciating. Four points of contact, two at his temples and two at the base of his skull chitin. They weren't necessarily puncturing the skin, but they were irradiating some kind of waves that were radically interfering with his own natural brain waves.

"No, No, No, oh for zdcklck zake I'm not going to die ein trainerz ahnd cargie zhorts!" He had thrashed a little, one large foot colliding heavily with the leg of a table which crumpled under the attack. He had snarled and clipped his mandibles together, flexing and fluttering his wings under... all of it was soothed away slowly as the pain passed down his spine, following his Cranial Cord. Most of Zolts brain was situated where a spine would be on human, surrounded by a fluid sack to keep it safe inside his carapace. But the major centres for speech were in his head. And luckily, it was these the helmet were accessing, along with the memory centers near his neck.

"Whu... Why cahn Iy zpeak... Waht?!" His heavily accented voice, built for more sequels and clicks tried to adapt to the consonant language he suddenly understood, his tongue flexing in his mouth to help adjust the sounds come from his nose. It almost looked like he was speaking like a normal human. He swayed from side to side on his feet, frowning as he tried to locate the brain in the jar with his eyes again. "Waht deid you duo to mei?!"

A bugs life. Zjtfti

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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Troglodyte December 25th 2012, 8:07 pm

"You are able to understandify my speech now, yes? The neuro-interface data-intergration-unit works, then. I was a bit worried, that it might not recognize your alien brain and fry it, essentiall giving you a lobotomy, but it seems that everything has worked out for the best, yes?" The good doctor staid, obviously rather pleased with the way things had proceeded so far. It would be alot more interesting to biopsy him if his brain was intact. It would be quite interesting to see what made an alinen lifeform like that tick, or in this particurlar case, 'click' seemed to be far more appropriate. He would take great pleasure to analyze the molecular build-up of those seemingly chitinous plates to see whether or not they where actually chitinous or some weird alien equavilent. Same thing with the musculature and tissue governing all those limbs. Their tensile strength, durability and such. . .But most of all he looked forward to cutting up the brain, having a look-see into the way the creature thought, the way it operated. The mere thought made him giddy like a school-girl.

"Sometimes you have to throw SCIENCE! at the wall to see what sticks. The sticky stuff that remains is PROGRESS!!one!one!"" He explained, in a grandfatherly, sensible tone, trying to justify giving the alien a device that may or may not kill him. Any true disciple of science would understand that it had beent he right choice. The way of science was pathed with dead bodies of various research-specimens. Apparantly some scientists disagreed, but Doctor 0 didn't really see the fun in any branch of science that didn't involve biopsying other people, or occasionally blasting them with various beams and rays of the "death" or "electrocution" variety. The last sort was his favourite, they made such a satisfying WooWooWooWoo-noise whenever he fired it.

"Your dramatic outburst is innapropriately accusating, I would say. The chance for previously electrocutions where rather low on the likely-scale. I gave you the language-hat in order to open a line of communication between us. If you take it off, you will be exactly as you were before putting it on." The good doctor prattled on, seemingly slightly confused about the entire situation.

"Now that the dramatics have been dealt with, I would like to give you a high-temperature welcome to my laboratory. My name is Doctor 0 and I am a very scientific scientist. How do you do?" He continued, in a good-natured tone, seemingly unfazed by the aliens outburst and spitting goop at his inventions.
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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Spacebug December 29th 2012, 9:30 am

Zolt had slipped into an ancient Antrax fighting pose; The Four Hand Fisticuffs. He was crouched low to the ground, large plates on the back of his arms forming some of a organic shield in front of him. But it seemed rather pointless as a voice droned through the warehouse at him. His hands and arms dropped along with his jaw and mandible, his mock-eyebrow-ridge raising as a human voice came from the pink organic sponge. The pain in Zolt's forehead was now a slow thrum but the alien imagined it would soon be replaced with a headache of titanic proportions.

The alien stood slowly, looking about mistrustfully. His underarms crossed slowly, while his uppers began to poke and prod and investigate the work surfaces and the machinary. "Iy ahve no Iyiedah waht yooar ievien tahlkien abow'-" His face soured as his dual pair of tongues flexed in his mouth cavity. They snaked over each other, trying to band into a more solid human like muscle structure. He gave it a flex, looking thunderous that the slick back things were just a bit too thin to perfectly simulate the wide flat mammal muscle. But then he applied it to the language pipe on the roof of his mouth and began to manipulate it more instinctively, eyes nearly crossing as he did. "You died diz for mie? Why?" Actually, that was much better. The muscles in his jaw were going to start aching but he now had a system of simulating words a little but more clearly.

The accent would probably linger for a while, simply because it was anatomical then mental.

The bug's wings fluttered out from his back and beat hard, lifting him up to stand on one of the work surfaces. While it was true that it was safer to be close to the ground when being attacked, higher ground meant you could examine the other... threats in the room. His antennae would be mostly useless with the big electrical firework display of the Tesla coil but that doesn't mean he should just give up. "Diz language iz huemin, yez? Zo you huemin?" Maybe he had forgotten he already just asked a question, or maybe he didn't have a very good social brain stem, but Zolt toed at more metal things. He moved down to his knees, propping himself up on many hands as he sniffed the equipment.

A bugs life. Zjtfti

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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Troglodyte January 2nd 2013, 1:50 am

"Oh, don't worry about it, my dear unidentified specimen. I tend to talk alot of science. Heh! If nobody stops me, I could prattle on for hours!" the doctor said cheerfully, finnishing off the sentence with a merry chuckle. the indicator-lights giving a short burst of light with every syllable. He was rather pleased that he and the alien finally seemed to be able to communicate properly. Hopefully he would be able to find out a few things bout his little guest, especially interesting was why the tesla-coil seemed to be making him ill. It was rather intrigueing. However, his train of thought was interrupted with another question. Why was he helping him? Seemed easy enough to answer, but as Doctor 0 activated his voice-module, the words that came out was not those that he had prepared. It was an entirely different message all in all.

"I'm sorry, information relevant to your querie is either restricted or missing from my databases." Doctor 0 said apologetically, his voice slightly more confused than earlier, whilst his chassis started making old-timey modem-internet connection noises. He could feel his mind startign to fail, like a crystal-clear pond of water gradually turning muddier. Something about answering the question about why he had created the helmet had obviously managed to interfere with his programming for some reason, causing part of his brain to adamantly try to reboot both his biological and cybernetic systems. The brain-tank shivered slightly in the air, and the speech-indicator-lights started to flicker slightly, as if they where out to go out. However, as suddenly as this strange behaviour behaviour had started, it ended, Doctor 0 once again hovering in place, no shivering, no flickering lights.

[b"]There appear to be some trouble with my database, and I need to reconfigure the parameters for what would be considered an answer to your querie. This will only take about three point fourtyseven seconds dear boy, dear boy." [/b] The doctor explained cheerfully, as his indicator lights suddenly flashed blue, making a slight 'ping' sound.

"And here we are! An answer for you:I helped you Because I can. Creating doodats such as the language-hat is easy enough, but finding someone to test them on. . .Heh! Oh, you'd be surprised how hard that is. It's almost like people don't want me to tamper with their brains for the advancement of science! As I said, the chance of it frying your brain was very low on the 'likely' scale." The doctor said cheerfully, the indicator lights blinking quickly once after each syllable. He could feel his thoughts starting to clear up again, the programming-conflict averted. A few lost streams of data remained, but there was little trouble removing them from the system.

"Well, yes, I guess you could consider me a human in a general sense, although, I think that 'Cyborg' would be a better term. My biological systems have been modified and intergrated into machinery. Do they have cyborgs where you are from?" he continued, still talking in a rather cheerfull manner as his little alien interloper started to sniff around the technology. Initially he had assumed that the alien was highly intelligent, due to it being able to travel all the way to earth, but he started to have doubt about that theory by now. It had not really shown any proof of intelligence yet, although, he was not sure wether it was simply hiding it, or that its behavioural patterns and customs simply were more animalistic than it was with the ordinary humans, despite his higher intelligence.

"I noticed that you had a rather adverse reaction to my Generator here" the Dastardly, Diabolical Doctor said, before pausing briefly, letting one of the Robo-zombies point to the large tesla-coil to indicate what it was he meant. It was still active,l crackling with electricity, despite the damage done to it.

"Would you care to explain why?" He continued, finnishing his question. He was rather excited about what the answer would be. After all, Xeno-biology was a field of science wich he had actually contributed very little. It would be fun to dabble a little in something he hadn't done before.
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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Spacebug January 4th 2013, 6:10 pm

Zolt didn't like science. He didn't like engineers. One could say he had a abysmally small tolerance for those who identified as academics, if his vocabulary actually contained the words Abysmally or even Academics. As he flexed his jaw open to inform the thing this fact in a rather colourful way, the metal body screeched and dipped slightly in the air. He blinked slowly as it told him in many words that it had suffered some kind of error and was trying to correct it. As it finally was able to share the information the alien frowned and looked up at the lampshade above him. Ever driven by the instinct to protect itself somewhat and to get away from the other "human" figures in the room he sprung up from the table. Two hands gripped the light and he tugged upwards, into even higher territory as he listened intently to the thing speak. Zolt was light enough to crouch down on the small gently sloping clone, three hands holding the cable firmly as the other explored his odd shaped helmet. It had been a long time since he wore one of these. For a brief two month period he had been trapped in one of the Royal's Death Courts, forced to fight wild solar creatures dredged from the sails; that helmet had spared him from the jaws of terrible monsters twice his size and the colour of blackest black. When he finally won his freedom he split it in two and left it on the steps of the palace as a threat.

"Tue 'rieht!" He grumbled loudly, in that strange click and sequel tone of his. The hand that had been exploring his helmet gripped one of his antennae gingerly. "Ie'triecul curenttz tue brieht. le'triecul fie-oldz diesturbbed bie makzeen." Then his hand accusingly pointed at the large Tesla Coil power the facility, his black eyes narrowing with distaste. It didn't hold up for very long before he stretched his wings through the plates in his back and beat them with a sudden buzzing flutter.

His feet collided with the next lampshade along, clinging tight around it as his hands clutched the cable. He swung for a second, before peering down at the little hovering Cyborg. "Wyre iy kom frum 'siborkz' none." Something shocked him at the bottom of his neck and his eyes seemingly flashed with what might have been an arc of electricity from his optic nerve. "Where iy kham from, dere are no cyborgz." His jaw flexed and his nostrils fluttered closed and open now and then as he said the line, forming something of an actually understandable sentence. Another shock at the bottom of his skull chitin and he was compelled to keep speaking. "Iy dink zome of de architect cazte had falze limbz for weldin'." Zolt frowned as the words stopped coming and prodded the back of his head lightly. "Iy think diz actually fryin' my brain. Tinglez."

"Other hueminz left diz place. Big zhip crazh an dey leave everydin' behind. You zhouldn't be here brain."

A bugs life. Zjtfti

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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Troglodyte January 5th 2013, 7:30 am

So the electricity somehow interfered with its sensory aparathus. The good doctor would lie if he said that he did not find this discovery very interesting. His vivisectors where almost itching with anticipation. However, just as he was about to order his various minions to sieze the intruder and strap him down for the lengthy and presumably painfull proceedure the creature spoke up again making the good doctor lose track of what he was doing yet again, probably because it brought up some prohibited memories. "ERROR! Recallibrating!" Came out of the voicebox, sounding far more mechanical and "robotic" than the floaty brains usual dialogue

"The big ship? Oh, yes, yes. The big ship, I was quite perplexed with the whole thing at first too, and did all sort of scans and other examinations. Very scientific stuff, mind you. The results were conclusive, but quite impossible. It defies the laws of physics as well as those of time and space. Obviously, this cannot be, so I deleted it from my conscious mind. Saves me alot of computation-power for all the other strange unpossibilities that keeps cropping up around here! Like you for example." The doctor said, his tone suggesting that he found the whole thing rather ridiculous. The very concept of the otherworldly, unscientific existance of the ship made him quite uncomfortable with the concept as a whole. Ignoring the whole thing untill it went away was probably the best thing he could do with the obviously non-existing vessel from outter space.

"As for the other humans, I'm rather happy to be rid of them, to be honest. I don't mind the occasional guest, mind you, but its hard to get any work done when there are people running about everywhere, getting their various limbs and extremities tangled in the machinery, complaining about my science, decanting my solutions and plagiarizing my work. No, I'm happier on my own. But thank you for your concern, unspecified alien species." Doctor 0 explained as he hovered up to the same level as the strange, monkey-like four-armed alien. Obviously it felt uncomfortable on the ground. He still kept his distance though, not wanting to scare the poor creature unneccesarily
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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Spacebug January 5th 2013, 1:29 pm

Zolt finally came to a decision about the little confusing capsule with a huemin brain floating inside. He didn't really like it. It was putting him on edge, his mandibles nearly quivering with the need to chatter and flex in a display of dominance. The way it seemed to talk in such a mechanised voice and the strange little creatures it kept company with, more of the 'Cyborgz' like himself... They looked empty. No thoughts of their own, no real movements unless directed like limp soulless puppets. He kept most of the unease under wraps however, even as the thing continued to act in a clearly insane manner even by the standards set by huemins. He decided that when he was able to, the bug would bug out. Maybe he'd keep the tingly discharging helmet with him, though he felt like his incredibly unusual accent might be more of a give away then just simply "yez's" would. The last part of it's ramblings actually caught his attention like a bullet to the face, calling him an unspecified alien species. Unspecified?! In his quadrant of space there had been transient species on ships displaced from worlds conquered by his bug siblings. What ever part of the galaxy he was in it was far from home. He puffed his chest out incredibly hard, three fingered hands curling into thick hard fists. "Antrax!"

"Mie name iyz Zolt but zpiezez name Antrax. Iy come from far, far way." He pointed up at the ceiling with a jab of one of his fingers. "Hero of great colony zome twevle million ztrong! Waz leading iyt to war agaiynzt the horriyble royalz and theiyr dizguztiyn' rule but ended up trapped. Only way to be zafe waz... to run from coloniy? Friyend put me into zeeder and next thiyng Iy know Iy'm on thiyz terriyble briyght blue rock in a "znow" area called ziyberiya!" The antrax huffed, crossing his arms and stamping one of his big feet. The metal under him dented. "What even is znow?! No znow where Iy come from! No zun where Iy come from! No moon! All junk floatiyng iyn the skiy doiyng nothiyng but beiyng diysoriyentatiyng." Was the helmet encouraging him to speak? Moving his mouth like that was actually the source when really his nostrils were forming the words. He sentences ran on and were incredibly quick, needing nearly no pauses as he kept continuously breathing in.

"And the people! Aiyn't no one helpful but the people who liyve on the street and even then theiy angriy and siyck. No one cares! Iys wrong. Iys not how a hiyve should be, iy'know?" The agitation seemed enough to have him swinging from side to side, lost in his thoughts. "Iyou no help for help sake! Iyou just liyke others. Iy shouldn't have come." With that he began to agitatedly climb the cable he had been hugging, hands and feet lifting himself easily as he moved towards the dark ceiling. If he worked fast enough maybe he wouldn't be stopped? At least that was the assumption.

A bugs life. Zjtfti

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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Troglodyte January 10th 2013, 8:46 pm

"Ah, Siberia! Then you have managed to travel quite a distance on your own. Very impressive! As for the snow, its basically solidified water. A rather interesting chemical reaction, if I may say so. Did you know that solid water actually increases in volume compared to liquid water?" The doctor asked enthusiastically as the alien kept talking. For some reason the mention of "Siberia" did ring a bell in his subconsciousness for some reason, but he could simply not remember it properly

If doc tor 0 would have been able, he would have raised an eyebrow at the aliens antics, having a little rant about how nobody helps one another and so on and so forth. Although, even though his antics struck a cord somewhere within the deep, repressed part of the good doctors subconscious, he quickly dismissed them as the ravings of some sort of activist. Howwever, at least he had learnt the name of the alien species. Anthrax. A rather unfortunate name, unless it was somehow trying to be humorous, but Doctor 0 doubted it was capable of such a level of deception and humor. He simply did not seem the type.

"My, my, it seems you are not all that fond of this planet, Zolt. This is most unfortunate, and my sympathy-levels are raised by hearing about your plight." The doctor mused as if coddling a crying grandchild As he spoke, small metal orbs started floating out of shadows, and begun hovering around the area, seemingly observing the alien. Obviously this act was not coincidental, Doctor 0 had called them here to observe the creature, so that it would not escape. It seemed that excited critters either tended to attack or escape, and if he attacked. . . well, he would at least have a corpse to perform an autopsy on, wich was better than nothing. There was so much to learn from the biology of this creature, and he could simply not let it run away. For instance, he was still very interested how it could feel electrcical fields like it claimed it could do. It was rumored that sharks had the same ability, but this "Anthrax" seemed to have an "electro-sense" far superior to any earthly animal.

"However, I can take care of that little doozy for you. With the proper neurosurgery I can deduce how your brain works, create chemicals and drugs to keep you happy, whilst I learn what I can about your biology and how you work. Would you like that? Heh! Eternal bliss doesn't sound so bad does it, my boy!?" the doctor asked in a deceptively grandfatherly tone as he sent a signal to his Atomic robo-zombies to be ready to grab their lightning-guns and fire upon the intruder at his signal. Just in case he wouldn't come freely. For some reason people rarely came freely, even when he offered to make manipulate their nervous-system so that they would feel nothing but pleasant emotions for the rest of their short lives.
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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Spacebug January 12th 2013, 3:09 pm

Zolt froze as two more flying things spun in the air, intent on scanning and focusing on him. His hands gripped the cable and he stopped his climbing, instead focusing on the exits of the room and the numbers of threats. And they were threats, what with the last thing the thing in a jar had said. They wanted to cut him up on a big steel table. Cut him up and pickle him in a jar just like the pink sponge. Because that's what humans did to aliens. They either shot at them, screamed at them or cut them into ribbons no matter what.

He had evidence for it too! After landing he had thought about making contact with whatever government body dealt with transient space species, but he had rapidly found out that was not a thing to do. Films on discs and scavenged DVD players and TVs had shown him that although there might be touching moments between Xenolife and the creatures on Earth, the Xenolife had to always leave the planet. Then there was the literal tons of racist material that painted the human race as the only peaceful or artistic creatures in the galaxy, everything else being just a hostile or unknown force that must be destroyed. Of course he might have been misreading the odd languages and the growing scores when that blonde-pink thing stood upon a truck and declared that the huge alien invasion fleet wouldn't chase them into the night.

But he doubted it.

That'z it, his body hissed and crackled in a distinctly non-human way. Plates chattered together and his mandibles clicked as he stopped on the cable. Body language was apparently not translated through the helmet or maybe humans didn't view the shuddering clatter as a direct threat. His wings spread from his back and his opened his feet, sliding down to the metal shade so he was once again a clear target. "Eternal bliyzz? You can ztiyck eternal bliyzz riyght up your Zdcklck ulf!" His hand gripped the cable and he tugged hard, pulling plaster free from the ceiling. With a crash the shade landed on a work surface and he went into a crouch as sparks rained down into the laboratory. With the element of surprise still (hopefully) his, he used three of his hands to snap the cable like a whip; it cut through the air with lethal sharpness and force. The bug's toes held tight and he swung with enough force to decapitate any of the Zombies heads if they were within range.

A bugs life. Zjtfti

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A bugs life. Empty Re: A bugs life.

Post by Troglodyte January 30th 2013, 5:25 am

The brain of Doctor 0 bobbed a little as the insectoid desided to throw a little temper-tantrum. How uncouth of him to act all difficult when it was practically his duty to act in a manner beneficial to the great discipline of science! If he would be capable he would snort in derision at the aliens immature behaviour, however, his irritation was replaced with fear as the alien ripped the cable out of the ceiling. It had astounding strength, despite its thin, insect-like limbs. Its muscles must be far more efficient than anything on earth. He even jerked backwards as the alien swung his improvised whip and casually decapitated two of his robotic zombie-men. One of the two simply fell backwards heavily, without even changing its posture, its joints simply froze up, making it somewhat similar to a manequin. The other one started to walk forward, twitching in a disturbing manner as it did so, at one point it even fired of a burst from its lightning-gun, seemingly at random, hitting an innocent wall in a the corner before collapsing, still twitching continously.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! You dissapoint me so. I had expected so much better from you, you know. sadface." The floating brain said scoldingly, its indicator-lights flashing briefly at every syllable, but this time they seemed brighter. Probably an indication of the irritation that started to whizzing through the mind of the senile supergenius. He mentally commanded his minions to attack the alien. Not to kill it, but merely pacify it, since he still wanted to be able to perform his vivisection on the Extremely Ennervating Extraterestial Entity.

At his inaudible command, the Atomic Robo-zombies jerked slightly before aiming their lightning-guns at the alien and starting to fire. The drones hovering around the good doctor did not approach the alien, however, but instead their activated their special functions. Some of them summoned forth shields and hovered in front of their leaders, whilst others started firing electrical blasts of their own, much more powerfull than those of the Robo-zombies. It was obvious that these little cretins were by far the most dangerous of The good doctors minions.

See what you made me do!oneoneone The angry molecules of furious rage is zipping through my biomed-gel causing it to crampagulate! He ranted furiously, his indicator lights flashing very brightly in a blood-red colour this time. It was quite clear for all nearby that the brain was quite insane
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